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The Ultimate Hair Growth Guide Updated Aug 2022 4

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- A journey of self love &

written by
Janet Davies

This file was purchased by Andrea Livoti on July 16, 2023

1 It all begins
and ends in
the mind

2 The science
of growing
afro hair

3 Knowledge is
is direction

4 The 7 Pillars of
Hair Growth

5 Alopecia. Hair loss

causes and

6 Over to you!

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It all
and ends
in the
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My hair is so
nappy and hard
to manage
Before we get into this, let’s play a game! Look at
the 2 pictures below:

Write down the first 3 words you think of when you

saw the pictures above?

Write down the first 3 words you think of when you

saw the pictures above?

Which look do you prefer?

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You look after
what you love!
Same girl - 2 very different first impressions!

Depending on how you answered, you could be the

product of mass societal brainwashing that afro
hair is not beautiful.

I believe that the hatred of our natural hair is one

of the many by-products of the transatlantic slave
trade that is still persistent in present times.
Hatred of our hair is a learned behaviour and not

Before we delve into how to grow long healthy hair

we must tackle the years of psychological
brainwashing that we have all endured by mass
media which states that straight hair is the only
standard of beauty. For your hair to grow you must
love it first! You look after what you love, what
you hate you manipulate.

So from now on I want you to say “BEAUTIFUL!”

before you say afro to truly get your mind to shift.

Don’t worry I’ll help you too!

So when was the first time you realised your

beautiful afro was beautiful?

For me it was when I discovered “Hair Crush”

(Chime Edwards) on Youtube in 2010, I thought
wow!! I’ve never even seen a black woman with
such long beautiful hair before!?!! How is this even

She can’t trulyyyyyyy be black (societal 5

conditioning), I thought to myself.
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You look after
what you love!
It was only because I saw it can be done for
others that I believed it was possible for me to
have beautiful afro hair. This is why I believe in
the power of positive representation. So it would
only be befitting if I show you some images of my
relaxer days.

P.S All I had was a fringe!

The rest was thin and lifeless

I was your average 15 year old Nigerian girl
however, at this point in my life I had a new found
perspective and that changed everything!

So what did I do? I vowed by my prom next year

(2011) that would be my last relaxer, and it was!

From there the journey into beautiful afro hair


Before I can reveal the secrets of growing long

natural hair, you’re going to need to know my

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A Snapshot of My Natural Hair Journey

I went natural in 2011 It took me 6 WHOLE years

to get to my goal length at first! In those 6 years I
studied my hair, saw what it liked, didn’t like it
truly was an experiment! In that 6th year I also
suffered crazy heat damage, which was an
“experiment” which went wrong. In 2018 I cut all
the damaged ends off and started to redo all the
things I learnt and took it to the next level, deep
conditioned regularly protective styled like crazy
(The Ultimate Hair Growth Guide was born!). By
2020 it seemed like my hair grew back to the same
length in 2017 overnight but it took 2 years of
showing love to my hair. It’s absolutely crazy that
to get to this length it didn’t take nearly as long.

Fast forward to 2021, now my hair is so long it

barely fits in the same frame! Let’s just say
Ominira Naturals products are doing their work!


On this amazing 10 year journey I have learnt

everything under the sun when it comes to caring
for our kinky curly hair. I’ve also made every
mistake under the sun so that you don’t have to.
With that being said, let’s delve into The Ultimate
Hair Growth Guide.

For more detailed information on my journey you

can watch it in full here. 7
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Science of
Afro Hair
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My hair just won't
grow no matter
what I do
Now that we’ve settled the mindset, let’s look into
what science tells us about beautiful afro hair.

"I've been natural for years and my hair has been

the same length!"
“My hair is always breaking off at the ends!”
“My hair just won’t grow no matter what I do!”

Have you ever said any of these before? You are

definitely not the only one.

Let’s tackle the root cause! Why is it then that

beautiful afro-textured hair suffers the most
breakage when compared to other textures?

It starts with the hair cuticle.

The hair cuticle can be described as overlapping

scales of keratinocytes (Keratin!) think of it like
tiles on a roof which are mainly made from proteins
and fats.

Afro textured hair tends to have a thinner cuticle

than others; Caucasians have slightly thicker and
Asians tend to have the thickest.
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My hair just
won't grow no
matter what I do
It is then not a surprise that our texture of hair
does not typically achieve long length and breaks
very easily.

It is this hair cuticle that is one of the contributing

factors to the fragile nature of beautiful afro hair.
Even within beautiful afro-textured hair types, not
all cuticles are made the same and this is where
porosity comes in (we will tackle this later!).

Hair can “break” off for many reasons including:

1. Dryness
2. Brittleness/weakness
3. Poor detangling habits / over manipulation
4. Natural shedding due to the hair cycle
5. Excessive shedding due to genetics, ageing,
postpartum hormonal changes etc.

But it's not all bad news, there are ways of

preventing and avoiding these causes.Let’s tackle
these causes one by one to cover all bases and
enable you to see results!

