Robert T Kiyosaki Success Stories
Robert T Kiyosaki Success Stories
Robert T Kiyosaki Success Stories
This publication is designed to provide competent and reliable information regarding the subject matter covered. However, it is
sold with the understanding that the author and publisher are not engaged in rendering legal, financial, or other professional advice.
Laws and practices often vary from state to state and if legal or other expert assistance is required, the services of a professional
should be sought. The authors and publisher specifically disclaim any liability that is incurred from the use or application of the
contents of this book.
Although based on a true story, certain events in the book have been fictionalized for educational content and impact.
Published by Warner Books in association with CASHFLOW Technologies, Inc., and BI Capital, Inc.
CASHFLOW and Rich Dad are registered trademarks of CASHFLOW Technologies, Inc.
Rich Dad’s Advisors is a trademark of CASHFLOW Technologies, Inc.
are trademarks of
CASHFLOW Technologies, Inc.
ISBN: 978-0-7595-0814-9
Preface by Robert Kiyosaki
Introduction by Sharon Lechter
Chapter 20: A Winning Strategy from Yong-Sik Shin
Chapter 21: On the Edge of Retirement from Ronald Hoard
Chapter 22: Second Chance from M ichael M aritzen
Robert Kiyosaki
Sharon Lechter
Robert Kiyosaki’s Edumercial An Educational Commercial
Preface by
Robert Kiyosaki
1. These people took action and achieved successful results. A few weeks ago, I was on a local television show in Phoenix,
Arizona, where Kim and I live. The host was interviewing a reader of Rich Dad Poor Dad and me. The reader said that she had
liked the book but felt it was a waste of time to read. Her complaint to me, and thousands of TV viewers, was “The book did not
tell me what to do next.” I did not respond because my blood was boiling. Rather than say anything, I faked a smile and silently
“So what should she do?” asked the TV host.
“Find another book that will tell her what to do,” was my feeble reply.
One of my pet peeves is people who only do things they are told to do. Ever since I was a little kid in school, I noticed that
there were classmates of mine who did very well in school, simply by doing what the teacher told them to do. Often they were
called the teacher ’s pet. On the other hand, I often did things I was not told to do, or told not to do… and that got me in trouble.
So early in my life, I realized that I was a person that hated to be told what to do, which is why I do my best to not tell people
what to do in my books.
Bookstores and libraries are filled with “how to” books. For people who love to be told how to do something, such books
are just for them. Rich Dad books are not “how to” books. They are books dedicated to passing on my rich dad’s financial
wisdom and guidance. They are stories about my own path of trial and error, utilizing rich dad’s wisdom, and turning my errors
and experiences into my own personal lessons. Never do I expect anyone to follow my path. I simply share my lessons learned
along the way and encourage others to find their own path.
Rich Dad books are written for the purpose of expanding the reader’s possibilities in life, rather than becoming a specific
recipe book on how to get rich. Years ago, my rich dad explained to me that there were millions of ways to get rich. It was my job
to find the way that best fit me. So rather than get rich following my rich dad’s footsteps, using his recipe for success, I took his
guidance and wisdom and found the path that worked best for me. And that is what this book is filled with. This book is filled
with success stories of people who took rich dad’s wisdom and then found their own path to financial success. They are not
people sitting around, waiting for someone to tell them what to do next.
There are millions of people today, working at dead-end jobs, working hard, putting money into investments that lose
money, many realizing that they may never be able to retire, yet waiting for someone to take them by the hand and show them the
way out of their financial trap. Hopefully they will go to a bookstore or library and find the “how to” book that can take them by
the hand and show them their way out. The people in this book did not need a “how to” book. Instead, they have written their
own “how to” story on how they found their own path to financial success.
2. These people did well financially, while at the same time millions of people lost trillions of dollars. Rich Dad Poor Dad was
first published in April of 1997. Some of you may recall that was the era of the bubble and mania. People who had never
invested before were taking money out of the equity in their homes, their savings and putting their hard-earned money into mutual
funds, stock, and even IPOs, initial public offerings, generally an investment vehicle reserved only for the rich and financially
While I was on promotional tours between 1997 and 2003, I often warned investors about the perils of the stock market and
how risky mutual funds were. On several occasions, I was slammed by financial commentators for criticizing mutual funds and
the stock market and on one program was even asked to leave. Several financial magazines and newpapers openly criticized my
book and my rich dad’s message. Several publications actually published lies and false statements about me, in an attempt to
discredit me, and my rich dad’s message. Beginning in 2003, however, many of these same financial commentators had started
acknowledging that the Rich Dad message has great merit.
Today after millions of people have lost trillions of dollars, it is indeed a pleasure to read a book about people who did well
financially during this extremely turbulent financial era. I am also certain there are many people, including those commentators,
who wish they had followed my rich dad’s advice rather than their financial planner’s advice during this same time period.
3. Rich dad’s lessons and wisdom do work. I still hear people saying, “I’m waiting for the market to come back.” I also see
financial advisors who gave bad advice before the market crash still handing out the same bad advice after the crash. They’re still
saying, “Invest for the long term, diversify, buy and hold.” They also continue to say, “The market goes up on average 9 percent
per year.” The sad thing is that there are still millions of investors who continue to heed that advice, even though there is
overwhelming evidence that the advice did not work. How people can continue to follow bad advice or, even worse, get paid for
handing out such bad financial advice is beyond me. This book is about some people who took control and took responsibility for
their own financial education and their financial future. Rich dad often said, “The reason so many people do not do well
financially is because they take financial advice from salespeople, not rich people.”
Taking Action
with Rich Dad
by Sharon Lechter
In Rich Dad’s CASHFLOW Quadrant we introduced the CASHFLOW Quadrant, which describes the four types of people in the
financial world.
The E and the S on the left side of the Quadrant represent employee and self-employed or small business owner. Typically
the employee is looking for job security and benefits, while the S is a specialist and ends up “owning” his or her job. The more
successful they become, the busier they are and the more tied to their job or business. The left side is the side that our traditional
school prepares you for. It is also referred to as the “rat race.”
The B and I on the right side of the Quadrant represent the business owner and investor. The business owner has other
people work for him or her and has defined systems by which the business operates. It operates independently of the owner. The
investor has his or her money working for him or her. In review, financial freedom is found on the right side of the CASHFLOW
Quadrant. We also refer to the right side as the “fast track.”
The people who share their success stories in this book all want to achieve a similar goal: financial freedom. They are all
striving to move to the right side of the Quadrant. When we hear from our readers, they almost always talk about shifting from
the left side of the CASHFLOW Quadrant to the right side. No one ever tells us they are going in the opposite direction. That’s
because they have recognized that moving from the left side of the CASHFLOW Quadrant to the right side is the way to achieve
financial independence.
Rich dad teaches that on the right side of the Quadrant is where your money works hard for you. M any times people tell us
they are bridging the quadrants, with one foot in the E or S quadrant while owning a business or investing in real estate on the
right side. Their goal is to create enough cashflow so that they can leave their job or S quadrant life and live totally on the right
side as a business owner and investor.
Their stories tell the difference between being totally dependent on others for income versus being in control of one’s
financial life. They share the fears they faced around money and how they learned to overcome that fear as well. As rich dad
advised, they developed their own path, one that was right for them.
They took steps to achieving financial security by either buying businesses or investing in real estate or both. People who
already own businesses used rich dad’s lessons to help them run those businesses in a better, more owner-friendly way.
None of them were money experts before they began their financial education. Some hold advanced degrees from noted
universities; others just made it through high school. A few are still in school. It doesn’t matter what kind of education they
received, they now all understand the importance of acquiring assets and knowing the difference between good debt and bad debt.
No matter what their personal circumstances were, what country they lived in, or how they started financially, they all learned
the most important aspects of cashflow, took charge of their financial lives, and are well on their path to financial freedom. Several
of them have left the rat race and are living happily on the right side of the Quadrant, the fast track. If, like the people in the book,
you have found financial success through rich dad’s lessons, please share your stories with us at, so others may
be inspired by your success.
Part I
If you want to achieve financial security, you’ll need to learn the game of money. I learned the game of money from my rich dad.
From my Rich Dad’s lessons I created the board game CASHFLOW. This game teaches you financial skills through fun, repetition,
and action. It is so unique that it has been awarded patents. It will challenge you, teach you, and require you to think like rich
people think. The people in this section describe their financial successes and attribute those achievements to playing the CASH-
FLOW games.
These people discovered that unlike all kinds of other board games that can be won only one way and only during the time in
which the game is played, CASHFLOW provided lessons that go long past the playing time. Every time these people participated in
the game not only did they increase their financial skills they built up their confidence as well. Using the deal cards, they told me,
offered new ways to think about investments. The deal cards, which gave them different options each time they played, provided
information for starting cashflow-producing investments.
For Ed and Terry Colman, who live in California, the deal cards that motivated them were about real estate. Their journey to
financial security will likely strike a chord with many. If you lived through the 1960s, as they did, you might have also been
influenced by the hippie era in which financial success was not a goal. Actually, the opposite situation was the ultimate quest: Live
free, forget about money, and do your own thing. Focusing on the future was regarded as a waste of time.
Ed and Terry are refreshingly honest about their past view of money. Like a lot of people of their generation, they played into
the mood of the times and scorned financial matters. What they earned, they spent. Planning for the future just wasn’t a
consideration (at least not until their son, Jake, whose story also appears in this book, was born).
When they realized that they needed a financial plan, they began to explore different options. Some worked, some didn’t. But
they didn’t give up. They continued to learn because they wanted to find a way to financial freedom. Eventually they saw that
investing in real estate offered them excellent opportunities to do that. You’ll see what they did and how they did it and follow the
small steps they took that led to even bigger and bigger ones.
If you’re a baby boomer who has lost touch with his or her finances and thinks it’s too late to get on a new track, read what
the Colmans have to say. It’s never too late to change your mind about becoming wealthy—especially when you have found the
means to help you do it.
But if you’re in your thirties, facing big debt, and very worried about whether financial security will ever be yours, read
Tracey Rodriguez’s story. Like many people forced to declare bankruptcy, Tracey and her husband were in a difficult predicament.
Hard workers, they were nonetheless forced into a tough financial situation. For them, financial security is now rooted in owning
businesses, which were also inspired by the CASHFLOW game deal cards.
Perhaps you’re in your fifties, and believe that creating cashflow investments isn’t for you. I’ve heard people in this age group
say negative things like, “It’s too late for me,” “I’m too tired to do that,” and “I’m too old to change.” If that’s what you believe,
then read what Cecilia Morrison has to say about changing perspective. For Cecilia, and her husband, George, retirement will be
funded by steady cashflow because a deal card from CASHFLOW motivated her to make new investments.
