Download Mass Spectrometry Principles and Applns 3rd Edition Edmond De Hoffmann ebook All Chapters PDF
Download Mass Spectrometry Principles and Applns 3rd Edition Edmond De Hoffmann ebook All Chapters PDF
Download Mass Spectrometry Principles and Applns 3rd Edition Edmond De Hoffmann ebook All Chapters PDF
Primary Liver Cancer Surveillance Diagnosis and Treatment
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Uncommon Sense Out of the Box Thinking for An In the Box
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Mass Spectrometry
Third Edition
Mass Spectrometry
Principles and Applications
Third Edition
Edmond de Hoffmann
Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium & Ludwig Institute for
Cancer Research, Brussels, Belgium
Vincent Stroobant
Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research, Brussels, Belgium
C 2007 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, The Atrium, Southern Gate, Chichester,
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Preface xi
Introduction 1
Principles 1
Diagram of a Mass Spectrometer 4
History 5
Ion Free Path 10
1 Ion Sources 15
1.1 Electron Ionization 15
1.2 Chemical Ionization 17
1.2.1 Proton transfer 19
1.2.2 Adduct formation 21
1.2.3 Charge-transfer chemical ionization 21
1.2.4 Reagent gas 22
1.2.5 Negative ion formation 25
1.2.6 Desorption chemical ionization 27
1.3 Field Ionization 28
1.4 Fast Atom Bombardment and Liquid Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry 29
1.5 Field Desorption 31
1.6 Plasma Desorption 32
1.7 Laser Desorption 33
1.8 Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization 33
1.8.1 Principle of MALDI 33
1.8.2 Practical considerations 36
1.8.3 Fragmentations 39
1.8.4 Atmospheric pressure matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization 39
1.9 Thermospray 41
1.10 Atmospheric Pressure Ionization 42
1.11 Electrospray 43
1.11.1 Multiply charged ions 46
1.11.2 Electrochemistry and electric field as origins of multiply charged ions 48
1.11.3 Sensitivity to concentration 50
1.11.4 Limitation of ion current from the source by the electrochemical process 51
1.11.5 Practical considerations 54
1.12 Atmospheric Pressure Chemical Ionization 55
1.13 Atmospheric Pressure Photoionization 56
2 Mass Analysers 85
2.1 Quadrupole Analysers 88
2.1.1 Description 88
2.1.2 Equations of motion 91
2.1.3 Ion guide and collision cell 96
2.1.4 Spectrometers with several quadrupoles in tandem 98
2.2 Ion Trap Analysers 100
2.2.1 The 3D ion trap 100
2.2.2 The 2D ion trap 117
2.3 The Electrostatic Trap or ‘Orbitrap’ 122
2.4 Time-of-Flight Analysers 126
2.4.1 Linear time-of-flight mass spectrometer 126
2.4.2 Delayed pulsed extraction 129
2.4.3 Reflectrons 131
2.4.4 Tandem mass spectrometry with time-of-flight analyser 134
2.4.5 Orthogonal acceleration time-of-flight instruments 139
2.5 Magnetic and Electromagnetic Analysers 143
2.5.1 Action of the magnetic field 143
2.5.2 Electrostatic field 144
2.5.3 Dispersion and resolution 145
2.5.4 Practical considerations 146
2.5.5 Tandem mass spectrometry in electromagnetic analysers 149
2.6 Ion Cyclotron Resonance and Fourier Transform Mass Spectrometry 157
2.6.1 General principle 157
2.6.2 Ion cyclotron resonance 159
2.6.3 Fourier transform mass spectrometry 159
2.6.4 MSn in ICR/FTMS instruments 164
2.7 Hybrid Instruments 164
2.7.1 Electromagnetic analysers coupled to quadrupoles or ion trap 165
2.7.2 Ion trap analyser combined with time-of-flight or ion cyclotron
resonance 166
2.7.3 Hybrids including time-of-flight with orthogonal acceleration 167
9 Exercises 403
Questions 403
Answers 415
Appendices 437
1 Nomenclature 437
1.1 Units 437
1.2 Definitions 437
1.3 Analysers 438
1.4 Detection 439
1.5 Ionization 440
1.6 Ion types 441
1.7 Ion–molecule reaction 442
1.8 Fragmentation 442
2 Acronyms and abbreviations 442
3 Fundamental Physical Constants 446
4A Table of Isotopes in Ascending Mass Order 447
4B Table of Isotopes in Alphabetical Order 452
5 Isotopic Abundances (in %) for Various Elemental Compositions CHON 457
6 Gas-Phase Ion Thermochemical Data of Molecules 467
7 Gas-Phase Ion Thermochemical Data of Radicals 469
8 Literature on Mass Spectrometry 470