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Knowledge is
is Direction

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Without this your hair
will never grow to that
waistlength goal
No matter what hair growth products you use (yes
even Ominira’s Best Selling Hair Growth Potion!)
without a good understanding of your hair and the
methods you use to handle it your hair will never
grow to that waist-length goal or more.

This is something a-lot of people/haircare

businesses may never address and just sell you
products; which is like trying to put a bandage on
an internal bleeding wound. It just won’t work. We
need to address the root cause to actually see

This is why we are going to get you to understand

your hair better so that you can create a custom
routine that works for you.

If there’s only one thing you remember by the time

you finish this book it is that the texture of your
hair has absolutely nothing to do with how well
it grows. In actual fact how well you understand
and therefore care for your hair will determine
how well your hair grows.

The most important factor that needs to be

understood is your hair porosity.

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What is porosity?

Porosity is sort of like the personality of your hair.

It determines how well your hair absorbs moisture
and product. This is such an important factor when
it comes to growing healthier, longer, stronger hair
as without this knowledge you could be doing more
harm than good to your precious ‘Fro.

As mentioned in chapter 2 your cuticles (remember

those overlapping scales of keratin over your hair
shaft?) determine your porosity.

Depending on how “low” or “highly” raised your

cuticles are that will dictate your “porosity”.

How do you find out your porosity?

The Float Test

1. Remove a single strand of hair
2. Fill a bowl/cup with room temperature water
3. Place the strand inside
4. Wait 2-5 minutes for your results

What It Means

If the strand sinks quickly to the bottom – your

hair has a high level of porosity.

If the strand sinks slowly to the bottom – your hair

has a medium level of porosity.

If the strand floats – your hair has a low level of


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Why your porosity matters

Low Porosity (“LOPO”)

LOPO hair is extremely resistant to accepting
moisture. The hair cuticles are “low” and prevent
moisture from entering therefore before we even
get to what kind of products you should be using,
we need to be strategic when applying these
products to ensure it gets into the hair strand (and
stays there!). Anything that raises that cuticle
enables your hair to accept moisture!

Think of cuticles like the pores on your skin, they

are most open with steam!
Techniques such as:
1. Deep conditioning with a heat/steam cap, or
overnight if that’s your thing!
2. Applying leave in conditioner straight after a
steamy shower. Our favourites are of course
The Honey Watermelon Infusion - Ultimate
Moisture Leave-in & Deep Conditioner duo for
extremely dry and brittle hair.

You also want to look out for ingredients in your

products of choice that are humectants.

Humectants are a super ingredient - they literally

grab water from the air and into your hair allowing
you to retain moisture for days on end. Examples
of humectants are honey & glycerin, both of which
are in Ominira's Leave-in & Deep Conditioner.

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High porosity (“HIPO”)
HIPO hair has cuticles that are very highly raised and
therefore easily broken. This hair type accepts moisture fine
but as the cuticles are so highly raised this hair type looses
it just as easily.

So you’re faced with a double conundrum, hair that is

naturally more brittle and because of its nature does not
retain moisture which makes it even more likely to break!

You will of course need to ensure your hair is moisturised by

using a Deep Conditioner and Leave-In, but because of this
hair type a little bit more love needs to be shown.

Techniques such as:

1. Protein treatments help to repair this broken hair shaft,
allowing moisture to be maintained better.Our Ultimate
Strength Deep Conditioner is packed with silk amino acids
that are small enough to penetrate the hair shaft and
strengthen it.
2. Hot Oil Treatments - HiPo hair is "water loving" in nature
making it prone to damage, but ideally hair should be "Oil
loving", to combat this pre-shampoo or hot oil treatments
can be utilised. Both Ominira's Hair Strengthening Oil &
Extra Strength version are perfect for this
3. Strengthening Herbs - Amla, Aritha, Fenugreek, Neem,
Shikakai (found in our Shampoo, Ultimate Strength Deep
Conditioner & Extra Strength Hair Growth Potion. These
are packed with nutrients and antioxidants that
strengthen the hair.
4. "Cationic" (Positively charged) ingredients - Attract to
damaged parts of the hair and make it more manageable
(Behentrimonium Methosulfate or Behentrimonium
Chloride) found in all of our conditioners.
5. It’s important to still carry out your moisturising Deep
Conditioning, and applying a Leave-in conditioner. Also
LOPO hair still requires protein treatments but not as
often as HIPO hair. 15
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Finally both hair types need great oils to seal in
the moisture to ensure it doesn’t go anywhere,
(emollients do this) and also strengthen the strand.
Only oils that can penetrate the hair strand
(cortex) can do this.

Oils such as Olive oil and Avocado oil are super

oils as they both work as an emollient (seals the
moisture in) and a strengthener (penetrates the
hair strand). Both Ominira's Hair Strengthening
Oil & Extra Strength version do just this with
added vitamin E which is an antioxidant that
nourishes the hair and prevents hair loss.

So now you know and understand your porosity,

the next chapter will allow you to apply your
learnings and create the Ultimate Hair Growth
Routine for you!