How Ed and Terry, Tracey and Cecilia have taken control of their financial lives are stories of coming to terms with reality
and making choices. The decisions they have made—and continue to make—are exciting. As these people achieve financial
security, they are winners as they play the game of life.
Chapter 1
Money Matters
Venice, California
If we watched a movie about 1960s free thinkers morphing into twenty-first-century rent collectors we would have chalked it up
as a Hollywood fantasy. But the story is true. Three years ago, Terry and I began to buy real estate. We now own eight homes in
three states worth over $1 million.
How and why we changed our minds and moved from fiscal stagnation to financial action is, in a very profound way, the
story of how many in our generation have changed, too.
Take One
M aybe our pre–real estate situation shouldn’t have been so surprising. M oney had not been a topic of discussion in my house, so
I didn’t receive any information, much less training, about it. M y parents thought I was irresponsible where money was
concerned; as soon I got it, I spent it. In contrast, my younger sister, the “responsible one,” always saved her money.
Education was regarded as a good thing, but I was never told that I needed to get a good education that would lead to a solid
job and that I’d be set for life. In order to be a well-rounded person, education was necessary. M y sister graduated from college,
but after three years at Antioch College, I left school.
While I was growing up in Los Angeles, Terry was across the country in New York. Still, she racked up two years of college
in California. We met in 1980, married in 1987, and both of us stayed rooted in the hippie mode of the 1960s and 1970s.
We held on to the conviction that money, the currency of “filthy capitalist pigs,” wasn’t important. M any in our generation
embraced a righteous indignation where money was concerned. Living check to check seemed natural and the ambition to
accumulate a lot of money never bit us. “Free love” was the currency of our generation. We knew nothing about finance and we
weren’t inclined to learn.
Fifteen years ago, when we were in our thirties, we worked in the motion picture production business. I was an assistant
cameraman who kind of fell into the industry. M y father, a freelance cameraman and director, had asked me if I wanted to give the
job a try. M y background was in graphic arts and photography and since I wasn’t really doing anything at the time I said sure. I
didn’t see this as a particularly great opportunity or a step on a much desired career path. Work just meant money.
One day Terry came to the set where I was working and noticed the makeup specialist’s efforts. The skill appealed to her,
and she became a makeup artist, as well as a hand model.
We were hired to do a lot of commercials, which entailed travel and hotels and a rather glamorous lifestyle. Sure, we worked
job to job and put in fifteen-hour days, ten or twenty days a month, but the rest of the time was ours. We went to the beach and
when we wanted to play tennis that’s what we did. Spending money was the goal. We had a great time living moment to moment.
On the surface, this was a very “free” and cool way to live but the reality changed the moment our son, Jake, was born
almost fourteen years ago. His arrival was a loud wake-up call. With no plan for the future, we never considered what would
happen to us—much less to our son—ten or twenty years hence. We carried more than $10,000 in credit card debt and counted
less than $500 in our savings account. We had no goals, no assets, no investments, and no way out of the dire predicament we
found ourselves in. “What do we do now?” we asked ourselves.
Terry stayed home with Jake while I worked. Unfortunately, my schedule was crazy. Sometimes I’d be gone for weeks at a
time. By the time Jake was old enough to notice I wasn’t home and would ask “Where’s Dad?” we felt trapped. I couldn’t leave
the film business. It was what I knew and I couldn’t imagine working in any other field even if anyone would hire me. We knew
we had to make changes, but where to start?
It was time to grow up.
Take Two
Let me set the scene for you. By 1992, Terry and I, ready to act on our financial future, were willing to try something different.
One sunny California morning, I was in a park, pushing Jake in a swing. Another dad was doing likewise. Already there was
something different about this day because two dads entertaining their kids at a park on a weekday was unusual.
We began to talk and the man told me he was with the Amway business, which deals with network marketing. It turned out
that his sponsorship was in Hawaii, a place both Terry and I loved. When Terry met him and heard about the Hawaiian
connection her response was purely emotional. Here was a way for us to get back to Hawaii. We did much more than that.
We started to build our own organization but we didn’t create a huge downline, that is, sponsor other people in the
organization. But something very valuable did come out of this venture. Just when we were ready for it, we learned how to do
business. The procedure training seminars, instructions on how to present the plan, sales training, and reading lists containing
personal development and success principle books provided us with a terrific learning experience and spurred tremendous
personal growth. We started to associate with successful people we could learn from. M ingling with millionaires who shared their
wisdom unlocked our minds and cast out our narrow views about finance. How money could be used—in addition to how the
world of money worked—was a mind-expanding experience.
The suggested book list was particularly valuable. The Richest Man in Babylon really opened our eyes to the way we were
dealing with money. Two years after reading that book all our credit card debt had been eliminated and our savings account held
thousands of dollars. How to Win Friends and Influence People was another enormously important book for us. Reading it gave us
the tools to deal with others effectively.
Being in the right place at the right time—in this instance the swing set at the park—led to business training. Now we had
graduated from the first phase of our financial education. What, we wondered, were we supposed to do next?
Take Three
Six years ago I became self-employed when I established a service business. We, along with six independent contractors who
worked project by project, supervised the transfer of film to videotape for commercial production companies. Originally I had a
partner, who I subsequently bought out in the spring of 2000. With no investment capital to tap into, we ran the business from a
tiny back bedroom in our house for the first four years. A computer, fax machine, cell phone, and pager were all we needed to get
started. Carrying low overhead was a clear decision and we were pleased with our virtual office, where a twenty-four-hour service
outside the house handled our calls. A real person answered the phone with the name of our business, took the message, and
paged me. I returned the call right away.
I took care of everything from sales and billing to scheduling, from training to mailing out holiday cards. Doing the bulk of
supervising the session was also my responsibility. It was exhausting.
A couple of years ago we hired a part-time office person to take over the day-to-day operating functions such as billing and
data entry. But even with the roster of associates, who supervised the sessions, I found that I was still required to make a lot of
the daily decisions regarding scheduling, personnel, and finances. The question I heard more than any other was, “What do you
want me to do about…”
Hitching a ride on the express, we took advantage of the advertising dollars available. We did well and figured that
we should take advantage of the boom that was taking place in the stock market.
Take Four
After my grandparents died and left me a few thousand dollars, we invested the money in mutual funds. Five years ago, thinking
we were finally taking control of our financial destiny, we converted our mutual funds to individual stock positions.
During the first two years of “investing,” our portfolio grew pretty much no matter what we did or bought. At one point it
rose 30 percent overall. Over a period of three years, our investments, which included five IRA accounts, totaled $80,000. After
doing some rudimentary research we thought we picked solid, reliable companies. We bought shares in companies such as AT&T,
Dell, General Electric, DuPont, Kodak, GM , Berkshire Hathaway, M icrosoft, Lucent, WorldCom, and a few smaller riskier stocks
as well.
Complacent, I didn’t monitor our portfolio nearly enough. Nor did I follow closely the financial information the companies
were sending me. I didn’t possess the education to invest in stocks safely—for instance no trailing stops, that is, an order to
automatically sell a stock if it goes below a certain price, were in place. Without an advisor to provide accurate information and
insight, we put our money and ourselves in a precarious position.
When the market started to collapse in 2000, I wasn’t paying attention. A few months went by and when I next looked at
our portfolio it was down between 30 percent and 40 percent. Still I did nothing because I was waiting for the market to recover. I
hadn’t done my homework, and still hung on to the long-term buy-and-hold mentality. It was a big mistake.
Now our total stock portfolio value is about $46,000, which represents almost a 50 percent loss. This experience taught us a
tough lesson. To be successful in any investment strategy, one needs to access correct and current information and constantly
monitor the situation. It is also vital to hire an advisor one trusts.
The old saying applies: When the student is ready, the teacher appears.
Visiting a friend’s home four years ago, we noticed a copy Rich Dad Poor Dad sitting on the kitchen counter. I admit that I
didn’t immediately react to it although Terry picked up on it right away. She bought a copy and we started reading it.
Three years ago, after we began playing CASHFLOW 101, we attended a seminar on Veterans Administration (VA)
foreclosures. The seminar provided a network of brokers and agents in place to help students buy these homes. All were small
deals type of housing. When we saw the financial breakdowns, they looked exactly like one of the small deal cards from the game.
We said, “Hey, this is a small deal card. We have been doing them for months in the kitchen, why not do it now for real?”
M onthly expenses:
– Taxes (property) and insurance: $267
– Repairs and maintenance: $25
– Reserve: $25
– M anagement fee: $45
– Loan payment (30 years at 8%): $711
Net monthly cashflow: ($33)
Yes, owing $33 sounds like we were going in the wrong direction, since we had no cashflow for such a big outlay of time and
energy. But to us it represented the potential for financial independence. The indisputable fact was that we owned an income
property that our tenant was going to pay for. Recently we refinanced the loan at 6.125 percent, which reduced our monthly loan
payment to $579. Here are our revised monthly cashflow numbers:
Cash-on-cash return
Annual cashflow ($99 × 12) $1,188
Amount of cash put into property $7,900
Cash-on-cash return 15%
(Try getting that from a bank!)
We closed on this house in October 2000. In that time the prices for properties in Port St. Lucie have skyrocketed. The
house was recently appraised at $126,000, a 23 percent increase in value. Our initial investment of $7,900 bought an asset in
which we have $26,000 worth of equity (the appraised value minus what is left to pay on the loan). If we sold the house today
for $126,000, then that’s a whopping 329 percent return, excluding annual cashflow.
“Wow,” we said to each other. “We can do this again.” And that’s what we did, repeating the same process. Something
wonderful was happening. By converting earnings and paper “assets” to true assets that were providing cashflow and equity, we
were taking control of our lives in a totally new way. Excited and motivated, over the next two years we won the bids on three
more properties, one in Clarksville, Tennessee, and two more in Port St. Lucie.
Because one of the Port St. Lucie homes was not financed by the VA, we had to find our own financing. Through the agent
in Florida we contacted a loan agent for a local bank. We qualified for a conventional loan with an interest rate of 6.75 percent with
5 percent down. Because the VA was not financing this house, the number of bidders dropped, and our bid of $60,600 won the
three-bedroom, two-bathroom home. Here’s the breakdown:
M onthly expenses:
– Taxes (property) and insurance: $186
– Repairs: $25
– M aintenance: $25
– Reserve: $25
– M anagement fee (5% of rents): $41.25
– Loan payment (30 years at 6.75%): $375
Net monthly cashflow: $106.50
Cash-on-cash return
Annual cashflow ($106.50 × 12) $1,278
Amount of cash put into property $11,030
Cash-on-cash return: 11.6%
We closed on the property in December 2000. This house, based on similar properties in the area, is worth about $82,000—
and that’s a conservative estimate.
