Introduction to Accounting Note (1)
Introduction to Accounting Note (1)
Introduction to Accounting Note (1)
© 2018 Distance Learning Centre, ABU Zaria, Nigeria
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Open and Distance Learning has the exceptional ability of meeting the challenges of the three
vectors of dilemma in education delivery – Access, Quality and Cost.
– Sir John Daniels
Money is a tool. Used properly, it makes something beautiful– used wrongly, it makes a mess.
– Bradley Vinson
Money is like manure. If you spread it around, it does a lot of good, but if you pile it up in one
place, it stinks like hell.
– Clint W. Murchison
Title Page………………………………………………………………………………………..1
Course Writers/Development Team…………………………………………………………...3
Table of Content………………………………………………………………………………...5
i. Course Information…………………………………………………………..……………....6
ii. CourseIntroduction and Description…………………………………………..…………...6
iii. Course Prerequisites………………………………………………………..….………...…..7
iv. Course Learning Resources..………………………………………………….………....….7
v. Course Objectives and Outcomes…………………………………………………...………..7
vi. Activities to Meet Course Objectives…………………………………………….….…...….7
vii. Time (To Complete Syllabus/Course)…………….……………………………….………..8
viii. Grading Criteria and Scale…………………………………………………………………9
ix OER Resources………………………………………………………………………
x. ABU DLC Academic Calendar…………………………………………………………..
xi. Course Structure and Outline…….…………………………………..…………………...10
STUDY MODULES…..………………………………………………………………………..16
1.0 Module 1……….……………………………………………………………………………16
Study Session 1: Accounting Concepts………………………………………………………….16
Study Session 2: The Accounting Equation and its Component…………………...……………40
Study Session 3: Basic Documentation……………………………………………...…………..54
Study Session 4: Prime Books, General Ledgers and the Journal…………………...…………..65
Course Code: ACCT 101 103
Course Title: Introduction to Accounting.
Credit Units: 3 Credit Units.
Year: One
Accounting deals with real-life transactions which, in the context of organizations,
could be quite voluminous and heterogeneous. The task of capturing each
transaction as it happens and keeping a classified record of the details of each
transaction so as to be able to ultimately measure the net effect of transactions, and
the health and wealth of the organization, is the function of Accounting.
You are expected to learn to identify financial transactions, classify and record
these transactions, and process the data thus generated to produce financial
information necessary for the effective and efficient management of organizations,
and for other informed decision making. To be able to do this, you must become
conversant with the various groups of users of Accounting information, the kinds
of decision they make and the kinds of information they need to make good
After studying this course, you should be able to:
1. Identify and classify financial transactions, and capture the relevant details
of the transactions into accounting records.
2. Process transactions through the double entry system of book-keeping.
3. Identify uses and users of accounting information.
4. Produce accounting reports to serve the purposes of various decision makers.
5. Analyse and interpret information contained in accounting reports and
6. Analyse the relationship between accounting principles and the procedures
of accounting processes.
7. Display skills of accuracy, speed, and orderliness in executing accounting
There is no doubt that developing these skills will require dedication and lots and
lots of practice. This is the only way to learn and be proficient in Accounting; there
is no known alternative. This will also involve strict timing during practice. Some
of the assignments, therefore, will be timed and your time performance will be
There will also be discussions where each you either individually or in a group will
be required to analyse and discuss topics and questions, and respond to the
questions and observations of other. You will also be required to review the work
of others,yours indicating areas where you disagree with them and suggests
improvements to their work. Also, tutorials will be arranged within the two weeks
on campus activities in which questions will be clarified to enable you understand
fully what you’ve learnt.
C. Grading Scale:
A = 70-100
B = 60 – 69
C = 50 - 59
D = 45-49
F = 0-44
D. Feedback
Courseware based:
1. In-text questions and answers (answers preceding references)
2. Self-assessment questions and answers (answers preceding references)
Tutor based:
1. Discussion Forum tutor input
2. Graded Continuous assessments
Student based:
1. Online programme assessment (administration, learning resource,
deployment, and assessment).
• K-12 Tech Tools: OERs, from art to special education
• Web 2.0: Cool Tools for Schools: audio and video tools
• Web 2.0 Guru: animation and various collections of free open source software
• Livebinders: search, create, or organise digital information binders by age, grade,
or subject (why re-invent the wheel?)
Semester Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 3
Late Registn.
Course Structure
5 Study Session1 1. Read Courseware for the corresponding Study Session.
2. Listen to the Audio on this Study Session
Double entry and the 3. View any other Video/U-
General ledger. Pp 92 tube
4. View referred Animation
6 Study Session 2 1. Read Courseware for the corresponding Study Session.
STUDY The Balance of the 2. Listen to the Audio on this Study Session
accounts and the Trial 3. View any other Video/U-tube
MODULE 2 Balance. Pp 114,,,,,
4. View referred Animation
7 Study Session 3 1. Read Courseware for the corresponding Study Session.
The Cash Book. Pp 145 2. Listen to the Audio on this Study Session
3. View any other Video/U-tube,,
4. View referred Animation
8 Study Session 4 1. Read Courseware for the corresponding Study Session.
The Petty Cashbook. 2. View the Video(s) on this Study Session
Pp 154 3. Listen to the Audio on this Study Session
4. View any other Video/U-tube,,
5. View referred Animation,,
4. View referred Animation
10 Study Session 2 1. Read Courseware for the corresponding Study Session.
STUDY Bad Debts and 2. Listen to the Audio on this Study Session
Provision For Bad 3. View any other Video/U-tube
MODULE 3 Debts. Pp 201,,
11 Study Session 3 1. Read Courseware for the corresponding Study Session.
Financial Ratios. 2. Listen to the Audio on this Study Session
Pp 216 3. View any other Video/U-tube
4. View referred Animation
12 Study Session4 1. Read Courseware for the corresponding Study Session.
Cash Flow Statements. 2. Listen to the Audio on this Study Session
Pp 236 3. View any other Video/U-tube,
4. View referred Animation
Course Outline
Module 1
Study Session 1: Accounting Concepts.
Study Session 2: The Accounting Equation and its Component.
Study Session 3: Basic Documentation.
Study Session 4: Prime Books, General Ledgers and the Journal.
Module 2
Study Session 1: Double Entry and the General Ledger.
Study Session 2: The Balancing of Accounts and the Trial Balance.
Study Session 3: The Cash Book.
Study Session 4: The Petty Cash Book.
Module 3
Study Session 1: Depreciation and Non-Current Assets.
Study Session 2: Bad Debts and Provisions for Bad Debts.
Study Session 3: Financial Ratios.
Study Session4: Cash Flow Statements.
1.0 MODULE 1
Study Session 1: Accounting Concepts.
Study Session 2: The Accounting Equation and its Component.
Study Session 3: Basic Documentation.
Study Session 4: Prime Books, General Ledgers and the Journal.
Accounting Concepts
Section and Subsection Headings
1.0 Learning Outcomes.
2.0 Main Content:
2.1 Definition of Accounting.
2.2 Nature of Accounting.
2.3 Objectives of Accounting.
2.4 Key Accounting Concepts.
2.5 Other Concepts.
2.6 Users of Accounting Information.
3.0 Tutor Marked Assignment (TMA).
4.0 Conclusion/Summary.
5.0 Self-Assessment Questions.
6.0 Additional Activities (Videos, Animations &Out of Class activities).
7.0 References/Further Readings.
Welcome once again. You have embarked on the challenging and rewarding study
of accounting—an old and time honoureddiscipline. History indicates that all
developed societies require certain accounting records which started at about 4000
BCE. Ancient governments kept records of receipts and disbursements and used
procedures to check on the honesty and reliability of employees.A study of the
evolution of accounting suggests that accounting processes have developed
primarily in response to business needs. Also, economic progress has affected the
development of accounting processes. History shows that the higher the level of
civilization, the more elaborates the accounting methods (Garg, 2012).
The accounting process provides financial data for a broad range of individuals
whose objectives in studying the data vary widely. Bank officials, for example,
may study a company's financial statements to evaluate the company's ability to
repay a loan. Prospective investors may compare accounting data from several
companies to decide which company represents the best investment. Accounting
also supplies management with significant financial data useful for decision
communicate the information so that it may be used by managers, owners and
other interested parties.
(ii) Classifying: It is concerned with the systematic analysis of the recorded data
so as to accumulate the transactions of similar type at one place. This function is
performed by maintaining the ledger in which different accounts are opened to
which related transactions are posted.
In Text Question 2: What is the nature of accounting?
In Text Answer 2: i) Accounting as a service activity (ii) Accounting as a profession (iii)
Accounting as a social force (iv) Accounting as a language (v) Accounting as science or art
(vi) Accounting as an information system
4. To ascertain the financial position of the business: The Profit and Loss
Account gives the amount of profit or loss made by the business during a particular
period. However, it is not enough. The businessman must know about his financial
position i.e. where he stands? What he owes and what he owns? This objective is
served by the Balance Sheet or Position Statement. The Balance Sheet is a
statement of assets and liabilities of the business on a particular date. It serves as
barometer for ascertaining the financial health of the business.
5. To facilitate rational decision making: Accounting these days has taken upon
itself the task of collection, analysis and reporting of information at the required
points of time to the required levels of authority in order to facilitate rational
decision-making. The American Accounting Association has also stressed this
point while defining the term accounting when it says that accounting is the
process of identifying, measuring and communicating economic information to
permit informed judgments and decisions by users of the information.
In Text Answer 3: To keep systematic records, To protect business properties, To ascertain the
operational profit or loss, To ascertain the financial position of the business, To facilitate
rational decision making and Information System
For example, general health condition of the Managing Director of the company,
working conditions in which a worker has to work, sales policy pursued by the
enterprise, quality of product introduced by the enterprise, though exert a great
influence on the productivity and profitability of the enterprise, are not recorded in
the books. All these have a bearing on the future profitability of the company.
Secondly, use of money implies that we assume stable or constant value of naira.
Taking this assumption means that the changes in the money value in future dates
are conveniently ignored. Most accountants know fully well that purchasing power
of naira does change but very few recognise this fact in accounting books and
make allowance for changing price level.
6. Dual aspect concept. All the transactions and events involving financial
element are recorded. Each of such transactions requires two aspects to be
recorded. The recognition of these two aspects of every transaction is known as a
dual aspect analysis. For example, if a firm sells goods of ₦10,000 this transaction
involves two aspects. One aspect is the delivery of goods and the other aspect is
immediate receipt of cash (in the case of cash sales). The term ‘double entry’ book
keeping has come into vogue because for every transaction, two entries are made.
According to this system the total amount debited always equals the total amount
credited. It follows from ‘dual aspect concept’ that at any point in time owners’
equity and liabilities for any accounting entity will be equal to assets owned by that
entity. This idea could be expressed as the following equalities:
Assets = Liabilities + Owners Equity............... (1)
Owner’s Equity = Assets - Liabilities............... (2)
The above relationship is known as the ‘Accounting Equation’. The term ‘Owners
Equity’ denotes the resources supplied by the owners of the entity while the term
‘liabilities’ denotes the claim of outside parties such as creditors, debenture-
holders, bank against the assets of the business. Assets are the resources owned by
a business.
7. The Matching concept. This concept is based on the accounting period concept.
Matching is the entire process of periodic earnings measurement, often described
as a process of matching expenses with revenues. In other words, income made by
the enterprise during a period can be measured only when the revenue earned
during a period is compared with the expenditure incurred for earning that revenue.
Broadly speaking revenue is the total amount realised from the sale of goods or
provision of services together with earnings from interest, dividend, and other
items of income. Expenses are cost incurred in connection with the earnings of
revenues. Costs incurred do not become expenses until the goods or services in
question are exchanged. An example of the application of the matching principle is
inventory. Where goods are bought in one accounting year but sold in the next,
their cost is carried forward as inventory at the end of the year and set against the
proceeds of sale in the accounting year in which it occurs. Cost is not synonymous
with expense since expense is sacrifice made, resource consumed in relation to
revenues earned during an accounting period. Only costs that have expired during
an accounting period are considered as expenses. On account of this concept,
adjustments are made for all prepaid expenses, outstanding expenses, accrued
income, etc., while preparing periodic reports.
2.5 Other Concepts
The fundamental concepts (going concern and accruals) are discussed above. There
are a number of other concepts that are implicit in the preparation of financial
statements and are so engrained in the process of accounting. To be
comprehensive, a short explanation of each is given in this section.
1. Materiality concept-The materiality concept affects every transaction as
well as financial statements. This concept affects two main areas:
presentation and application of accounting standards. In respect of the first,
this concept assumes that only material items should be disclosed in
financial statements. This is important for achieving the objective of
financial statements as attention being afforded to immaterial items can
mislead the user. The user should be able to look at a set of financial
statements and focus on the important figures, not see a mass of information,
much of which is of no use for economic decision-making. For example, it is
irrelevant to disclose a yearly spend on stationery of N100 and a yearly
spend on coffee of N75, if the company has a turnover of N10 million and
total expenditure of N8 million. The immaterial items need to be grouped
together, or grouped into categories that are material. For example, the
stationery and coffee could be combined into administration expenses that
might have a total of N2.5 million.
transaction, not its legal form. This was a reactive concept/standard that was
introduced to try to stop the accounting practices that had emerged of
creating complicated legal transactions which, because of their legal form,
allowed transactions to be omitted from the financial statements. In
particular, debts/ liabilities were arranged in such a manner as to enable
them to be left off the statement of financial position. This would make the
company look stronger, healthier and in general masked the real debt
commitment that the entity had, from the users. This is no longer allowed.
Regardless of the legal contract underlying a transaction, the preparer of the
financial statements has to determine whether the transaction creates an asset
or a liability as defined by the Framework. If the transaction does, then the
preparer has to account for it as such.
In Text Question 5: Apart from the key accounting concepts, there are a number of other
concepts that are implicit in the preparation of financial statements and are so engrained in
the process of accounting. What are they?
2.6 Users of Accounting Information
The basic objective of accounting is to
provide information which is useful for
persons inside the organisation and for
persons or groups outside the organisation.
Accounting is the discipline that provides
information on which external and internal users of the information may base
decisions that result in the allocation of economic resources in society.
2. Creditors: Creditors (i.e. supplier of goods and services on credit, bankers and
other lenders of money) want to know the financial position of a concern before
giving loans or granting credit. They want to be sure that the concern will not
experience difficulty in making their payment in time i.e. liquid position of the
concern is satisfactory. To know the liquid position, they need accounting
information relating to current assets, quick assets and current liabilities which is
available in the financial statements.
keeping in view fair return to manufacturers on their investments shown in the
accounting records.
2. Management: Management is the art of getting work done through others; the
management should ensure that the subordinates are doing work properly.
Accounting information is an aid in this respect because it helps a manager in
appraising the performance of the subordinates. Actual performance of the
employees can be compared with the budgeted performance they were expected to
achieve and remedial action can be taken if the actual performance is not up to the
mark. Thus, accounting information provides "the eyes and ears to management".
earned. They seek accounting information to know that the bonus being paid to
them is correct.
In Text Question 7: Who are the internal users of the accounting information?
In Text Answer 7: 1. Owners2. Management3.Employees
4.0 Summary
In this session, we have defined the concept of accounting, and given its nature.
We have discussed on the objectives of accounting and also discussed the
accounting concepts as well as list out the various users of accounting information.
7.0 References/Further Readings
Anao A.R. (2002). Introduction to Financial Accounting. Longman Nigeria
Limited, Ikeja, Lagos
Garg, M. C. (2012).Financial Accounting: Meaning, Nature and Role of
Hermanson, E., and Maher (2011).Accounting Principles: A Business Perspective,
Financial Accounting.
Inanga, E. L. (200). Principles of Accounting, Revised Ed., Heinemann
Educational Books (Nig) PLC, Ibadan, Nigeria.
Mahesh Chand Garg. Financial Accounting: Meaning, Nature and Role of
Robert O. Igben (1999). Financial Accounting Made Simple, First Ed., ROI
Publishers, 7, Goloba Street, Isolo, Lagos
The Accounting Equation and its Components.
Sections and Subsection Headings
1.0Learning Outcome.
2.0Main Content:
2.1 The Accounting Process.
2.2 Accounting Equation.
2.3 Account.
2.4 The Accounting Period and Profit Reporting.
In the previous session we discussed about various aspect of accounting. In this
session we will be looking at Accounting Equation and its Components. We shall
be considering the components of the accounting equation and how each
component is affected when a transaction takes place.
Any economic transaction or event of a business which can be expressed in
monetary terms should be recorded. As we are aware, accounting is a method of
collecting, recording, classifying, summarizing, presenting and interpreting
financial data of an economic activity. The series of business transactions occurs
during the accounting period and its recording is referred to as accounting process/
mechanism. An accounting process is a complete sequence of accounting
procedures which are repeated in the same order during each accounting period.
party, e.g., depreciation charged on the machinery).
Illustration 1
State with reasons whether the following events are transactions or not to Mr.
Nestor, Proprietor, Delton Computers
(i) Mr. Nestor started business with capital (brought in cash) ₦40,000.
(ii) Paid salaries to staff ₦ 5,000.
(iii) Purchased machinery for ₦ 20,000 in cash.
(iv)Placed an order with Sen& Co. for goods for ₦ 5,000.
(v) Opened a Bank account by depositing ₦ 4,000.
(vi) Received pass book from bank.
(vii) Appointed Sohan as Manager on a salary of ₦ 4,000 per month.
(viii)Received interest from bank ₦ 500.
(ix) Received a price list from Lalit.
Here, each event is to be considered from the view point of Mr.Nestor's business.
Those events which will change the financial position of the business of
Mr.Nestor, should be regarded as transaction.
(i) It is a transaction, because it changes the financial position of Mr. Nestor's
business. Cash will increase by ₦40,000 and Capital will increase by ₦
(ii) It is a transaction, because it changes the financial position of Mr. Nestor's
business. Cash will decrease by ₦ 5,000 and Salaries (expenses) will increase
by ₦ 5,000
(iii) It is a transaction, because it changes the financial position of Mr. Nestor's
business. Machinery comes in and cash goes out.
(iv) It is not a transaction, because it does not change the financial position of the
(v) It is a transaction, because it changes the financial position of the business.
Bank balance will increase by ₦ 4,000 and cash balance will decrease by ₦ 4,000.
(vi) It is also not a transaction, because it does not change the financial position of
Mr. Nestor.
