Full Download Lexicon of Jewish Names in Late Antiquity Part III The Western Diaspora 330 BCE 650 CE Tal Ilan PDF DOCX
Full Download Lexicon of Jewish Names in Late Antiquity Part III The Western Diaspora 330 BCE 650 CE Tal Ilan PDF DOCX
Full Download Lexicon of Jewish Names in Late Antiquity Part III The Western Diaspora 330 BCE 650 CE Tal Ilan PDF DOCX
Modality Aspect and Negation in Persian Linguistik Aktuell
Linguistics Today Volume 128 128th Edition Azita H.
Texts and Studies in Ancient Judaism
Texte und Studien zum Antiken Judentum
Edited by
Peter Schäfer (Princeton, NJ)
Annette Y. Reed (Philadelphia, PA)
Seth Schwartz (New York, NY)
Azzan Yadin (New Brunswick, NJ)
Tal Ilan
in collaboration with
Thomas Ziem
Mohr Siebeck
Tal Ilan, born 1956; 1991 Ph.D. on Jewish Women in Greco-Roman Palestine at the Hebrew Univer-
sity in Jerusalem; 1992–93 Guest Professor at Harvard; 1995 at Yale; 1997 at the Jewish Theological
Seminary, New York; 1998 at Frankfurt University; since 2003 Professor at the Freie Universität,
This is the second volume in this series. In the first volume, I had written that I need
two more volumes to complete this work, and that if they take me as long as the first
one has, I would complete the task in another forty years. This appraisal was both
too pessimistic and too optimistic. It has taken me only seven years to complete this
volume. But I am now convinced that I need, in addition to the volume I present
here, another two volumes (one for the Jews of Palestine 200–650 CE, to comple-
ment volume I and one for those of the eastern, Aramaic- and Arabic-speaking
Diaspora 330 BCE–650 CE). I am working on them intensively and I hope they too
will appear within the next couple of years.
The reason I was able to produce this volume within a reasonable time-span
is the generous funding I received for it from the German Research Association
(DFG – Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft), to which I am most grateful. This
grant allowed me to set up an onomastic-project at the Institute for Judaistik at the
Freie Universität, Berlin, and to employ an assistant, Thomas Ziem, without whom
the completion of this volume within these time limits would have been inconceiv-
able. Ziem has done much of the tedious and thankless work in this volume such
as cross-referencing, proof-reading and index compilation. He is also responsible
for the surprising and useful statistics presented at the end of the Introduction. I
am extremely grateful to him for all the effort and hard work he has put into this
volume. Thanks also go to Kerstin Hünefeld, Jeschua Hipp and Olaf Pinkpank, also
employed in the project, but working on the following volumes, who have all gener-
ously read and corrected the proofs of this volume at various stages.
Throughout the volume, I usually use material previously published. An excep-
tion to this is the book published by Colette Sirat, Les papyrus en charactères
hébraïques trouvés en Égypte (Paris 1985), which includes photographs of papyri,
but without suggested readings to them. I was helped in deciphering the names men-
tioned in these papyri by the wonderful epigraphist, and my friend, Ada Yardeni.
Much of the work for this volume was performed at the Freie Universität, Berlin,
but for some of the obscure publications mentioned in it I also had the benefit of the
Weidner Library in Harvard, the Sackler Library in Oxford and the National Library
in Jerusalem, the last of which I consider my second home. As before, I wish to
convey my particular thanks to this (last mentioned) library, and particularly to its
librarians of the Judaica Reading Room.
Table of Contents
Addendum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 707
Indices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 709
Orthographical Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 709
Index of the Names in English. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 751
List of Abbreviations
(Includes two kinds of abbreviations: 1. Abbreviations of references from the body of the
corpus; 2. Abbreviations of works cited more than once.)
Abd el-Ftah & Wagner, A. G. Abd el-Ftah and G. Wagner, “Épitaphes grecques
CRIPÉL 19 (1998) d’époque ptolémaïque de Sedment el-Gebel (IIe / Ier
siècles): une communauté juive dans la Chôra égyptienne,”
CRIPÉL 19 (1998) 85–96.
Abu’l Fath P. Stenhouse, The Kitab al-Tarikh of Abu’l Fath (Unpub-
lished PhD on microfiche) and translation (Sydney 1985).
Acta Philippi F. Bovon, B. Bouvier and F. Amsler, Acta Philippi (Corpus
Christianorum: Series Apocrypha 11; Brepols 1999).
Acta Xanthippae et Polyxenae M. R. James, in Apocrypha Anecdota (Texts and Studies 2;
Cambridge 1893) 58–85.
