Manual for School Data Collection

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Ministry of Finance and National Planning

March, 2024
i. SCHOOL CAPACITY............................................................................................ 3
ii. SCHOOL UTILITIES AND ACCESSIBILITY.............................................................5
iii. TEACHERS WELFARE......................................................................................... 7
vi. FUNDING SOURCE........................................................................................... 11
vii. ADDITIONAL COMMENTS................................................................................. 13
viii. ANNEXES......................................................................................................... 13

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This manual is meant to provide guidelines to the end users of the

School Data Collection Template as well as the School Data
Monitoring Tool on how to populate the Template effectively. It
explicitly defines the different variables that are in the template
as and the Monitoring Tool. It is envisioned that the development
of the guidelines will help the Members of Parliament, Officers
from the Ministry of Finance and National Planning, Officers from
the Ministry of Education, District Education Board Secretary
(DEBS) as well as School Administrators to effectively provide the
vital information that will help inform the budget formulation and
execution process.
The information will be collected every quarter for each school
and shall be processed in view of financial resources that have
been availed to the school in the same period and shall,
therefore, inform the funding levels and patterns for the school in
the ensuing periods.
The data to be collected through the Template and the Monitoring
tool have been segmented into different categories as follows;
i. School Capacity;
ii. School Utilities and Accessibility;
iii. Teachers Welfare;
iv. Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)
v. Work in Progress; and
vi. Funding Source.


Under this category, schools will be required to provide

information on the number of learners, number of classes and
number of bed spaces for boarding schools in relation to the
current capacity of the school. This information is important to
highlight whether a school is overpopulated or the capacity is
sufficient for the current learners at the school. The following are
the variables that need to be populated under the School
Capacity category:
a. Name of School: Indicate the name of the school, for
example, Twikatane Basic School;

b. EMIS Number: Indicate the unique identification number

for the school under consideration to avoid transposing of
data, in a case of schools with similar names;

c. District: Indicate the name of the district under which the

school is falling; This is for easy classification of schools,
for example, Mwinilunga District;

d. Constituency: Indicate the name of the constituency

under which the school is falling; This is for easy
classification of schools, for example, Lusaka Central,
Mandevu, Nkana East and etc;

f. Managing Authority: Indicate the Managing Authority of

the school which is responsible for the running of the
particular school, i.e. it’s either Government (GRZ),
Mission or Community;

g. Level of School: Indicate the level of the school, in this

case, Early Child Education (ECE), Primary, combination of

ECE and Primary, Basic, Combined School, Secondary

h. Type of School: Indicate the type of school, in this case

state whether it is a Day School, Boarding, Semi Boarding
or a combined school of Day and Boarding. Further,
indicate whether it is a;

i. Basic Schools that have been upgraded to

Combined Schools with expanded infrastructure;

ii. Basic Schools that have been upgraded to

Combined Schools without expanded

i. Bed Spaces for Boarding School: Indicate the number

of bed spaces at the Boarding School. This variable should
only be populated for boarding schools;
j. Enrolled Learners in 2021: Indicate the number of boys
and girls that officially registered with the school in 2021;

k. Enrolled Learners in 2022: Indicate the number of boys

and girls that have officially registered with the school in

l. Enrolled Learners in 2023: Indicate the number of boys

and girls that have officially registered with the school in

m. Number of Classrooms at the School: Indicate the

number of classrooms at the school. This should not be
confused with classroom blocks or class grades;
Note, for schools that are squatting in primary or
secondary schools and do not have infrastructure, kindly
indicate nil.

n. Number of Desks at the School: Indicate the number of
desks at the school. A desk is a space for each pupil to be
able to sit and write. Hence a bench desk that
accommodates two learners will be counted as two desks;
o. Desk Variance: Indicate the difference between the
number of available desks and what is required by the
school, for the learners to sit and write.

p. Number of class shifts per day: Shifts are an indication

of the number of classes anticipated to be in a classroom
per day. For example, a school with 75 Grade 5 pupils can
be split into 40 pupils learning in a classroom in the
morning and 35 pupils using that same classroom for an
afternoon class. This means that for Grade 5, there are
two shifts of classes per day. This is meant to
contextualise facilities such as classrooms and desks;
Indicated total shifts by adding up sessions for all grades.
Further in brackets break down the total according to

q. Availability of Library: Indicate whether or not the

school has a Library. Additional notes can be provided
regarding the level and quality of the stock of literature in
the library;

r. Availability of Textbooks: Indicate availability of syllabi

recommended textbooks at the school; and

s. Any other information on schools that were converted

from primary to secondary level but do not have
corresponding facilities for secondary/high schools.