(vii) It is also not a transaction, because it does not change the financial position of
Mr. Nestor.
(viii) It is a transaction, because it changes the financial position of Mr. Nestor's
(ix) It is not a transaction, because it does not change the financial position of the
business of Mr. Nestor.
b) Recording the transaction: Journal is the first book of original entry in which all
transactions are recorded event-wise and date-wise and presents a historical record
of all monetary transactions. Journal may further be divided into sub-journals as
i) Classifying: Accounting is the art of classifying business transactions.
Classification means statement setting out for a period where all the similar
transactions relating to a person, a thing, expense, or any other subject are
grouped together under appropriate heads of accounts.
ii) Summarising: Summarising is the art of making the activities of the business
enterprise as classified in the ledger for the use of management or other user
groups i.e. sundry debtors, sundry creditors etc. Summarisation helps in the
preparation of Profit and Loss Account and Balance sheet for a particular
financial year.
iii) Analysis and Interpretation: The financial information or data is recorded in
the books of account must further be analysed and interpreted so to draw
meaningful conclusions. Thus, analysis of accounting information will help the
management to assess in the performance of business operation and forming
future plans also.
iv) Presentation or reporting of financialinformation: The end users of
accounting statements must be benefited from analysis and interpretation of
data as some of them are the "shareholders" and other one the "stake holders".
Comparison of past and present statements and reports, use of ratios and trend
analysis are the different tools of analysis and interpretation.
From the above discussion one can conclude that accounting is an art which starts
and includes steps right from recording of business transactions of monetary
character to the communicating or reporting the results thereof to the various
interested parties. For this purpose, the transactions are classified into various
In Text Answer 1: A financial transaction is an event which can be expressed in terms of money
and which brings change in the financial position of a business enterprise.
The use of the word 'net' to describe the resources possessed by the business
recognizes that there are some amounts set against or to be deducted from the
assets. There are two major types of such deduction: liabilities and provisions.
Provisions are amounts provided to allow for liabilities that are anticipated but not
yet quantified precisely, or for reductions in asset values. Examples are bad debts
and depreciation.
Given that liabilities can be regarded as being negative in relation to assets, the
accounting equation can now be stated in the form and is expressed as:
To further explain the transaction of revenues, expenses, losses and gains, the
equation can be expanded thus:
Let us consider the facts of the following case, step by step, to understand as to
how the equation remains true even in changed circumstances.
Illustration 2
1. Commenced business with cash₦ 50,000
2. Purchased goods for cash ₦ 20,000 and on credit ₦ 30,000
3. Sold goods for cash ₦ 40,000 costing ₦ 30,000
4. Rent paid ₦ 500
5. Bought furniture ₦ 5,000 on credit
6. Bought refrigerator for personal use ₦ 5,000
1. Business receives cash ₦ 50,000 (asset) and it owes ₦ 50,000 to the proprietor
as his capital i.e. equity.
(2) Purchased goods for cash ₦ 20,000 and on credit ₦ 30,000. Business has
acquired asset namely – goods worth ₦ 50,000 and another asset namely = cash
has decreased by ₦ 20,000 while liability– creditors have been created of ₦
Assets (=) (₦) Liabilities (+) (₦) Owner's equity (₦)
Cash 70,000 Creditors 30,000 Capital 60,000
Goods 20,000
90,000 30,000 60,000
(4) Rent paid ₦ 500. This transaction has resulted in an expenditure of ₦500
effecting decrease of cash and equity by ₦ 500 each.
Assets (=) (₦) Liabilities (+) (₦) Owner's equity (₦)
Cash 69,500 Creditors 30,000 Capital 59,500
Goods 20,000
89,500 30,000 59,500
(6) Bought refrigerator for personal use ₦5,000. This transaction will have the
effect of reducing both cash as well as capital by ₦5,000 each.
2.3 Account
An account is a summary of the relevant transactions at one place relating to a
particular head. It records not only the amount of transaction but also their effect
and direction.
3.0 Tutor Marked Assignment
What do you understand by the accounting process?
4.0 Summary
In this session, we have discussed on the accounting equation and its components.
The accounting process was highlighted, the statement of financial position and the
accounting equation were stated and illustrated, and the accounting period and
profit reporting were discussed as well as a discussion on revenue expenditure
versus capital expenditure.
Jan.1 Assets-Cash in hand ₦2,000, Cash at bank ₦5,000, Stock of goods ₦4,000,
Machinery ₦9000, Furniture ₦2,000, Sham owes ₦500,
Ram owes ₦3,500. Liabilities - Loan ₦4,000; sum owing to Y ₦3,000.
Jan.2 Sold goods to Pawan₦3,000.
Jan. 5 Received Rs. 2,950 from Pawan in full settlement of his accounts.
Jan. 6 Payment made to Y ₦1,975 by cheque, he allowed discount of ₦25.
Jan. 8 Old furniture sold for ₦200.
Jan. 10 Ram pays ₦3,400 by chequeand discount allowed to him ₦100,
Cheque deposited in bank.
Jan. 13 Paid for repairs to machinery ₦250
Jan. 15 Bank intimates the cheque of Ram has been returned dishonoured.
Jan. 18 Paid municipal taxes ₦200.
Jan. 22 Bought goods from Sita& Co. ₦1,000.
Jan. 25 Goods worth ₦ 600 given away as charity.
Jan. 31 Returned goods to Sita& Co. ₦1,000.
Jan. 31 An amount which was written off as bad debts in 1998 recovered ₦1,000.
3. Pass necessary journal entries and post them in the appropriate Ledger Accounts
of Kamal for the month of January 2006:
1 Started business with ₦2,00,000 in the bank and ₦40,000 cash.
1 Bought shop fitting ₦40,000 and a van ₦60,000, both paid by cheque.
2 Paid rent by cheque₦5,000.
3 Bought goods for resale on credit from Zakir& Co. ₦50,000.
5 Cash sales ₦5,000.
8 Paid wages of assistant in cash ₦1,000.
10 Paid insurance by cheque₦500
12 Cash sales ₦8,000
15 Goods returned to Zakir& Co. ₦6,000.
17 Paid Zakir& Co. ₦30,000 by cheque.
24 Bought stationery and paid in cash ₦500.
25 Cash sales ₦5,000.
27 Paid Rao& Co. ₦14,000 by cheque.
31 Paid ₦ 20,000 into the bank.
Basic Documentation
Sections and Subsection Headings
1.0 Learning Outcome.
2.0 Main Content:
2.1 Source Document.
2.2 Subsidiary Books.
3.0 Tutor Marked Assignment.
5.0 Self-Assessment questions and Answers.
6.0 Additional Activities (Videos, Animations &Out of Class activities).
7.0 References/Further Readings.
Welcome to session 3 of this course, basic accounting documentation is our focus
of interest.We focused on Accounting Equation and its Components in our
previous session.
Every business transaction tends to be supported by a source document. Source
documents are original documents from which accounting records are kept. Data
from the documents are first assembled and classified before being entered in the
ledger. The books in which the data are first assembled and classified before they
are posted to the ledger are called subsidiary books, so called because they are
subordinate but give support to the ledger which is the principal book of account.
The different kinds of source documents and the subsidiary books are however
1.0 Learning Outcome
At the end of this session, you should be able to:
1. Identify the source document.
2. Discuss about subsidiary books.
The buyer checks the invoice against the order and the delivery note (or more
usually with a goods received note prepared by the receiving department). If
correct, the invoice is then entered in the buyer's books. Similarly, a copy of the
invoice would have been entered in the seller's books.
2. Debit Note- This document is similar to the invoice. It is usually prepared
whenever it becomes necessary, for one reason or the other, to increase the
amount due from a debtor. An example is where the seller has undercharged a
customer on an invoice. A debit note is sent by the seller if the buyer has been
undercharged on the invoice. It has basically the same layout and information as
the invoice except that instead of details of the goods, it shows details of the
undercharge. It is recorded in the books of the seller and buyer in the same way as
an invoice.
3. Credit Note- The credit note has already been mentioned. It is another
important source document in accounting. In the eyes of the seller, it may be
regarded as the opposite of a sales invoice. Whereas the later debits the
customer’s account with the amount shown, a credit note credits and accordingly
reduces the customer’s indebtedness. This can happen if:
a. The customer has by mistake, been overcharged on the sales invoice,
b. The customer returns some of the goods previously sold to him,
c. Some allowance is to be made to the amount by which the customer’s
account has been credited.
A credit note has basically the same layout and information as an invoice, except
that instead of the details of the goods, it will show the reason why it has been
issued. A credit note will be recorded in the books of the seller and buyer in a
similar way as the invoice, except that the entries are the reverse. This document is
called a credit note because it informs the buyer that the account in the books of
the seller is being credited.
The information that must be shown on a cheque consists of the following items:
• The date,
• The signature of the drawer (i.e. payer),
• The name of the drawee (i.e. the bank at which the drawer has the account),
• The name of the payee (i.e. who is to receive the money,
• The words 'Pay’ or 'Order the sum of,
• The amount of money in figures and in words.
The bank account number of the drawer, and the cheque and bank number are also
shown on pre- printed cheques. Since there is only one copy of a cheque, it is
essential to write on the cheque stub to whom the cheque was paid (i.e. the payee),
the amount and what the payment was for. Without this information the books of
account cannot be prepared.
5. Receipt- This is a written document issued to acknowledge that money or
valuable property has been received. The date and details of the transaction as well
as the receipt number must be stated on the document. Receipts relating to cash are
called cash receipts. There are other types of receipts but we are mainly interested
in those which are relevant to accounting. The law requires the seller to give the
buyer a receipt for goods or services that have been paid for in cash. However,
there is no legal requirement to do so in the case of payments by cheque.
A receipt must contain the following information:
• The name of the payer,
• The signature of the recipient,
• The amount of money in figures and in words,
• The date.
A receipt is only recorded in the books of account when it relates to cash receipts
and payments.
6. Voucher- these are original document used for obtaining authorization for
all payments irrespective of magnitude or mode. i.e.
whether by cash or cheque or letter. Vouchers in general
provide evidence of the transaction recorded in the
books of account like the receipt for payments made by
cash to outsiders.
In Text Question 1: Mention the source documents that you know
In Text Answer 1: Invoice, Debit Note, Credit Note, Cheque, Receipt and
2. The purchases day book: The purchase day book is also called purchase
journal. It is a book in which we record the purchase on credit of goods for
resale. It is written up from the invoices and debit notes received from
suppliers. The amount entered in the purchases day book is after deducting
trade discount (but before deducting cash discount). The source document
for making entries are purchase invoices from suppliers.
3. The sales returns day book: In which is recorded the goods sold on credit
that are returned by customers. The source of information for making entries
in the returns day book is credit notes retained by the seller.
4. The purchases return day book: In which is recorded the goods purchased
on credit that are returned to suppliers. The source document for making
entries are purchase invoices and credit notes received from suppliers.
5. The petty cash book: This is a book in used is recorded cash received and
cash paid. The source documents for the entries are receipts or petty cash
vouchers where employees are reimbursed expenses.
6. The cash book: This is the book in which are recorded cheques received
(and cash paid into the bank) and payments made by cheque (and cash
withdrawn from the bank). This is written up from the bank paying-in book
stub and cheque book stubs.
Source Documents Books of Prime Entry
Petty cash book
Receipts and petty cash
Cash book
Paying-in book stub
journal. It is a book in which are recorded any transactions that are not included in
any of the other books of prime entry. At one time all entries passed through the
journal, but now it is primarily used to record the purchase and sale of non-current
assets on credit, the correction of errors, opening entries in a new set of books and
any remaining transfers. Non-current assets are items not bought specifically for
resale, such as land and buildings, machinery or vehicles. The journal is written up
from copies of invoices and adjustments requested by the accountant.
In summary, this model depicts the relationships from the source documents to the
books of primary entry.
In Text Question 2: Subsidiary books are books into which transactions are recorded on a daily
basis from the source documents and from which postings are made periodically to the relevant
accounts in the ledger. What are those books?
In Text Answer 2: The sales day book, The purchases day book, The sales returns day book, The
purchases returns day book, The petty cash book, The cash book and The Journal.
4.0 Summary
In this session, we have discussed about the basic documentation and prime books.
We have listed and discussed the source document as well as extensively,
discussed the subsidiary books of entry.
6.0 Additional Activities (Videos, Animations &Out of Class activities) e.g.
a. Visit U-tube the
video & summarise in 1 paragraph
b. View the animation on and
critique it in the discussion forum
7.0 References
Anao A.R. (2002). Introduction to Financial Accounting. Longman Nigeria
Limited, Ikeja, Lagos
Inanga, E. L. (200). Principles of Accounting, Revised Ed., Heinemann
Educational Books (Nig) PLC, Ibadan, Nigeria.
Mahesh Chand Garg. Financial Accounting: Meaning, Nature and Role of
Robert O. Igben (1999). Financial Accounting Made Simple, First Ed., ROI
Publishers, 7, Goloba Street, Isolo, Lagos
General Ledger and the Journal
Sections and Subsection Headings
1.0 Learning Outcome.
2.0 Main Content:
2.1 Prime Books of Primary Entry.
2.2Meaning of Journalising.
2.3 Advantages of Journal.
2.4 Goods Account.
2.5 Important Considerations for Recording the Business Transactions.
2.6 Ledger.
2.7Relationship between Journal and Ledger.
2.8 Balancing of an Account.
3.0 Tutor Marked Assignment.
4.0 Summary.
5.0 Self-Assessment Questions.
6.0 Additional Activities (Videos, Animations &Out of Class activities).
7.0 References/ Further Readings
We will be dealing withGeneral Ledger and the Journal in this session.
Transactions must first be entered in the books of prime entry before it is recorded
in the general ledger. This is to facilitate the posting of the general ledger because,
transactions of the same types are entered in the same book of prime entry, which
is periodically posted to the general ledger in total. These initial entries in the
prime books do not form part of the double-entry bookkeeping.
1.0 Learning Outcome
At the end of this session, you should be able to:
1. Define and identify the prime books of original entry.
2. Give the meaning of journalizing.
3. List some important considerations for recording
a business transaction.
4. Define a ledger.
5. Discuss how to balance an account.
6. Define a journal.
The drawing above represents a typical book of prime entry with different
columns. The following are the columns and their recorded items.
(a) Date Column: This column shows the date on which the transaction is
recorded. The year and month is written once, till they change.
(b) Particulars Column: Under this column, first the names of the accounts to be
debited, then the names of the accounts to be credited and lastly, the narration (i.e.
a brief explanation of the transaction) are entered.
(c) L.F., i.e. Ledger Folio Column: Under this column, the ledger page number
containing the relevant account is entered at the time of posting.
(d) Debit amount Column: Under this column, the amount to be debited is
(e) Credit amount Column: Under this column, the amount to be credited is
2.2Meaning of Journalising
The process of recording a transaction in the journal is called journalising. The
various steps to be followed in journalising business transactions are given below:
Step 1 Ascertain what accounts are involved in a transaction.
Step 2 Ascertain what is the nature of the accounts involved.
Step 3 Ascertain which rule of debit and credit is applicable for each of the
Step 4 Ascertain which account is to be debited and which is to be credited.
Step 5 Record the date of transaction in the 'Date column'.
Step 6 Write the name of the account to be debited, very close to the left hand
side (i.e. the line demarcating the 'Date column' and the 'Particulars column')
along with the abbreviation 'Dr.' on the same line against the name of the
account in the 'Particulars column' and the amount to be debited in the 'Debit
Amount column' against the name of the account.
Step 7 Write the name of the account to be credited in the next line preceded by the
word 'To' at a few spaces towards right in the 'Particulars column' and the
amount to be credited in the 'Credit Amount column' against the name of the
Step 8 Write 'Narration' (i.e. a brief description of the transaction) within brackets
the next line in the 'Particulars column'.
Step 9 Draw a line across the entire 'Particulars column'
to separate one Journal Entryfrom the other.
2.3Advantages of Journal
1. The transactions are recorded in journal as and when they occur so the chances
of errors are minimized.
2. It helps in preparation of ledger.
3. Any transfer from one account to another account is made through Journal.
4. The entry recorded in journals are self- explanatory as it includes narration also.
5. It can record any such transaction which cannot be entered in any other books of
6. Every transaction is recorded in chronological order (date wise) so the chances
of manipulations are reduced.
7. Journal shows all information in respect of a transaction at one place.
8. The closing balances of previous year of accounts related to assets and liabilities
can be brought forward to the next year by passing journal entry in journal.
2.4 Goods Account
In accounting the meaning of goods is restricted to only those articles which are
purchased by a businessman with an intention to sell it. For example, if a
businessman purchased typewriter, it will be good for him if he deals in computers
but if he deals in other business say clothes then computers will be asset for him
and clothes will be goods.
Purchases account: This is opened for goods purchased on cash and credit.
Sales account: This account is opened for the goods sold on cash and credit.
Sales returns account or return inward account: This account is opened for the
goods returned by customers.
₦8,000 at 15% trade discount from X. In this case, the following entry will be
Purchases Account Dr. 6,800
To X 6,800
(Being goods purchased at 15%Trade discount less list price)
2. Cash discount
Cash discount is a concession allowed by seller to buyer to encourage him to make
early cash payment. It is a Nominal Account. The person who allows discount,
treat it as an expense and debits in his books and it is called discount allowed and
the person who receives discount, treat it as an income and it is called discount
received and credited in his books of account as "Discount Received Account." For
example, X owes ₦6,000 to Y. He pays ₦5,950 in full settlement against the
amount due. In the books of X, the journal entry will be:
To Cash Account 5,950
To Discount Received account 50
(Being Cash paid and discount received)
In the books of Y ₦₦
Cash Account Dr. 5,950
Discount Allowed Account Dr. 50
To X 6,000
(Being cash received and discount allowed)
Account is credited. For example, goods costing ₦8000 were distributed as free
sample. To record this transaction following entry will be passed:
Advertisement Account Dr. 8,000
To Purchases Account 8,000
4. Interest on capital
Interest paid on capital is an expense. Therefore, interest account should be
debited. On the other hand, the capital of the business increases. So the capital
account should be credited. The entry will be as follows:
Interest on Capital Account Dr.
To Capital Account
7. Bad debts
Sometimes a debtor of business fails to pay the amount due from him. Reasons
may be many e.g. he may become insolvent or he may die. Such irrecoverable
amount is a loss to the business. To record this following entry will be passed:
Bad Debts Account Dr.
