Download Complete Quantum Field Theory A Diagrammatic Approach 1st Edition Ronald Kleiss PDF for All Chapters
Download Complete Quantum Field Theory A Diagrammatic Approach 1st Edition Ronald Kleiss PDF for All Chapters
Download Complete Quantum Field Theory A Diagrammatic Approach 1st Edition Ronald Kleiss PDF for All Chapters
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Quantum Field Theory
Quantum Field Theory (QFT), the language of particle physics, is crucial to a physicist’s
graduate education. Based on lecture notes for courses taught for many years at Radboud
University in the Netherlands, this book presents an alternative approach to teaching QFT
using Feynman diagrams. A diagrammatic approach to understanding QFT exposes young
physicists to an orthogonal introduction to the theory, bringing new ways to understand
challenges in the field. Diagrammatic techniques using Feynman diagrams are used didac-
tically, starting from simple discussions in lower dimensions to more complex topics in
the Standard Model. Worked-out examples and exercises help the reader develop a deep
understanding and intuition that enhance their problem-solving skills and understanding of
QFT. Classroom tested, this accessible textbook is valuable for physics graduates and for
Ronald Kleiss has been a CERN staff member and is a full professor at Radboud University
in the Netherlands. Working in particle physics for more than 40 years, he was one of the
first theorists to develop Monte Carlo event generators for high-energy experiments.
Quantum Field Theory
A Diagrammatic Approach
Ronald Kleiss
Radboud University
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Information on this title:
DOI: 10.1017/9781108665209
© Cambridge University Press 2021
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no reproduction of any part may take place without the written
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First published 2021
Printed in the United Kingdom by TJ Books Limited, Padstow Cornwall
A catalogue record for this publication is available from the British Library.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Names: Kleiss, Ronald, author.
Title: Quantum field theory : a diagrammatic approach / Ronald Kleiss.
Description: New York : Cambridge University Press, 2021. | Includes
bibliographical references and index.
Identifiers: LCCN 2020056956 (print) | LCCN 2020056957 (ebook) | ISBN
9781108486217 (hardback) | ISBN 9781108665209 (ebook)
Subjects: LCSH: Quantum field theory.
Classification: LCC QC174.45 .K58 2021 (print) | LCC QC174.45 (ebook) |
DDC 530.14/3–dc23
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ISBN 978-1-108-48621-7 Hardback
Cambridge University Press has no responsibility for the persistence or accuracy of
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The Ancients were wont to draw Diagrams & thus divine Predictions for future Happen-
ings, by Arts magickal or conjectural. . . . In like Wise will the Savants of Times Future
learn to employ Diagrams, yet not by Arts magickal, but rather by the Arithmetick & Arts
algebraickal & by Geometrie and the Quadrature will they seek to foretell the Events of
3 On Renormalization 36
3.1 Doing Physics: Mentality Against Reality 36
3.2 A Handle on Loop Divergences 39
3.3 Scale Dependence 42
3.4 The Method of Counterterms 48
3.5 Asymptotics of Renormalization 49
3.6 Exercises 53
Appendices 439
A Perturbative (Non)convergence Issues 439
B More on Symmetry Factors 442
C Derivation of the Diagrammatic Sum Rules 445
D Scale Dependence for Theories with More Parameters 447
E An Album of Diagrams 449
F Alternative Solutions to the SDe 455
G Diagram Counting 459
H Concavity of the Effective Action 467
I Functional Derivatives 469
xi Contents
Bibliography 536
Index 538
This book grew out of lectures that I have been giving on quantum field theory (QFT)
for elementary-particle physics over the last 30 years or so. An internet search using the
terms “introduction” and “quantum field theory” yields millions of hits: what could I pos-
sibly add? Only this: that I present the subject in the way that, after all those years, and
with hindsight, pleases me most. Thus this text is a very personal one, and in some ways
my treatment may appear more or less orthogonal to more canonical introductions.1 The
moment I learned about Feynman diagrams I was struck by their power and beauty, and
in this book I use them as much as possible; that is well suited to its goal, to be an intro-
duction into a way that theoretical particle phenomenology can be done. In what follows,
whatever is correct I owe to many other people, but that which is wrong I managed on
my own. Physics is, like all serious science must be, a social undertaking; I have greatly
profited from discussions with many friends and colleagues! Thank you, Ernestos Argyres,
Dima Bardin, Wim Beenakker, Frits Berends, Alain Blondel, Oscar Boher Luna, Michael
Borinsky, Helmut Burkhardt, Dirk van Buul, Sascha Caron, Patrick de Causmaecker, Chris
Dams, Piet Hein Daverveldt, Petros Draggiotis, Helmut Eberl, Steve Ellis, John Ellis,
Frank Filthaut, Karel Gaemers, Raymond Gastmans, Edward Gibbon, Walter Giele, Nigel
Glover, Jeroen de Groot, André van Hameren, Lisa Hartgring, Wolfgang Hollik, Gerard
’t Hooft, Staszek Jadach, Frederick James, Tim Janssen, Sijbrand de Jong, Martijn Jon-
gen, Jos de Heren, Marcel van Kessel, Mila Keijer, Jochem Kip, Stefan Krieg, Hans Kühn,
Hans Kuijf, Kolja Kuijpers, Zoltan Kunszt, Achilleas Lazopoulos, Joep Leenaarts, Yan-
nis Malamos, Michelangelo Mangano, John March-Russell, Melvin Meijer, Ilija Milutin,
Mark Netjes, Harald Niederreiter, Gijs van der Oord, Kostas Papadopoulos, Simon Partlic2 ,
Giampiero Passarino, Roberto Pittau, Marcel Raas, Chris Ripken, Tom Rijken, Frank
Saueressig, Frank Schmidt, Bert Schellekens, James Stirling (much missed!), John Swain,
Oleg Teryaev, Theodor Todorov, Tini Veltman, Rob Verheyen, Jos Vermaseren, Bernard de
Wit, Stefan de Wit, Tai Tsun Wu, and Sjoerd Ypma, for allowing me to learn from you,
and together with you. And my gratitude to the people at Cambridge University Press, who
have allowed me to share what I have learned.