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The 7
Pillars of
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Failure to maintain all 7
pillars will result in you
not achieving your hair
growth goals
The secret to hair growth is understanding that
how you use products is equally as important as
the products themselves! Again, it’s also important
to remember that the texture of your hair has
absolutely nothing to do with how well it grows.

Contrary to popular belief your hair is ALWAYS

growing. If you aren’t seeing growth then your
hair is simply breaking off.

Healthy hair grows, regardless of its texture! Yes

that means “4z” too!

Imagine this hair growth goal that you want to

achieve. Picture it as a building that is held up by
7 pillars.

This hair growth goal (the building) is reliant on

each and every pillar holding it up so that it
remains intact.

Failure to maintain all 7 pillars will result in the

building (hair growth goal) to collapse with it also.

7 Pillars of Hair Growth

1. Moisture - What you water grows

2. Protein isn’t only for the gym
3. Detangle like a Pro
4. Stretched hair is the best hair
5. Protect your crown sis
6. Nutrition is everything
7. Patience sis!

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Dry hair breaks, it's as
simple as that.

Dry hair breaks. It’s as simple as that.

There’s no other way around it, if someone tells

you otherwise it’s a lie!

Beautiful afro hair, because of its kinky, coily

nature, is unable to keep itself moisturised
naturally. This is because the natural sebum (an
oily/waxy substance that our scalp produces)
cannot reach the ends of our hair and so our
beautiful afro hair is one of the driest on the
planet. That’s unless we do something about it...

But be very careful, how you tackle this problem

depends entirely on your hair porosity.

As we discussed in Chapter 3 your hair porosity

(remember your hair personality?) determines how
well your hair absorbs moisture and product. To

LOPO hair is extremely resistant to accepting

Techniques that work best include:
1. Deep conditioning with a heat/steam cap, or
overnight if that’s your thing!
2. Applying leave in conditioner straight after a
steamy shower. Our favourites are of course
The Honey Watermelon Infusion - Ultimate
Moisture Leave-in & Deep Conditioner duo for
extremely dry and brittle hair.

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Applying a leave-in
conditioner is just not
HIPO hair is easily broken. This hair type accepts
moisture fine but as the cuticles are so raised this
hair type looses it just as easily. Due to the fragile
nature of this hair type techniques such as protein
treatments help to repair this broken hair shaft,
allowing moisture to be maintained better. It’s
important to still carry out your moisturising Deep
Conditioner, and applying a Leave-in conditioner.

Look for ingredients in your conditioner that are

humectants (remember that super ingredient) - as
they allow you to retain moisture. Examples are
Honey & Glycerin, both of which are in Ominira's
Leave-in & Deep Conditioner.

But it doesn’t just stop there, applying a leave in

conditioner alone is not enough to maintain
moisture, an oil is absolutely essential to seal it in
(emollients do this) and also strengthen the strand.
Ominira's Hair Strengthening Oil does just this
with added vitamin E which is an antioxidant that
nourishes the hair and prevents hair loss.

Bonus tips
Always remember - apply product to your hair
in sections from root to tips focusing on your
ends. If you don’t the product will not
penetrate and you will have patches of dry
hair. This applies to when you are applying any
form of product to your hair whether it be
conditioner or oil.
Don’t be afraid to be heavy handed. If you
are looking to go 2 weeks without washing your
hair think of it as applying 2 weeks worth of
leave-in conditioner.
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Ensuring that you get the
correct balance of protein
and moisture in your hair is
incredibly important for
hair growth
2.Protein isn’t only for the gym

Protein. Not the ingestible protein shakes that

people typically use for the gym, but hair protein.
Ensuring that you get the correct balance of
protein and moisture in your hair is incredibly
important for hair growth.

Let’s delve into the structure of our hair so that

we can better understand how protein comes into

Our hair is made of a tough protein called keratin

(remember those cuticles that determine porosity?).
A hair follicle anchors each hair into the skin. The
hair bulb forms the base of the hair follicle. In the
hair bulb, living cells divide and grow to build the
hair shaft. Blood vessels nourish the cells in the
hair bulb, and deliver hormones that modify hair
growth and structure at different times of life.

Hair follicle Hair bulb

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Ensuring that you get the
correct balance of protein and
moisture in your hair is
incredibly important for hair
As our hair is made from protein, it is important
especially for our HIPO girls (who are more prone
to breakage) to ensure that this protein is

DIY Protein treatments:

The most simple DIY protein treatment includes
overnight fermented rice water which has been
used by the Yao women for many many years.
Another option is to include pure Aloe Vera into
your Deep Conditioning treatment due to its high
protein content this works like a charm too.

If you're not one for DIYs then our

recommendation would be our Ultimate Strength
Deep Conditioner which has the power of both silk
amino acids (protein) and a host of strengthening
herbs, ensuring that excess breakage and
shedding will be something of the past.

