Gasket Handbook
Gasket Handbook
Gasket Handbook
A Technical Guide to
Gasketing & Bolted Joints
w w w . l a m o n s . c o m
Table of Contents
Why Gaskets are Used • Effecting A Seal • Gasket Seating 3
Flange Types • Flange Finish • Material Considerations
Chapter 4 : Appendix
Chemical Resistance • Galvanic Corrosion • Temperature & 145
Pressure Conversion • Hardness Conversion • Pipe Dimensions
& Weights • Circumferences & Areas of Circles •
Fastener Details
The content of this handbook is the property of Lamons Gasket Company and is not to be
reproduced in any form without permission of Lamons.
Lamons is a Company of T RI M AS
Revision 02.2012
The cost of leaky joints in industry today is staggering. Out-of-pocket costs run into billions
of dollars annually in lost production, waste of energy, loss of product and, most recently,
impact on the environment. These problems are increasing, not decreasing, It behooves all of
us to consolidate our knowledge and experience to solve or at least minimize these problems.
This publication is being produced because we, as gasket and fastener manufacturers and
suppliers, are constantly called upon to solve sealing problems after the fact. Too often we
find insufficient time and attention has been given to:
We believe most people involved with the design, installation, and maintenance of gasketed
joints realize that no such thing as “zero” leakage can be achieved. Whether or not a joint
is “tight” depends on the sophistication of the methods used to measure leakage. In certain
applications the degree of leakage may be perfectly acceptable if one drop of water per
minute is noted at the gasketed joint. Another requirement is that no bubbles would be
observed if the gasketed joint was subjected to an air or gas test underwater. A still more
stringent inspection would require passing a mass spectrometer test. The rigidity of any test
method would be determined by:
• The hazard of the material being confined;
• Loss of critical materials in a process flow;
• Impact on the environment should a particular fluid escape into the atmosphere; and,
• Danger of fire or of personal injury.
Care in these areas will ensure that the best technology and planning goes into the total
package and will minimize operating costs, pollution of the environment and hazards to
employees and the general public.
As a consequence, relatively inexpensive gaskets are used to provide the sealing element in
these mechanical assemblies. In most cases, the gasket provides a seal by utilizing external
forces to flow the gasket material into the imperfections between the mating surfaces. It
follows then that in a properly designed gasket closure, three major considerations must be
taken into account in order for a satisfactory seal to be achieved.
• Sufficient force must be available to initially seat the gasket. Stated this way, adequate
means must be provided to flow the gasket into the imperfections in the gasket seating
• Sufficient forces must be available to maintain a residual stress on the gasket under
operating conditions to ensure that the gasket will be in continuous intimate contact
with the gasket seating surfaces to prevent leakage.
• The selection of the gasket material must be such that it will withstand the pressures
exerted against the gasket, satisfactorily resist the entire temperature range to which
the closure will be exposed and withstand corrosive attack of the confined medium.
Effecting a Seal
A seal is effected by compressing the gasket material and causing it to flow into the
imperfections on the gasket seating surfaces so that intimate contact is made between the
gasket and the seating surfaces.
There are four different methods that may be used either singly or in combination to achieve
this unbroken barrier:
1. Compression
This is the most common method of effecting a seal on a flange joint and the compression
force is normally applied by bolting;
2. Attrition
Is a combination of a dragging action combined with compression, such as in a spark plug
gasket where the spark plug is turned down on a gasket that is both compressed and
screwed in to the flange;
3. Heat
An example is the case of sealing a ball and valve joint on cast iron pipe by means of
molten lead. Molten lead is poured, then is tamped into place using a tamping tool and a
hammer; and,
4. Gasket Lip Expansion
This is a phenomenon that would occur due to edge swelling when the gasket would
be affected by confined fluid. Elastomeric compounds affected by confined fluids, such
Generally, gaskets are called upon to effect a seal across the faces of contact with the flanges.
Permeation of the media through the body of the gasket is also a possibility depending on
material, confined media, and acceptable leakage rate.
Compression Attrition
Gasket Seating
There are two major factors to be considered with regard to gasket seating:
First, the gasket itself. The ASME Unfired Pressure Vessel Code Section VIII, Division 1
defines minimum design seating stresses for a variety of gasket types and materials. These
design seating stresses range from zero psi for so-called self-sealing gasket types such as low
durometer elastomers and O-rings to 26,000 psi (179 MPa) to properly seat solid flat metal
gaskets. Between these two extremes there is a multitude of types and materials available to
the designer enabling them to make a selection based upon the specific operating conditions
under investigation.
Second, the other major factor to take into consideration must be the surface finish of the
gasket seating surface. As a general rule, it is necessary to have a relatively rough gasket
seating surface for elastomeric and PTFE gaskets on the order of magnitude of 500 micro
inches. Solid metal gaskets normally require a surface finish not rougher than 63 micro inches.
Semi-metallic gaskets, such as spiral wound gaskets, fall between these two general types.
The reason for the difference is that with non-metallic gaskets such as rubber, there must be
sufficient roughness on the gasket seating surfaces to bite into the gasket, thereby preventing
excessive extrusion and increasing resistance to gasket blowout. In the case of solid metal
gaskets, extremely high unit loads are required to flow the gasket into imperfections on
the gasket seating surfaces. This requires that the gasket seating surfaces be as smooth as
possible to ensure an effective seal. Spiral wound gaskets require some surface roughness
to prevent excessive radial slippage of the gasket under compression. The characteristics
of the type of gasket being used dictate the proper flange surface finish that must be taken
into consideration by the flange designer, and there is no such thing as a single optimum
gasket surface finish for all types of gaskets. The problem of the proper finish for gasket
seating surface is further complicated by the type of the flange design. For example, a totally
enclosed facing such as tongue and groove will permit the use of a much smoother gasket
seating surface than can be tolerated with a raised face.
Flange Types
A flange is used to join pipe, valves, or a vessel within a system. The most common flanges
used in industrial applications follow. When applying gasket and sealing components to
these flanges, the user must take into consideration sizing limitations, available clamp load,
optimum surface finish, and gasket placement to minimize flange rotation. Pressure ratings
for ASME standard flanges are classified by pressure class of 150, 300, 400, 600, 900, 1500
and 2500. The most common terminology used is the pound reference, although the more
formal reference is by class, such as class 150 flange. ASME requires that each flange be
Slip On Flange
As a general rule, metal gaskets and those that have less conformable surfaces require
a very smooth surface finish. Given the creep resistance and structural stability of most
metal gaskets, the two mating surfaces can create a very tight and reliable seal. Alignment,
parallelism and flange finish must be within specified limits in order to achieve an optimal
result. Metal gaskets such as solid metal and jacketed designs offer very little forgiveness
in regards to flange finish, and bolting and assembly deficiencies. A typical surface finish
recommendation for these types of metal contact seals is 64 AARH/RMS or smoother.
Soft gaskets such as compressed fiber sheet, that are more compressible, can be more
forgiving in regards to alignment and parallelism of the flange. However, these designs are
more susceptible to creep relaxation and movement while under a load. The flange surface
finish can play a critical role in the gasket’s service life and long term reliability. A smooth
surface finish will not create the necessary friction between these mating surfaces, allowing a
non-reinforced gasket design to be more susceptible to creep under load. This creep would
translate to a loss in bolted joint tightness and potential leakage. A rougher surface finish is
generally recommended for soft, non-reinforced materials to create this necessary friction,
which lends to stability and tightness between the mating surfaces. A typical surface finish
recommendation for soft, non-reinforced materials is 125-250 AARH/RMS or rougher.
ASME B16.20
Raised and flat flange facings are machined with serrations; serrations may be either
or applicable
or concentric. The industry standard is a phonographic serrated finish. The
2 A 3
facing finish is judged by visual comparison with Roughness OR Average (Ra) standards. Ra is 2
0 L 15 0
Nominal Pipe
stated in microinches Size
or micrometers (µm) 316
L FG 3 16L IRand is shown as an Arithmetic Average 316L F
Pressure Class Outer Ring
Roughness Height (AARH) or Root Mean Square (RMS). AARH and RMS are different
methods of calculation giving Winding
Metalthe sameInner Ring
result and are used interchangeably. The
Filler Material
more common finishes are represented in the illustration below. Normally the manufacturer
furnishes the “Stock Finish” unless the purchaser specifies otherwise.
Defined on following page, flanges are available in many different surface textures that can
affect gasket performance.
1 2
4 3
The concepts of surface roughness, waviness, and lay are illustrated schematically below.
RMS microinch value is defined as the root mean square (square root of the mean square)
of an infinite series of distances measured in miroinches from the hypothetical nominal or
mean surface line to the actual irregular surface contour. For all practical purposes, the RMS
microinch value is a weighted average unit of surface roughness that is affected to a greater
extent by the highest and lowest deviation from the nominal surface that is by the minor
deviation. AARH is calculated by obtaining the average roughness height of the irregular
Total profile
(includes error in
geometric form)
Waviness profile
(roughness, heights
Roughness profile
(waviness heights
Arithmetical mean deviation (Ra) is a statistical measure of the variance from an average
roughness profile values.
( ∑ y (x ) - y ) ∀ 𝑥𝑥 ∈ ℝ
Ra = ,
n i
(∑ )
Rq = (y (x i) - y)2 , ∀ 𝑥𝑥 ∈ ℝ
n = number of terms
y (x) = profile values at any given position (x)
y= ∑ y (x) = mean of the distribution (average)
Mean line
Rq Ra
0 X
Material Considerations
A most important factor in selecting the proper gasket is selecting the suitable material that
will be compatible with the application service.
The optimum gasket material would have the following characteristics:
• It would have the chemical resistance of PTFE;
• The heat resistance of Flexible Graphite;
• The strength of steel;
• It requires a zero seating stress, such as with soft rubber; and,
• Be cost effective.
Obviously there is no known gasket material that has all these characteristics, and each
material has certain limitations that restrict its use. It is possible to overcome limitations
partially by several methods such as:
• Including the use of reinforcing inserts;
• Utilizing combination of materials;
• Varying the construction and/or density; and,
• Designing the joint itself to overcome some of the limitations.
Evidently, mechanical factors are important in the design of the joint but the primary selection
of a gasket material is influenced by different factors:
Bolt Load
End Force
Internal pressures
are exerted against both
the flange and the gasket
4. Flange Compatibility
The gasket is intended to be the renewable component in the joint system therefore it
should be softer or more deformable than the mating surfaces. It must also be chemically
compatible. For metallic gaskets, this means consideration must be given to galvanic
corrosion. Galvanic effects can be minimized by selecting metals for the gasket and flange
which are close together in the galvanic series, or the gasket should be sacrificial (anodic)
to prevent damage to the flanges.
There are charts that are included in the appendix that shows the maximum temperature
limits for non-metal and metal materials. The ratings are based upon hot air constant
temperatures. The presence of contaminating fluids and cyclic conditions may drastically
affect the temperature range. Also, there are charts that indicate general recommendations
for non-metallic and metallic materials against various corrosive media. These charts are
general references, as there are many additional factors that can influence the corrosion
resistance of a particular material at operating conditions. Some of these factors include:
• Concentration of the corrosive agent (full strength solutions are not necessarily more
corrosive than those of dilute proportions and the opposite is also true);
• The purity of a corrosive agent. For example, dissolved oxygen in otherwise pure water
may cause rapid oxidation of steam generation equipment at high temperatures; and,
• The temperature of the corrosive agent. In general, higher temperatures of corrosive
agents will accelerate corrosive attack.
As a consequence, it is often necessary to “field-test” materials for resistance to corrosion
under normal operating conditions to determine if the material selected will have the
required resistance to corrosion.
An Elastomer is a polymer with the physical property of elasticity. Elastomer is a term
derived from elastic polymer, which is often used interchangeably with the term rubber.
Each of the monomers which link to form the polymer is usually made of carbon, hydrogen,
oxygen and/or silicon. Elastomers are usually thermosets requiring a curing process involving
heat and the addition of sulfur or other equivalent curatives. In addition, elastomers might
also be thermoplastic.
Fluorocarbon (Viton®)
Fluorocarbon elastomer has good resistance to oils, fuel, chlorinated solvents, aliphatic and
aromatic hydrocarbons and strong acids. It is not suitable for use against amines, esters,
ketones or steam. Its normal temperature range would be between -15°F to 450°F (-26°C
to 232°C).
Natural Rubber
Natural rubber has good resistance to mild acids and alkalis, salts and chlorine solutions. It
has poor resistance to oils and solvents and is not recommended for use with ozone. Its
temperature range is very limited and is suitable only for use from -70°F to 200°F (-57°C to
Silicone rubbers have good resistance to hot air. They are unaffected by sunlight and ozone.
They are not, however, suitable for use against steam, aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons.
The temperature range would be between -65°F to 500°F (-54°C to 260°C).
A general service sheet gasket material with a wide range of application potential.
Manufactured with a formulation of high quality fillers, premium aramid fibers and nitrile
binder, L-441 is the workhorse of the Lamons gasket line.
Color Blue
Temperature Range -40°F to 400°F (-40°C to 204°C)
Color White/Green
Temperature Range -40°F to 400°F (-40°C to 204°C)
Color Black
Temperature Range -40°F to 650°F (-40°C to 343°C)
Color White/Green
Temperature Range -40°F to 500°F (-40°C to 260°C)
Color White
Temperature Range -40°F to 400°F (-40°C to 204°C)
Lamons LG -SS
LG-SS is a flat metal 316/316L stainless steel reinforced
flexible graphite sheet material made with minimum 98%
typical carbon content.
Graphite Tape
Rolls of graphite tape can be furnished with a strong
self-adhesive backing strip, to facilitate repair of pre-
laminated surfaces, enhancement of existing design or
installation as a form-in-place gasket.
A biaxially orientated silica-filled PTFE sheet for use in sealing most chemicals except
molten alkali metals, fluorine gas, and hydrogen fluoride. This material is approved
for potable water service, complies with requirements of FDA regulations and can
be used at all concentrations of sulfuric acid.
A biaxially orientated sheet material containing PTFE and hollow glass microspheres
for use in sealing most chemicals except molten alkali metals, fluorine gas and
hydrogen fluoride. This material is approved for potable water service, complies with
requirements of FDA regulations and has exceptional compression characteristics
making it good for use in glass lined flanges or where loading problems exist.
A pigment-free biaxially orientated, barium sulfate-filled PTFE sheet for use in sealing
food, pharmaceuticals, and other general chemical media. This material complies with
requirements of FDA regulations and is acceptable for use in aqueous hydrofluoric
acid below 49%, but is not suitable for sealing molten alkali metals or fluorine gas.
Mica sheet is used in automobile exhaust manifolds, gas turbines, gas and oil burners, heat
exchangers and other bolted flanged connections.
Ceramic Fiber
Ceramic fiber is available in sheet or blanket form and makes an excellent gasket material
for hot air duct work with low pressures and light flanges. It is satisfactory for service up to
approximately 2000ºF (1093ºC). Ceramic material is also used as a filler material in spiral-
wound gaskets.