To Debtor's Account
10. Loss of goods by fire/accident/theft
A business may suffer loss of goods on account of fire, theft or accident. It is a
business loss and a nominal account. It also reduces the goods at cost price, and
increases the loss/expenses of the business. The entry will be passed as:
Loss by fire/Accident/theft Account Dr.
Insurance Company Account Dr.
To Purchases Account
18. The events affecting business but they do not involve any transfer/exchange of
money for the time being, they would not be recorded in the financial books.
In Text Question 2: Mention some of the Important Considerations for Recording the
Business Transactions.
In Text Answer 2: 1. Trade Discount 2.Cash Discount 3. Goods distributed as free samples
4. Interest on capital 5. Interest charged on Drawings 6. Depreciation charged on Fixed
Assets 7. Bad Debts 8. Bad Debts Recovered 9. Purchase and Sale of investment 10.Loss of
Goods by Fire/Accident/theft.
F. Ledger
Journal is a daily record of all business transactions. In the journal all transactions
relating to persons, expenses, assets, liabilities and incomes are recorded. Journal
does not give a complete picture of the fundamental elements of book keeping i.e.
properties, liabilities, proprietorship accounts and expenses and incomes at a
glance and at one place. Business transactions being recurring in nature, a number
of entries are made for a particular type of transactions such as sales, purchases,
receipts and payments of cash, expenses etc.,
throughout the accounting year. The entries are
therefore scattered over in the Journal. In fact, the
whole Journal will have to be gone through to find
out the combined effect of various transactions on a
particular account. In case, at any time, a
businessman wants to know:
1. How much he has to pay to the suppliers/creditors of goods?
2. How much he has to receive from the customers?
3. What is the total amount of purchases and sales made during a
particular period?
4. How much cash has been spent/incurred on various items of expenses
such as salaries, rent, carriage, stationery?
5. What is the amount of profit or loss made during a particular period?
6. What is the financial position of the unit on a particular date?
The above mentioned information cannot be easily gathered from the journal itself
because the details of such information are scattered all over the journal. It is thus
of dire need to get a summarised/grouped record of all the transactions relating to a
particular person, or a thing or an expenditure to take managerial decisions. The
mechanics of collecting, assembling and summarisingall transactions of similar
nature at one place can better be served by a book known as 'ledger' i.e. a classified
head of accounts.
2. In the journal business transactions are recorded as and when they occur i.e.
date-wise. However, posting from the journal is done periodically, may be
weekly, fortnightly as per the convenience of the business.
3. The journal does not disclose the complete position of an account. On the other
hand, the ledger indicates the position of each account debit wise or credit
wise, as the case may be. In this way, the net position of each account is known
4. The record of transactions in the journal is in the form of journal entries
whereas the record in the ledger is in the form of an account.
Utility of a ledger
The main utilities of a ledger are summarised as under:
a. It provides complete information about all accounts in one book.
b. It enables the ascertainment of the main items of revenues and expenses.
c. It enables the ascertainment of the value of assets and liabilities.
d. It facilitates the preparation of Final Accounts.
Form 1
Name of the Account..............
Date Particulars Folio Amount Date Particulars Folio Amount
Form 2
Name of the Account...............
Dr. Cr.
Date Particulars Folio Debit Credit Dr./Cr. Balance
Amount Amount
(N) (N)
Illustration 3: From the following transactions of Nestor, find out the nature of
accounts and also state which account should be debited and which should be
a. Rent paid
b. Interest received
c. Purchased furniture for cash
d. Machinery sold in cash
e. Outstanding salaries
f. Paid to Surinder
Analysis of Transactions
Transaction Accounts Involved Nature of Account Debit/Credit
i) Rent paid Rent Account Nominal Account Debit
Cash Account Real Account Credit
iv) Machinery sold in Cash Account Real Account Debit
cash Machinery Account Real Account Credit
2005 Naira
Jan. 1 Morgan started business with cash 80,000
Jan. 6 Purchased goods from Ram on credit 30,000
Jan. 8 Sold goods on cash 6,000
Jan. 15 Bought Furniture from Bash for cash 8,000
Jan. 18 Paid Salary to manager 6,500
Jan. 20 Paid Rent to land lord in cash 1,000
Date Particulars L.F. Debit₦ Credit₦
2005 Cash Account Dr. 80,000
To Morgan's Capital Account 80,000
(Being business started with cash)
"6 Purchases Account Dr. 30,000
To Ram's Account (Being purchase on credit) 30,000
"8 Cash Account Dr. 6,000
To Sales Account (Being sold goods for cash) 6,000
" 15 Furniture AccountDr. 8,000
To Cash Account (Being bought furniture for cash) 8,000
" 18 Salary Account Dr. 6,500
To Cash Account 6,500
(Being salary paid to manager)
" 20 Rent Account Dr. 1,000
To Cash Account (Being rent paid to land lord) 1,000
2. Write down the higher amount on the side obtained e.g. if the total of the debit
side is ₦6,000 and the credit side is ₦5,500, the amount ₦6,000 is first inserted
in the total on the debit side.
3. Also write down the same total on the other side of the account i.e. the total of
₦6,000 is written against the total on the credit side also.
4. Find out the difference between the two sides of the account. In this example
side is more than credit side; therefore, there is a debit balance of ₦500.
5. This debit balance of ₦500 is to be shown as "By Balance c/d" in the account on
the credit side.
6. Finally, the amount of the closing balance should be brought down as the
opening balance at the beginning of the next day. Remember that if the opening
balance is not written on the next day, the balancing is incomplete.
Balancing of different accounts
Balancing is done either weekly, monthly, quarterly, biannually or annually,
depending on the requirements of the business concern.
Real Accounts: Real accounts are generally balanced at the end of the accounting
year when final accounts are prepared and always show debit balances. But, bank
account may show either a debit balance or a credit balance.
Nominal Accounts: In fact, nominal accounts are not balanced, as they are to be
closed by transferring them to the final accounts i.e. Trading and Profit and Loss
Big Sparkle is an electrical goods wholesaler. The transactions during June 20X3,
which are all on credit, were as follows:
1 May Bought on credit from Lightings Ltd various bulbs with a retail price
of ₦1,000 and received 20 per cent trade discount
4 May Sold goods on credit to Electric Reserves Ltd for₦500 and allowed
them 10 per cent trade discount on this amount
8 May Sent Electric Reserves Ltd a credit notes for goods returned that
had a retail valueof₦300
10 May Sold goods on credit to Swiggle Ltd for ₦600 after deducting 40 per
cent trade discount.
12 May Purchased goods with a retail value of ₦1,000 from Swatch Ltd who
allowed 30 percent trade discount.
15May Purchases on credit from Cables Ltd goods costing ₦550.
16 May Sent Swiggles Ltd a credit note' for goods returned that had a retail
value of ₦100.
18 May Swatch Ltd sent us a credit note for ₦300·in respect of goods returned
19 May Received a credit note for goods returned to Lightings Ltd that had a
retail value of ₦250
25 May Sold goods to Gross Retails Ltd on credit for ₦250
27 May Sent Gross Retails Ltd a credit notes for N50 to rectify an overcharge
on their invoice.
28 May Sold goods on credit to Electric Reserves Ltd at a price of ₦569.
29 May Purchased on credit a motor van from Baba Ltd that cost ₦800.
30 May Sold on credit to Lagos Trading Co. some fixtures and fittings no
longer required in the shop for 350. (Prior. to this the business owned
fixtures costing ₦1,000).
Make the necessary entries in the books of prime entry and general ledger.
Before starting to undertake double entry, the first step is to summarize the
transactions in the day books. The first part of this solution deals with the
transactions that do not impact on the journal.
Prime Books
Sales day book
Date Name of credit Our invoice Folio Amount₦
customer number
20X3 N
4 May Electric Reserves 100446 F34 450
10 May Swiggle Ltd 100447 F8 600
25 May Gross Retails Ltd 100448 F45 250
28 May Electric Reserves 100449 F15 560
1 May Lightings Ltd Inv460 T23 800
12 May Swatch Ltd 1000672 T5 700
15 May Cables Ltd S0056932 T10 550
20X3 N
18 May Lightings Ltd C00569 T5 300
19 May Swatch Ltd SC452 T23 200
The next step is to take the day books and to use them to enter the information into
the main double-entry bookkeeping system (the general ledger, sales ledger and
purchase ledger). These ledger accounts are shown in T account format.
The first two day books to be closed off and posted are those involving customers
(sales day book and the sales return day book). Note the normal double-entry rules
in respect of recording the flow of value are being applied.
General ledger entries
Sales account
20X3 Details₦ 20X3 Details₦
30 May Total per sales day book 1,860
Sales ledger entries
Electric Reserves Ltd
20X3 Details ₦ 20X3 Details₦
4 May Sales 450 8 May Returns 270
28 May Sales 560
Swiggle Ltd
20X3 Details ₦ 20X3 Details₦
10 May Sales 600 16 May Returns 60
Next, the two day books involving suppliers (purchases day book and the purchases
return day book) are closed and posted.
General ledger entries
Purchase account
20X3 Details₦ 20X3 Details ₦
30May Total purchases day book 2,050 30MayTotal purchases day book 2,050
Light Ltd
20X3 Details ₦ 20X3 Details₦
18 May Returns 300 12 May Purchases 700
Purchase account
20X3 Details ₦ 20X3 Details₦
15 May Purchases 550
The Journal
The entries required to post the motor van on credit and the sale of fixtures and
fittings are first recorded in the journal before they enter the general ledger
bookkeeping system as follows:
Date Details (account in Folio
Debit Debit CreditCredit
which Amount amount
the ledger entry is to be made) ₦ ₦
20X3 Motor vehicles Dr 800
29 May To Baba Ltd
Being purchase on credit of motor Van Reg no LAG Cr 800
Second, the journal is taken and its entries are posted to the individual ledger
accounts in the general ledger as follows:
General ledger entries
Motor vehicles account
20X3 Details ₦ 20X3 Details ₦
29 MayBaba Ltd 800
1. The fixtures and fittings that were sold must obviously have already been owned
by the business. Their cost is therefore included in the balance brought down on the
debit side of the fixtures and fittings account along with the cost of other fixtures
and fittings owned at that date.
2. The Lagos Trading Co. is referred to as a sundry receivable and Baba Ltd as a
sundry payable.
4.0 Summary
We have studied the prime books, general ledger as well as the journal. The prime
books of primary entry were listed and discussed, the meaning of journalising was
highlighted, important considerations for recording the business transactions were
listed and discussed. Also the ledger and journal were extensively discussed with
6.0 Additional Activities (Videos, Animations & Out of Class activities) e.g.
a. Visit U-tube,, . Watch the video &
summarise in 1 paragraph
b. View the animation on,,,, and critique it in the
discussion forum
2.0 MODULE 2
Study Session 1: Double Entry and the General Ledger.
Study Session 2: The Balancing of Accounts and the Trial Balance.
Study Session 3: The Cash Book.
Study Session 4: The Petty Cash Book.
Double Entry and the General Ledger
Sections and Subsection Headings
1.0 Learning Outcome.
2.0 Main Content
2.1The Principles of Double-Entry.
2.2 Ledger entries for cash transactions.
2.3 Ledger entries for credit transactions.
2.4 Ledger Account Balances.
3.0 Tutor Marked Assignment.
5.0 Self-Assessment Questions.
6.0 Additional Activities (Videos, Animations &Out of Class activities).
7.0 References.
Welcome to session 1, in module 2, we will be about Double Entry and the
GeneralLedger. We will see if this session is anyway intertwined with what we
discussed in the previous session.
You should understand that, to be able to account properly, accountants need to
understand bookkeeping. Double-entry bookkeeping is a systematic method of
recording an enterprise's transactions in a book called the general ledger, or simply
the 'ledger'. Double-entry bookkeeping is an application of the dual aspect concept.
Under this concept each transaction affects two accounts (hence the name 'double-
entry') and records a flow of value between the accounts. In accounting, a language
has developed to indicate the direction of the flow, to debit an account means to
have value flow into that account, whereas to credit an account means to have
value flow out of that account. Convention has it that a debit always means an
adjustment to the left-hand side of the ledger account, whereas a credit means an
adjustment to the right-hand side of the ledger account. Some people find it easier
to think of debits as being a '+' and a credit as being a '-'.
Double-entry bookkeeping is an
application of the dual aspect concept.
Under this concept each transaction
affects two accounts and records a flow
of value between the accounts. In
accounting, a language has developed to
indicate the direction of the flow, to debit an account means to have value flow
into that account, whereas to credit an account means to have value flow out of that
account. Convention has it that a debit always means an adjustment to the left-hand
side of the ledger account, whereas a credit means an adjustment to the right-hand-
side of the ledger account. Some people find it easier to think of debits as being a
'+' and a credit as being a '-'.
The following is an example of what a double entry account looks like:
Date Particulars Amount Date Particulars Amount
The right hand side of the account is called the credit side. It reflects the giving of
value by the particular account. The payment of cash for the motor vehicle bought
for ₦7000 is shown by crediting cash account with the sum as a giver of value to
motor vehicle account. The accounts in these two examples, assuming the value of
the motor vehicle took place on 1st May, 2010, will appear as follows:
The motor vehicle account has received value of ₦7000 from cash account. This is
denoted by a debit entry in the above account. All future purchases of vehicles will
be similarly recorded as debit entries in this newly opened account, sales and
disposals of motor vehicle being recorded as credit entries.
Cash Account
Dr Cr
Date Particulars Amount Date Particulars Amount
2010 Motor Vehicle ₦
May 1 Account 7000
Cash account has given value worth ₦7000 to the motor vehicle account. The
giving of value is shown by a credit entry in the cash account. Thus for every debit
entry in one account, there must be an equal credit entry in another account. The
general rule of double entry is to debit the account that receives value and credit
the account which gives value with the amount involved
The money value of each transaction is entered once on each side of the general
ledger in different accounts. The actual process of placing the bookkeeping entry in
each account is called 'posting the transaction' or simply 'posting: For example, if
we take one transaction such as the sale of goods for cash of ₦10,000 on 6
January, this would be recorded (posted) as follows:
Many textbooks create a simplified version of a ledger account called a 'T' account
to teach bookkeeping. A 'T' account leaves out some of the detail that is given in
ledger accounts, such as the reference to the folio page (the pages in a ledger are
typically called folios) and contains less lines. A typical 'T' account looks like the
Dr. Account Name Cr.
Date Particulars ₦ Date Particulars ₦
The date column is the date of the transaction, the details column outlines the other
account being posted to (so that the transaction can be traced) and the N column
records the amount that is being posted Just like the ledger, flows of value to the
account will be debited to the left-hand side, and flows of value from the account
are recorded on the right-hand side (credited). A separate T account is opened for
every type of expense, asset, liability, income and transaction with the owner
(capital introduced and separately, drawings).
at a later date by the proprietor as additional capital is treated in the same way. Any
money withdrawn by the proprietor is credited in the cash or bank account
(depending on whether it is cash or a cheque) and debited to a drawings account.
These accounts are never netted against each other.
Debit Credit
a) Bought computer for cash
b) A loan of ₦20,000 is received by cheque
c) A loan of ₦10,000 is received by cheque from Ige
d) Paid Stationery by cheque
e) Paid rates by cash
f) Owner wrote a cheque to himself
g) Owner put cash into the business
h) Owner buys a washing machine for his home and pay by
Debit Credit
a) ). Bought office Office computer a/c Cash a/c
computer for cash
b). Bought lorry for cash Motor vehicles a/c Cash a/c
c). A loan of ₦20,000 is Bank a/c Earls a/c (Loan creditor)
received by cheque from Ige
d). Paid stationery by cheque Stationery a/c Bank a/c
e). Paid rates by cash Rate a/c Cash a/c
f). Owner wrote a cheque to Drawings a/c Bank a/c
g). Owner put cash into the Cash a/c Capital introduced a/c
h). Owner buys a washing Drawings a/c Bank a/c
machine for his home and pay
by cheque
Double entry is now taken a step further by introducing monetary values and T
account entries. The entries for various cash transactions are illustrated below
PreetyTety started business on 1 January 20X3 as a grocer with capital (in cash) of
₦10,000. She also borrowed₦5000 in cash from Lagon Bank Ltd. Her transactions
during January, which are all in cash, were as follows:
Rent Account
20X3 Details₦ 20X3 Details ₦
1 Jan Cash 1000
Purchase Account
20X3 Details₦ 20X3 Details ₦
8 Jan Cash4000
Stationery account
20X3 Details ₦ 20X3 Details ₦
10 Jan Cash 500
Wages Account
20X3 Details ₦ 20X3 Details ₦
15 Jan Cash 2000
Drawings Account
20X3 Details ₦ 20X3 Details ₦
20 Jan Cash 1500
1. The narrative in the details column of an account specifies the name of the-
account that contains the other entry for each transaction.
2. Carriage inwards refers to haulage costs relating to goods that this business has
purchased and is responsible for transporting from the sellers' premises.
2.3 Ledger Entries for Credit Transactions
The entries in the ledger for credit transactions are more complicated than those for
cash transactions. This is because a credit transaction involves at least two (and
sometimes three) events, each of which is recorded in double-entry form. In this
section, credit bookkeeping is explained using the most common types of credit
transactions, the purchase and sale of inventory. Movements in inventory are not
recorded in an inventory account because the value moving out of the account
(sale) is different from the value moving into the account (the purchase). Putting
the two transactions in one account would be an example of netting (off-set),
which is not allowed under law. Users are interested in knowing sales figures; it is
one of the growth indicators. They are also interested in knowing the value of
items that were sold. Therefore, they want to see purchases. The difference
between the sales value and the purchase value of the item(s) sold is the gross
profit on the item(s) and this information is disclosed separately in the statement of
profit and loss (covered later). In addition to sales and purchases, there are two
other types of inventory movement that have to be recorded separately: purchase
returns and sales returns. The level of sales returns gives an indication of the
quality of the entity's products and the level of purchase returns provides
information on the entity's purchasing policy. Therefore, inventory movements are
recorded in four separate accounts. This is illustrated below.
Postings to the purchases and sales
returns ledger accounts will always be
on the debit side and these accounts
will always have a debit balance, and
postings to the sales and purchase
returns ledger accounts will always be
on the credit side and these accounts
will always have a credit balance. A
walked-through example of the double-entry posting to the appropriate T accounts
is now provided. At this stage it is assumed that the sales ledger and the purchase
ledger are not kept separate from the general ledger, so each credit customer and
credit supplier have their own account in the general ledger.
