British International Journal of Advance Scholars Publication
Business and Marketing Research Published by International Institute of Advance
B. Int. J. Bus. M. R Scholars Development
Volume: 5; Issue: 06, https://aspjournals.org/Journals/index.php/
November-December, 2022 bijbmr/index/
ISSN: 2758-6352
Impact Factor: 3.165
British International Journal of Advance Scholars Publication
Business and Marketing Research Published by International Institute of Advance
B. Int. J. Bus. M. R Scholars Development
Volume: 5; Issue: 06, https://aspjournals.org/Journals/index.php/
November-December, 2022 bijbmr/index/
ISSN: 2758-6352
Impact Factor: 3.165
leadership and management. The human organization environment. Hence, many authors
environment can be interpreted as the network classify the work environment into conducive
of formal and informal interaction among and toxic environments (see Akinyele, 2010;
colleagues; teams as well as boss-subordinate Yusuf & Metiboba, 2012; Assaf, & Alswalha,
relationship that exist within the framework of 2013). Conducive workplace environments give
organizations. Such interaction (especially the pleasurable experiences to the employees and
informal interaction), presumably, provides help them actualize in the dimensions of
avenue for dissemination of information and personality profile while toxic workplace
knowledge as well as cross fertilization of ideas environments give painful experiences and de-
among employees. Of course, it has been actualize employees' behaviour. Kyko believes
established in other studies that workers’ that irresponsible or uncommitted employees
interpersonal relations at workplace tend to can change to be responsible and be more
influence their morale (see Clement, 2000; committed to job in conducive work
Stanley, 2003). Hypothetically, whatever affects environment because such environments
morale on the job is likely to affect job reinforce the self-actualizing traits in them.
commitment. According to Yusuf and Metiboba While reverse may be the case under toxic
(2012) the third type of work environment, environment. It is these two kinds of workplace
organizational environment includes systems, environment that serves as conceptual
procedures, practices, values and philosophies framework of this study. Workplace
which operate under the control of management. environment is thus defined in this study as sum
In the words of Akintayo (2012) organizational of the interrelationships between employees,
environment refers to the immediate task and employers and the work' environment in which
national environment where an organization they operate which may be conducive or toxic.
draws its inputs, processes and returns the Physical work Environment
outputs in form of products or services for public Stup (2003), observes that physical workplace
consumption. The task and national environment is the environment where human
environment includes factors such as supplier’s beings are fit with their job. The physical work
influence, the customer’s role, the stakeholders, environment might include the light, ventilation
socio-cultural factors, the national economy, and temperature. Result of the employees'
technology, legislations, managerial policies and performance can be increased from five to ten
philosophies. All these go a long way in percent depending on the improvement of the
influencing people’s psych and attitude towards physical workplace design at their workplace
work. (Brill, 1992). According to Amir (2010) there are
In the study of Kyko (2005), employee elements that relate to the physical environment.
personality profile at work is influenced by the PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT:
working environment; he posits that employee As earlier intimated Work Environments consist
personality profile is not static. It is dynamic and of several sub systems which include some or all
changes with the working experiences in the of the following; technical environments, the
British International Journal of Advance Scholars Publication
Business and Marketing Research Published by International Institute of Advance
B. Int. J. Bus. M. R Scholars Development
Volume: 5; Issue: 06, https://aspjournals.org/Journals/index.php/
November-December, 2022 bijbmr/index/
ISSN: 2758-6352
Impact Factor: 3.165
organizational environment and the human shield and visors, ears are protected by earmuffs
environment. Interrelationships and and ear plugs, respiratory protection is provided
interactions of the elements of these subsystems with disposable cartridges, airlie, half or full face
both positively and negatively affect worker mask, Hand, arm and foot are protected by
psychology, morale and performance. Unsafe gloves, cream barriers, safety booth or canvas,
work environment and unsafe work place while the body is protected with overalls and
behavior have potential for industrial hazards, body suits.
risks and accidents according to Noe, Employee Performance:
Hollenbeck, Gerhart and wright (2004). Safety of Armstrong (2006) defines performance as the
employees in the workplace ordinarily is one of development of quantified objectives.