But don’t over do it, protein overload is a real

thing and can cause severe breakage, look to
introduce protein treatments into your routine once
every 6-8 weeks (HIPO girls) and 2-3 months (LIPO
girls). If you do more or less than this and it works
for you then continue to do so, there are no hard
and fast rules. The results are what matters.

What is protein overload?

Protein overload is when the moisture/protein
balance in your hair has pretty much come
unbalanced. With too much protein in your hair
your hair feels coated/dry and brittle to the touch.
It is also more susceptible to shedding and
breakage so should be avoided at all costs.
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Contrary to popular belief your
hair is growing every single second
of the day if you are not seeing
results it is simply because it is
breaking off.

2.Detangle like a Pro

Did you know that poor detangling is one of the

leading causes of breakage?

This is something alot of people miss out on and

wonder why their hair never grows past a certain

Contrary to popular belief your hair is growing

every single second of the day, if you are not
seeing results it is simply because it is breaking

As mentioned in Chapter 3 our beautiful afro hair

is the most fragile hair texture in the world.

But it doesn’t just stop there, not only is our hair

type incredibly fragile, it is also more prone to
knots due to the kinks, coils and curls our hair type
forms. This makes it incredibly difficult to comb
and predisposes it to breakage when compared to
our Caucasian and Asian counterparts.

So it is no surprise that because of this fragile

nature, extra care must be taken when handling
our precious strands. Failure to do this will result
in the challenges we often see including “thinning
ends” and hair “not growing past a certain point”.

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So what is breakage?

Breakage is not normal. Shed hair can be normal

so long as it is not excessive. You can distinguish
between broken hair and shed hair when you
cannot see the hair root/bulb (looks like a white
bulb at the top of the hair shaft) because the hair
has broken mid way.

white bulb

Microscopic image of hair bulb

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Different types of breakage

Can you see any of the below ends in your hair?

Healthy End Split Triple Feather Tree Right Angle

Double Y Long Deep Baby Taper Knot

Thickening Incomplete
White Spots Ends have split but
two ends have not Crinkle
separated yet

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So how do we avoid this and get the hair
growth results we all want to see?

The Solution: A great detangling routine that

takes into consideration the fragile nature of our
hair! Here’s one we made already, see below:

Custom Detangling Routine for Type 4 Hair

1. Section hair into at least 4 - this will prevent
you from being overwhelmed with the density
of your hair and will allow you to better handle
2. Saturate the section with water (preferably in
the shower) - this will moisturise your hair and
make it a lot easier to manage, beautiful afro
hair is the most fragile texture in the world, dry
beautiful afro hair is even more fragile so
working with wet hair prevents this.
3. Apply Ominira's “Tangle Slayer” liberally to
your strands root to tip - this extreme slip
detangling conditioner will soften your hair so it
feels like silk, glides through your fingers;
cutting your detangling time by half and
eradicate unnecessary breakage.
4. Finger detangle gently - your fingers are the
best thing when it comes to your hair. Combs
are great but always use your hands first! Work
in even smaller sections to gently remove the
knots. Take your sweet time. Your beautiful
crown deserves that extra TLC.
5. Rewet each individual smaller section to
reactivate the conditioner this is important and
will save you from extreme breakage.
6. Cut out any single strand knots (SSKs) with a
pair of hair scissors/shears (not kitchen
scissors!) - this will prevent you from trying to
comb through them and cause further breakage.
7. DO NOT OVER-DETANGLE - Our hair type is
naturally intertwined and prone to tangles so it
is impossible to remove every single one in its
entirety. Have you noticed that as soon as you
remove tangles, a few new ones form? So don’t
stress yourself, work to get your hair to a
point where it is a lot more manageable (no
deep rooted knots) and leave it there. There is
no need to try to get it to comb through like
typical straight hair, that is just something our
hair can never achieve (and that’s ok!) 26
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8.Only detangle when ABSOLUTELY necessary -
typically only on wash days to prevent over
manipulation. The less manipulation, the better.

Bonus Tips:
When taking down protective styles like
braids/twists there will be a-lot of build up, so
gently finger detangle each and every
braided/twisted section BEFORE you wet your hair.
If you apply water on hair like this it will matt up
and cause further breakage.
- If your hair is tangling unnecessarily and more
than usual, it could be a sign you need a trim.

Trims are not to be missed if you want to see

healthier longer and stronger hair. (see below
image on signs you need a trim)

DISCLAIMER: if you are going to use a comb,

1. Finger detangle first
2. Start combing from the tips holding onto your
ends (this is important)
3. If you encounter any major knots DO NOT comb
4. Instead put the comb down
5. Finger detangle to remove the knot or cut it out
if it is beyond repair
6. Proceed to combing, holding onto your ends
(this is important) whilst doing so so your hair
does not spiral out of control and create more
Signs You Need a
There is an It takes longer to
abundance of detangle than
Single Stranded usual

Your ends Your ends

look uneven “snag” when
trying to

You are unable Your ends are

to retain any visibly “thinner”

@OminiraNaturals 27
The Ultimate Hair Growth Experience
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Avoid unnecessary pitfalls when it
comes to growing out healthier
hair, choose stretched styles

4.Stretched hair is the best hair

If you want to avoid unnecessary pitfalls when it
comes to growing out healthier hair then do not
allow your hair to shrink up (especially important
for Type 4c girls), instead opt for stretched styles
(braids outs, blow outs, twist outs).

