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Abstract—Objective: Depressive disorder has been exploring the neurophysiological mechanism of DE is critical
known to be associated with high variability in resting-state to help doctors and researchers understanding this disease and
electroencephalography (EEG) signals. However, this optimize treatment therapy. Over the past few decades,
phenomenon is often ignored in stimulus-related brain
noninvasive electroencephalogram (EEG) has been favored by
activities. This study proposed a new method to explore the
EEG variability evoked by transcranial magnetic stimulation doctors and researchers for its high accuracy, safety, simplicity,
(TMS, TMS-EEG) in depressive disorder (DE) patients. and high temporal resolution in assessing DE [3-5].
Methods: The TMS-EEG data were collected from 34 DE Previous studies have indicated that the dorsolateral
patients and 36 healthy controls (HC). The maximum prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) plays a significant role in the
eigenvalue of the real binary correlation matrix, calculated pathophysiology of DE [6]. Lots of studies have demonstrated
between different trials using cross-correlation and
that synchronized EEG data, evoked by Transcranial Magnetic
surrogate methods, was extracted to assess trial-by-trial
variability (TTV) of TMS-EEG. Results: The new method was Stimulation (TMS, TMS-EEG) on the DLPFC, can reflect the
found to more sensitive and reliable than the standard cortical excitability, inhibition, plasticity, and the changes of
deviation method. DE patients exhibited significantly smaller connectivity patterns in DE patients [7-9]. It has been observed
TTV in Gamma band and greater TTV in Delta band than HC. that the amplitude of N100 and N45 components of DE patients
Furthermore, the HAMD-17 scores were negatively is lower than normal individuals, and these two components
correlated with TTV values in Gamma band. Conclusions:
exhibit high accuracy in predicting disease state [10, 11]. In
This study represented the first investigation into the TTV in
TMS-EEG data and revealed abnormal values in DE patients. addition to being biomarkers for disease diagnosis, TMS-EEG
Those findings enhance our understanding of TMS-EEG excitability indicators can also predict the treatment effect of
technology and provide valuable insights for studying the depression and monitor its biological response. For instance,
characteristics of DE. after a Magnetic Seizure Therapy, a decrease of N100 was
observed in patients with refractory depression, and this change
Index Terms— TMS-EEG, Trial-by-trial Variability, associated with the Scale for Suicide Ideation. The accuracy,
Depressive Disorder.
sensitivity, and specificity of this index in predicting suicidal
I. INTRODUCTION ideation reached 89%, 90%, and 89%, respectively [12]. In
addition to being excitatory indicators, TMS-induced brain
s a common and recurrent disorder, depressive
disorder (DE) is typically characterized by a lowered connection activity can also be utilized as a biomarker for
mood, reduced energy, and lowered enjoyment. Even detecting and diagnosing depression. Electroconvulsive
Therapy studies have found that phase locking value induced
with adequate full-course medication, most adult patients
cannot effectively achieve remission[1, 2]. In the clinical by single TMS pulse in EEG can characterize depressive states
diagnosis and evaluation of intervention effects, scales such as and evaluate the antidepressant effects of neuromodulation
HAMD-17 are deemed inefficient and lack objectivity due to [13].
their reliance on the doctors’ mature experience. Therefore, Neural variability is a robust phenomenon which has been
This work was supported in part by the STI2030 Major Projects (No. Lina Jia is with Beijing Key Laboratory of Mental Disorders, Beijing
2021ZD0204300); in part by the Scientific Research Initiated by Beijing Anding Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing, 100088, China and
Anding Hospital Researchers (No. 8-202173FS-2); and in part by the Xuanwu Hospital Capital Medical University, Beijing, 100053, China (e-
Beijing Municipal Hospital Research and Cultivation Project (No. mail: [email protected]).
PX2024069). (Zikang Niu and Lina Jia contributed equally to this work). Yang Li, Lijuan Yang, Yi Liu, Siyuan Lian, Dan Wang, Wen Wang,
(Corresponding authors: Liu Yang, Weigang Pan; Xiaoli Li, Weigang and Weigang Pan are with Beijing Key Laboratory of Mental Disorders,
Pan is the lead contact). Beijing Anding Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing, 100088,
This work involved human subjects or animals in its research. China (e-mail: [email protected]; 1058669692@;
Approval of all ethical and experimental procedures and protocols was [email protected]; [email protected]; wangdandoc@cc
granted by the Beijing Anding Hospital (NO. 202173FS-2) and Beijing; [email protected]; [email protected] ).