Credit sales
The first event consists of the purchase or sale of goods on credit as evidenced by
an invoice. The invoice is recorded in the ledger as follows:
1 Feb Sold goods on credit to AB Ltd for ₦5000
The first step is to identify the two accounts affected: The sales account and AB
Ltd account. The next step is to identify the flow of value: The goods represent
the value and the goods physically go to AB Ltd (so the value leaves the sales
account (credit) and flows to AB Ltd.’s account (debit)).
The next step is to identify the monetary value flowing between the accounts: In
this case it is ₦5000.
The amount outstanding on credit from a credit customer is referred to as a trade
receivable. In the above example, the balance owing from AB Ltd is a trade
receivable of the business whose books are being prepared.
Credit purchases
2 Feb Purchased goods on credit from CD Ltd for ₦2,500.
The first step is to identify the two accounts affected: The purchases account and
CD Ltd account.
The next step is to identify the flow of value: The goods represent the value and
they physically come from CD Ltd (so the value flows to the purchases account
(debit) and from CD Ltd account (credit).
The next step is to identify the monetary value flowing between the accounts: In
this case it is ₦2,500.
The amount owing to a business or person from whom goods are purchased on
credit is referred to as trade payable. In the above example, the balance owing to
CD Ltd is a trade payable of the business whose books are being prepared. In the
UK, trade payables are commonly called'creditors'. The term 'creditor' arises from
the existence of an account in the purchaser's books which contains more on the
credit side than on the debit side. IASs do not use the term 'creditor'.
Sales returns
A second event that may occur when goods are bought and sold on credit is the
return of goods. This can arise for example when some of the goods delivered were
not ordered, or are defective. When goods are returned the seller sends the buyer a
credit note. This is recorded in the ledger as follows:
The first step is to identify the two accounts affected: The returns inward account
and AB Ltd account.
The next step is to identify the flow of value: The goods represent the value and
they come from AB Ltd (so the value flows to the returns inward account (debit)
and comes from AB Ltd.’s account (credit)).
The next step is to identify the monetary value flowing between the accounts. In
this case it is ₦1,000.
Purchase returns
This is an everyday occurrence, you may have some experience on this at a point
in time.Similarly, goods received may be defective, or not fit for purpose. These
will be returned to the supplier. They are not treated as a reduction in purchases,
but are recorded in a separate account, the returns outward account.
Then on 4 Feb the entity returned goods to CD Ltd invoiced for ₦500
The first step is to identify the two accounts affected: The returns outward account
and CD Ltd account.
The next step is to identify the flow of value. The goods represent the value and
they go to CD Ltd (so the value flows to CD Ltd.’s account (debit) and comes from
the returns outward account (credit).
The next step is to identify the monetary value flowing between the accounts: In
this case it is ₦500.
The balance on the customer's (AB Ltd) and supplier's (CD Ltd) accounts thus
show the amounts of money owed at any point in time.
The next step is to identify the flow of value: Money is the value and it flows to
the cash account (debit) and flows from AB Ltd.’s account (credit).
The next step is to identify the monetary value flowing between the accounts: In
this case it is ₦4000.
Cash account AB Ltd account
20X3 Details₦ 20X3 Details ₦ 20X3 Details ₦ 20X3 Details ₦
5 Feb AB Ltd 1000 1 Feb Sales 5000 3 Feb Returns 1000
5 Feb Cash 4000
The first step is to identify the two accounts affected: The cash account and CD
Ltd account.
The next step is to identify the flow of value: Money is the value and it flows from
the cash account (credit) and flows to CD Ltd.’s account (debit).
The next step is to identify the monetary value flowing between the accounts: In
this case it is ₦2000.
CD Ltd account Returns outwards account
20X3 Details₦20X3 Details ₦ 20X3 Details ₦ 20X3 Details ₦
4 Feb Returns 500 2 Feb Purchases 2500 5 Feb AB Ltd 40004 Feb CD Ltd 500
6 Feb Cash 2000
An illustration of both credit and cheque transactions is shown below. The three
steps are not shown in each instance. This is something that is done subconsciously
and is not recorded.
Eagle Ltd commenced business on 1 July 20X2 as a wholesale greengrocer with a
capital in the bank of ₦2,000,000. His transactions during July were as follows:
1 July Bought a second-hand van by cheque for ₦800,000
3 July Paid insurance on the van by cheque for N150, 000
7 July Purchased goods costing ₦250,000 on credit from A. Bami
11 July Sold goods on credit to B. Ghandi amounting to ₦450,000
14 July Paid carriage outwards by cheque amounting to ₦20,000
16 July Returned goods to A. Bami of ₦50,000
18 July Repairs to van paid by cheque: ₦30,000
20 July B. Ghandi returned goods of ₦75,000
23 July Sent A. Bami a cheque for ₦140,000
26 July Received a cheque from B. Ghandi for ₦240,000
31 July Paid telephone bill by cheque: ₦65,000
31 July Paid electric bill by cheque: ₦45,000
Capital Account
20X2 Details ₦’000 20X2 Details ₦’000
1 July Bank 2,000
Van Account
20X2 Details ₦’000 20X2 Details₦’000
1 July Bank 800
Purchases Account
20X2 Details ₦’000 20X2 Details ₦’000
7 July A. Bami250
Sales Account
20X2 Details ₦’000 20X2 Details ₦’000
11 July B. Ghandi450
16 July A. Bami50
4.0 Conclusion/Summary
In this session, you have learnt on the double entry and general ledger. The
principles of double entry were given, you were introduced to T-accounts, ledger
entries for both cash and credit accounts were discussed, entries also for sales
return and purchase returns, also for receiving and paying funds to customers were
6.0 Additional Activities (Videos, Animations &Out of Class activities) e.g.
a. Visit U-tube Watch the video
& summarise in 1 paragraph
b. View the animation on
and critique it in the discussion forum.
7.0 References
Aguolu, O. (2010). Financial Accounting.A Practical Approach. Institute for
Development Studies, Enugu, Nigeria
ICAN Study Pack (2006).Fundamentals of Financial Accounting.VI Publishing
Limited, Lagos, Nigeria
Inanga, E. L. (200). Principles of Accounting, Revised Ed., Heinemann
Educational Books (Nig) PLC, Ibadan, Nigeria.
Mahesh Chand Garg. Financial Accounting: Meaning, Nature and Role of
Robert O. Igben (1999). Financial Accounting Made Simple, First Ed., ROI
Publishers, 7, Goloba Street, Isolo, Lagos.
The Balancing of Accounts and the Trial Balance
Sections and subsections Headings
1.0 Learning Outcome.
2.0 Main Content.
2.1The Nature of Balancing of Accounts.
2.2 The Trial Balance.
2.3Accounting Errors.
3.0 Tutor Marked Assignments.
5.0 Self-Assessment Questions.
6.0 Additional Activities (Videos, Animations &out of Class activities).
7.0 References.
We will be discussing about Balancing of Accounts and Trial Balancing in this
session, in our previous session we talked about Double Entry and the General
In every account, when there are several entries, we find the cumulative total and
calculate the difference between the debit and the credit totals of the account. The
process, by which this difference is ascertained, is called balancing the account,
and this is done periodically, as the owner of the business requires the information.
1.0 Learning Outcome
At the end of this session, you should be able to:
1. Discuss the trial balance,
2. List the objectives of the trial balance,
3. List the limitations of the trial balance,
4. Discuss the accounting errors.
A debit balance of this account indicate that the person concerned is a debtor of the
business concern and a credit balance
indicates that he is a creditor of the business
concern. If a personal account shows no
balance at all, it means that the amount due to
him or due from him is settled in full. Real
accounts are generally balanced at the end of
the accounting year when final accounts are prepared. They always show debit
balances. But, bank account may show either a debit balance or a credit balance.
Nominal accounts are not balanced, as they are to be closed by transferring them to
the final accounts i.e. Trading and Profit and LossAccounts.
Illustration: Enter the following transactions in the Journal of Rameh, and post
them to the Ledger. 2006
Date Particulars L.F. Dr.₦ Cr. ₦
Jan. 1 Cash A/c Dr. 630
2006 Bank A/c Dr. 23,100
Stock of Goods A/c Dr. 26,400
M. & Co. Dr. 6,750
To Marathi & Co 3,880
To Ram & Sons 3,000
To Ramesh's Capital A/c 50,000
(Being balances of various assets
& liabilities brought forward)
2 Bank A/c Dr. 6,650
Discount Allowed A/cDr. 100
To M. & Co. 6,750
(Being a cheque received from M.
& Co. & Discount allowed)
Chand & Sons A/c Dr. 1,440
To Sales A/c 1,440
(Being goods sold on credit)
Carriage Outwards A/c Dr.
To Cash A/c 35
(Being the carriage paid)
Cash A/cDr. 3,120
To Sales A/c
(Being goods sold for cash) 3,120
Purchases A/c Dr. 4,000
To Ram & Sons 4,000
(Being goods purchased on credit)
Marathi & Co. A/c Dr.
To Bank A/c 3,880
To Discount A/c 3,800
(Being payment made to Marathi & 80 full settlement & discount
Purchases A/c Dr.
6,300 6,300
To Chatterjee
(Being goods purchased on credit)
To Returns Outwards A/c 300
(Being goods returned to Chatterjee)
Drawings A/cDr.
To Purchases A/c 50 50
(Being goods withdrawn for
personal use)
M. & Co. Dr.
To Sales A/c 5,000
(Being goods sold on credit)
Bank A/c Dr.
To Chand & Sons A/c 1,440
(Being a cheque received from
Chand & Sons)
Chand & Sons A/cDr.
1,440 1,440
To Bank A/c
(Being the cheque of Chand &
Sons dishonoured)
Bank A/c Dr.
2,000 2,000
To Cash A/c (Being cash deposited
into bank)
Ledger of Ramesh
31 ₦50,000 Feb. 1
By Balance b/d ₦50,000
Dr.Cash Account Cr
Date Particulars Folio Amount Date Particulars Folio Amount
₦ ₦
2006 2006
Jan. 1 To Balance b/f 630
Jan. 4 To Sales A/c 3,120 By Carriage Out- 35
wards A/c
24 By Bank A/c 2,000
31 By Salaries A/c 600
31 By Rent A/c
31 By Balance c/d 815
3,750 3,750
Feb.1 To Balance b/d 815
Dr.Bank Account Cr.
Date Particulars Folio Amount Date Particulars Folio Amount
₦ ₦
2006 2006
Jan. 1
2 1 To Balance b/f 23100 Jan.
20 To M. & Co. 6 6,650 5 By Marathi & Co. 3,800
24 To Chand & Sons 1,440
22 By Chand & Sons 1,440
To Cash A/c 2,000
27 By Chatterjee 5,850
31 By Drawings 500
31 By Balance c/d 21,600
Feb.1 33,190
Balance b/d 21,600
Dr.Marathi& Co.'s AccountCr.
Date Particulars Folio Amount Date Particulars Folio Amount
₦ ₦
2006 2006
Jan. 5 To Bank A/c 3,800 Jan.
5 To Discount 1 By Balance b/f 3,880
Received A/c 80
3,880 3,880
Dr.Chatterjee's Account Cr.
Date Particulars Folio Amount Date Particulars Folio Amount
₦ ₦
2006 2006
Jan. 13 To Returns Jan. 6 Purchases A/c 6,300
Outwards A/c 300
27 To Bank A/c 5,850
27 To Discount
Received A/c 150
6,300 6,300
Dr.Discount Allowed Account Cr.
Date Particulars Folio Amount Date Particulars Folio Amount
₦ ₦
2006 2006
Jan. 2 To M. & Co. 100 Jan. 31 By Balance c/d 100
100 100
Feb. 1 To Balance c/d 100
Dr.Drawings Account Cr.
Date Particulars Folio Amount Date Particulars Folio Amount
₦ ₦
2006 2006
Jan. 16 To Purchases A/c 50
31 To Bank A/c 500 Jan. 31 By Balance c/d 550
550 550
Feb. 1 To Balance b/d 550
At this stage, all the ledger accounts (except the capital account) have been closed;
therefore, the statement of profit and loss ledger account can be closed. The
balance represents the period's profit or loss. If the sum of the debit side (expenses)
is greater than the sum of the credit entries then the entity has made a loss in the
period; if the credit side (income) is greater, then the entity has made a profit in the
period. Either way the balance is transferred to the owners' capital account. The
account can either be a debit or a credit, so it is good practice to add up each side
and determine the largest before proceeding with the closure. No balance will
appear in the next period. Like the bank, the balance on this account. An
accounting process is a complete sequence with the recording of the transactions
and ending with the preparation of the final accounts. Journal is concerned with the
recording of financial transactions in an orderly manner, soon after their
occurrence. The function of systematic analysis of the recorded data to accumulate
the transactions of similar type at one place is performed by maintaining the ledger
in which different accounts are opened to which transactions are posted
All the ledger accounts end up in two reports in the financial statements: the
statement of profit and loss and the statement of financial position. It should be
noted that the trail balance does not form part of the double-entry process; shown
in detail above. The trial balance is just a memorandum that is used to check that
the ledger accounts balance and assist in preparing the financial statements for
disclosure purposes. As mentioned before, it is expected that expenses, returns
inward and assets will have debit balances and income, returns outward, capital,
and liabilities will have credit balances. It is, therefore, at the end of the financial
year or at any other time, the balances of all the ledger accounts are extracted and
are recorded in a statement known as Trial Balance and finally totalled up to see
whether the total of debit balances is equal to the total of credit balances.
The agreement of the Trial Balance reveals that both the aspects of each
transaction have been recorded and that the books are arithmetically accurate. If
both the sides of Trial Balance do not agree to each other, it shows that there are
some errors, which must be detected and rectified if the correct final accounts are
to be prepared.Thus, Trial Balance forms a connecting link between the ledger
accounts and the final accounts.
In Text Answer 1: A Trial Balance is a two-column schedule listing the titles and balances of
all the accounts in the order in which they appear in the ledger.
Objectives of preparing trial balance
The following are the main objectives of preparing the trial balance:
(i) To check the arithmetical accuracy of books of accounts: According to the
principle of double entry system of bookkeeping, every business transaction has
two aspects, debit and credit. The agreement of the trial balance is a proof of the
arithmetical accuracy of the books of accounts. However, it is not a conclusive
evidence of their accuracy as there may be certain errors, which the Trial Balance
may not be able to disclose.
(ii) Helpful in preparing final accounts: The trial balance records the balances of all
the ledger accounts at one place which helps in the preparation of final accounts,
i.e. Trading and Profit and Loss Account and Balance Sheet. But, unless the trial
balance agrees, the final accounts cannot be prepared. So, if the trial balance does
not agree, errors are located and necessary corrections are made at the earliest, so
that there may not be unnecessary delay in the preparation of the final accounts.
(iii) To serve as an aid to the management: By comparing the trial balances of
different years changes in figures of certain important items such as purchases,
sales, debtors etc. are ascertained and their analysis is made for taking managerial
decisions. It serves as an aid to the management.
(iii) If trial balance is not prepared correctly then the final accounts prepared will
not reflect the true and fair view of the state of affairs of the business. Whatever
conclusions and decisions are made by the various groups of persons will not be
correct and will mislead such persons.
Using the entries from the ledger accounts of Eagle Ltd in study session 4, it is the
period end (31 July) and the ledger accounts are being closed for the purposes of
preparing the financial statements. This illustration will take you step by step
through the stages of closing off an entity's books. An example of the three
different types of account and the different way of closing them off is highlighted.
Identify the type of account it is, leave a gap below the longest column of figures
and put totals on both the credit and debit sides of the account. Add up each side of
the ledger account and calculate the difference. In this instance the debit side totals
₦2,240 and the credit side totals ₦1,250. As the debit side has a larger balance,
this will be the expected sign of the opening balance in the next period. This
account will be regarded as having a debit balance (debits > credits). The larger of
the sides will be the amount that goes in the totals' column (₦2,240), as follows:
Bank account
20x2 Details ₦ 20X2 Details₦
1 July Capital 2,000 1 July Vehicle 800
26 July B. Ghandi 240 3 July Motor expenses 150
_____ 14 July Carriage outwards 20
2,240 18 July Motor expenses 30
23 July A. Bami 140
31 July Telephone and postage 65
31 July Light and heat 45
Work out the dosing balance and put it in the correct side. In this instance, the
closing balance is ₦990 (₦2,240 - ₦1,250) and the balance will have to go on the
credit side of the account, otherwise the numbers on the credit side will not add up
to ₦2,240. This is shown as follows:
Bank account
20x2 Details ₦‘000 20X2 Details₦’000
1 July Capital 2,000 1 July Vehicle 800
26 July B. Ghandi 240 3 July Motor expenses 150
14 July Carriage outwards 20
18 July Motor expenses 30
23 July A. Bamidele140
31 July Telephone and postage 65
31 July Light and heat 45
31 July Balance c/d 990
_____ _____
2,240 2,240
The capital account is not closed yet, it is the last ledger account to close as the
statement of profit and loss account is closed off to this account.
Motor Vehicle Account
20X2 Details ₦’000 20X2 Details₦’000
1 July Bank 800 31 July Balance c/d 800
1 Aug Balance b/d 800
As a revenue expense, this account will balance into the statement of profit and
loss ledger account and will have no opening balance in the next period. The
statement of profit and loss ledger account for this period has to be opened to
receive this expense.
The motor expenses account is described as having a debit balance as the debit side
is greatest and the balance is carried into the debit side of the statement of profit
and loss ledger account. The statement of profit and loss ledger account is not
closed at this time.
Statement of profit and loss account
20X2 Details ₦’000 20X2 Details ₦’000
31 July Motor expenses 180
The next account to be closed is the purchases account. As a revenue expense, this
is a statement of profit and loss account, hence will be closed off in the same
manner as the motor vehicles account.
Purchases Account
20X2 Details ₦’000 20X2 Details ₦’000
7 July A. Bamidele 250
____ 31 July Statement of P&L a/c 250
250 250
The sales revenue account is a revenue account, as such it will be closed off to the
statement of profit and loss ledger account.
Sales Revenue Account
20X2 Details ₦’000 20X2 Details ₦’000
July 31 Statement of P&L a/c 450 11 July B. Ghandi 450
Statement of Profit and Loss Account
20X2 Details ₦’000 20X2 Details ₦’000
July 31 Motor 180 31 Sales Revenue 450
July 31 Purchases 250
B. Ghandi's account is a trade receivable. Trade receivables are current assets also
referred to as debtors, which are statements of financial position ledger accounts;
therefore, the closing balance will be carried forward into the next period.