9 Mass Spectrometry on Internet 476
Index 479
Preface to Third Edition
Following the first studies of J.J. Thomson (1912), mass spectrometry has undergone count-
less improvements. Since 1958, gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry has
revolutionized the analysis of volatile compounds. Another revolution occurred in the 1980s
when the technique became available for the study of non-volatile compounds such as pep-
tides, oligosaccharides, phospholipids, bile salts, etc. From the discoveries of electrospray
and matrix-assisted laser desorption in the late 1980s, compounds with molecular masses
exceeding several hundred thousands of daltons, such as synthetic polymers, proteins, gly-
cans and polynucleotides, have been analysed by mass spectrometry.
From the time of the second edition published in 2001 until now, much progress has
been achieved. Several techniques have been improved, others have almost disappeared.
New atmospheric pressure desorption ionization sources have been discovered and made
available commercially. One completely new instrument, the orbitrap, based on a new mass
analyser, has been developed and is now also available commercially. Improved accuracy
in low-mass determination, even at low resolution, improvements in sensitivity, better de-
tection limits and more efficient tandem mass spectrometry even on high-molecular-mass
compounds are some of the main achievements. We have done our best to include them is
this new edition.
As the techniques continue to advance, the use of mass spectrometry continues to grow.
Many new applications have been developed. The most impressive ones arise in system
biology analysis.
Starting from the very foundations of mass spectrometry, this book presents all the
important techniques developed up to today. It describes many analytical methods based
on these techniques and emphasizes their usefulness by numerous examples. The reader
will also find the necessary information for the interpretation of data. A series of graduated
exercises allows the reader to check his or her understanding of the subject. Numerous
references are given for those who wish to go deeper into some subjects. Important Internet
addresses are also provided. We hope that this new edition will prove useful to students,
teachers and researchers.
We would like to thank Professor Jean-Louis Habib Jiwan and Alexander Spote for their
friendly hospitality and competent help.
We would also like to acknowledge the financial support of the FNRS (Fonds National
de la Recherche Scientifique, Brussels).
Many colleagues and friends have read the manuscript and their comments have been
very helpful. Some of them carried out a thorough reading. They deserve special mention:
namely, Magda Claeys, Bruno Domon, Jean-Claude Tabet, and the late François Van Hoof.
We also wish to acknowledge the remarkable work done by the scientific editors at John
Wiley & Sons.
Many useful comments have been published on the first two editions, or sent to the editor
or the authors. Those from Steen Ingemann were particularly detailed and constructive.
Finally, we would like to thank the Université Catholique de Louvain, the Ludwig
Institute for Cancer Research and all our colleagues and friends whose help was invaluable
to us.
The first step in the mass spectrometric analysis of compounds is the production of gas-
phase ions of the compound, for example by electron ionization:
M + e− −→ M•+ + 2e−
EE+ + R⋅
OE⋅+ + N
These two types of ions have different chemical properties. Each primary product ion
derived from the molecular ion can, in turn, undergo fragmentation, and so on. All these
ions are separated in the mass spectrometer according to their mass-to-charge ratio, and
Mass Spectrometry: Principles and Applications, Third Edition Edmond de Hoffmann and Vincent Stroobant
C Copyright 2007, John Wiley & Sons Ltd
Figure 1
Mass spectrum of methanol by electron ion-
ization, presented as a graph and as a table.
are detected in proportion to their abundance. A mass spectrum of the molecule is thus
produced. It provides this result as a plot of ion abundance versus mass-to-charge ratio.