We located a single-family VA home in Tennessee, again over the Internet, for $500 down on a price of $78,000. This time,
the agent, who sent us pictures of several homes, had a harder time finding a tenant. The fix-up costs, which came to nearly
$3,000, were more than anticipated and the taxes were higher than estimated. When he finally found a tenant a couple of months
later, the house had a net negative cashflow of $40. We also didn’t like the way the management was handled. When this house
appreciates enough in value, we will sell it. We are also looking at other ways we can turn this house into a positive cashflow
We went on to buy another VA foreclosure in Phoenix, this time at a purchase price of $118,500. Here’s the breakdown:
M onthly expenses:
– Taxes (property) and insurance: $121
– Repairs: $0
– M aintenance: $25
– Reserve: $25
– M anagement fee (5% of rents): $52.50
– Loan payment (30 years at 8%): $826
Net monthly cashflow: ($52)
Cash-on-cash return
Annual cashflow ($52 × 12) ($624)
Amount put into property $12,925
Cash-on-cash return (5%)
Even with this slightly negative cashflow property, our tenant is still buying our asset for us, and we have enough income
from our other investments to cover costs and maintenance. Today similar properties in the area are selling for $128,000.
When we went to look at it, the real estate agent showed us a new development that was being built and we snapped up a
new house that was under construction for $127,500 with 5 percent ($6,350) down. We based our decision on the word of this
guy that it was in a good, rapidly appreciating area. However, once the house was completed, it sat vacant for months because the
agent, who was also with the management company, was unable to rent it. M anagement, we learned, was a key factor to the
success of our real estate empire. We were recommended to another management company, which was able to rent the new home
within a month. The monthly cashflow is $75.
Recently the VA foreclosure program has become so popular, and the loan so attractive, that bids have risen and
consequently cashflow has eroded. Sometimes, cashflow projections are negative instead of positive. Because we want positive
cashflow properties, we’ve turned to other options. The agent in Florida is now connected with a developer of new homes. We
bought one last year with our own financing. The builder recommended his loan program and he was willing to discount the price
of the three-bedroom, two-bathroom house if we used his lender. We qualified for the loan and went ahead with the deal,
purchasing the house for $102,750 with 5 percent down. The builder picked up the $3,000 closing costs. The advantage of a new
home, of course, is that there is no need for fix-up. Also, maintenance is minimal. Here’s the breakdown:
Today similar properties in the area are selling for $126,000. We are currently buying another one of these new homes.
The monthly cashflow on our first seven properties is $324. Our equity totals nearly $130,000 with an initial cash
investment of approximately $60,000, which includes closing costs and repairs. That’s an average cash-on-cash return of 7
percent, excluding appreciation and tax advantages. Plus, and this is the most important part, the tenants are buying our assets
for us! Here’s the “magic” formula we use: Borrow the money to buy assets and have someone else pay it back.
Take Six
We have learned from Rich Dad that real estate is the road to financial freedom. As our financial education continues, we:
• Know how to analyze a property to determine if it is or is not a good deal.
• Understand that management is the key to long-term property success. Good management can make a good deal great. Bad
management can make a good deal marginal and a marginal deal bad.
• Seek out and surround ourselves with like-minded people. Those who shoot themselves in a symbolic foot with negative
comments like, “I’ll never be able to do that,” “That’s too expensive,” and “Why bother?” are manufacturing excuses for not
trying. We choose not to be in their orbit because they drag us down.
• Are learning about what bankers will lend and why and when they will not.
• Are also finding out that buying a property is not an emotional experience based on how we respond to how the place
looks. We haven’t seen most of the houses in person; we can’t drive by them to check them out, so there is an intangible quality
to our ownership. The cashflow, however, is concrete.
One of the biggest changes in our lives concerns risk. Before Rich Dad, my definition of taking chances revolved around the
physical challenges of mountain climbing. Now we define inaction as being risky. Continuing on a path that goes nowhere and
pouring money into investments over which one has no control is as foolhardy as scaling a mountain without the right equipment.
The other huge change involved my tendency to procrastinate. I’m combating my laziness simply by doing that which I
need to do, even though I might not like it. The first four years of our service business, people came to me. Now I have to pursue
them aggressively. I don’t enjoy calling people I don’t know but I know I must do it, for work and for real estate investing.
The notion of lack of time or that I wouldn’t act fast enough to achieve my goals was tough for me. But because Rich Dad
simplified complex concepts and presented them in a very easy-to-understand manner, I calmed down. With a continuing financial
education at my disposal I know we can achieve what we want to do.
M y business remains in the S or self-employed cashflow quadrant. It could run in my absence but it wouldn’t grow without
my participation. The truth is, it tends to shrink without my constant input. Currently we’re exploring strategies to move it into
a B business. One possibility would be licensing facilities in other cities. In order to obtain the free time I want to develop and
oversee my real estate investments, this business must be able to run on its own.
Within the next year we intend to buy our first multifamily property, either by ourselves or with a partner. Our five-year
goal is to raise our monthly passive income to $10,000 a month. When that happens I will retire from our business and officially
exit the rat race. We won’t depend on $1,000 a month from Social Security. M illions of dollars’ worth of real estate will fund the
rest of our lives.
That’s a Wrap
We often felt trapped in the present and uncertain about the future. And while the future holds many unknowns, we maintain a
far better idea of what is coming and how to prepare for it. We feel that we’re in the midst of a journey, and success is part of the
process of getting from where we are now to where we are going. With growing confidence in our increased financial knowledge,
we feel that we are doing the right thing for us and for our son. A reality more satisfying than any movie ending, the ultimate goal
of reaching financial freedom is ahead.
We feel very proud of ourselves. We look at ourselves, acknowledge how far we’ve come, know we are learning more every
day, and take stock of what we already did and what we plan to do. Unlike our younger, more naive selves, we made a conscious
decision to find out how the world works, to be open to change, and to be responsible for our financial well-being. And we’re
breathing a whole lot easier where retirement is concerned.
We always thought of ourselves as being enormously wealthy; now our financial assets are finally catching up with us.
Chapter 2
Ten years ago, while just in our twenties, we were forced to declare bankruptcy, a scary and extremely unpleasant predicament to
be in. The story of how we went from receiving twenty calls a day demanding money for eight months to collecting passive
income involves two opposites. One was the circumstance beyond our control. The other was the circumstance we decided to
take control of, thanks to Rich Dad.
M y husband, David, and I own three businesses that are still growing and count a rental property as an asset as well. We
live in a nice house and drive good cars—and our family and friends take us a little more seriously than they used to do.
A Familiar Story
When I was growing up in San Diego, California, my family existed from paycheck to paycheck although I didn’t know that at the
time. We lived in a beautiful home where money was never discussed. M y parents were divorced and I lived with my mom and
stepfather, who was a firefighter. As a teenager I didn’t know that my mom, who worked in an OB-GYN office, saved $20 every
payday. At the beginning of every year of high school she would hand me $300 for clothes, a very impressive sum. Christmas
time was an excuse for excess spending because my stepfather received a bonus. But money was so tight the rest of the year that I
couldn’t afford to be a cheerleader.
After I graduated from high school, I began to wonder what it would be like to be my own boss. Those thoughts were put
aside as David and I began a new phase of our lives.
In 1991 we were both working year-round at a ski resort and enjoying a very good life. Earning more money than we ever
had before, we bought jet skis and snazzy cars. But then we were laid off and, while we got jobs in Reno, we earned less money
and found ourselves playing catch-up with our bills.
Then, in 1992, I became pregnant. When my doctor ordered me to stay in bed for three months the company I worked for
let me go. M y premature daughter was born the day before Thanksgiving. Very soon we were over $50,000 in debt from medical
bills and the old bills we still owed. With no other choices available to us we sold the jet skis and the cars. Then we declared
bankruptcy. I was twenty-four years old.
But I still held on to my dream that someday I could be my own boss. I attended a trade school and become a cosmetologist.
At the same time I was the representative for a lingerie line. David worked, too. We had another baby.
Outwardly we were taking care of our responsibilities and looking after our children. But inwardly I felt like less of a
person. There were dark, panicky moments when I thought to myself, “How am I ever going to face anything again?” Our stained
credit history followed us for ten long years.
But still we persevered. In 1993 we joined a multilevel marketing business and in 1996 spun off a promotion business of our
own. But how we handled that business, and everything that was to come after, turned around in 2001 when a mentor, who was
involved with the promotion business, introduced me to the Rich Dad books.
wealthy, gaining personal freedom—but didn’t know how to do, was there. The specific education I needed to get me where I
wanted to go was in my hands.
Because I’m a member of the Phoenix Convention and Visitors Bureau I had the opportunity to attend one of Robert and
Kim’s seminars. They were kind enough to autograph a copy of Rich Dad’s Retire Young, Retire Rich and then actually invited me
to their office to play CASHFLOW 101. Surprised and grateful, I took them up on their generous offer.
With this new information at hand, I started to see my life in another way. Before I always had a really tough time
motivating myself to get through the hard times. M ore than once I would just sit in a chair and do nothing because I couldn’t
summon up the energy to get myself moving.
But now I realized that an inspiring resource was always with me, whenever I needed it. Knowledge and guidance supported
me whenever I wanted to move forward. Knowing this, my confidence jumped and I was able to overcome the triple self-imposed
barriers I had constructed for myself: believing that my limited education would hold me back, thinking I had no time to make
changes, and fearing what others thought about me. I began to conquer all the obstacles Robert wrote about: cynicism, laziness,
bad habits, arrogance, and, especially, fear.
I always wanted to look good at what I was doing and not appear foolish. I was afraid of picking up a phone and making an
appointment, wondering, “How can I do this?” Fear of failing was the worst of all. But now the fears began to fade. The shadow
of the bankruptcy receded. I began to buy businesses that spin off passive monthly income.
place. Through our research we discovered that each machine will bring in about $75 a month, and that’s the low end. M y friend
and I will restock machines every two weeks. At present the machines are in a local area but who knows? Down the road we may
expand. And as that happens we will hire people to stock the machines for us.
Prior to buying the businesses, we turned our home into an investment. In 2001 we rented out our house, which we bought
in 1998 for $89,000. This 1,200 square foot single-family home with three bedrooms and two bathrooms brings us monthly
passive income:
Comparable homes in the area are selling in a range from $110,000 to $119,000.
We do not use the money to pay off the house we live in. The fact is, we decided to rent the original house because the area
it’s in is fast rising in value. We wanted to keep the house. In the meantime, we figured we could get income out of it.