Likewise, the sales returns account is a revenue account; as such the balance is
transferred to the statement of profit and loss ledger account.
Sales returns (return inwards) account
20X2 Details ₦’000 20X2 Details ₦’000
20 July B. Ghandi 75 31 July Statement of P&L a/c 75
___ 75
Carriage outwards, telephone and postage and heat and light are revenue expenses;
therefore, the balances will be transferred to the statement of profit and loss ledger
At this stage all the ledger accounts (except the capital account) have been closed;
therefore, the statement of profit and loss ledger account can be closed. The
balance represents the period's profit or loss. If the sum of the debit side (expenses)
is greater than the sum of the credit entries then the entity has made a loss in the
period; if the credit side (income) is greater, then the entity has made a profit in the
period. Either way the balance is transferred to the owners' capital account. No
balance will appear in the next period. Like the bank, the balance on this account
can either be a debit or a credit, so it is good practice to add up each side and
determine the largest before proceeding with the closure. In this instance the debit
side is larger at N635, 000 whereas the credit side adds to N500, 000. Therefore
the balance is a loss.
At this stage the capital ledger account (a statement of financial position account)
can be closed with the balance carried forward into the next period to reflect the
owner's investment in the business on that date. This becomes the opening capital
balance in the new period.
Capital Account
20X2 Details ₦’000 20X2 Details ₦’000
31 July Loss from P/L a/c 135 31 July Capital introduced a/c 2,000
31 July Balance c/d 1,865 _____
2,000 2,000
31 July Balance b/d 1,865
2. The trial balance is also used for the preparation of final financial statements that
show the profit or loss for the period and assets and liabilities at the end of that
period. In practice this is done in the form of an extended trial balance.
All the ledger accounts end up in two reports in the financial statements: the
statement of profit and loss and the statement of financial position. It should be
noted that the trail balance does not form part of the double-entry process; shown
in detail above. The trial balance is just a memorandum that is used to check that
the ledger accounts balance and assist in preparing the financial statements for
disclosure purposes. As mentioned before, it is expected that expenses, returns
inward and assets will have debit balances and income, returns outward, capital,
and liabilities will have credit balances.
Below is an illustration of a trial balance prepared from the entries of Eagle Ltd.
Eagle Ltd
Trial balance as at 31 July 20X2
Name of account Debit Credit
₦’000 ₦’000
Bank 990
Capital introduced 2,000
Motor vehicles 800
Motor expense 180
Purchase 250
A. Brown (trade payable) 60
Sales revenue 450
B. Green (trade receivable) 135
Purchases returns 50
Sales returns 75
Carriage outwards 20
Telephone and postage 65
Heat and light 45 _____
2,560 2,560
Note: the capital account and the statement of profit and loss account are not listed
as these accounts only include the closing balances of other ledger accounts. To
include them in the trial balance would be to account for all their component
accounts twice.
Clerical errors: we shall deal with each accounting errors in this part of our
Clerical errors are those errors, which are committed by the clerical staff during the
course of recording business transactions in the books of accounts. These errors
1. Errors of omission
2. Errors of commission
3. Compensating errors
4. Errors of duplication
Errors of omission: When business transaction is either completely or partly
omitted to be recorded in the books of prime entry it is called an ‘error of
omission’. When a business transaction is omitted completely, it is called a
‘complete error of omission”, and when a business transaction is partly omitted, it
is called a “partial error of omission”. A complete error of omission does not affect
the agreement of trial balance whereas a partial error of omission may or may not
affect the agreement of trial balance.
Error of commission: Such errors are generally committed by the clerical staff
due to their negligence during the course of recording business transactions in the
books of accounts. Though, the rules of debit and credit are followed properly yet
some mistakes are committed. These mistakes may be due to wrong posting of a
business transaction either to a wrong account or on the wrong side of an account,
or due to wrong casting (addition) i.e. over-casting or under-casting or due to
wrong balancing of the accounts in the ledger.
Compensating errors: Compensating errors are those errors, which cancel or
compensate themselves. These errors arise when an error is either compensated or
counter-balanced by another error or errors so that of the other on the debit or
credit side neutralizes the adverse effect of one on credit side or debit side. For
example, over-posting on one side may be compensated by under posting of an
equal amount on the same side of the same account or over posting of one side of
an account may be compensated by an equal overprinting on the opposite side of
some other account. But these errors do not affect the trial balance. The error
would have no effect on the trial balance. It would not affect the accuracy of the
balance sheet and the profit of the year will be correctly stated.
In Text Question 2: Clerical errors are those errors, which are committed by the clerical
staff during the course of recording business transactions in the books of accounts. What are
those errors?
In Text Answer 2`: 1. Errors of omission 2.Errors of commission 3.Compensating errors
4.Errors of duplication.
It is also worth noting that often in examinations no marks are given for correct
trial balance totals. You will therefore only lose marks for the error that caused it
to disagree. Thus, do not spend more than a few minutes trying to make a trial
balance agree.
Closing stock 40,000
Expenses 20,000
Outstanding expenses 2,000
Bank balance 5,000
Assets 50,000
Debtors 80,000
Creditors 30,000
Capital 94,000
Suspense account (difference 10,000
in books)
2,72,000 2,72,000
4.0 Summary
In this session, you have learnt about the balancing of account and the trial
balance. The purposes of the trial balance were highlighted, the preparation of the
trial balance was discussed with appropriate illustrations, and accounting errors
were listed and explained as well as how to identify errors in the trial balance.
7.0 References /Further Reading
Aguolu, O. (2010). Financial Accounting.A Practical Approach. Institute for
Development Studies, Enugu, Nigeria
ICAN Study Pack (2006).Fundamentals of Financial Accounting.VI Publishing
Limited, Lagos, Nigeria
Inanga, E. L. (200). Principles of Accounting, Revised Ed., Heinemann
Educational Books (Nig) PLC, Ibadan, Nigeria.
Mahesh Chand Garg. Financial Accounting: Meaning, Nature and Role of
Robert O. Igben (1999). Financial Accounting Made Simple, First Ed., ROI
Publishers, 7, Goloba Street, Isolo, Lagos.
The Cash Book
Section and Subsection Headings
1.0 Learning Outcome.
2.0 Main Content:
2.1 Contra entry.
2.2 Forms of Cash Book.
3.0 Tutor Marked Assignments.
5.0 Self-Assessment questions and Answers.
6.0 Additional Activities (Videos, Animations &out of Class activities).
7.0 References.
Let’s see if session three will be as interesting like the last session we just finished.
Dealing with Cash Book is a very interesting topic.
The cash book is both a book of original entry and a ledger account for all cash and
bank transactions involving receipts and payments whether in cash or by cheque.
This is a book or record in which bank/cash transactions are recorded. These
include receipts (from customers) and payments (to suppliers) as well as bank
charges, interest received. In other words, it is to cash transactions what Purchases
and Sales Day Books are to credit purchases and credit sales respectively. A cash
book is a type of day book, recording transactions where the balance will be
included in the trial balance.
The cash book is regularly reconciled with the bank statement as an internal
control check. Cash transactions not made through the bank are generally recorded
in a petty-cash book. The purpose of the cashbook is to decongest the ledger by
taking the bank account and cash account out of the ledger and combining them in
one subsidiary book called the cashbook. It is also a ledger account because it has
debit and credit sides and any entry in one of the sides is only one-half of the
double entry involved in the transaction. A debit entry in the cash book, for
example, calls for a corresponding credit entry to be made in another account. Thus
a receipt of N400.00 from a debtor requires a debit entry in the cash book and a
credit entry in the debtor’s account in the sales ledger. The reverse is true for
The entry involving the payment of cash into the bank is called a contra-entry and
is denoted by “c”in the folio column. A contra-entry may be defined as the transfer
of an item from one side of one account to the identical side of another account.
All payments in cash are recorded by crediting the cash column of the book. If the
payment is by cheque, the bank column is credited. When cash is withdrawn from
the bank, the cash column is debited and the bank column is credited with the
amount involved. This is another contra-entry.
Record the following in a two column cash book. Balance the cash book and bring
down the balances of cash in hand and cash at bank at the end of the period.
April 2 Introduced₦2,900 cash into the business as capital
April 4 Paid ₦1,850 of the capital into bank
April 10 Cash purchases ₦300
April 15 Cash sales ₦450
April 20 Purchases by cheque₦700
April 25 Cash sales ₦650
April 28 Office expenses paid for in cash ₦30
April 29 Cash paid into bank ₦1,000
April 30 Wages paid by cheque₦75
Two-Column Cash Book
Date Particular Folio Cash Bank Date Particular Folio Cash Bank
s s
20x12 ₦ ₦ 20x12 ₦ ₦
April 2 Capital 2900 April 4 Bank C 1,850
4 Cash C 1,850 10 Purchases 300
15 Sales 450 20 Purchases 700
25 Sales 650 28 Office
29 Cash C 1,000 expenses 30
₦4,000 ₦2,850 29 Bank C 1,000
30 Wages 75
May 1 Balance b/d 820 2,075 30 Balance c/d 820 2,075
₦4,000 ₦2,850
The source documents from which entries are made in the cash book are
copies of the cash receipts, (issued to customers for cash received), and
payments vouchers (i.e. original documents used to obtain authorization for
payments). The carbon copies of the cash receipts are used to make entries on
the debit side and the payments vouchers to make entries on the credit side of
the cash book.
The cash book is therefore a combination of the cash account and the bank
account which are kept in the ledger. Another form is the three column cash
book which is considered below.
In Text Answer 1: The cash book is a ledger in the sense that it is designed in the form of a cash
account and records cash receipts on the debit side and cash payments on the credit side
March 26 Paid cheque to ChineduObimma₦216
March 26 Purchased goods and paid cheque N816
March 27 Cheque received from B. Olumide was dishonoured by bankers
March 28 Paid vehicle insurance by cheque₦46
Balance the cash book and bring down the balances of cash in hand and at bank on
31st march,
2016. The total of the discount allowed column will be posted to the debit side of
the discount
Allowed account in the general ledger. Similarly, discount received is posted in
total at the end of
Sometimes the total credit entries in the bank column may exceed the total debit
indicating an excess of payments over receipts, (i.e. a credit instead of a debit).
3.0 Tutor Marked Assignments
Explain the forms of cash book
4.0 Summary
In this session, you have learnt about the cash book. The contra entry principle was
highlighted, the forms of cash book were listed, the two and three column cash
books were discussed with illustrations.
Publishers, 7, Goloba Street, Isolo, Lagos
The Petty Cash Book
Section and Subsection Headings
1.0 Learning Outcome.
2.0 Main Content:
2.1 Definition of Petty Cash Book.
2.2 The Imprest System.
2.3The Bank Cash Book.
3.0 Tutor Marked Assignment.
4.0 Summary.
5.0 Self-Assessment Questions.
6.0 Additional Activities (Videos, Animations &out of Class activities).
7.0 References.
Petty Cash Book is equally an interesting
topic just as that of Cash Book from the
previous session.
The petty cash book is a book for recording
cash transactions which are considered too
small in value to be paid for by cheque. Any
large amounts of cash received and cash takings are usually paid into the bank and
thus recorded in the cash book.
This book is used for the purpose of recording the petty expenses so that the main
cash book is relieved of the detailed records of these petty expenses. Normally, one
person is handed over a small amount to meet the petty expenses of a given period
(say, week, fortnight or month) and is authorized to make such payments and to
record them in a separate cash book. Such person, such amount and such cash
books are called as ‘Petty Cashier’, ‘Impress’ and ‘Petty cash Book’ respectively.
The Petty Cash Book may or may not be maintained on ‘Imprest System’. Under
both the systems (i.e. Imprest and Non-imprest), the petty cashier submits the Petty
Cash Book to the Head Cashier who examines the Petty Cash Book. Under the
Imprestsystem, the Head Cashier makes the reimbursement of the amount spent by
the Petty Cashier but under Non-Imprest system, the Head Cashier may handover
the Cash to the Petty Cashier equal to/more than less than the amount spent. The
format of Petty Cash Book may be designed according to the requirements of the
In Text Answer 1: The petty cash book is both a book of original entry and a ledger account.
4. It discourages the practice of loans from petty cash since these would have to be
accounted for at the end of the period, and in addition may result in insufficient
cash to meet the necessary expenditure.
Record the following in the petty cash book having the following separate
columns. (a) Office Expenses (b) Postages (c) Transport and Travelling (d)
Stationary. The petty cash book is kept under the imprest system and the imprest
amount is N50.
April 1 Receivedimprest from main cashier ₦50
April 2 paid travelling expenses ₦10
Repaired filling cabinet ₦5
Bought typing papers ₦2, 50
April 3 Bought envelops ₦1, 50
Paid office sundry expenses ₦5.00
April 5 Paid parcel post charges ₦4.00
April 5 Paid taxi fare ₦2.00
April 7 Miscellaneous office expenses ₦10.00
Paid S. Edo, a creditor, the balance of his account of ₦6.00
Balance the petty cash at the end of the week, bring down the balance and record
the imprest reimbursement for the week’s expenditure, also post the items to the
relevant accounts in the ledger.
Columnar Petty Cash Book (Imprest System)
Receipts Cash Date Particulars Voucher Total Office Postages Transp and Stationery Ledger Folio
book number payments expense travelling
₦ ₦ ₦ ₦ ₦ ₦
₦ April Petty cash
50.00 CB12 1 Travelling 1 10.00
expenses 10.00
2 Filing 2 5.00
cabinet 5.00
Repairs 2.50
Typing 3
Papers 4 2.50 1.50
3 Envelops 1.50
Sundry 5 5.00
Expenses 5.00
5 Parcel 4.00
post 6 2.00
Charges 7 4.00
Taxi fares 2.00
Miscellan 10.00
eous 8 6.00
office 9 10.00 20.00 4.00 12.00 4.00 6.00
expenses 6.00
S. Edo c/d 46.00 GL18 GL16 GL21 PL15
b/d 4.00 GL20
₦50.00 CB15 ₦50.00
Mar.8 Balance
General Ledger
Dr. Office Expenses Folio 18 Cr.
Date Particulars Folio Amount Date Particulars Folio amount
20x12 ₦ 20x12 ₦
March 7 Petty Cash PCB 10 20.00
Dr. Stationery Folio 21 Cr.
Date Particulars Folio Amount Date Particulars Folio Amount
20x12 ₦ 20x12 ₦
March 7 Petty cash PCB 10 4.00
Observe that instead of posting each item of expenditure to the respective ledger
accounts when the transaction takes place, only the totals under each column at the
end of the period are posted.
Enter the following transactions in the bank cash book of a sole trader who pays all
cash receipts daily into the bank and makes all payments by cheques.
May 1 Balance at bank ₦500
May 2 S. Bello sends the trader a cheque for ₦190 in full settlement of his balance
of ₦200Received ₦250 for cash sales
May 4 Paid Kingsway Stores Ltd ₦195 in full discharge of their account for ₦200
May 7 Withdraw ₦248 from the bank of which N108 was for the week’s wages
and ₦140 for petty cash
May 8 Received ₦100 from P. Nkanta less 5% cash discount.
Balance the bank cash book and show the balance in hand. Ledger accounts are not
Dr. Bank Cash Book Cr.
Date Particulars Fol Disc Deta Bank Date particulars Fol Dis detai Bank
io . ils io c. ls
20x12 ₦ ₦ ₦ 20x12 ₦ ₦ ₦
May 1 Balance b/d 500 May 4 Kingsway
Stores 5 195
May 2 S. Bello 10 190 Petty cash 140
Sales 250 440 Wages 180 248
May 8 P. Nkanta 5 95 95 May 8 Balance c/d 592
15 ₦1,035 5 ₦1,035
May 9 Balance b/d 592
The discount allowed total of ₦15 will be posted to the debit side of the discount
allowed in the general ledger. The corresponding credit entries are ₦10 and ₦5 to
the accounts of S. Bello and P. Nkanta, respectively, in the sales ledger.
In Text Question 2: Where is a bank cash book used?
In Text Answer 2: The bank cash book is used in businesses where all receipts are paid into the
bank and all payments are made by cheque
4.0 Summary
In this session you have learnt about the petty cash book, the bank cash book and
the imprest system of accounting. You have also learnt the advantages of the
7.0 References
Aguolu, O. (2010). Financial Accounting.A Practical Approach. Institute for
Development Studies, Enugu, Nigeria
ICAN Study Pack (2006).Fundamentals of Financial Accounting.VI Publishing
Limited, Lagos, Nigeria
Inanga, E. L. (200). Principles of Accounting, Revised Ed., Heinemann
Educational Books (Nig) PLC, Ibadan, Nigeria.
Mahesh Chand Garg. Financial Accounting: Meaning, Nature and Role of
Robert O. Igben (1999). Financial Accounting Made Simple, First Ed., ROI
Publishers, 7, Goloba Street, Isolo, Lagos
3.0 MODULE 3
Study Session 1: Depreciation and Non-Current Assets
Study Session 2: Bad Debts and Provisions for Bad Debts
Study Session 3: Financial Ratios
Study Session4: Cash Flow Statements
Depreciation and Non-current Assets
Section and Subsection Headings
1.0 Learning Outcome.
2.0 Main Content:
2.1The Nature and Types of Non-Current Assets.
2.2The Recognition and Valuation of Non-Current Assets.
2.3 The Nature of Depreciation.
3.0 Tutor Marked Assignment.
4.0 Summary.
5.0Self-Assessment Questions.
6.0 Additional Activities (Videos, Animations &out of Class activities).
7.0 References.
Welcome to module 3, this module will equally be as interesting just like the
previous module.
Generally, you should understand that, the term depreciation is used to denote
decrease in value but in accounting, this term is used to denote decrease in the
book value of fixed asset. It is a fall in the value of fixed asset due to use, passage
of time or obsolescence. Obsolescence occurs as a result of technological or other
changes unexpected at the time of purchase.
The ability to generate future economic benefits is arguably the most important
criterion in determining whether expenditure is to be classified as an asset, or not.
Assets are categorised as being either current or non- current into cash or near cash
in the near future -usually in a period of less than one year. Current assets include
assets whose useful economic lives do not exceed one year before they are
transformed into other kinds of assets. Current assets include inventories, trade
receivables, short-term financial assets (investments), bank and cash.