Keeping your hair stretched prevents it from our

worst enemy:TANGLES. WHY?

Shrinkage = Tangles = Breakage = No length


By keeping your hair stretched and preventing

these tangles this means your hair will GROW!
Avoid wash n gos, puffs absolutely anything that
allows your hair to shrink up - opt for blow outs,
braid outs and twist outs.

These stretched styles aren’t without fault though

and can cause breakage without proper
maintenance. It's important to remoisturise when
your hair feels dry.

Simple Routine for maintaining stretched styles:

Working in sections of at least 4:

1. Blow outs: Spritz a tiny bit of water to your

hands, rub your hands through your hair finger
detangling gently and apply Hair
Strengthening Oil. Braid your hair into 6 braids
every 7ish days.
2. Braid outs/twist outs: Spritz your hair lightly
with water, apply a leave in conditioner and oil,
bantu knot into at least 2 knots to stretch it out
and prevent your hair from reverting back to its 28
shrunken state. This file was purchased by Andrea Livoti on July 16, 2023
Protective styling gives your hair
the opportunity to be in an
optimum environment for growth

5.Protect your crown sis

As you already know beautiful afro hair is one of

the most fragile hair types on the planet. So the
everyday wear and tear through sleeping on
cotton, over manipulation and styling can be a real
stumbling block for growth.

Protective styling gives your hair the opportunity

to be in an optimum environment for growth. This
is because there are no external forces that could
cause your hair to break off therefore length is
retained and you get to see that hair growth!

1. When you are taking your protective style down
do not break off all that hard work of new
growth with bad detangling!
2. Take your sweet time to finger detangle each
braided/twisted section making sure you
remove any build up.
3. Do not under any circumstance put water on
hair that is already matted with build up it
will almost certainly dread up.
4. Always finger detangle first to remove any
build up gently first. Especially at the roots of
your hair. THEN proceed with your normal wash
day routine.

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You will spend 26 years
of your life asleep, don't
just sleep on anything.

Switch to Silk

You will spend 26 years of your life asleep, that is

one third of your life!

Don’t just sleep on anything. At the very least do

not choose a fabric like cotton that dries your
hair out, frizzes it out and is acne inducing.

Silk on the other hand serves as the perfect

material for all hair types but especially for hair
that is dry and prone to breakage. This is why
silk is the best material not only for your
pillowcases but hair accessories (hair
ties,headscarfs etc) too.

Silk (is):
1. Similar in structure to natural hair, as it
contains naturally occurring amino acids.
2. Smooth and soft allowing delicate skin and hair
follicles to gently glide across the surface
making it perfect for those with sensitive skin
or conditions such as Eczema or Psoriasis.
3. Allows hair to retain moisture that promotes
healthier hair and even growth.
4. Improves the quality of your hair
5. Prevents frizziness
6. Prevents tangles and knots

Ditch the frizz inducing cotton pillowcase and hair

breaking elastic hair ties and switch to silk. The
perfect combo to easily switch is Ominira's
Luxurious Silk Bundle, because you are deserving
of luxury.
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If you are deficient in the building
blocks, it’s going to be incredibly
difficult for your body to prioritise
growing healthy hair!

6. Nutrition is everything

Healthy hair is ultimately a sign of good overall

health. Our hair, just like our skin and nails will
only blossom if we are eating all the correct
nutrients for hair growth. If you are deficient in
the building blocks, it’s going to be incredibly
difficult for your body to prioritise growing
healthy hair!

If you discover your hair is very brittle and easily

broken, definitely pay your doctor a visit to see if
there are any deficiencies that you are unaware

Common deficiencies/malnutrition that cause hair

breakage/loss include:

Nutrient Food sources*

Red meat, beans (red kidney beans, edamame and

Iron chickpeas, nuts, dried fruit)
Zinc Meat, shellfish dairy foods, bread, cereal products

Fatty Omega-3: oily fish - anchovies, mackerel, salmon, sardines.
Acids Omega-6: vegetable oils, rapeseed, corn, sunflower
Meat, fish, wheat flour, eggs
(Vitamin B3)
Most people should be able to make all the vitamin D they need from sunlight if the
Vitamin D climate permits, if you are from a colder climate you may need to supplement in other
ways including: oily fish (salmon, sardines, mackerel), red meat liver, egg yolks

Brazil nuts, fish, meat, eggs

*This is not an exhaustive list
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If you are deficient in the building
blocks, it’s going to be incredibly
difficult for your body to prioritise
growing healthy hair!

