Maize in TS
Maize in TS
Maize in TS
Table 5: State wise Wholesale Prices Monthly Analysis for Maize during January 2024
% Change % Change
Prices Prices Prices
(Over (Over
State January, December, January,
Previous Previous
2024 2023 2023
Month) Year)
Andhra Pradesh 2076 2059 2034 0.83 2.06
Chhattisgarh 1996 1981 2006 0.76 -0.5
Gujarat 2381 2353 2366 1.19 0.63
Haryana 2371 2100 2250 12.9 5.38
Karnataka 2204 2184 2163 0.92 1.9
Madhya Pradesh 2047 2007 2086 1.99 -1.87
Maharashtra 2166 2114 2097 2.46 3.29
Odisha 2141 1963 1715 9.07 24.84
Rajasthan 2263 2182 2152 3.71 5.16
Tamil Nadu 2200 2169 2167 1.43 1.52
Telangana 2193 2253 2167 -2.66 1.2
Uttar Pradesh 2139 2119 2196 0.94 -2.6
Uttrakhand 2451 2280 2023 7.5 21.16
Average 2202.15 2265.27 2231.38
Prices are expected to remain steady to firm due to robust demand from industrial users
coupled with reduced availability and increased ethanol prices in the market. India's corn supplies
stressed due to robust domestic demand, despite being a significant corn exporter in Asia,
particularly to Southeast Asia, India's shipments have declined due to increased local
Corn balance sheet in India is currently very tight. Since December, corn exportsfrom
India have nearly come to a halt due to higher local prices driven by strong demand from the
poultry and ethanol industry, making the country's shipments comparatively more expensive than
those from competitors. To meet domestic demand of poultry, starch and now ethanol, Indian
corn production needs to increase at least 6-8% per annum, which is around 1.5 to 2 million MT
per year considering an average yield of around 3 MT per hectare.
In Gulabbagh, Bihar weekly average price slightly decreased to Rs. 2,400 per quintal
compared to the previous week price of Rs. 2,420 per quintal amid steady demand. In Sangli,
Maharashtra market price increased slightly at Rs. 2,462 per quintal compared to previous week
price of Rs. 2,450 per quintal.
Table 6: Maize arrivals and prices in Badepally Market for the Month of January 2024
Arrival Minimum price Maximum price Modal price
(Quintals) (Rs/quintal) (Rs/quintal) (Rs/quintal)
2 20 2,237 2,267 2,267
3 9 2,257 2,257 2,257
4 74 2,100 2,260 2,260
5 20 2,170 2,170 2,170
6 41 2,260 2,279 2,271
8 64 2,283 2,291 2,283
9 34 2,246 2,278 2,278
10 42 2,287 2,287 2,287
12 79 2,160 2,295 2,160
13 29 2,180 2,301 2,180
18 34 2,259 2,301 2,301
20 68 1,943 1,943 1,943
24 4 2,312 2,312 2,312
25 64 2,336 2,336 2,336
27 42 2,341 2,343 2,343
29 57 2,010 2,365 2,025
30 15 1921 1921 1921
31 20 2377 2377 2377
Under these circumstances, Agricultural Market Intelligence Centre, PJTSAU expects that
Maize may trade in price range of Rs. 2090 - 2390 quintal during the month of February, 2024.