[FREE PDF sample] Ryan's Retina 7th Edition Srinivas R. Sadda Md (Editor) ebooks
[FREE PDF sample] Ryan's Retina 7th Edition Srinivas R. Sadda Md (Editor) ebooks
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SriniVas R. Sadda,
Professor of Ophthalmology
Doheny Eye Institute
David Geffen School of Medicine
University of California, Los Angeles
Los Angeles, CA, USA
Part 1: Retinal Imaging and Diagnostics
Edited by
David Sarraf, MD and K. Bailey Freund, MD
Part 2: Basic Science and Translation to Therapy
Edited by
David R. Hinton, MD
Medical Retina
Edited by
Andrew P. Schachat, MD, David Sarraf, MD, and K. Bailey Freund, MD
Part 1: Surgical Retina
Edited by
C.P. Wilkinson, MD and Peter Wiedemann, MD, FEBO
Part 2: Tumors of the Retina, Choroid, and Vitreous
Edited by
Andrew P. Schachat, MD
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Professor of Ophthalmology
Doheny Eye Institute
David Geffen School of Medicine
University of California, Los Angeles
Los Angeles, CA, USA
Part 1: Retinal Imaging and Part 2: Basic Science and Translation
Diagnostics to Therapy
Edited by Edited by
Clinical Professor of Ophthalmology Gavin S. Herbert Professor of Retinal Research
Stein Eye Institute Professor of Pathology and Ophthalmology
David Geffen School of Medicine USC Roski Eye Institute
University of California, Los Angeles Keck School of Medicine
Los Angeles, CA, USA University of Southern California
Los Angeles, CA, USA
Clinical Professor
NYU Grossman School of Medicine
New York, NY, USA
Vitreous Retina Macula Consultants of New York
New York, NY, USA
Medical Retina
Edited by
Vice Chairman Clinical Professor
Cole Eye Institute NYU Grossman School of Medicine
Cleveland Clinic Foundation New York, NY, USA
Cleveland, OH, USA Partner
Vitreous Retina Macula Consultants of New York
New York, NY, USA
Clinical Professor of Ophthalmology
Stein Eye Institute
David Geffen School of Medicine
University of California, Los Angeles
Los Angeles, CA, USA
Part 1: Surgical Retina Part 2: Tumors of the Retina, Choroid, and
Edited by Vitreous
C. P. WILKINSON, MD Edited by
Distinguished Emeritus Chairman ANDREW P. SCHACHAT, MD
Department of Ophthalmology Vice Chairman
Greater Baltimore Medical Center Cole Eye Institute
Professor (Retired), Department of Ophthalmology Cleveland Clinic Foundation
John Hopkins University Cleveland, OH, USA
Baltimore, MD, USA
Chapter 10: “Diagnostic Ophthalmic Ultrasound” by Yale L. Fisher, Ronald H. Silverman, Gerardo Ledesma-Gil,
Michael Engelbert: Yale L. Fisher retains copyright of his original videos and images.
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ISBN: 978-0-323-72213-1
eBook: 978-0-323-72214-8
Inkling: 978-0-323-72215-5
Printed in India
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vi Contents
32. Genetic Mechanisms of Retinal Disease, 709 48. Diabetes Mellitus, 1071
Kinga M. Bujakowska, Jason Comander, Ayellet V. Segrè Mario Skugor
33. Mitochondrial Genetics of Retinal Disease, 722 49. Nonproliferative Diabetic Retinopathy
M. Cristina Kenney, Deborah A. Ferrington, Sonali Nashine, and Diabetic Macular Edema, 1077
Nitin Udar Henry E. Wiley, Emily Y. Chew, Frederick L. Ferris III
34. Epigenetic Mechanisms of Retinal Disease, 735 50. Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy, 1106
Shikun He, Renu Kowluru Jennifer K. Sun, Mohamed Ashraf, Paolo S. Silva, Lloyd Paul Aiello
35. Microbiome and Retinal Disease, 745 51. Telescreening for Diabetic Retinopathy, 1137
Allen Taylor, Sheldon Rowan, Yuilyn A. Chang Chusan Rajiv Raman, Tarun Sharma
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Contents vii
61. Ocular Ischemic Syndrome, 1260 77. White Spot Syndromes and Related
Gary C. Brown, Sanjay Sharma, Melissa M. Brown Diseases, 1590
Rukhsana G. Mirza, Lee M. Jampol
62. Systemic Coagulopathy Syndromes, 1277
Sandra Liakopoulos, Florian M.A. Heussen, SriniVas R. Sadda, 78. Autoimmune Retinopathies, 1642
David Sarraf Hwei Wuen Chan, Omar A. Mahroo, Anthony G. Robson,
Adnan Tufail, Alan C. Bird, Jose S. Pulido
63. Pediatric Retinal Vascular Diseases, 1283
Aaron Nagiel, Thomas C. Lee, Michael F. Chiang 79. Sarcoidosis, 1657
Aniruddha Agarwal, Yasir Jamal Sepah, Douglas A. Jabs,
SECTION 3 Choroidal Vascular/Bruch’s Quan Dong Nguyen
Membrane Disease 80. Intermediate Uveitis, 1672
Phoebe Lin, Glenn J. Jaffe