Class 150
Nominal Inside Diameter Outside Diameter
Pipe Size (ID) (OD)
(NPS) Inches mm Inches mm
1/2 0.84 21 1.88 48
3/4 1.06 27 2.25 57
1 1.31 33 2.62 67
1 1/4 1.66 42 3.00 76
1 1/2 1.91 49 3.38 86
2 2.38 60 4.12 105
2 1/2 2.88 73 4.88 124
3 3.50 89 5.38 137
3 1/2 4.00 102 6.38 162
4 4.50 114 6.88 175
5 5.56 141 7.75 197
6 6.62 168 8.75 222
8 8.62 219 11.00 279
10 10.75 273 13.38 340
12 12.75 324 16.13 410
14 14.00 356 17.75 451
16 16.00 406 20.25 514
18 18.00 457 21.62 549
20 20.00 508 23.88 607
24 24.00 610 28.25 718
Class 300
Nominal Inside Diameter Outside Diameter
Pipe Size (ID) (OD)
(NPS) Inches mm Inches mm
1/2 0.84 21 2.12 54
3/4 1.06 27 2.62 67
1 1.31 33 2.88 73
1 1/4 1.66 42 3.25 83
1 1/2 1.91 49 3.75 95
2 2.38 60 4.38 111
2 1/2 2.88 73 5.12 130
3 3.50 89 5.88 149
3 1/2 4.00 102 6.50 165
4 4.50 114 7.12 181
5 5.56 141 8.50 216
6 6.62 168 9.88 251
8 8.62 219 12.12 308
10 10.75 273 14.25 362
12 12.75 324 16.62 422
14 14.00 356 19.12 486
16 16.00 406 21.25 540
18 18.00 457 23.50 597
20 20.00 508 25.75 654
24 24.00 610 30.50 775
Class 400
Nominal Inside Diameter Outside Diameter
Pipe Size (ID) (OD)
(NPS) Inches mm Inches mm
1/2 0.84 21 2.12 54
3/4 1.06 27 2.62 67
1 1.31 33 2.88 73
1 1/4 1.66 42 3.25 83
1 1/2 1.91 49 3.75 95
2 2.38 60 4.38 111
2 1/2 2.88 73 5.12 130
3 3.50 89 5.88 149
3 1/2 4.00 102 6.38 162
4 4.50 114 7.00 178
5 5.56 141 8.38 213
6 6.62 168 9.75 248
8 8.62 219 12.00 305
10 10.75 273 14.12 359
12 12.75 324 16.50 419
14 14.00 356 19.00 483
16 16.00 406 21.12 536
18 18.00 457 23.38 594
20 20.00 508 25.50 648
24 24.00 610 30.25 768
Class 600
Nominal Inside Diameter Outside Diameter
Pipe Size (ID) (OD)
(NPS) Inches mm Inches mm
1/2 0.84 21 2.12 54
3/4 1.06 27 2.62 67
1 1.31 33 2.88 73
1 1/4 1.66 42 3.25 83
1 1/2 1.91 49 3.75 95
2 2.38 60 4.38 111
2 1/2 2.88 73 5.12 130
3 3.50 89 5.88 149
3 1/2 4.00 102 6.38 162
4 4.50 114 7.62 194
5 5.56 141 9.50 241
6 6.62 168 10.50 267
8 8.62 219 12.62 321
10 10.75 273 15.75 400
12 12.75 324 18.00 457
14 14.00 356 19.38 492
16 16.00 406 22.25 565
18 18.00 457 24.12 613
20 20.00 508 26.88 683
24 24.00 610 31.12 791
Class 900
Nominal Inside Diameter Outside Diameter
Pipe Size (ID) (OD)
(NPS) Inches mm Inches mm
1/2 0.84 21 2.50 64
3/4 1.06 27 2.75 70
1 1.31 33 3.12 79
1 1/4 1.66 42 3.50 89
1 1/2 1.91 49 3.88 99
2 2.38 60 5.62 143
2 1/2 2.88 73 6.50 165
3 3.50 89 6.62 168
3 1/2 - - - -
4 4.50 114 8.12 206
5 5.56 141 9.75 248
6 6.62 168 11.38 289
8 8.62 219 14.12 359
10 10.75 273 17.12 435
12 12.75 324 19.62 498
14 14.00 356 20.50 521
16 16.00 406 22.62 575
18 18.00 457 25.12 638
20 20.00 508 27.50 699
24 24.00 610 33.00 838
Class 300
Inside Diameter Bolt Circle Diameter
Nominal Outside Diameter (OD) Bolt Hole
(ID) # of Bolt (BCD)
Pipe Size Diameter
(NPS) Inches mm Inches mm (Inches) Inches mm
Class 600
Nominal Inside Diameter Outside Diameter Bolt Hole Bolt Circle Diameter
# of Bolt
Pipe Size (ID) (OD) Diameter (BCD)
(NPS) Inches mm Inches mm (Inches) Inches mm
1/2 0.84 21 3.75 95 4 0.63 2.63 66.8
3/4 1.06 27 4.63 117 4 0.75 3.25 82.6
1 1.31 33 4.88 124 4 0.75 3.50 88.9
1 1/4 1.66 42 5.25 133 4 0.75 3.88 98.4
1 1/2 1.91 49 6.13 156 4 0.88 4.50 114.3
2 2.38 60 6.50 165 8 0.75 5.00 127.0
2 1/2 2.88 73 7.50 191 8 0.88 5.88 149.2
3 3.50 89 8.25 210 8 0.88 6.63 168.3
3 1/2 4.00 102 9.00 229 8 1.00 7.25 184.2
4 4.50 114 10.75 273 8 1.00 8.50 215.9
5 5.56 141 13.00 330 8 1.13 10.50 266.7
6 6.62 168 14.00 356 12 1.13 11.50 292.1
8 8.62 219 16.50 419 12 1.25 13.75 349.3
10 10.75 273 20.00 508 16 1.38 17.00 431.8
12 12.75 324 22.00 559 20 1.38 19.25 489.0
14 14.00 356 23.75 603 20 1.50 20.75 527.1
16 16.00 406 27.00 686 20 1.63 23.75 603.3
18 18.00 457 29.25 743 20 1.75 25.75 654.1
20 20.00 508 32.00 813 24 1.75 28.50 723.9
24 24.00 610 37.00 940 24 2.00 33.00 838.2
Class 150
Class 300
Class 400
Nominal Inside Diameter Outside Diameter
Pipe Size (ID) (OD)
(NPS) Inches mm Inches mm
26 26.00 660 32.75 832
28 28.00 711 35.12 892
30 30.00 762 37.25 946
32 32.00 813 39.50 1003
34 34.00 864 41.50 1054
36 36.00 914 44.00 1118
38 38.00 965 42.25 1073
40 40.00 1016 44.38 1127
42 42.00 1067 46.38 1178
44 44.00 1118 48.50 1232
46 46.00 1168 50.75 1289
48 48.00 1219 53.00 1346
50 50.00 1270 55.25 1403
52 52.00 1321 57.26 1454
54 54.00 1372 59.75 1518
56 56.00 1422 61.75 1568
58 58.00 1473 63.75 1619
60 60.00 1524 66.25 1683
Class 600
Nominal Inside Diameter Outside Diameter
Pipe Size (ID) (OD)
(NPS) Inches mm Inches mm
26 26.00 660 34.12 867
28 28.00 711 36.00 914
30 30.00 762 38.25 972
32 32.00 813 40.25 1022
34 34.00 864 42.25 1073
36 36.00 914 44.50 1130
38 38.00 965 43.50 1105
40 40.00 1016 45.50 1156
42 42.00 1067 48.00 1219
44 44.00 1118 50.00 1270
46 46.00 1168 52.26 1327
48 48.00 1219 54.75 1391
50 50.00 1270 57.00 1448
52 52.00 1321 59.00 1499
54 54.00 1372 61.25 1556
56 56.00 1422 63.50 1613
58 58.00 1473 65.50 1664
60 60.00 1524 67.75 1721
Class 150
Nominal Inside Diameter Outside Diameter Bolt Circle Diameter
# of Bolt Bolt Hole
Pipe Size (ID) (OD) (BCD)
Holes Diameter
(NPS) Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm
26 26.00 660 34.25 870 24 1.38 31.75 806.5
28 28.00 711 36.50 927 28 1.38 34.00 863.6
30 30.00 762 38.75 984 28 1.38 36.00 914.4
32 32.00 813 41.75 1060 28 1.63 38.50 977.9
34 34.00 864 43.75 1111 32 1.63 40.50 1028.7
36 36.00 914 46.00 1168 32 1.63 42.75 1085.9
38 38.00 965 48.75 1238 32 1.63 45.25 1149.4
40 40.00 1016 50.75 1289 36 1.63 47.25 1200.2
42 42.00 1067 53.00 1346 36 1.63 49.50 1257.3
44 44.00 1118 55.25 1403 40 1.63 51.75 1314.5
46 46.00 1168 57.25 1454 40 1.63 53.75 1365.3
48 48.00 1219 59.50 1511 44 1.63 56.00 1422.4
50 50.00 1270 61.75 1568 44 1.88 58.25 1479.6
52 52.00 1321 64.00 1626 44 1.88 60.50 1536.7
54 54.00 1372 66.25 1683 44 1.88 62.75 1593.9
56 56.00 1422 68.75 1746 48 1.88 65.00 1651.0
58 58.00 1473 71.00 1803 48 1.88 67.25 1708.2
60 60.00 1524 73.00 1854 52 1.88 69.25 1759.0
Class 300
Nominal Inside Diameter Outside Diameter Bolt Circle Diameter
# of Bolt Bolt Hole
Pipe Size (ID) (OD) (BCD)
Holes Diameter
(NPS) Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm
26 26.00 662 38.25 972 28 1.75 34.50 876.3
28 28.00 713 40.75 1035 28 1.75 37.00 939.8
30 30.00 764 43.00 1092 28 1.88 39.25 997.0
32 32.00 815 45.25 1149 28 2.00 41.50 1054.1
34 34.00 866 47.50 1207 28 2.00 43.50 1104.9
36 36.00 917 50.00 1270 32 2.13 46.00 1168.4
38 38.00 968 46.00 1168 32 1.63 43.00 1092.2
40 40.00 1019 48.75 1238 32 1.75 45.50 1155.7
42 42.00 1070 50.75 1289 32 1.75 47.50 1206.5
44 44.00 1121 53.25 1353 32 1.88 49.75 1263.7
46 46.00 1172 55.75 1416 28 2.00 52.00 1320.8
48 48.00 1223 57.75 1467 32 2.00 54.00 1371.6
50 50.00 1274 60.25 1530 32 2.13 56.25 1428.8
52 52.00 1324 62.25 1581 32 2.13 58.25 1479.6
54 54.00 1375 65.25 1657 28 2.38 61.00 1549.4
56 56.00 1426 67.25 1708 28 2.38 63.00 1600.2
58 58.00 1477 69.25 1759 32 2.38 65.00 1651.0
60 60.00 1528 71.25 1810 32 2.38 67.00 1701.8
Class 150
Nominal Inside Diameter Outside Diameter
Pipe Size (ID) (OD)
(NPS) Inches mm Inches mm
26 26.00 660 28.56 725
28 28.00 711 30.56 776
30 30.00 762 32.56 827
32 32.00 813 34.69 881
34 34.00 864 36.81 935
36 36.00 914 38.88 988
38 38.00 965 41.12 1044
40 40.00 1016 43.12 1095
42 42.00 1067 45.12 1146
44 44.00 1118 47.12 1197
46 46.00 1168 49.44 1256
48 48.00 1219 51.44 1307
50 50.00 1270 53.44 1357
52 52.00 1321 55.44 1408
54 54.00 1372 57.62 1464
56 56.00 1422 59.62 1514
58 58.00 1473 62.19 1580
60 60.00 1524 64.19 1630
Class 300
Nominal Inside Diameter Outside Diameter
Pipe Size (ID) (OD)
(NPS) Inches mm Inches mm
26 26.00 660 30.38 772
28 28.00 711 32.50 826
30 30.00 762 34.88 886
32 32.00 813 37.00 940
34 34.00 864 39.12 994
36 36.00 914 41.25 1048
38 38.00 965 43.25 1099
40 40.00 1016 45.25 1149
42 42.00 1067 47.25 1200
44 44.00 1118 49.25 1251
46 46.00 1168 51.88 1318
48 48.00 1219 53.88 1369
50 50.00 1270 55.88 1419
52 52.00 1321 57.88 1470
54 54.00 1372 60.25 1530
56 56.00 1422 62.75 1594
58 58.00 1473 65.19 1656
60 60.00 1524 67.12 1705
Class 400
Nominal Inside Diameter Outside Diameter
Pipe Size (ID) (OD)
(NPS) Inches mm Inches mm
26 26.00 660 29.38 746
28 28.00 711 31.50 800
30 30.00 762 33.75 857
32 32.00 813 35.88 911
34 34.00 864 37.88 962
36 36.00 914 40.25 1022
Class 600
Nominal Inside Diameter Outside Diameter
Pipe Size (ID) (OD)
(NPS) Inches mm Inches mm
26 26.00 660 30.12 765
28 28.00 711 32.25 819
30 30.00 762 34.62 879
32 32.00 813 36.75 933
34 34.00 864 39.25 997
36 36.00 914 41.25 1048
Class 150
Nominal Inside Diameter Outside Diameter Bolt Circle Diameter
# of Bolt Bolt Hole
Pipe Size (ID) (OD) (BCD)
Holes Diameter
(NPS) Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm
26 26.00 660 30.94 786 36 0.88 29.31 744.5
28 28.00 711 32.94 837 40 0.88 31.31 795.3
30 30.00 762 34.94 887 44 0.88 33.31 846.1
32 32.00 813 37.06 941 48 0.88 35.44 900.2
34 34.00 864 39.56 1005 40 1.00 37.69 957.3
36 36.00 914 41.63 1057 44 1.00 39.75 1009.7
38 38.00 965 44.25 1124 40 1.13 42.13 1070.1
40 40.00 1016 46.25 1175 44 1.13 44.13 1120.9
42 42.00 1067 48.25 1226 48 1.13 46.13 1171.7
44 44.00 1118 50.25 1276 52 1.13 48.13 1222.5
46 46.00 1168 52.81 1341 40 1.25 50.56 1284.2
48 48.00 1219 54.81 1392 44 1.25 52.56 1335.0
50 50.00 1270 56.81 1443 48 1.25 54.56 1385.8
52 52.00 1321 58.81 1494 52 1.25 56.56 1436.6
54 54.00 1372 61.00 1549 56 1.25 58.75 1492.3
56 56.00 1422 63.00 1600 60 1.25 60.75 1543.1
58 58.00 1473 65.94 1675 48 1.38 63.44 1611.4
60 60.00 1524 67.94 1726 52 1.38 65.44 1662.2
Class 300
Nominal Inside Diameter Outside Diameter Bolt Circle Diameter
# of Bolt Bolt Hole
Pipe Size (ID) (OD) (BCD)
Holes Diameter
(NPS) Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm
26 26.00 660 34.13 867 32 1.38 31.63 803.4
28 28.00 711 36.25 921 36 1.38 33.75 857.3
30 30.00 762 39.00 991 36 1.50 36.25 920.8
32 32.00 813 41.50 1054 32 1.63 38.50 977.9
34 34.00 864 43.63 1108 36 1.63 40.63 1032.0
36 36.00 914 46.13 1172 32 1.75 42.88 1089.2
38 38.00 965 48.13 1223 36 1.75 44.88 1140.0
40 40.00 1016 50.13 1273 40 1.75 46.88 1190.8
42 42.00 1067 52.50 1334 36 1.88 49.00 1244.6
44 44.00 1118 54.50 1384 40 1.88 51.00 1295.4
46 46.00 1168 57.50 1461 36 2.00 53.75 1365.3
48 48.00 1219 59.50 1511 40 2.00 55.75 1416.1
50 50.00 1270 61.50 1562 44 2.00 57.75 1466.9
52 52.00 1321 63.50 1613 48 2.00 59.75 1517.7
54 54.00 1372 65.88 1673 48 2.00 62.13 1578.1
56 56.00 1422 69.50 1765 36 2.38 65.00 1651.0
58 58.00 1473 71.94 1827 40 2.38 67.44 1713.0
60 60.00 1524 73.94 1878 40 2.38 69.44 1763.8
Temperature Range
PTFE Cryogenic to 450°F (232ºC)
Flexible Graphite Cryogenic to 850°F (454ºC)
Oxidation Resistant Grade Flexible Graphite Cryogenic to 975°F (524ºC)
HTG (High Temperature Gasket) Cryogenic to 1500°F (816ºC)
Mica Cryogenic to 1832°F (1000ºC)
Ceramic Cryogenic to 2000°F (1093ºC)
Product Family
Spiral wound gaskets have become extremely
popular due to the wide variety of available styles
and sizes. Spiral wound gaskets can be fabricated of
any metal which is available in thin strip and which
can be welded; therefore, they can be used against
virtually any corrosive medium dependent upon the
choice of the metal and filler. They can be used over
the complete temperature range from cryogenic to
approximately 2000ºF (1093ºC). This type of gasket
can be used in all pressures from vacuum to the
standard 2500 pressure class flange ratings. Spiral
wound gaskets can also be manufactured with variable
densities, i.e. relatively low density gaskets for vacuum
service up to extremely high density gaskets having a
seating stress of approximately 30,000 psi (207 MPa).
The softer gaskets would require a seating stress in
the range of 5,000 psi (34 MPa).
Variable Density
Spiral wound gaskets are manufactured by alternately winding strips of metal and soft fillers
on the outer edge of winding mandrels that determine the inside dimensions of the wound
component. In the winding process, the alternating plies are maintained under pressure.
Varying the pressure during the winding operation and/or the thickness of the soft filler, the
density of the gasket can be controlled over a wide range. As a general rule, low winding
pressure and thick soft fillers are used for low pressure applications. Thin fillers and high
pressure loads are used for high pressure applications. This, of course, would account for
the higher bolt loads that have to be applied to the gasket in high pressure applications. In
addition to all these advantages of the spiral wound gasket, they are relatively low cost.
Lamons spiral wound gaskets are available in a variety of styles to suit the particular flange
facing being utilized on the flanges.
Lamons Style W
Style W gaskets are SpiraSeal® windings only. No inner or outer ring is
utilized. Used in a variety of different applications, they may be furnished in
many different sizes and thicknesses.
Style W gaskets are made in standard sizes to fit:
A. Large tongue and groove joints, 1/2 to 24 NPS, standard pressures;
B. Small tongue and groove joints, 1/2 to 24 NPS, standard pressures; and,
C. Large male and female joints 1/4 to 24 NPS, standard pressures,
Lamons Style WR
Style WR gaskets consist of a spiral wound sealing
component with a solid metal outer guide ring. The outer
guide ring serves to center the gasket properly in the flange
joint, acts as an anti-blowout device, provides radial support for the spiral wound component,
and acts as a compression gauge to prevent the spiral wound component from being over
crushed. Normally the outer guide rings are furnished in mild steel, but can be supplied in
other metals when required by operating conditions.
Lamons Inhibitor
Lamons Inhibitor gasket provides corrosion resistance
in the most extreme conditions. It combines a HTG
filler configuration with highest purity graphite, and a
Kammpro inner ring laminated with soft PTFE material. The design of the Inhibitor gasket
utilizes the Kammpro inner ring to provide the primary sealing interface. The inner ring
material and its covering layer are inert in terms of corrosion through contact with dissimilar
materials. This fire safe design incorporates the sealing integrity of highest purity graphite
in conjunction with mica on the ID and OD, preventing the entrance of further corrosive
conditions to the media.
Lamons Style H
Style H gaskets are for use on boiler hand hole and tubecap assemblies.
They are available in round, square, rectangular, diamond, obround, oval
and pear shapes. Lamons has tooling available for manufacturing most of the
standard handhold and tubecap sizes of the various boiler manufacturers.
However, these are also available in special sizes and shapes. (To order
special gaskets, dimensional drawings or sample cover plates should be
provided in order to assure proper fit.)
Lamons Style L
The spiral wound components of Style L are identical to those
of Style W and in addition have a wire loop welded to the outer
periphery of the gasket, sized so as to fit over diametrically opposite
bolts, for proper centering of the spiral wound component on the
gasket seating surface. Whenever possible, it is recommended that a Style WR gasket be
used in lieu of a Style L gasket because of the obvious advantages of the outer solid metal
guide ring. The Style L is considerably more difficult to produce than the Style WR and
therefore more expensive.
Style W typically is applied in confined groove type flanges, and it is sized by the following
Gasket is confined on the Inside Diameter (ID) and Outside Diameter (OD):
Gasket Inside Diameter (ID) = Groove Inside Diameter (ID) + 1/16” (1.5 mm)
Gasket Outside Diameter (OD) = Groove Outside Diameter (OD) – 1/16” (1.5 mm)
Pressure Class
150, 300, 400, 600 900, 1500
Pipe Size
Inside Diameter (ID) Outside Diameter (OD) Inside Diameter (ID) Outside Diameter (OD)
Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm
1/4 0.50 12.7 1.00 25.4 - - - -
1/2 1.00 25.4 1.38 34.9 1.00 25.4 1.38 34.9
3/4 1.31 33.3 1.69 42.9 1.31 33.3 1.69 42.9
1 1.50 38.1 2.00 50.8 1.50 38.1 2.00 50.8
1 1/4 1.88 47.6 2.50 63.5 1.88 47.6 2.50 63.5
1 1/2 2.13 54.0 2.88 73.0 2.13 54.0 2.88 73.0
2 2.88 73.0 3.63 92.1 2.88 73.0 3.63 92.1
2 1/2 3.38 85.7 4.13 104.8 3.38 85.7 4.13 104.8
3 4.25 108.0 5.00 127.0 4.25 108.0 5.00 127.0
3 1/2 4.75 120.7 5.50 139.7 4.75 120.7 5.50 139.7
4 5.19 131.8 6.19 157.2 5.19 131.8 6.19 157.2
4 1/2 5.69 144.5 6.75 171.5 - - - -
5 6.31 160.3 7.31 185.7 6.31 160.3 7.31 185.7
6 7.50 190.5 8.50 215.9 7.50 190.5 8.50 215.9
8 9.38 238.1 10.63 269.9 9.38 238.1 10.63 269.9
10 11.25 285.8 12.75 323.9 11.25 285.8 12.75 323.9
12 13.50 342.9 15.00 381.0 13.50 342.9 15.00 381.0
14 14.75 374.7 16.25 412.8 14.75 374.7 16.25 412.8
16 17.00 431.8 18.50 469.9 17.00 431.8 18.50 469.9
18 19.25 489.0 21.00 533.4 19.25 489.0 21.00 533.4
20 21.00 533.4 23.00 584.2 21.00 533.4 23.00 584.2
24 25.25 641.4 27.25 692.2 25.25 641.4 27.25 692.2
Pressure Class
Pipe Size
Inside Diameter (ID) Outside Diameter (OD)
Inches mm Inches mm
1/4 - - - -
1/2 0.81 20.6 1.38 34.9
3/4 1.06 27.0 1.69 42.9
1 1.25 31.8 2.00 50.8
1 1/4 1.63 41.3 2.50 63.5
1 1/2 1.88 47.6 2.88 73.0
2 2.38 60.3 3.63 92.1
2 1/2 3.00 76.2 4.13 104.8
3 3.75 95.3 5.00 127.0
3 1/2 - - - -
4 4.75 120.7 6.19 157.2
4 1/2 - - - -
5 5.75 146.1 7.31 185.7
6 6.75 171.5 8.50 215.9
8 8.75 222.3 10.63 269.9
10 10.75 273.1 12.75 323.9
12 13.00 330.2 15.00 381.0
Thickness +0.015” - 0.00” (+0.381 mm, - 0.00 mm) on special gaskets with:
a. Less than 1” (25.4 mm) ID greater that 26” (660.4 mm) ID.
b. PTFE fillers
c. 1” (25.4 mm) or larger flange width.
