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Design choices: MEMS actuators

Carol Livermore
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

With thanks to Prof. S. Mark Spearing, from whose work some of

this material is obtained.
Cite as: Carol Livermore, course materials for 6.777J / 2.372J Design and Fabrication of Microelectromechanical Devices, Spring 2007. MIT
OpenCourseWare (, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY].
C. Livermore: 6.777J/2.372J Spring 2007, Lecture 21 - 1
> Sorting through design options
> Actuator characteristics, examples of actuators, and
theoretical and practical limits
• Electrostatic
• Thermal
• Piezoelectric
• Magnetic

Cite as: Carol Livermore, course materials for 6.777J / 2.372J Design and Fabrication of Microelectromechanical Devices, Spring 2007. MIT
OpenCourseWare (, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY].
C. Livermore: 6.777J/2.372J Spring 2007, Lecture 21 - 2
> We now have lots of domain knowledge that we can apply to
decide whether a particular design is good enough for a
particular application

> How do you develop your intuition about which approaches are
likely to meet the needs of a given application?
• Experience?
• Literature search?
> One approach: borrow the concept of design charts, a tool
commonly used at the macroscale for basic design choices
(which material to choose?)

> D.J. Bell, T.J. Lu, N.A. Fleck, and S.M. Spearing, “MEMS Sensor
and Actuator Selection: Database and Case Study”, J.
Micromechanics and Microengineering, v 15, p. S153, 2005.
Cite as: Carol Livermore, course materials for 6.777J / 2.372J Design and Fabrication of Microelectromechanical Devices, Spring 2007. MIT
OpenCourseWare (, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY].
C. Livermore: 6.777J/2.372J Spring 2007, Lecture 21 - 3
Sample Materials Comparison Chart
Diamond Engineering WC-Co
1. Modulus-Density B SIC Sl2N4 Ceramics

Youngs modulus E Be Aluminas

Mo W-Alloys
(G = 3E/8 ; K = E.) Sialons ZrO2 Alloys
Si BeO Ni Alloys
MFA:88-91 CFRP Glasses Steels
UNI-PLY 3e Cu Alloys
Pottery Ti Alloys
100 KFRP Zn Alloys
Al Alloys
CFRP Rock, stone Tin Alloys

) Eρ ) (m/s) Engineering Laminates Cement, concrete

composites GFRP
Youngs modulus, E (GPa)

Lead alloys
104 ASH
OAK Alloys
PINE ceramics
10 Parallel
to grain MEL alloys
Balsa Epoxies
Wood PS
Woods Nylon
3x10 ASH PP Polyesters polymers

Lower E limit Perpendicular
for true solids to grain Guide lines for
PTFE minimum weight
LDPE design
Balsa E
Plasticised D ρ =C
Hard Elastomers
3x102 E 2

ρ =C Material Selection in
Soft 1
Polymers foams E 3
ρ =C Mechanical Design,
0.1 0.3 1.0 3 10 30
M.F Ashby, Pergamon
Density, ρ (Mg /m3)
Press, Oxford, 1995.
Image by MIT OpenCourseWare.
Adapted from Ashby, M. F. Material Selection in Mechanical Design. Boston, MA: Butterworth-Heinemann,
1995. ISBN: 9780750627276.

Cite as: Carol Livermore, course materials for 6.777J / 2.372J Design and Fabrication of Microelectromechanical Devices, Spring 2007. MIT
OpenCourseWare (, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY].
C. Livermore: 6.777J/2.372J Spring 2007, Lecture 21 - 4
Different criteria for different actuator applications

> Nanopositioners
• Speed, resolution, range, repeatability, robustness against
disturbances, ability to sense as well as actuate…
> Micro mechanical testing apparatus
• Range of motion, force, ability to sense as well as actuate,
• Speed, range of motion, force, power dissipation, voltage
required, ability to sense as well as actuate…

Cite as: Carol Livermore, course materials for 6.777J / 2.372J Design and Fabrication of Microelectromechanical Devices, Spring 2007. MIT
OpenCourseWare (, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY].
C. Livermore: 6.777J/2.372J Spring 2007, Lecture 21 - 5
RF MEMS Approach

> Active RF circuit components

• Implement through CMOS compatible circuits
> Reconfigurable system that allows multiple functionalities
• MEMS ohmic contact switches with low losses and good
isolation and linearity
• MEMS variable capacitors (instead of CMOS capacitors)
> Integrate passive components in place, saving space in the
overall system
> Some issues:
• Reliability can be an issue for MEMS switches (accumulated
damage to contacting surface)
• Limited capacitance range for MEMS variable capacitors,
though losses are low, and linearity and high power
performance are good
Cite as: Carol Livermore, course materials for 6.777J / 2.372J Design and Fabrication of Microelectromechanical Devices, Spring 2007. MIT
OpenCourseWare (, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY].
C. Livermore: 6.777J/2.372J Spring 2007, Lecture 21 - 6
RF MEMS Components

> Switches and relays open circuits, close circuits, or connect

signals to ground
• Includes RF signal electrodes and actuating electrodes
• If the actuating signal and the RF signal exist on the same
pair of electrodes, it’s a switch
• If the actuating signal and the RF signal exist on different
sets of electrodes, it’s a relay
> Variable capacitors can be tuned continually over their range
> Switchable capacitors can switch between two discrete
capacitance values