Common deficiencies/malnutrition that

cause hair breakage/loss include:

Nutrient Food sources*

Vitamin E Plant oils rapeseed sunflower, soya corn and olive oil, nuts
& seeds, wheatgerm found in cereal and cereal product.
Vitamin A Cheeses, eggs, oily fish, milk and yoghurt

Biotin Only needed in very small amounts and found in a wide
(Vitamin B7) range of foods egg yolks, legumes, nuts and seeds etc.
Broccoli, brussel sprouts, leafy green vegetables
Folic Acid
(cabbage, kale, spring greens, spinach), peas, chickpeas

Protein Fish, meat, eggs and yes that gym protein shake!

*This is not an exhaustive list
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Without patience you
will never see results...

7.Patience sis!

Let me tell you the real truth on how long it

actually takes to get your hair to waistlength.

On average hair grows about 1/2 inch month

In a year thats 6 inches

If waist length hair is 24 inches

That means it will take at least 4 years

That’s assuming you don’t have any setbacks, trims


In reality it may be 5 years or so..

This is why patience is so imperative because

without this you won’t see the results you want.
Be patient, your hair is ALWAYS growing, focus
on retaining the length of it!

By focusing on these 7 pillars of hair growth,

ensuring each pillar is maintained and learning to
love your hair. Hair growth is a guaranteed result.

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If your hair is breaking off at the
ends then it is absolutely pointless
increasing the rate of your hair

Are there any ways of achieving hair growth


The short answer is yes, however I have left

discussing the ways to boost the overall rate of
hair growth until the very end because it is
important to have all 7 pillars in place before you
look to ways to increase the rate of hair growth.
This is because if your hair is breaking off at the
ends then it is absolutely pointless increasing
the rate of your hair growth.

Again, hair ultimately reflects the overall condition

of your mind & body. In seasons of physical and
mental health issues or nutritional deficiencies hair
may actually stop growing or become brittle.

In good health, it is possible to maximise the

genetic growth cycle through taking the proper
blend of nutrition.

Therefore if you have these things down:GOOD

HEALTH & GOOD METHOD and you still want to
boost hair growth then continue reading. If you
haven’t got these things down then the following
information will not work for you.

The key to hair growth is finding products that

actually absorb into our scalp.

Our scalp is made up of Protein, 40% Lipid (AKA

oil) and water.

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Not all oils are
made equal
In Chemistry, likes mixes best with like. As 40% of
our scalp is made of oil, it is very beneficial to use
oil to allow for the correct absorption. But not all
oils are made equal, only some oils can penetrate
our scalp and get into the depths of our hair
follicles to promote hair growth.

Only oils that contain Terpenes do this.

Terpenes are organic compounds and amazing at

penetrating deep into our scalp, they are able to
pass the oil barrier in our scalp to get into the hair
follicle where it gets to work in growing your hair.
Terpenes also stimulate the scalp and produce

Oils that contain terpenes include essential oils

such as: Peppermint, Rosemary, Tea Tree etc.

But they are very potent so are not to be used

unless diluted with a carrier oil. Carrier oils can
include: Olive oil, Jojoba oil, Sweet Almond oil etc.
They all have varying benefits.

The method of action that Ominira's best selling

Hair Growth Potion works through is exactly this
and uses a custom blend of oils at the right
concentration to work perfectly for you.

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Hair loss
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What to do when a
hairstyle ruins your edges,
your hair line starts to
recede or patches of your
hair start to fall out?
Alopecia is the scientific term for hair loss. The
causes of hair loss are vast in range but can be
simplified as:

1. Traction Alopecia - Excessive repeated pulling

and tugging through tight hairstyles/damaging
methods causing hair loss
2. Alopecia Areata - Autoimmune disorder where
the body’s immune system targets the hair
follicles making them shrink causing hair loss in
3. Male/female pattern hair loss - Excessive DHT
(more potent form of testosterone) causes hair
follicles to shrink and pattern hair loss follows
4. Telogen Effluvium - Disturbance of the hair
cycle where the growth (anagen) phase slows
down and the resting (telogen) phase persists
causing excessive hair shedding. Typically
caused through traumatic events.

With all of these causes, it’s important to

understand that early diagnosis and treatment is
important because hair loss is much more easily
reversible in the early stages. Left too late it
may be harder and take longer to reverse.

Now that we’ve got the tricky science out of the

way let’s look at the remedies to tackle hair loss.
It’s important to understand that understanding
the root issues is important, as it is through this
that we can create a plan of action.

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Traction Alopecia

We’ve all been there…we see an amazing braided hairstyle

on Instagram and think “I need this!” *takes screenshot*.
Only to find ourselves at the hair dressers who have
somehow pulled our edges so tight to achieve this look,
leaving us with a bald spot. This is scientifically defined as
“Traction Alopecia”.

Remember how we covered why afro hair is so fragile in

Chapter 2? Well, it’s no surprise that excessive, repeated
pulling and tugging of this oh-so fragile hair texture can
only lead to one thing - balding! It's also not only limited to
tight hairstyles but, excessively "laying of edges!" can
have the same effect!