Thickness + 0.010 - 0.000” (+0.254 mm, - 0.00 mm) for most other sizes and materials.
Class 150
Nominal Pipe Nom
Inner Ring Inside Winding Inside Winding Outside Guide Ring Outside Siz
Size (NPS) Diameter (ID) Diameter (ID) Diameter (OD) Diameter (OD)
347 SS Blue Carbon Steel Silver Phyllosilicate (HTG) Light Blue Stripe
Class 300
Nominal Pipe Nominal Pipe
Outside Inner Ring Inside Winding Inside Winding Outside Guide Ring Outside Size (NPS)
Size (NPS) Diameter (ID) Diameter (ID) Diameter (OD) Diameter (OD)
Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm
mm 1/4*
1/4* - - 0.50 12.7 0.88 22.2 1.75 44.5
44.5 1/2
1/2 0.56 14.2 0.75 19.1 1.25 31.8 2.13 54.0
47.6 3/4
3/4 0.81 20.6 1.00 25.4 1.56 39.7 2.63 66.7
57.2 1
1 1.06 26.9 1.25 31.8 1.88 47.6 2.88 73.0
66.7 1 1/4
1 1/4 1.50 38.1 1.88 47.6 2.38 60.3 3.25 82.6
76.2 1 1/2
1 1/2 1.75 44.5 2.13 54.0 2.75 69.9 3.75 95.3
85.7 2
2 2.19 55.6 2.75 69.9 3.38 85.7 4.38 111.1
104.8 2 1/2
2 1/2 2.62 66.5 3.25 82.6 3.88 98.4 5.13 130.2
123.8 3
3 3.19 81.0 4.00 101.6 4.75 120.7 5.88 149.2
136.5 3 1/2
3 1/2* 3.50 88.9 4.50 114.3 5.25 133.4 6.50 165.1
161.9 4
4 4.19 106.4 5.00 127.0 5.88 149.2 7.13 181.0
174.6 5
5 5.19 131.8 6.13 155.6 7.00 177.8 8.50 215.9
196.9 6
6 6.19 157.2 7.19 182.6 8.25 209.6 9.88 250.8
222.3 8
8 8.50 215.9 9.19 233.4 10.38 263.5 12.13 308.0
279.4 10
10 10.56 268.2 11.31 287.3 12.50 317.5 14.25 362.0
339.7 12
12 12.50 317.5 13.38 339.7 14.75 374.7 16.63 422.3
409.6 14
14 13.75 349.3 14.63 371.5 16.00 406.4 19.13 485.8
450.9 16
16 15.75 400.1 16.63 422.3 18.25 463.6 21.25 539.8
514.4 18
18 17.69 449.3 18.69 474.7 20.75 527.1 23.50 596.9
549.3 20
20 19.69 500.1 20.69 525.5 22.75 577.9 25.75 654.1
606.4 24
24 23.75 603.3 24.75 628.7 27.00 685.8 30.50 774.7
Class 400 Nominal Pipe
Nominal Pipe
Inner Ring Inside Winding Inside Winding Outside Guide Ring Outside Size (NPS)
Size (NPS) Diameter (ID) Diameter (ID) Diameter (OD) Diameter (OD)
Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm 1/4*
1/4* - - 0.50 12.7 0.88 22.2 1.75 44.5 1/2
1/2 0.56 14.2 0.75 19.1 1.25 31.8 2.13 54.0 3/4
3/4 0.81 20.6 1.00 25.4 1.56 39.7 2.63 66.7 1
1 1.06 26.9 1.25 31.8 1.88 47.6 2.88 73.0 1 1/4
1 1/4 1.50 38.1 1.88 47.6 2.38 60.3 3.25 82.6 1 1/2
1 1/2 1.75 44.5 2.13 54.0 2.75 69.9 3.75 95.3 2
2 2.19 55.6 2.75 69.9 3.38 85.7 4.38 111.1 2 1/2
2 1/2 2.62 66.5 3.25 82.6 3.88 98.4 5.13 130.2 3
3 3.19 81.0 4.00 101.6 4.75 120.7 5.88 149.2 3 1/2*
3 1/2* 3.50 88.9 4.13 104.8 5.25 133.4 6.38 161.9 4
4 4.04 102.6 4.75 120.7 5.88 149.2 7.00 177.8 5
5 5.05 128.3 5.81 147.6 7.00 177.8 8.38 212.7 6
6 6.10 154.9 6.88 174.6 8.25 209.6 9.75 247.7 8
8 8.10 205.7 8.88 225.4 10.38 263.5 12.00 304.8 10
10 10.05 255.3 10.81 274.6 12.50 317.5 14.13 358.8 12
12 12.10 307.3 12.88 327.0 14.75 374.7 16.50 419.1 14
14 13.50 342.9 14.25 362.0 16.00 406.4 19.00 482.6 16
16 15.35 389.9 16.25 412.8 18.25 463.6 21.13 536.6 18
18 17.25 438.2 18.50 469.9 20.75 527.1 23.38 593.7 20
20 19.25 489.0 20.50 520.7 22.75 577.9 25.50 647.7 24
24 23.25 590.6 24.75 628.7 27.00 685.8 30.25 768.4 *Not Listed in ASME B
*Not Listed in ASME B16.20
SO = slip on and threaded
WN = welding neck
SW = standard wall
Notes per the ASME B16.20 specification:
1. Inner rings are required for class 900 NPS 24, class 1500 NPS 12 through 24, and class 2500 NPS 4 through NPS 12 per the ASME B16.20. These
inner rings may extend into the pipe bore a maximum of 1/16” (1.5 mm) under the worst combination of maximum bore, eccentric installation,
and additive tolerances.
2. In these sizes, the gasket is suitable for a welding neck flange with a standard wall bore, if the gasket and the flanges are assembled concentrically.
This also applies to a nozzle. It is the user’s responsibility to determine if the gasket is satisfactory for a flange or any larger bore.
3. Gaskets in theses sizes are suitable for slip on flanges only if the gaskets and flanges are assembled concentrically
4. A nozzle is a long welding neck; the bore equals the flange NPS
5. A NPS 24 gasket is suitable for nozzles.
Class 125
Nominal Pipe
Inner Ring Inside Winding Inside Winding Outside Guide Ring Outside
Size (NPS)
Diameter (ID) Diameter (ID) Diameter (OD) Diameter (OD)
Class 175
Nominal Pipe
Inner Ring Inside Winding Inside Winding Outside Guide Ring Outside
Size (NPS)
Diameter (ID) Diameter (ID) Diameter (OD) Diameter (OD)
Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm
26 26.00 660.4 26.50 673.1 27.75 704.9 29.13 739.8
28 28.00 711.2 28.50 723.9 29.75 755.7 31.13 790.6
30 30.00 762.0 30.50 774.7 31.75 806.5 33.38 847.7
32 32.00 812.8 32.50 825.5 33.75 857.3 35.38 898.5
34 34.00 863.6 34.50 876.3 35.88 911.2 37.50 952.5
36 36.00 914.4 36.50 927.1 37.88 962.0 39.50 1003.3
38 38.00 965.2 38.50 977.9 39.88 1012.8 41.50 1054.1
40 40.00 1016.0 40.50 1028.7 42.00 1066.8 43.50 1104.9
42 42.00 1066.8 42.50 1079.5 44.00 1117.6 45.88 1165.2
44 44.00 1117.6 44.50 1130.3 46.00 1168.4 47.88 1216.0
46 46.00 1168.4 46.50 1181.1 48.00 1219.2 49.88 1266.8
48 48.00 1219.2 48.50 1231.9 50.13 1273.2 51.88 1317.6
50 50.00 1270.0 50.50 1282.7 52.25 1327.2 53.88 1368.4
52 52.00 1320.8 52.50 1333.5 54.38 1381.1 56.13 1425.6
54 54.00 1371.6 54.50 1384.3 56.38 1431.9 58.13 1476.4
60 60.00 1524.0 60.50 1536.7 62.50 1587.5 61.13 1552.6
Class 250
Nominal Pipe
Inner Ring Inside Winding Inside Winding Outside Guide Ring Outside
Size (NPS)
Diameter (ID) Diameter (ID) Diameter (OD) Diameter (OD)
Class 350
Nominal Pipe
Inner Ring Inside Winding Inside Winding Outside Guide Ring Outside
Size (NPS)
Diameter (ID) Diameter (ID) Diameter (OD) Diameter (OD)
Class 150
Nominal Pipe
Size (NPS) Inner Ring Inside Winding Inside Winding Outside Guide Ring Outside
Diameter (ID) Diameter (ID) Diameter (OD) Diameter (OD)
Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm
22* - - 22.75 577.9 24.00 609.6 26.00 660.4
26 25.75 654.1 26.50 673.1 27.75 704.9 30.50 774.7
28 27.75 704.9 28.50 723.9 29.75 755.7 32.75 831.9
30 29.75 755.7 30.50 774.7 31.75 806.5 34.75 882.7
32 31.75 806.5 32.50 825.5 33.88 860.4 37.00 939.8
34 33.75 857.3 34.50 876.3 35.88 911.2 39.00 990.6
36 35.75 908.1 36.50 927.1 38.13 968.4 41.25 1047.8
38 37.75 958.9 38.50 977.9 40.13 1019.2 43.75 1111.3
40 39.75 1009.7 40.50 1028.7 42.13 1070.0 45.75 1162.1
42 41.75 1060.5 42.50 1079.5 44.25 1124.0 48.00 1219.2
44 43.75 1111.3 44.50 1130.3 46.38 1177.9 50.25 1276.4
46 45.75 1162.1 46.50 1181.1 48.38 1228.7 52.25 1327.2
48 47.75 1212.9 48.50 1231.9 50.38 1279.5 54.50 1384.3
50 49.75 1263.7 50.50 1282.7 52.50 1333.5 56.50 1435.1
52 51.75 1314.5 52.50 1333.5 54.50 1384.3 58.75 1492.3
54 53.50 1358.9 54.50 1384.3 56.50 1435.1 61.00 1549.4
56 55.50 1409.7 56.50 1435.1 58.50 1485.9 63.25 1606.6
58 57.50 1460.5 58.50 1485.9 60.50 1536.7 65.50 1663.7
60 59.50 1511.3 60.50 1536.7 62.50 1587.5 67.50 1714.5
Class 300
Nominal Pipe
Size (NPS) Inner Ring Inside Winding Inside Winding Outside Guide Ring Outside
Diameter (ID) Diameter (ID) Diameter (OD) Diameter (OD)
Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm
22* - - 22.75 577.9 24.75 628.7 27.75 704.9
26 25.75 654.1 27.00 685.8 29.00 736.6 32.88 835.0
28 27.75 704.9 29.00 736.6 31.00 787.4 35.38 898.5
30 29.75 755.7 31.25 793.8 33.25 844.6 37.50 952.5
32 31.75 806.5 33.50 850.9 35.50 901.7 39.63 1006.5
34 33.75 857.3 35.50 901.7 37.50 952.5 41.63 1057.3
36 35.75 908.1 37.63 955.7 39.63 1006.5 44.00 1117.6
38 37.50 952.5 38.50 977.9 40.00 1016.0 41.50 1054.1
40 39.50 1003.3 40.25 1022.4 42.13 1070.0 43.88 1114.4
42 41.50 1054.1 42.25 1073.2 44.13 1120.8 45.88 1165.2
44 43.50 1104.9 44.50 1130.3 46.50 1181.1 48.00 1219.2
46 45.38 1152.7 46.38 1177.9 48.38 1228.7 50.13 1273.2
48 47.63 1209.8 48.63 1235.1 50.63 1285.9 52.13 1324.0
50 49.00 1244.6 51.00 1295.4 53.00 1346.2 54.25 1378.0
52 52.00 1320.8 53.00 1346.2 55.00 1397.0 56.25 1428.8
54 53.25 1352.6 55.25 1403.4 57.25 1454.2 58.75 1492.3
56 55.25 1403.4 57.25 1454.2 59.25 1505.0 60.75 1543.1
58 57.00 1447.8 59.50 1511.3 61.50 1562.1 62.75 1593.9
60 60.00 1524.0 61.50 1562.1 63.50 1612.9 64.75 1644.7
*Not l i s ted i n ASME B16.20
Class 900
Nominal Pipe
Inner Ring Inside Winding Inside Winding Outside Guide Ring Outside
Size (NPS)
Diameter (ID)** Diameter (ID) Diameter (OD) Diameter (OD)
Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm
22* - - 24.25 616.0 27.00 685.8 33.00 838.2
26 26.00 660.4 27.00 685.8 29.00 736.6 34.75 882.7
28 28.00 711.2 29.00 736.6 31.00 787.4 37.25 946.2
30 30.25 768.4 31.25 793.8 33.25 844.6 39.75 1009.7
32 32.00 812.8 33.50 850.9 35.50 901.7 42.25 1073.2
34 34.00 863.6 35.50 901.7 37.50 952.5 44.75 1136.7
36 36.25 920.8 37.75 958.9 39.75 1009.7 47.25 1200.2
38 39.75 1009.7 40.75 1035.1 42.75 1085.9 47.25 1200.2
40 41.75 1060.5 43.25 1098.6 45.25 1149.4 49.25 1251.0
42 43.75 1111.3 45.25 1149.4 47.25 1200.2 51.25 1301.8
44 45.50 1155.7 47.50 1206.5 49.50 1257.3 53.88 1368.4
46 48.00 1219.2 50.00 1270.0 52.00 1320.8 56.50 1435.1
48 50.00 1270.0 52.00 1320.8 54.00 1371.6 58.50 1485.9
*Not listed in ASME B16.20
**Inner ri ngs a re requi red
Class 150
Nominal Pipe
Size (NPS) Inner Ring Inside Winding Inside Winding Outside Guide Ring Outside
Diameter (ID) Diameter (ID) Diameter (OD) Diameter (OD)
Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm
26 25.75 654.05 26.50 673.1 27.50 698.5 28.56 725.5
28 27.75 704.9 28.50 723.9 29.50 749.3 30.56 776.3
30 29.75 755.7 30.50 774.7 31.50 800.1 32.56 827.1
32 31.75 806.5 32.50 825.5 33.50 850.9 34.69 881.1
34 33.75 857.3 34.50 876.3 35.75 908.1 36.81 935.0
36 35.75 908.1 36.50 927.1 37.75 958.9 38.88 987.4
38 37.75 958.9 38.38 974.7 39.75 1009.7 41.13 1044.6
40 39.75 1009.7 40.25 1022.4 41.88 1063.6 43.13 1095.4
42 41.75 1060.5 42.50 1079.5 43.88 1114.4 45.13 1146.2
44 43.75 1111.3 44.25 1124.0 45.88 1165.2 47.13 1197.0
46 45.75 1162.1 46.50 1181.1 48.19 1224.0 49.44 1255.7
48 47.75 1212.9 48.50 1231.9 50.00 1270.0 51.44 1306.5
50 49.75 1263.7 50.50 1282.7 52.19 1325.6 53.44 1357.3
52 51.75 1314.5 52.50 1333.5 54.19 1376.4 55.44 1408.1
54 53.75 1365.3 54.50 1384.3 56.00 1422.4 57.63 1463.7
56 56.00 1422.4 56.88 1444.6 58.19 1478.0 59.63 1514.5
58 58.19 1478.0 59.08 1500.6 60.19 1528.8 62.19 1579.6
60 60.44 1535.2 61.31 1557.3 62.44 1585.9 64.19 1630.4
Class 300
Nominal Pipe
Size (NPS) Inner Ring Inside Winding Inside Winding Outside Guide Ring Outside
Diameter (ID) Diameter (ID) Diameter (OD) Diameter (OD)
Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm
26 25.75 654.05 26.50 673.1 28.00 711.2 30.38 771.5
28 27.75 704.9 28.50 723.9 30.00 762.0 32.50 825.5
30 29.75 755.7 30.50 774.7 32.00 812.8 34.88 885.8
32 31.75 806.5 32.50 825.5 34.00 863.6 37.00 939.8
34 33.75 857.3 34.50 876.3 36.00 914.4 39.13 993.8
36 35.75 908.1 36.50 927.1 38.00 965.2 41.25 1047.8
38 38.25 971.6 39.75 1009.7 41.25 1047.8 43.25 1098.6
40 40.25 1022.4 41.75 1060.5 43.25 1098.6 45.25 1149.4
42 42.75 1085.9 43.75 1111.3 45.25 1149.4 47.25 1200.2
44 44.25 1124.0 45.75 1162.1 47.25 1200.2 49.25 1251.0
46 46.38 1178.1 47.88 1216.0 29.38 746.1 51.88 1317.6
48 45.50 1155.7 49.75 1263.7 51.63 1311.3 53.88 1368.4
50 49.88 1267.0 51.88 1317.6 53.38 1355.7 55.88 1419.2
52 51.88 1317.8 53.88 1368.4 55.38 1406.5 57.88 1470.0
54 53.75 1365.3 55.25 1403.4 57.25 1454.2 60.25 1530.4
56 56.25 1428.8 58.25 1479.6 60.00 1524.0 62.75 1593.9
58 58.44 1484.4 60.44 1535.1 61.94 1573.2 65.19 1655.8
60 61.31 1557.3 62.56 1589.1 64.19 1630.4 67.19 1706.6
Class 400
Nominal Pipe
Size (NPS) Inner Ring Inside Winding Inside Winding Outside Guide Ring Outside
Diameter (ID) Diameter (ID) Diameter (OD) Diameter (OD)
Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm
26 25.75 654.05 26.25 666.8 27.50 698.5 29.38 746.1
28 27.63 701.8 28.13 714.4 29.50 749.3 31.50 800.1
30 29.63 752.6 30.13 765.2 31.75 806.5 33.75 857.3
32 31.50 800.1 32.00 812.8 33.88 860.4 35.88 911.2
34 33.50 850.9 34.13 866.8 35.88 911.2 37.88 962.0
36 35.38 898.7 36.13 917.6 38.00 965.2 40.25 1022.4
38 37.50 952.5 38.25 971.6 40.25 1022.4 42.25 1073.2
40 39.38 1000.3 40.38 1025.5 42.38 1076.3 44.38 1127.1
42 41.38 1051.1 42.38 1076.3 44.38 1127.1 46.38 1177.9
44 43.50 1104.9 44.50 1130.3 46.50 1181.1 48.50 1231.9
46 46.00 1168.4 47.00 1193.8 49.00 1244.6 50.75 1289.1
48 47.50 1206.5 49.00 1244.6 51.00 1295.4 53.00 1346.2
50 49.50 1257.3 51.00 1295.4 53.00 1346.2 55.25 1403.4
52 51.50 1308.1 53.00 1346.2 55.00 1397.0 57.25 1454.2
54 53.25 1352.6 55.25 1403.4 57.25 1454.2 59.75 1517.7
56 55.25 1403.4 57.25 1454.2 59.25 1505.0 61.75 1568.5
58 57.25 1454.2 59.25 1505.0 61.25 1555.8 63.75 1619.3
60 59.75 1517.7 61.75 1568.5 63.75 1619.3 66.25 1682.8
Class 600
Nominal Pipe
Size (NPS) Inner Ring Inside Winding Inside Winding Outside Guide Ring Outside
Diameter (ID) Diameter (ID) Diameter (OD) Diameter (OD)
Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm
26 25.38 644.652 26.13 663.6 28.13 714.4 30.13 765.2
28 27.00 685.8 27.75 704.9 29.75 755.7 32.25 819.2
30 29.63 752.6 30.63 777.9 32.63 828.7 34.63 879.5
32 31.25 793.8 32.75 831.9 34.75 882.7 36.75 933.5
34 33.50 850.9 35.00 889.0 37.00 939.8 39.25 997.0