> Resonators vibrate at a particular (often tunable) frequency and

are useful for filters
> Components use a common set of actuation mechanisms
Cite as: Carol Livermore, course materials for 6.777J / 2.372J Design and Fabrication of Microelectromechanical Devices, Spring 2007. MIT
OpenCourseWare (, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY].
C. Livermore: 6.777J/2.372J Spring 2007, Lecture 21 - 7
The Wish List for RF MEMS
> Low power operation
> Fast switching
> High force (especially for making electrical contact)
> Large analog-controllable actuator travel
> Simple fabrication
• Few masks
• Standard, CMOS-compatible processes and materials
• Ability to be fabricated on the same chip as circuits
> Low voltage
> Robust operation, not prone to failures
> Ability to sense as well as actuate
Cite as: Carol Livermore, course materials for 6.777J / 2.372J Design and Fabrication of Microelectromechanical Devices, Spring 2007. MIT
OpenCourseWare (, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY].
C. Livermore: 6.777J/2.372J Spring 2007, Lecture 21 - 8
> Sorting through design options
> Actuator characteristics, examples of actuators, and
theoretical and practical limits
• Electrostatic
• Thermal
• Piezoelectric
• Magnetic

Cite as: Carol Livermore, course materials for 6.777J / 2.372J Design and Fabrication of Microelectromechanical Devices, Spring 2007. MIT
OpenCourseWare (, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY].
C. Livermore: 6.777J/2.372J Spring 2007, Lecture 21 - 9
Major Classes of MEMS Actuators
> Electrostatic Image removed due to copyright restrictions.
Figure 11 on p. 342 in Zavracky, P. M., N. E.
• Attraction between oppositely charged McGruer, R. H. Morrison, and D. Potter.
Figure 1 on p. 222 in Agrawal, V. "A Latching MEMS Relay for DC and RF "Microswitches and Microrelays with a View
conductors Applications." Electrical Contacts-2004: Proceedings of the 50th IEEE Holm Toward Microwave Applications." International
Conference on Electrical Contacts; The 22nd International Conference on Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided
Electrical Contacts, Seattle, WA. Piscataway, NJ: IEEE, 2004, pp. 222-225. Engineering 9, no. 4 (1999): 338-347.
> Thermal ISBN: 9780780384606. © 2004 IEEE.

• Displacement due to thermal

expansion Image removed due to copyright restrictions.
4 actuators displayed side-by-side to show
how small they are.
> Piezoelectric
• Displacement due to strain induced by
an electric field
> Magnetic
• Displacement due to interaction among
various magnetic elements:
permanent magnets, external magnetic
fields, magnetizable material, andvan
Figure 8 on p. 43 in De Los Santos, H. J., G. Fischer, H. A. C. Tilmans, and J. T. M.
Beek. "RF MEMS for Ubiquitous Wireless Connectivity. Part I. Fabrication." IEEE
current-carrying conduct Mirowave Magazine 5, no. 4 (December 2004) 36-49. © 2004 IEEE.

Cite as: Carol Livermore, course materials for 6.777J / 2.372J Design and Fabrication of Microelectromechanical Devices, Spring 2007. MIT
OpenCourseWare (, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY].
C. Livermore: 6.777J/2.372J Spring 2007, Lecture 21 - 10
Recessed Actuation Electrodes

Spring k Upper capacitor plate


Lower capacitor plate

Cite as: Carol Livermore, course materials for 6.777J / 2.372J Design and Fabrication of Microelectromechanical Devices, Spring 2007. MIT
OpenCourseWare (, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY].
C. Livermore: 6.777J/2.372J Spring 2007, Lecture 21 - 11
Gaining Additional Travel with Leveraged Bending
> Pull-in is modified if the actuating electrodes are
away from the point of closest approach


2) with stress-

Figure 3 on p. 499 in Hung, E. S., and S. D. Senturia.

"Extending the Travel Range of Analog-tuned Electrostatic Actuators."
Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems 8, no. 4 (December 1999):
497-505. © 1999 IEEE.

Cite as: Carol Livermore, course materials for 6.777J / 2.372J Design and Fabrication of Microelectromechanical Devices, Spring 2007. MIT
OpenCourseWare (, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY].
C. Livermore: 6.777J/2.372J Spring 2007, Lecture 21 - 12
Zipper electrostatic actuators

Figure 1 on p. 29 in Ionis, G. V., A. Dec, and K. Suyama. "A Zipper-action

Differential Micro-mechanical Tunable Capacitor." MEMS 2001: 2001
Microelectromechanical Systems Conference, Berkeley, CA, August, 24-26,
2001. New York, NY: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2002.
ISBN: 9780780372245. © 2002 IEEE.

Curved electrode actuators

Figure 10 on p. 263 in Legtenberg, R., J. Gilbert, S. D. Senturia, and M.
Elwenspoek. "Electrostatic Curved Electrode Actuators." Journal of
Microelectromechanical Systems 6, no. 3 (September 1997): 257-265.
Variable capacitor for RF © 1997 IEEE.

Figure 2 on p. 30 in Ionis, G. V., A. Dec, and K. Suyama. "A Zipper-action

Differential Micro-mechanical Tunable Capacitor." MEMS 2001: 2001
Microelectromechanical Systems Conference, Berkeley, CA, August, 24-26,
2001. New York, NY: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2002.
ISBN: 9780780372245. © 2002 IEEE.

