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National University

Term Paper
Performance of the Multinational Corporation to develop the
Economy of Bangladesh: (Apex Shoe Co. Ltd.)

Submitted to:
Dr. Rehana Sharmin
Associate Professor
Department of Finance & Banking
Tejgaon College, Dhaka

Submitted by:
Tania Akter Aka
Collage Roll: 232451018
Registration No:
Masters of Business Administration
MBA (Final Year)
Session: 2021-2022
Department of Finance & Banking
Tejgaon College, Dhaka

Date of Submission: ......................

Tejgaon College, Dhaka

Letter of Transmittal


Dr. Rehana Sharmin
Associate Professor
Department of Finance & Banking
Tejgaon College, Dhaka

Subject: Submission of term paper on Performance of the Multinational Corporation to

develop the Economy of Bangladesh: (Apex Shoe Co. Ltd.)

Dear Madam,
This is a great pleasure to submit the Term Paper Performance of the Multinational
Corporation to develop the Economy of Bangladesh: (Apex Shoe Co. Ltd. As the
requirement of the MBA (Final Year) program Tejgaon College, Dhaka. I collected all the
related financial for the company and from other sources with closely supervision of the
supervisor. I have put maximum give effort and preparing this term paper with the support of
all officials.

I enjoyed preparing the report thought it was challenging to finish within given time.
Preparing this report, in have tried my level best to include all the relevant information. But
there may be some mistakes due to various limitations. For this, I beg your kind consideration
in this regard.

This guidance for my supervisor made it easier for me to prepare my report. I am very much
thankful to my supervisor.

Yours faithfully


Tania Akter Aka

Collage Roll: 232451018
Registration No:
Masters of Business Administration
MBA (Final Year)
Session: 2021-2022
Department of Finance & Banking
Tejgaon College, Dhaka
Supervisor’s Certificate

I hereby confirm that the term paper on Performance of the Multinational Corporation to
develop the Economy of Bangladesh: (Apex Shoe Co. Ltd.) has been submitted for the
fulfillment of the degree of Masters of Business Administration (MBA-Final Year) program
of the Department of Finance & Banking, National University under Tejgaon College. Tania
Akter Aka, Collage Roll: 232451018, has completed the term paper with my approval.
According to his declaration and the best of my knowledge, none of the content of this report
has ever been used to earn credit toward the completion of any other certificate, diploma, or

The entirety of the report is a collection of factual work that was completed in accordance
with my directives.

Dr. Rehana Sharmin
Associate Professor
Department of Finance & Banking
Tejgaon College, Dhaka
Student’s Declaration

I, Tania Akter Aka, hereby declare that the term paper titled Performance of the
Multinational Corporation to develop the Economy of Bangladesh: (Apex Shoe Co.
Ltd. submitted to National University under Tejgaon College in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the degree of Master of Business Administration (Final Year) is my original

This term paper has not been submitted previously for any degree, diploma, fellowship, or
other similar titles or recognition. I have acknowledged all sources of information that have
been used in this term paper.

I have conducted this research work with the highest level of academic integrity and have not
engaged in any form of academic misconduct. The work in this term paper is based on my
research and has been conducted under the supervision of Dr. Rehana Sharmin.

Sincerely yours,


Tania Akter Aka

Collage Roll: 232451018
Registration No:
Masters of Business Administration
MBA (Final Year)
Session: 2021-2022
Department of Finance & Banking
Tejgaon College, Dhaka

To begin, I want to give praise and appreciation to Allah, the Almighty, for giving me the
strength and abilities necessary to complete this term paper. I also express gratitude to my
family for providing me support and encouragement to complete this term paper required for
my MBA degree in a timely manner.

I would like to convey my appreciation to Dr. Rehana Sharmin, my supervisor for providing
me with the encouragement, motivation, and direction I required to complete my term paper.
She was able to do this in a timely manner. The purpose of this study is to serve as final
review of the MBA program.

In addition, I would like to express my gratitude to National University & Tejgaon College
for everything that they have done for me. In addition, I would want to take this opportunity
to convey my appreciation to the Department of Finance & Banking for providing me with
the opportunity to gain knowledge regarding and contribute to a term paper on such an
important topic.
Executive Summary

Satisfying customers are the only way to stay competitive in today’s marketplace. The
balancing Act between what customers want and what the industry can provide must be
optimized in order to maximize industry’s long term profits. Apex Foam Industry has done
numerous researches to understand the level of customer satisfaction. They are already in a
good position in the customer’s mind but understanding the customer’s satisfaction level, will
help the industry to exceed the present level of customer satisfaction. However, no such
research has been done to understand the level of customer satisfaction level of Foam users.

This study investigates the level of customer satisfaction of Foam users, and what are the
difference influencing parties. On assessing the level of customer satisfaction, what
marketing tools, like promotional efforts and other marketing efforts, are necessary to
improve the customer satisfaction level will be given as recommendation by the researcher.
Performance of the Multinational Corporation
to develop the Economy of Bangladesh: (Apex
Shoe Co. Ltd.)
Tables of Contents
Serial No Chapter Page
01. Introduction
1.1 Background of the Study 1
1.2 Objectives of the Study 2
1.3 Research Methodology 3
1.4 Limitation of the Study 4
02. Conceptual Issues
2.1 Historical Background Apex Shoe Co. Ltd. 5
2.2 Financial Statement 5
2.3 Importance of Financial Statement 6
2.4 Objectives of Financial Statements 7
2.5 Concept of Common Size 8
2.6 Concept of Ratio 8
2.7 Concept of Due Point 11
03. Data Base
3.1 Current Ratio 12
3.2 Acid Ratio 13
3.3 Debtor Period 14
3.4 Inventory Turnover 15
3.5 Net Profit Margin 16
3.6 Creditor Period 17
04. Ration Analysis
4.1 Financial Disclosure Requirements 21
4.2 Financial statements disclose 22
4.3 Charging Depreciation 23
4.4 Transfer of Asset 23
4.5 Asset Register 24
4.6 Asset Management Software 24
4.7 Statement of Financial Position of Apex Shoe Ltd. 26
4.8 Statement of Profit or Loss and Other comprehensive Income 27
4.9 Statement of Changes in Equity 28
4.10 Statement of Cash Flows 29
05. Findings, Conclusion & Recommendations
5.1 Major Findings 30
5.2 Conclusion 31
5.3 Recommendations 32
Bibliography 33

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