36 35.50 901.7 37.00 939.8 39.00 990.6 41.25 1047.8
38 37.50 952.5 39.00 990.6 41.00 1041.4 43.50 1104.9
40 39.75 1009.7 41.25 1047.8 43.25 1098.6 45.50 1155.7
42 42.00 1066.8 43.50 1104.9 45.50 1155.7 48.00 1219.2
44 43.75 1111.3 45.75 1162.1 47.75 1212.9 50.00 1270.0
46 45.75 1162.1 47.75 1212.9 49.75 1263.7 52.25 1327.2
48 48.00 1219.2 50.00 1270.0 52.00 1320.8 54.75 1390.7
50 50.00 1270.0 52.00 1320.8 54.00 1371.6 57.00 1447.8
52 52.00 1320.8 54.00 1371.6 56.00 1422.4 59.00 1498.6
54 54.25 1378.0 56.25 1428.8 58.25 1479.6 61.25 1555.8
56 56.25 1428.8 58.25 1479.6 60.25 1530.4 63.50 1612.9
58 58.00 1473.2 60.50 1536.7 62.50 1587.5 65.50 1663.7
60 60.25 1530.4 62.75 1593.9 64.75 1644.7 68.25 1733.6
Class 900
Nominal Pipe
Size (NPS) Inner Ring Inside Winding Inside Winding Outside Guide Ring Outside
Diameter (ID) Diameter (ID) Diameter (OD) Diameter (OD)
Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm
26 26.25 666.75 27.25 692.2 29.50 749.3 33.00 838.2
28 28.25 717.6 29.25 743.0 31.50 800.1 35.50 901.7
30 30.75 781.1 31.75 806.5 33.75 857.3 37.75 958.9
32 33.00 838.2 34.00 863.6 36.00 914.4 40.00 1016.0
34 35.25 895.4 36.25 920.8 38.25 971.6 42.25 1073.2
36 36.25 920.8 37.25 946.2 39.25 997.0 44.25 1124.0
38 39.75 1009.7 40.75 1035.1 42.75 1085.9 47.25 1200.2
40 41.75 1060.5 43.25 1098.6 45.25 1149.4 49.25 1251.0
42 43.75 1111.3 45.25 1149.4 47.25 1200.2 51.25 1301.8
44 45.50 1155.7 47.50 1206.5 49.50 1257.3 53.88 1368.4
46 48.00 1219.2 50.00 1270.0 52.00 1320.8 56.50 1435.1
48 50.00 1270.0 52.00 1320.8 54.00 1371.6 58.50 1485.9
* Inner ri ngs a re requi red
Class 150
Inner Ring Inside Winding Inside Winding Outside Guide Ring Outside
Pipe Size
Diameter (ID) Diameter (ID) Diameter (OD) Diameter (OD)
Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm
1/4 - - 0.56 14.3 0.88 22.2 1.75 44.5
1/2 0.56 14.3 0.94 23.8 1.25 31.8 1.88 47.6
3/4 0.81 20.6 1.19 30.2 1.56 39.7 2.25 57.2
1 1.06 27.0 1.44 36.5 1.88 47.6 2.63 66.7
1 1/4 1.38 34.9 1.88 47.6 2.38 60.3 3.00 76.2
1 1/2 1.63 41.3 2.13 54.0 2.75 69.9 3.38 85.7
Class 300
Inner Ring Inside Winding Inside Winding Outside Guide Ring Outside
Pipe Size
Diameter (ID) Diameter (ID) Diameter (OD) Diameter (OD)
Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm
1/4 - - 0.56 14.3 0.88 22.2 1.75 44.5
1/2 0.56 14.3 0.94 23.8 1.25 31.8 2.13 54.0
3/4 0.81 20.6 1.19 30.2 1.56 39.7 2.63 66.7
1 1.06 27.0 1.44 36.5 1.88 47.6 2.88 73.0
1 1/4 1.38 34.9 1.88 47.6 2.38 60.3 3.25 82.6
1 1/2 1.63 41.3 2.13 54.0 2.75 69.9 3.75 95.3
Class 400
Inner Ring Inside Winding Inside Winding Outside Guide Ring Outside
Pipe Size
Diameter (ID) Diameter (ID) Diameter (OD) Diameter (OD)
Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm
1/4 - - 0.56 14.3 0.88 22.2 1.75 44.5
1/2 0.56 14.3 0.94 23.8 1.25 31.8 2.13 54.0
3/4 0.81 20.6 1.19 30.2 1.56 39.7 2.63 66.7
1 1.06 27.0 1.44 36.5 1.88 47.6 2.88 73.0
1 1/4 1.38 34.9 1.88 47.6 2.38 60.3 3.25 82.6
1 1/2 1.63 41.3 2.13 54.0 2.75 69.9 3.75 95.3
Class 600
Inner Ring Inside Winding Inside Winding Outside Guide Ring Outside
Pipe Size
Diameter (ID) Diameter (ID) Diameter (OD) Diameter (OD)
Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm
1/4 - - 0.56 14.3 0.88 22.2 1.75 44.5
1/2 0.56 14.3 0.94 23.8 1.25 31.8 2.13 54.0
3/4 0.81 20.6 1.19 30.2 1.56 39.7 2.63 66.7
1 1.06 27.0 1.44 36.5 1.88 47.6 2.88 73.0
1 1/4 1.38 34.9 1.88 47.6 2.38 60.3 3.25 82.6
1 1/2 1.63 41.3 2.13 54.0 2.75 69.9 3.75 95.3
Class 900
Inner Ring Inside Winding Inside Winding Outside Guide Ring Outside
Pipe Size
Diameter (ID) Diameter (ID) Diameter (OD) Diameter (OD)
Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm
1/2 0.56 14.3 0.94 23.8 1.25 31.8 2.50 63.5
3/4 0.81 20.6 1.19 30.2 1.56 39.7 2.75 69.9
1 1.06 27.0 1.44 36.5 1.88 47.6 3.13 79.4
1 1/4 1.38 34.9 1.88 47.6 2.38 60.3 3.50 88.9
1 1/2 1.63 41.3 2.13 54.0 2.75 69.9 3.88 98.4
Class 1500
Inner Ring Inside Winding Inside Winding Outside Guide Ring Outside
Pipe Size
Diameter (ID) Diameter (ID) Diameter (OD) Diameter (OD)
Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm
1/2 0.56 14.3 0.94 23.8 1.25 31.8 2.50 63.5
3/4 0.81 20.6 1.19 30.2 1.56 39.7 2.75 69.9
1 1.06 27.0 1.44 36.5 1.88 47.6 3.13 79.4
1 1/4 1.38 34.9 1.88 47.6 2.38 60.3 3.50 88.9
1 1/2 1.63 41.3 2.13 54.0 2.75 69.9 3.88 98.4
Standard spiral wound gasket dimensions are not compatible with slip-on flanges, threaded flange, or lap
joint flanges in certain sizes due to the larger bore on slip-on flanges.
Class 150
Nominal Pipe
Inner Ring Inside Winding Inside Winding Outside Guide Ring Outside
Size (NPS)
Diameter (ID) Diameter (ID) Diameter (OD) Diameter (OD)
1/2 14.3 18.7 32.2 47.6
3/4 20.6 26.6 40.1 57.2
1 27.0 32.9 48.0 66.7
1 1/4 34.9 45.6 60.7 76.2
1 1/2 41.3 53.6 70.3 85.7
2 52.4 69.5 86.1 104.8
2 1/2 63.5 82.2 98.8 123.8
3 77.8 101.2 121.1 136.5
4 103.2 126.6 149.6 174.6
5 128.5 153.6 178.2 196.9
6 154.0 180.6 210.0 222.3
8 203.2 231.4 263.9 279.4
10 254.0 286.9 317.9 339.7
12 303.2 339.3 375.1 409.6
14 342.9 371.1 406.8 450.9
16 393.7 421.9 464.0 514.4
18 444.5 475.9 527.5 549.3
20 495.3 526.7 578.3 606.4
24 596.9 631.4 686.2 717.6
Class 300
Nominal Pipe
Inner Ring Inside Winding Inside Winding Outside Guide Ring Outside
Size (NPS)
Diameter (ID) Diameter (ID) Diameter (OD) Diameter (OD)
1/2 14.3 32.2 18.7 54.0
3/4 20.6 40.1 25.0 66.7
1 27.0 48.0 31.4 73.0
1 1/4 34.9 60.7 44.1 82.6
1 1/2 41.3 70.3 50.4 95.3
2 52.4 86.1 66.3 111.1
2 1/2 63.5 98.8 79.0 130.2
3 77.8 121.1 94.9 149.2
4 103.2 149.6 120.3 181.0
5 128.5 178.2 147.2 215.9
6 154.0 210.0 174.2 250.8
8 203.2 263.9 225.0 308.0
10 254.0 317.9 280.6 362.0
12 303.2 375.1 333.0 422.3
14 342.9 406.8 364.7 485.8
16 393.7 464.0 415.5 539.8
18 444.5 527.5 469.5 596.9
20 495.3 578.3 520.3 654.1
24 596.9 686.2 625.1 774.7
Class 600
Nominal Pipe
Inner Ring Inside Winding Inside Winding Outside Guide Ring Outside
Size (NPS)
Diameter (ID) Diameter (ID) Diameter (OD) Diameter (OD)
1/2 14.3 18.7 32.2 54.0
3/4 20.6 25.0 40.1 66.7
1 27.0 31.4 48.0 73.0
1 1/4 34.9 44.1 60.7 82.6
1 1/2 41.3 50.4 70.3 95.3
2 52.4 66.3 86.1 111.1
2 1/2 63.5 79.0 98.8 130.2
3 77.8 94.9 121.1 149.2
4 103.2 120.3 149.6 193.7
5 128.5 147.2 178.2 241.3
6 154.0 174.2 210.0 266.7
8 203.2 225.0 263.9 320.7
10 254.0 280.6 317.9 400.1
12 303.2 333.0 375.1 457.2
14 342.9 364.7 406.8 492.1
16 393.7 415.5 464.0 565.2
18 444.5 469.5 527.5 612.8
20 495.3 520.3 578.3 682.6
24 596.9 625.1 686.2 790.6
Class 900
Nominal Pipe
Inner Ring Inside Winding Inside Winding Outside Guide Ring Outside
Size (NPS)
Diameter (ID) Diameter (ID) Diameter (OD) Diameter (OD)
1/2 14.3 18.7 32.2 63.5
3/4 20.6 25.0 40.1 69.9
1 27.0 31.4 48.0 79.4
1 1/4 34.9 44.1 60.7 88.9
1 1/2 41.3 50.4 70.3 98.4
2 52.4 66.3 86.1 142.9
2 1/2 63.5 79.0 98.8 165.1
3 77.8 94.9 121.1 168.3
4 103.2 120.3 149.6 206.4
5 128.5 147.2 178.2 247.7
6 154.0 174.2 210.0 288.9
8 203.2 225.0 263.9 358.8
10 254.0 280.6 317.9 435.0
12 303.2 333.0 375.1 498.5
14 342.9 364.7 406.8 520.7
16 393.7 415.5 464.0 574.7
18 444.5 469.5 527.5 638.2
20 495.3 520.3 578.3 698.5
24 596.9 625.1 686.2 838.2
Class 1500
Nominal Pipe
Inner Ring Inside Winding Inside Winding Outside Guide Ring Outside
Size (NPS)
Diameter (ID) Diameter (ID) Diameter (OD) Diameter (OD)
1/2 14.3 18.7 32.2 63.5
3/4 20.6 25.0 40.1 69.9
1 27.0 31.4 48.0 79.4
1 1/4 34.9 44.1 60.7 88.9
1 1/2 41.3 50.4 70.3 98.4
2 52.4 66.3 86.1 142.9
2 1/2 63.5 79.0 98.8 165.1
3 77.8 94.9 121.1 174.6
4 103.2 120.3 149.6 209.6
5 128.5 147.2 178.2 254.0
6 154.0 174.2 210.0 282.6
8 203.2 225.0 263.9 352.4
10 254.0 280.6 317.9 435.0
12 303.2 333.0 375.1 520.7
14 342.9 364.7 406.8 577.9
16 393.7 415.5 464.0 641.4
18 444.5 469.5 527.5 704.9
20 495.3 520.3 578.3 755.7
24 596.9 625.1 686.2 901.7
Class 2500
Nominal Pipe
Inner Ring Inside Winding Inside Winding Outside Guide Ring Outside
Size (NPS)
Diameter (ID) Diameter (ID) Diameter (OD) Diameter (OD)
1/2 14.3 18.7 32.2 69.9
3/4 20.6 25.0 40.1 76.2
1 27.0 31.4 48.0 85.7
1 1/4 34.9 39.3 60.7 104.8
1 1/2 41.3 47.2 70.3 117.5
2 52.4 58.3 86.1 146.1
2 1/2 63.5 69.5 98.8 168.3
3 77.8 91.7 121.1 196.9
4 103.2 117.1 149.6 235.0
5 128.5 142.5 178.2 279.4
6 154.0 171.1 210.0 317.5
8 203.2 215.5 263.9 387.4
10 254.0 269.5 317.9 476.3
12 303.2 323.5 375.1 549.6
Inner Ring Inside Winding Inside Winding Outside Guide Ring Outside
Diameter (ID) Diameter (ID) Diameter (OD) Diameter (OD)
Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm
10 0.709 18 0.945 24 1.457 37 2.047 52
15 0.866 22 1.102 28 1.614 41 2.244 57
20 1.102 28 1.339 34 1.850 47 2.441 62
25 1.339 34 1.575 40 2.087 53 2.913 74
32 1.693 43 2.008 51 2.638 67 3.307 84
40 1.929 49 2.244 57 2.874 73 3.504 89
50 2.402 61 2.717 69 3.504 89 4.094 104
65 3.031 77 3.425 87 4.213 107 4.882 124
80 3.504 89 3.898 99 4.685 119 5.512 140
90 4.016 102 4.488 114 5.472 139 5.906 150
100 4.528 115 5.000 127 5.984 152 6.496 165
125 5.512 140 5.984 152 6.969 177 7.953 202
150 6.535 166 7.165 182 8.425 214 9.331 237
175 - - - - - - - -
200 8.543 217 9.173 233 10.433 265 11.102 282
225 - - - - - - - -
250 10.551 268 11.339 288 12.913 328 13.937 354
300 12.559 319 13.346 339 14.921 379 15.906 404
350 14.016 356 14.803 376 16.378 416 17.717 450
400 16.024 407 17.008 432 18.976 482 20.000 508
450 18.031 458 19.016 483 20.984 533 22.559 573
500 20.000 508 20.984 533 22.953 583 24.724 628
550 22.008 559 22.992 584 24.961 634 26.929 684
600 24.016 610 25.000 635 26.969 685 28.898 734
Inner Ring Inside Winding Inside Winding Outside Guide Ring Outside
Diameter (ID) Diameter (ID) Diameter (OD) Diameter (OD)
Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm
10 0.709 18 0.945 24 1.457 37 2.323 59
15 0.866 22 1.102 28 1.614 41 2.520 64
20 1.102 28 1.339 34 1.850 47 2.717 69
25 1.339 34 1.575 40 2.087 53 3.110 79
32 1.693 43 2.008 51 2.638 67 3.504 89
40 1.929 49 2.244 57 2.874 73 3.937 100
50 2.402 61 2.717 69 3.504 89 4.488 114
65 2.677 68 3.071 78 3.858 98 5.512 140
80 3.150 80 3.543 90 4.331 110 5.906 150
90 3.622 92 4.016 102 5.000 127 6.378 162
100 4.094 104 4.567 116 5.551 141 6.772 172
125 5.039 128 5.512 140 6.496 165 8.150 207
150 6.024 153 6.496 165 7.756 197 9.803 249
200 7.953 202 8.583 218 9.843 250 11.575 294
250 9.882 251 10.669 271 12.244 311 14.173 360
300 11.811 300 12.598 320 14.173 360 16.457 418
350 13.228 336 14.016 356 15.591 396 18.228 463
400 15.079 383 15.866 403 17.835 453 20.630 524
Inner Ring Inside Winding Inside Winding Outside Guide Ring Outside
Diameter (ID) Diameter (ID) Diameter (OD) Diameter (OD)
Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm
10 0.591 15 0.827 21 1.339 34 2.323 59
15 0.709 18 0.945 24 1.457 37 2.520 64
20 0.906 23 1.142 29 1.654 42 2.717 69
25 1.142 29 1.378 35 1.890 48 3.110 79
32 1.496 38 1.732 44 2.362 60 3.504 89
40 1.693 43 2.008 51 2.638 67 3.937 100
50 2.165 55 2.480 63 3.110 79 4.488 114
65 2.677 68 3.071 78 3.858 98 5.512 140
80 3.150 80 3.543 90 4.331 110 5.906 150
90 3.622 92 4.016 102 5.000 127 6.378 162
100 4.094 104 4.567 116 5.551 141 7.165 182
125 5.039 128 5.512 140 6.496 165 8.819 224
150 6.024 153 6.496 165 7.756 197 10.433 265
200 7.953 202 8.583 218 9.843 250 12.402 315
250 9.882 251 10.669 271 12.244 311 14.882 378
300 11.811 300 12.598 320 14.173 360 17.087 434
350 13.228 336 14.016 356 15.591 396 18.858 479
400 15.079 383 15.866 403 17.835 453 20.906 531
Inner Ring Inside Winding Inside Winding Outside Guide Ring Outside
Diameter (ID) Diameter (ID) Diameter (OD) Diameter (OD)
Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm
10 0.591 15 0.827 21 1.339 34 2.520 64
15 0.709 18 0.945 24 1.457 37 2.717 69
20 0.906 23 1.142 29 1.654 42 2.953 75
25 1.142 29 1.378 35 1.890 48 3.150 80
32 1.496 38 1.732 44 2.362 60 3.543 90
40 1.693 43 2.008 51 2.638 67 4.213 107
50 2.165 55 2.480 63 3.110 79 4.921 125
65 2.677 68 3.071 78 3.858 98 5.984 152
80 3.150 80 3.543 90 4.331 110 6.378 162
90 3.622 92 4.016 102 5.000 127 7.047 179
100 4.094 104 4.567 116 5.551 141 7.638 194
125 5.039 128 5.512 140 6.496 165 9.252 235
150 6.024 153 6.496 165 7.756 197 10.827 275
200 7.953 202 8.583 218 9.843 250 12.913 328
250 9.882 251 10.669 271 12.244 311 15.512 394
300 11.811 300 12.598 320 14.173 360 17.559 446
350 13.228 336 14.016 356 15.591 396 19.213 488
400 15.079 383 15.866 403 17.835 453 21.457 545
Class 150
Inner Ring Inside Winding Inside Winding Outside Guide Ring Outside
Pipe Size
Diameter (ID) Diameter (ID) Diameter (OD) Diameter (OD)
Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm
1 Contact Lamons Engineering for Sizes
1 1/4 1.38 34.9 1.81 46.0 3.00 76.2
1 1/2 1.63 41.3 2.13 54.0 3.38 85.7
2 2.13 54.0 2.75 69.9 4.13 104.8
2 1/2 2.75 69.9 3.31 84.1 4.88 123.8
3 3.31 84.1 3.94 100.0 5.38 136.5
Inside Diameter of
4 4.31 109.5 5.19 131.8 6.88 174.6
inner ring will
5 5.31 134.9 6.19 157.2 7.75 196.9
depend on bore
6 6.31 160.3 7.19 182.6 8.75 222.3
schedule. Please
8 8.25 209.6 9.19 233.4 11.00 279.4
consult with Lamons
10 10.31 261.9 11.44 290.5 13.38 339.7
Engineering for
12 12.19 309.6 13.56 344.5 16.13 409.6
proper sizing
14 13.44 341.3 14.94 379.4 17.75 450.9