Cite as: Carol Livermore, course materials for 6.777J / 2.372J Design and Fabrication of Microelectromechanical Devices, Spring 2007. MIT
OpenCourseWare (, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY].
C. Livermore: 6.777J/2.372J Spring 2007, Lecture 21 - 13
Comb Drive Application: Variable Capacitor

Images removed due to copyright restrictions.

Figure 2 on p. 126 in Yao, J. J., S. Park, and J. DeNatale. "High Tuning-ratio MEMS-based Tunable Capacitors for RF
Communications Applications." 1998 Hilton Head Workshop on Solid-State Sensors and Actuators, Technical Digest 98TRF-0001.

Area-tuning capacitor made by deep reactive ion etching.

Tuning with area rather than gap promotes stability and tuning
range, but fabrication is more challenging and expensive.
Cite as: Carol Livermore, course materials for 6.777J / 2.372J Design and Fabrication of Microelectromechanical Devices, Spring 2007. MIT
OpenCourseWare (, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY].
C. Livermore: 6.777J/2.372J Spring 2007, Lecture 21 - 14
Electrostatic inchworm actuatorss

Figure 5 on p. 333 in Yeh, R., S. Hollar, and K. S. J. Pister. "Single Mask, Large Force, and
Figure 4d on p. 332 in Yeh, R., S. Hollar, Large Displacement Electrostatic Linear Inchworm Motors." Journal of Microelectromechanical
and K. S. J. Pister. "Single Mask, Large ystems 11, no. 4 (August 2002): 330-336. © 2002 IEEE.
Force, and Large Displacement
Electrostatic Linear Inchworm Motors."
Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems
11, no. 4 (August 2002): 330-336. © 2002 IEEE.
Inchworm (more travel by
repeated motion)

Figure 4c on p. 332 in Yeh, R., S. Hollar, and K. S. J. Pister. "Single Mask,

Large Force, and Large Displacement Electrostatic Linear Inchworm Motors."
Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems 11, no. 4 (August 2002): 330-336.
© 2002 IEEE.

Cite as: Carol Livermore, course materials for 6.777J / 2.372J Design and Fabrication of Microelectromechanical Devices, Spring 2007. MIT
OpenCourseWare (, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY].
C. Livermore: 6.777J/2.372J Spring 2007, Lecture 21 - 15
Electrostatic distributed actuators

Figure 1 on p. 122 in Minami, K., S. Kawamura, and M. Esashi. "Fabrication of Distributed Electrostatic Micro
Actuator (DEMA)." Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems 2, no. 3 (September 1993): 121-127. © 1993 IEEE.

Distributed actuators (more force and distance by series and parallel

Cite as: Carol Livermore, course materials for 6.777J / 2.372J Design and Fabrication of Microelectromechanical Devices, Spring 2007. MIT
OpenCourseWare (, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY].
C. Livermore: 6.777J/2.372J Spring 2007, Lecture 21 - 16
Electrostatic scratch drive actuators

Image removed due to copyright restrictions.

Figure 1 on p. 737 in Li, L., J. G. Brown, and
D. Uttamchandri. "Study of Scratch Drive
Actuator Force Characteristics." Journal of
Micromechanics and Microengineering 12,
no. 6 (November 2002): 736-741.

Image removed due to copyright restrictions.

Figure 4 on p. 738 in Li, L., J. G. Brown, and
D. Uttamchandri. "Study of Scratch Drive
Actuator Force Characteristics." Journal of
Micromechanics and Microengineering 12,
no. 6 (November 2002): 736-741.

Image removed due to copyright restrictions.

Figure 2 on p. 737 in Li, L., J. G. Brown, and
D. Uttamchandri. "Study of Scratch Drive
Actuator Force Characteristics." Journal of
Micromechanics and Microengineering 12,
no. 6 (November 2002): 736-741.

Cite as: Carol Livermore, course materials for 6.777J / 2.372J Design and Fabrication of Microelectromechanical Devices, Spring 2007. MIT
OpenCourseWare (, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY].
C. Livermore: 6.777J/2.372J Spring 2007, Lecture 21 - 17
Limits on electrostatic actuators: Paschen’s curve
10000 10000

1000 1000
Breakdown voltage (V)

Breakdown field (V/µm)

Breakdown voltage
Breakdown field
100 100

10 10

1 1
1 10 100 1000 10000
Separation-Pressure (µm-atm)

Image by MIT OpenCourseWare.

J. Judy, master’s thesis, Berkeley.
Original reference: F. Paschen, Ann. Physik, 273 (1889) pp. 69-96.
Cite as: Carol Livermore, course materials for 6.777J / 2.372J Design and Fabrication of Microelectromechanical Devices, Spring 2007. MIT
OpenCourseWare (, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY].
C. Livermore: 6.777J/2.372J Spring 2007, Lecture 21 - 18
Electrostatic actuators: force and distance

1 mN

1 μm 1 mm
Courtesy of S. Mark Spearing. Used with permission.

Cite as: Carol Livermore, course materials for 6.777J / 2.372J Design and Fabrication of Microelectromechanical Devices, Spring 2007. MIT
OpenCourseWare (, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY].
C. Livermore: 6.777J/2.372J Spring 2007, Lecture 21 - 19
Electrostatic actuators: frequency and force

1 MHz

1 kHz

1 Hz

1 mN
Courtesy of S. Mark Spearing. Used with permission.

Max frequency reflects reported values and resonant frequencies.

