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June July

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LESSON PLAN (June- July 2023)





SUBJECT: Science

TOPICS: Ch 4 Matter and materials, Ch-5 Soil erosion and conservation, Ch-6 Rocks and Minerals


Ch- 4 Matter and Materials

To make the students understand-

how to define matter and differentiate between solids, liquids, and gases.
 to identify the properties of different materials.
 to classify materials based on their properties.
 to explain how the properties of materials determine their uses.

Ch-2 Nutrients and Deficiency Diseases

Define nutrients and their importance for the body.

 Identify different types of nutrients and their sources in food.
 Understand the concept of deficiency diseases and their symptoms.
 Learn about the importance of a balanced diet in preventing deficiency diseases.
 Encourage healthy eating habits and awareness of personal nutrition.

Ch-6 Rocks and Minerals

To introduce students to the concepts of rocks and minerals and their distinguishing characteristics.


Week 1 * Text book write a short

Ch- 4 Matter and Materials  pictures, paragraph
1. Chapter will begin by asking diagrams, short explaining the
students what they think videos to difference
"matter" is. They will be illustrate the
encouraged to share their ideas different states between matter
and experiences of matter and and materials and
2. Demonstration: A simple their properties. give an example of
experiment will be performed to  how material
demonstrate the different states properties
of matter (e.g., heating water to
influence their
show how it changes from solid
to liquid to gas. choice in a
: 3. matter will be defined and explained specific situation.
the three basic states of matter (solid,  Examples of
liquid, gas) using clear and concise different materials
Discussion: Engage students in a
discussion about the properties of each
state of matter (e.g., shape, volume, create a poster or
compressibility). presentation

4. Classification: Introduction of
different materials,
the concept of materials will be
given and how they can be their properties,
classified based on their and their uses in
properties (e.g., hardness, everyday life.
Week 2 transparency, conductivity).
Provide examples of different
materials and their
5. Activity

o Sorting Game: students will be divided

into groups and will be provided with a
collection of different materials (e.g.,
wood, plastic, metal, fabric). Each group  Samples of
should sort the materials based on specific different materials
criteria (e.g., state of matter, texture,
6. Presentation: Each group will be
asked to present their sorting
criteria and explain their
reasoning behind the
classification of materials
Do the given
question answers in
7. Book exercise will be discussed.
the notebook.
8. Discussion of question and answers both
orally and written.

Ch- 5 Soil Erosion and Conservation

To make the students understand
create a poster or
about soil
1 soil erosion and explain its causes and conservation as a
effects. home assessment.
 identify different methods of soil
 the importance of soil
conservation and its impact on the Pictures or videos of
soil erosion
Week4 environment.
 Charts or
Show pictures or videos of soil diagrams illustrating
erosion. Students will be asked what different types of
they see and what they think might be erosion
happening.  Construction
paper, scissors, glue, Question answers will
Students will be asked What do plants
be done in the
need to grow? Where does our food come markers (for activity) notebook.
from?  Soil samples
1. Introduction of the concept of
soil erosion will be explained.

Week 5 3. Activity : students will be divided
into groups and distributed
construction paper, scissors, glue, and
markers. each group will be asked to
create a model of a landscape, including
hills, slopes, and vegetation.
1. Simulate different types of
 Wind erosion: Students gently
blow on their landscapes, observing how
loose soil particles are carried away.
 Water erosion: Students sprinkle
water on their landscapes tilted at an
angle, observing how water washes away
Week 6 soil and creates gullies.

Different methods of soil conservation
will be explained.

Question answers
3. Discussion of question and answers will be done in the
both orally and written. notebook.

Ch- 6 Rocks and Minerals

1. Introduction (10 minutes):
 Chapter will begin with a
brainstorming session. students will be find examples of
Samples of various rocks rocks and
asked what they know about rocks and
minerals. minerals used in
pictures of various rocks and minerals will everyday objects
at home (e.g.,
be shown and discussed their everyday
uses countertops,
diamond jewelry,
2. students will be divided into small limestone statues).
groups and will be provided with a
collection of rock and mineral samples.
 Each group will observe the
samples using magnifying glasses and
other tools (optional).
 They will be given a worksheet
with guiding questions, prompting
students to:
 Identify whether each sample is a
rock or a mineral.
 Classify the rocks based on their
formation (igneous, sedimentary,
 Describe the observed properties
of the minerals (luster, color, streak,
hardness, cleavage).
 Different types of rocks will be
 Fossil fuels and their conservation
will be discussed.
5. Book exercises will be discussed.
6. 3. Discussion of question and answers
both orally and written.

Ch-4 Matter and Materials

Students will be able to define matter and differentiate between solids, liquids, and gases.
 Students will be able to identify the properties of different materials.
 Students will be able to classify materials based on their properties.
 Students will be able to explain how the properties of materials determine their uses.

Ch-5 Soil erosion and conservation

Students will define soil erosion and explain its causes and effects.
 Students will identify different methods of soil conservation.
 Students will understand the importance of soil conservation and its impact on the

Ch-6 Rocks and Minerals

Students will be able to differentiate between rocks and minerals.

 Students will be able to classify rocks based on their formation
(igneous, sedimentary, metamorphic).
 Students will be able to identify common properties of minerals.


Ch-4 Matter and Materials

Students will be able to define matter and differentiate between solids, liquids, and gases.

 Students will be able to identify the properties of different materials.

 Students will be able to classify materials based on their properties.
 Students will be able to explain how the properties of materials determine their uses.

Ch-5 Soil Erosion and Conservation

Students will apply their knowledge to prevent soil from erosion

Ch-6 Rocks and Minerals

Students will apply their knowledge in conserving mineral resources.


* Worksheets

* Class test

* Classroom discussion


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