Additionally, we were in the comfortable position of staying in the house until we rented it. That took all of sixty days, after
which we stayed with friends until our new home was completed. Our first tenants signed a one-year lease and when it was up
they left. The next month new tenants moved in and are still there. We have absolutely no regrets about doing this. It has been
very easy and, thank heaven, our renters are great.
Lastly, we started running our promotions company, which was developed in 1996, in a different way because we changed
our approach to it. In 2002, it made a gross profit of about $12,000. This is a significant contrast to the $1,000 the company
earned yearly before we implemented Rich Dad lessons. For one thing, once I understood that the business was a vehicle to
produce more income, my motivation to succeed rose. I didn’t let the heckling by family members, friends, and even strangers
bother me as I had let them do in the past. M ost profoundly, I changed my perception of the business by telling myself three
A Different Perspective
Our lives have changed so much. I think in different ways now. In the past I defined risk as “how much will I lose?” Now I think
of risk as “what do I need to do to educate myself in order to limit the amount of risk?”
I even created new habits by looking at financials differently. Writing down profits and losses, and seeing them on paper,
gave us insight to what we were doing right or wrong. When I looked at them I felt a surge of excitement because I could see where
we’re going.
Then there’s my team, which we put together to handle future ventures. It consists of a real estate broker, a tax attorney, an
accountant, a marketing person, and a real estate investor. I trust what they, as a team, tell me. And while I admit that I don’t
quite feel super-successful enough to bring them together once a month, I know that eventually I will.
The Future
M y husband and I are still in the E (employee) and S (self-employed) cashflow quadrants. I still work at the bar three days a
week, which gets me lots of contacts, and David is a salesman for a beer distributor. Our aim is to switch our businesses—we
don’t employ anyone at present—into the B (business) and I (investment) quadrants along with our rental property.
In five years I’ll be forty. When I reach that age I want to be in the position where I will never again have to work for
someone else. To make that happen, I’m going to spend the next two years developing the businesses I currently own. At the
same time I intend to educate myself in business development and real estate investing. At the end of this two-year phase I plan
to leave my “day” job. The third and fourth years of my plan will be devoted to investing in real estate and educating myself
about the stock market. Finally, the fifth and sixth years will be focused on setting up all we have in the business and investment
quadrants so that cashflow will continue throughout our lives. Then I’ll be able to give back a lot of what I’ve learned.
I intend to donate my time at my children’s school. I want to teach the CASHFLOW for Kids game because it’s so
important for children to understand finance. This knowledge will give them the power to alter their lives.
M y own kids (nine and ten years old) already know that money is out there for them to make. They’re getting a financial
education right now as they learn how important it is to save and to give.
Our lives truly changed, and continue to grow, because we took control of them. We never lost our dreams; we just found a
way to make them come true.
Chapter 3
In the fall of 2002, I had the opportunity to speak to a sell-out crowd at M adison Square Garden in New York City with Robert
Kiyosaki. Speaking in front of an audience of thousands of people isn’t what I do normally; I’m a behind-the-scenes person at the
Rich Dad organization.
I came to the Rich Dad office to fill a temporary two-week position. I had moved to Phoenix to retire after many years of
working in the manufacturing sector in the M idwest.
During the past four years I worked in just about every job in the Rich Dad organization in a part-time capacity, including
accounting and customer service. I am now the events coordinator who takes care of Robert’s scheduling and as well as ordering
merchandise for Rich Dad events. I put my retirement plans on hold.
I can usually be found with my notepad, referring to my list and taking notes: “Did the product arrive?” “Do they have the
stage set up properly?”
To tell the truth, most of the time in the past I listened to what was going on out front but didn’t really pay attention to it.
That information, I figured, was for others, not for average people like my husband, George, and myself. In our late fifties, we’re
very independent people, so independent where money was concerned that we had no employer-supported pension and no
retirement fund. As a self-employed part-time person I set my own hours and I don’t receive any employee benefits.
If you took the most financially conservative person you could find and put her in that back room, that person would be
But that night a different person stood on the stage at M adison Square Garden. It’s no small matter to change from a
lifetime’s view of money and take a step toward financial independence. But we did it, in a way we never would have considered
if it were not for the Rich Dad information and the confidence I felt with my newfound knowledge.
It was a step but it certainly wasn’t going to allow us to retire.
After attending another seminar where home equity loans were discussed, we realized that our home held a lot of investment
potential. When we called a real estate agent to inspect our house to determine our equity, it turned out that the agent was a
Robert Kiyosaki “junkie.” We talked about real estate opportunities and ended up joining an LLC (limited liability company) with
the real estate agent and eight other people. The idea was to leverage the $25,000 that each person was contributing in order to
purchase a large real estate property (in the $1 million to $1.5 million range) that none of us could afford on our own.
For six months the properties brought to our attention were in a poor condition. We checked out each one. But we weren’t
comfortable with them because:
a) We didn’t like the idea of being slumlords.
b) The return in cashflow was too slow. We didn’t have time for cashflow to grow. We calculated that five to ten years was
the maximum amount of time for people our age to have an investment return passive income to live on. There was another factor
to consider: We would be tying up between $25,000 and $75,000. We realized that our children could benefit from it in the future.
But our aim was to have it benefit us for our retirement now.
(The investment group is no longer together. However, we keep in touch, as we are always open to a once-in-a-lifetime offer.
We met our accountant through the group and we have gained a valuable advisor.)
Still, our goal was to invest $50,000 to gain an immediate return. I remembered that one of the deal cards in the
CASHFLOW game mentioned laundromats. We knew for sure that neither of us wanted to quit our positions to run a business
full-time, and we realized that a laundromat could give us that freedom.
First we checked franchises on-line and then drove around to look at local possibilities. We called three major brokers in
town through the Coin Laundry Association and told them what we were looking for. The process took eight months but we
learned a lot during that time. We finally lucked out by finding one in good condition where the owners were going through a
Without touching our savings, we were able to use equity in our home to buy the business, all without an impact to our
lifestyle. To protect us against liability, we set up a separate corporation. We’ve learned to keep our eyes on the utility bills—
water, electricity, and gas—since the utilities are the greatest expenses.
We were able to assume the former owners’ SBA (Small Business Association) loan, which required a high down payment
but gave us a five-year loan. On this schedule we will own the equipment free and clear in five years, which is important to us
because that is when we plan to fully retire. Since our purchase price was for equipment only we can deduct the tax depreciation
on the equipment as well as the other business expenses, which gives us virtually nontaxable monthly cashflow.
We will recoup our investment fully in the next five years. With a yearly income of $95,000 and expenses of $56,000, we are
receiving a cash return of $39,000 annually. This will increase as our equipment loan is paid in full. Our yearly income will reach
$60,000 at that time.
This investment is paying off so well we’ve set up an equity line of credit at a mortgage broker so that we can buy two
more laundromats, our goal by the end of two years. Five years from now we can maintain our lifestyle and not work unless we
choose to.
For now George wants to stop traveling so much. He has left every M onday and returned on Friday for twenty-five years.
While he doesn’t want to retire yet, he does want to be more in control of which jobs he takes. We’re still in our home, which we
love, but we’ve made some changes. For instance, we traded an expensive car in for a smaller SUV, which is used for the
laundromat supplies, and saved $300 a month.
hard for other people and companies and helped them make money all my life—but this money is mine. In fact, I’ve just
sponsored a local Little League team (one of George’s and my passions). It feels so great to give back to the community. I love to
see the name of our laundromat on the kids’ shirts and on a banner on the field.
If you are in your fifties, or older, and think you can’t change your attitude about finances and opportunities, believe me,
you can. Once I understood from Rich Dad that we could really buy a business that would give us monthly cashflow to support
us, I was ready to walk out on that stage and tell that to the arena full of people in M adison Square Garden that if I could do it, so
could they.
Part II
My rich dad showed me that it was possible to change the way I felt about money.
I know that money is a very emotional subject. People feel excited or scared or a lot of other emotions when they have to cope
with money. So I am not surprised when people tell me how their Rich Dad experiences tapped into their emotional states. How
their families either dealt with, or ignored, money matters influenced their feelings. Fears about mismanaging money, having too
much of it and alienating others, or looking incompetent, were real problems.
Overcoming conflicted feelings about money is often hard to do. Using the Rich Dad resources, these people changed their
feelings about money, and therefore themselves, because they learned to take control of their money. Instead of allowing money to
rule them, they took charge of their money. No matter what their backgrounds were, they were able to achieve financial freedom.
Meet David Lukas. A resident of Arkansas, he is honest about his lack of confidence about money. But that didn’t stop him
once he realized what he was capable of doing with the right help. Becoming financially educated made all the difference for David,
whose story is a source of inspiration for any person who has ever felt that he or she couldn’t succeed at anything much less
securing assets for financial security.
Across the country in Washington State, Valerie Collymore, M.D., has another story to tell. Both my poor dad and my rich
dad talked a lot about education, and how important it was for boys and girls to go to school in order to learn a profession or skill.
Contributing to society was necessary. But students didn’t receive a financial education because the schools didn’t teach it. And that
left a lot people in precarious financial situations. That’s what happened to Valerie.
Highly educated in medicine, she nonetheless admits that managing money was something she avoided because she was
afraid of making mistakes. Her Rich Dad journey takes her from fearing money to taking control of it. Planning a secure financial
future for herself and her family is her goal and she is focused and determined to achieve it.
Reed Schweizer, in Indiana, offers his story. Admitting that he didn’t understand money, he experienced a number of financial
ups and downs until he found Rich Dad’s guidance. After reading the Rich Dad materials he started seeing opportunities that he
was never aware of before and he began acquiring assets to build his future.
And you’ll meet Dan McKenzie, who lives in North Carolina. We share a strong emotional childhood memory. His father and
my poor dad both felt that money was the basis for all that was wrong in the world. In reading Rich Dad, Dan was reassured that
his feelings about money weren’t wrong and that acquiring assets was right. If you were brought up with the idea that evil and cash
were connected and therefore you should avoid money, read Dan’s story. He reveals the real significance of financial freedom, all
the good it can do, and the importance of giving back.
Chapter 4
Building Confidence
One Property at a Time
Little Rock, Arkansas
While I was growing up in Jacksonville, Arkansas, all the way through high school, I had little confidence in my abilities to
succeed at anything. Because I didn’t do well as a student in traditional education classes, I wasn’t motivated enough to even try
to succeed.
Yet, two years ago, when I was twenty-five years old and without money, I found the motivation to begin my financial
education after a friend in a network marketing company handed me a tape. As I listened to it in my car, Robert Kiyosaki sparked
my attention. I felt that he was talking to me. What he said made such sense. Buy assets. Lessen liabilities. These were attainable
goals. I could do them. I wanted to learn how. I had always been interested in real estate and now I was beginning to see that
investing in properties was the way to build a strong financial future.