Non-current assets are items not specifically bought for resale but to be used in the
production or distribution of those goods normally sold by the business. They are
durable goods that usually last for several years, and are normally kept by a
business for more than one accounting year. However, expenditure on such items
is only regarded as a non-current asset if it is of a material amount.
Tangible assets are assets that have physical substance. Examples are motor
vehicle, inventory, etc.
servicing rights, customer loyalty, market share, brand name and development
expenditure such as expenditure creating computer software.
Goodwill usually arises in the statement of financial position because at some time
in the past the business has taken over, or been formed from, another business.
Historical cost
In historical cost accounting, non-current assets are valued at their historical cost
less the aggregate/accumulated depreciation from the date of acquisition to the date
of the statement of financial position. The resulting figure is known as the written-
down value (WDV), net book value (NBV) or net carrying amount. Depreciation is
discussed below.
Re-valued amount
The Companies Act 2006 and IAS 16 allow companies to revalue their tangible
non-current assets and show them in the statement of financial position at fair
value rather than historical cost. This is known as the alternative treatment.
• The carrying value for an asset accounted for under historical cost is its net book
• The carrying amount for a re-valued asset is its fair value at the date of the
revaluation less any subsequent accumulated depreciation and subsequent
accumulated impairment losses.
The current value of a tangible non- current asset to the business is the lower of
replacement cost and recoverable amount. The recoverable amount is the higher of
fair value and value in use.
treated as an expense in the year of purchase but rather carried forward and written
off to the statement of profit and loss over the useful economic life of the asset in
the form of depreciation. The part of the cost of an asset that is 'used up' or
'consumed' in each year of the asset's useful economic life must be set against the
revenue that this generates (in conjunction with other factors of production). That
part of the cost of a non-current asset, which is 'used up' or 'consumed' during an
accounting period, is referred to as 'depreciation; Thus, depreciation may be
defined as the allocation of the cost of a non-current asset over the accounting
periods that comprise its useful economic life to the business according to some
criterion regarding IAS 16 defines depreciation as 'the systematic allocation of the
depreciable amount of an asset over its useful life' where the depreciable amount is
'the cost of the asset, or other amount attributed to that asset, less its residual value:
The allocation tries to measure the reduction in the economic benefits available
from the tangible non-current asset or to capture the economic benefits that have
been consumed during the period. Consumption is generally considered to include
the wearing-out, using-up or other reduction in
Definition of depreciation
Depreciation is the permanent and continuous decrease in the book value of a
fixed asset due to use, obsolescence, expiration of legal rights or any other cause.
According to the Institute of Chartered Accountants of England and Wales,
“Depreciation represents that part of the cost of a fixed asset to its owner which is
not recoverable when the asset is finally out of use by him. Provision against this
loss of capital is an integral cost of conducting the business during the effective
commercial life of the asset and is not dependent on the amount of profit earned”.
Depreciation is not the result of fluctuations in the value of fixed assets since the
fluctuation is concerned with the market price of the fixed asset whereas the
depreciation is concerned with the historical cost.
An analysis of the definition given above highlights the characteristics of
depreciation as follows:
(a) It is related to fixed assets only.
(b) It is a fall in the book value of an asset.
(c) The fall in the book value of an asset is due to the use of the asset in business
operations, obsolescence, expiration of legal rights or any other cause.
(d) It is a permanent decrease in the book value of an asset.
(e) It is a continuous decrease in the book value of an asset.
This term is applied to the process of removing an available but irreplaceable
resource such as extracting coal from a coal miner or oil out of an oil well.
Depletion differs from depreciation in that the former implies removal of a natural
resource, while the latter implies a reduction in the service capacity of an asset.
The process of writing off intangible assets is termed as amortisation. The
intangible assets like patents, copyrights, leaseholds and goodwill are recorded at
cost in the books of account, many of these assets have a limited useful life and
are, therefore, written off.
It refers to the decline in the useful life of an asset because of factors like:
(i) Technological advancements
(ii) Changes in the market demand of the product
(iii) Legal or other restrictions
(iv) Improvement in production process.
Causes of Depreciation
The main causes of depreciation include the following:
(a) Physical wear and tear: When the fixed assets are put to use, the value of such
assets may decrease. Such decrease in the value of assets is said to be due to
physical wear and tear.
(b) With the passage of time: When the assets are exposed to the forces of nature
like whether, winds, rains, etc., the value of such assets may decrease even if
they are not put to any use.
(c) Changes in economic environment: The value of an asset may decrease due to
decrease in the demand of the asset. The demand of the asset may decrease due
to technological changes, changes in the habits of consumers.
(d) Expiration of legal rights: When the use of an asset (e.g., patents, leases) is
governed by the time bound arrangement, the value of such assets may
decrease with the passage of time.
(d) To comply with legal requirements: In case of companies, it is compulsory to
charge depreciation on fixed assets before it
declares dividend [Sec. 205(1) of the Companies
Act, 1956].
(e) To accumulate funds for replacement of assets :
A portion of profits is set aside in the form of
depreciation and accumulated each year to
provide a definite amount at a certain future date
for the specific purpose of replacement of the
asset at the end of its useful life.
Amount of annual Depreciation = original cost of the fixed assets –residual value
estimated life in years
For example, if an asset cost ₦50,000 and it will have a residual value of ₦2000 at
the end of its useful life of 10 years, the amount of annual depreciation will be
₦4800 and it will be calculated as follow:
Depreciation =₦ 50,000-2000
10 years
This method has many shortcomings. First, it does not take into consideration the
seasonal fluctuations, booms and depression. The amount of depreciation is the
same in that year in which the machine is used day and night to that inanother year
in which it is used for some months. Second, it ignores the interest on the money
spent on the acquisition of that asset. Third, the total charge for use of asset (i.e.,
depreciation and repairs) goes on increasing form year to year though the assets
might have been use uniformly from year to year. For example, repairs cost
together with depreciation charge in the beginning years is much less than what it
is in the later year. Thus, each subsequent year is burdened with grater charge for
the use of asset on account of increasing cost on repairs.
Illustration - I: H. Ltd. purchased machinery on 1st January. 2000 for ₦29000 and
spent ₦2000 on its cartage and ₦1,000 on its erection. Machinery is estimated to
have a scrap value of ₦5000 at the end of its useful life of 5 year. The accounts are
closed every year on 31st December. Prepare the machinery account for five years
charging depreciation according to straight line method.
Machinery Account
Date Particulars Amount Date Particulars Amount
₦ ₦
1990 To Bank 22 Dec. 31 By Depre. 4
Jan. 1 To Bank 2 Dec.31 By Bal c/d 21
To Bank 1 25
2001 By Depr. 4
Jan. 1 To Bal. b/d 21 2001 Bal. c/d 17
Dec. 31 21
2002 By Depr. 4
Jan. 1 To Bal. b/d 17 2002 Bal. c/d 13
Dec. 31 17
2003 17 By Depr. 4
Jan. 1 To Bal. b/d 13 2003 Bal. c/d 9
Dec. 1 13
2004 13
Jan. 1 To Bal. b/d 9 2004 By Depr. 4
Dec. 31 By Bal. c/d 5
9 9
This method is very suitable particularly in case of those assets which get
depreciated more on account of expire of period e.g. lease hold properties, patents,
2. Machine hour rate method: In case of this method, the running time of the
asset is taken into account for the purpose of calculating the amount of
depreciation. It is suitable for charging depreciation on plant and machinery, air-
crafts, gliders, etc. The amount of depreciation is calculated as follows:
For example, if machinery has been purchased for ₦20000 and it will have a scrap
value of ₦1000 at the end of its useful life of 1900 hours, the amount of
depreciation per hour will be computed as follows:
=₦ 20,000-1000
= ₦10 per hour
If in a particular year, the machine runs for 490 hours, the amount of depreciation
will be ₦4900 (i.e., ₦ 10x490). It is obvious from this example that under machine
hour rate method the amount of depreciation is closely related with the frequency
of use of an asset. The simplicity in calculations and understanding is the main
advantage of these methods. However, it can be used only in case of those assets
whose life can be measured in terms of working time.
₦1280 (i.e. 20% of 6400) and so on. The rate of depreciation under this method
can be computed by using the following formula:
For example, if the cost of an asset is ₦27000, scrap value ₦ 3375, economic life 3
year, the rate of depreciation would be:
(i) It ignores the interest on the capital committed to purchase that asset.
(ii) It does not provide adequately for replacing the asset at the end of its life.
(iii) The calculation of rate of depreciation is not so simple.
(iv) The formula for calculating the rate of depreciation can be applied only
when there is some residual of the asset.
This method is suitable in those cases where the receipts are expected to decline as
the asset gets older and, it is believed that the allocation of depreciation of
depreciation ought to be related to the pattern of assets expected receipts.
Illustration 2: A company purchases Machinery on 1st April 1990 for ₦20,000.
Prepare the machinery account for three years charging depreciation @ 25% p.a.
according to the written Down value Method.
Machinery Accounts
Date Particulars Amount₦ Date Particulars Amount ₦
1990 To Bank 20 2001 By Depr. 5
April 1 March 31 By Bal. c/d 15
20 20
2001 To Bal. b/d 15 2002 By Depr. 3.8
April 1 March 31 By Bal. c/d 11.2
15 15
2002 To Bal b/d 11.2 2003 By Depr. 2.8
April 1 March 31 By Bal. c/d 8.4
11.2 11.2
4. Sum of years digits (SYD) method: Under this method the annual amount
of depreciation that will be expensed in the statement of profit and loss is
computed by multiplying the depreciable amount by a fraction. The denominator in
this fraction is the same each year, and is the sum of a decreasing arithmetic
progression, the first number of which is the useful life of the asset and the last is
one. For example, where an asset has a useful life of three years, the denominator
is calculated as follows (3 + 2 + 1 = 6), with the numerator in the fraction being the
number of years of the asset's remaining useful life at the start of the accounting
year in question (e.g. 3 years, 2 years, 1 year). Therefore, in year one the
depreciable amount will be multiplied by in year two the depreciable amount will
be multiplied by and so on.
This method gives a decreasing annual charge for depreciation over the useful life
of the asset that is similar to, but not the same amount as, the reducing balance
method. The arguments for and against the sum of the years' digits method are thus
the same as those relating to the reducing balance method except that the former is
simpler. Moreover, the difference in the annual depreciation expense highlights the
arbitrary nature of the different assumptions about the rates of decline that are built
into the two methods.
Under this method also the amount of depreciation goes on diminishing in the
future years similar to that under diminishing Balance method. Also the amount of
depreciation that will be expensed in the statement of profit and loss is computed
by multiplying the depreciable amount by a fraction. The denominator in this
fraction is the same each year, and is the sum of a decreasing arithmetic
progression, the first number of which is the useful life of the asset and the last is
one. For example, where an asset has a useful life of five years, the denominator is
calculated as follows (4+3 + 2 + 1 = 10), with the numerator in the fraction being
the number of years of the asset's remaining useful life at the start of the
accounting year in question (e.g. 4years, 3 years, 2 years, 1 year). Therefore, in
year one the depreciable amount will be multiplied by in year two the depreciable
amount will be multiplied by and so on.
For calculating the amount of depreciation to be charged to the profit and loss
account this method takes into account cost, scrape value, and life of the asset. The
following formula is used for determining depreciation:
Depreciation = Remaining life of the Asset at the end of the Year + 1 x Acquisition
Sum of the Digits Representing the Life of the Asset
Annuity Table
Year 3% 4% 5% 6%
4 0.269027 0.275490 0.282012 0.288591
5 0.218335 0.224627 0.230975 0.237376
6 0.184598 0.190762 0.197012 0.213363
7 0.160506 0.166610 0.172820 1.179135
8 0.142456 0.148528 0.154722 0.161036
9 0.128434 0.134493 0.140690 0.147022
10 0.117231 0.12391 0.129505 0.135868
To Asset Account
Evaluation of annuity method
(i) This method keep into account interest on money spent on the purchase of
the asset.
(ii) The value of the asset become zero at the end of life.
(i) This method is comparatively more difficult than the methods discussed so far.
(ii) It makes no arrangement of money to replace the old asset with the new one at
the expiry of its life.
(iii) Under this method the burden on the profit and loss account is no similar in
year because the depreciation remains constant year after year but the interest
goes on decreasing.
Bank AccountDr.
To Depreciation Fund Account
(ii) For setting aside the amount of depreciation
Profit and Loss A/c Dr.
To Depreciation Fund A/c
(iii) For investing the amount
Depreciation Fund Investment A/cDr.
To Bank A/c
(Annual installment of depreciation and interest received invested) 3. In the last
(i) For receiving interest:
Bank A/c Dr.
To Depreciation Fund A/c
(ii) For setting aside the amount of depreciation
Profit and loss A/c Dr.
To depreciation Fund A/c
Note: In the last year no investment will be made, because the amount is
immediately required for the purchase of new asset.
(iii) For the sale of investment:
Bank A/c Dr.
To Depreciation Fund Investment A/c
(iv) For the transfer of profit or loss on sale on investments: The profit or loss on
the sale of these investments is transferred to the Depreciation Fund Account.
The entry for loss:
Depreciation Fund A/c Dr.
To Depreciation Fund Investment A/c
The entry for profit
Depreciation Fund Investment A/c
To Depreciation Fund A/c
(v) For the sale of old asset:
Bank A/c Dr.
To asset A/c
(vi) The depreciation fund is transferred to asset account and any balance left in the
asset account is transferred to profit and loss account. The entry is:
Depreciation Fund A/c.Dr.
To asset A/c
(vii) The balance in Asset Account represents profit or loss. Therefore it will be
transferred to the profit and loss account. (viii) The cash realised on the sale of
investments and the old asset is utilised for the purchase of new asset.
7. Insurance Policy Method: Under this method, instead of investing the money
in securities an insurance policy for the required amount is taken. The amount of
the policy is such that it is adequate to replace the asset when it is worn out. Afixed
sum equal to the amount do depreciation is paid as premium every year.Company
receiving premium allows a small rate of interest on compound basis. Atthe
maturity of the policy, the insurance company pays the agreed amount withwhich
the new asset can be purchased. Accounting entries will be made as follows.
Example: If a mine is purchased for 50 and it is estimated that the total quantity of
mineral in the mine is 100tonnes, the rate of depreciation would be:
r = ₦ 50 = ₦ 0.5
Hence, the rate of depreciation is 5percent per tonne. This method is useful where
the output can be measured effectively, and the utility of the asset is directly
related to its production use. Thus, the method provides the benefit of correlating
the amount of depreciation with the productive use of asset.
In order to record depreciation, a provision for depreciation may or may not be
maintained. In case a ‘Provision for Depreciation Account’ is maintained, the
respective asset appears at its original cost since the depreciation is credited to
‘Provision for Depreciation Account’ instead of the ‘Respective Asset Account’. In
case a ‘Provision for Depreciation Account’ is not maintained, the respective asset
appears at a written down value since the depreciation is credited to the
‘Respective Asset Account’. The accounting entries under both these cases are
summarised as under:
Case When a provision for Depreciation When a provision for
Account is Maintained Depreciation Account is not
a. For providing Depreciation Dr. Depreciation A/c Dr.
Depreciation To provision for Depreciation To Asset A/c
b. For closure of Profit and Loss A/c Dr. Profit and Loss A/c Dr.
Depreciation To Depreciation A/c To Depreciation A/c
c. On disposal of (1) For transfer of original cost of 1.For recording sales proceed
an Asset asset disposed off Cash A/c/ Bank A/c Dr.
Asset Disposal A/c Dr. To Asset A/c
To Asset A/c 2.For transfer of profit/Loss
(ii) For transfer of accumulation on Asset disposed off
depreciation on asset disposed off 3.For transfer of profit and
Provision for depreciation A/c Dr. loss on asset disposed off
(iii) For recording sale proceeds (a) In case of profit
Cash A/c/ bank A/c Dr. Asset A/c Dr.
To Asset Disposal A/c To profit and loss A/c
(iv)For transfer of the balance in (b) In case of Loss reverse of
Asset Disposal Account the above entry will be passed
(a)In case of profit
Asset Disposal A/cDr.
To profit and Loss A/c
(b)In case of loss, reverse of the above
entry will be passed.
i. Book Value as on date of Sale = Original Cost–Total Depreciation till
date of sale
ii. Profit=Sale Proceeds – Book Value as on date of sale
iii. Loss=Book value as on date of sale – Sale Proceeds
iv. In case of exchange of an asset, sale proceeds imply the ‘Trade in
allowance’ (i.e. the amount at which the vendor agrees to acquire the old
v. In case of destruction/damage of an insured asset by fire or accident, sale
proceeds imply claim admitted by Insurance Company together with
salvage value (if any).
Required: Show the necessary leader accounts assuming that (a) Provision for
Depreciation Account is not maintained, (b) Provision for Depreciation Account is
(a) When Provision for Depreciation Account is not maintained
Dr. Machinery Account Cr.
Date Particulars Amount ₦ Date Particulars Amount ₦
01.01.06 To Bank A/c 12,000,000 31.12.06 By Depreciation 1,200,000
A/c 10,800,000
12,000,000 By Balance c/d 12,000,000
01.01.97 To Balance b/d 10,800,000 31.12.97 1,200,000
10,800,000 By Depreciation 9,600,000
A/c 10,800,000
01.01.98 To Balance b/d 9,600,000 01.07.98 By Balance c/d 450,000
01.07.98 By Bank A/c 150,000
By Profit & Loss 1,200,000
By Depreciation 9,380,000
11,180,000 31.12.98 A/c
By Balance c/d 11,180,000
Dr. Asset Disposal Account Cr.
