Session 1-Phase 3.1 Test 1 (June 2024 A M2)

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Luyện tập ở nhà -> Phải prethink được -> Tập đến khi nào được thì thôi.

Nguyên tắc của WIC -> Nhìn ra được signal

Q1 –

Economist Jingting Fan argues that the effects of

international trade may display spatial variation at sub-
national levels. For instance, imported goods may reduce
expenses for a country’s average consumer, but for
consumers living far from ports, high intranational
transport costs could ____(reduce)____ the price
advantages associated with imports.


Sau but – contrast câu trước -> import goods làm tăng
expense cho consumer -> create burden on consumers.

Reduce = counteract, negate

Which choice completes the text with the most logical and
precise word or phrase?

A. Misconstrue = misunderstand
B. underestimate
C. nullify = make sth invalid/ ineffective
 invalidate
 abrogate
 annul
 counteract
 negate
D. denigrate = chỉ trích một cách mạnh mẽ
 vilify
 slander
 disparage

Q2 –

As discussed by scholar Anna Mladentseva, many

artworks produced in the mid-1990s to the early 2000s
exclusively for exhibition on the internet, such as Sinae
Kim’s Genesis (2001), have become inaccessible because
viewing them requires the use of software (most
notably Adobe Flash, discontinued in 2021).

Predictions: no longer available/ accessible/no longer in


VietAccepted SAT IELTS - ZALO: 0937738791
Which choice completes the text with the most logical and
precise word or phrase?

A. Extraneous = irrelevant = immaterial

B. Arcane = esoteric, recondite, obscure
C. Defunct = obsolet, inoperative
D. Ubiquitous = omnipresent, pervasive


Proposals to raise the age at which retirees begin receiving

government transfers of funds are generally discussed in
terms of the effects on transfer recipients, but Andria
Smythe has argued that delaying such transfers could
wealth creation among working adults by lengthening the
period in which they are providing financial support to their
nonworking parents.


Delaying transfer = working adults support nonworking

parents longer.

Affect negatively to wealth creation

Which choice completes the text with the most logical and
precise word or phrase?

A. Disparage = slander, vilyfy, denigrate, belittle, decry, deride

B. Compound = exacerbate / amplify
C. Outstrip = surpass, exceed, rival, eclipse, overshadow, outdistance
D. Stymie = inhibit, impede, thwart

Q4 –

In the 2010s, the price of vintage He-Man action figures

rose dramatically, which had the counterintuitive effect of
_______ demand: buyers who hadn’t previously wanted to
purchase old action figures thronged the market, believing
prices would continue to rise and the toys could be resold
later at a profit.

Price tăng -> demand giảm

counterintuitive effect -> có effect trái ngược lại,


 Demand tăng lên

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Which choice completes the text with the most logical and
precise word or phrase?

A. exploiting
B. appraising
C. engendering = generating = provoking = instigating = precipitating
D. monetizing


Tất cả mọi đoạn văn trong đề thi ôn tập

Main Idea, overall structure, underlined sentence
Mọi đoạn văn phải hiểu được
 Main idea
 Overall structure
 Function of each sentence = introduce something

In 2015 Filipa Faleiro and colleagues published a study

concluding that ocean acidification has a strong effect on
the behavior of Hippocampus guttulatus, a species of fish.
However, Faleiro and colleagues’ study relied on a mean
sample size of only 6 fish. In a 2022 review of various
scientists’ conclusions about the impacts of ocean
acidification on fish behavior, Jeff C. Clements and
colleagues caution that relying on such a relatively small
sample size can increase the potential for biased analysis.
Such analysis, in turn, can contribute to reports of
exaggerated effects.
In 2015 Filipa Faleiro and colleagues published a study
concluding that ocean acidification has a strong effect on
the behavior of Hippocampus guttulatus, a species of fish.
 To introduce a study and its finding
SVO2: present a limitation/ problem in study
SVO3: present a warning/ introduce review of another

Which choice best describes the overall structure of the


A. It presents the result of a study, then raises a

potential concern related to that result.
B. It summarizes a problem that scientists are
investigating, then provides a possible solution to that
C. It states a similarity between two scientific
studies, then notes a difference between them.
D. It describes a characteristic of a fish species, then
explains why that characteristic is noteworthy.

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Researchers César A. Hidalgo, Elisa Castañer, and Andres

Sevtsuk created a computer model to predict the mix of
movie theaters, gyms, and other businesses found in a given
neighborhood. How we define a neighborhood and its
boundaries is subjective, so the team used a clustering
algorithm to locate dense groupings of amenities that
represent human-identified neighborhoods like Boston’s
Harvard Square. The predictive model, which incorporates
this algorithm, is sure to be invaluable in determining the
optimal mix of a city’s amenities.

