The Ultimate Hair Growth Guide Updated Aug 2022 4
The Ultimate Hair Growth Guide Updated Aug 2022 4
The Ultimate Hair Growth Guide Updated Aug 2022 4
- A journey of self love &
written by
Janet Davies
This file was purchased by Andrea Livoti on July 16, 2023
1 It all begins
and ends in
the mind
2 The science
of growing
afro hair
3 Knowledge is
is direction
4 The 7 Pillars of
Hair Growth
6 Over to you!
I was your average 15 year old Nigerian girl
however, at this point in my life I had a new found
perspective and that changed everything!
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A Snapshot of My Natural Hair Journey
1. Dryness
2. Brittleness/weakness
3. Poor detangling habits / over manipulation
4. Natural shedding due to the hair cycle
5. Excessive shedding due to genetics, ageing,
postpartum hormonal changes etc.
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Knowledge is
is Direction
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What is porosity?
What It Means
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Why your porosity matters
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High porosity (“HIPO”)
HIPO hair has cuticles that are very highly raised and
therefore easily broken. This hair type accepts moisture fine
but as the cuticles are so highly raised this hair type looses
it just as easily.
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The 7
Pillars of
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Failure to maintain all 7
pillars will result in you
not achieving your hair
growth goals
The secret to hair growth is understanding that
how you use products is equally as important as
the products themselves! Again, it’s also important
to remember that the texture of your hair has
absolutely nothing to do with how well it grows.
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Dry hair breaks, it's as
simple as that.
Dry hair breaks. It’s as simple as that.
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Applying a leave-in
conditioner is just not
HIPO hair is easily broken. This hair type accepts
moisture fine but as the cuticles are so raised this
hair type looses it just as easily. Due to the fragile
nature of this hair type techniques such as protein
treatments help to repair this broken hair shaft,
allowing moisture to be maintained better. It’s
important to still carry out your moisturising Deep
Conditioner, and applying a Leave-in conditioner.
Bonus tips
Always remember - apply product to your hair
in sections from root to tips focusing on your
ends. If you don’t the product will not
penetrate and you will have patches of dry
hair. This applies to when you are applying any
form of product to your hair whether it be
conditioner or oil.
Don’t be afraid to be heavy handed. If you
are looking to go 2 weeks without washing your
hair think of it as applying 2 weeks worth of
leave-in conditioner.
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Ensuring that you get the
correct balance of protein
and moisture in your hair is
incredibly important for
hair growth
2.Protein isn’t only for the gym
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Ensuring that you get the
correct balance of protein and
moisture in your hair is
incredibly important for hair
As our hair is made from protein, it is important
especially for our HIPO girls (who are more prone
to breakage) to ensure that this protein is
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So what is breakage?
white bulb
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Different types of breakage
Thickening Incomplete
White Spots Ends have split but
two ends have not Crinkle
separated yet
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So how do we avoid this and get the hair
growth results we all want to see?
Bonus Tips:
When taking down protective styles like
braids/twists there will be a-lot of build up, so
gently finger detangle each and every
braided/twisted section BEFORE you wet your hair.
If you apply water on hair like this it will matt up
and cause further breakage.
- If your hair is tangling unnecessarily and more
than usual, it could be a sign you need a trim.
@OminiraNaturals 27
The Ultimate Hair Growth Experience
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Avoid unnecessary pitfalls when it
comes to growing out healthier
hair, choose stretched styles
1. When you are taking your protective style down
do not break off all that hard work of new
growth with bad detangling!
2. Take your sweet time to finger detangle each
braided/twisted section making sure you
remove any build up.
3. Do not under any circumstance put water on
hair that is already matted with build up it
will almost certainly dread up.
4. Always finger detangle first to remove any
build up gently first. Especially at the roots of
your hair. THEN proceed with your normal wash
day routine.
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You will spend 26 years
of your life asleep, don't
just sleep on anything.
Switch to Silk
Silk (is):
1. Similar in structure to natural hair, as it
contains naturally occurring amino acids.
2. Smooth and soft allowing delicate skin and hair
follicles to gently glide across the surface
making it perfect for those with sensitive skin
or conditions such as Eczema or Psoriasis.
3. Allows hair to retain moisture that promotes
healthier hair and even growth.
4. Improves the quality of your hair
5. Prevents frizziness
6. Prevents tangles and knots
6. Nutrition is everything
Fatty Omega-3: oily fish - anchovies, mackerel, salmon, sardines.