16 15.31 388.9 16.94 430.2 20.25 514.4
18 17.25 438.2 19.00 482.6 21.63 549.3
20 19.13 485.8 21.13 536.6 23.88 606.4
24 23.00 584.2 25.25 641.4 28.25 717.6
Class 300
Inner Ring Inside Winding Inside Winding Outside Guide Ring Outside
Pipe Size
Diameter (ID) Diameter (ID) Diameter (OD) Diameter (OD)
Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm
1/2 0.56 14.3 0.94 23.8 2.13 54.0
3/4 0.81 20.6 1.25 31.8 2.63 66.7
1 1.06 27.0 1.56 39.7 2.88 73.0
1 1/4 1.31 33.3 1.88 47.6 3.25 82.6
1 1/2 1.56 39.7 2.19 55.6 3.75 95.3
2 2.13 54.0 2.69 68.3 4.38 111.1
2 1/2 Inside Diameter of 2.75 69.9 3.31 84.1 5.13 130.2
3 inner ring will 3.31 84.1 3.94 100.0 5.88 149.2
4 depend on bore 4.31 109.5 5.19 131.8 7.13 181.0
5 schedule. Please 5.31 134.9 6.44 163.5 8.50 215.9
6 consult with Lamons 6.44 163.5 7.63 193.7 9.88 250.8
8 Engineering for 8.25 209.6 9.94 252.4 12.13 308.0
10 proper sizing 10.31 261.9 12.00 304.8 14.25 362.0
12 12.88 327.0 14.25 362.0 16.63 422.3
14 14.25 362.0 15.75 400.1 19.13 485.8
16 16.25 412.8 17.75 450.9 21.25 539.8
18 18.25 463.6 20.25 514.4 23.50 596.9
20 20.25 514.4 22.19 563.6 25.75 654.1
24 24.25 616.0 26.31 668.3 30.50 774.7
Class 400
Pipe Size Inner Ring Inside Winding Inside Winding Outside Guide Ring Outside
Diameter (ID) Diameter (ID) Diameter (OD) Diameter (OD)
Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm
1/2 0.56 14.3 0.94 23.8 2.13 54.0
3/4 0.81 20.6 1.25 31.8 2.63 66.7
1 1.06 27.0 1.56 39.7 2.88 73.0
1 1/4 1.31 33.3 1.88 47.6 3.25 82.6
1 1/2 1.56 39.7 2.19 55.6 3.75 95.3
2 2.13 54.0 2.69 68.3 4.38 111.1
2 1/2 Inside Diameter of 2.75 69.9 3.31 84.1 5.13 130.2
3 inner ring will 3.31 84.1 3.94 100.0 5.88 149.2
4 depend on bore 4.31 109.5 5.19 131.8 7.00 177.8
5 schedule. Please 5.31 134.9 6.44 163.5 8.38 212.7
6 consult with Lamons 6.44 163.5 7.63 193.7 9.75 247.7
8 Engineering for 8.25 209.6 9.94 252.4 12.00 304.8
10 proper sizing 10.31 261.9 12.00 304.8 14.13 358.8
12 12.88 327.0 14.25 362.0 16.50 419.1
14 14.25 362.0 15.75 400.1 19.00 482.6
16 16.25 412.8 17.75 450.9 21.13 536.6
18 18.25 463.6 20.25 514.4 23.38 593.7
20 20.25 514.4 22.19 563.6 25.50 647.7
24 24.25 616.0 26.31 668.3 30.25 768.4
Class 600
Inner Ring Inside Winding Inside Winding Outside Guide Ring Outside
Pipe Size
Diameter (ID) Diameter (ID) Diameter (OD) Diameter (OD)
Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm
1/2 0.56 14.3 0.94 23.8 2.13 54.0
3/4 0.81 20.6 1.25 31.8 2.63 66.7
1 1.06 27.0 1.56 39.7 2.88 73.0
1 1/4 1.31 33.3 1.88 47.6 3.25 82.6
1 1/2 1.56 39.7 2.19 55.6 3.75 95.3
2 2.13 54.0 2.69 68.3 4.38 111.1
2 1/2 Inside Diameter of 2.75 69.9 3.31 84.1 5.13 130.2
3 inner ring will 3.31 84.1 3.94 100.0 5.88 149.2
4 depend on bore 4.31 109.5 5.19 131.8 7.63 193.7
5 schedule. Please 5.31 134.9 6.44 163.5 9.50 241.3
6 consult with Lamons 6.44 163.5 7.63 193.7 10.50 266.7
8 Engineering for 8.25 209.6 9.94 252.4 12.63 320.7
10 proper sizing 10.31 261.9 12.00 304.8 15.75 400.1
12 12.88 327.0 14.25 362.0 18.00 457.2
14 14.25 362.0 15.75 400.1 19.38 492.1
16 16.25 412.8 17.75 450.9 22.25 565.2
18 18.25 463.6 20.25 514.4 24.13 612.8
20 20.25 514.4 22.19 563.6 26.88 682.6
24 24.25 616.0 26.31 668.3 31.13 790.6
Class 900
Inner Ring Inside Winding Inside Winding Outside Guide Ring Outside
Pipe Size
Diameter (ID) Diameter (ID) Diameter (OD) Diameter (OD)
Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm
1/2 0.56 14.3 1.06 27.0 2.50 63.5
3/4 0.81 20.6 1.31 33.3 2.75 69.9
1 1.06 27.0 1.56 39.7 3.13 79.4
1 1/4 1.31 33.3 1.94 49.2 3.50 88.9
1 1/2 1.56 39.7 2.25 57.2 3.88 98.4
2 2.25 57.2 3.19 81.0 5.63 142.9
2 1/2 Inside Diameter of 2.56 65.1 3.63 92.1 6.50 165.1
3 inner ring will 3.19 81.0 4.19 106.4 6.63 168.3
4 depend on bore 4.06 103.2 5.19 131.8 8.13 206.4
5 schedule. Please 5.31 134.9 6.44 163.5 9.75 247.7
6 consult with Lamons 6.31 160.3 7.63 193.7 11.38 288.9
8 Engineering for 8.25 209.6 9.94 252.4 14.13 358.8
10 proper sizing 10.31 261.9 12.00 304.8 17.13 435.0
12 12.88 327.0 14.25 362.0 19.63 498.5
14 13.81 350.8 15.56 395.3 20.50 520.7
16 15.56 395.3 17.56 446.1 22.63 574.7
18 17.69 449.3 19.94 506.4 25.13 638.2
20 19.69 500.1 21.94 557.2 27.50 698.5
24 23.19 589.0 25.94 658.8 33.00 838.2
Class 1500
Pipe Size Inner Ring Inside Winding Inside Winding Outside Guide Ring Outside
(NPS) Diameter (ID) Diameter (ID) Diameter (OD) Diameter (OD)
Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm
1/2 0.56 14.3 1.06 27.0 2.50 63.5
3/4 0.81 20.6 1.31 33.3 2.75 69.9
1 1.06 27.0 1.56 39.7 3.13 79.4
1 1/4 1.31 33.3 1.94 49.2 3.50 88.9
1 1/2 1.56 39.7 2.25 57.2 3.88 98.4
2 2.25 57.2 3.19 81.0 5.63 142.9
2 1/2 Inside Diameter of 2.56 65.1 3.63 92.1 6.50 165.1
3 inner ring will 3.19 81.0 4.69 119.1 6.88 174.6
4 depend on bore 4.06 103.2 5.69 144.5 8.25 209.6
5 schedule. Please 5.06 128.6 6.94 176.2 10.00 254.0
6 consult with Lamons 6.00 152.4 7.56 192.1 11.13 282.6
8 Engineering for 7.88 200.0 9.75 247.7 13.88 352.4
10 proper sizing 9.81 249.2 11.88 301.6 17.13 435.0
12 11.94 303.2 13.94 354.0 20.50 520.7
14 13.44 341.3 15.19 385.8 22.75 577.9
16 15.00 381.0 17.00 431.8 25.25 641.4
18 17.25 438.2 19.50 495.3 27.75 704.9
20 19.19 487.4 21.44 544.5 29.75 755.7
24 23.00 584.2 25.50 647.7 35.50 901.7
6.2 0
or applicable
Gasket Style 2
15 OR
0 3 6L
Nominal Pipe Size 16L R 31
FG 316 L I
Outer Ring
Pressure Class
Winding Metal Inner Ring
Filler Material
LP -1 EN-12560-6
Gasket Style
2 EN or applicable
150 OR specification
316L F G 316L
Nominal Pipe Size
Pressure Class Outer Ring Material
Core Metal Core Facing
Product Family
Lamons Kammpro gaskets are recognized as a
problem solver for heat exchangers, large vessels,
and equipment that experience excessive movement
due to thermal expansion. The Kammpro provides
one of the tightest seals combined with superior load
bearing characteristics. Kammpro gaskets consist of
a metal sealing core with or without a guide ring. The
sealing core is a solid metal gasket with concentric
serrations on both sealing surfaces and faced with a
soft material such as flexible graphite, EPTFE, or a
Lamons HTG configuration depending on operating
conditions. It is the preferred design when needing
improved performance at low seating stresses.
The simultaneous actions of a high compressibility
facing material on the outside of the grooved metal
in combination with limited penetration of the tips
of the solid metal core enhance the interaction of
the two materials. This allows the components to
perform individually to their optimum capabilities.
Kammpro gaskets are manufactured in different
materials and non-circular shapes with extreme
accuracy. They can also be custom engineered to
fit various applications. The suggested flange surface
finish for Kammpro gaskets is 125-250 AARH.
Core Core Outside Diameter (OD) Guide Ring Outside Diameter (OD)
DN Inside
PN10/40 PN 64/160 PN 250/400 PN 10 PN 16 PN 25 PN 40 PN 64 PN 100 PN 160 PN 250 PN 320 PN 400
mm Inches Inches Inches
10 0.87 See PN 64 to See PN 250 1.42 1.81 1.81 1.81 1.81 2.20 2.20 2.20 2.64 2.64 2.64
15 1.02 PN 160 to PN 400 1.65 2.01 2.01 2.01 2.01 2.40 2.40 2.40 2.83 2.83 --
20 1.22 1.85 2.40 2.40 2.40 2.40 -- -- -- -- -- --
25 1.42 2.05 2.80 2.80 2.80 2.80 3.23 3.23 3.23 3.27 3.62 4.09
32 1.81 2.44 2.60 3.23 3.23 3.23 3.23 -- -- -- -- -- --
40 2.09 2.72 2.87 3.62 3.62 3.62 3.62 4.06 4.06 4.06 4.29 4.69 5.31
50 2.56 3.19 3.43 4.21 4.21 4.21 4.21 4.45 4.69 4.69 4.88 5.28 5.91
65 3.19 3.94 4.06 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.39 5.63 5.63 6.02 6.69 7.56
80 3.74 4.53 4.76 5.59 5.59 5.59 5.59 5.83 6.06 6.06 6.69 7.48 8.15
100 4.65 5.43 5.75 6.38 6.38 6.61 6.61 6.85 7.09 7.09 7.95 9.02 10.08
125 5.59 6.38 7.01 7.56 7.56 7.64 7.64 8.27 8.54 8.54 9.53 10.79 11.85
150 6.69 7.48 8.35 8.54 8.54 8.82 8.82 9.72 10.12 10.12 11.18 12.24 13.70
175 7.68 8.46 9.65 9.72 9.72 10.00 10.43 10.91 11.30 11.18 12.44 14.09 15.83
200 8.66 9.45 9.76 11.02 10.71 10.71 11.18 11.42 12.17 12.76 12.76 14.09 15.67 17.40
250 10.63 11.42 11.81 13.39 12.87 12.91 13.39 13.86 14.33 15.39 15.28 17.40 19.21 --
300 12.60 13.39 14.02 15.75 14.84 15.08 15.75 16.42 16.69 18.03 18.03 21.10 -- --
350 14.76 15.55 16.34 -- 17.20 17.44 17.99 18.66 19.13 20.16 -- -- -- --
400 16.77 17.72 18.66 -- 19.25 19.49 20.24 21.50 21.38 22.52 -- -- -- --
450 18.90 19.92 -- -- 21.22 21.85 -- 22.48 -- -- -- -- -- --
500 20.87 22.05 23.15 -- 23.39 24.29 24.57 24.72 25.87 27.72 -- -- -- --
600 24.80 26.14 27.56 -- 27.36 28.90 28.78 29.41 30.08 32.01 -- -- -- --
700 28.74 30.31 31.97 -- 31.89 31.65 32.80 33.54 34.61 37.40 -- -- -- --
800 32.68 34.49 34.88 -- 36.10 35.87 37.09 38.35 38.90 -- -- -- -- --
900 36.61 38.66 39.13 -- 40.04 39.80 41.02 42.68 43.62 -- -- -- -- --
1000 40.94 43.23 43.70 -- 44.25 44.41 45.43 47.01 48.03 -- -- -- -- --
1200 49.21 51.97 52.52 -- 52.80 52.83 53.70 55.04 57.17 -- -- -- -- --
1400 56.69 59.92 -- -- 60.94 60.71 62.13 63.70 -- -- -- -- -- --
1600 64.96 6.77 -- -- 69.76 69.45 70.79 72.05 -- -- -- -- -- --
1800 72.83 75.35 -- -- 77.64 77.32 78.74 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
2000 80.71 83.46 -- -- 85.91 85.35 87.80 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
2200 88.58 91.65 -- -- 93.86 93.62 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
2400 96.85 98.90 -- -- 102.13 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
2600 105.12 107.40 -- -- 110.00 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
2800 113.78 116.22 -- -- 118.66 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
3000 122.05 124.65 -- -- 127.09 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Core Inside Core Outside Diameter (OD) Guide Ring Outside Diameter (OD)
DN Diameter
PN 10/40 PN 64/160 PN 250/400 PN 10 PN 16 PN 25 PN 40 PN 64 PN 100 PN 160 PN 250 PN 320 PN 400
mm mm mm mm
10 22 See PN 64 to See PN 250 36 46 46 46 46 56 56 56 67 67 67
15 26 PN 160 to PN 400 42 51 51 51 51 61 61 61 72 72 --
20 31 47 61 61 61 61 -- -- -- -- -- --
25 36 52 71 71 71 71 82 82 82 83 92 104
32 46 62 66 82 82 82 82 -- -- -- -- -- --
40 53 69 73 92 92 92 92 103 103 103 109 119 135
50 65 81 87 107 107 107 107 113 119 119 124 134 150
65 81 100 103 127 127 127 127 137 143 143 153 170 192
80 95 115 121 142 142 142 142 148 154 154 170 190 207
100 118 138 146 162 162 168 168 174 180 180 202 229 256
125 142 162 178 192 192 194 194 210 217 217 242 274 301
150 170 190 212 217 217 224 224 247 257 257 284 311 348
175 195 215 245 247 247 254 265 277 287 284 316 358 402
200 220 240 248 280 272 272 284 290 309 324 324 358 398 442
250 270 290 300 340 327 328 340 352 364 391 388 442 488 --
300 320 340 356 400 377 383 400 417 424 458 458 536 -- --
350 375 395 415 -- 437 443 457 474 486 512 -- -- -- --
400 426 450 474 -- 489 495 514 546 543 572 -- -- -- --
450 480 506 -- -- 539 555 -- 571 -- -- -- -- -- --
500 530 560 588 -- 594 617 624 628 657 704 -- -- -- --
600 630 664 700 -- 695 734 731 747 764 813 -- -- -- --
700 730 770 812 -- 810 804 833 852 879 950 -- -- -- --
800 830 876 886 -- 917 911 942 974 988 -- -- -- -- --
900 930 982 994 -- 1017 1011 1042 1084 1108 -- -- -- -- --
1000 1040 1098 1110 -- 1124 1128 1154 1194 1220 -- -- -- -- --
1200 1250 1320 1334 -- 1341 1342 1364 1398 1452 -- -- -- -- --
1400 1440 1522 -- -- 1548 1542 1578 1618 -- -- -- -- -- --
1600 1650 172 -- -- 1772 1764 1798 1830 -- -- -- -- -- --
1800 1850 1914 -- -- 1972 1964 2000 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
2000 2050 2120 -- -- 2182 2168 2230 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
2200 2250 2328 -- -- 2384 2378 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
2400 2460 2512 -- -- 2594 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
2600 2670 2728 -- -- 2794 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
2800 2890 2952 -- -- 3014 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
3000 3100 3166 -- -- 3228 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Lamons Corrugated Metal Gasket (CMG) is a high perfor-
mance gasket for standard flange or heat exchanger appli-
cations. The CMG molds in place by filling in irregularities of the spaces, creating a superior seal.
It maintains the seal even in harsh environments, including hydrocarbons and steam applications.
The gasket is ideal where low bolt load is present or where high gasket stresses are available. The
thin profile is beneficial in areas where flange separation is limited. The heavy 22 gauge core and
1/8” (3.175 mm) pitch frequency results in superior recovery and crush resistance in the most
demanding applications.
Lamons CMG-EX gasket is a premium variation of Lamons
original CMG gasket. The CMG-EX was designed specifically
for heat exchanger applications and provides superior performance in cyclic applications and
where a high level of radial shear is present. Differential movement between flanges can cause
tremendous relaxation issues on traditional heat exchanger gaskets. This problem is addressed in
the design of the CMG-EX gasket, as it maintains a highest degree of tightness through operation
and the full cycle event.