Normal University (NO. CNL_A_0010_005). All subjects have signed Liu Yang is with Aviation Psychology Research Office, Air Force
the informed consents. Medical Center, Beijing, 100142, China (e-mail: [email protected]
Zikang Niu is with Aviation Psychology Research Office, Air Force om).
Medical Center, Beijing, 100142, China and State Key Laboratory of Xiaoli Li is with Guangdong Artificial Intelligence and Digital Economy
Cognitive Neuroscience and Learning, Beijing Normal University, Laboratory (Guangzhou), Guangzhou 510335, China and School of
Beijing, 100875, China (e-mail: [email protected]). Automation Science and Engineering, South China University of
Technology, Guangzhou, 510641, China. (e-mail: [email protected] ).
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This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TNSRE.2024.3486759
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This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TNSRE.2024.3486759
Finally, constrained the dipoles o the cortex surface and where A1i , j and A2i , j is the 5% and 95% largest value of the
computed the inverse solution by using the current density
analysis. 50 fake TMS-EEG data’s CFi , j between trial i and j;
(4) Decomposed the binary correlation matrix CB using the
E. Discrete stationary wavelet transform analysis eigenvalue decomposition method:
First, since the length of input data must be divided by 2^Q CBvi i vi (4)
in discrete stationary wavelet transform, we extended the TMS-
EEG data to a length of 512 by using the periodic extension where i is the eigenvalue and i is the corresponding
method: eigenvector;
S (t ) [ X (64), , X (1), X (1), , X ( H ), (5) Normalized the max eigenvalue METpre by the number of
X ( H ), , X ( H 64 1)], H 384 trials.
Where X is the original signal of TMS-EEG, H is the length max(i )
METpre (5)
of X and t is the time variable of TMS-EEG’s trial signal X with N
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Since CBi , j is a real symmetric matrix with all elements are TABLE Ⅱ
0 or 1, the METpre value are in the range of [1/60, 1] which can
Channel HC(μV) DE(μV) p Value T Value
provide information about the synchronization of neural
P3 -0.645±1.003 -0.164±0.889 0.020 2.092
activity over trials. If the TMS-EEG data series are completely
P5 -1.086±1.149 -0.581±0.900 0.024 2.014
uncorrelated over trials, then CBi , j is an identity matrix. So the
C5 -0.444±0.902 0.166±0.819 0.002 2.918
max(i ) is 1 and MET is equal to 1/60. If the TMS-EEG data
-0.875±0.967 -0.151±0.768
CP5 0.001 3.415
series are completely correlated over trials, then all the elements
T7 -0.916±1.161 -0.162±0.990 0.003 2.883
of CBi , j are equal to 1. So the max(i ) is N and MET is equal
-0.569±1.053 0.008±0.869
FT7 0.008 2.467
to 1.
(5) Repeat steps (2)~(5), extracted the MET of the TMS- post
examine the changes in TTV induced by TMS, we performed
EEG signals in Tpost . cluster based permutation test on VarSTD of TTVSTD before and
(6) Calculated the TTVME : after TMS pulse, as well as on the real correlated trial number
METpost METpre of TTVME . In the TTVME method, N are set as 10~75 to explore
METpre the influence of trial number on TTVME . Thirdly, we executed
cluster based permutation test to examine the significant
B. To demonstrate the sensitivity of the TTVME , we also
differences of TTVME or TTVSTD value between two
calculated each participant's TMS evoked neural variability
groups[46]. In order to reduce the probability of false positive,
( TTVSTD ) using standard deviation method, which is usually
Bonferroni procedures was performed between two TTV
used in EEG signal variability studies but ignores the similarity calculating method, that is to say, the alpha levels (p-values)
in time dynamic characteristic between different trial series, was set to 0.05/2 = 0.025. Finally, in the correlation analysis
The steps were as follows:
between TTVME or TTVSTD and HAMD-17 of DE, we also
(1) Calculated the mean value of variability in a time period
performed cluster based permutation correlation analysis,
Tpre :
which was similar with the cluster based permutation test,
N between the symptom scores and every electrode.
t2 (d i ,t dt )
t t1
i 1
VarSTD T A. TMS evoked potentials
Fig. 1 A and B showed the average TEP and source location
where d t is the mean value of the sequence d i ,t over trials,
analysis of the two groups. After TMS pulse stimulation, all
N is the number of TMS-EEG trials. M is the data length of d i ,t subjects exhibited seven components (P30: 33ms, N45: 44ms,
P60: 73ms, N100: 113ms, P200: 171 or 200ms, N280: 276ms,
from t1 to t2, t1 200ms,t2 0ms .
