Family Medicine Department
Primary Care Module, and family Medicine
Name: --------------------------------------------------
Group: -------------------------------------------------
Mentor's name: --------------------------------------------
Family medicine
Mentor's name:
Your mentor will fill this table after evaluating the whole portfolio
Dear student,
This portfolio is an evidence that you mastered the required skills and achieved the objectives of the clinical round. A
faculty staff will assess your performance and evaluate your final achievement.
The student should be informed about the name of his/her portfolio Mentor immediately with the start of
the module.
The student should be ready for a follow up meeting with his/her mentor every 4 weeks.
During the meeting, the student brings with him/her all portfolio partitions.
The student will be ready for discussion and any kind of evaluation and feedback from his mentor during
the meeting.
Competency area I: The graduate as a health care provider
The graduate should provide quality, safe, patient-centered care, drawing upon his integrated knowledge and clinical
skills, and adhering to professional values. The graduate should collect and interpret information, make clinical
decisions, and carry out diagnostic and therapeutic interventions - with an understanding of the limits of his/her
expertise- taking into accounts the patient’s circumstances and preferences as well as the availability of resources.
The graduate should be able to:
1.1. Take and record a patient’s medical history, including family and social history, document it as SOAP.
1.1.1. Obtain history from normal pregnant women or pregnant women with minor complaints, medical
disorders/diseases during pregnancy at family practice settings.
1.2. Adopt an empathic and holistic approach to the patients and their problems.
1.3. Perform appropriately timed full physical examination of patients appropriate to the age, gender, and clinical
presentation of the patient while being culturally sensitive.
1.4.1. Perform appropriate clinical examinations for normal pregnant women or pregnant women with minor
complaints, medical disorders/diseases during pregnancy at family practice settings. (anemia, hypertension,
diabetes, urinary tract infection)
1.4.2. Conduct clinical assessment of infertile woman at family practice settings.
1.4.3. Conduct clinical assessment of menopausal women attending family practice settings.
1.4. Select the appropriate investigations and interpret their results taking into consideration cost/
effectiveness factors.
1.5.1. Order appropriate investigations at first antenatal care visit and follow up visits for normal pregnant women or
pregnant women with minor complaints, medical disorders/diseases during pregnancy at family practice settings.
1.5.2. Interpret findings of clinical examination/procedures or diagnostic tests at antenatal care visits.
1.5.3. Conduct appropriate evidence-based screening tests in pregnancy according to USPSTF.
1.5.4. Interpret findings of DEXA scan.
1.6 Retrieve, analyze, and evaluate relevant and current data from literature, using information technologies and
library resources, in order to help solve a clinical problem based on evidence (EBM).
1.7. Establish patient-centered management plans in partnership with the patient, his/her family and other health
professionals as appropriate, using Evidence Based Medicine in management decisions.
1.7.1. Provide management for normal pregnant women or pregnant women with minor complaints, medical
disorders/diseases during pregnancy at family practice settings.
1.7.2. Provide management for menopausal women attending family practice settings.
1.7.3. Provide management for osteoporosis in women attending family practice settings.
Competency area II: The graduate as a health promoter
The graduate should advocate for the development of individual measures which promote the state of well-being,
he/she should empower individuals to engage in healthy behaviors and put his/her knowledge and skills to prevent
diseases, reduce deaths and promote quality life style. The graduate should be able to:
2.1. Discuss basic principles of health improvement, including the wider determinants of health, health
inequalities, health risks and disease surveillance.
2.1.1. Assess risk factors among pregnant women attending family practice settings.
2.2. Discuss the role of nutrition and physical activity in health in pregnant women.
2.2.1. Identify the basic nutritional requirements of a pregnant woman.
2.2. Provide care for specific groups including pregnant women, newborns & infants, and adolescents.
2.3.1 Able to diagnose and manage menopause.
2.3.2. Able to define risk factors, and management of osteoporosis in women.
2.3.3. Evaluate and management of infertile couple in primary care settings.
2.3.4.Manage common minor complaints during pregnancy at family practice settings.
2.3.5. Discuss approach to medical disorders/diseases during pregnancy (e.g. hypertension, diabetes, urinary tract
infection, hyperemesis gravid-arum,.) at family practice settings.
2.3.6. Conduct appropriate counseling sessions for women during perinatal care visits (antenatal, natal and
postnatal). (Nutrition, exercise, warning signs).
2.3.7. Discuss counseling for family planning.
2.3.8. Provide appropriate family planning methods for presented clients at family practice settings.
2.3.9. Provide counseling session for family planning.
2.3.10. Perform auditing of primary health records and services related to women health or chronic illness in
women at family practice settings.
2.4.1. Apply appropriate infection prevention practices / universal precautions. Appendix
3.1. Adhere to the professional and ethical codes, standards and laws governing the practice.
3.1.1. Show empathy, respect, and compassion during history taking from women and physical examination, and
maintaining a professional and ethical code of conduct.
Time schedule
ek 0activity
k1 1. Obtain history from pregnant women or pregnant women with minor complaints, medical
disorders/diseases during pregnancy at family practice settings.
2. Perform appropriate clinical examinations for pregnant women or pregnant women with minor
complaints, medical disorders/diseases during pregnancy at family practice settings.
(Hypertension, diabetes, anemia, urinary tract infection).