Invaluable -> emphasize ưu điểm of model

Advantage in determining sth

Which choice best describes the function of the underlined

sentence in the text as a whole?

A. It praises an algorithm’s accuracy in identifying

neighborhood boundaries. -> không chính xác lắm
B. It emphasizes the potential utility of the team’s model.
C. It suggests a difficulty associated with analyzing
neighborhoods that the research team attempted to

D. It summarizes trends in recent urban development in



Sensitive với tất cả adj, adv, superlative khi đọc 4 đáp án.

Yingguang Frank Chan and colleagues have explored how

convergent evolution—a phenomenon that occurs when the same
trait evolves independently in two reproductively separate
lineages—can result from a genetic mechanism shared by both
lineages. Meanwhile, Patricia J. Wittkopp and colleagues have
investigated how convergence occurs through different genetic
mechanisms, but the relative prevalence of convergence through
shared and different genetic processes is still poorly understood.
This motivated biologists Delbert A. Green II and Cassandra G.
Extavour to evaluate both types of convergence in a single study
for their 2012 paper.

Which choice best states the main purpose of the text?

Cách viết ans main purpose: To verb SOMETHING

Chọn đáp án matching với phần màu vàng

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A. To summarize Green and Extavour’s criticism of the
study by Chan and colleagues
B. To suggest that Green and Extavour’s conclusions
would be more persuasive if they incorporated findings
from the studies by Chan and colleagues and Wittkopp and

C. To situate Green and Extavour’s study in the

context of their field

Sự khác biệt của C và A&B: không tìm được keyword


D. To argue that Green and Extavour’s study

revealed (conclusion, finding) a previously
unrecognized issue that evolutionary biologists need
to address Study of G & E could address a pressing
(imparative) problem that has puzzled biologists.

Text 1

Scholarship today overrepresents experimentally

fragmented narrative structures, such as that of Jean
Toomer’s Cane, beyond the degree to which they actually
influenced fiction in the United States during the modernist
period (roughly 1900–1945).
Meanwhile, Ellen Glasgow’s Barren Ground, whose
coherent, linear narrative structure recalls the fiction of
previous centuries, attracts woefully little attention from
scholars of modernism.

Text 2

Distant reading, or computer-assisted quantitative analysis

of massive collections of digitized texts, can reveal stylistic
elements that have heretofore escaped notice, despite being
shared by numerous texts from the modernist period. For
too long, scholars have focused on narrative fragmentation
versus coherence, inhibiting inquiry into other points of
stylistic correspondence among works that would enrich our
understanding of the modernist canon.

Based on the texts, both the author of Text 1 and the author
of Text 2 would most likely agree with which statement
about scholarship on the modernist period in the United

A. At present, it only partially captures the stylistic

dimensions of the fiction written in the period.
B. Its primary methods for analyzing fiction written in the
period are growing obsolete as computer technology
VietAccepted SAT IELTS - ZALO: 0937738791
C. Instead of engaging in unproductive debates, it should
work to rehabilitate the reputations of neglected
modernist works.
D. It must widen its focus to include aspects of
modernist fiction beyond style, a productive but
overrepresented site of inquiry.

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Why do some people with high incomes vote for
politicians supporting higher taxes on those with high
incomes like themselves? Economists Benjamin Enke et al.
propose that values are a luxury good: that is, the higher
one’s income, the more weight one has the liberty to assign
to one’s values when voting. Thus, Enke et al. suggest that
although the behavior of high-income earners who
advocate for higher taxes may seem counterintuitive, such
people likely do so because they feel enabled by their
economic security to take a stance they think is morally

Which choice best states the main idea of the text?

A. A group of economists asserts that people with

relatively high incomes are consequently enabled to take
certain considerations into account when voting.
B. According to a group of economists, politicians who
support higher taxes on those with high incomes must
convince a sufficient number of people with such incomes
to vote against their material interest if the politicians are
to be elected.
C. A team of economists finds that people who vote for
higher taxes on those with high incomes are likely to think
their moral values coincide with their material interests.
D. According to a team of economists, the higher a
voter’s income, the more likely that voter’s values are to
conflict with their material interests.

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There Is Confusion is a 1924 novel by Jessie Redmon
Fauset. In the novel, the narrator portrays the character
Joanna as someone who admires ambition in other people
to the exclusion of all other qualities: .