Cite as: Carol Livermore, course materials for 6.777J / 2.372J Design and Fabrication of Microelectromechanical Devices, Spring 2007. MIT
OpenCourseWare (, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY].
C. Livermore: 6.777J/2.372J Spring 2007, Lecture 21 - 20
Electrostatic Actuators and the Wish List
> Low power operation 3

> Fast switching (electrical RC times, maybe resonance) 3

> High force (obtain μN to maybe mN if heroic) 2

> Large analog-controllable actuator travel 2

> Simple fabrication 3

• Few masks
• Standard, CMOS-compatible processes and materials
• Ability to be fabricated on the same chip as circuits
> Low voltage 2

> Robust operation, not prone to failures (stiction, dust) so-so

> Ability to sense as well as actuate 3

Cite as: Carol Livermore, course materials for 6.777J / 2.372J Design and Fabrication of Microelectromechanical Devices, Spring 2007. MIT
OpenCourseWare (, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY].
C. Livermore: 6.777J/2.372J Spring 2007, Lecture 21 - 21
Thermal Actuation
> Heat up a moveable structure; when it expands, you get force
and displacement

> A variety of different structures can take advantage of this type

of actuation (example: thermal bimorph in a circuit breaker)

> Good features:

• High force, moderate displacement
• Lower actuation voltages
• Relatively simple fabrication
> Not so good features:
• Slower switching speeds (hundreds of microseconds)
• Higher power dissipation: continuous current needed to
maintain displacement unless structure latches

Cite as: Carol Livermore, course materials for 6.777J / 2.372J Design and Fabrication of Microelectromechanical Devices, Spring 2007. MIT
OpenCourseWare (, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY].
C. Livermore: 6.777J/2.372J Spring 2007, Lecture 21 - 22
Thermal bimorph actuator

Images removed due to copyright restrictions.

Figure 1 on p. 411 and Figure 4a) on p. 412 in Sehr, H., I. S. Tomlin, B. Huang, S. P. Beeby, A. G. R. Evans, A.
Brunnschweiler, G. J. Ensell, C. G. J. Schabmueller, and T. E. G. Niblock. "Time Constant and Lateral Resonances
of Thermal Vertical Bimorph Actuators." Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering 12, no. 4 (July 2002): 410-413.

Cite as: Carol Livermore, course materials for 6.777J / 2.372J Design and Fabrication of Microelectromechanical Devices, Spring 2007. MIT
OpenCourseWare (, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY].
C. Livermore: 6.777J/2.372J Spring 2007, Lecture 21 - 23
Buckle Beam Thermal Actuator
> Concept:
• Run a current through a
V-shaped beam
• Power dissipation heats
beam and makes it
• Pre-buckled shape
ensures that point of V
moves outward
> Uniform heat dissipation in Figure 1 on p. 652 in Girbau, D., A. Lazaro, and L. Pradell. "RF MEMS
Switches Based on the Buckle-beam Thermal Actuator." 33rd
beam European Microwave Conference, 2003, Munich, Germany,
October 7-9, 2003: Conference Proceedings 2 (2003): 651-654. © 2003 IEEE.

> Center heats up more

because it’s more isolated
from the supports
Cite as: Carol Livermore, course materials for 6.777J / 2.372J Design and Fabrication of Microelectromechanical Devices, Spring 2007. MIT
OpenCourseWare (, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY].
C. Livermore: 6.777J/2.372J Spring 2007, Lecture 21 - 24
Buckle Beam Thermal Actuator
> Force increases linearly when
actuators are connected in

> Displacement is unchanged

> Used here to close RF
switches in series and
parallel configurations

> One consideration: it can be

harder to get low contact
resistance for contact
Figures 6 and 7 on p. 653 in Girbau, D., A. Lazaro, and L. Pradell.“
between vertical sidewalls RF MEMS Switches Based on the Buckle-beam Thermal Actuator.“
33rd European Microwave Conference, 2003, Munich, Germany,
October 7-9, 2003: Conference Proceedings 2 (2003): 651-654. © 2003 IEEE.
than for contact between
horizontal surfaces
Cite as: Carol Livermore, course materials for 6.777J / 2.372J Design and Fabrication of Microelectromechanical Devices, Spring 2007. MIT
OpenCourseWare (, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY].
C. Livermore: 6.777J/2.372J Spring 2007, Lecture 21 - 25
Electrothermal Actuator: “Heatuator”
Basic heatuator with one wide Modified heatuator: two narrow
and one narrow beam beams and one unheated signal beam

Figure 1 on p. 222 in Agrawal, V. "A Latching MEMS Relay

for DC and RF Applications." Electrical Contacts-2004: Figure 2 on p. 222 in Agrawal, V. "A Latching MEMS Relay for DC and RF
Applications." Electrical Contacts-2004: Proceedings of the 50th IEEE Holm Conference on
Proceedings of the 50th IEEE Holm Conference on Electrical
Electrical Contacts; The 22nd International Conference on Electrical Contacts, Seattle, WA,
Contacts; The 22nd International Conference on Electrical Piscataway, NJ: IEEE, 2004, pp. 222-225. ISBN: 9780780384606. © 2004 IEEE.
Contacts, Seattle, WA. Piscataway, NJ: IEEE, 2004, pp. 222-225.
ISBN: 9780780384606. © 2004 IEEE.