Lamons CMGT style gasket maintains the same distinctive
performance of the CMG, but provides an additional level
of chemical resistance by utilizing a PTFE inner ring. Premium flexible graphite covering layers
are used over a corrugated substrate with a PTFE facing covering the inner perimeter of the
gasket. This configuration allows the user to maintain a “fire safe” design but have the benefits
of additional chemical resistance with less potential of graphite contamination in their process.
Lamons CMG-HTG offers rebound and a recovery
characteristics where movement between the flanges
is a concern, and oxidation of the graphite facing is a potential at elevated temperatures.
Lamons CMG-HTG (high temperature gasket) is configured such that the sealing benefit of
graphite is included, and is protected with oxidation-resistant barriers of mica material.
øB R
A: Outside Diameter (OD)
B: Inside Diameter (ID) F
D: Pass partition width
E: Distance from centerline of gasket to
centerline of first pass partition
F: Distance from centerline of gasket to
centerline of second pass partition
G: Distance from centerline of gasket to
centerline of third pass partition G H
H: Distance from centerline of gasket to
centerline of fourth pass partition
BCD: Bolt Circle Diameter
BHD: Bolt Hole Diameter
R: Radius
Number of bolt holes
(for full face gasket shape)
Note: Monel® and Inconel® are registered trademarks of Special Metals Corporation.
Note: Without exception all of the solid metal gaskets require a very fine surface finish on the
flanges. A flange with a flange surface roughness of 63 AARH or smoother is desired. Under
no circumstances should the surface finish exceed 125 AARH. In addition, radial gouges or
scores would be almost impossible to seal using solid metal gaskets.
Outside Diameter
(OD) by Class (1)
Nominal Inside Diameter
Class 150 Class 300 Class 400 (2)
Pipe Size (ID) (1)
(NPS) Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm
26 26.50 673.1 30.38 771.7 32.75 831.9 32.63 828.8
28 28.50 723.9 32.63 828.8 35.25 895.4 35.00 889.0
30 30.50 774.7 34.63 879.6 37.38 949.5 37.13 943.1
32 32.50 825.5 36.88 936.8 39.50 1003.3 39.38 1000.3
34 34.50 876.3 38.88 987.6 41.50 1054.1 41.38 1051.1
36 36.50 927.1 41.13 1044.7 43.88 1114.6 43.88 1114.6
38 38.50 977.9 43.63 1108.2 41.38 1051.1 42.13 1070.1
40 40.50 1028.7 45.63 1159.0 43.75 1111.3 44.25 1124.0
42 42.50 1079.5 47.88 1216.2 45.75 1162.1 46.25 1174.8
44 44.50 1130.3 50.13 1273.3 47.88 1216.2 48.38 1228.9
46 46.50 1181.1 52.13 1324.1 50.00 1270.0 50.63 1286.0
48 48.50 1231.9 54.38 1381.3 52.00 1320.8 52.88 1343.2
50 50.50 1282.7 56.38 1432.1 54.13 1374.9 55.13 1400.3
52 52.50 1333.5 58.63 1489.2 56.13 1425.7 57.13 1451.1
54 54.50 1384.3 60.88 1546.4 58.63 1489.2 59.63 1514.6
56 56.50 1435.1 63.13 1603.5 60.63 1540.0 61.63 1565.4
58 58.50 1485.9 65.38 1660.7 62.63 1590.8 63.63 1616.2
60 60.50 1536.7 67.38 1711.5 64.63 1641.6 66.13 1679.7
Outside Diameter
(OD) by Class (1)
Nominal Inside Diameter
Class 150 Class 300 Class 400 (2)
Pipe Size (ID) (1)
(NPS) Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm
26 26.50 673.1 28.44 722.4 30.25 768.4 29.25 743.0
28 28.50 723.9 30.44 773.2 32.38 822.5 31.38 797.1
30 30.50 774.7 32.44 824.0 34.75 882.7 33.63 854.2
32 32.50 825.5 34.56 877.8 36.88 936.8 35.75 908.1
34 34.50 876.3 36.69 931.9 39.00 990.6 37.75 958.9
36 36.50 927.1 38.75 984.3 41.13 1044.7 40.13 1019.3
38 38.50 977.9 41.00 1041.4 43.13 1095.5 42.13 1070.1
40 40.50 1028.7 43.00 1092.2 45.13 1146.3 44.25 1124.0
42 42.50 1079.5 45.00 1143.0 47.13 1197.1 46.25 1174.8
44 44.50 1130.3 47.00 1193.8 49.13 1247.9 48.38 1228.9
46 46.50 1181.1 49.31 1252.5 51.75 1314.5 50.63 1286.0
48 48.50 1231.9 51.31 1303.3 53.75 1365.3 52.88 1343.2
50 50.50 1282.7 53.31 1354.1 55.75 1416.1 55.13 1400.3
52 52.50 1333.5 55.31 1404.9 57.75 1466.9 57.13 1451.1
54 54.50 1384.3 57.50 1460.5 60.13 1527.3 59.63 1514.6
56 56.50 1435.1 59.50 1511.3 62.63 1590.8 61.63 1565.4
58 58.50 1485.9 62.06 1576.3 65.06 1652.5 63.63 1616.2
60 60.50 1536.7 64.06 1627.1 67.06 1703.3 66.13 1679.7
Lamons manufactures and supplies a large variety of ring type joint gaskets. Lamons Ring
Type Joint (RTJ) standard size gaskets are manufactured in accordance to API 6A, API 17D
and ASME B16.20 specifications.
Ring joint gaskets come in two basic types, an oval cross section (Style 377) and an octagonal
cross section (Style 388). These basic shapes are used in pressures up to 10,000 psi (64
MPa). The dimensions are standardized and require specially grooved flanges. The octagonal
cross section has a higher sealing efficiency than the oval and would be the preferred gasket.
However, only the oval cross section can be used in the old type round bottom groove. The
newer flat bottom groove design will accept either the oval or the octagonal cross section.
The sealing surfaces on the ring joint grooves must be smoothly finished to 63 micro inches
and be free of objectionable ridges, tool or chatter marks. RTJ assemblies seal by an initial
line contact or an edging action as the compressive forces are applied.
The hardness of the ring should always be less than the hardness of the flanges to prevent
flange deformation. Dimensions for standard ring joint gaskets and grooves are covered in
ASME B16.20 and API 6A, API 17D and ASME B16.5/B16.20.
Lamons stocks a wide range of sizes and materials ready for immediate shipment, from R11
to R105. Our extensive inventory of raw materials allows for best in class delivery of special
sizes and shapes. Please consult with Lamons Engineering for design of non-standard items.
Maximum Maximum
Material Designation Hardness Hardness
Rockwell B Brinell
Soft Iron D 56 90
Low Carbon Steel S 68 120
4-6 Chrome F-5* 72 130
304 Stainless Steel S304 83 160
316 Stainless Steel S316 83 160
321 Stainless Steel S321 83 160
347 Stainless Steel S347 83 160
410 Stainless Steel S410 86 170
Alloy 625 INC 625 89 180
Alloy 825 INC 825 92 195
Other CRAs Hardness shall meet Lamons material specifications
*F-5 identification designates ASTM Specification
A 182 chemical composition requirements only
P = average pitch diameter of ring, ± 0.007” (±0.18 mm)
A = width of ring, ± 0.008” (± 0.20 mm)
B, H = height of ring, (+ 0.05”, -0.02”) (+1.3 mm, -0.5 mm) Variation in height throughout the
entire circumference of any given ring shall not exceed 0.02” within these tolerances
C = width of flat on octagonal ring ± 0.008” (±0.20 mm)
B1 = radius in ring, ± 0.02” (± 0.5 mm)
23 deg = angle, ± 1/2 deg (± 0 deg 30min)
P = average pitch diameter of ring, ±0.007” (±0.18 mm)
A = width of ring, ±0.008” (±0.20 mm)
B, H = height of ring, (+0.05”, -0.02”) (+1.3 mm, -0.5 mm) Variation in height throughout
the entire circumference of any given ring shall not exceed 0.02” within these tolerances
C = width of flat on octagonal ring ±0.008” (±0.20 mm)
B1 = radius in ring, ±0.02” (±0.5 mm)
23 deg= angle, ±1/2 deg (±0 deg 30min)
(1) Rings RX-82 through RX-91 only require one pressure passage hole as illustrated.
The Center line of the hole shall be located at the midpoint of dimension C.
(2) Tolerance on these dimensions is (+0, -0.015”) (+0 mm,-0.38 mm).
(3) Tolerance on these dimensions is (+0.02”, -0) (+0.5 mm, -0 mm)
OD = outside diameter of ring, +0.020”, -0 (+0.51 mm, -0 mm)
A = width of ring, +0.008”, -0 (+0.20 mm, -0 mm) variation in width throughout the entire
circumference of any ring shall not exceed 0.004” (0.10 mm) within these tolerances.
C = width of flat, +0.006”, -0 (+0.15 mm, -0 mm)
D = height of outside bevel, +0, -0.03” (+0 mm, -0.76 mm)
H = height of ring, +0.008”, -0 (+0.20 mm, -0 mm) variation in height througout the entire
circumference of any ring shall not exceed 0.004” (0.10 mm) within these tolerances.
R1 = radius of ring, ±0.02” (±0.5 mm)
E = hole size, ±0.02” (±0.5 mm)
23 deg = angle, ±1/2 deg (±0 deg 30 min)
Additional Sizes
Ring Nominal
Number Size
BX 170 6 5/8
BX 171 8 9/16
BX 172 11 5/32
(1) Rings RX-82 through RX-91 only require one pressure passage hole as illustrated.
The Center line of the hole shall be located at the midpoint of dimension C.
(2) Tolerance on these dimensions is (+0, -0.015”) (+0 mm,-0.38 mm)
(3) Tolerance on these dimensions is (+0.02”, -0) (+0.5 mm, -0 mm)
OD = outside diameter of ring, (+0.020”, -0) (+0.51 mm, -0 mm)
A = width of ring, (+0.008”, -0) (+0.20 mm, -0 mm) variation in width throughout
the entire circumference of any ring shall not exceed 0.004” (0.10 mm) within these
C = width of flat, (+0.006”, -0) (+0.15 mm, -0 mm)
D = height of outside bevel, (+0, -0.03”) (+0 mm, -0.76 mm)
H = height of ring, (+0.008”, -0) (+0.20 mm, -0 mm) variation in height throughout
the entire circumference of any ring shall not exceed 0.004” (0.10 mm) within these
R1 = radius of ring, ±0.02” (±0.5 mm)
E = hole size, ±0.02” (±0.5 mm)
23 deg = angle, ±1/2 deg (±0 deg 30 min)
Option A Option B
The purpose of these two pressure passage holes is to prevent pressure lock when
connections are made up underwater.
LAMO 1230
NS 6A0112.1 RX39 S - 4 08-11 2
Name Material Heat Number
API Monogram
Date of Manufacture
Lamons API
License Number Gasket Ring Material Code and Product
Number Specification Level
d d2 Mi ddl e
Nomi na l Pi pe S for d
d1 Conta ct r d3 X
Si ze (DN) mi n. ma x. Ma x
Di a meter
Nomi na l Pres s ure PN64-400
10 10 14 21 7 17.1 25 18 5.7
15 14 18 28 805 22 32 27 6
25 20 29 43 11 34 50 39 6
40 34 43 62 14 48 70 55 8
50 46 55 78 16 60 88 68 9
65 62 70 102 20 76.6 112 85 13
80 72 82 116 22 88.2 129 97 13
100 94 108 143 26 116 170 127 15
125 116 135 180 29 149 218 157 22
150 139 158 210 33 171 250 183 26
Nomi na l Pres s ure PN64-100
*175 176 183 243 31 202.5 296 218 28
200 198 206 276 35 225 329 243 27
250 246 257 332 37 277.7 406 298 25
300 295 305 385 40 323.5 473 345 26
350 330 348 425 41 368 538 394 23
400 385 395 475 42 417.2 610 445 24
Nomi na l Pres s ure PN160-400
*175 162 177 243 37 202.5 296 218 21
200 183 200 276 40 225 329 243 25
250 230 246 332 46 277.7 406 298 25
300 278 285 385 50 323.5 473 345 30
*Avoid using these Nominal Pipe Sizes
Kamm-PEG represents a Pressure Energized Gasket with Kammprofiled
sealing surfaces, where a RX type ring is typically used for high pressure
reactors. Frequently, custom ring are used in the top and bottom of hydro
processing reactors. To greatly enhance sealing ability, top and bottom OD
angled sealing gasket surfaces are serrated per Kammprofiled specifications
and faced with oxidation inhibited flexible graphite. It has the benefits of
under compression graphite flows into minor imperfections creating higher
seal tightness.
Special thank you to Edward Hayman for his contribution of information for this chapter.
4 3
Solution: Consider use of sleeve around bolts to increase Or consider use of conical spring washers in place of
effective bolt length: sleeve to eliminate torque losses over wide temperature
∆1 ∆1
∆2 ∆2
The primary purpose of the rules for bolted flange connections in Parts A and B of Appendix
II is to insure safety, but there are certain practical matters to be taken into consideration in
order to obtain a serviceable design. One of the most important of these is the proportioning
of the bolting, i.e., determining the number and size of the bolts.
In the great majority of designs the practice that has been used in the past should be adequate,
viz., to follow the design rules in Appendix II and tighten the bolts sufficiently to withstand
the test pressure without leakage. The considerations presented in the following discussion
will be important only when some unusual feature exists, such as a very large diameter, a
high design pressure, a high temperature, severe temperature gradients, and unusual gasket
arrangement, and so on.
The maximum allowable stress values for bolting given in the various tables of Subsection C
are design values to be used in determining the minimum amount of bolting required under
the rules. However, a distinction must be kept carefully in mind between the design value
and the bolt stress that might actually exist or that might be needed for conditions other
than the design pressure. The initial tightening of the bolts is a prestressing operation, and
the amount of bolt stress developed must be within proper limits, to insure, on the one hand,
that it is adequate to provide against all conditions that tend to produce a leaky joint, and on
the other hand, that is not so excessive that yielding of the bolts and/or flanges can produce
relaxation that also can result in leakage.
The first important consideration is the need for the joint to be tight in the hydrostatic
test. An initial bolt stress of some magnitude must be provided. If it is not, further bolt
strain develops during the test, which tends to part the joint and thereby to decompress the
gasket enough to allow leakage. The test pressure is usually One and a half times the design
pressure, and on this basis it may be thought that 50 percent extra bolt stress above the
design value will be sufficient. However, this is an oversimplification, because, on the one
hand, the safety factor against leakage under test conditions in general need not be as great
as under operating conditions.
On the other hand, if a stress-strain analysis of the joint is made, it may indicate that an initial
bolt stress still higher than 1 ½ times the design value is needed. Such an analysis is one that
considers the changes in bolt elongation, flange deflection, and gasket load that take place
with the application of internal pressure, starting from the prestressed condition. In any
event, it is evident that an initial bolt stress higher than the design value may and, in some
cases, must be developed in the tightening operation, and it is the intent of this Division of
Section VIII that such a practice is permissible, provided it includes necessary and appropriate
provision to insure against excessive flange distortion and gross crushing of the gasket.
It is possible for the bolt stress to decrease after initial tightening, because of slow creep or
relaxation of the gasket, particularly in the case of the “softer” gasket materials. This may be
the cause of leakage in the hydrostatic test, in which case it may suffice merely to retighten
the bolts. A decrease in bolt stress can also occur in service at elevated temperatures, as
a result of creep in the bolt and/or flange or gasket material, with consequent relaxation.
When this results in leakage under service conditions, it is common practice to retighten the
Hydrostatic testing, which in the majority of cases is necessary to verify the system, is done
at one and a half times the operational pressure. Consequently, a flanged joint designed in
accordance with the ASME Code, which should be hydrostatic tested with a pressure higher
than the design pressure, will require a higher initial stress on the stud to successfully pass
the test.
Appendix S of the ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII: Division 1 speaks in
great length establishes that in order to pass the hydrostatic test, the bolts must be stressed
to whatever level is required to satisfactorily pass the test. This introduces additional
problems. In cases where low yield bolt material is being used, the stresses required in bolts
sufficient to satisfactorily pass the test may exceed the yield point of the bolt material causing
the bolts to fracture.
A m1 =
A m2 =
Bolts are then selected so that the actual bolt area Ab is equal to or greater that Am
Ab = (Number of Bolts) x (Minimum Cross-Sectional Area of Bolt in Square Inches)
Ab Am
The maximum unit load Sg(max) on the gasket bearing surface is equal to the total maximum
bolt load in pounds divided by the actual sealing area of the gasket in square inches.
Sg(max) =
[ (OD - 0.125)2 - (ID)2 ]
Sg(max) =
[ (OD2 - (ID)2 ]
Ab = Actual total cross-sectional area of bolts at N = Width, in inches, used to determine the basic
root of thread or section of least diameter gasket seating width b0, based upon the pos-
under stress, square inches. sible contact width of the gasket (Table 2)
Am = Total required cross-sectional area of bolts, P = Design pressure, pounds per square inch
taken as the greater of Am1 or Am2, square
Sa = Allowable bolt stress at ambient temperature,
pounds per square inch
Am1 = Total cross-sectional area of bolts at root
Sb = Allowable bolt stress at ambient temperature,
of thread or section of least diameter under
pounds per square inch
stress, required for the operating conditions.
Sg = Actual unit load at the gasket bearing surface,
Am2 = Total cross-sectional area of bolts at root pounds per square inch
of thread or section of least diameter under
stress, required for gasket sealing. Wm1 = Required bolt load for operating conditions,
b = Effective gasket ot joint-contact-surface seating
width, inches (Table 2) Wm2 = Minimum required bolt load for gasket seating,
b0 = Basic gasket sealing width, inches (Table 2)
y = Gasket or joint-contact-surface unit seat-
G = Diameter at location of gasket load reaction ing load, minimum design seating stress, PSI
(Table 2) (Table 1) pounds per square inch
m = Gasket factor (Table 1)
Gasket design Sketches Use
Gasket Material Factor seating and Facing
m stress Notes Sketch
y (psi)
Self-Energizing types
O Rings, Metallic, Elastomer other gasket types 0 0 --- --- ---
considered as self-seating
Spiral-wound metal, with nonmetallic filler Stainless 3.00 10000 1 (a,b)
or Monel
Soft Aluminum 2.50 2900
Corrugated metal, Soft copper or brass 2.75 3700
double jacketed with Iron or soft steel 3.00 4500 1 (a,b)
nonmetallic filler Monel or 4-6% chrome 3.25 5500
Stainless steels 3.50 6500
Iron or soft steel 5.5 18000
Ring joint Monel or 4-6% chrome 6.00 21800 6
Stainless steels 6.50 26000
*The surface of a gasket having a lap should be against the smooth surface of the facing and not against the nubbin.
Reprinted with permission of ASME
Column I Column II
See Note (1)
See Note (1)
4 3N 7N
See Note (1) 8 16
5 3N
See Note (1) 8
6 ...
hG HG hG
OD Contact G
(1) Where serrations do not exceed 1/64”
b depth and 1/32” width spacing, sketches
(1b) and (1d) shall be used.
(2) The gasket factors listed only apply to
flanged joints in which the gasket is
contained entirely within the inner
edges of the bolt holes.