If this is you then we must address the root cause and

completely stop tight hairstyles all together. That may
mean you either politely tell your hair stylist that you do
not want your edges pulled so tightly or you change your
hairstylist completely.

It’s important that we do not forsake our hairline for a

short term temporary hairstyle and end up paying for it
with a beaten up hairline that we are ashamed of. If you do
find yourself in this situation then it’s not all bad news,
there are ways to stimulate hair growth faster so that your
road to recovery is smoother. Ominira's best selling Hair
Growth Potion can help to do just that, the Extra Strength
version does that even better.

Just look at my results in only 7 days after an extremely

tight crochet hairstyle that ripped my hair line off.

Product results
from Extra
Strength Hair
Growth Potion

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Alopecia Areata

This autoimmune disease can possibly be prevented

if the condition is addressed at its onset. This type
of alopecia is different to Traction Alopecia and it
is characterised by small circular patches of bald
spots on the scalp.

Male/female pattern hair loss

Did you know that women can experience "male”

pattern baldness? Women tend to see progressive
thinning whereas men have much more dramatic
loss of hair.

Let’s get into the root cause of male (+ female!)

pattern baldness as it is definitely not gender

It all starts with your hormones.

Hormones are chemical messengers that travel in

your bloodstream to target cells to provide

In the case of pattern baldness, an enzyme called

5alpha reductase converts testosterone to its
more potent form Dihydrotestosterone (DHT).

DHT causes the hair follicles around the hairline

and crown areas to shrink and eventually die.

Excess DHT can be caused by:

1. Lack of sleep
2. Aging
3. Stress
4. Unhealthy lifestyle
5. Excessive alcohol consumption

There are ways to inhibit excessive DHT

production, this is one of the ways Ominira's Extra
Strength Hair Growth Potion works through.

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Telogen Effluvium

Telogen effluvium is a form of hair loss characterised by

hair thinning or an increase in hair shedding. It occurs
more often in women and is usually triggered by a
disturbance to the hair cycle.

The hair cycle typically has three phases:

1. Anagen or growth phase
2. Catagen or transitional phase
3. Telogen or resting phase

Telogen effluvium is associated with the Telogen phase.

Normally 5-10% of a person’s hair is in the Telogen phase at
any one time.

With Telogen effluvium, the Anagen phase slows down,

meaning that fewer hairs enter the next two stages. With
this condition, around 30% move into the Telogen phase,
which means that hair shedding occurs.

The main symptom of Telogen effluvium is an increase in

the amount of hair a person sheds. Someone may notice
that more hair than usual is falling out when they wash or
brush their hair. They may also find more hair in the drain
or on their pillow.

Causes of Telogen Effluvium:

Severe stress. Prolonged periods of stress. Hair loss
typically occurs about 3 months after the stressful
Poor diet. Hair requires key nutrients to grow (chapter
4). A shortage may affect the quality and quantity of a
person’s hair.
Sudden weight loss or chronic calorie restriction, such
as in anorexia.
Pregnancy and childbirth. Hormonal changes that occur
3 to 6 months after birth can cause hair to shed.
Menopause. Hormonal changes that occur during the
Certain drugs. Certain medications and recreational
drugs can cause hair loss.
Underlying health conditions including autoimmune
disease, conditions that affect the thyroid gland etc.
Surgery. Depending on the type of procedure, length of
stay in hospital, medications, and overall nutritional
Metal toxicity. Contact with toxic chemicals in metal can
lead to hair loss.
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Ayurvedic herbs have the
ability to tackle and heal
hair loss

This brings us into the world of Ayurveda which is

an age old Indian traditional system of holistic
medicine. Ayurveda is derived from the Sanskrit
words ayur (life) and veda (science or knowledge).
Thus, Ayurveda translates to knowledge of life.

As mentioned in Chapter 3, healthy hair is a sign

of good overall health. Ayurvedic herbs have the
ability to tackle and heal hair loss and provide
natural, safer and effective alternatives. Ominira's
Best Selling Extra Strength Hair Growth Potion &
Hair Strengthening Oil, Hair Growth Shampoo &
Ultimate Strength Deep Conditioner all work
through the power of both Ayurveda and essential
oils to tackle the most known causes of hair loss.
Here is a look at the super powerful Ayurvedic
herbs and oils included:

Amla - A powerful reverser of female and male

pattern baldness. Works by inhibiting the “5-
alpha reductase” enzyme responsible for this.
Increases the number of hair follicles, thickens
the actual strands of hair. As effective as the
medically approved treatment for male pattern
hair loss.
Aritha - Rich in vitamins like A, E, D, K. They
help in nourishing the hair strands, making them
stronger and shinier.
Ashwagandha - Stimulates scalp circulation,
strengthens hair strands and improves hair
growth. Prevents premature greying as it
increases the production of melanin, the
pigment responsible for hair colour.