Which quotation from There Is Confusion most effectively

illustrates the claim?

A. “Joanna was mightily interested in people who had a

‘purpose’ in life. Otherwise not at all.”
B. “Joanna was like her father not only so far as ambition
was concerned but also in her willingness to work.”
C. “She had a good sense of logic, a strong power of
concentration, and a remarkably retentive and visualizing
D. “Indeed from the very beginning Joanna showed her
preference for her father.”

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Some herbicides contain copper oxide nanoparticles (CuO-
NPs), which can leach into waterways and soils via
wastewater. In a 2012 study, Chengfang Pang and
colleagues found that CuO-NPs can accumulate in the
bodies of New Zealand mud snails (Potamopyrgus
antipodarum). While bioaccumulation of manufactured
nanoparticles may be inherently worrisome, it has been
hypothesized that CuO-NP bioaccumulation in
invertebrates like P. antipodarum could serve a valuable
proxy role, obviating the need for manufacturers to
conduct costly and intrusive sampling of vertebrate species
—such as African clawed frogs (Xenopus laevis),
commonly used in regulatory compliance testing—for
nanoparticle bioaccumulation, as environmental protection
laws currently require.

Which finding, if true, would most directly support the

researchers' hypothesis presented in the text?

A. Compared with X. laevis, P. antipodarum can tolerate

significantly higher CuO-NP concentrations without
displaying any negative effects.
B. It is easier to detect low and harmless concentrations of
CuO-NPs in P. antipodarum than it is to detect high and
harmful concentrations of CuO-NPs in X. laevis.
C. CuO-NP concentrations in P. antipodarum tend to vary
more from individual to individual than do CuO-NP
concentrations in X. laevis when the species are exposed
to similar levels of CuO-NPs.
D. In comparable environments, P. antipodarum and X.
laevis display comparable rates of CuO-NP uptake.

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Neurobiologists Laura Cuaya, Raúl Hernández- Pérez, and
colleagues investigated the language detection abilities of
eighteen dogs of various ages. The researchers monitored
the brain activity of Odin (a 54-month-old border collie),
Bingo (a 37- month-old mixed breed), and other dogs
while the animals listened to three recordings: one of The
Little Prince being read in Spanish, the second in
Hungarian, and a third made up of short, randomly selected
fragments of the first two, scrambled so that they didn’t
resemble human speech. Each of the dogs was familiar
with either Spanish or Hungarian, but not both. The team
concluded that the younger the dog, the worse it may be at
differentiating between familiar and unfamiliar languages.

Which finding from the study, if true, would most directly

support the team’s conclusion?

A. Although the dogs’ general hearing sensitivity

declined with age, dogs of all ages showed more brain
activity in response to hearing the language they were
accustomed to than in response to hearing the other
B. As the age of the dog scanned decreased, so did the
amount of brain activity in response to hearing the
language the dog was accustomed to or the other
language, but not in response to hearing the scrambled
C. Dogs showed a different pattern of brain activity when
hearing the language they were accustomed to than when
hearing the other language, and the difference in brain
activity decreased as the age of the dog scanned decreased.
D. The similarity between the pattern of brain activity a
dog showed in response to hearing the scrambled
recording and the pattern it showed in response to
hearing the language it was not accustomed to was
lowest among younger dogs.

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Quasars—such as J0313-1806, located in the Eridanus
constellation—are extremely luminous galactic nuclei
powered by supermassive black holes. Quasars range in
age, with approximately 200 of them known to have
developed within the first billion years of the formation of
the universe. Scientific researchers have long wondered
how any quasars could have formed so early in the
universe’s evolution given that conditions are believed to
have been ill-suited to their creation, which suggests that

Which choice most logically completes the text?

A. J0313-1806 is likely less massive than quasars that

formed more than a billion years after the beginnings of
the universe.
B. J0313-1806 is thought to have formed less than a billion
years after the beginnings of the universe.
C. some aspect of the scientific understanding of
quasar formation or the early universe may be
D. quasars that formed in the early universe are likely
not as luminous as those that formed later.

VietAccepted SAT IELTS - ZALO: 0937738791
To combat predation by Arizona myotis and other
insectivorous bats, many moth species, including Cycina
tenera, emit ultrasonic pulses that, in some cases, disrupt
the echolocation bats rely on for foraging. Some scientists
have hypothesized that this capability evolved because it
imposes a lower metabolic cost than does the alternative
mechanism of producing chemicals that render moths
noxious to bats. Nicholas T. Homziak et al. investigated the
acoustic properties of moths’ ultrasonic responses to audio
of bat echolocation and then assessed the palatability of the
ultrasound-producing moths.
They found that several moth genera that emit
ultrasonic pulses capable of disrupting bat echolocation
are unpalatable to bats, suggesting that .

