Generic Name Enhancing the Prevent gastrointestinal Hypersensitivity: Known allergy to Common: Nausea, Observe 10 rights of
production of irritation caused by rebamipide or any of its diarrhea, drug administration
prostaglandins in the prolonged NSAID or components. constipation, Assess patient's
gastric mucosa. antibiotic therapy, abdominal pain. medical history and
commonly used in cellulitis Severe Hepatic Impairment: Rare: Allergic allergies
Brand Name Promoting the
and post-arthrotomy care. Rebamipide is metabolized in the reactions, rash, Administer
synthesis of mucin
liver, so use caution in patients with dizziness, or rebamipide 30
and improving . hematologic effects minutes before or
Mucopro liver dysfunction.
mucosal blood flow. (e.g., leukopenia). after meals for
Reducing Severe Renal Impairment: Limited optimal absorption.
Classification data on its use in patients with
inflammation by Observe for a
scavenging free compromised renal function; reduction in gastric
Gastroprotective radicals and monitor closely. symptoms, especially
agent suppressing if given alongside
inflammatory NSAIDs.
Dose/Frequency cytokines. Watch for signs such
as black, tarry stools
100mg/BID/oral or vomiting blood.