> Analogous to a thermal bimorph, except bimaterial

sandwich is replaced by a wide signal beam (cold)
and narrow beams (hot).
Cite as: Carol Livermore, course materials for 6.777J / 2.372J Design and Fabrication of Microelectromechanical Devices, Spring 2007. MIT
OpenCourseWare (, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY].
C. Livermore: 6.777J/2.372J Spring 2007, Lecture 21 - 26
Electrothermal Relay with Mechanical Latch

Mechanical latch reduces

power consumption after
switching and closes the

Figure 3 on p. 223 in Agrawal, V. "A Latching MEMS Relay for DC and RF Applications." Electrical
contacts-2004: proceedings of the 50th IEEE Holm Conference on Electrical Contacts; the 22nd
International Conference on Electrical Contacts, Seattle, WA. Piscataway, NJ: IEEE, 2004, pp. 222-225.
ISBN: 9780780384606. © 2004 IEEE.

Cite as: Carol Livermore, course materials for 6.777J / 2.372J Design and Fabrication of Microelectromechanical Devices, Spring 2007. MIT
OpenCourseWare (, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY].
C. Livermore: 6.777J/2.372J Spring 2007, Lecture 21 - 27
Thermal actuators: force and distance


1 mN

1 μm
Courtesy of S. Mark Spearing. Used with permission.

Cite as: Carol Livermore, course materials for 6.777J / 2.372J Design and Fabrication of Microelectromechanical Devices, Spring 2007. MIT
OpenCourseWare (, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY].
C. Livermore: 6.777J/2.372J Spring 2007, Lecture 21 - 28
Thermal actuators: frequency and force

1 kHz

1 mN 1N
Courtesy of S. Mark Spearing. Used with permission.

Max frequency reflects reported values and thermal time constants.

Cite as: Carol Livermore, course materials for 6.777J / 2.372J Design and Fabrication of Microelectromechanical Devices, Spring 2007. MIT
OpenCourseWare (, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY].
C. Livermore: 6.777J/2.372J Spring 2007, Lecture 21 - 29
Thermal Actuators and the Wish List
> Low power operation 2

> Fast switching so-so

> High force (μN to N, mN typical) 3

> Large analog-controllable actuator travel (1-100 um) 3

> Simple fabrication (is possible, at least) 3

• Few masks
• Standard, CMOS-compatible processes and materials
• Ability to be fabricated on the same chip as circuits
> Low voltage 3

> Robust operation, not prone to failures 3

> Ability to sense as well as actuate 2

C. Livermore: 6.777J/2.372J Spring 2007, Lecture 21 - 30

Piezoelectric Actuation
> Apply an electric field across a piezoelectric material;
deformation (strain) results, along with actuator
deflection and force

> Different piezoelectric geometries are possible

> Good features:
• High force
• High switching speeds
• Low power dissipation
> Not so good features:
• Small strains must be engineered into useful displacements
• Complex fabrication and nontrivial materials
Cite as: Carol Livermore, course materials for 6.777J / 2.372J Design and Fabrication of Microelectromechanical Devices, Spring 2007. MIT
OpenCourseWare (, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY].
C. Livermore: 6.777J/2.372J Spring 2007, Lecture 21 - 31
Piezoelectric Actuators

___________________ Used with permission. Figure 1a on p. 92 in

Courtesy of Elsevier, Inc.,
Zhang, Q. Q., S. J. Gross, S. Tadigadapa, T. N. Jackson, F. T. Djuth, and S. Trolier-McKinstry. "Lead
Zirconate Titanate Films for d33 Mode Cantilever Actuators." Sensors and Actuators A, Physical 105,
no. 1 (June 2003): 91-97.

> PZT layer is fabricated on top of cantilever, sandwiched between

electrodes, and poled in the vertical direction
> Electric field is applied between top and bottom electrodes,
parallel to polarization
> d31: PZT develops a negative strain in the transverse direction;
rest of cantilever does not
> Cantilever bends up
Cite as: Carol Livermore, course materials for 6.777J / 2.372J Design and Fabrication of Microelectromechanical Devices, Spring 2007. MIT
OpenCourseWare (, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY].
C. Livermore: 6.777J/2.372J Spring 2007, Lecture 21 - 32
Piezoelectric Actuators

___________________ Used with permission. Figure 1a on p. 92 in

Courtesy of Elsevier, Inc.,
Zhang, Q. Q., S. J. Gross, S. Tadigadapa, T. N. Jackson, F. T. Djuth, and S. Trolier-McKinstry. "Lead
Zirconate Titanate Films for d33 Mode Cantilever Actuators." Sensors and Actuators A, Physical 105,
no. 1 (June 2003): 91-97.

> If electric field is opposite to the polarization, the cantilever will

deflect in the opposite direction, up to a point

> Consequence: stronger restoring forces and faster responses

possible than with an unactuated return

> If antiparallel electric field is too large, PZT will repole in the
other direction
Cite as: Carol Livermore, course materials for 6.777J / 2.372J Design and Fabrication of Microelectromechanical Devices, Spring 2007. MIT
OpenCourseWare (, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY].
C. Livermore: 6.777J/2.372J Spring 2007, Lecture 21 - 33
Piezoelectric Actuators

Courtesy of Elsevier, Inc., ____________________ Used with permission. Figure 1b on p. 92 in
Zhang, Q. Q., S. J. Gross, S. Tadigadapa, T. N. Jackson, F. T. Djuth, and S. Trolier-McKinstry. "Lead
Zirconate Titanate Films for d33 Mode Cantilever Actuators." Sensors and Actuators A, Physical 105,
no. 1 (June 2003): 91-97.

