Velerin Virlinsia P_Research Proposal_1212040176
Velerin Virlinsia P_Research Proposal_1212040176
Velerin Virlinsia P_Research Proposal_1212040176
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A. Background
Reading is an essential skill in language development. According to Klimova &
Zambrova (2020), reading becomes an important aspect of people’s lives when they
want to grow and keep up with the abundance of information everywhere. When
learning a language, reading abilities are required to increase vocabulary and to
comprehend the linguistic structures used in the text. This practice helps students
develop their language skills and gain. They also can share their understanding of the
text with others. To understand the meaning of the text, learners must initially
understand the text. Of course, reading requires an understanding of vocabulary because
the text read uses English as a foreign language learning. According to Nurdianingsih
(2021), reading comprehension is the process of extracting and creating meaning from
written language through interaction and involvement. The individual can comprehend
what they have read in greater detail. So it can be concluded that reading comprehension
is understanding sentences from a text and then making interpretations of what has been
understood from the text.
According to Muslaini (2017), teaching strategy refers to a teacher's approach to
attaining a specific goal during the educational process. In other words, it is a way of
educating students. To fulfill the different requirements of their students, effective
teachers use a variety of instructional styles. Teachers should have extensive experience
teaching without prior knowledge about their students. Effective teaching requires a
balancing approach and materials. According to Wulandari and Ihsan (2014), effective
teaching strategies are crucial for success. Hence, teachers should apply multiple
strategies and skills to accommodate the needs and learning styles of each student in
the class and use effective classroom strategies.
Most Indonesian teachers face challenges during the teaching and learning process,
including strategic issues because Indonesian learners' lack of interest in reading
impairs their comprehension of texts, and they only translate words without
understanding the meaning of the text. Successful comprehension of reading
information requires specific skills. For the solution, teachers must create effective
techniques for teaching foreign-language readers how to acquire these skills consider
students' needs and abilities, and motivate them to be interested in reading. According
to Dwiningtyas (2020) to keep learners interested in reading, teachers should
employ a variety of strategies, including the use of varied methods, media, and games.
Teachers must use appropriate strategies to modify reading comprehension teaching for
This topic is important because this research will examine strategies how to
implement them and what are the challenges faced by the teachers in implementing the
strategies for teaching reading comprehension for junior high school students. Because
junior high school students have various mental foundation characteristics, therefore
teachers must have a strategy to involve them to attract students' interest so that they
can be interested in reading and easily understand the text materials.
Several researchers have studied the strategies for teaching reading comprehension.
The first research was written by Anggi Oktavia Nur Hs, Kisman Salija, and Munir
(2023) with the title “Teachers’ Strategies in Teaching Reading Comprehension to the
Second-Grade Students of Senior High School”. The goal of this study was to find out
and describe the tactics employed by English teachers in teaching English teacher
strategies teaching reading comprehension at SMAN 2 Jeneponto. The research tool
consisted of observation, interviews, and documentation. According to the study's
findings, teachers use scaffolding and QAR strategies.
The second, written by Gendis Nadira Dwiningtiyas, Dedy Sofyan, and Hilda Puspita
(2020) with the title "Teacher's Strategy in Teaching Reading Comprehension" focuses
on second-grade students at SMP 09 in Bengkulu City. This study aims to uncover
English teachers' reading instruction methodologies and how to implement them
effectively. The research tool consisted of interviews and a planning checklist. The
study found that one teacher taught reading comprehension using a range of strategies.
Techniques include asking for specific information, reading aloud, and brainstorming.
Teacher two implements nine strategies. To assess comprehension in specific tasks,
students use dictionaries, read aloud, reread, and ask questions.
Third, written by Witya Chaindira Sitorus and Benni Ichsanda Rahman Hz (2024)
with the title “An Analysis Of Teachers’ Strategies In Teaching Reading
Comprehension In Junior High School”. The purpose of this research is to investigate
the reading comprehension tactics and procedures utilized by English teachers in
Tanjungbalai's junior high schools. The research tool includes surveys (questionnaires),
interviews, and observations by mixed methods. The study found that 10 survey teacher
participants who taught reading from grades 7-9 applied several strategies in teaching
reading comprehension in class, namely directed reading activities (DRA), reading
aloud in class, and without strategies (collecting vocabulary or difficult vocabulary).
The research gap will explore how teachers implement strategies for effective
teaching reading comprehension for eighth-grade junior high school to attract their
interest in reading the texts and the new research will know the challenges faced when
teachers implement reading teaching strategies in the Merdeka curriculum.
B. Research Questions
1. What strategies do teachers use when teaching reading comprehension?
2. How do the teachers implement the strategies for teaching reading comprehension in
the context of the Merdeka curriculum?
3. What are the challenges faced by the teachers in implementing the strategies for
teaching reading comprehension in the context of the Merdeka curriculum?
2. Theoretical Significances
This research might deliver information on teachers' literacy teaching practices.
Hopefully, the findings of this research will help educators and people choose a reading
education strategy.
A. Reading Comprehension
(McNeil, 2012 cited by Nur et al., 2023) defines reading comprehension as the
process of understanding a text. Understanding the general message, themes, and
concepts the author attempts to express is important, rather than merely particular words
or sentences. It is a complex process that requires various cognitive skills and is
essential for academic performance and daily life.