P380: 389ms). In group level, the latency of DE in the P200
(2) Same as step (1), extracted the VarSTD Tpost of the TMS- component was shorter than that of HC in group level. So the
P200 latency of DE were respectively set as 171ms while it was
EEG signals in Tpost .
set at 200ms for HC. Statistical results indicated that the P200
(3) Calculated the TTVSTD : amplitudes of channel P3, P5, C5, CP5, T7 and FT7 in DE were
VarSTDT VarSTDT significantly larger than those in HC. The detail values were
TTVSTD post pre
(8) showed in Table Ⅱ.
B. Trial-by-trial variability
It should be noticed that the TTVSTD describes
In TTVSTD method, statistical analysis showed that there was
desynchronization variability over TMS-EEG trials while the
TTVME represent the synchronization variability. To describe no significant difference in VarSTD before and after TMS pulse.
the variability in a uniform manner, we used “variability” to For instance, Fig.2A showed the CD3’s VarSTD value in HC.
represent desynchronization variability. In other words, when Compared with HC, DE had lager TTVSTD in the left frontal and
the TTVME is larger, the TTV of TMS-EEG is small. right central-parietal lobe and smaller TTVSTD in the left
G. Statistical analysis central, left parietal and middle frontal lobe. However, no
significant difference was found between DE and HC (Fig.2D).
To study the differences between the TMS-EEG data at HC
and DE, we first conducted cluster based permutation test Fig. 3 showed the TTVME results of two groups. First, to
between two groups on all channels’ TEPs. Subsequently, to investigate the impact of trial number N on TTVME , we
randomly selected 10 to 75 TMS-EEG trials to calculated the
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Fig. 1. TMS evoked potentials (TEPs) of healthy controls (A) and depression patients (B). Left: Butterfly plot of all electrode waveforms; right:
voltage distribution in 2D and current density map at the cortex in each peak. ”×” indicates p<0.05 between HC and DE in one channel
Channel HC(μV) DE(μV) T Value T Value
T8 0.143±0.246 0.014±0.156 0.021 -2.063
Pz 0.128±0.194 0.033±0.145 0.010 -2.398
CP2 0.126±0.164 0.051±0.136 0.020 -2.103
CP6 0.146±0.299 0.054±0.146 0.024 -2.015
TTVME and observed that the fluctuation of TTVME remained Compared with HC, DE showed significant smaller values in
stable when N was greater than 30 (Fig. 3 A). In order to capture central-parietal and right temporal lobe. In CD7, HC exhibited
more brain signals, N was set to be 60 for calculating of cross higher value in the right frontal and left temporal lobes while
correlation. We also analyzed the real correlated trial number DE showed higher values in the right parietal and parietal-
of two groups and found that TMS increased the correlation occipital lobe. Compared with HC, DE had a significant larger
over trials. For instance, in HC group, TMS significantly value in the parietal lobe. The detail values were showed in
increased this value of CD3 in lots of channels and the channel Table Ⅲ.
in left central and middle frontal lobe showed the most changes C. Correlation between TTV and HAMD-17
(Fig. 3 B).
The correlation analysis showed there were significant
Statistical analysis revealed significant differences in TTVME
correlations between TTVME and depressive symptoms of DE
of CD3 and CD7 between two groups (Fig. 3 C and D). In CD3,
(Fig. 4). In CD3, the TTVME values of some channels were
HC had a greater TTVME in left frontal and central lobe while
negatively correlated with HAMD-17 scale. Those channels
those values of DE had higher values in left central lobe. were distributed in two clusters: cluster 1 (left parietal region),
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This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TNSRE.2024.3486759
TTVME analysis. (A) The TTVME value of CD3 for different trial number in channel Cz. (B) analysis of real correlated trial number over
Fig. 3.
TMS-EEG trials before and after TMS pulse in HC. (C) and (D) Topographic distribution and statistical analysis of CD3 and CD7’s TTVME . ”×”
indicates p<0.025.
Fig. 4. Correlation analysis between TTVME of CD3 and clinical HAMD-17. (A) Cluster 1: right central region; (B) Cluster 2: left parietal region.
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This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TNSRE.2024.3486759
intensity (110% RMT) may be so large that it failed to evoked
the a significant different early TEP between the DE and HC.