> PZT layer is fabricated on top of cantilever, under interdigitated


> Electric field is in the plane; PZT is poled in the plane

> d33: With E parallel to poling, PZT develops a positive strain in
the direction of its length; cantilever bends down

> Again, antiparallel E has opposite effect within limits

Cite as: Carol Livermore, course materials for 6.777J / 2.372J Design and Fabrication of Microelectromechanical Devices, Spring 2007. MIT
OpenCourseWare (, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY].
C. Livermore: 6.777J/2.372J Spring 2007, Lecture 21 - 34
Piezoelectric RF MEMS Switch
> Piezoelectric cantilever driven by
interdigitated electrodes, d33
> Cantilever is multilayer stack,
both for film stress compensation
(so the cantilever starts out flat)
and for maximum actuation force Image removed due to copyright restrictions.

and deflection
> Cantilever layers, from the Figures 1a and 1b on p. 175 in Gross, S. J., S. Tadigadapa,
bottom: 50 nm oxide barrier, 500 T. N. Jackson, S. Trolier-McKinstry, and Q. Q. Zhang.
"Lead-zirconate-titanate-based Piezoelectric Micromachined
Switch." Applied Physics Letters 83, no. 1 (July 2003): 174-176.
nm SiN structural layer, 50 nm
oxide adhesion layer, 300 nm
zirconia, 230 nm PZT, Cr/Au
electrodes and contacts
> Few microsecond switching
Cite as: Carol Livermore, course materials for 6.777J / 2.372J Design and Fabrication of Microelectromechanical Devices, Spring 2007. MIT
OpenCourseWare (, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY].
C. Livermore: 6.777J/2.372J Spring 2007, Lecture 21 - 35
Thin Film Bulk Acoustic Resonator (FBAR)
> Suspended structure: a sandwich
of piezoelectric material between

> Apply an AC signal to electrodes

at the proper frequency, and the
piezoelectric resonates
mechanically Figure 1 on p. 1687 in Wang, K., P. Bradley, and M. Gat.
"Micromachined Bulk Acoustical-wave RF Filters." In 2004
7th International Conference on Solid-State and Integrated

> Air interfaces minimize acoustic Circuits Technology proceedings, ICSICT 2004: October
18-21, 2004, Beijing, China, edited by Ru Huang. Piscataway,
NJ: IEEE Press, 2004, pp. 1687-1690. ISBN: 9780780385115.
losses into surrounding medium © 2004 IEEE.

> In commercial use (sold by Agilent

for cell phones)

Cite as: Carol Livermore, course materials for 6.777J / 2.372J Design and Fabrication of Microelectromechanical Devices, Spring 2007. MIT
OpenCourseWare (, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY].
C. Livermore: 6.777J/2.372J Spring 2007, Lecture 21 - 36
Thin Film Bulk Acoustic Resonator (FBAR)
> Materials challenges:
• Repeatability of piezoelectric’s
properties (choose AlN and work
the process until it is repeatable)
• Low acoustic losses and low
electrical losses (choose
molybdenum) Figure 2 on p. 814 in Ruby, R. C., P. Bradley, Y. Oshmyansky, A. Chien, and J. D. Larson, III. "Thin
Film Bulk Wave Acoustic Resonators (FBAR) for Wireless Applications." In 2001 IEEE Ultrasonics

> Fabrication challenges: Symposium proceedings, an international symposium: October 7-10, 2001, Omni Hotel, Atlanta,
Georgia, edited by Donald E. Yuhas and Susan C. Schneider. Piscataway, NJ: IEEE, 2001,
pp. 813-821. ISBN: 9780780371774. © 2001 IEEE.
• Precise control of layer thickness
• Process compatibility (with IC and
• Structure built over an oxide-filled
Image removed due to copyright restrictions.
cavity in the substrate; oxide 4 actuators displayed side-by-side to show how small they are.
removed at end to release
• Packaging in the fab, by wafer
Cite as: Carol Livermore, course materials for 6.777J / 2.372J Design and Fabrication of Microelectromechanical Devices, Spring 2007. MIT
OpenCourseWare (, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY].
C. Livermore: 6.777J/2.372J Spring 2007, Lecture 21 - 37
Piezoelectric Actuators and the Wish List
> Low power operation 3

> Fast switching 3

> High force (10 μN to mN) 3

> Large analog-controllable actuator travel (<0.1 μm to mm) so-so

> Simple fabrication 2
• Few masks
• Standard, CMOS-compatible processes and materials
• Ability to be fabricated on the same chip as circuits
> Low voltage so-so

> Robust operation, not prone to failures 3

> Ability to sense as well as actuate 3

Cite as: Carol Livermore, course materials for 6.777J / 2.372J Design and Fabrication of Microelectromechanical Devices, Spring 2007. MIT
OpenCourseWare (, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY].
C. Livermore: 6.777J/2.372J Spring 2007, Lecture 21 - 38
Magnetic Actuation

> Many variations on the magnetic actuators theme

• Permanent magnets interacting with an external field
• Permanent magnets interacting with current-carrying coils
• Current carrying conductors interacting with an external field
• Variable reluctance devices

> An important good feature: high force

> Not so good features:
• Current drive means high power dissipation
• Fabrication complexity and severe materials challenges

Cite as: Carol Livermore, course materials for 6.777J / 2.372J Design and Fabrication of Microelectromechanical Devices, Spring 2007. MIT
OpenCourseWare (, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY].
C. Livermore: 6.777J/2.372J Spring 2007, Lecture 21 - 39
Electromagnetic actuators

Figure 3 on p. 79 in Cho, H. J., and C. H. Ahn. "A Bidirectional

Magnetic Microactuator Using Electroplated Permanent Magnet
Arrays." Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems 11, no. 1
(February 2002): 78-84. © 2002 IEEE.