Date Particulars Amount₦ Date Particulars Amount ₦
01.07.98 To Machinery A/c 800,000 01.07.98 By Provision for
Depreciation A/c 200,000
By Bank A/c 450,000
By Profit & Loss 150,000
800,000 (Loss on sale) 800,000
Working Notes:
(i) Calculation of Loss on Sale of Machinery
A. Original Cost as on 1.1.06 800,000
B. Less: Depreciation @ 10% p.a. on 80,000 80,000
C. Balance as on 1.1.97 (A–B) 720,000
D. Less: Depreciation @ 10% p.a. on 800,000 80,000
E. Balance as on 1.1.98 (C–D) 640,000
F. Less: Depreciation @ 10% p.a. on ₦ 800,000 for 6 months 40,000
G. Balance as on 1.7.98 (E–F) 600,000
H. Less: Sale proceeds 450,000
I. Loss on Sale (G–H) 150,000
4.0 Summary
In this session, we took a look at depreciation.Depreciation is a gradual reduction
in the economic value of an asset from any cause. The depreciation occurs because
of constant use, passage of time, depletion, obsolescence, accidents and permanent
fall in the market value. The need for providing depreciation arises to ascertain the
profit or losses, to show the assets at its reasonable value, for replacement of
assets, to reduce income tax, etc. The various methods of allocating depreciation
include: fixed instalment methods, machine hour rate method, diminishing balance
method, sum of years digits method, annuity method, depreciation fund method,
insurance policy method and depletion method. The straight line method is very
suitable particularly in case of those assets which get depreciated more on account
of expire of period i.e. lease hold properties, patents etc.
Diminishing balance method is suitable in those cases where the receipts are
expected to decline as the asset gets older and, it is believed that the allocation of
depreciation ought to be related to the pattern of assets expected receipts. In case
an asset is sold during the course of the year, the amount realisedshould be credited
to the Asset Account. The amount of depreciation for the period of which the asset
has been used should be written off in the usual manner. Any balance in the Asset
Account will represent profit or loss on disposal of the asset.
7.0 References
Adeniyi, A. A. (2008). Management Accounting, Fourth Edition. El-toda Ventures
Limited, Lagos128
Inanga, E. L. (200). Principles of Accounting, Revised Ed., Heinemann
Educational Books (Nig) PLC, Ibadan, Nigeria.
Igben, R.O. (2014) Financial Accounting Made Simple. Mushin: ROI Publishers
Mahesh Chand Garg. Financial Accounting: Meaning, Nature and Role of
Robert O. Igben (1999). Financial Accounting Made Simple, First Ed., ROI
Publishers, 7, Goloba Street, Isolo, Lagos
Bad Debts and Provisions for Bad Debts
Section and Subsection Headings
1.0 Learning Outcome.
2.0 Main Content.
2.1The Nature and Ledger Entries for Bad Debts.
2.2 The Nature and Ledger Entries for Provisions for Bad Debts.
2.3 Provision for Bad Debts and Doubtful Debts.
3.0 Tutor Marked Assignment.
4.0 Summary.
5.0 Self-assessment Questions.
6.0 Additional Activities (Videos, Animations &Out of Class activities)
7.0 References.
This is one aspect of accounting that no business like to deal with reasons why is
because of loss of its financial stand be a small or large scale of business.
In this session, we shall be discussing about bad debts and provision for bad debts.
Transactions on credit between the business and the customer give rise to debts.
Bad debts are debts which have become irrecoverable because of inability of the
debtor to pay, disappearance of the debtor and debt of the debtor. A debt is
doubtful when there is uncertainty about its being paid in full by the debtor. In
such cases, adjustment has to be made in the annual accounts. If no adjustment is
made for debts that have proved bad, the amount of debtors in the book would be
overstated. Similarly, the period’s profit would be overstated (or loss understated)
by the same amount. To avoid this, the amount due from the debtors is reduced by
crediting debtors and debiting bad debts account. The balance in the bad debt
account is subsequently transferred to the profit and loss account.
When a debt is regarded as irrecoverable the entries in the ledger are as follows:
Debit: Bad debts ledger account
Credit: Trade receivables ledger account (the individual credit customer's account
would also be amended in the sales ledger)
Occasionally, debts previously written off as bad are subsequently paid. When this
happens, the ledger entries are the reverse of the above, and the trade receivables
ledger account is credited with the money received in the normal way.
Debit: Trade receivables ledger account (the individual credit customer's account
would be amended in the sales ledger)
Credit: Bad debts ledger account
At the end of the accounting year, the balance on the bad debts account is
transferred to the statement of profit and loss.
2.2 The Nature and Ledger Entries for Provisions for Bad Debts
A provision is the setting-aside of income to meet a known or highly probable
future liability or loss, the amount and/or timing of which cannot be ascertained
exactly, and is thus an estimate. An example would be a provision for damages
payable resulting from a legal action where the verdict had gone against the
business but the amount of the damages had not been fixed by the court at the end
of the accounting year, If the damages had been fixed, these would be treated not
as a provision but as a liability, Another example of a provision is depreciation.
You should note that when accountants talk of setting aside income, what they
mean is that 'funds' are being retained in the business but not put into a separate
bank account. The funds are automatically retained in the business by designating
part of the income as a provision, since this reduces the profit that is available for
withdrawal by the owner(s) of the business.
The need for a provision for bad/doubtful debts essentially arises because goods
sold and recognized as sales revenue in one accounting year may not become
known to be a bad debt until the following accounting year. Thus, the profit of the
year in which the goods are sold would be overstated by the amount of the bad
debt. In order to adjust for this, a provision in respect of probable bad debts is
created in the year of sale (matching concept).
A provision for bad debts may consist of either a specific provision or a general
provision, or both. A specific provision involves ascertaining which particular
credit customers at the year-end are unlikely to pay their debts. A general provision
is an estimate of the total amount of bad debts computed using a percentage (based
on previous years' figures) of the trade receivables at the end of the current year.
Where both specific and general provisions are made, the two amounts are added
together and the total is entered in the general ledger.
The accounting entries in respect of a provision for bad debts are made after the
trial balance has been extracted when the statement of profit and loss is being
prepared. It is important to appreciate that any balance on a provision for bad debts
account shown in a trial balance must therefore relate to the balance at the end of
the previous year. A charge (or credit) is made to the statement of profit and loss in
each year that consists of an amount necessary to increase (or decrease) the
provision at the end of the previous year to the amount required at the end of the
current year.
An increase in a provision always consists of:
Debit: Profit and loss account (increase in provision for bad debts)
Credit: Provision for bad debts account
The balance on the provision for bad debts account at the end of the year is
deducted from trade receivables in the statement of financial position to give the
net amount that is expected to be received from credit customers - that is, their net
realizable value. The principle is similar to that applied in the case of a provision
for depreciation where the accumulated depreciation at the end of the year, as
shown by the balance on the provision for depreciation account, is deducted from
the cost of the non-current asset in the statement of financial position. All other
provisions such as for legal costs, damages or fines are shown in the statement of
financial position as a current liability or non-current liability, depending on
whether they are payable within one year or more from the date of the statement of
financial position. The treatment of bad debts and provisions for bad debts is
illustrated below
During the year up to 31st December, 20x12, a debit balance of ₦30 in the accounts
of B. Job, which has been standing since the beginning of the year, was found to be
irrecoverable. Credit sales of ₦450 were made to Chiamakasubsequently closed his
business and could pay 10k in the naira. The balance was irrecoverable. Make
adjustments in the relevant books of accounts.
Date Particulars Folio Debit Credit
20x12 ₦ ₦
Dec. 31 Bad Debts Gl 60 30
Dr. Gl30 30
Dec. 31 Bad Debts GL 405
Dr. 60 405
Chiamaka GL
Being bad debt written off on final 36
payment of 10k in naira
Dec. 31 Profit and Loss GL 435
Dr. 92 435
Bad Debts GL
Being bad debts for the year transferred to 60
profit and Loss Account
The calculation of the figure for Chiamaka’s bad debts needs explanation. Her debt
was originally ₦450. For every N she owed, she could pay only 10k after she
closed her business. Therefore, for a debt of ₦450, she only pay 1/10 x ₦450
which gives ₦45. The rest, ₦405, is bad debt.
Dr. Chiamaka Folio 36 Cr.
Date Particulars Folio Amount Date Particulars Folio Amount
20x12 ₦ 20x12 Bank GL10 ₦
Dec. 31 Sales GL 450 Dec. Bad Debts GL60 45
50 31 405
₦450 ₦450
Dr. Bad Debts Cr.
Date Particulars Folio Amount Date Particulars Folio Amount
20x12 ₦ 20x12 Profit and Loss ₦
Dec. 31 R. Job GL 30 Dec.31 Gl 92 435
Chiamaka 405
SL 36 435 435
Suppose B. Job unexpectedly pays the amount due in January, 20x12, then, for
record purposes, all the entries previously made would have to be reversed. The
procedure would be as follows:
Dr. B. Job Folio 30 Cr.
Date Particulars Folio Amount Date Particulars Folio Amount
20x12 ₦ 20x12 GL 60 ₦
Jan. 1 Balance b/d 300 Dec.31 Bad Debts 300
20x12 ₦ Jan. 1 ₦
Jan 1 Bad Debts Bank GL 10 300
recovered GL 70 300
300 300
Dr. Bad Debts Recovered Folio 70 Cr.
Date Particulars Folio Amount Date Particulars Folio Amount
20x12 Profit and ₦ 20x12 ₦
Dec. 31 Loss 30
Jan. 1 B. Job SL 30 30
30 30
The bad debts recovered is credited to the Profit and Loss Account and debited to
Bad Debts Recovered Accounts as illustrated.
of debtors tend not to pay, then a provision of that magnitude would be made by
debiting the Profit and Loss Account and crediting Provision for Bad and Doubtful
Debts account.
The balance in the Sales Ledger on 31st December, 20x12, total ₦9,600 and it is
decided to make a provision for Bad and Doubtful Debts equal to 5% of the
debtors. Show necessary adjusting entries.
Date Particulars Folio Dr. Cr.
20x12 ₦ ₦
Dec. 31 Profit and Loss GL48 480
Provision for Bad and Doubtful debt GL 22 480
Being provision for bad and Doubtful Debts
of 5% of the debtors outstanding at 31st
December, 20x12, of N9,600
Dr. Provision for Bad and Doubtful Debts
Folio 22 Cr.
Date Particulars Folio Amount Date Particulars Folio Amount
20x12 20x12 N
Dec. 31 Balance c/d 480 Dec.31 Profit and
Loss GL 48 480
480 480
Jan.1 b/d 480
Dr. Profit and Loss Account Folio 48 Cr.
Date Particulars Folio Amount Date Particulars Folio Amount
20x12 ₦ 20x12 ₦
Dec. 31 Provision
for bad
doubtful GL 22 480
Assets Amount
Current Assets
Sundry debtors 9,600
Less: Provision for bad and doubtful debts 480
4.0 Summary
In this session, we treated the definition of bad debts, the nature of bad debts and
ledger entries for bad debts. We also treated the nature and ledger entries for the
provision for bad debts
Financial Ratios
Section and Subsection Headings
1.0 Learning Outcomes.
2.0 Main Content.
2.1 Definition of Financial Ratios.
2.2 Interpretation of Ratios.
2.3 Managerial Uses of Ratio Analysis.
2.4 Draw Backs of Ratio Analysis.
2.5 Classification of Ratios.
3.0 Tutor Marked Assignment.
5.0Self-assessment Questions.
6.0Additional Activities.
7.0 References.
In this session, you will be introduced to the various financial ratios that are used
to analyse the financial statement. Ratio is the relationship between two or more
financial or statistical data in a financial statement. A ratio is a simple arithmetical
expression of the relationship of one number to another. According to Accountant's
Handbook by Wixon, Kellandbedbord, "a ratio" is an expression of the quantitative
relationship between two numbers". In simple language ratio is one number
expressed in terms of the other and can be worked out by dividing one number into
the other. Ratio is a quantitative factor which expresses the relationship between
two or more values. Financial ratio is a proportion or fraction or percentage which
expresses the relationship between items contained in different financial
statements. It is mostly used to determine or rather evaluate performance.
For example, company A can utilize financial ratio to analyse financial statements
prepared in say 2007. The company could in like manner analyse the body of
records prepared in 2007 and 2008 for comparison purposes (which is intra
company analysis). A situation which company A compares her records using
financial ratios with the records of another company, it is said to have done
intercompany analysis. For instance, this relationship can be expressed as (i)
percentages, say, net profits are 20 per cent of sales (assuming net profits of
₦20,000 and sales of ₦1,00,000), (ii) fraction (net profit is one-fourth of sales) and
(iii) proportion of numbers (the relationship between net profits and sales is1:4).
Various categories of financial ratios are in use and will be considered for this
study. An analysis of financial statements is the process of critically examining in
detail accounting information given in the financial statements. For the purpose of
analysis, individual items are studied, their interrelationships with other related
2.0 Main Content
2.1 Definition of Financial Ratios
Financial ratios are also simply referred to as accounting ratios. It is a powerful
tool in that it reveals to the company a picture capable of company’s resuscitation
and sustainability. The rational of ratio analysis lies in the fact that it makes related
information comparable. A single figure by itself has no meaning but when
expressed in terms of a related figure, it yields significant inferences. Ratio
analysis helps in financial forecasting, making comparisons, evaluating solvency
position of a firm, etc. For instance, the fact that the net profits of a firm amount to,
say, N20 throws no light on its adequacy or otherwise. The figure of net profit has
to be considered in relation to other variables. How does it stand in relation to
sales? What does it represent by way of return on total assets used or total capital
employed? In case net profits are shown in terms of their relationship with items
such as sales, assets, capital employed, equity capital and so on, meaningful
conclusions can be drawn regarding their adequacy.
(ii) Calculation of appropriate ratios from the above data.
(iii) Comparison of the calculated ratios with the ratios of the same
firm in the past, or the ratios developed from projected financial
statements or the ratios of some other firms or the comparison
with ratios of industry to which the firm belongs.
(iv) Interpretation of the ratio.
3. Historical Comparisons: One of the easiest and most popular ways of
evaluating the performance of the firm is to compare its present ratios with the past
ratios called comparison over time.
4. Projected Ratios: Ratios can also be calculated for future standard based upon
the projected financial statements. Ratio calculation on actual financial statements
can be used for comparison with the standard ratios to find out variance, if any.
Such variance helps in interpreting and taking corrective action for improvement in
5. Inter-firm Comparison: Ratios of one firm can also be compared with the
ratios of some other selected firms in the same industry at the same point of time.
2. Helps in Comparison: With the help of ratio analysis, ideal ratios can be
composed and they can be used for comparing a firm's progress and performance.
Inter-firm comparison or comparison with industry averages is made possible by
the ratio analysis.
3. Financial Solvency of the Firm: Ratio analysis indicates the trends in financial
solvency of the firm. Solvency has two dimensions-long-term solvency and short-
term solvency. Long-term solvency refers to the financial viability of a firm and it
is closely related with the existing financial structure. On the other hand, short-
term solvency is the liquidity position of the firm. With the help of ratio analysis
conclusions can be drawn regarding the firm's liquidity and long-term solvency
6. Others Uses: Financial ratios are very helpful in the diagnosis of financial health
of a firm. They highlight the liquidity, solvency, profitability and capital gearing
etc. of the firm.
used for this purpose. If actual performance is within this range, it may be
regarded as satisfactory.
2.5 Classification of Ratios
Ratios can be classified into five broad groups: (i) Liquidity ratios (ii) Activity
(iii) Leverage/Capital structure ratios (iv) Coverage ratios (v) Profitability ratios.
Liquidity Ratios: Liquidity refers to the ability of a firm to meet its current
obligations as and when they become due. The importance of adequate liquidity
in the sense of the ability of a firm to meet current/short-term obligations when
they become due for payment can hardly be overstressed. In fact, liquidity is a
prerequisite for the very survival of a firm. The ratios which indicate the liquidity
of a firm are (i) net working capital, (ii) current ratio, (iii) acid test/quick ratio, (iv)
super quick ratio, (v) basic defensive interval.
Illustration:The following data has been given in respect of two general insurance
firms. Calculate their NWC and comment upon the liquidity position.
Company X Company Y
Total Current Assets₦2,80,000₦1,30,000
Total Current Liabilities ₦2,20,000₦1,10,000
Company X: ₦280,000–₦220,000 = ₦60,000.
Company Y: ₦130,000–₦110,000 = ₦20,000.
ii. CurrentRatio: Current ratio is the most common ratio for measuring liquidity.
Being related to working capital analysis, it is also called the working capital ratio.
The current ratio is the ratio of total current assets to total current liabilities.This
ratio compares total current assets with total current liabilities. In other words, it
measures the ability of a company to meet its current liabilities as they fall due, out
of its current assets. It is calculated using:
current assets of current liabilities) is considered satisfactory as a rule of thumb.
Thus, a good current ratio, in a way, provides a margin of safety to the creditors.
iii. Acid-Test/Quick Ratio :One defect of the current ratio is that it fails to convey
any information on the composition of the current assets of a firm. A rupee of cash
is considered equivalent to a rupee of inventory or receivables. But it is not so. A
rupee of cash is more readily available to meet current obligations than a rupee of,
say, inventory. This impairs the usefulness of the current ratio. The acid test ratio is
a measure of liquidity designed to overcome this defect of the current ratio. It is
often referred to as quick ratio because it is a measurement of a firm's ability to
convert its current assets quickly into cash in order to meet its current liabilities.
This ratio shows the extent to which cash and assets most readily convertible to
cash can meet the demand of short term creditors. It is also referred to as acid test
ratio. Thus, it is a measure of quick or acid liquidity.
should be calculated. It is calculated by dividing the super-quick current assets by
the current liabilities of a firm. The super-quick current assets are cash and
marketable securities. It can be calculated as below:
Profitability ratios: Profitability is the ability to sell goods and services above
cost and earn reasonable returns on capital. Therefore, profitability ratios are those
concerned with efficiency and performance in terms of return.
i. Net Profit Margin: This is the ratio of net profit before tax to sales. It
measures the rate at which income accrues from sales. This ratio offers a ready
means of comparing the operating efficiency of two or more firms or the same firm
for two different periods. In other words, it is calculated thus:
Net profit before tax × 100
Sales 1
ii. Return on assets managed: This ratio is defined as the relationship between
net profit before tax and total assets. They also opined that, it attempts to measure
the rate of efficiency in the use of the firm’s total assets. It is worthy of note that
net profit for this purpose should strictly include interests. This is mathematically
obtained as:
Trading profit + loan interest + debentures interest x 100
Fixed assets + current assets
iii.Return on capital employed: This ratio relates earnings to long term funds
only. They affirm that the ratio measures efficiency in the use of long term funds
after stating capital employed as equity funds plus all long and medium term loans.