3. Order appropriate investigations at first antenatal care visit and follow up visits for normal
pregnant women or pregnant women with minor complaints, medical disorders/diseases during
pregnancy at family practice settings
k2 1. Identify family planning services in the PHC
2. Participate in counseling for family planning with the PHC doctor or nurse.
3. Audit family planning services.
4. Audit medical record.
1. Conduct general clinical approach of diabetes in pregnant women attending family practice
k5 Formative assessment
k6 Conduct general clinical approach of hypertension in pregnant women attending family practice
1. Provide assessment of menopausal women attending family practice settings.
2. Provide management for osteoporosis in women attending family practice settings & Interpret
findings of DEXA scan
k8 Revision of previous activities, Health education seminar (nutrition, exercise, warning signs, breast
feeding, family planning, menopause preventive action).
Part 1: List of Cases during the Module
In order to pass this section, you have to List all the cases, you assessed during the module.
Date Case Assessment Level of performance Student's evaluation Signature
Observe Supervised Independent poor faire Good
List of the required practical and clinical skills to be fulfilled by the end of the module: kindly be noted that in
order to pass this section you have to perform appropriately and sign all the following skills.
Use appropriately
communication skills at
different stages of
consultation with clients.
Conduct clinical assessment
of infertile woman at family
practice settings.
Obtain history from
pregnant women with or
without minor complaints,
medical disorders/diseases
during pregnancy
Perform appropriate clinical
examinations for pregnant
women with or without
minor complaints, medical
disorders/diseases during
Order appropriate
investigations at first
antenatal care visit and
follow up visits for
pregnant women with or
without minor complaints,
medical disorders/diseases
Conduct appropriate
evidence-based screening
tests in pregnancy.
Provide management for
pregnant women with or
without minor complaints,
medical disorders/diseases
during pregnancy at family
practice settings.
Conduct appropriate
counseling sessions for
women during perinatal
care visits (antenatal, natal
and postnatal).
Conduct counseling session
for family planning.
Conduct clinical assessment
of chronic illness (e.g.
diabetes and hypertension)
in pregnant women
Provide management for
chronic illness (e.g.
diabetes and hypertension)
in Pregnant women
Conduct clinical assessment
of menopausal women
Provide management for
menopausal women
Provide management for
osteoporosis in women
Use women health records
during prenatal cares,
family planning sessions
and chronic illness
Perform auditing of
primary health records, and
services related to women
health or chronic illness in
Score: /50
Each student must take a FULL HISTORY and EXAMINATION in front of the physician for two cases and
attach the signed evaluation form in the portfolio.
Questions- learning objectives
Literature review
Reflection on the case/Patient's Problem
A: assessment (diagnosis)
P: plan of management
Core items
Stage 1
-cause of attendance or consultation
-Analysis for the problem
- Patient ideas concern and expectation
-Hypothesis or diagnosis
- Management plan
- Patient involvement
- Opportunistic health promotion
(Health education, or counseling issue)
Stage 2
Your questions/learning objectives derived from
the case
Stage 3
Literature review, reflection, and self-evaluation
Overall assessment
Score /30
Part 4: Health Education Seminar
In order to pass this section, you have to present one Health Education Seminar during
the module. In this presentation, you can use PowerPoint, videos and charts. (Nutrition, breast feeding,
family planning, exercise, warning signs)
Work as one of a group of 10 students in the same primary health care unit to present the seminar.
(The tutor will evaluate you using the following evaluation form)
Student’s name
Part 5: Professionalism
d) Demonstrate respect for others, as in the course of relationships with students, faculty and staff, he/she:
14. Establishes rapport with team members
15. Maintains appropriate boundaries in work and learning situations
16. Relates well to fellow students in a learning environment
17. Relates well to faculty in a learning environment
18. Relates well to other health care professionals in a learning environment
e) Demonstrates honor and integrity by upholding student and professional code of conduct as he/she:
19. Refers to self accurately with respect to qualifications
20. Uses appropriate language in discussion with patients and colleagues
21. Resolves conflicts in a manner that respects the dignity of those involved
22. Behaves honestly
23. Respects diversity of gender, religion, age, disability, intelligence, and socio-economic status
24. Maintains appropriate boundaries with patients
25. Dresses in an appropriate professional manner
NB: Student will be observed holistically during the whole round by the responsible professor, and evaluated for one
time by the following form
Part 6: Self Reflection
Reflection is very important to deepen your learning and to be a life-long learner. In reflection, you use critical
thinking to analyze the educational situation and learn from it, and then you will try out what you have learned to
have an experience. The benefit of this part of your portfolio is to encourage you to reflect on what you are doing,
what you are finding difficult and what you are trying to plan for.
Write a situation that had happened during the module. The following elements should be covered in your reflection:
What I need to work on next time? What are my strengths and weaknesses?
In this plan you identify your learning needs, why you need it, how you will learn, how you will know that you
learned, its time frame, and your future learning.
Part 7: Mentor meetings
(1st Mentor MEETING - 2nd Mentor MEETING- 3rd Mentor MEETING- 4th Mentor MEETING)
Record of Meeting
Student Details
Please confirm that this mentor meeting has taken place by asking your mentor to sign and date as above.
Thank you
Suez Canal University
Faculty of medicine
Phase II and Year III (5+2)
Formative assessment
Please attach the following form in your portfolio after the formative exam
Comment of examiner