As illustrated in Figure 1, mass spectra can be presented as a bar graph or as a table. In
either presentation, the most intense peak is called the base peak and is arbitrarily assigned
the relative abundance of 100 %. The abundances of all the other peaks are given their
proportionate values, as percentages of the base peak. Many existing publications label the
y axis of the mass spectrum as number of ions, ion counts or relative intensity. But the term
relative abundance is better used to refer to the number of ions in the mass spectra.
Most of the positive ions have a charge corresponding to the loss of only one electron. For
large molecules, multiply charged ions also can be obtained. Ions are separated and detected
according to the mass-to-charge ratio. The total charge of the ions will be represented by
q, the electron charge by e and the number of charges of the ions by z:
The x axis of the mass spectrum that represents the mass-to-charge ratio is commonly
labelled m/z. When m is given as the relative mass and z as the charge number, both of
which are unitless, m/z is used to denote a dimensionless quantity.
Generally in mass spectrometry, the charge is indicated in multiples of the elementary
charge or charge of one electron in absolute value (1 e = 1.602 177 × 10−19 C) and the mass
is indicated in atomic mass units (1 u = 1.660 540 × 10−27 kg). As already mentioned, the
physical property that is measured in mass spectrometry is the mass-to-charge ratio. When
the mass is expressed in atomic mass units (u) and the charge in elementary charge units
(e) then the mass-to-charge ratio has u/e as dimensions. For simplicity, a new unit, the
Thomson, with symbol Th, has been proposed [10]. The fundamental definition for this
unit is
Ions provide information concerning the nature and the structure of their precursor
molecule. In the spectrum of a pure compound, the molecular ion, if present, appears at the
highest value of m/z (followed by ions containing heavier isotopes) and gives the molecular
mass of the compound. The term molecular ion refers in chemistry to an ion corresponding
to a complete molecule regarding occupied valences. This molecular ion appears at m/z 32
in the spectrum of methanol, where the peak at m/z 33 is due to the presence of the 13 C
isotope, with an intensity that is 1.1 % of that of the m/z 32 peak. In the same spectrum, the
peak at m/z 15 indicates the presence of a methyl group. The difference between 32 and
15, that is 17, is characteristic of the loss of a neutral mass of 17 Da by the molecular ion
and is typical of a hydroxyl group. In the same spectrum, the peak at m/z 16 could formally
correspond to ions CH4 •+ , O+ or even CH3 OH2+ , because they all have m/z values equal
to 16 at low resolution. However, O+ is unlikely to occur, and a doubly charged ion for
such a small molecule is not stable enough to be observed.
The atomic mass units u or Da have the same fundamental definition:
However, they are traditionally used in different contexts: when dealing with mean isotopic
masses, as generally used in stoichiometric calculations, Da will be preferred; in mass
spectrometry, masses referring to the main isotope of each element are used and expressed
in u.
There are different ways to define and thus to calculate the mass of an atom, molecule
or ion. For stoichiometric calculations chemists use the average mass calculated using
the atomic weight, which is the weighted average of the atomic masses of the different
isotopes of each element in the molecule. In mass spectrometry, the nominal mass or the
monoisotopic mass is generally used. The nominal mass is calculated using the mass of the
predominant isotope of each element rounded to the nearest integer value that corresponds
to the mass number, also called nucleon number. But the exact masses of isotopes are not
exact whole numbers. They differ weakly from the summed mass values of their constituent
particles that are protons, neutrons and electrons. These differences, which are called the
mass defects, are equivalent to the binding energy that holds these particles together.
Consequently, every isotope has a unique and characteristic mass defect. The monoisotopic
mass, which takes into account these mass defects, is calculated by using the exact mass of
the most abundant isotope for each constituent element.
