Biol 430 Muscles List f2022
Biol 430 Muscles List f2022
Biol 430 Muscles List f2022
Occipital belly (Occipitalis) Occipital bone and mastoid process Epicranial aponeurosis Draws scalp posteriorly
Tense skin of neck; depress
Fascia of pectoralis major and Mandible, skin and muscle at mandible; pulls lower lip back
Platysma deltoid corner of mouth and down
Masseter Zygomatic arch Ramus and angle of mandible Elevates and protracts mandible
Temporalis Temporal bone (fossa) Coronoid process of mandible Elevates and retracts mandible
Single – Lateral flexion;
Sternal end of clavicle and Mastoid process of temporal bone rotation to opposite side
Sternocleidomastoid manubrium and lateral occipital bone Dual – Neck flexion
Single – Lateral flexion, rotation
Scalenes Transverse processes of cervical to opposite side;
(anterior, middle, posterior) vertebrae Superior surface of 1st 2 ribs Dual - Elevate ribs; neck flexion
Elevates ribs (during
External intercostals Inferior border of rib above Superior border of rib below inspiration)
Depresses ribs
Internal intercostals Superior border of rib below Inferior border of rib above (during forced expiration)
Inferior border of rib cage and
sternum, cartilage of last 6 ribs and Flattens to increase thoracic
Diaphragm lumbar vertebrae Central tendon volume for inspiration
Pull ribs downward,
Xiphoid process and costal flex vertebral column,
Rectus abdominis Pubic crest and symphysis cartilage of ribs 5-7 compress abdomen
Laterally flex and rotate
Linea alba, pubic crest and vertebral column, compress
External oblique Outer surface of last 8 ribs tubercle, and iliac crest abdomen
Laterally flex and rotate
Lumbar fascia, iliac crest and inguinal Linea alba, pubic crest and last 3 vertebral column, compress
Internal oblique ligament ribs abdomen
Inguinal ligament, lumbar fascia,
Transversus abdominis cartilage of last 6 ribs and iliac crest Linea alba and pubic crest Compress abdomen
Subscapularis* Subscapular fossa of scapula Lesser tubercle of humerus Medial rotation of arm
Infraspinatus* Infraspinous fossa of scapula Greater tubercle of humerus Lateral rotation of arm
Teres minor* Lateral border of scapula Greater tubercle of humerus Lateral rotation of arm
Extension, adduction and medial
Teres major Posterior inferior angle of scapula Intertubercular sulcus of humerus rotation of arm
Spinous processes of T7-L5 vertebrae, Extension, adduction, and medial
Latissimus dorsi last 4 ribs and iliac crest Intertubercular sulcus of humerus rotation of arm
(deep to biceps brachii) Anterior distal humerus Coronoid process of ulna Elbow flexion
(superficial muscle of lateral
forearm) Lateral distal humerus Styloid process of radius Elbow flexion
Triceps brachii Long head: infraglenoid tubercle of Olecranon of ulna Elbow extension
(posterior arm) scapula Arm extension and adduction
Medial and lateral heads: medial/lateral (long head only – crosses
posterior surfaces of humerus shaft shoulder joint)
Flexor carpi radialis (anterior) Medial epicondyle of humerus Base of metacarpals 2 & 3 Wrist flexion, abduction of hand
Medial epicondyle of humerus and
Flexor carpi ulnaris (anterior) olecranon of ulna Carpals and base of metacarpal 5 Wrist flexion, adduction of hand
Extensor carpi radialis longus Lateral supracondylar ridge of Wrist extension, abduction of
(posterior) humerus Base of metacarpal 2 hand
Lateral epicondyle of humerus and Wrist extension, adduction of
Extensor carpi ulnaris (posterior) dorsal ulna Base of metacarpal 5 hand
Iliotibial tract and gluteal Hip extension, abduction and
Gluteus maximus Dorsal ilium, sacrum and coccyx tuberosity of femur lateral rotation
Gluteus medius Upper lateral surface of ilium Greater trochanter of femur Hip abduction and medial rotation
Medial tibia inferior to medial Hip adduction; knee flexion
Gracilis Inferior ramus and body of pubis condyle (crosses knee joint)
Ilipsoas Group: Iliacus and Psoas major – combined tendon insertion onto femur
Iliacus Iliac fossa Lesser trochanter Hip flexion and trunk flexion
Bodies and transverse processes of Hip flexion and trunk flexion,
Psoas major T12-L5 vertebrae Lesser trochanter including lateral
Hip flexion, abduction and lateral
Sartorius Anterior superior iliac spine Medial aspect of proximal tibia rotation; knee flexion
Steadies the leg and trunk;
hip flexion, abduction and medial
Tensor fascia lata Anterior superior iliac spine Iliotibial tract rotation
Semitendinosus Ischial tuberosity Medial aspect of proximal tibia Hip extension; knee flexion
(deep to semitendinosus) Ischial tuberosity Posterior medial condyle of tibia Hip extension; knee flexion
Gastrocnemius Femoral condyles Calcaneus via calcaneal tendon Plantar flexion; knee flexion
(deep to gastrocnemius) Proximal fibula and tibia Calcaneus via calcaneal tendon Plantar flexion
Curves under foot to metatarsal 1
Fibularis (peroneus) longus Superior 2/3 of lateral fibula and medial tarsal bone Plantar flexion; foot eversion