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Brahmi - Strengthens hair follicles, prevents
excessive shedding and hair loss.
Bhringraj - Known well for its hair restoration
properties. Nourishes the hair, promotes hair
growth, enlarges follicle size, prevents hair loss,
fights dandruff, baldness and premature greying of
Green Tea - Supports hair growth and prevents hair
Neem - Reduces hair loss, promotes healthy hair
growth, minimises grey hairs and reduces dandruff
Fenugreek - Stimulates blood flow to the scalp,
nourishes the hair follicles and encourages faster,
healthier hair growth, while its antioxidant and anti-
inflammatory properties help treat dandruff, scalp
irritation. Also strengthens the hair due to its
mineral and protein content, resulting in less hair
shedding and hair loss.
Henna - A super herb that conditions, strengthens,
thickens the hair strands and improves scalp health.
Shikakai - Rich in antioxidants iron and Vitamin C,
boosts hair growth, prevents dreadful split ends,
soothes an itchy scalp and delays greying of hair.
Sweet Almond Oil - Adds luscious shine, conditions
and strengthens the hair shaft protecting your hair
against split ends.
Olive Oil - Moisturises & strengthens your hair,
reduces scalp irritation and promotes growth.
Grapeseed Oil - Promotes hair growth, moisturises
and conditions without weighing hair down
Avocado Oil - Excellent moisturising plant oil,
penetrates the hair to make it stronger and prevents
Pumpkin Seed Oil - Another powerful reverser of
female and male pattern baldness.
Peppermint Essential Oil - RAPID hair growth
booster, stimulates & nourishes the hair follicle
Rosemary Essential Oil - Another powerful reverser
of female and male pattern baldness. Promotes hair
growth, stimulates blood flow to the scalp.

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you This file was purchased by Andrea Livoti on July 16, 2023
You hair will only be
as good as your
I know, I know, that is a-lot of information and it
is hard to take it in all at once.

My suggestion would be to introduce at-least one

of these pillars of hair growth into your routine at
a time and work your way from there.

Talking about routines, finding a routine that

works for you is essential. It will help you to
make healthy hair a lifestyle so that you can see
the results that you so desperately desire.

Routines are not a one size fits all, this is why we

spent a-lot of time trying to understand your hair
and the treatments it benefits from. With this
knowledge you are now in a position to create a
custom routine that works for you.

A good routine will incorporate all principles of the

7 pillars and will look similar to this (flip to the
next page).

My latest hair growth routine can be found on my

youtube page here. I do update these monthly so
stay tuned to my channel to make sure you don't
miss out.

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You hair will only be
as good as your
Day 1 Working in sections of 4:
WASH DAY 1. Shampoo the roots of your hair using the Hair Growth
Shampoo and Scalp Massager
2. Use the custom detangling routine on page 26
3. Squeeze out excess water, apply a Deep
Conditioner/Protein treatment (alternating between
the 2). LOPO girls especially don't forget to use a
steam/heat cap.
4. Rinse
5. Apply leave in Conditioner & Oil (+ Gel/Styler if you
are doing a braid/twist out)
6. Proceed to stretched/protective style

Wear the braids/twists as a protective style, allow

DAY 2-5 your hair to dry completely. Have fun with it, wear a
headscarf or wrap!

Remove braids/twists, apply oil if needed rock that

curly fro!

Remoisturise whenever your hair feels dry until the

next wash day (every 2ish days) routine on page 28.
DAY 7-14
If you have a normal protective style
(crochet/wig,braids etc) there isn't much else you
need to do besides perhaps using a Hair Growth oil.
It's fine to keep a protective style in for up to 8ish
Bonus Tips:
Wash day really is the most important day of your routine so you do not
want to rush it. If you don't have time it's better to wait a few days until
you do instead of rushing through it and causing damage.
When applying products, do so in sections of atleast 4, root to tip focusing
on your ends as they are the oldest and most fragile parts of your hair.
This file was purchased by Andrea Livoti on July 16, 2023
You look after what you
love, what you hate you

We have had a whistle stop tour around the best

practices to care for your beautiful afro hair and
now the power is truly in your hands.

You can either take what has been said on board,

learn to love your hair and give it the TLC that it
deserves to grow and flourish. Or you can continue
what you have been doing and live in a cycle of

The choice is completely up to you. But one thing I

do know is that your future self would definitely
be much more happy & contented knowing that
they decided to make the change to love this God
given hair that we are so blessed to have.

Remember: Your hair growth is not dependant on

the texture of your hair but how well you
understand and therefore apply the correct
methods to maintain it. Learning to love your hair
for what it is - is the real secret to hair growth.

You look after what you love, what you hate

you manipulate.

Don’t you ever forget that you are a Queen and

there is no other crown like the beautiful afro!

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I’m sure you have found this Simple Guide to
Hair Growth extremely useful, I would be
forever grateful if you could leave a
review, it helps our small business and helps
other girls out there who are looking for
easier ways to grow their hair.

If you have any questions feel free to give us

an email at [email protected]

This file was purchased by Andrea Livoti on July 16, 2023
Don’t you ever forget that you are a Queen and there
is no other crown like the beautiful afro!

This file was purchased by Andrea Livoti on July 16, 2023

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