64. Epidemiology and Risk Factors for Age-Related
Macular Degeneration, 1307 81. Rheumatic Disease, 1684
Johanna M. Seddon, Lucia Sobrin, Samaneh Davoudi Robert J. Barry, Alastair K. Denniston, Benjamin Rhodes, Mary
Gayed, David Carruthers, Caroline Gordon, Philip I. Murray
65. Pathogenesis of Age-Related Macular
Degeneration, 1325 Infections
Christine A. Curcio, Richard F. Spaide
82. HIV-Associated Infections, 1713
66. Age-Related Macular Degeneration: Non- Igor Kozak, J. Allen McCutchan, Doran Spencer,
Neovascular Early AMD, Intermediate AMD, William R. Freeman
and Geographic Atrophy, 1343
Voraporn Chaikitmongkol, Susan B. Bressler, Neil M. Bressler 83. Mycobacterial Infections, 1744
SR Rathinam, Perumalsamy Namperumalsamy
67. Neovascular Age-Related Macular
Degeneration, 1405 84. Eales Disease, 1754
Dhananjay Shukla, Perumalsamy Namperumalsamy
Enrico Borrelli, Eric H. Souied, Giuseppe Querques
72. Pachychoroid Disease and Its Association With 89. Acute Retinal Necrosis Syndrome, 1802
Sumit Sharma, Sunil K. Srivastava
Polypoidal Choroidal Vasculopathy, 1515
Chui Ming Gemmy Cheung, Won Ki Lee, Xiaoxin Li, 90. Drug Toxicity of the Posterior Segment, 1812
K. Bailey Freund Ivy Zhu, Michael T. Andreoli, Robert A. Mittra, William F. Mieler
73. Central Serous Chorioretinopathy, 1530 91. Photic Retinal Injuries: Mechanisms, Hazards,
Dennis Shun Chiu Lam, Camiel Jan Fons Boon, Nishant Vijay and Prevention, 1852
Radke, Elon Hendrik Cornelis van Dijk Martin A. Mainster, Radwan S. Ajlan
74. Uveal Effusion Syndrome and Hypotony 92. Traumatic Chorioretinopathies, 1869
Maculopathy, 1555 Dean Eliott, Thanos D. Papakostas
Cagri G. Besirli, Mark W. Johnson
93. Retinal and Choroidal Disorders in Pregnancy
SECTION 4 Inflammatory Disease/Uveitis (Pregnancy-Related Diseases), 1884
Sidney A. Schechet, Janet S. Sunness
94. Optic Disc Anomalies, Drusen, Pits,
75. Sympathetic Ophthalmia, 1568 Hypoplasia, and Associated Retinal
Daniel Vítor Vasconcelos-Santos, Narsing A. Rao Pathology, 1900
Rustum Karanjia, Alfredo A. Sadun
76. Vogt–Koyanagi–Harada Disease, 1577
Hiroshi Goto, P. Kumar Rao, Narsing A. Rao 95. Retina-Related Clinical Trials: A Resource
Bibliography, 1913
Barbara S. Hawkins, Jay Chhablani
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viii Contents
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Contents ix
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Video Table of Contents
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Video Table of Contents xi
110.1 Relaxing Retinotomy and Retinectomy for 128.8 Iatrogenic Breaks During Proliferative
Scarred Contracted Retina and Recurrent Vitreoretinopathy Surgery
David Xu, Carl Regillo – Chapter 128
Inferior Retinal Detachment due to
Proliferative Vitreoretinopathy 128.9 Globe Perforation During Posterior
Ian J. Constable – Chapter 110 Sub-Tenon Triamcinolone Injection
Steven S. Saraf, Kasra A. Rezaei – Chapter 128
110.2 Case of Retinal Detachment With PVR and a
Large Inferior Tear 128.10 Scleral Perforation During Scleral Buckling
Chandrakumar Balaratnasingam, Vignesh Raja, Manish Procedure
Nagpal – Chapter 110 Geoffrey G. Emerson – Chapter 128
110.3 Case of Recurrent Retinal Detachment due 128.11 Macular Fold
to PVR Fabio Patelli – Chapter 128
Chandrakumar Balaratnasingam, Vignesh Raja, Manish
Nagpal – Chapter 110 128.12 Choroidal Detachment as a Complication of
Pars Plana Vitrectomy
110.4 Case of Recurrent Retinal Detachment due to Siegfried Priglinger – Chapter 128
Migration of Silicone Oil into the Subretinal
Space as a Result of Retinal Contraction 128.13 Challenging Macular Hole Surgery
Chandrakumar Balaratnasingam, Vignesh Raja, Manish Jerzy Nawrocki – Chapter 128
Nagpal – Chapter 110
128.14 Complications During Chandelier Light
112.1 Ultrasonography in an Eye With Opaque Assisted Scleral Buckling Surgery
Media and Underlying Giant Retinal Tear Manish Nagpal – Chapter 128
(GRT) 128.15 Scleral Buckling Surgery With the Slit-Lamp
Lingam Gopal, Tarun Sharma, Pramod S. Bhende, Muna
of the Microscope
Bhende – Chapter 112
Ramin Tadayoni – Chapter 128
112.2 Surgery for GRT 128.16 Autologous Internal Limiting Membrane
Lingam Gopal, Tarun Sharma, Pramod S. Bhende, Muna
Bhende – Chapter 112 Flap Technique for Optic Nerve Pit
José García-Arumí – Chapter 128
SECTION IV Vitreous Surgery for Macular