FOR b0 > ¼”
FOR b0 <= ¼”
A step by step analysis of how a loading device for threaded fasteners works is as follows:
Where: F = Force in inch-lbs or (N)
D = Distance in inches, feet or (m)
T = Torque in inch-lbs, ft-lbs, (Nm)
For instance, if you were to pull on the end of a 12” wrench, distance D, with a force of 50
lbs, force F, the resulting torque would be:
50 lbs x 12” = 600 inch-lbs (222 N x 0.3048 m = 68 Nm)
50 lbs x 1’ = 50 ft-lbs
An important step, often difficult to understand, is how we go from torque to bolt tension
force. For a given size bolt and nut, a scale can be attached and measure the force F, shown
above, and with a fixed distance D, the torque can be calculated. During this operation the
bolt elongates and the amount of elongation could be measured. Another bolt of the same
size is mounted in a tensile testing machine. This machine measures bolt tension force versus
elongation. In the former case torque versus elongation was measured. In the latter case
bolt tension force versus elongation was measured. Thus, torque versus bolt tension force
can be correlated.
It is also important to note that friction and variability of the lever arm length (where
the wrench is gripped) are all variables that contribute to the inaccuracies of using hand
wrenches. Accurately translating this torque number into compressive stress requires a
good understanding of the condition of the mating surfaces and friction factors involved
throughout the bolted connection.
347 Stainless Steel: 18-10 Chromium-Nickel steel with the addition of Columbium. Not as
subject to intergranular corrosion as Type 304 is subject to stress corrosion. Recommended
working temperature ranges 1400 -1500°F (760°C to 815°C) and in some instances to
1700°F (927°C).
321 Stainless Steel: 18-10 Chromium-Nickel steel with a Titanium addition. Type 321
stainless has the same characteristics as Type 347. The recommended working temperature
is 1400 to 1500°F (760°C to 815°C). and in some instances 1600°F (871°C).
410 Stainless Steel: 12% Chromium steel with a maximum temperature range of 1200°F
to 1300°F (649°C to 704°C). Used for applications requiring good resistance to scaling at
elevated temperatures. Is not recommended for use where severe corrosion is encountered
but is still very useful for some chemical applications. May be used where dampness, alone or
coupled with chemical pollution, causes steel to fail quickly.
502/501 Stainless Steel: 4-6% Chromium and 1/2 Molybdenum alloyed for mild corrosive
resistance and elevated service. Maximum working temperature is 1200°F (649°C). If severe
corrosion is anticipated, a better grade of stainless steel would probably be a better choice.
Becomes extremely hard when welded.
Alloy 20: 45% Iron, 24% Nickel, 20% Chromium, and small amounts of Molybdenum and
Copper. Maximum temperature range of 1400 to 1500°F (760°C to 815°C). Developed
specifically for applications requiring resistance to corrosion by sulfuric acid.
Brass: Excellent to good corrosion resistance in most environments, but is not suitable
for such materials as acetic acid, acetylene, ammonia, and salt. Maximum recommended
temperature limit of 500°F (260°C).
Carbon Steel: Commercial quality sheet steel with an upper temperature limit of
approximately 1000°F (538°C), particularly if conditions are oxidizing. Not suitable for
handling crude acids or aqueous solutions of salts in the neutral or acid range. A high rate of
failure may be expected in hot water service if the material is highly stressed. Concentrated
acids and most alkalis have little or no action on iron and steel gaskets which are used
regularly for such services.
Copper: Nearly pure copper with trace amounts of silver added to increase its working
temperature. Recommended maximum continuous working temperature of 500°F (260°C).
Hastelloy B®: 26-30% Molybdenum, 62% Nickel, and 4-6% Iron. Maximum temperature
range of 2000°F (1093°C). Resistant to hot, concentrated hydrochloric acid. Also resists the
corrosive effects of wet hydrogen chlorine gas, sulfuric and phosphoric acid and reducing salt
solutions. Useful for high temperature strength.
Incoloy 800®: 32.5% Nickel, 46% Iron, 21% Chromium. Resistant to elevated temperatures,
oxidation, and carburization. Recommended maximum temperature of 1600°F (871°C).
Monel®: Maximum temperature range of 1500°F (815°C) containing 67% Nickel and
30% Copper. Excellent resistance to most acids and alkalis, except strong oxidizing acids.
Subject to stress corrosion cracking when exposed to fluorosilic acid, mercuric chloride and
mercury, and should not be used with these media. With PTFE (Polytetrafluoroethylene), it
is widely used for hydrofluoric acid service.
Nickel 200: Recommended maximum working temperature is 1400°F (760°C) and even
higher under controlled conditions. Corrosion resistance makes it useful in caustic alkalis and
where resistance in structural applications to corrosion is a prime consideration. Does not
have all the around excellent resistance of Monel®.
Duplex 2205: Dual Ferritic-Austenitic steel offers an excellent combination of both strength
and corrosion resistance. Higher content of chrome and molybdenum provides superior
resistance to general, pitting and crevice corrosion, while providing a higher yield strength
over standard austenitic grades. Suitable for environments containing chlorides and hydrogen
sulfide, dilute sulfuric acid solutions, organic acids.
NOTE: Maximum Temperature ratings are based upon hot air constant temperatures. The presence
of contaminating fluids and cyclic conditions may drastically affect the maximum temperature
Monel®, Incoloy® and Inconel® are registered trademarks of Special Metals
AL6XN® is a registered trademark of ATI Properties, Inc.
Hastelloy is a registered trademark of Haynes International, Inc.
Point Point
Note: (1) All studs are measured using effective thread length Note: (2) Length of point on studs and stud bolts shall be not
which is first thread to first thread. See diagrams less than one nor more than two complete threads as
above. Dimensions are in inches. Measurements based measured from the extreme end parallel to the axis.
on ASME B 16.5 flange specifications. Typically 1/8” (3.175 mm).
Class 900
Outside Diameter Diameter Length of
Number Diameter
NPS Diameter of Bolt of Bolt Stud Bolts
of Bolts of Bolts
of Flange Circle Holes [Note (1)]
26 42 3/4 37 1/2 2 7/8 20 2 3/4 18 1/4
28 46 40 1/4 3 1/8 20 3 19
30 48 1/2 42 3/4 3 1/8 20 3 19 1/2
32 51 3/4 45 1/2 3 3/8 20 3 1/4 20 3/4
34 55 48 1/4 3 5/8 20 3 1/2 21 3/4
36 57 1/2 50 3/4 3 5/8 20 3 1/2 22 1/4
38 57 1/2 50 3/4 3 5/8 20 3 1/2 23 3/4
40 59 1/2 52 3/4 3 5/8 24 3 1/2 24 1/4
42 61 1/2 54 3/4 3 5/8 24 3 1/2 25
44 64 7/8 57 5/8 3 7/8 24 3 3/4 26 1/4
46 68 1/4 60 1/2 4 1/8 24 4 27 1/2
48 70 1/4 62 1/2 4 1/8 24 4 28 1/4
Dimensions in Inches
Class 900
Outside Diameter Diameter Length of
Number Diameter
NPS Diameter of Bolt of Bolt Stud Bolts
of Bolts of Bolts
of Flange Circle Holes [Note (1)]
26 40 1/4 35 1/2 2 5/8 20 2 1/2 17 1/4
28 43 1/2 38 1/4 2 7/8 20 2 3/4 19
30 46 1/2 40 3/4 3 1/8 20 3 20
32 48 3/4 43 3 1/8 20 3 20 1/4
34 51 3/4 45 1/2 3 3/8 20 3 1/4 21 3/4
36 53 47 1/4 3 1/8 24 3 21 1/4
Dimensions in Inches
Torque Chart
Nominal Diameter Area Bolt Stress
Diameter at Root at Root 30,000 PSI 45,000 PSI 60,000 PSI
of Stud of Threads of Threads Torque Compression Torque Compression Torque Compression
(Inches) (Inches) (Sq. Inches) Ft. Lbs. Lbs. Ft. Lbs. Lbs. Ft. Lbs. Lbs.
1/4 0.185 0.027 4 810 6 1215 8 1620
5/16 0.24 0.045 8 1350 12 2025 16 2700
3/8 0.294 0.068 12 2040 18 3060 24 4080
7/16 0.345 0.093 20 2790 30 4185 40 5580
1/2 0.4 0.126 30 3780 45 5670 60 7560
9/16 0.454 0.162 45 4860 68 7290 90 9720
5/8 0.507 0.202 60 6060 90 9090 120 12120
3/4 0.62 0.302 100 9060 150 13590 200 18120
7/8 0.731 0.419 160 12570 240 18855 320 25140
1 0.838 0.551 245 16530 368 24795 490 33060
1 1/8 0.963 0.728 355 21840 533 32760 710 43680
1 1/4 1.088 0.929 500 27870 750 41805 1000 55740
1 3/8 1.213 1.155 680 34650 1020 51975 1360 69300
1 1/2 1.338 1.405 800 42150 1200 63225 1600 84300
1 5/8 1.463 1.68 1100 50400 1650 75600 2200 100800
1 3/4 1.588 1.98 1500 59400 2250 89100 3000 118800
1 7/8 1.713 2.304 2000 69120 3000 103680 4000 138240
2 1.838 2.652 2200 79560 3300 119340 4400 159120
2 1/4 2.088 3.423 3180 102690 4770 154035 6360 205380
2 1/2 2.338 4.292 4400 128760 6600 193140 8800 257520
2 3/4 2.588 5.259 5920 157770 8880 236655 11840 315540
3 2.838 6.324 7720 189720 11580 284580 15440 379440
Non-Metallic Materials
Temperature (°F) Temperature (°C)
Material Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum
Buna-N Rubber (Nitrile, NBR) -60 250 -51 121
Ceramic Fiber Cryogenic 2000 Cryogenic 1093
Chlorosulfonated Polyethelene (Hypalon®) -50 275 -46 135
CR (Chloroprene) (Neoprene) -60 250 -51 121
EPDM (Ethylene Propylene) Monomer -70 350 -57 177
Fluorocarbon (Viton®) -15 450 -26 232
Oxidation Inhibited Graphite Cryogenic 975 Cryogenic 524
Graphite Cryogenic 850 Cryogenic 454
Natural Rubber -70 200 -57 93
PTFE (Polytetrafluoroethylene) -140 450 -96 232
SBR (Styrene-Butadiene) -65 250 -54 121
Silicones -65 500 -54 260
Mica Cryogenic 1832 Cryogenic 1000
Metallic Materials
Maximum Temperature
Material °F °C
Carbon Steel 1000 538
304 SS 1400 760
309 SS 2000 1095
310 SS 2100 1150
316 SS 1400 760
321 SS 1500 815
347 SS 1700 925
410 SS 1300 705
430 SS 1500 815
501 SS 1200 649
Alloy 20 1500 815
Aluminum 800 427
Brass 500 260
Copper 500 260
Hastelloy® B & C 2000 1095
Inconel® 600 2000 1095
Incolloy® 800 1600 871
Monel® 1500 815
Nickel 1400 760
Phosphor Bronze 500 260
Tantalum 3000 1649
Titanium 2000 1095
Note: Maximum temperature ratings are based upon hot air
constant temperatures. The presence of contaminating fluids and
cyclic conditions may drastically affect the maximum tempera-
ture range.
Metals close to one another on the chart generally do not have a strong effect on one
another, but the farther apart any two metals are separated, the stronger the corroding
effect on the one higher in the list. The following list represents the potential available to
promote a corrosive reaction, however the actual corrosion in each application is difficult to
predict. Typically, the presence of an electrolyte is necessary to promote galvanic corrosion.
Tf = (9/5) x Tc + 32
Where: Tc is temperature in Celsius
Tf is temperature in Fahrenheit
T = Tf +459.69
Where: Tf is temperature in Fahrenheit
TR is temperature in Rankine
TK = Tc – 273.15
Where: Tc is temperature in Celsius
Tk is temperature in Kelvin
TR = (9/5) x Tc +491.69
Where: Tc is temperature in Celsius
TR is temperature in Rankine
To convert between inches of mercury (inHg) and millimeters of mercury (mmHg) or torr:
To convert between inches of mercury (inHg) and millibars (mb) or hectopascals (hPa)
P mb = 33.8639 x P inHg
P inHg = 0.0295300 x P mb
To convert between inches of mercury (inHg) and pounds per square inch (psi)
P psi = 0.491130 x P inHg
P inHg = 2.03602 x P psi
Diam. (in) Circ. (in) Area (in2) Diam. (in) Circ. (in) Area (in2) Diam. (in) Circ. (in) Area (in2) Diam. (in) Circ. (in) Area (in2) Diam. (in) Circ. (in) Area (in2)
1⁄ 1⁄ 1 3.141 .7854 6.283 3.141 3 9.424 7.068
32 .0981 .00076 2 1.570 .1963 2
1⁄ 9⁄ 1⁄ 1⁄ 1⁄
16 .1963 .00306 16 1.767 .2485 8 3.534 .9940 8 6.675 3.546 8 9.817 7.669
1⁄ 5⁄ 1⁄ 1⁄ 1⁄
8 .3926 .01227 8 1.963 .3097 4 3.927 1.227 4 7.068 3.976 4 10.21 8.295
3⁄ 11⁄ 3⁄ 3⁄ 3⁄
16 .5890 .02761 16 2.159 .3712 8 4.319 1.484 8 7.461 4.430 8 10.60 8.946
1⁄ 3⁄ 1⁄ 1⁄ 1⁄
4 .7854 .04908 4 2.356 .4417 2 4.712 1.767 2 7.854 4.908 2 10.99 9.621
5⁄ 13⁄ 5⁄ 5⁄ 5⁄
16 .9817 .07669 16 2.552 .5184 8 5.105 2.073 8 8.246 5.411 8 11.38 10.320
3⁄ 7⁄ 3⁄ 3⁄ 3⁄
8 1.178 .1104 8 2.748 .6013 4 5.497 2.405 4 8.639 5.939 4 11.78 11.044
7⁄ 15⁄ 7⁄ 7⁄ 7⁄