AE L’année épigraphique
AJA American Journal of Archaeology
Alexander, “Jewish Elements” P. Alexander, “Jewish Elements in Gnosticism and Magic,”
in W. D. Davies and J. Sturdy (eds.), The Cambridge His-
tory of Judaism 3 (Cambridge 1999) 1074–5.
Altercatio Simonis A. Harnack, “Die Altercatio Simonis Iudaei et Theophili
et Theophili Christiani nebst Untersuchungen über die antijüdische
Polemik in der alten Kirche,” Texte und Untersuchungen
zur Geschichte der altchristlichen Literatur 1 / 3 (Leipzig
1883) 1–136.
AMB J. Naveh and S. Shaked, Amulets and Magic Bowls:
Aramaic Incantations of Late Antiquity (Jerusalem 1987).
Ameling, SCI 22 (2003) W. Ameling, “Eine jüdische Inschrift im Metropolitan
Museum, New York,” SCI 22 (2003) 241–55.
Anderson, JHS 19 (1899) J. G. C. Anderson, “Exploration in Galatia Cis Halym,
Part II,” JHS 19 (1899) 280–318.
AOFCI I. Eph‛al and J. Naveh, Aramaic Ostraca of the Fourth
Century BC from Idumaea (Jerusalem 1996).
APF Archiv für Papyrusforschung und verwandte Gebiete
Apfelbaum, Zion 19 (1954) S. Apfelbaum, “The Rebellion of the Jews of Cyrenaica in
the Times of Trajanus,” Zion 19 (1954) 23–56.
Archimedes, De Sphaera I. L. Heilberg (ed.), Archimedes, Opera Omnia I (Stuttgart
et Cylindro 1972).
Armoni, ZPE 132 (2000) C. Armoni, “Drei ptolemäische Papyri der Heidelberger
Sammlung,” ZPE 132 (2000) 225–39.
ASP American Studies in Papyrology
Audollent, DT, no. 271 A. Audollent, Defixionum Tabellae (Paris 1904) 373–8.
XII List of Abbreviations
Dagron & Feissel, Inscriptions G. Dagron and D. Feissel, Inscriptions de Cilicie (Paris
de Cilicie 1987).
Damascaius, Vitae Isidori C. Zintzen (ed.), Damascii Vitae Isidori Reliquiae (Hild-
esheim 1967).
Delehaye, AB 31 (1912) H. Delehaye, “Saints de Trace et de Mésie,” Analecta
Bollandiana 31 (1912) 161–300.
Demangel & Laumonier, R. Demangel and A. Laumonier, “Inscriptions d’Ionie,”
BCH 46 (1922) BCH 46 (1922) 307–55.
Derda, ZPE 115 (1997) T. Derda, “Did the Jews use the Name of Moses in Anti-
quity?” ZPE 115 (1997), 257–60.
Di-Segni, SCI 13 (1994) L. Di-Segni, “ in Palestinian Inscriptions,” SCI 13
(1994) 94–115.
Doctrina Jacobi V. Déroche, “Doctrina Jacobi Nuper Baptizati,” T & M Byz
11 (1991) 47–219.
Donadoni, Egyptian Religion S. Donadoni, “Due epitaffii acquistati a Tebe,” in W. Clar-
ysse, A. Schoors, H. Willem (eds.), Egyptian Religion the
Last Thousand Years: Studies Dedicated to the Memory of
Jan Quaegebeur 1 (Leuven 1998) 357–8.
Drew-Bear, Greek, Roman and T. Drew-Bear, “Local Cults in Greco-Roman Phrygia,”
Byzantine Studies 17 (1976) Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies 17 (1976) 247–68.
Drew-Bear et al., Phrygian T. Drew-Bear, C. M. Thomas and M. Yildizturan, Phrygian
Votive Steles Votive Steles (Turkey 1999).
Dunst, APF 16 (1958) G. Dunst, “Ciakav,”Archiv für Papyrusforschung und
verwandte Gebiete 16 (1958) 169–89.
EJ Encyclopedia Judaica
Emmanuel, MGWJ 74 (1930) J. S. Emmanuel, “Saloniker Grabschriften aus dem 16. und
17. Jahrhundert,” MGWJ 74 (1930) 421–9.
Engel, Lĕšonénu 53 (1989) E. Engel, “A Palaeographic Study of Oxford Ms. Heb d.69
(P),” Lĕšonénu 53 (1989) 265–86 (Hebrew).
Epistola Anne ad Senecam Epistola Anne ad Senecam, in B. Bischoff, Anecdota
Novissima. Texte des vierten bis sechzehnten Jahrhunderts
(Stuttgart 1984) 1–9.
ESI Excavations and Surveys in Israel
Esteban, SP 7 (1968) F. Díaz Estaban, “Cuatro nuevos papiros hebreos postcris-
tianos,” Studia Papyrologica 7 (1968) 111–28.