Which choice most logically completes the text?

A. most genera of moths that produce ultrasound capable

of disrupting bat echolocation do so primarily for
purposes other than evading capture by Arizona myotis
and other predators.
B. the hypothesis about the development of this
ultrasonic defense likely does not account for all
instances of the trait in moths.
C. although previous findings about Cycina tenera are
consistent with the hypothesis about the low metabolic
cost of producing noxious chemicals, the ability to disrupt
bat echolocation and unpalatability are not mutually
exclusive traits.
D. further investigations into moths’ ability to protect
themselves by disrupting bat echolocation will likely
find that moth genera relying on this mechanism are also
generally inedible to bats.

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Researchers Tony Bolden and Tammy Kernodle have lent
their expertise on Black history and music to an important
new Timeline of African
American Music, a digital resource that traces the
development of individual musical genres (such as gospel
and soul) while also revealing the connections between

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the

conventions of Standard English?

A. initiative the
B. initiative: the
C. initiative; the
D. initiative. The

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The Austronesian language family includes Acehnese,
Ilokano, and some 1,200 other languages throughout the
Pacific, making it one of the largest language families in
the world and of keen interest to of Yale University.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the

conventions of Standard English?

A. linguist, Isidore Dyen

B. linguist: Isidore Dyen
C. linguist Isidore Dyen
D. linguist; Isidore Dyen.

Q17 –

Located on the island of Gotland in Sweden, the city of

Visby was a member of a powerful mercantile alliance that
dominated northern European trade between the 13th and
17th Hanseatic League, a
loose confederation of cities from eleven modern-day
countries that has been described as a precursor to today’s
European Union.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the

conventions of Standard English?

A. centuries the
B. centuries: the
C. centuries. The
D. centuries; the

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Nicholas Galanin is known for using video and
photography to explore questions of authenticity in the
identification and presentation of Native art.
The acclaimed Tlingit/Aleut artist was awarded a 2013
fellowship by the Eiteljorg Museum, whose extensive
collection of artworks by Indigenous peoples of the
Americas and other artists of the American West among
the best in the world.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the

conventions of Standard English?

A. rank
B. ranks
C. are ranked
D. have been ranked

Q19 –

Many of the world’s most famous animals have lived in

the Greater Kruger National Park in South Africa. Between
2006 and 2012, for instance, the
prowled the park as part of the dominant
Mapogo coalition (band of male lions).

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the

conventions of Standard English?

A. lions Kinky Tail and Mr. T.

B. lions, Kinky Tail and Mr. T.
C. lions, Kinky Tail and Mr T
D. lions Kinky Tail and Mr T

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Star actress Kiki Omeili, who has appeared in 47
Nollywood films, is one of numerous luminaries to be
pictured in Nigerian portraitist like Udé’s exhibition
Nollywood Portraits. referred to
Nollywood—Nigeria’s $3 billion film industry—as
“Africa’s vivid mirror par excellence,” honors its legacy
with his vivid classical portraits of Omeili and her peers.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the

conventions of Standard English?

A. Udé
B. Udé, having
C. Udé, has
D. Udé has

Q21 –

Today, the Michelin Guide is widely known as the arbiter

of fine dining, but when it was created in 1900, it was little
more than a marketing gimmick; brothers Andre and
Edouard Michelin sought to increase profits for their tire
company by encouraging their customers to drive across
France, visiting the guide’s recommended hotels and
restaurants along the way. Nevertheless, the guide soon
grew in scope and its modest French
eateries were replaced with some of the most esteemed
restaurants from around the world, including Hajime in
Osaka and Kitcho Arashiyama in Kyoto.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the

conventions of Standard English?

A. influence and
B. influence
C. influence, and
D. influence,

VietAccepted SAT IELTS - ZALO: 0937738791

With many elements, like osmium, scientists were able to
isolate a relatively pure sample of the substance shortly
after discovering its existence.
this wasn’t the case with all elements. The process of
isolating magnesium, for example, took years—53, to be

Which choice completes the text with the most logical


A. Likewise,
B. Granted,
C. In other words,
D. For this reason,

VietAccepted SAT IELTS - ZALO: 0937738791

Newer offshore wind turbines often outperform older
models. For example, Denmark’s offshore wind farm, built
in 1995, has wind turbines that generate about 1 megawatt
(MW) of electricity each.
China’s Jiangsu Qidong offshore wind farm, built in
2021, has turbines that can generate about 6 MW of
electricity each.