For this Category, refer to Annex I


Sanitation and availability of electricity are important factors

required for a good learning environment. Additionally, the
importance of access to water is emphasized in households,
places of work as well as in schools. United Nations Children’s
Fund (UNICEF) guidance requires a minimum of one toilet per 25
girls in a school. Children spend so much time at school, thus,
having access to water supply and sanitation in their school
environment is critical for them to live healthier lives. Further,
electricity improves education in many ways that include reducing
the digital divide through Information Communication
Technologies (ICTs) and also improves literacy rate.

Therefore, it is important that data is collected on the following

variables to ensure that standards of sanitation are maintained,
more children have access to education and improve accessibility
to schools. The following are the variables to be populated under
the School Utilities and Accessibilities:

a. Availability of Water at the School (Piped, Handpump

Borehole, Open Well or None): Indicate the availability of
water at the school by indicating the type of water sources
which may be either Piped, Handpump Borehole, Open Well
or a combination of these sources or none of the above. For
example, Fatima Girls has a combination of Piped and
Handpump Borehole water sources;

b. Number of Toilets at the School: Indicate the number of

toilets at the school. This should not include toilets in
teachers houses or toilets at school that are not accessible
by pupils e,g, staff toilets;

c. Type of Toilets at the School (Waterborne, Ventilated

Improved Pit, Pit Latrine): Indicate the type of toilets at
the school. These may be either, Waterborne, Ventilated
Improved Pit, Conventional Pit Latrine or a combination of
these types;

d. Number of sanitary towels received: Indicate the under
of sanitary towels that the school has received in total:
Indicate total number received from 2021 to 2023, in
brackets indicated how many received for each year)

e. Availability of Electricity at the School (Zesco, Solar,

Thermal, Other or None): Indicate the type of electricity
at the school. This may be either Zesco, Solar, Thermal,
other sources the school may specify or a combination of
these types; and

f. School Accessibility (Tarred Road, Graded Road, All-

Weather Road, Seasonal Road or None): Indicate the
type of the main road that leads to the school. The road may
be Tarred Road, Graded Road, All-Weather Road, Seasonal
Road or No road at all.

For this Category, refer to Annex II


This section seeks to measure the welfare of teachers in schools.

It is important that teachers especially those in rural areas are
provided with proper accommodation that will motivate the
teachers to provide the best education to their learners. It is
important that these teachers’ houses have water available and
electricity is provided for. Thus, the following are the variables to
be populated under this segment;
a. Number of Teachers: Indicate the number of teaching
personnel at the school. This should include those teachers
who have been assigned administrative roles at the school
but should exclude teachers who are allocated to the school
but are not serving at that school;

b. Number of Teachers` Houses: Indicate the number of

Teachers` Houses allocated to the school, regardless of
whether or not the house is located in the school premises;

c. Type of Teacher Houses: Indicate how many Teachers’

Houses are Permanent or Semi-Permanent Houses. Further
indicate by number, whether the houses are usable or not.
Permanent houses are well-made house structures built with
brick and motor designed to overcome average natural
disasters. Semi-permanent are houses made of bamboo or
bushes or mud and straw, these are made to live for
temporary purposes and may not overcome average natural

g. Availability of Water at Teacher Houses: Indicate the

availability of water at the teachers` houses. Further,
indicate the type of water sources which may be either
Piped, Handpump Borehole, Open Well or a combination of
these sources or none of the above; and

d. Availability of Electricity at Teacher Houses: Indicate
the type of electricity at the teachers` houses. This may be
either Zesco, Solar, Thermal, other sources that they may
specify or a combination of these types.