xiv Preface
It may be useful to briefly describe the structure of the book. Quantum field theory is not
trivial, not least because, in its fully fledged form, it uses a lot of technical tools.3 A real
understanding of any field can only grow from handling its tools very often,4 but it is advis-
able to start with the simplest tools first and then to let your skills develop gradually. We
therefore start with QFT in its simplest possible setting, a zero-dimensional universe. Here
we already encounter many of the objects of interest, especially the Feynman diagrams and
the Feynman rules, but in a setting that avoids much of the technicalities. Even the sub-
ject of renormalization can be discussed in zero dimensions, as we shall see. After having
become familiar with the fundamentals we can move toward more realism. We can care-
fully extend our universe, moving from zero to one and then to more dimensions,5 and after
that make a switch to Minkowski space by assigning to time its own special rôle; and then
the way is open to discussing particle dynamics, that is, scattering processes. The Feynman
rules will grow in complexity until we can describe processes involving scalar particles. At
that point we can afford to introduce particles with additional (spin) properties: Dirac par-
ticles and vector particles. The door is then open to the real world of particle physics: we
shall describe quantum electrodynamics, quantum chromodynamics, and finally the elec-
troweak theory. Thus we arrive at what we fondly call the (Minimal) Standard Model.
Throughout, we aim simply to find Feynman rules that work, without deep thoughts about
gauge symmetry.6 For instance, we shall from the outset acknowledge the fact that the W
and Z particles have masses and, rather than pining for a Platonic realm where they are
“really” massless, simply construct a viable theory for them, warts and all. The fact that
our theories turn out to be examples of gauge theories, broken or not, is a bonus in the
sense that it makes clear that you may argue that gauge symmetry is not a fundamental
organizing principle but that our world simply can’t help being that way if it is to function
at all.7 As a consequence, you will not find much “model building” here. In our search for
Feynman rules “that work” we will very often use handlebars. These are operations on
Feynman diagrams8 that allow us to study some of their properties. Putting a handlebar on
diagrams is, here, a purely mechanical operation, leading to things like current conserva-
tion and Ward identities. I think it is very useful to see how they come about from diagrams
rather than from symmetry arguments (which is how they are usually presented).
One of the largest portions of this book is the appendices. I have there collected the
material that, when included in the main text, would interfere with the narrative flow. But
that material is not secondary! The appendices (especially the mathematical one) contain
much that I would like to see at many a theorist’s fingertips.
3 For instance, those necessary for Dirac particles, or the calculational machinery of loop integrals.
4 As everyone who has tried cooking, or open-heart surgery, can attest.
5 And come to the surprising realization that the concepts of space and time may not be so fundamental after all.
6 You will find that I go very lightly on group theory – an example of orthogonality.
7 I am comforted in this opinion by [7].
8 In more technical language, computing the divergence of currents.
xv Preface
Simply reading about QFT is no substitute for actually sitting down and doing it yourself.
This book is intended to encourage you to dirty your hands and compute things,9 and
therefore the text is riddled with exercises, some almost trivial, and others far from trivial.
The exercises apposite to a topic are indicated by a box like ℵ in the margin, where “ℵ” is
0 the number of the exercise, situated at the end of the chapter. Doing the exercises is really
the best way to come to understand the marvellous structure that is QFT.10
Looking at the bibliography, you may be surprised to find how short it is. This is delib-
erate. I have included the necessary minimum (the sources that I actually used to write this
book), finding that in these days of Google, Wikipedia, and InSpire11 it is much more use-
ful for you to find your own way than to stare at a several-hundred-item list of publications.
This book is an introduction, not a comprehensive review.
Finally, a caveat: this is a book for physicists, not for mathematicians. We shall worry
about mathematical rigor but not so much as to become paralyzed.12
Basic Tools
We shall use the reduced Planck constant (also called the Dirac constant):
The stranding of whales in the Firth of Forth was of such natural
and frequent occurrence in early times, that a tithe of all cast ashore
between Cockburnspath and the mouth of the Avon, was one of the
gifts conferred by the pious David upon the Canons Augustine of
Holyrood. In modern times, it may be considered as an uncommon
event. At this time, however, one had embayed itself in the harbour
of Limekilns, a little port near Queensferry. A litigation took place
regarding the property of it, between the chancellor, the Earl of
Tweeddale, as lord of the regality of Dunfermline, and Mr William
Erskine, depute to the admiral, and the Lords finally adjudged it to
the chancellor, with seven hundred merks as the price at which it had
been sold.[96]