I spent a couple of months reading as many books as possible on real estate investing and listening to more tapes. Little by
little I could not only see where I wanted to go—my aim was to invest in real estate—but also how to get there. Inspiration to
take action was taking hold. I could see how to put the puzzle pieces in place.
Supported by a newly discovered determination and ongoing lessons in my financial education, I realized that my desire to
succeed was greater than either my fear of failure or my fear of the unknown. Finally I came to understand that doing nothing
would always result in zero success. Doing something meant overcoming my fears and channeling them into ways to find financial
In the last year and a half, I’ve invested roughly $185,000 of my banker’s money into rental property, which is
cumulatively appraised at $225,000. I own two two-bedroom duplexes and one three-bedroom duplex along with a three-bedroom
home and a one-bedroom apartment for a total of eight rental units. While my investment was minimal—$2,000 to purchase all the
properties—my monthly cashflow is about $1,500.
As amazing as it sounds, the journey from being afraid to try to embracing success has been very fast. I never dreamed that I
could achieve so much in so little time. But the reality is that I did—and continue to do so.
and calling strangers, marketing, billing, outsourcing, raising capital, sales, operations, and problem solving. Sure, I made a lot of
mistakes, but I learned from every one of them. This experience was a terrific foundation on which to build my future real estate
It was time to start. Leah, my wife, supported us for a year and a half while I began to acquire properties.
Loan payment (15 years at 7.4%): $423
(Note: The bank has an accelerated payment plan that allows me to pay $423 bimonthly. Doing this should pay off the first
mortgage in around thirteen years.)
Net monthly cashflow: $436.50
Cash-on-cash return
Annual cashflow ($436.50 × 12) $5,238
Amount of cash put into property $2,500
Cash-on-cash return 209%
Purchase price: $43,000
Cash put into property
Down payment: $500
Closing costs paid by me: $0
Repairs/renovations paid by me: $600
Monthly cashflow analysis
Rental income: $1,000
– Vacancy loss (5%): $50
Total income: $950
M onthly expenses:
(Note: The tenants are responsible for all utilities and yard work.)
–Taxes (property) and insurance: $75
–Repairs/maintenance: $0
–M anagement fee: $0
–Reserve: $25
–Loan payment (15 years at 7.4%): $405.28
(Note: The bank has an accelerated payment plan that allows me to pay $405.28 bimonthly. Doing this should pay the first
mortgage off in about thirteen years.)
–Second mortgage paid to seller (36 months at 8.0%): $148.50
Net monthly cashflow: $296.22
Cash-on-cash return
Annual cashflow ($296.22 × 12) $3,554.64
Cash put into property $1,100
Cash-on-cash return 323%
as others I will acquire, and transfer the money into an IRS-approved 1031 exchange. I’ll use the proceeds as a down payment on
a larger piece of property. Say I sell the ten properties for $60,000 each. That $600,000 will provide the down payment on a large
apartment complex. The IRS gives property owners who do this a break and defers the capital gains tax when the properties are
By this time my monthly cashflow should be between $18,000 and $20,000 a month.
Chapter 5
A Different Education
Bellevue, Washington
About three years ago I arrived at a financial crossroads. I could see two choices up ahead. I could continue to creep along the
slow-moving economic side road that I had traveled my entire life. I kept to this one-lane route because my fear of appearing
financially stupid outweighed my desire to become financially smart. M y second choice was to accelerate onto the financial
freeway filled with fast-moving cars steered by financially savvy and wealthy people who knew how to get where they wanted to
The financial superhighway beckoned but I was stuck on the onramp. I needed more than a push. A new fuel source and a
different map that would reveal routes to the world I longed to inhabit were essential.
An interesting occurrence pushed me to that crossroads. M y family and I were living in Denver, where I had become
involved in the world of charitable giving. Through volunteering, I met a couple of people who were refreshingly up-front about
their modest educational backgrounds. They did not see themselves as being particularly intellectually gifted. They were,
however, very wealthy.
I learned, by watching and listening to these individuals, that there was another form of “smart” that went beyond advanced
degrees. I’ll admit that finding this out shook me up. I realized that there were other lessons to be learned that didn’t rely on what
I knew so well: grades and degrees and diplomas that were supposed to insure a financially secure existence. An intense desire for
a completely different way to live, one that was not dependent on salaries, took hold. I began to see a way to achieve the goal of
having time to enjoy family, serve my community, and pursue personal interests, while simultaneously securing our financial
I started to believe that I, too, could achieve the peace of mind that goes with financial confidence. I wanted to find a way to
educate myself to be clever in a whole new way. As I opened my mind to this possibility, I began to seek the information I
required. I remember thinking that a teacher appears when a person is ready to learn.
Soon after, during one of my frequent scavenges at a local bookstore, I found Rich Dad Poor Dad. As I read it, several
emotions hit me one after another. First, pain kicked in, as I was forced to confront all of the dim-witted behaviors I relied on.
Then I experienced relief, quickly followed by excitement. I realized that the book was not only showing me how to dig myself
out of the financial mess that I had created. It was also showing me how to achieve my financial dreams, essentially by acquiring
new ways of thinking and behaving. I understood that the lessons were meant to be used by each person in a unique way. For me,
that meant applying the information for the benefit of my husband, my daughters, my mother, and my future grandchildren, as a
first step. Then, in the future, I could take the lessons and use them as a tool for giving to others, a feeling that filled me with joy.
While reading the book, I found the guts to dare to reach for something better, both financially and emotionally.
M y husband, my daughters, and I lived comfortably. We spent some of our income on decent homes, travel, and nice cars.
We made the maximum contributions each year to our 401(k). But I often purchased more doodads than either my children or I
needed. All looked good on the surface, but more often than I care to admit, we spent foolish amounts for no other good reason
than to please others, to behave as doctors were expected to behave.
The way we structured our lives led to another problem. Acutely aware of the burnout suffered by physicians and of the
less than secure corporate climate of the past few years, I began to dare to ask myself that very scary question: What would
happen if my husband wanted or had to leave his profession? We were entirely dependent on his income.
Nine years ago I took a leave from a very rewarding but highly demanding and stressful position as an attending physician at
the Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles, where I practiced pediatric emergency trauma medicine. Putting my family first, I focused
on raising our daughters and caring for my terminally ill mother-in-law.
Despite my advanced education, I maintained an astonishing degree of financial ignorance. I worried about my routine of
frequently getting into salvageable amounts of debt and I fretted about our financial future. I did not apply, in my financial affairs,
the exquisite discipline and logic that brought success in the medical field. I did not obsessively avoid mistakes as I did in my
medical practice, but often repeated dumb financial behaviors.
Added to all of this discomfort was the guilty realization that I was not eager to return to work in the emergency trauma
field. I worried and worried but had no clear plan of action until I read Rich Dad Poor Dad. With a surge of gratitude and relief, I
began using ideas discussed in this book to craft a plan of action. The more I read and learned, the more passion I felt toward
acquiring a financial education. A strong passion very similar to the one that propelled me into medicine began to take hold. Here
also was a vehicle for changing lives.
Shifting lifestyles have been a constant theme in my life, but in the past the lifestyle change was imposed on me. I was not
yet the one taking the financial reins and making the change happen.
until the check arrived.
A seed was planted: If you need income, be true to yourself and follow your instincts.
Another seed took root as well. Our home base on the Riviera was chock-full of retired CEOs. As we got to know some of
them I observed that they lived well, if not extravagantly. I never heard these individuals discuss money. And I never
acknowledged or discussed the significant economic gap between them and us. I took great pride in the fact that, though I did not
have money, I had other qualities to offer, including the ability and desire to work hard. I cultivated and deepened these and other
It seemed to me that talking about money was not a classy thing to do. So I never did. Yet I did not stop yearning for a
knowledgeable financial mentor who would somehow discover my hidden interest in financial security and find me worthy to take
on as their student. I spent years hoping for a mentor who would lift the curtain and reveal the secrets of the financially secure
and who would dispute the negative, limiting views of money that I heard over and over again when I was growing up:
“It takes money to make money.”
“No matter how hard you try you just can’t get ahead.”
“We might as well enjoy life now and spend the little money we have.”
“If you’re a good person you’ll be provided for.”
“The rich get richer.”
I remember thinking, “How do you get on that ‘rich getting richer’ path?”
It took an earthquake to wake me out of this dream and start up taking control of my financial life.
I was fearful of rocking the boat.
As my husband’s career became more complex and demanding, with increasing business travel and less free time, it became
difficult for us to allocate the time needed to handle our now expanding financial needs. Stress has a very interesting way of
bringing out maladaptive behaviors and illogical thinking. Overspending was simply easier, in the short run, than acquiring the
knowledge and the discipline to achieve a balance sheet that would show positive monthly cashflow.
Devoid of my own financial skills yet realizing that something needed to be done, I placed additional burdens at the feet of
my already overburdened husband. Weren’t the finances his chore? If mistakes were made, wasn’t this his fault? If I overspent,
wasn’t he supposed to teach me how not to overspend? After the spectacular failure of this line of thinking, I realized that I had
come dangerously close to being a complete sucker when it came to money management. Someone with the time and the passion
—namely me—had to take control of our finances.
For instance, we had turned over the responsibility of making decisions regarding stocks to a financial planner. He turned out
to be a commission-receiving broker who peddled the same ten tech-heavy securities to all his clients. Despite asking many of the
right questions during the initial interview, I didn’t fully understand or investigate his answers because, once more, I did not want
to appear unintelligent or underconfident, especially since my husband, who reluctantly but dutifully gave in to my wishes to hire
this planner, was present. I did, however, inform the broker that I would be following his picks and that I would gradually take on
more of the decision-making process as my financial education progressed.
When I began tracking several test stocks on a daily basis, reading the prospectus of each one, as well as tracking them in
business papers and journals, I became alarmed. One stock was Lucent. Another was Nortel. Another was JDS Uniphase. Then
there was Corning. Even to my inexperienced eyes, the idea of holding rapidly declining stocks in the face of what seemed to be an
increasingly likely economic meltdown seemed downright reckless. I began to ask my broker and his associates many questions.
I also began to break the “don’t talk about money” taboo by sharing my thoughts and ideas with a couple of highly
successful businesspersons, a technique that I now frequently use. I say to them, “Here are my thoughts and my analysis. Is this
how you see it?”