Which choice completes the text with the most logical


A. Granted,
B. In contrast,
C. For this reason,
D. Eventually,

Q24 –

While researching a topic, a student has taken the

following notes:

 Raymond is the nickname of a dinosaur fossil

specimen from the Late Cretaceous period.
 The Late Cretaceous period ended more than 65
million years ago.
 Raymond is a member of the genus
 Raymond is on display at the National
Museum of Nature and Science.
 The National Museum of Nature and Science is in
Tokyo, Japan.

The student wants to specify Raymond’s location. Which

choice most effectively uses relevant information from the
notes to accomplish this goal?

A. Tokyo, Japan, is home to the National Museum of

Nature and Science, which displays a dinosaur fossil
specimen from the Late Cretaceous period.
B. Raymond is on display at the National Museum of
Nature and Science in Tokyo, Japan.

VietAccepted SAT IELTS - ZALO: 0937738791
C. Raymond lived in the Late Cretaceous period, which
ended more than 65 million years ago.
D. Raymond is the nickname of a dinosaur fossil
specimen belonging to the genus Triceratops.

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 In a 2005 study, Rotundo and Aguiar tested the
effect of plant litter on seedling emergence in a
grassland setting.
 Plant litter includes dead leaves and other plant
 The test site was a dry grassland in
 It was in a midlatitude/semidesert climate.
 The researchers found that in these environmental
conditions the presence of plant litter had a
positive effect on seedling emergence.

Which choice most effectively uses information from the

given sentences to specify the characteristics of the test
A. The test was conducted in Argentina, in a dry
grassland with a midlatitude/semidesert climate.
B. A study on the effects of plant litter on seedling
emergence was conducted by Rotundo and Aguiar in 2005.
C. The researchers studied seedlings’ ability to sprout
above ground and begin photosynthesis, given the
presence of plant litter and certain environmental
D. In a 2005 study, Rotundo and Aguiar found that the
presence of plant litter had a positive effect on seedling

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 Merle Oberon (1911–1979) was an actress born
in Mumbai (then known as Bombay), India.
 She was of Indian, Maori, and Irish heritage.
 She was the first Indian-born actress to be
nominated for an Academy Award.
 Early in her career, she played many nameless,
uncredited roles, such as her role in The Three
Passions (1928).
 Later, she played many named, credited roles,
such as Empress Josephine in Désirée (1954).
Which choice most effectively uses information from the
given sentences to begin a narrative about Merle Oberon’s

A. In 1954, Merle Oberon played the role of

Empress Josephine in the film Désirée.
B. Merle Oberon appeared in many films, including The
Three Passions (1928) and Désirée (1954), and was the
first Indian-born actress to be nominated for an Academy
C. Though she would go on to receive credit in many films,
Merle Oberon also played nameless, uncredited roles in
many films, such as in the movie The Three Passions
D. Merle Oberon’s story begins in Mumbai (then
known as Bombay), India, in 1911.

VietAccepted SAT IELTS - ZALO: 0937738791

While researching a topic, a student has taken the
following notes:
 Louis Ballard was a classical composer and
citizen of the Quapaw Tribe.
 He sought to synthesize Western classical
music with elements of various Native musical
 Ballard’s composition Pan Indian Rhythms
incorporates Ute notched sticks, a traditional Native
 Ethnomusicologist Tara Browner writes that
Ballard’s classical music “relies on Indigenous
instruments, rhythms, forms,...and other musical
The student wants to connect the quotation from Browner
with information about Ballard’s composition. Which
choice most effectively uses relevant information from the
notes to accomplish this goal?
A. Discussing Ballard’s body of works, Browner observes
that it relies on elements of various Native musical
B. Browner notes that Ballard’s music “relies on
Indigenous instruments, rhythms, forms,...and other
musical elements,” further indicating that it synthesizes
Western classical music with elements of various Native
music traditions.
C. Consistent with Browner’s observation that Ballard’s
music “relies on Indigenous instruments, rhythms,
forms,...and other musical elements,” Pan Indian Rhythms
incorporates Ute notched sticks.
D. Browner’s writing discusses Ballard, the classical music
composer responsible for Pan Indian Rhythms.

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VietAccepted SAT IELTS - ZALO: 0937738791

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