For this Category, refer to Annex III


The Government is committed to the provision of subjects relating

to Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics as this will
spur innovation and ensure the digital divide gap is closed among
learners. Please note that this category should only be populated
by Secondary schools but is not limited to STEM schools as there
are some schools that provide some STEM subjects but are not
categorized as STEM schools. The following are the variables
required under this category;
a. Availability of STEM subjects at school (Science,
Technology, Engineering, Mathematics or none):
Indicate whether any or all of the STEM subjects are being

b. Number of STEM subject Teachers: Indicate the number

of teachers who are qualified to teach STEM subjects by
specifying the number of teachers available for each STEM

c. Availability Laboratory/Special Rooms: Indicate whether

or not the school has special rooms such as computer room,
science laboratory and etc. Indicate in comment column
whether laboratory is operational or not;
d. Availability of Computer Lessons: Indicate whether or
not the school offers computer lessons.

e. Number of Computers at School: Indicate the number of

operational computers at the school;

f. Availability of Internet Connectivity: Indicate whether or

not a school has internet connectivity. LAN (Local Area
Network) or Mobile Services Provider’s Internet, for the
purpose of computer lessons and research for the learners;
10 | P a g e
g. Availability of STEM Textbooks: Indicate availability of
recommended STEM textbooks at the school.

For this Category, refer to Annex IV



It has been observed that there are various construction works of

schools across the country. Some of these projects are still
ongoing while other projects have been stalled. It is therefore,
important for the Treasury and the Ministry of Education to know
the levels of completion of these projects for planning purposes.
Thus, the following are the variables to be populated under this
a. Incomplete Infrastructure: Indicate whether there is
incomplete infrastructure at a school in terms of
(Classrooms/Dormitories/Laboratories/Ablution Blocks/Admin
Blocks/Water Facilities/ Electricity Facilities and other
incomplete Infrastructure);

b. Number of Incomplete Infrastructure: Indicate the

number of infrastructure items that are incomplete. For
example, 1 incomplete dormitory;

c. Level of Completion of Infrastructure: Indicate the level

of completion for each incomplete infrastructure item. For
example, a dormitory being constructed is currently now at
window level.

d. Estimated cost of Completion Indicate the estimated cost

of completion of each incomplete infrastructure item in
kwacha terms only. For those projects quoted in other
currencies, kindly convert to kwacha at the current rate. For
11 | P a g e
example, 1 incomplete dormitory at window level will cost
K500,000 to complete. This must be backed by Bill of
Quantities (BoQ).

For this Category, refer to Annex V


This section requires each school to indicate the sources of funds

it receives and the amounts. The main objective of this data is to
have information on how much each school receives in a given
quarter in relation to the funding needs required and the works
done in the same period. All funding amounts should be indicated
in kwacha terms only. For those fundings that are received in
foreign currencies, kindly convert to kwacha at the current
prevailing rate. This section will in turn, inform the Budget
Formulation process. There are various sources of funding which
a. GRZ Funding (School Grant): Indicate the amount the
school receives in a specified period from the Government
that is categorized as School Grants. This is likely to be
received by school through the Ministry of Education;

b. GRZ Funding (CDF): Indicate the amount the school

receives in a specified period from the Government that is
categorized as Constituency Development Fund. This is likely
to be received by the school through the Ministry of Local
Government or the Local Constituency Office;

c. Other GRZ: Indicate the amount the school receives from

the Government other than School Grant and CDF;

d. Non-GRZ Funding (User Fees): Indicate the amount the

school is collecting for User Fees (tuition fees under mission
schools) and Boarding Fees (for both Government and
Mission Boarding Schools), if any;

12 | P a g e
e. Non-GRZ Funding (Donations): Indicate the amount that
the school is receiving from Cooperating Partners (CPs) or
any other well-wishers for operations or school projects; and

f. Other Non-GRZ: Indicate the amount that the school is

generating from other sources that are not GRZ, donations
or user fees such as proceeds of the school’s production unit
to aid school operations or project developments.

For this Category, refer to Annex VI

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This column is provided under each category to give more insight

relating to the category which is not sufficiently covered by the
columns in the template. For example, under the School Capacity
category, Boarding Schools may comment on the Boarding
facilities of the school by stating on how deplorable the
dormitories and ablution blocks are. This would give an indication
on the need for more funding to be channeled towards
maintenance of these facilities (See Column at Annex I to Annex

a. Annex I a: School Capacity

b. Annex I b:School Capacity
c. Annex II: School Utilities and Accessibility
d. Annex III: Teachers Welfare
e. Annex IV: Science, Technology Engineering and Mathematics
f. Annex V: Work in Progress (Incomplete Infrastructure)
g. Annex VI: Funding Source

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