Études Thasiennes 3, 20, no. 3 J. Pouilloux, Recherches sur l’histoire et les cultes de
Thasos 1: De la fondation de la cité à 196 avant J.-C.
(Études Thasiennes 3; Paris 1954) 20, no. 3.
Excerpta Latina Barbari S. J. D. Cohen, “Sosates the Jewish Homer,” HTR 74
(1981) 391–6.
Feissel, REG 113 (2000) D. Feissel, “Bulletin Épigraphique,” REG 113 (2000) 598.
Ferrua, Historiam pictura A. Ferrua, “Ultime iscrizioni di S. Sebastioni,” in
Historiam pictura Referet: Miscellanea in onore di Padre
Alejandro Recio Veganzones O. F. M. (Vatican 1994)
Ferrua, Sicilia A. Ferrua, Notes e giunte all iscrizioni Cristiane antiche
della Sicilia (Vatican 1989).
Fiema, JARCE 22 (1985) Z. T. Fiema, “A Hebrew Inscription from Komm el-Dikka,
Alexandria, Egypt,” Journal of the American Research
Center in Egypt 22 (1985) 117–8.
Fikhman, “CPJ IV” I. F. Fikhman, “L’état des travaux au ’Corpus Papyrorum
Judaicarum’ IV,” Akten des 21. Internationalen
Papyrologenkongresses: Berlin 13.–19.8.1995 (Archiv
für Papyrusforschung und verwandte Gebiete Beiheft 3;
Stuttgart 1997) 290–6.
Fikhman, SCI 13 (1994) I. F. Fikhman, “Review of P. Sta. Xyla. The Byzantine
Papyri of the Greek Papyrological Society,” SCI 13 (1994)
Fikhman, SCI 15 (1996) I. F. Fikhman, “Les Juifs d’Égypte à l’époque byzantine
d’apres les papyrus publiés depuis la parrution du “Corpus
papyrorum Judaicarum” III,” SCI 15 (1996) 223–9.
Fischer, Novae Concordantiae B. Fischer, Novae Concordantiae Bibliorum Sacrorum
iuxta Vulgatam Versionem Critice Editam (Stuttgart 1977).
Foraboschi, Onomasticon D. Foraboschi, Onomasticon Alterum Papyrologicum
(Supplemento al Namenbuch di F. Preisigke) (Milano
Forselv, Symbolae Osloenses 57 I. L. Forselv, “Two Papyri from the Oslo Collection,”
(1982) Symbolae Osloenses 57 (1982) 127–36.
O. Heid. 1, 18, 19, 325 C. Armoni, J. M. S. Cowey and D. Hagedorn, Die grie-
chischen Ostraka der Heidelberger Papyrus-Sammlung
(Heidelberg 2005) 3, 24–25, 296–7.
O. Leiden 377 R. S. Bagnell, P. J. Sijpesteijn and K. A. Worp, Greek
Ostraca (Zutphen 1980) 165.
Oehler, MGWJ 53 (1909) J. Oehler, “Epigraphische Beiträge zur Geschichte des Ju-
dentums,” MGWJ 53 (1909) 292–302; 443–542; 525–38.
Olympiodorus M. P. E. Berthelot, Collection des ancients alchemiste grecs
2 (Paris 1888) 69–106.
Orsi, Römische Quartalschrift P. Orsi, “Gli Scavi a S. Giovanni di Siracusa,” Römische
10 (1896) Quartalschrift 10 (1896) 1–59.
Ovadiah, Te’uda 12 (1997) A. Ovadiah, “Jewish Communities in Macedonia and
Trace in Late Antiquity,” Te’uda 12 (1997) 39*–51*
Rabello, Te’uda 12 (1997) M. Rabello, “The Situation of the Jews in Roman Spain,”
Te‛uda 12 (1997) 160–90.
XXIV List of Abbreviations
[45] Pages 169, 171.
[46] F. S. Dellenbaugh, The North Americans of Yesterday, 416.
[47] J. R. Green, History of the English People, i, 13.
[48] J. Donovan, The Festal Origin of Human Speech. Mind,
October, 1891.
[49] “Jura neget sibi nata, nihil non arroget armis.”—Horace,
Ars Poet., 122.
[50] J. O. Dorsey, Omaha Sociology, 315, 316. A publication of
the U. S. Bureau of Ethnology.
[51] Quoted by Gibbon, Decline and Fall, Milman-Smith edition,
i, 194, 195.
[52] The Spirit of Laws, book ix, chap. 1.
[53] Democracy in America, vol. i, chap. 24.
[54] One of many illuminating phrases introduced by T. V.
Veblen in his work on The Theory of the Leisure Class.