When the broker returned fewer and fewer of my calls, I took action. Thanks to the education I was gaining from Rich Dad, I
realized that the notion of independent thinking was more than just okay. It was a necessity. I researched financial planners for the
correct credentials, interviewed them, and checked up on my choices on government Web sites. I decided what the financial
allocations would be prior to the first meeting with the new financial advisor. I did it for two reasons. One, I wanted to establish
that I was an independent thinker capable of making rational decisions. Two, I was afraid he would try to talk us out of those
We switched our entire portfolio to a new and nationally recognized planner who earned the highest credentials in the
financial planning field. Though we eventually suffered, like so many others, a loss (approximately 25 percent of our portfolio),
we were spared a major disaster because we sold virtually all of the former stock fund picks. But something even more far-
reaching happened.
To overcome my fear of making a mistake, given my vast lack of knowledge where the stock market was concerned, I
researched and selected two test stocks that made sense to me and I tracked them. Then I bought a number of shares to up the
ante of my commitment level. One is doing quite well and the other has all the earmarks of a well-run, financially sound stock
although its price has dropped. This terrific experience taught me the value of being informed. Control meant deciding what the
financial planner would handle, and what I would deal with myself.
At home, another profound change was taking place. On more than one occasion I had run up bad credit card debt due to
uncontrolled spending, which I justified with rather silly psychobabble and excuses (“I deserve it.” “I left my medical career for
my family.” “I’m married to a doctor”). I’m happy to say that these “reasons,” and others like them, are now retired.
We were extremely fortunate in that our income has allowed us to get out of that debt on more than one occasion. However,
I began to see that each dollar wasted on paying for bad debt was a lost opportunity for that money to grow. Finally facing my
problem without flinching, I set realistic financial goals, confronted the many changes within our household that would need to
take place in order to succeed in this endeavor, and knuckled down to learn more about money management and accounting. I plan
to never fall into that overspending syndrome again.
Inspired by Rich Dad, I created my own little balance sheets that included income and expenses. These monthly sheets not
only showed me what a mess I had made of things; they also helped me to focus efforts on optimizing the numbers. It was almost
like a game; would we come out ahead this month? I won’t soon forget the day when assets dwarfed liabilities according to Rich
Dad accounting, thanks to a small windfall and our decision to use it wisely. We saw the asset column grow while the liability
column shrank considerably. At last, I could track our money. I was ready to invest in real estate.
First of all, I determined what kind of down payment we could afford; about $20,000 was right for us the first time around. If this
amount was 20 percent of the price of a home, then we could afford a home that cost about $100,000. We were lucky to find an
area in which we could find single-family homes for this price and even luckier that these were located in good school districts, in
fairly nice neighborhoods and near an army base, which insured consistent and reliable renters. In contrast, I do not feel
comfortable with studios, which I associate with a more transient population. I wanted a win-win situation, where the renter wins
because he can afford a nice home in a decent neighborhood in a good school district at a fair price. With these factors in place he is
likely to be a long-term and contented tenant. Then we would win, too, because the rent will be paid on time, cashflow will be
consistent, and in fifteen years optimally, the mortgage will be paid off, ensuring greater cashflow. We found a two-bedroom, two-
bathroom home that met our criteria.
I had the financing fully in place before seriously looking for a property. I asked the lender to provide a letter stating what
we could afford to pay and what the bank was willing to lend us. Also, our credit rating is excellent, so our real estate agent can
honestly tell a seller that they will experience no problems with us as buyers. We discussed with the agent ahead of time specific
purchase prices and lower limits and upper limits, and then gave him a free hand. Everything was decided before negotiations
started. I also made sure that my spouse was fully on board; due to his earned income, lenders want him involved.
Needing an $82,000 mortgage, I asked the lender to calculate the monthly payments on a fifteen-year loan at 7.25 percent
interest (this was in the early spring of 2002). This came to $755.85. We asked the property manager/agent what he was sure he
could rent the home for. His answer was $800 in its current state with an increase of $30 to $35 after one year. However, I forgot
about his fee of 7 percent when making the calculations. Not only did I not originally factor in the fee, I didn’t factor in taxes or
insurance either. Here are my calculations on the house that we purchased for $103,500 before I corrected my error:
But as pleased as we were to own this house, something was wrong. Not only was the cashflow negative, there were other
costs, like taxes and insurance, that the rental fee was not covering. This property was not self-sustaining.
Now I saw the real picture. I had planned to use proceeds from the property that we own free and clear to pay the
property tax and insurance and any future repairs on the newly acquired property. This was “fuzzy” accounting indeed! You see,
twelve years ago we bought a single-family residence for investment purposes in Southern California for $101,000. Several weeks
ago it was valued at $156,000. The annual expenses total $2,100 and the net rent is $963. I figured this home could pay the bills
on the new home. This was wrong.
Getting more numbers together, I realized that refinancing the property with a thirty-year mortgage (I was in a hurry to own
it free and clear in fifteen years) would produce positive cashflow. The mortgage payments would drop to the low $500s from the
present $755. There would be enough funds to pay taxes and insurance (property taxes were about $1,298 a year, the
homeowners insurance was $309, and the earthquake insurance came to $252). Any small positive cashflow would be left to
accumulate for repairs and act as a reserve fund. Here are the revised numbers and, in the far right column, the numbers for a rent
increase to $850, effective in M ay 2003:
– Taxes (property): $108.17
– Property insurance: $25.75
– Earthquake insurance: $21
– M aintenance: $0
– Reserve for repairs: $45
– M anagement fee (7% of rent): $56 $59.50
– Loan payment (30 years at 6.5%): $520
$775.92 $779.42
Net monthly cashflow: $24.08 $70.58
Cash-on-cash return (present)
Annual cashflow ($24 × 12) $288
Amount of cash put into property $25,606
Cash-on-cash return 1.1%
Cash-on-cash return (future)
Annual cashflow ($70.58 × 12) $846.96
Amount of cash put into property $25,606
Cash-on-cash return 3.3%
Despite my error, I was very excited when this belated “light bulb” finally turned on. There is no experience that can
substitute for actually going through a deal and making a few mistakes along the way. Even better, I figured out what was wrong
and I knew how to fix it. At first, I just wanted to buy a property close to the other property that we owned, not get ripped off,
and pay it off in fifteen years. After reading and absorbing more of the various Rich Dad books, my goal changed to making the
numbers on that property look better, i.e., positive cashflow and better cash-on-cash return. In time I will extract funds from a
future refinance to use toward the down payment on another property.
I plan to move forward with additional purchases. I have set, as a first step, the goal of owning ten properties. Within fifteen
to eighteen years the positive cashflow from the properties will add significantly to our retirement income.
A Team Effort
The first time around is really time-consuming and demanding and somewhat intimidating. Having mentors or advisors or even
like-minded individuals to talk to during this process is crucial. I am lucky to have recognized the need for this kind of support
and to have had the good fortune of being selected as a participant for the Rich Dad coaching program.
When faced with the actual real-life details and obstacles and problems of real estate investing, it is a huge advantage to be
able to call on knowledgeable people. The questions I ask include, “What would you do?” “What have you done when you were
faced with this situation?” “What do I need to know?” “What mistake did you make?” and “How can I get around this obstacle?”
M y team includes:
•An excellent and much published lawyer who is handling a new estate plan because we’re now living in a community
property state. Our attorney is also handling placement of property into LLCs (limited liability companies).
•A private banking group, which offered a substantial line of credit and private banking services.
•An expanding list of real estate contacts in a few states (agents and brokers).
•An accountant and a few knowledgeable contacts within the franchise tax board and board of equalization of the state in
which we own property.
•A short list of mentors. These days I cringe a lot less when the mentor responds with, “Actually my view is the exact
opposite of what you suggest.” I continue to learn from such exchanges. And the mentor appreciates that I have done my
homework before taking a bit of his or her valuable time.
Soon my husband and I will have the opportunity to make decisions about how best to preserve and grow his rollover and
lump sum retirement from his previous job. We plan to turn our abject fear at this prospect into an action plan after educating
ourselves by reading more books and listening to more tapes. Our strategy includes seeking out well-informed people and asking a
lot of questions. Until the education takes place, we plan to emphasize preservation over growth.
I’ve found that the hardest part of making investments is going from thinking about doing them to actually doing them. At
the same time I have also gained knowledge about banking and lending and how to open doors. There is abundant opportunity if
one is willing to look for it and go after it.
Robert’s rich dad was right. I also learned an extremely valuable lesson that is not taught in school: When it comes to the
asset column nobody gives a darn about advanced degrees. For me, switching from the mind-set of “here’s my academic résumé”
to “here is my financial statement” was a life-changing event. Now I use those solid study skills that I acquired in medical school
to process and absorb large amounts of financial materials.
Where my daughters are concerned, I’ve taken a bold step. After years of guiding them toward academic success and the Ivy
League professional path, which their mother and father followed so diligently, I’ve made it clear that there is more than one road
to financial freedom available to them. We talk to them about alternative means of income, and want them to know what their
options are. They have the option of choosing a less exhausting path than the one we followed and they can learn to make money
work for them early on.
Each daughter (one is now in college) keeps an investment account and understands the concept of compounded interest and
growth because I arranged an appointment with a financial advisor for them. Instead of an allowance being handed to our younger
daughter, she must learn to use the banking system and keep track of what she does—and doesn’t—hold in her account. We are all
learning together. They certainly are entitled to learn by trial and error, as we have.
Both of our daughters are encouraged to consider owning rental property early in life as a way to earn passive income. Their
financial education will continue as they mature.
M y mother also figures into the family equation. Optimally, a rent-free unit would be available to her. I am brainstorming to
try to make that happen when the time comes.
M y final challenge is facing the behavioral changes that I must make to be successful in this venture. That includes becoming
smart with finances instead of overspending or avoiding facing the numbers, handling mail and business obligations efficiently
instead of allowing a pile of unopened envelopes to collect on my desk, and scheduling business hours at home and actually being
at the desk to complete the work instead of finding scores of excuses to be away at the appointed time. Like everything else, it’s a
learning process.
Chapter 6
For a long time I didn’t understand money. Despite the fact that I earned a lot of it from the time I was twenty or so—I’ve
always been a strictly commission-based salesman—keeping track of my bills and finances wasn’t a high priority. Not
surprisingly, most of my money problems stemmed from my own weakness. Overusing credit and letting myself become
overextended got me into financial trouble repeatedly.
Lacking discipline to budget money properly, I never figured out a way to ride out the up-and-down fluctuations of income.
Inevitably, the strain of unsteady salary got to me. Fears about being broke and consequently selling my product from a scared
perspective led to dropping sales numbers. This unnerving cycle repeated over and over again.
Not until I chased my dream of getting into construction and real estate development did my income steady, and budgeting
more effectively started coming naturally. I took the steps to catch my dream and turn it into reality and financial freedom. I
believe that when you do what you love, the money follows. Discovering that passion started early.
