One reason is
because there are needs that cannot be met by the country. According to Apiaty Kamaluddin
in the book Business Administration (2017), exports are the activity of producing goods and
services domestically, then sending them to other countries. Meanwhile, imports are the
activity of bringing in goods from other countries. Export and import activities both provide
benefits to a country. For example, exports help expand domestic business activities, and
import activities help other countries meet people's needs. Quoting from the book
Indonesian Tuna Export Performance (2017) by Sri Hidayati, et al, the benefit of exports for a
country is increasing state income through foreign exchange. With increasing state income, it
is hoped that people's welfare will also change for the better.
Meanwhile, the benefit of imports for a country is to obtain goods, services or products that
cannot be produced in their own country, due to limited resources.
Export and import activities are very profitable for Indonesia. By exporting, the country's
foreign exchange will increase, economic and industrial activities will also develop widely,
and local business groups or companies have the opportunity to expand their market reach.
Meanwhile, by importing, Indonesia can meet the needs of the entire community, as well as
obtain goods or services that cannot be produced in Indonesia due to limited resources.
Apart from that, the policy to increase exports in the short term is carried out through 3
(three) things, namely:
1. Selection of Leading Export Commodities
Determine export-oriented leading sectors/commodities
A. IR 4.0 Priority Sectors: 1) Food and Beverage Industry, 2) Textiles and Textile
Products, 3) Electronics, 4) Automotive, and 5) Chemistry.
B. Non-IR sector 4.0: 1) Fishing Industry, 2) General Machinery, and 3) others (Wood
Products, Rubber, Furniture). Reducing Costs and Simplifying Export Procedures
The following are examples of export and import activities that benefit Indonesia,