Figure 1 on p. 79 in Cho, H. J., and C. H. Ahn. "A Bidirectional

Magnetic Microactuator Using Electroplated Permanent Magnet
Arrays." Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems 11, no. 1
(February 2002): 78-84. © 2002 IEEE.

Cite as: Carol Livermore, course materials for 6.777J / 2.372J Design and Fabrication of Microelectromechanical Devices, Spring 2007. MIT
OpenCourseWare (, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY].
C. Livermore: 6.777J/2.372J Spring 2007, Lecture 21 - 40
External magnetic field actuators

Courtesy of Elsevier, Inc., ____________________ Used with permission.
Figure 1 on p. 260 in Khoo, M., and C. Liu. "Micro Magnetic Silicone Elastome
Membrane Actuator.“ Sensors and Actuators A, Physical 89, no. 3 (April 2001):

Courtesy of Elsevier, Inc., ____________________ Used with permission.
Figure 6 on p. 262 in Khoo, M., and C. Liu. "Micro Magnetic Silicone Elastome Used with permission. Membrane Actuator.“ Sensors and Actuators A, Physical 89, no. 3 (April 2001):
Courtesy of Elsevier, Inc., ____________________
Figure 2 on p. 260 in Khoo, M., and C. Liu. "Micro Magnetic Silicone Elastome 259-266.
Membrane Actuator.“ Sensors and Actuators A, Physical 89, no. 3 (April 2001):
External magnetic field actuator
Cite as: Carol Livermore, course materials for 6.777J / 2.372J Design and Fabrication of Microelectromechanical Devices, Spring 2007. MIT
OpenCourseWare (, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY].
C. Livermore: 6.777J/2.372J Spring 2007, Lecture 21 - 41
Variable Reluctance Actuator Concept
> High permeability magnetic
deformable and fixed
structures form a magnetic
circuit that flux penetrates

> Increasing current through coil

increases magnetic flux

> Increasing magnetic flux

Figure 8 on p. 43 in De Los Santos, H. J., G. Fischer,
H. A. C. Tilmans, and J. T. M. van Beek. "RF MEMS for
Ubiquitous Wireless Connectivity. Part I. Fabrication."
through the circuit narrows IEEE Microwave Magazine 5, no. 4 (December 2004): 36-49.
© 2004 IEEE.
actuator gap and draws
structures together

Cite as: Carol Livermore, course materials for 6.777J / 2.372J Design and Fabrication of Microelectromechanical Devices, Spring 2007. MIT
OpenCourseWare (, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY].
C. Livermore: 6.777J/2.372J Spring 2007, Lecture 21 - 42
Variable Reluctance Relay

Figure 2 on p. 26 in Tilmans, H.A.C., E. Fullin, H. Ziad, M. D. J. Van de Peer, J. Kesters, E. Van Geffen,
J. Bergqvist, M. Pantus, E. Beyne, K. Baert, and F. Naso. "A Fully-packaged Electromagnetic Microrelay."
MEMS '99: Twelfth IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems technical digest:
Orlando, Florida, USA, January 17-21, 1999. Piscataway, NJ: IEEE, 1999, pp. 25-30. ISBN: 9780780351943.
© 1999 IEEE.

> Two-wafer, flip-chip bonded implementation of variable

reluctance concept; thick electroplated structures
> Switching speed > 500 Hz, operated at 2 V and 8 mA, 2 mN force
Cite as: Carol Livermore, course materials for 6.777J / 2.372J Design and Fabrication of Microelectromechanical Devices, Spring 2007. MIT
OpenCourseWare (, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY].
C. Livermore: 6.777J/2.372J Spring 2007, Lecture 21 - 43
Variable Reluctance Relay

Figure 6 on p. 27 in Tilmans, H. A. C., E. Fullin, H. Ziad, M. D. J.

Figure 5 on p. 27 in Tilmans, H. A. C., E. Fullin, H. Ziad, M. D. J. Van de Van de Peer, J. Kesters, E. Van Geffen, J. Bergqvist, M. Pantus,
Peer, J. Kesters, E. Van Geffen, J. Bergqvist, M. Pantus, E. Beyne, K. E. Beyne, K. Baert, and F. Naso. "A Fully-packaged Electromagnetic
Baert, and F. Naso. "A Fully-packaged Electromagnetic Microrelay.“ Microrelay.“ MEMS '99: Twelfth IEEE International Conference on Micro
MEMS '99: Twelfth IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Electro Mechanical Systems technical digest: Orlando, Florida, USA,
Mechanical Systems technical digest: Orlando, Florida, USA, January January 17-21, 1999. Piscataway, NJ: IEEE, 1999, pp. 25-30. ISBN:
17-21, 1999. Piscataway, NJ: IEEE, 1999, pp. 25-30. ISBN: 9780780351943.
© 1999 IEEE. 9780780351943. © 1999 IEEE.