Disorders 128.17 Scleral Inlay for Recurrent Optic Nerve Pit
120.1 Posterior Hyaloid Detachment Grazia Pertile – Chapter 128
Alain Gaudric, Ramin Tadayoni – Chapter 120
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Contributors xiii
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xiv Contributors
Hwei Wuen Chan, MBBS, MMed Emily Y. Chew, MD Mariano Cozzi, MSC
(Ophth), FAMS, FRCOphth Director of Division of Epidemiology and Eye Clinic
Doctor Clinical Applications Luigi Sacco Hospital
Department of Ophthalmology Division of Epidemiology and Clinical University of Milan
National University Hospital Applications Milan, Italy
Singapore; National Eye Institute/National
Alan F. Cruess, MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor Institutes of Health
Department of Ophthalmology Bethesda, MD, USA
Department of Ophthalmology and
National University Singapore
Jay Chhablani, MD Visual Sciences
Ophthalmologist Dalhousie University
Yuilyn A. Chang Chusan, MS Vitreoretina Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Staff Assistant LV Prasad Eye Institute
Emmett T. Cunningham Jr., MD, PhD,
Laboratory for Nutrition and Vision Hyderabad, India
Michael F. Chiang Director, The Uveitis Service
JM-USDA Human Nutrition Research
Knowles Professor West Coast Retina
Center on Aging
Ophthalmology & Medical Informatics Clinical Professor of Ophthalmology
Tufts University
and Clinical Epidemiology California Pacific Medical Center
Boston, MA, USA
Oregon Health & Science University San Francisco, CA, USA;
Steve Charles, MD Portland, OR, USA Adjunct Clinical Professor of
Founder & CEO Ophthalmology
Brian Chon, MD
Retina Stanford University School of Medicine
Advanced Eye Care Center
Charles Retina Institute Stanford, CA, USA
Wayne, NJ, USA
Germantown, TN, USA;
Christine A. Curcio, PhD, FARVO
Clinical Professor Dennis O. Clegg, PhD
White-McKee Endowed Professor
Department of Ophthalmology Professor
Department of Ophthalmology and
University of Tennessee Center for Center for Stem Cell Biology and
Visual Sciences
Health Sciences Engineering
The University of Alabama at
Memphis, TN, USA University of California (UC) Santa
David G. Charteris, FRCOphth MD Birmingham, AL, USA
Santa Barbara, CA, USA
Research Lead
Bertil E. Damato, MD, PhD, FRCOphth
Vitreoretinal Unit Jason Comander, MD, PhD
Senior Clinical Research Fellow
Moorfields Eye Hospital Associate Director
Nuffield Department of Clinical
London, UK; Inherited Retinal Disorders Service
Professor of Ophthalmology Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary
University of Oxford
Institute of Ophthalmology Boston, MA, USA;
Oxford, UK;
University College Assistant Professor of Ophthalmology
Consultant Ocular Oncologist
London, UK Harvard Medical School
Moorfields Eye Hospital
Boston, MA, USA
Jeannie Chen, PhD London, UK;
Professor Giulia Corradetti, MD Professor Emeritus
Department of Physiology & Retina Disorders and Ophthalmic Department of Ophthalmology
Neuroscience Genetics University of California, San Francisco
University of Southern California Stein Eye Institute San Francisco, CA, USA
Los Angeles, CA, USA UCLA
Janet L. Davis, MD
Los Angeles, CA, USA;
Judy J. Chen, MD Leach Chair in Ophthalmology
Doheny Image Reading Center
Vitreoretinal Surgeon Bascom Palmer Eye Institute
Doheny Eye Institute
West Coast Retina University of Miami Miller School
Los Angeles, CA, USA
San Francisco, CA, USA of Medicine
Sarah E. Coupland, MBBS, PhD, Miami, FL, USA
Carol Y. Cheung, PhD
Associate Professor Samaneh Davoudi, MD
George Holt Chair of Pathology
Department of Ophthalmology Department of Ophthalmology
Molecular and Clinical Cancer Medicine
and Visual Sciences University of Florida
University of Liverpool
The Chinese University of Hong Kong Gainesville, FL, USA
Liverpool, Merseyside, UK;
Hong Kong
Consultant Histopathologist Shelley Day Ghafoori, MD
Chui Ming Gemmy Cheung, FRCOphth Liverpool Clinical Laboratories Austin Retina Associates
Senior Consultant Royal Liverpool University Hospital Austin, TX, USA;
Medical Retina Department Liverpool, Merseyside, UK The University of Texas at Austin Dell
Singapore National Eye Center Medical School
Singapore; Austin, TX, USA
Duke-NUS Medical School
National University of Singapore
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