Acids Omega-6: vegetable oils, rapeseed, corn, sunflower
Meat, fish, wheat flour, eggs
(Vitamin B3)
Most people should be able to make all the vitamin D they need from sunlight if the
Vitamin D climate permits, if you are from a colder climate you may need to supplement in other
ways including: oily fish (salmon, sardines, mackerel), red meat liver, egg yolks
Brazil nuts, fish, meat, eggs
*This is not an exhaustive list
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If you are deficient in the building
blocks, it’s going to be incredibly
difficult for your body to prioritise
growing healthy hair!
Vitamin E Plant oils rapeseed sunflower, soya corn and olive oil, nuts
& seeds, wheatgerm found in cereal and cereal product.
Vitamin A Cheeses, eggs, oily fish, milk and yoghurt
Biotin Only needed in very small amounts and found in a wide
(Vitamin B7) range of foods egg yolks, legumes, nuts and seeds etc.
Broccoli, brussel sprouts, leafy green vegetables
Folic Acid
(cabbage, kale, spring greens, spinach), peas, chickpeas
Protein Fish, meat, eggs and yes that gym protein shake!
*This is not an exhaustive list
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Without patience you
will never see results...
7.Patience sis!
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If your hair is breaking off at the
ends then it is absolutely pointless
increasing the rate of your hair
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Not all oils are
made equal
In Chemistry, likes mixes best with like. As 40% of
our scalp is made of oil, it is very beneficial to use
oil to allow for the correct absorption. But not all
oils are made equal, only some oils can penetrate
our scalp and get into the depths of our hair
follicles to promote hair growth.
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Hair loss
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What to do when a
hairstyle ruins your edges,
your hair line starts to
recede or patches of your
hair start to fall out?
Alopecia is the scientific term for hair loss. The
causes of hair loss are vast in range but can be
simplified as:
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Traction Alopecia
Product results
from Extra
Strength Hair
Growth Potion
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Alopecia Areata
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Telogen Effluvium
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Brahmi - Strengthens hair follicles, prevents
excessive shedding and hair loss.
Bhringraj - Known well for its hair restoration
properties. Nourishes the hair, promotes hair
growth, enlarges follicle size, prevents hair loss,
fights dandruff, baldness and premature greying of
Green Tea - Supports hair growth and prevents hair
Neem - Reduces hair loss, promotes healthy hair
growth, minimises grey hairs and reduces dandruff
Fenugreek - Stimulates blood flow to the scalp,
nourishes the hair follicles and encourages faster,
healthier hair growth, while its antioxidant and anti-
inflammatory properties help treat dandruff, scalp
irritation. Also strengthens the hair due to its
mineral and protein content, resulting in less hair
shedding and hair loss.
Henna - A super herb that conditions, strengthens,
thickens the hair strands and improves scalp health.
Shikakai - Rich in antioxidants iron and Vitamin C,
boosts hair growth, prevents dreadful split ends,
soothes an itchy scalp and delays greying of hair.
Sweet Almond Oil - Adds luscious shine, conditions
and strengthens the hair shaft protecting your hair
against split ends.
Olive Oil - Moisturises & strengthens your hair,
reduces scalp irritation and promotes growth.
Grapeseed Oil - Promotes hair growth, moisturises
and conditions without weighing hair down
Avocado Oil - Excellent moisturising plant oil,
penetrates the hair to make it stronger and prevents
Pumpkin Seed Oil - Another powerful reverser of
female and male pattern baldness.
Peppermint Essential Oil - RAPID hair growth
booster, stimulates & nourishes the hair follicle
Rosemary Essential Oil - Another powerful reverser
of female and male pattern baldness. Promotes hair
growth, stimulates blood flow to the scalp.
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you This file was purchased by Andrea Livoti on July 16, 2023
You hair will only be
as good as your
I know, I know, that is a-lot of information and it
is hard to take it in all at once.
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You hair will only be
as good as your
Day 1 Working in sections of 4:
WASH DAY 1. Shampoo the roots of your hair using the Hair Growth
Shampoo and Scalp Massager
2. Use the custom detangling routine on page 26
3. Squeeze out excess water, apply a Deep
Conditioner/Protein treatment (alternating between
the 2). LOPO girls especially don't forget to use a
steam/heat cap.
4. Rinse
5. Apply leave in Conditioner & Oil (+ Gel/Styler if you
are doing a braid/twist out)
6. Proceed to stretched/protective style
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I’m sure you have found this Simple Guide to
Hair Growth extremely useful, I would be
forever grateful if you could leave a
review, it helps our small business and helps
other girls out there who are looking for
easier ways to grow their hair.
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Don’t you ever forget that you are a Queen and there
is no other crown like the beautiful afro!
This file was purchased by Andrea Livoti on July 16, 2023