> Wafer 1: a magnetic substrate with thick plated coils, poles, and
infrastructure for flip-chip packaging
> Wafer 2: a silicon substrate with a plated armature and
provision for electrical contact and packaging
Cite as: Carol Livermore, course materials for 6.777J / 2.372J Design and Fabrication of Microelectromechanical Devices, Spring 2007. MIT
OpenCourseWare (, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY].
C. Livermore: 6.777J/2.372J Spring 2007, Lecture 21 - 44
Issues with Magnetic Actuation

> Fabrication challenges:

• Thick conductors and magnetic features
• Standard approach: plating into a mold
• Plating often produces surfaces that are not flat –
planarization required

> Material limitations:

• Not all magnetic materials can be deposited with MEMS
fabrication techniques

> Process limitations:

• Not CMOS compatible
• Minimize temperature during processing to avoid Curie
• Eliminates some process steps from consideration and
modifies many others
Cite as: Carol Livermore, course materials for 6.777J / 2.372J Design and Fabrication of Microelectromechanical Devices, Spring 2007. MIT
OpenCourseWare (, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY].
C. Livermore: 6.777J/2.372J Spring 2007, Lecture 21 - 45
Magnetic Actuators and the Wish List

> Low power operation (but latching can help) 2

> Fast switching so-so

> High force (approaching mN) 3

> Large analog-controllable actuator travel (large gaps) 3

> Simple fabrication 2

• Few masks
• Standard, CMOS-compatible processes and materials
• Ability to be fabricated on the same chip as circuits
> Low voltage 3

> Robust operation, not prone to failures 3

> Ability to sense as well as actuate 3

Cite as: Carol Livermore, course materials for 6.777J / 2.372J Design and Fabrication of Microelectromechanical Devices, Spring 2007. MIT
OpenCourseWare (, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY].
C. Livermore: 6.777J/2.372J Spring 2007, Lecture 21 - 46
Force and distance


Electroactive polymer

104 Thermal bimorph


102 SMA

Maximum force (N)

State change
Topology optimized State change Fluid expansion

Magnetostrictive SMA

Magnetic relay
10-2 Solid expansion
Piezoelectric expansion
External field

Comb drive Scratch drive

10-4 Curved electrode Inchworm

Parallel-Plate Thermal bimorph

Impact actuator

10-6 Electrostatic relay Distributed actuator Thermal relay

Repulsive force Piezoelectric bimorph

10-7 10-6 10-5 10-4 10-3 10-2 10-1 1
Maximum displacement (m)

Image by MIT OpenCourseWare.

Adapted from Figure 1 on p. S155 in Bell, D. J., T. J. Lu, N. A. Fleck, and S. M. Spearing. "MEMS Actuators and
Sensors: Observations on Their Performance and Selection for Purpose." Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering
15 (June 2005): S153-S164.
Not all macro actuators have micro versions, and
not all micro actuators have macro versions!
Cite as: Carol Livermore, course materials for 6.777J / 2.372J Design and Fabrication of Microelectromechanical Devices, Spring 2007. MIT
OpenCourseWare (, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY].
C. Livermore: 6.777J/2.372J Spring 2007, Lecture 21 - 47
Frequency and displacement

108 Magnetostrictive

Parallel-Plate MACRO

Piezoelectric bimorph
Electrostatic relay
Magnetic relay
Repulsive force Curved electrode Piezoelectric expansion
Maximum frequency (Hz)

Solid expansion External field
Electroactive polymer
Comb drive
Hydraulic Pneumatic
102 Thermal bimorph
Thermal relay
Electromagnetic Thermal bimorph
Fluid expansion
Topology optimized
State change
1 State change
S-Shaped actuator
Distributed actuator
10-2 Scratch drive

Impact actuator

10-7 10-6 10-5 10-4 10-3 10-2 10-1 1
Maximum displacement (m)

Image by MIT OpenCourseWare.

Adapted from Figure 3 on p. S157 in Bell, D. J., T. J. Lu, N. A. Fleck, and S. M. Spearing.
"MEMS Actuators and Sensors: Observations on Their Performance and Selection for Purpose."
Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering 15 (June 2005): S153-S164.

Cite as: Carol Livermore, course materials for 6.777J / 2.372J Design and Fabrication of Microelectromechanical Devices, Spring 2007. MIT
OpenCourseWare (, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY].
C. Livermore: 6.777J/2.372J Spring 2007, Lecture 21 - 48
Different Options Have Different Advantages

Electrostatic Thermal Piezo Magnetic

Low power 3 2 3 2
Fast switch 3 ~ 3 ~
High force 2 3 3 3
Large travel 2 3 ~ 3
Simple fab 3 3 2 2
Low voltage 2 3 ~ 3
Robustness ~ 3 3 3
Sense/actuate 3 2 3 3

> What is most important for your application?

> What suboptimal parameters can your application tolerate?
Cite as: Carol Livermore, course materials for 6.777J / 2.372J Design and Fabrication of Microelectromechanical Devices, Spring 2007. MIT
OpenCourseWare (, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY].
C. Livermore: 6.777J/2.372J Spring 2007, Lecture 21 - 49
> An awareness of the options can give you a head start in
designing a device or process, and improve your device
• Literature awareness
• Design charts
> Other factors come into play as well:
• Ease of fabrication
• Materials compatibilities
• Resolution
• Calibration
• Robustness
• Power consumption

Cite as: Carol Livermore, course materials for 6.777J / 2.372J Design and Fabrication of Microelectromechanical Devices, Spring 2007. MIT
OpenCourseWare (, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY].
C. Livermore: 6.777J/2.372J Spring 2007, Lecture 21 - 50

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