ROCE shows the efficiency of management in utilization of the resources placed at
its disposal. It is also called primary ratio being the most important measure of
profitability and efficiency. It is calculated as:
Profit X 100
Capital employed 1
iv. Return on equity: This ratio shows the relationship between earnings and
net equity, that is the total funds due to the ordinary shareholders which usually
comprise nominal capital plus all retention and reserves. Earnings here is, not
profit after interest and taxes. It is calculated thus:
Earnings (or profit after taxation) ×100
Net equity (or shareholder’s fund) 1
Five Years Financial Summary
Year Ended 31st May 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992
₦ ₦ ₦ ₦ ₦
Funds Employed
Ordinary Share Capital 14,797 14,797 14,797 18,497 23,121
Capital reserve 16,518 32,166 32,472 30,902 31,252
Revenue reserve 13226 17589 21609 24674 23968
Shareholders Fund 44541 64502 68878 74073 78341
Deferred Taxation 5,427 11,154 10,810 13,004 15,479
Deferred Income - - 5,979 6,066 4,666
9.75% Debentures Stock - - - 20,000 20,000
Unsecured Loans 9,342 10,158 9,080 7,000 11,000
59,310 85,814 94,747 120,143129,486
Employment of Funds
Fixed Assets 34,977 70575 73,309 87,274106,657
Net Current Assets 24,333 15,239 21,538 32,869 22,829
Turnover and Profit
Turnover 229,796 291,572 319,731 367,966380,033
Profit before Taxation 12,283 7,272 14,090 16,474 15,508
Profit after Taxation 5,733 4,353 6,979 8,816 7,617
Dividends 1,835 2,072 2,959 3,699 3,699
Additional information:
Some of the assets and liabilities of the company are indicated thus:
1982 1981
₦ ₦
Fixed Assets 106,657 87,274
Current Assets 160,231 138,126
Current liabilities 137,402 105,257
Stock 142,934
The interest on unsecured loans is 8.02%
Required: Calculate liquidity and profitability ratios of ITF limited for 1982.
For liquidity ratios:
i. Current ratio = Current assets
Current liabilities
= ₦137,402 =1.7 : 1
=₦160,231- N142,934
₦137,402= 0.13 : 1
ii. Return on assets margin = trading profit + loan interest + debenture interest
fixed assets + current assets
iii. Return on capital employed =
trading profit + loan interest + debentures interest
long term funds
= ₦18,340,000
₦129,486,000 =14.16%
In Text Question 3:Ratios can be classified into five broad groups, what are
In Text Answer 3: (i) Liquidity ratios (ii) Activity ratios
4.0 Summary
In this session, the various financial ratios such as Liquidity and Profitability ratios
were examined. The definition of financial ratios, interpretations managerial uses,
drawbacks and classification of ratios were given with illustration.
5.0 Self-Assessment Question
1. State the meaning of expression "Return on Capital Employed" and point out the
advantages the business would derive from its use.
2. Discuss the importance of ratio analysis for inter-firm and intra-firm comparison
including circumstances responsible for its limitations, if any.
7.0 References
Aguolu, O. (2010). Financial Accounting.A Practical Approach. Institute for
Development Studies, Enugu, Nigeria
ICAN Study Pack (2006).Fundamentals of Financial Accounting.VIPublishing
Limited, Lagos, Nigeria
Inanga, E. L. (200). Principles of Accounting, Revised Ed., Heinemann
Educational Books (Nig) PLC, Ibadan, Nigeria.
Mahesh Chand Garg. Financial Accounting: Meaning, Nature and Role of
Cash/Fund Flow Statement
Section and Subsection Headings
1.0 Learning Outcome.
2.0 Main Content
2.1 Meaning of Funds.
2.2 Cash flow Statement.
2.3 Classification of cash flows.
2.4 Rule of Cash Flow.
2.5 Working Capital.
2.6 The Significance of Cash.
2.7. The objectives of a cash flow statement.
3.0 Tutor Marked Assignment.
4.0 Summary.
5.0 Self-assessment Questions.
6.0 Additional Activities (Videos, Animations &out of Class activities).
7.0 References.
Welcome to session 4, we will be looking at cash/fund flow in this session of
study, and it’s important in accounting.
The Funds Flow Statement is a statement which shows the movement of funds and
is a report of the financial operations of the business undertaking. It indicates
various means by which funds were obtained during particular period and the ways
inwhich these funds were employed. In simple words, it is a statement of sources
and applications of funds.
1.0 Learning Outcomes
At the end of this session, you should be able to:
1. State the meaning of funds.
2. Discuss on cash flow statement.
3. Discuss on the classification of cash flows.
4. State the rules of cash flow.
5. Discuss on Working Capital.
6. List the objectives of a cash flow statement.
7. Describe the working of cash flows statement.
8. Classification of cash flows.
(c) In a popular sense, the term 'funds' means working capital, i.e., the excess of
current assets over current liabilities. The working capital concept of funds has
emerged due to the fact that total resources of a business are invested partly in
fixed assets in the form of fixed capital and partly kept in form of liquid or near
liquid form as working capital.
The concept of funds as working capital is the most popular one and in this lesson
we shall refer to 'funds' as working capital.
The term 'flow' on the other hand means movement and includes both 'inflow' and
'outflow' whereas, the term 'flow of funds' means transfer of economic values from
one asset or equity to another.
Cash includes cash in hand and deposits repayable on demand with any bank or
other financial institutions. It also includes deposits in foreign currency.
i. Cash Equivalents: These are short term highly liquid investments which are
readily convertible into known amounts of cash without notice and which were
within three months of maturity when acquired less advances from banks repayable
within three months from the date of the advance. They also include investment
and advances in foreign currencies provided that they are highly liquid and are
readily convertible to known amounts of cash without notice and are within three
months of maturity.
ii. Cash flow: This is an increase or decrease in the amount of cash or cash
equivalents resulting from a transaction.
2.2 CashFlow Statement
A cash flow statement provides information on the sources of cash flows into the
company and the utilization of the cash by the company. One big advantage which
a cash flow statement has is that it enables users of financial statement to assess the
company’s liquidity and short term viability.
Flow of funds is said to have taken place when any transaction makes changesin
the amount of funds available before happening of the transaction. If the effect
oftransaction results in the increase of funds, it is called a source of funds and if
itresults in the decrease of funds, it is known as an application of funds. Further, in
casethe transaction does not change funds, it is said to have not resulted in the flow
of funds according to the working capital concept of funds, the term 'flow of
funds'refers to the movement of funds in the working capital. If any transaction
results in theincrease in working capital, it is said to be a source or inflow of funds
and if it resultsin the decrease of working capital, it is said to be an application or
outflow of funds. The Funds Flow Statement is a financial statement which reveals
the methods by which the business has been financed and how it has used its funds
between the opening and closing Balance Sheet dates. According to Anthony, "The
Funds Flow Statement describes the sources from which additional funds were
derived and the uses to which these funds were put". The analysis of such
statements over periods of time clearly shows the sources from which past
activities have been financed and brings to highlight the uses to which such funds
have been put. The statement is known by various titles, such as, Statement of
Sources and Applications of Funds, Statement of Changes in Working Capital,
Where Got and Gone Statement and Statement of Resources Provided and
In Text Question 2: What sort of information does a cash flow statement provides?
In Text Answer 2: A cash flow statement provides information on the sources of cash
flows into the company and the utilization of the cash by the company.
2.3 Classification of Cash Flows
A statement of cash flow, present cash flows according to the activities, which give
rise to them. The classification is as stated below:
Operating activities: These include normal trading activities of an enterprise e.g.
production and delivery of goods and services and other supporting activities
included in determining operating profit.
Investing activities: These relates to acquisition and disposal of fixed assets,
statement of properties and other productive assets held for use in producing the
usual goods and services other than stock held for processing or resale.
Financial activities: These include resources obtained from lenders and awareness
of enterprises and reporting the amount obtained either as they become due or
when there is surplus for the needs of the enterprise. They also include the payment
of returns to providers of such financing in form of interest and dividends as well
as expenses directly related to obtaining the finance.
a) Transactions which involves only the current accounts and hence do not result in
the flow of funds:
1. Cash collected from debtors.
2. Bills receivables realised.
3. Cash paid to creditors.
4. Payment or discharge of bills payable.
5. Issued bills payable to trade creditors.
6. Received acceptances from customers.
7. Raising of short-term loans.
8. Sale of purchased for cash or credit.
9. Goods purchased for cash or credit.
b) Transactions which involve only non-current accounts and hence do not result in
the flow of funds:
1. Purchase of one new machine in exchange of two old machines.
2. Purchase of building or furniture in exchange of land.
3. Conversion of debentures into shares.
4. Redemption of preference shares in exchange of debentures.
5. Transfers to General Reserves, etc.
6. Payment of bonus in the form of shares.
7. Purchase of fixed assets in exchange of shares, debentures, bonds or long-term
8. Writing off of fictitious assets.
9. Writing off an accumulated losses or discount on issue of shares.
c) Transactions which involve both current and non-current accounts and hence
result in the flow of funds:
1. Issue of shares for cash.
2. Issue of debentures for cash.
3. Raising of long-term loans.
4. Sale of fixed assets on cash or credit.
5. Sale of trade investments.
6. Redemption of Preference shares.
7. Redemption of debentures.
8. Purchase of fixed assets on cash or credit.
9. Purchase of long-term/trade investments.
10. Payment of bonus in cash.
11. Repayment of long-term loans.
12. Issue of shares against purchase of stock-in-trade.
2.5Working Capital
Capital should be considered as the life line of any business be it small or large
scale. In the interpretation of balance sheets, working capital ratio is one of the
most important ratios. It ascertains or measures the wellbeing of a business
enterprise. This is so because the profit making ability and hence the long term
survival of a business concern, to a large extent, is tied to the availability of the
working capital. Working capital is a term used to represent the excess of current
assets over current liabilities. In most business organizations, working capital is
represented by:
Current Assets:
Debtors Total
Less Current liabilities:
Bank overdraft Total
Short-term loans
Working capital (Net Current Asset) becomes significant because of its ability to
be converted to cash. This is so because its only when working capital is converted
to cash can profit be earned. A business carries stock to be able to sustain its
business activities with the hope that such stocks will eventually be converted to
cash. Debtors arise in a business as a result of credit sales with the hope that cash
will be received in due course. Conversely, creditors arise from purchases which
carry a liability of payment on a future date. When credit is allowed to a customer
(debtors), it leads to an increase in the working capital requirement, but when
credit is received (creditors) it reduces the requirement for working capital.
With only few exceptions, businesses acquire assets and rights to goods and
services for sale to customers at a profit. Most accounting measurements are based
on past, present and expected flows of cash. Revenue is generally measured in
terms of net cash expected to be received from the sale of goods or services.
Expenses are generally measured in terms of cash paid or payable for goods and
Accruals represent the allocation to the current period of future or expected
receipts and payments for services. Deferrals represent the allocation to a future
period of current receipts or payments. The theoretical measurement of assets,
liabilities, income and expenses are based heavily on actual and expected cash
flows. The present value of an asset is usually defined as the discounted value of
expected net receipts to be derived from the asset. Liabilities can be measured in
terms of the total discounted amounts to be paid in the future.
accounting choices and judgments under accruals basis and accounting policies
used in determining the profit or loss of an entity, and
v. To enable users develop models to assess and compare the present value of
future cash flows of different entities.
Vi. To help understand the changes in assets and asset sources which are not
readily evident in the Income Statement or the financial position statement.
vii. To inform as at how the loans to the business have been used, and
viii. To point out the financial strengths and weaknesses of the business.
Related to the above objectives are the following advantages of using cash flow
accounting over the former funds flow accounting method.
The changes in the amount of any current asset or current liability in the current
Balance Sheet as compared to that of the previous Balance Sheet either results in
increase or decrease in working capital. The difference is recorded for each
individual current asset and current liability. In case a current asset in the current
period is more than in the previous period, the effect is an increase in working
capital and it is recorded in the increase column. But if a current liability in the
current period is more than in the previous period, the effect is decrease in working
capital and it is recorded in the decrease column or vice versa. The total increase
and the total decrease are compared and the difference shows the net increase or
net decrease in working capital. It is worth noting that schedule of changes in
working capital is prepared only from current assets and current liabilities and the
other information is not of any use for preparing this statement. A typical form of
statement or schedule of changes in working capital is as follows:
Cash Flow Statement forthe Year Ended 31st December 2012
₦ ₦
Operating Activities
Operating Profit
Adjustment for items not involving
Movement of Cash:
Depreciation x
Amortization x
Profit And Loss on Sale of Fixed Assets x
Profit and Loss on Sale of Investment x
Deferred Income Recognized x
Cash Inflow before working capital charges x
Increase/decrease in stock x
Increase/decrease in debtors x
Increase/decrease in creditors x
Increase in Accruals x x
Tax paid (x)
Cash Inflow from Operation Activities
Investing Activities
Purchase of fixed assets x
Purchase of investment x
Sale of fixed assets x
Sale of fixed asset investment x
Dividend received x
Interest received x
Net cash inflow from investing activities
Financial Activities
Issue of shares x
Redemption of shares (x)
Issue of debentures x
Redemption of debentures (x)
Dividend paid (x)
Interest paid (x) x
Net cash inflow from investing activities
Increase/decrease in cash and cash enquires x
Cash and cash equivalent of the beginning x
Cash and cash equivalent of the end x
From the following information in the books of Joy Ltd, prepare a Cash Flow
Statement for the Year Ended 31st December 2009.
Balance Sheet As At 31st December
2008 2009
₦ ₦ ₦ ₦
Fixed Asset at cost 8,300 5600
Less Depreciation 3,150 2300
5,150 3,300
Current Assets:
Stock 5,516 7,204
3,994 3,120
180 3,814 210 2,910
90 60
Cash 9,420 10,174
Current Liabilities due within One Year:
Creditors 1,416 1,520
Taxation 735 580
Proposed Dividend 1,200 800
Bank Overdraft 629 3,980 105 3,005
5,400 7,169
Working Capital
Less: Creditors Failing
Due after one year 500 3,000
Loan Capital 10,090 7,469
Financed By:
Capital Reserves: ₦ ₦
Share Capital 5,000 4,000
Share Premium 1,000 -
Share Premium
Profit and Loss Account 4,090 3,469
10,090 7,469
Profit for the year
Less Taxation for the coming year - 2,556
735 1,821
Undistributed Profit b/f 3,469 5,290
Less: Proposed Dividends 1,200 4,090
Cash Flow Statement for the Year Ended 31st December, 2009
₦ ₦
Cash Flow from Operation Activities
Profit before taxation 2,556
Adjustment for items not involving cash
Depreciation of fixed assets 1,590
Profit on sales of fixed asset (85) 1,505
Working Capital Charges:
Decrease in stock 1,688
Increase in debtors (904)
Decrease in creditors and accruals (104) 680 4,741
Tax paid (580)
Cash inflow from Operation Activities 4,161
Cash Inflow from Investing Activities:
Purchase of fixed asset (3,820)
Proceeds from Sale of Fixed Asset 463
Net Cash Inflows from Investing Activities (3,355)
Cash Flows from Financing Activities:
Net proceeds of Capital Floatation 2,000
Debentures Redemption (2500)
Dividend paid (800)
Net Cash Inflow from Financing Activities (1,300)
Net Decrease in Cash and Cash Equivalent (494)
Cash and Cash Equivalent at 1st January (45)
Cash and Cash Equivalent at 31/12/2009 (539)
For any business, it is important to ensure that sufficient profits are made to
finance the business activities and sufficient cash funds are available as and when
Uses of Funds Flow Statement
The various uses of Funds Flow Statement are summarised:
(a) As a tool of historical analysis, it provides an answer to some of the important
financial questions such as:
i. How was it possible to distribute dividend in excess of current earnings
or in the presence of a net loss for the period? (i.e. the firm might have
raised funds from other sources also in addition to funds from
ii. Why has the net working capital decreased although the net income for
the period has gone up? (i.e. the firm might have applied the funds more
than the sources of funds).
iii. Why has the net working capital increased even though there has been a
net loss for the period? (i.e., the firm might have raised the funds more
than the application of funds).
iv. What happened to the proceeds of the sale of plant and equipment? (e.g.,
the firm might have purchased some fixed assets or it might have
redeemed the redeemable debentures or preference shares)
v. Why did the firm resort to long-term borrowings in spite of large profits?
(b) As a tool of planning, the Projected Fund Flow Statement enables the
management to plan its future investments, operating and financial activities such
as the repayment of long-term loans and interest thereon, modernisation or
expansion of plant, payment of cash dividend etc.
(c) Along with a Schedule of Changes in Working Capital, the Funds Flow
Statement helps in managing and utilizing the working capital. The management
(You) can knowthe adequacy or otherwise of the working capital and can plan for
the effective use of surplus working capital or can make arrangement in case of
inadequacy of working capital. Besides this, the management can identify the
magnitude and directions of changes in various components of working capital and
if there is any undesired situation such as heavy inventory accumulations, heavy
funds locked up in receivables than normally required, the necessary action may be
taken so as to achieve the desired level thereof.
4.0 Summary
In this session, we have taken a look at the cash flow statement. The classification
of cash flow was made, the rules of cash flow were given, working capital was
defined, and the objective of cash flow statement was given as well as an
illustration and limitations given. A funds flow statement is an essential tool for the
financial analysis and is of primary importance to the financial management. Now-
a-days, it is being widely used by the financial analysts, credit granting institutions
and financial managers. The basic purpose of a funds flow statement is to reveal
the changes in the working capital on the two balance sheet dates. It also describes
the sources from which additional working capital has been financed and the uses
to which working capital has been applied. Such a statement is particularly useful
in assessing the growth of the firm, its resulting financial needs and in determining
the best way of financing these needs. By making use of projected funds flow
statements, the management can come to know the adequacy or inadequacy of
working capital even in advance. One can plan the intermediate and long-term
financing of the firm, repayment of long-term debts, expansion of the business and
allocation of resources.
7.0 References
Anao A.R. (2002). Introduction to Financial Accounting. Longman Nigeria
Limited, Ikeja, Lagos
Aguolu, O. (2010). Financial Accounting.A Practical Approach. Institute for
Development Studies, Enugu, Nigeria
ICAN Study Pack (2006).Fundamentals of Financial Accounting. VIPublishing
Limited, Lagos, Nigeria
Inanga, E. L. (200). Principles of Accounting, Revised Ed., Heinemann
Educational Books (Nig) PLC, Ibadan, Nigeria.
Mahesh Chand Garg. Financial Accounting: Meaning, Nature and Role of
Robert O. Igben (1999). Financial Accounting Made Simple, First Ed., ROI
Publishers, 7, Goloba Street, Isolo, Lagos