the major goals of industrial concerns Noe, Performance is not only a matter of what people
Hollenbeck, Gerhart wright (2005). Safety of achieve but how they achieve it. 'Organizations
employees in the workplace demands provision need highly performing employees in order to
of conducive work environment which includes meet their goals and to deliver the products and
personal protective equipments. Labour Laws services they are specialized in and finally to
provide for the safety of employees in the achieve a competitive advantage. However, one
workplace according to Noe et al and Pattanayak of the most important dependent variables is the
(2012). Appropriate regulatory agencies in each employees' performance (Borman, 2004). It is
industry are in place to check for compliance or easier to influence the performance of
non-compliance of firms to extant policies and production equipment because it performs
laws. Non-compliance attract sanctions and according to what you instruct it, needing no
litigation which have short and long term additional incentives unlike the employees who
implications for a firms. are complex and need a combination of factors to
Personal protective equipments are provisions influence their performance; both physical and
made for the protection, mitigation of industrial psychological factors. Ushie, Agba, Ogaboh and
injury, accidents or exposure to infections arising Okorie (2015) posit that human beings are very
from health or safety risks at work. They are complex in their psychological make-up and
designed to minimize exposure to variety of hence, managers cannot influence employees'
hazards. They are also worn to reduce exposure inner state directly, they can however create
and create barrier between the wearer and work environment and policies that encourage
injurious or hazardous elements saving them quality performance. Most managers especially
from injuries, germs and infections especially in in Nigeria are of the view that employees are
the laboratories and hospitals. Personal influenced to perform better through pay; how
protective equipment include categories for the much they get from the organization. In the view
protection of the head, eyes, face, ears, nose, of Onwuka (2002), many managers and
hands, feet ad body. While helmets and hardhats supervisors labour under the mistaken
are for the head and scalp protection, eye impression that the level of employees'
protection is provided with goggle, spectacles, performance on the job is proportional to the size
British International Journal of Advance Scholars Publication
Business and Marketing Research Published by International Institute of Advance
B. Int. J. Bus. M. R Scholars Development
Volume: 5; Issue: 06, https://aspjournals.org/Journals/index.php/
November-December, 2022 bijbmr/index/
ISSN: 2758-6352
Impact Factor: 3.165
British International Journal of Advance Scholars Publication
Business and Marketing Research Published by International Institute of Advance
B. Int. J. Bus. M. R Scholars Development
Volume: 5; Issue: 06, https://aspjournals.org/Journals/index.php/
November-December, 2022 bijbmr/index/
ISSN: 2758-6352
Impact Factor: 3.165
to one or more targets on the job. Employees are organization because they need to do so and have
therefore believed to experience this no other viable alternative.
commitment in three bases, or mind sets that 3. A normative component: This refers to the
play a role in shaping behaviour: affective, employee's feeling of obligation to remain with
normative, and continuance, (Meyer & the organization. Employees with high level of
Herscovitch, 2001; Yusuf & Metiboba 2012). normative commitment feel that they ought to
Employee commitment is viewed as being a key remain with the project team or organization
prerequisite for the effective execution of because they are grateful to it.
projects, operational processes and the In simple terms, these three dimensions of job
successful implementation of organizational commitment implies emotional ties (affective)
programmes. It has particular significance for perceived sunk costs in relation to a target
the successful accomplishment of all types of (continuance) and perceived obligation
projects. Work commitment-is defined as the (normative). With affective commitment,
employee's positive emotional connection to the employees are committed to the job because they
employer or organization. "want to". With continuance commitment
There are three different components of work employees are committed to the job because they
commitment suggests by Meyer and Allen, (1991) have to". With normative commitment, they are
that match up with diverse psychological states. committed because they "ought to" These three
He developed an integrated approach, utilizing types of commitments begs for application to,
the concepts put forward by various researchers and empirical testing among employees of
and have defined commitment as consisting of pharmaceutical manufacturing firms. Research
three components: suggests that affective, continuance and
1. An affective component: This refers to the normative commitment are all related to
employee's emotional attachment to, employee retention. Given that an employee with
identification with and involvement in the strong affective and normative commitment feels
organization. Those with strong affective an emotional attachment to, identification with
commitment continue employment with the and involvement in the organization, and has a
project team or the organization because they feeling of obligation to remain with the
genuinely want to do so. They see the organization, then this individual is likely to have
organization or project team as being part of a higher motivation level to contribute
themselves. meaningfully to the project or organization than
2. A continuance component: This refers to would an employee with weak affective and
commitment based on the costs that the normative commitment.