The difference between the average mass, the nominal mass and the monoisotopic mass
can amount to several Da, depending on the number of atoms and their isotopic composi-
tion. The type of mass determined by mass spectrometry depends largely on the resolution
and accuracy of the analyser. Let us consider CH3 Cl as an example. Actually, chlorine
atoms are mixtures of two isotopes, whose exact masses are respectively 34.968 852 u
and 36.965 903 u. Their relative abundances are 75.77 % and 24.23 %. The atomic weight
of chlorine atoms is the balanced average: (34.968 852 × 0.7577 + 36.965 903 × 0.2423)
= 35.453 Da. The average mass of CH3 Cl is 12.011 + (3 × 1.00 794) + 35.453 =
50.4878 Da, whereas its monoisotopic mass is 12.000 000 + (3 × 1.007 825) + 34.968 852 =
49.992 327 u. When the mass of CH3 Cl is measured with a mass spectrometer, two iso-
topic peaks will appear at their respective masses and relative abundances. Thus, two
mass-to-charge ratios will be observed with a mass spectrometer. The first peak will be
at m/z (34.968 852 + 12.000 000 + 3 × 1.007 825) = 49.992 327 Th, rounded to m/z 50.
The mass-to-charge value of the second peak will be (36.965 90 + 12.000 000 + 3 ×
1.007 825) = 51.989 365 Th, rounded to m/z 52. The abundance at this latter m/z value
is (24.23/75.77) = 0.3198, or 31.98 % of that observed at m/z 50. Carbon and hydrogen
also are composed of isotopes, but at much lower abundances. They are neglected for this
For molecules of very high molecular weights, the differences between the different
masses can become notable. Let us consider two examples.
The first example is human insulin, a protein having the molecular formula
C257 H383 N65 O77 S6 . The nominal mass of insulin is 5801 u using the integer mass of
the most abundant isotope of each element, such as 12 u for carbon, 1u for hydro-
gen, 14 u for nitrogen, 16 u for oxygen and 32 u for sulfur. Its monoisotopic mass of
5803.6375 u is calculated using the exact masses of the predominant isotope of each element
such as C = 12.0000 u, H = 1.0079 u, N = 14.0031 u, O = 15.9949 u and S = 31.9721 u.
These values can be found in the tables of isotopes in Appendices 4A and 4B. Finally,
an average mass of 5807.6559 Da is calculated using the atomic weight for each ele-
ment, such as C = 12.011 Da, H = 1.0078 Da, N = 14.0067 Da, O = 15.9994 Da and S =
32.066 Da.
The second example is illustrated in Figure 2. The masses of two alkanes hav-
ing the molecular formulae C20 H42 and C100 H202 are calculated. For the smaller
alkane, its nominal mass is (20 × 12) + (42 × 1) = 282 u, its monoisotopic mass is
(20 × 12) + (42 × 1.007 825) = 282.3287 u rounded to 282.33 and its average mass is
(20 × 12.011) + (42 × 1.007 94) = 282.5535 Da. The differences between these differ-
ent types of masses are small but are more important for the heavier alkane. In-
deed, its nominal mass is (100 × 12) + (202 × 1) = 1402 u, its monoisotopic mass is
(100 × 12) + (202 × 1.007 825) = 1403.5807 u rounded to 1403.58 and its average mass
is (100 × 12.011) + (202 × 1.007 94) = 1404.7039 Da.
In conclusion, the monoisotopic mass is used when it is possible experimentally to
distinguish the isotopes, whereas the average mass is used when the isotopes are not
distinguishable. The use of nominal mass is not recommended and should only be used for
low-mass compounds containing only the elements C, H, N, O and S to avoid to making
Figure 2
Mass spectra of isotopic patterns of two alkanes having the molecular formulae C20 H42 and
C100 H202 , respectively. The monoisotopic mass is the lighter mass of the isotopic pattern
whereas the average mass, used by chemists in stoichiometric calculations, is the balanced
mean value of all the observed masses.
from the last analyser; and finally a data processing system that produces the mass spectrum
in a suitable form. However, some mass spectrometers combine the sample inlet and the
ionization source and others combine the mass analyser and the detector.
