Group 6_The Dominant Indonesian Culture Patterns
Group 6_The Dominant Indonesian Culture Patterns
Group 6_The Dominant Indonesian Culture Patterns
Lecturer :
Nur Habibah. S. Hum., M. Pd.
Group 6 :
Preface ........................................................................................................................... i
A. Background ............................................................................................................ 1
A. Conclusion .............................................................................................................. 8
B. Suggestion ............................................................................................................... 9
REFERENCES .......................................................................................................... 10
A. Background
Indonesia, as the largest archipelagic country in the world, has a very wide
cultural diversity, encompassing various tribes, languages, religions, and traditions
spread throughout the archipelago. This diversity makes Indonesia a unique nation
with various cultural patterns that influence each other, but still have similarities in
several aspects. The dominant cultural patterns in Indonesia not only reflect the values
passed down from ancestors, but also play an important role in shaping the way of
thinking, attitudes, and behavior of Indonesian society to this day.
However, along with the development of the times and globalization, some of
these cultural patterns face challenges and changes. The influence of foreign cultures,
especially Western culture, is getting stronger and can cause a shift in traditional
values. Therefore, understanding the dominant cultural patterns in Indonesia is very
important to maintain a balance between preserving traditional cultural values and
adapting to changing times.
This paper aims to identify and analyze the dominant cultural patterns in
Indonesian society. By understanding the existing cultural patterns, it is hoped that
ways can be found to strengthen Indonesian cultural identity amidst the ever-growing
flow of globalization.
Culture literally comes from Latin, namely colere, which means working the
land, cultivating, maintaining the fields (according to Soerjanto Poespowardojo 1993).
Meanwhile, according to Selo Soemardjan and Soelaiman Soemardi, culture is the
means of work, taste, and creation of society. From various of these definitions, an
understanding of culture is a knowledge system that includes a system of ideas or
ideas contained in the human mind, so thatin everyday life, culture is abstract. The
embodiment of culture is objects that are created by humans as cultured beings.
created by humans as cultured beings,in the form of behavior and objects that are real,
for example patterns of behavior, language, living equipment, social organization,
religion, art, and others. organization, religion, art, and others, all of which are
intended to help humans in living their lives to help humans in carrying out life in,
while Nusantara is a term that refers to the entire Indonesian archipelago. The word
Nusantara comes from two Sanskrit words, namely nusa which means island and
antara which means outside or in between.
Therefore, archipelago culture is the diversity that emerges and develops
throughout Indonesia. It includes the traditional arts in the country. Culture is a set of
attitudes, values, beliefs and behaviors shared by a group of people, but different for
each individual, communicated from one generation to the next. Archipelago culture
can be defined as cultures that have grown and developed from ancient times and
become a legacy for the current generation.
1. Gotong royong
According to Koentjaraningrat (2013). "Gotong-royong is joint work in an
effort to meet needs and face problems together. Gotong-royong is an activity that has
a positive impact that has existed since long ago. And has many benefits for
individuals and the environment. From this definition, it can be concluded that the
attitude of gotong-royong is the way a person directs himself to cooperate with other
people or groups to obtain joint results.
According to Vivit and Agus (2019) the following are the benefits of mutual
cooperation (gotong royong):
Strengthening Social Bonds
Makes work easier
Teaches the importance of harmony and mutual respect between communities
Teaches the importance of sharing
Foster a sense of empathy to help each other
3. Progress and Change
The Indonesian cultural landscape is marked by a continual quest for progress
and adaptation to change. This is evident in the country's rapid urbanization,
economic growth, and social transformations. Science and technology serve as
catalysts for this progress, enabling innovations that address societal challenges and
enhance quality of life.
3. The third is avoiding clashes. The employers in indonesia try their best to avoid
any kind of places there is an environment of peace in an indonesian workplace
4. The fourth is friendship between co-workers. There is an environment of peace
and friendship in an indonesian workplace, the co-workers don't hesitate to ask
personal questions and in this way an environment of friendship goes on
5. Then next is personal criticism. There is an environment of private criticism in an
indonesian workplace, people there referred to keep criticism private rather than
discuss it in public, in this way this culture does much to protect the pride of the
6. Greeting the most superior first in indonesia as a subordinate employer. It is
essential to know about the superiors of the company greeting the most senior
first is seen as good conduct
7. Giving handshakes in indonesia seniors are given handshakes first though the
style varies from company to company giving handshakes with little pressure is
common in indonesia
8. Being professional at all times during working hours employees must be
professional regardless of situations. They are to be helpful friendly and good
team members and they are advised to avoid gossiping to avoid any sort of
9. Arriving on time it is highly appreciated to arrive on the workplace on time or
10. The last is showing gratitude indonesian employees trying to be helpful and
friendly and understand each other and say thank you after receiving help from a
colleague it seemed to be good manners because it show gratitude
c) Culinary (Kuliner)
Traditional dishes from various regions in the archipelago have distinctive and varied
falvors, such as rendang from Minangkabau, soto from Java, coto makassar from
Makassar, etc.
d) Architecture (Arsitektur)
Traditional buildings such as traditional houses, temples, and palaces are also part of
the archipelago’s cultural heritage. Famous examples of architecture include
Borobudur Temple and Prambanan Temple in Indonesia.
e) Religious Culture (Kebudayaan Religius)
Religion plays an important role in Indonesian culture, Islam, Christianity, Hinduism
and Buddhism are religions
f) Local Wisdom (Kearifan Lokal)
Customs, traditions and life philosophies passed down from generation to generation
are also an important part of Indonesian culture. Examples are the philosophy of
mutual cooperation, the custom of deliberation and consensus, as well as various
traditional ceremonies such as weddings, death ceremonies, and so on.
A. Conclusion
Culture broadly refers to the shared beliefs, values, norms, and practices that
characterize a group of people, encompassing language, art, religion, and social habits.
Archipelago culture is specific to the unique practices and traditions that develop
within island communities, influenced by their geographic isolation and maritime
environment, leading to distinct social structures and lifestyles.
Indonesian culture is marked by its rich diversity influenced by various ethnic groups,
languages, and religions. Key features include:
Traditional Music and Dance: Performing arts are integral to cultural expression.
Vibrant Arts and Crafts: Rich artistic traditions are prevalent.
Culinary Diversity: Varied traditional dishes from different regions.
Communal Values: Emphasis on social cohesion and harmony.
Religious Influences: Notably strong influences from Hinduism, Buddhism, and
Festivals and Rituals: Significant role in community life, reflecting cultural
B. Suggestion
This paper is a paper that contains information and insights about The
Dominant Indonesian Culture Patterns following the purpose of this paper, we hope
readers can better understand the information contained in this paper. Therefore, this
paper must be read carefully and correctly so that the reader can really understand
the content. We as authors would like to apologize for the shortcomings of this paper.
We know that this paper is far from perfect. So we need advice from readers for the
perfection of this paper. We hope that this paper we have made can be useful for
anyone, thank you.
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Jurnal SELAMI IPS, 16(1), 17-27.