Channel RHO p Value F Value B. TTVSTD VS TTVME
C4 -0.452 0.007 -2.868 Neural activity is variable over time and across stimulation
C6 -0.439 0.009 -2.762 trials. Among the trials with identical stimulation, neural
Cluster 1 variability is small before stimulus onset and significantly
FC4 -0.464 0.006 -2.959
increased after stimulus presentation. In traditional event-
FC6 -0.419 0.014 -2.612
related potential experiments, the standard deviation method is
P3 -0.392 0.022 -2.409 usually used to describe neural variability of cognitive
P5 -0.356 0.039 -2.154 processing pathways after the brain receives external stimuli
Cluster 2
P7 -0.386 0.024 -2.366 through the sensory organ [53]. In this study, we first studied
CP5 -0.396 0.020 -2.442
the TTV in the TMS-EEG data and developed a new method to
assess the neural variability of TMS-EEG data. The results
showed that TTVME were changed after TMS stimulation. From
C4, C6, FC6 and FC4; cluster 2 (left parietal region), P3, P5, P7
and CP5. The detail values were as shown in TABLE Ⅳ. this phenomenon, we assume that the reduced reproducibility
of neural activity may be attributed to the TMS stimulation on
IV. DISCUSSION DLFPC leading to the depolarization of neurons and evoked
action potentials, which phenomenon can also be observed in
A. TMS evoked potentials
other event-related potential studies and EEG calculation
TEPs, which are evoked by TMS on DLPFC, are typically methods[9, 54, 55]. Our results indicate that TTVME is more
defined as P30, N45, P60, N100, and P200 [47]. Our study also
sensitive for representing abnormal in DE patients and reducing
found these components using supraliminal stimulation patterns
of TMS pulses. The generation of TEPs is associated with the falsity of the TTV index than TTVSTD .
spatial and temporal summation of postsynaptic potentials C. Trial-by-trial variability and Depressive disorder
which originate from a large number of pyramidal neurons and
In the pathophysiology of clinical disorders, oscillations can
interneurons. These components are thought to be important
provide important information about the effects of plasticity-
indices of cortical excitability. For instance, early TEPs (such
inducing protocols on brain activity. For instance, specific
as N45 and P60) are associated with postsynaptic inhibitory
frequency bands can be associated with specific behaviors or
Gamma aminobutyric acid A receptors and glutamatergic
cognition [56]. Gamma band activities are commonly used to
activity, while the N100 component is involved in cortical
characterize depressive disorder and schizophrenia patients
inhibition mediated by presynaptic and postsynaptic Gamma
[57-59]. Event-related potential and resting-state EEG studies
aminobutyric acid B receptors [48, 49].
have shown that Gamma oscillations have a good diagnostic
Previous studies have demonstrated that the TMS-EEG
capability for DE [3, 60]. Unlike traditional event-related
excitability can not only be used as a diagnostic biomarker for
potential, TMS–EEG offers an opportunity to measure those
depression but also to monitor biological responses to
activities in different frequency bands of the brain without
treatment. For instance, compared with HC, major depressive
involving the processing of sensory pathways. Our results
disorder patients exhibit lower N100 and N45 amplitudes and
revealed that DE patients had significantly smaller variability
greater P200 amplitudes [10, 50]. Additionally, Theta burst
of CD3, which mainly reflects the gamma band information
stimulation can reduce the N45 in the right intraparietal lobules,
(32~64Hz), than HC. Pizzagalli and Isomura both found that
while the administration of Baclofen (a GABAB agonist), can
Gamma activities, which was evoked by auditory steady-state
increase the N100 amplitude in healthy participants [48, 51].
responses or Flanker task , can be used to distinguish depressed
Unfortunately, our study only found significant greater P200
patients from healthy controls, even unipolar depression and
amplitude of DE in channel P3, P5, C5, CP5, T7 and FT7, while
no significant difference was observed in N45 or N100. bipolar disorder in their own experiments[54, 61]. In clinical
Previous studies, which set the intensity of TMS pulse to less studies, Gamma oscillations can not only be used to distinguish
than 100%RMT, have reported significant differences in the the depressive disorder, but also can be the potential biomarker
early TEP between DE and HC. However, such differences are for the treatment. For instance, Pellicciari and his colleague
rarely reported when setting the intensity of TMS pulse to larger found the gamma oscillation, which were evoked by TMS in
than 100%RMT [50, 52]. Only Dhami found a significant P30 DE patients, was asymmetrical in bilateral DLPFC, and a 10-
difference among youth with depression[51]. Therefore, we day Theta Burst Stimulation can reduce this abnormal
hypothesis that there are two possible reason. One possible phenomena [62]. In a paired associative stimulation studies,
reason may be the different clinical condition. For example, Noda found that compared to HC, the changes of Gamma power
other studies usually recruited young, fist-episode or severely and Theta-Gamma coupling activities were significantly lower
suicidal patients which this paper are not identical with. In in DE [64]. Our results provide another important evidence for
addition to the clinical factors of patients, the TMS pulse the abnormal Gamma brain activity in depressed patients.
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