A mass spectrometer should always perform the following processes:
A large number of mass spectrometers have been developed according to this fundamental
scheme since Thomson’s experiments in 1897. Listed here are some highlights of this
development [11, 12]:
1886: E. GOLDSTEIN discovers anode rays (positive gas-phase ions) in gas discharge
1897: J.J. THOMSON discovers the electron and determines its mass-to-charge ratio.
Nobel Prize in 1906.
Figure 3
Basic diagram for
a mass spectrometer
with two analysers
and feedback control
carried out by a data
1898: W. WIEN analyses anode rays by magnetic deflection and then establishes that
these rays carried a positive charge [14]. Nobel Prize in 1911.
1901: W. KAUFMANN analyses cathodic rays using parallel electric and magnetic fields
1909: R.A. MILLIKAN and H. FLETCHER determine the elementary unit of
1912: J.J. THOMSON constructs the first mass spectrometer (then called a parabola
spectrograph) [16]. He obtains mass spectra of O2 , N2 , CO, CO2 and COCl2 . He
observes negative and multiply charged ions. He discovers metastable ions. In 1913,
he discovers isotopes 20 and 22 of neon.
1918: A.J. DEMPSTER develops the electron ionization source and the first spectrometer
with a sector-shaped magnet (180◦ ) with direction focusing [17].
1919: F.W. ASTON develops the first mass spectrometer with velocity focusing [18].
Nobel Prize in 1922. He measures mass defects in 1923 [19].
1932: K.T. BAINBRIDGE proves the mass–energy equivalence postulated by Einstein
1934: R. CONRAD applies mass spectrometry to organic chemistry [21].
1934: W.R. SMYTHE, L.H. RUMBAUGH and S.S. WEST succeed in the first preparative
isotope separation [22].
1991: V. KATTA and B.T. CHAIT [64] and B. GAMEN, Y.T. LI and J.D. HENION
[65] demonstrate that specific non-covalent complexes could be detected by mass
1991: B. SPENGLER, D. KIRSCH and R. KAUFMANN obtain structural information
with reflectron TOF mass spectrometry (MALDI post-source decay) [66].
1993: R.K. JULIAN and R.G. COOKS develop broadband excitation of ions using the
stored-waveform inverse Fourier transform (SWIFT) [67].
1994: M. WILM and M. MANN describe the nanoelectrospray source (then called mi-
croelectrospray source) [68].
1999: A.A. MAKAROV describes a new type of mass analyser: the orbitrap. The orbitrap
is a high-performance ion trap using an electrostatic quadro-logarithmic field [5,69].
The progress of experimental methods and the refinements in instruments led to spectac-
ular improvements in resolution, sensitivity, mass range and accuracy. Resolution (m/δm)
developed as follows:
1913 13 Thomson [16]
1918 100 Dempster [17]
1919 130 Aston [18]
1937 2000 Aston [70]
1998 8 000 000 Marshall and co-workers [71]
A continuous improvement has allowed analysis to reach detection limits at the pico-,
femto- and attomole levels [72, 73]. Furthermore, the direct coupling of chromatographic
techniques with mass spectrometry has improved these limits to the atto- and zeptomole
levels [74,75]. A sensitivity record obtained by mass spectrometry has been demonstrated by
using modified desorption/ionization on silicon DIOS method to measure concentration of a
peptide in solution. This technique has achieved a lower detection limit of 800 yoctomoles,
which corresponds to about 480 molecules [76].
Regarding the mass range, DNA ions of 108 Da were weighed by mass spectrometry
[77]. In the same way, non-covalent complexes with molecular weights up to 2.2 MDa were
measured by mass spectrometry [78]. Intact viral particles of tobacco mosaic virus with a
theoretical molecular weight of 40.5 MDa were analysed with an electrospray ionization
charge detection time-of-flight mass spectrometer [6].