Boy Businessman
I started working when I was in junior high school. I did the classic “kid with a mower” routine. After mowing one neighbor’s
lawn I would knock on the doors of the surrounding homes to generate more business. (M ore than a few of my friends thought I
was nuts. “Why sweat more than you have to on a hot summer’s day?” they asked. I ignored them and extra money filled my
When I entered college it seemed like I would fulfill my parents’ dream. After four years they figured I would graduate and
be hired by a major corporation. The white-collar corporate world awaited me. I might even become a stockbroker. (Either that or
play baseball for living. I was a catcher on the college baseball team and actually tried out for the Cleveland Indians and the
Baltimore Orioles. Sad to say, I didn’t make the cut.)
But deep down I wanted to be my own boss. Besides, knowing myself as I do, and my dislike of taking orders, I knew that
a corporate job wouldn’t work, either for me or for the company that hired me. I interviewed with recruiters who made it clear
that at least my first two years as a novice stockbroker would be spent making cold calls.
M y junior year I answered an ad for a sales job and eight months later I was doing really well. I owned a distributorship for
a vacuum company. Buying inventory turned me into the owner. I oversaw two offices, trained the salespeople, and handled all
the accounting. Not too shabby for a twenty-year-old.
After spending three years majoring in finance, I dropped out of school to manage the sales team I had built. The fact that I
was also earning more than my professors was another incentive. M y parents were disappointed that I didn’t receive my
diploma, although I did eventually earn an associate’s degree in business management at a community college.
I was a very good salesman, but I didn’t know much about running a business. I carried way too much responsibility. Sales
were terrific but the bookkeeping was a nightmare. Sure, I was cash-rich but the eighty or more hours I put in a week were killing
me and the taxes were murderous. Employees kept leaving.
Too immature to handle the money I made, let alone the business in general, I was in over my head and too proud to ask for
help. Instead of seeking a consultant, an attorney, or an accountant, I tried to do everything on my own. I failed miserably.
Eighteen months later, I gave up.
After that episode I owned both a construction business and a promotional product business. The first one, which lasted
two years, I shared with a cousin. I learned another good lesson: I knew construction but I was not a skilled marketer. I started the
second business after watching an infomercial that promoted the product. This venture lasted just a few months.
All in all I probably lost between $15,000 and $20,000 with these three ventures.
Unfortunately, I didn’t pay much attention to the lessons of my first business failure. I repeated my pattern twice more,
with the same results. Finally I learned that everyone in business needs professional help to keep everything legal and straight. No
one can, or should, try to do everything. If you’re a salesman, sell. Don’t try to be an accountant or a lawyer or any other
professional for which you aren’t qualified. You’ll only end up hurting yourself.
I found out what steps would be required to take a large parcel, split it up, and sell off the pieces. It was easier than I imagined.
M y first project was a 5.1 acre piece of property in Chesterton, Indiana. I bought the ground from a family trust. This family had
split the land into three lots years before so that other family members could have land to build on. Luckily for me, there were no
engineering fees or surveying expenses. That saved me at least $3,000.
Even though the asking price was $90,000, my first offer was $45,000 because of the return I was looking for. I figured that
I could get between $30,000 and $33,000 as sales prices for the lots, and I guess I was trying to hit a home run. Also, the
payments on $45,000, about $300 a month until the lots would sell, were very manageable.
When the owners countered at $55,000 I wasn’t scared a bit. I had already put a feeler out to a few of my customers to
drive by, look at the property, and give me their thoughts. I told them that some lots might be coming available in that area, and if
they did, would they be interested? Immediately one of my clients called back and said that the location was perfect. He said he
would be willing to pay up to $31,000 for a lot in that area. That sealed the deal. I knew that I had to have that property.
Between the $31,000 and my 10 percent down payment from my own money, I would owe less than $20,000 on the
remaining two lots, which were valued at $60,000. It was a no-brainer so I accepted the counteroffer of $55,000.
I found a one-year-interest-only loan at 4.75 percent because of the demand for property in that area. It was a very hot area,
and I knew that I would have no problem selling off the lots. Also, the loan was renewable. At the end of the first year, if the lots
were not sold, I could renew the loan at the current market interest rate. I sent in three interest payments totaling around $1,000.
Within six months I sold all the lots, appraised at $90,000, for $93,000. And even though I incurred $10,000 in unexpected
sewer expenses, I earned $27,000 with virtually no effort. It’s simple: $93,000 – $55,000 = $38,000 – $10,000 – $1,000 =
M y next investment was just as sweet. I called a real estate agent to ask her about something totally unrelated, and she
asked me if I was in the market for any rental properties. Of course I said yes, and she went on to tell me about a little fixer-upper
for $40,000. I went out to look at it and was not impressed. However, I was impressed with the forty-acre farm field that
surrounded it. She had them both listed and it turned out that the same person owned both properties. The asking price was
$40,000 for the house with two acres, and $200,000 for the remaining thirty-eight acres, a total of $240,000.
M y initial offer was $150,000 for the whole package. I knew that the lady who used to live in the house had died, and it was
probably an estate deal. The owner countered with $200,000 for the land only. I came back with $160,000 for the whole package,
and they countered once again, this time at $170,000. I was floored! I had just bought a small house and forty acres for $170,000!
This time the financing was considerably tougher. I had to come up with the 30 percent down payment. I had just made
some money, but I didn’t have $51,000. I thought about Robert saying that he was not allowed to say “I can’t afford it” around
his rich dad, so I had to think, “How can I afford it?”
I talked to a banker friend of mine who joined me as a partner, and we came up with the down payment and bought the land.
We spent about $5,000 on soil tests and surveys, and in seven months sold seven of the ten lots for a total of $229,000. As a
result there is $50,000 in our account and we don’t owe a dime on the last three lots, which still carry a total asking price of
$103,000. When it’s all said and done, we should both make in the neighborhood of $80,000 on the project!
We paid about $3,000 in interest during the duration of our loan. We broke the properties into pieces that ranged from two
to ten acres with asking prices between $28,000 and $54,000.
The house was in terrible condition, so we tore it down, and sold the lot for $28,000. In retrospect, that may have been a
mistake because there was no passive income. M y partner and I disagreed about what to do with the house. I wanted to rehab it,
rent it out, or just try to sell it. He talked me out of it, which we regret now. But since our biggest mistake created $28,000, I
don’t think we screwed up too badly. We still profited about $19,000 from the sale of that lot. I wish all of my screw-ups netted
me that much money. ($28,000 – $4,250 per acre for a two-acre lot = $19,500 profit.)
Recently I accepted offers on the remaining three lots, so here’s the total breakdown:
Land: $170,000
Soil tests/surveys: $5,000
Interest: $3,000
House tear-down: $1,000
Total costs: $179,000
We closed on this land just about a year ago. I have put less than twenty hours’ worth of work into this project. M y cut is
$72,000, which works out to be about $3,600 per hour. The value of my free time is priceless when you think of how long it
would have taken me to earn $72,000 at an hourly rate.
Unfortunately, the company where I worked looked at my real estate investments as a conflict of interest. I was selling the
homes that would be built on the land I owned. So after about six months of selling property to my customers, as well as those of
other salespeople, I figured that it was time to leave.
Within six months I found a job at another company that builds houses. This organization allows me to set my own
schedule, and encourages and even helps me to invest in land. Technically I’m a subcontractor, which allows me to come and go as
I see fit, and it gives me the free time to take my investing to the next level. I jumped at the opportunity to switch to the new
M y current project is a great one. A friend of mine in the housing business called me a couple of months ago with an
opportunity. One of his customers owned eight acres he needed to get rid of because of a divorce. The client thought that the land
could hold three lots due to local zoning. I did a little research and discovered that four of the eight acres actually fell within the
city limits. This meant I could actually get six lots out of the property due to differences in the amount of required road frontage.
The asking price was $50,000. M y initial offer was $25,000. He didn’t even counter. I waited two weeks and called him
back to reiterate the bid. The divorce had heated up and he really needed to get rid of the holding right away. I raised my offer to
$30,000, with a commitment to close the deal in two weeks. The time frame really appealed to him. Two weeks later I paid
$30,000 in cash, which I had because of the previous two investments. (Since we had the money from the previous deals in our
account, we decided to pay cash. I know that not leveraging this property goes against some Rich Dad principles, but the seller
was in a jam, needed quick cash, and I was happy to help him out. If we needed the cash back out of the property, it would have
been easy to do through an equity loan, so we just paid cash.)
The six lots carried a total asking price of $120,000. After less than a month, I received an offer on the first lot. We have sold
two lots for a total of $35,800 and we still own four more lots at $17,900 each. Without interest payments, and adding in
surveying fees of around $2,500, this should make me approximately $74,900 with less than ten hours of my time and effort
invested in the project.
M y partner and I recently bought a three-bedroom, one-bathroom investment house. We paid $46,500 in cash and put in
less than $5,000 in repairs. We received an offer within five days of putting it on the market for $88,900 and wrote a contract
within two weeks after that.
I have made around $100,000 on the sales, but more importantly I own nine lots free and clear totaling $223,000. Pumped to
do more, I am looking at a deal that would give me forty-four lots to sell on a fifty-six-acre piece of ground. Hopefully the deals
will keep getting larger as my financial strength grows.
Currently I am self-employed as a housing consultant, and I’m minding my own business, which sells land. I plan to own
my own sales center next year that will provide one-stop shopping to home buyers. Customers will be able to pick their lot of
land, the style of their modular home, and apply for a mortgage at the same convenient place. Every aspect of the transaction will
generate cash.
Best of all, fear no longer blips on my radar screen. Achieving success took care of it. I am now confident that I know a good
deal when I see one because of my achievements. It’s like playing ball. When you’ve gotten a hit, you’re not scared to be at the
plate. Investing in real estate is no different. Once you’ve tasted a little success you want to keep going, get another hit and drive
it further than it went the last time.
Chapter 7
The Root of
All That Is Good
Greensboro, North Carolina
Money is the root of all evil. That’s what I was raised to believe. The only people who possessed money were neurotics, crooks,
the scourge of humanity, or a depraved combination of all three. These beliefs, which were deeply entrenched in my close, large
family, and voiced with certainty by my highly cynical father, left a deep mark. Apparently once humans stopped being hunters
and gatherers, we started marching toward doom and gloom. The more successful you were, the more immersed into the
educational and political system you became, the more brainwashed you were. Financial success, instead of being regarded as an
accomplishment, was akin to being sucked into hell. There was no greater stupidity than deluding yourself and wasting your time
thinking about money. Doing so literally damned you for all eternity.