employee associates with leaving the project
team or organization. Employees whose primary
link to the entity is based on continuance
commitment remain with a project team or an
British International Journal of Advance Scholars Publication
Business and Marketing Research Published by International Institute of Advance
B. Int. J. Bus. M. R Scholars Development
Volume: 5; Issue: 06, https://aspjournals.org/Journals/index.php/
November-December, 2022 bijbmr/index/
ISSN: 2758-6352
Impact Factor: 3.165
British International Journal of Advance Scholars Publication
Business and Marketing Research Published by International Institute of Advance
B. Int. J. Bus. M. R Scholars Development
Volume: 5; Issue: 06, https://aspjournals.org/Journals/index.php/
November-December, 2022 bijbmr/index/
ISSN: 2758-6352
Impact Factor: 3.165
conditions, such as a safe and comfortable place the study. The study was carried out at three
to work. For the interaction to be maintained and Pharmaceutical Manufacturing companies in
job to continue, the workplace environment and Enugu State. Whereas there are Nine
the individual must continue to meet each other's Pharmaceutical Manufacturing firms in Enugu
requirements (Dawis & Lofquist, 1964). The State, the three largest firms in terms of the
degree to which the requirements of both are met number of employees were chosen. They are
is called correspondence. This is why Work namely Juhel Nigeria Limited with 156
Adjustment Theory is also known as Person- employees, Nemel Pharmaceutical Nigeria with
Environment Correspondence Theory. Where 140 employees and Michelle Laboratory Limited
employees perceive some factors in the physical with 120 employees. The rest six Pharmaceutical
workplace environment as unconducive, then manufacturing firms have number of employees
such environment may be termed as being between 62 and 32. Complete enumeration
unhealthy and unsafe or toxic. However, for an sampling technique was adopted since 416 as the
environment to be perceived as conducive, the population is modest. The instrument for data
Person-Environment relationship must be collection was a structured questionnaire
corresponding (i.e. the requirement of person designed on five point likert scale. Face and
and environment must be met). Where there is a content validity were used to validate the
lack of correspondence, it means that instrument. Spearman-Brown coefficient
commitment and loyalty may be affected. This reliability test of the instrument was obtained.
underlies the relevance of the theory to the study. The result was .991.
METHODOLOGY: The hypothesis was subjected to Pearson’s
This study adopted survey design to ascertain if Product Moment Correlation coefficient using
there is a relationship between the variables of SPSS, ver. 20.
Data Presentation:
S/N Pharmaceutical Firms Distributed Retrieved Analyzed
1. Juhel 156 149 144
2. Nemel 140 134 131
3. Michelle 120 117 116
Total (Percentage) 416 400 (96%) 319 (94&
Source: Field survey (2019).
H1 There is a Significant Positive relationship between Personal Protective equipment and employee
Correlation (JUHEL)
British International Journal of Advance Scholars Publication
Business and Marketing Research Published by International Institute of Advance
B. Int. J. Bus. M. R Scholars Development
Volume: 5; Issue: 06, https://aspjournals.org/Journals/index.php/
November-December, 2022 bijbmr/index/
ISSN: 2758-6352
Impact Factor: 3.165
N Cal r DF Crit. R Remark
144 .983 142 0.250 Significant
Source: Field Survey 2019
Correlation (NEMEL)
PSLPTVEQT Person Correlation Sign. (2 1 .973**
toiled) .000
N 131 131
EMPCOMT Persons Correlation Sign. .973** 1
(2-toiled) .000
N 131 131
Source: Field survey 2019.
N Cal r DF Crit. R Remark
131 .973 129 0.250 Significant
Source: Field Survey 2019
Correlation (MICHELLE)
PSLPTVEQT Person Correlation Sign. (2 1 .963**
toiled) .000
N 116 116
British International Journal of Advance Scholars Publication
Business and Marketing Research Published by International Institute of Advance
B. Int. J. Bus. M. R Scholars Development
Volume: 5; Issue: 06, https://aspjournals.org/Journals/index.php/
November-December, 2022 bijbmr/index/
ISSN: 2758-6352
Impact Factor: 3.165
British International Journal of Advance Scholars Publication
Business and Marketing Research Published by International Institute of Advance
B. Int. J. Bus. M. R Scholars Development
Volume: 5; Issue: 06, https://aspjournals.org/Journals/index.php/
November-December, 2022 bijbmr/index/
ISSN: 2758-6352
Impact Factor: 3.165
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Volume: 5; Issue: 06, https://aspjournals.org/Journals/index.php/
November-December, 2022 bijbmr/index/
ISSN: 2758-6352
Impact Factor: 3.165
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Volume: 5; Issue: 06, https://aspjournals.org/Journals/index.php/
November-December, 2022 bijbmr/index/
ISSN: 2758-6352
Impact Factor: 3.165
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