16 1.374 .1503 16 2.945 .6902 8 5.890 2.761 8 9.032 6.491 8 12.17 11.793
4 12.65 12.566 5 15.70 19.635 6 18.84 28.274 7 21.90 38.484 8 25.13 50.265
12.95 13.364 1⁄ 16.10 20.629 1⁄
29.24 29.464 1⁄ 22.38 39.871 1⁄ 25.52 51.848
8 8 8 8 8
13.35 14.186 1⁄ 16.49 21.647 1⁄
19.63 30.679 1⁄ 22.77 41.282 1⁄ 25.91 53.456
4 4 4 4 4
13.74 15.033 3⁄ 16.88 22.690 3⁄
20.02 31.919 3⁄ 23.16 42.718 3⁄ 26.31 55.088
8 8 8 8 8
14.13 15.904 1⁄ 17.27 23.758 1⁄
20.42 33.183 1⁄ 23.56 44.178 1⁄ 26.70 56.745
2 2 2 2 2
14.52 16.800 5⁄ 17.?7 24.840 5⁄
20.81 34.471 5⁄ 23.95 45.663 5⁄ 27.09 58.426
8 8 8 8 8
14.92 17.720 3⁄ 18.06 25.967 3⁄
21.20 35.784 3⁄ 24.34 47.173 3⁄ 27.47 60.132
4 4 4 4 4
15.31 18.665 7⁄ 18.45 27.108 7⁄
21.57 37.122 7⁄ 24.74 48.707 7⁄ 27.88 61.862
8 8 8 8 8
9 28.27 63.617 10 31.41 78.539 11 34.55 95.033 12 37.69 113.00 13 40.84 132.73
1⁄ 28.66 65.396 1⁄ 31.80 80.515 1⁄
34.95 97.205 1⁄ 38.09 115.46 1⁄
41.23 135.29
8 8 8 8 8
1⁄ 29.05 67.200 1⁄ 32.20 82.516 1⁄
35.34 99.402 1⁄ 38.48 117.85 1⁄
41.62 137.88
4 4 4 4 4
3⁄ 29.45 69.029 3⁄ 32.59 84.540 3⁄
35.73 101.62 3⁄ 38.87 120.27 3⁄
42.01 140.50
8 8 8 8 8
1⁄ 29.84 70.882 1⁄ 32.98 86.590 1⁄
36.12 103.86 1⁄ 39.27 122.71 1⁄
42.41 143.13
2 2 2 2 2
5⁄ 30.23 72.759 5⁄ 33.37 88.664 5⁄
36.52 106.13 5⁄ 39.66 125.18 5⁄
42.80 145.80
8 8 8 8 8
3⁄ 30.63 74.662 3⁄ 33.77 90.762 3⁄
36.91 108.43 3⁄ 40.05 127.67 3⁄
43.19 148.48
4 4 4 4 4
7⁄ 31.02 76.588 7⁄ 34.16 92.885 7⁄
37.30 110.75 7⁄ 40.55 130.19 7⁄
43.58 151.20
8 8 8 8 8
14 43.98 153.92 15 47.12 176.71 16 50.26 201.06 17 53.40 226.98 18 56.54 254.46
1⁄ 1⁄ 1⁄ 1⁄ 1⁄
8 44.37 156.69 8 47.51 179.67 8 50.65 204.21 8 53.79 230.33 8 56.94 258.01
1⁄ 1⁄ 1⁄ 1⁄ 1⁄
4 44.76 159.48 4 47.90 182.72 4 51.05 207.39 4 54.19 233.70 4 57.33 261.58
3⁄ 3⁄ 3⁄ 3⁄ 3⁄
8 45.16 162.29 8 48.30 185.66 8 51.44 210.59 8 54.58 237.10 8 57.72 265.18
1⁄ 1⁄ 1⁄ 1⁄ 1⁄
2 45.55 165.13 2 48.69 188.69 2 51.83 213.82 2 54.97 240.52 2 58.11 268.80
5⁄ 5⁄ 5⁄ 5⁄ 5⁄
8 45.94 167.98 8 49.08 191.74 8 52.22 217.07 8 55.37 243.97 8 58.51 272.44
3⁄ 3⁄ 3⁄ 3⁄ 3⁄
4 46.33 170.87 4 49.48 194.82 4 52.62 220.35 4 55.76 247.45 4 58.90 276.11
7⁄ 7⁄ 7⁄ 7⁄ 7⁄
8 46.73 173.78 8 48.78 197.73 8 53.01 223.65 8 56.16 250.94 8 59.29 279.81
19 59.69 283.52 20 62.83 314.16 21 65.97 346.36 22 69.11 380.13 23 72.25 415.47
1⁄ 1⁄ 1⁄ 1⁄ 1⁄
8 60.08 287.27 8 63.22 318.09 8 66.37 350.49 8 69.50 384.46 8 72.64 4200.00
1⁄ 1⁄ 1⁄ 1⁄ 1⁄
4 60.47 291.03 4 63.61 322.06 4 66.75 354.65 4 69.90 388.82 4 73.04 424.55
3⁄ 3⁄ 3⁄ 3⁄ 3⁄
8 60.86 294.83 8 64.01 326.05 8 67.15 358.84 8 70.29 393.20 8 73.43 429.13
1⁄ 1⁄ 1⁄ 1⁄ 1⁄
2 61.26 298.64 2 64.40 330.06 2 67.54 363.05 2 70.68 397.60 2 73.82 433.73
5⁄ 5⁄ 5⁄ 5⁄ 5⁄
8 61.65 302.48 8 64.79 334.10 8 67.93 367.28 8 71.07 402.03 8 74.21 438.30
3⁄ 3⁄ 3⁄ 3⁄ 3⁄
4 62.04 306.35 4 65.18 338.16 4 63.32 371.54 4 71.47 406.49 4 74.61 443.01
7⁄ 7⁄ 7⁄ 7⁄ 7⁄
8 62.43 310.24 8 65.58 342.25 8 68.72 375.82 8 71.86 410.97 8 75.00 447.69
24 75.39 452.39 25 78.54 490.87 26 81.68 530.93 27 84.82 572.55 28 87.96 615.75
1⁄ 1⁄ 1⁄ 1⁄ 1⁄
8 75.79 475.11 8 78.93 495.79 8 82.07 536.04 8 85.21 577.87 8 88.35 621.26
1⁄ 1⁄ 1⁄ 1⁄ 1⁄
4 76.18 461.86 4 79.32 500.74 4 82.46 541.18 4 85.60 583.20 4 88.75 626.79
3⁄ 3⁄ 3⁄ 3⁄ 3⁄
8 76.57 466.63 8 79.71 505.71 8 82.85 546.35 8 86.00 588.57 8 89.14 632.35
1⁄ 1⁄ 1⁄ 1⁄ 1⁄
2 76.96 471.43 2 80.10 510.70 2 83.25 551.54 2 86.39 593.95 2 89.59 637.94
5⁄ 5⁄ 5⁄ 5⁄ 5⁄
8 77.36 476.25 8 80.50 515.72 8 83.64 556.76 8 86.78 599.37 8 89.92 643.54
3⁄ 3⁄ 3⁄ 3⁄ 3⁄
4 77.75 481.10 4 80.89 520.70 4 84.03 562.00 4 87.17 604.80 4 90.32 649.18
7⁄ 7⁄ 7⁄ 7⁄ 7⁄
8 78.14 485.97 8 81.28 525.83 8 84.43 567.26 8 87.57 610.26 8 90.71 654.83
29 91.10 660.52 30 94.24 706.86 31 97.38 754.76 32 100.5 804.24 33 103.6 855.30
1⁄ 1⁄ 1⁄ 1⁄ 1⁄
8 91.49 666.22 8 94.64 712.86 8 97.78 760.86 8 100.9 810.45 8 104.0 861.79
1⁄ 1⁄ 1⁄ 1⁄ 1⁄
4 91.89 671.95 4 95.03 718.69 4 98.17 766.99 4 101.3 816.86 4 104.4 868.30
3⁄ 3⁄ 3⁄ 3⁄ 3⁄
8 92.23 677.71 8 95.42 724.64 8 98.56 773.14 8 101.7 832.21 8 104.8 874.88
1⁄ 1⁄ 1⁄ 1⁄ 1⁄
2 92.67 683.49 2 95.81 730.61 2 98.96 773.31 2 102.1 829.57 2 105.2 881.41
5⁄ 5⁄ 5⁄ 5⁄ 5⁄
8 93.06 689.29 8 96.21 736.61 8 99.35 785.51 8 102.4 835.97 8 105.6 888.00
3⁄ 3⁄ 3⁄ 3⁄ 3⁄
4 93.46 695.12 4 96.60 742.64 4 99.74 791.73 4 102.8 842.39 4 106.0 894.61
7⁄ 7⁄ 7⁄ 7⁄ 7⁄
8 93.85 700.98 8 96.99 748.69 8 100.1 797.97 8 103.2 848.83 8 106.4 901.25
Diam. (in) Circ. (in) Area (in2) Diam. (in) Circ. (in) Area (in2) Diam. (in) Circ. (in) Area (in2) Diam. (in) Circ. (in) Area (in2) Diam. (in) Circ. (in) Area (in2)
34 106.8 907.92 35 109.9 962.11 36 113.0 101.8 37 116.2 1075.2 38 119.3 1134.1
1⁄ 1⁄ 1⁄ 1⁄ 1⁄
8 107.2 914.61 8 110.3 968.99 8 113.4 1024.9 8 116.6 1082.4 8 119.7 1141.5
1⁄ 1⁄ 1⁄ 1⁄ 1⁄
4 107.5 921.32 4 110.7 975.90 4 113.8 1032.0 4 117.0 1089.7 4 120.1 1149.0
3⁄ 3⁄ 3⁄ 3⁄ 3⁄
8 107.9 928.06 8 111.1 982.84 8 114.2 1039.1 8 117.4 1097.1 8 120.5 1156.6
1⁄ 1⁄ 1⁄ 1⁄ 1⁄
2 108.3 934.82 2 111.5 989.80 2 114.6 1049.3 2 117.8 1104.4 2 120.9 1164.1
5⁄ 5⁄ 5⁄ 5⁄ 5⁄
8 108.7 941.60 8 111.9 996.78 8 115.0 1053.5 8 118.2 1111.8 8 121.3 1171.7
3⁄ 3⁄ 3⁄ 3⁄ 3⁄
4 109.1 948.41 4 112.3 1003.7 4 115.4 1060.7 4 118.6 1119.2 4 121.7 1179.3
7⁄ 7⁄ 7⁄ 7⁄ 7⁄
8 109.5 955.25 8 112.7 1010.8 8 115.8 1067.9 8 118.9 1126.6 8 122.1 1186.9
39 122.5 1194.5 40 125.6 1256.6 41 128.8 1320.2 42 131.9 1385.4 43 135.0 1452.2
1⁄ 122.9 1202.2 1⁄ 126.0 1264.5 1⁄
129.1 1328.3 1⁄
132.3 1393.7 1⁄
135.4 1460.6
8 8 8 8 8
1⁄ 123.3 1209.9 1⁄ 126.4 1272.3 1⁄
129.5 1336.4 1⁄
132.7 1401.9 1⁄
135.8 1469.1
4 4 4 4 4
3⁄ 123.7 1217.6 3⁄ 126.8 1280.3 3⁄
129.9 1344.5 3⁄
133.1 1410.2 3⁄
136.2 1477.6
8 8 8 8 8
1⁄ 124.0 1225.4 1⁄ 127.2 1288.2 1⁄
130.3 1352.6 1⁄
133.5 1418.6 1⁄
136.6 1486.1
2 2 2 2 2
5⁄ 124.4 1233.1 5⁄ 127.6 1291.2 5⁄
130.7 1360.8 5⁄
133.9 1426.9 5⁄
137.0 1494.7
8 8 8 8 8
3⁄ 124.8 1240.9 3⁄ 128.0 1304.2 3⁄
131.1 1369.0 3⁄
134.3 1435.3 3⁄
137.4 1503.3
4 4 4 4 4
7⁄ 125.2 1248.7 7⁄ 128.4 1312.2 7⁄
131.5 1377.2 7⁄
134.6 1443.7 7⁄
137.8 1511.9
8 8 8 8 8
44 138.2 1520.5 45 141.3 1590.4 46 144.5 1661.9 47 147.6 1734.9 48 150.7 1809.5
138.6 1529.1 1⁄
141.7 1599.2 1⁄
144.9 1670.9 1⁄ 148.0 1744.1 1⁄ 151.1 1818.9
8 8 8 8 8
139.0 1537.8 1⁄
142.1 1608.1 1⁄
145.2 1680.0 1⁄ 148.4 1753.4 1⁄ 151.5 1828.4
4 4 4 4 4
139.4 1546.5 3⁄
142.5 1617.0 3⁄
145.6 1689.1 3⁄ 148.8 1762.7 3⁄ 151.9 1837.9
8 8 8 8 8
139.8 1555.2 1⁄
142.9 1625.9 1⁄
146.0 1698.2 1⁄ 149.2 1772.0 1⁄ 152.3 1847.4
2 2 2 2 2
140.1 1564.0 5⁄
143.3 1634.9 5⁄
146.4 1707.3 5⁄ 149.6 1781.3 5⁄ 152.7 1856.9
8 8 8 8 8
3⁄ 140.5 1572.8 3⁄
143.7 1643.8 3⁄
146.8 1716.5 3⁄ 150.0 1790.7 3⁄ 153.1 1866.5
4 4 4 4 4
140.9 1581.6 7⁄
144.1 1652.8 7⁄
147.2 1725.7 7⁄ 150.4 1800.1 7⁄ 153.5 1876.1
8 8 8 8 8
49 153.9 1885.7 50 157.0 1963.5 51 160.2 2042.8 52 136.3 2123.7 53 166.5 2206.1
1⁄ 154.4 1895.3 1⁄ 157.4 1973.3 1⁄
160.6 2025.8 1⁄
163.7 2133.9 1⁄
166.8 2216.6
8 8 8 8 8
1⁄ 154.7 1905.0 1⁄ 157.8 1983.1 1⁄
161.0 2062.9 1⁄
164.1 2144.1 1⁄
167.2 2227.0
4 4 4 4 4
3⁄ 155.5 1914.7 3⁄ 158.2 1993.0 3⁄
161.3 2072.9 3⁄
164.5 2154.4 3⁄
167.6 2237.5
8 8 8 8 8
1⁄ 155.5 1924.4 1⁄ 158.6 2002.9 1⁄
161.7 2083.0 1⁄
164.9 2164.7 1⁄
168.0 2248.0
2 2 2 2 2
5⁄ 155.9 1934.1 5⁄ 159.0 2012.8 5⁄
162.1 2093.2 5⁄
165.3 2175.0 5⁄
168.4 2258.5
8 8 8 8 8
3⁄ 156.2 1943.9 3⁄ 159.4 2022.8 3⁄
162.5 2103.3 3⁄
165.7 2185.4 3⁄
168.8 2269.0
4 4 4 4 4
7⁄ 156.6 1953.6 7⁄ 159.8 2032.8 7⁄
162.9 2113.5 7⁄
166.1 2195.7 7⁄
169.2 2279.6
8 8 8 8 8
54 169.6 2290.2 55 172.7 2375.8 56 175.9 2463.0 57 179.0 2551.7 58 182.2 2642.0
1⁄ 1⁄ 1⁄ 1⁄ 1⁄
8 170.0 2300.8 8 173.1 2386.6 8 176.3 2474.0 8 179.4 2562.9 8 182.6 2653.4
1⁄ 1⁄ 1⁄ 1⁄ 1⁄
4 170.4 2311.4 4 173.5 2397.4 4 176.7 2485.0 4 179.8 2574.1 4 182.9 2664.9
3⁄ 3⁄ 3⁄ 3⁄ 3⁄
8 170.8 2322.1 8 173.9 2408.3 8 177.1 2496.1 8 180.2 2585.4 8 183.3 2676.3
1⁄ 1⁄ 1⁄ 1⁄ 1⁄
2 171.2 2332.8 2 174.3 2419.2 2 177.5 2507.1 2 180.6 2596.7 2 183.7 2687.8
5⁄ 5⁄ 5⁄ 5⁄ 5⁄
8 171.6 2343.5 8 174.7 2430.1 8 177.8 2518.2 8 181.0 2608.0 8 184.1 2690.3
3⁄ 3⁄ 3⁄ 3⁄ 3⁄
4 172.0 2354.2 4 175.1 2441.0 4 178.2 2529.4 4 181.4 2619.3 4 184.5 2710.8
7⁄ 7⁄ 7⁄ 7⁄ 7⁄
8 172.3 2365.0 8 175.5 2452.0 8 178.6 2540.5 8 181.8 2630.7 8 184.9 2722.4
59 185.3 2733.9 60 188.4 2827.4 61 191.6 2922.4 62 194.7 3019.0 63 197.9 3117.2
1⁄ 1⁄ 1⁄ 1⁄ 1⁄
8 185.7 2745.5 8 188.8 2839.2 8 192.0 2934.4 8 195.1 3031.2 8 198.3 3129.6
1⁄ 1⁄ 1⁄ 1⁄ 1⁄
4 186.1 2757.1 4 189.2 2851.0 4 192.4 2946.4 4 195.5 3043.4 4 198.7 3142.0
3⁄ 3⁄ 3⁄ 3⁄ 3⁄
8 186.5 2768.8 8 189.6 2862.8 8 192.8 2958.5 8 195.9 3055.7 8 199.0 3144.4
1⁄ 1⁄ 1⁄ 1⁄ 1⁄
2 186.9 2780.5 2 190.0 2874.7 2 193.2 2970.5 2 196.3 3067.9 2 199.4 3166.9
5⁄ 5⁄ 5⁄ 5⁄ 5⁄
8 187.3 2792.2 8 190.4 2886.6 8 193.6 2982.6 8 196.7 3080.2 8 199.8 3179.4
3⁄ 3⁄ 3⁄ 3⁄ 3⁄
4 187.7 2803.9 4 190.8 2898.5 4 193.9 2994.6 4 197.1 3092.5 4 200.2 3191.9
7⁄ 7⁄ 7⁄ 7⁄ 7⁄
8 188.1 2815.6 8 191.2 2910.5 8 194.3 3006.9 8 197.5 3104.8 8 200.6 3204.4
64 201.0 3216.9 65 204.2 3318.3 66 207.3 3421.2 67 210.4 3525.6 68 213.6 3631.6
1⁄ 1⁄ 1⁄ 1⁄ 1⁄
8 201.4 3229.5 8 204.5 3331.0 8 207.7 3434.1 8 210.9 3538.8 8 214.0 3645.0
1⁄ 1⁄ 1⁄ 1⁄ 1⁄
4 201.8 3242.1 4 204.9 3343.8 4 208.1 3447.1 4 211.2 3552.0 4 214.4 3658.4
3⁄ 3⁄ 3⁄ 3⁄ 3⁄
8 202.2 3254.8 8 205.3 3356.7 8 208.5 3460.1 8 211.6 3565.2 8 214.8 3671.8
1⁄ 1⁄ 1⁄ 1⁄ 1⁄
2 202.6 3267.4 2 205.7 3369.5 2 208.9 3473.2 2 212.0 3578.4 2 215.1 3685.2
5⁄ 5⁄ 5⁄ 5⁄ 5⁄
8 203.0 3280.1 8 206.1 3382.4 8 209.3 3486.3 8 212.4 3591.7 8 215.1 3698.7
3⁄ 3⁄ 3⁄ 3⁄ 3⁄
4 203.4 3292.8 4 206.5 3395.3 4 209.7 3499.3 4 212.8 3605.0 4 215.9 3712.2
7⁄ 7⁄ 7⁄ 7⁄ 7⁄
8 203.8 3305.5 8 206.9 3408.2 8 210.0 3512.5 8 213.2 3618.3 8 216.3 3725.7
Diam. (in) Circ. (in) Area (in2) Diam. (in) Circ. (in) Area (in2) Diam. (in) Circ. (in) Area (in2) Diam. (in) Circ. (in) Area (in2) Diam. (in) Circ. (in) Area (in2)
69 216.7 3739.2 70 219.9 3848.4 71 223.0 3959.2 72 226.1 4071.5 73 229.3 4185.3
1⁄ 1⁄ 1⁄ 1⁄ 1⁄
8 217.1 3752.8 8 220.3 3862.2 8 223.4 3973.1 8 226.5 4085.6 8 229.7 4199.7
1⁄ 1⁄ 1⁄ 1⁄ 1⁄
4 217.5 3766.4 4 220.6 3875.9 4 223.8 3987.1 4 226.9 4099.8 4 230.1 4214.1
3⁄ 3⁄ 3⁄ 3⁄ 3⁄
8 217.9 3780.0 8 221.0 3889.8 8 224.2 4001.1 8 227.3 4114.0 8 230.5 4228.5
1⁄ 1⁄ 1⁄ 1⁄ 1⁄
2 218.3 3793.6 2 221.4 3903.6 2 224.6 4015.1 2 227.7 4128.2 2 230.9 4242.9
5⁄ 5⁄ 5⁄ 5⁄ 5⁄
8 218.7 3807.3 8 221.8 3917.4 8 225.0 4029.2 8 228.1 4142.5 8 231.3 4257.3
3⁄ 3⁄ 3⁄ 3⁄ 3⁄
4 219.1 3821.0 4 222.2 3931.3 4 225.4 4043.2 4 228.5 4156.7 4 231.6 4271.8
7⁄ 7⁄ 7⁄ 7⁄ 7⁄
8 219.5 3834.7 8 222.6 3945.2 8 225.8 4067.3 8 228.9 4171.0 8 232.0 4286.3
74 232.4 4300.8 75 235.6 4417.8 77 241.9 4666.6 79 248.1 4901.6 81 254.4 5153.0
1⁄ 1⁄ 1⁄ 1⁄ 1⁄
8 232.8 4315.3 4 236.4 4447.3 4 242.6 4686.9 4 248.9 4932.7 4 255.2 5184.8
1⁄ 1⁄ 1⁄ 1⁄ 1⁄
4 233.2 4329.9 2 237.1 4476.9 2 243.4 4717.3 2 249.7 4963.9 2 256.0 5216.8
3⁄ 3⁄ 3⁄ 3⁄ 3⁄
8 233.6 4344.5 4 237.9 4506.6 4 244.2 4747.7 4 250.5 4995.1 4 256.8 5248.8
2 234.0 4359.1 76 238.7 4536.4 78 245.0 4778.3 80 251.3 5026.5 82 257.6 5281.0
5⁄ 1⁄ 1⁄ 1⁄ 1⁄
8 234.4 4378.8 4 239.5 4566.3 4 245.8 4809.0 4 252.1 5058.0 4 258.3 5313.2
3⁄ 1⁄ 1⁄ 1⁄ 1⁄
4 234.8 4388.4 2 240.3 4596.3 2 246.6 4839.8 2 252.8 5089.5 2 259.1 5345.6
7⁄ 3⁄ 3⁄ 3⁄ 3⁄
8 235.2 4403.1 4 241.1 4626.4 4 247.4 4870.7 4 253.6 5121.2 4 259.9 5378.0
Over 2 1/2
B7M 2HM, 4M, 7M, 19, 8M - 80 550 100 690
thru 4
ASTM A193 ASTM A194 Temperature Over 4 thru 7 - 75 515 100 690
B8 B8 Class 1 All - 30 205 75 515
L7 L7 CrMo Alloy Steel 4 or 7 1/4 thru 2 1/2 - 105 720 125 862
-50 to 1100 ° F
AISI 4140, 4142,
(-45 to 593 ° C)
L7M or 4105 7M 1/4 thru 2 1/2 - 80 550 100 690
Fastener Details (Cont.) Mechanical Properties
Yield Strength Tensile Strength
Grade Suggested Nut Temperature Service Nominal Stud Load
Bolt Spec. Bolt Grade Material Nut Spec.
Mark Grade Ratings Environment Size (in) KSI
3/4 and under 100 690 125 862
Class A
70 483 100 690
(3 and Under)
Grade 5 5, 8
Grade 7 5, 8
Grade 8 8
Metric Materials
General Notes:
1. The Data that are listed is for general reference only. The properties of bolts can differ from the norm.
w w w . l a m o n s . c o m
w w w . l a m o n s . c o m