The mass accuracy indicates the deviation of the instrument’s response between the
theoretical mass and the measured mass. It is usually expressed in parts per million
(ppm) or in 10−3 u for a given mass. The limit of accuracy in mass spectrometry is about
1 ppm. The measurement of the atomic masses has reached an accuracy of better than
10−9 u [79].
In another field, Litherland et al. [80] succeeded in determining a 14 C/12 C ratio of
1:1015 and hence in dating a 40 000-year-old sample with a 1 % error. A quantity of 14 C
corresponding to only 106 atoms was able to be detected in less than 1 mg of carbon
L= √ (1)
where k is the Boltzmann constant, T is the temperature (in K), p is the pressure (in Pa) and σ
is the collision cross-section (in m2 ); σ = π d2 where d is the sum of the radii of the stationary
molecule and the colliding ion (in m). In fact, one can approximate the mean free path of
an ion under normal conditions in a mass spectrometer (k = 1.38 × 10−21 J K−1 , T ≈ 300 K,
σ ≈ 45 × 10−20 m2 ) using either of the following equations where L is in centimetres and
pressure p is, respectively, in pascals or milliTorrs:
L= (2)
L= (3)
Table 1 is a conversion table for pressure units. In a mass spectrometer, the mean free path
should be at least 1 m and hence the maximum pressure should be 66 nbar. In instruments
using a high-voltage source, the pressure must be further reduced to prevent the occurrence
of discharges. In contrast, some trap-based instruments operate at higher pressure.
However, introducing a sample into a mass spectrometer requires the transfer of the
sample at atmospheric pressure into a region of high vacuum without compromising the
latter. In the same way, producing efficient ion–molecule collisions requires the mean free
path to be reduced to around 0.1 mm, implying at least a 60 Pa pressure in a region of the
spectrometer. These large differences in pressure are controlled with the help of an efficient
pumping system using mechanical pumps in conjunction with turbomolecular, diffusion or
cryogenic pumps. The mechanical pumps allow a vacuum of about 10−3 Torr to be obtained.
Once this vacuum is achieved, the operation of the other pumping systems allows a vacuum
as high as 10−10 Torr to be reached.
The sample must be introduced into the ionization source so that vacuum inside the
instrument remains unchanged. Samples are often introduced without compromising the
vacuum using direct infusion or direct insertion methods. For direct infusion, a capillary is
employed to introduce the sample as a gas or a solution. For direct insertion, the sample
is placed on a probe, a plate or a target that is then inserted into the source through a
vacuum interlock. For the sources that work at atmospheric pressure and are known as
atmospheric pressure ionization (API) sources, introduction of the sample is easy because
the complicated procedure for sample introduction into the high vacuum of the mass
spectrometer is removed.
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By means of the comparison with socialism, I have endeavoured to
emphasise that the woman movement’s formation of dogmas and its
doctrinary fanaticism are not effects of the peculiarity of the
feminine mind. These phenomena are typical of every movement of
the time thus far observed. They are essential above all because a
new belief without dogma and without ritual is for the masses a
sword without a hilt: it offers nothing tangible, nothing whereby the
masses can come into relation with the idea.
That certain feminists still believe that the woman movement has
advanced just as the exodus of the Children of Israel out of the land
of bondage, that is to say, under God’s special protection against
wandering astray; that they stigmatise as “treason” and “defection”
the assertion that this movement was determined by the same
psychological and sociological laws as every other movement for
freedom—this shows to how high a degree many leaders of the
woman movement lack elementary psychological and sociological
conceptions. This deficiency is, however, being continually remedied.
And in the generation which now advances, dogmatic fanaticism has
well nigh vanished, but pure enthusiasm is preserved.
We can thus expect from this generation a clearer understanding
of the necessary social repressions which the woman movement has
now sufficient strength to impose upon itself without forfeiting
thereby its character of a movement for freedom. As such it cannot
and dare not cease until it has attained all its ends. As long as the law
treats women as one race, men as another, there is a woman
question. Not until man and woman, equal and united, work together
for mankind will the woman movement belong to the past.