(Snow, 2002 cited by Junita et al., 2023) reading comprehension is the process of
extracting meaning that readers engage in concurrently through engagement and
connection to written language in terms of text genres. It includes a cognitive procedure
more dependent on comprehension than skill on the student's prior experience and
knowledge (Audina et al., 2020). They are also using analytical skills to connect with
the text and comprehensively understand it.
Reading comprehension involves analyzing, interpreting, and applying information
and ideas received through interaction between the reader and author (Audina et al.,
2020). Readers must evaluate the author's argument, comprehend the context and
nuances given, and apply new information to their background knowledge. In addition,
readers must be able to apply the text's findings to real-world circumstances or other
relevant topics. This approach demonstrates that reading comprehension is a
multifaceted talent that combines multiple intellectual and critical abilities.
From several definitions of reading comprehension, it can be concluded reading
comprehension is a challenging capability that integrates several intellectual and
cognitive abilities. It entails comprehending, linking, analyzing, interpreting, and
applying the information and concepts offered in a text.
A. Research Design
This research will apply a qualitative method. Qualitative research explores societal
issues by analyzing those involved's backgrounds, experiences, and views (Creswell,
2014 cited by Sitorus et al., 2024). This research aims to discover and describe the
teachers’ strategies and challenges when teaching reading comprehension in the
Merdeka curriculum context in eighth-grade junior high school. So, this research design
will use a case study. A case study is a detailed analysis of a specific system, such as
an activity, event, process, or individual (Creswell, 2012 cited by Zahara, 2020). It can
be concluded the researcher will use a qualitative method and a case study as a research
design because this research will find teachers' effective strategies when teaching
reading comprehension in eighth-grade junior high schools in the Merdeka curriculum
in depth.
2. Research Participants
The participants' conceptualizations suggest various points of view on an issue and
diverse views (Creswell, 2013). The participant in this research is an English teacher
who teaches English subjects in eighth-grade junior high school because this research
will focus on the teaching-learning process. This research will use purposive sampling,
which means the research picks people and locations that can provide information about
the research problem and primary phenomenon (Creswell, 2013).
3. Document
According to (Sugiyono, 2015 cited by Anjelita, 2022) documents might take the
shape of writing, photographs, or major individual efforts. Documents in this research
will attach pictures to present the real data. The researcher will attach a photo of the
teaching reading comprehension process, the interview transcript, and the textbook the
teacher uses.
D. Data Analysis
The research uses descriptive data analysis. According to (Miles & Huberman, 1984
cited by Sugiyono, 2013) there are 3 steps for the data analysis: data reduction, data
display, and conclusion.
1. Data Reduction
According to Sugiyono (2013) reducing data involves summarizing, selecting
relevant information, focusing on key points, and identifying patterns and themes. After
collecting data from observation the researchers will describe what she had observed.
After collecting data from interviews with teachers, the researcher will write a transcript
of the outcomes of how the teacher taught reading comprehension strategies, the
reasons for adopting the strategies, and the challenges the teachers had when
implementing these strategies. During this phase, irrelevant data is discarded while
necessary data is added. Last, the researcher will attach the documents analyzed and
classified according to data requirements.
2. Data Display
According to Sugiyono (2013), qualitative research results can be presented in
several ways, including short descriptions, charts, and flowcharts. The researcher will
analyze the obtained data to assess the effectiveness of the teachers' strategy, reasons,
and challenges encountered while the teacher implemented the strategy. The data will
be presented as narratives, describing teachers' usage of teaching strategy.
3. Conclusion
The researcher creates the conclusion after analyzing data, conducting interviews, and
documenting. The researcher began determining the data collected and merged
categories based on data with the same code establishing their connection.
Audina, Y., Zega, N., Simarmata, A., Situmeang, V. K., & Tarigan, N. S. (2020). An Analysis of
Teacher’s Strategies in Teaching Reading Comprehension. Lectura: Jurnal Pendidikan, 94-
Creswell, J. W. (2013). QUALITATIVE INQUIRY & RESEARCH DESIGN. United States of America:
SAGE Publications.
Dwiningtyas, N. G., Sofyan, D., & Puspita, H. (2020). TEACHERS’ STRATEGIES IN TEACHING
READING COMPREHENSION. JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy).
Hidayah, N., & Addina, A. (2023). English Teachers’ Strategies in Teaching Reading Comprehension
at the Second Grade Students in SMPN 1 Panyabungan Selatan. Journal of English Language
Teaching, 1186-1194.
Junita, T., Mukhrizal, & Elfrida. (2023). TEACHERS’ STRATEGIES IN TEACHING READING
JurnalPenelitianBahasa,Sastra&Pengajaran, 110-126.
Klimova, B., & Zamborova, K. (2020). Use of Mobile Applications in Developing Reading.
education science.
Nur, O. A., Salija, K., & Munir. (2023). Teachers’ Strategies in Teaching Reading Comprehension to
the Second-Grade Students of Senior High School. Journal of Excellence in English
Language Education.
Sitorus, C. W., & Rahman, I. B. (2024). An Analysis Of Teachers’ Strategies In Teaching Reading
Comprehension In Junior High School. Jurnal Onoma: Pendidikan, Bahasa dan Sastra,
Wulandari, N. D., Ihsan, D., & Hayati, R. (2014). Teaching reading comprehension to the eighth
graders of smp negeri 53 palembang through reading, encoding, annotating, pondering (reap)
strategy. The Journal of English Literacy Education: The Teaching and Learning of English
as a Foreign Language.