Obviously, a pretty major obstacle to financial awareness, much less success, stood in my way. I knew there was a lot to
learn, but I lacked mentors. No close friends or associates who managed to leap over the wall to financial freedom were in my
immediate circle of influence. M ost daunting of all, I held no clear or consistent direction of what to do with money or how to
earn it. Learning by trial and error was a necessity. Two steps forward, three steps back became my pattern. M ore than a few
times my experiences seemed to validate the convictions drummed into my head.
M ost people have so thoroughly accepted themselves as they are, they give little or no thought as to how they got that
way. But as the fifth child of eight in my family—or maybe because of it—that was not my case. I tried to overcome fear,
cynicism, and negativity very early on in life and I wanted to find my own path. I often wondered why some people seemed to
have everything and others went through life with the barest of necessities. Intimately familiar with the latter, I wanted to
experience the former. M aybe my father was right, but I wanted to find out for myself.
I thought working hard was the answer. While most of my classmates were playing sports or participating in extracurricular
school activities, I flipped donuts for $1.50 an hour before and after class my last couple of years of high school. From the get-go,
I knew that being an employee was not for me but I didn’t know what to do about it or how. After I graduated I learned a trade
and became a cabinetmaker who fashioned high-end pieces. But after the business went from producing custom fine woodworking
to mass-produced particle board and Formica boxes I became disenchanted.
M oving on, I was employed by several highly successful businesses in my small Ohio hometown but ended up quitting each
one. M any friends were quick to voice their ridicule. After all, what was I thinking, leaving “great” jobs others wanted so badly?
As it happened, a bigger concern was taking over my attention. During the course of every job I held I sat down with a
notepad and calculated my expenses and what my projected income would be twenty years hence. Even with raises, nothing
seemed to change much. No matter how terrific the job was, after expenses I still couldn’t figure out how I was going to live the
life I desired—even with the best of pay raises. It was during these introspective sessions that I would see my father’s face and
hear his words: “You are wasting your time… you can’t beat the system, give up…” Like a bad song I couldn’t get out of my
head, his chronic negativity just played over and over. What else could I do? Drop out of society like he had and live like a hermit?
No, I had already become happily discontented with that lifestyle. I wanted to experience what having money felt like. At that
point I made up my mind I wanted to:
There was a big problem to confront as a result of my decision: I felt lost and without direction, despite the talent I knew I
possessed. I had nowhere to turn. Nonetheless, I hunted for job after job, advancing in my career via trial and error until I attained
positions normally held by college graduates. I had wanted to attend college but I ended up far too busy traveling the world to
find the time to sit in classrooms for four years. By the time my high school classmates finished their “higher” education, I had
been to, or through, over fifty countries and hundreds of international cities.
While it was not apparent to me at that time, the effect the travel was having on me was an exposure to numerous groups
and individuals with positive motivation or success habits. The contact with these types of positive life patterns helped me to
discover a distinct contrast between success consciousness and status quo routines.
When asked where I attended college, I always told people (and still do) that I attended UHK (University of Hard Knocks),
where I received a degree in Results. I learned by doing.
But still I found no peace or resolution to my income dilemma. There seemed to be an eerie connection between the jobs
experience and what my father had been attempting to instill. But neither one made an apparent significant connection: The size
of the success you want to build is dependent solely upon the amount of personal power you are willing to give. How and what a
person can contribute to others is based on what he feels about himself. I began to grasp that there were two distinct mind-sets.
M y father’s mindset (guided by habit rather than intellect) could only think in terms of hoarding or receiving (scarcity) and was
exclusively negative-oriented. His obsession was conserving “what was his” versus finding or creating value for others. I was
slowly becoming aware that there was another mind-set, one that thinks in terms of creating or adding value (abundance/giving)
and is highly positive. By seeking ways to offer more of my full potential—and talent—I not only could create more value, but
also achieve an inner vitality. As an employee I didn’t feel that I was making contributions that were as meaningful or significant
as they could be. Remembering the hunter-gatherer ideal of my childhood, I realized that the problem with living such a “simple”
life was that it didn’t entail giving anything back. The necessity to contribute something useful was missing. When the only goal is
money, there are so many different ways of obtaining it that a person can become confused as to what avenue to take. M oney is
merely a means to an end, not the end. It was my father’s view of money being the end that I was beginning to unravel.
I worked as an employee from 1974 to 1987 and then transitioned into a business owner, but still not by some master
understanding or clear plan. One of my countless blessings is a curious mind and after many years of feeling disenfranchised, I
decided to take a leap of faith and start my own company. I quit my “secure” job at a Fortune 100 aerospace company, at the
height of its success, where I earned more money than I dreamed possible. Once again, I took a lot of ribbing from my colleagues,
all of whom were M BAs, Ph.D.’s, and the like. They thought I was either to be pitied—because I was doomed to fail—or
mocked, for the same reason.
At the age of twenty-eight I not only had learned to overcome the cynicism and negativity of family, friends, and co-
workers, but I was also able to begin forming new life patterns which conformed more to the life I desired. I began a new journey
to controlling my own destiny.
But post–Rich Dad, my approach to real estate buying, as well as my view of myself, underwent a fundamental shift. Pre–
Rich Dad, my purchases were about trying to amass huge amounts of cash so as to not have to borrow too much money. In
hindsight I missed many wonderful opportunities. If I couldn’t put enough money down to make the property affordable for my
own “earned” income monthly cashflow, then I would just pass on the deal.
I had been sufficiently subjugated where borrowing was concerned: Debt of any kind was bad. “Never owe anyone
anything!” was another one of my father’s core BS (belief system) statements. Not having a clue that there was such a thing as
good debt, I did my best (in my father’s eyes) to not borrow any money to buy the land for my first house, much less build it.
This was a deep behavioral pattern to overcome. Thanks to Rich Dad this has been probably the most profound fundamental
paradigm shift I have experienced related to money.
Learning something new takes time because thinking while acting is necessary. But as I accumulated small successes I slowly
chipped away at the fears, phobias, inhibitions, and negative influences that were implanted when I was a child. The successes
took the form of new habits, specifically how I thought about things. At its most basic level I traded negative thinking patterns
for positive thought patterns. I don’t believe a price can be put on what that is worth!
Prior to Rich Dad, I never saw the cashflow portion of the equation. I can honestly say I never looked at property as a
money generator. Now, it became literally a whole new means to evaluate not only property, but assets in general. What a
powerful, liberating, and invaluable distinction! Thank you, Rich Dad!
Instead of flying by the seat of my pants, I had direction and control. It was as if a light went on in a dark room.
Armed with this knowledge, I felt that the property values of development purposes would be impacted positively when
the water lines were in place. This turned out to be true. The land values more than quadrupled as a result of this one issue!
Taking the time to determine if and when and by whom the water problem would be addressed changed the “risk” from “blind” to
After several years the area returned to growth brought on by many high-tech companies moving into the area. Real estate
began to climb again. Growth pushed property prices up to $14,000 to $25,000 an acre.
In the meantime, I began to employ six basic criteria to evaluate and shop property:
1. Motivation (either the seller’s or mine). Take the case of the seventy-acre parcel, which was not even on the market. I had
already picked the property based on location and growth trends I was compiling. Then I researched the owners and visited them
to evaluate their relationship to the property and how the potential changes would or would not affect them. It turned out that
three sisters had inherited the land years before. Now the two surviving sisters, who were both around eighty years old, weren’t
interested in keeping the property any longer. At that stage of their lives, money was more important to them. But there was
more to factor into the deal. The sisters first said no to my offer. Undeterred, I tried again and talking to them found out that they
didn’t want the land to be developed. With that understanding, I informed them about my intentions, that I did not intend to
develop the land the way others did (i.e., building homes one on top of the other). Based on their responses, I knew we would be
able to do a deal that would work out for everyone’s benefit. I think this is one of the most critical and important issues associated
to any piece of real estate.
The property had to meet my criteria. Then what the sellers wanted had to be considered.
2. Condition of the property. This goes beyond whether it was just good or bad, or whether it was raw or landscaped. I had
to develop a fairly good head for what was and wasn’t significant, along with lots of clever ideas for alternate cost issues as well
as a clear idea about zoning options (i.e., zoned for commercial, residential, or other use). For instance, a lovely vista showcasing
rolling hills or a river or an orchard can be significant. Views matter to lots of people.
3. Terms. What the seller, the bank, and I wanted. Taking into account number one and number two, terms can be altered to
accommodate everyone involved.
4. Location. I know this has been beaten to death, but location, when lined up with growth trends (new roads, businesses,
population shifts, and so on), presents many possibilities that may not be immediately apparent. For instance, scoping out a
particular area showed me that demand for land was moving in that direction.
5. Price. There’s nothing like buying a great “retail” property at a “wholesale” price. But as with all the above, there are
many more issues related to price.
6. Relationships. This is what Rich Dad refers to as networks. Talk to people; listen to what they are saying. Tips about
upcoming areas (I found out that Dell Computer was planning to build in a certain area, which meant people looking for rental
properties, new homes, and places to shop) are often conveyed during casual conversations.
The following are three recent property purchases in Austin. While gaining yearly cashflow from them, based on my
projections my equity may grow to more than $310,000 over the course of five years. Even better, one of the three is located at
what will be a future key intersection as the result of two critical real estate changes in the area. The first is that the local airport is
expanding to add a new runway. This changes a major highway routing, which will bring it right past the property. I have already
received offers to sell the property for double what I paid for it.
Here’s the breakdown on the first property, a single-family dwelling I paid $134,000 for:
– Repairs/maintenance: $41.67
– M anagement fee (10% of rents): $96
– Loan payment (5-year renewable balloon notes at 5.25%) $605.37
(All other expenses are paid by the tenants.)
Net monthly cashflow: $51.05
Cash-on-cash return
Annual cashflow ($51.05 × 12) $612.60
Amount of cash put into property $35,750
Cash-on-cash return 1.7%
Note: This is not a large return on my investment but I have the potential for capital gains if I choose to sell the property
Similar properties in the area are selling for $175,000.
The second property, also a single-family house, cost me $128,000.
I rented the office building to a professional engineering firm (which also happened to be my first business) and generated an
additional $4,000 per month ($48,000 a year) of rent on a mortgage of $125,000 for the offices. (By the way, I grew this business
to $7 million in annual sales before selling it.)
After paying expenses and debt, these two properties threw off a monthly cashflow of $4,300. The cashflow from these
properties not only paid for them, they covered my personal expenses as well.
Out of the five businesses I began I still own two: a technology consulting company focused primarily on small- to medium-
size businesses, and my new, high-tech company, which is an innovative community-based advertising and communication
system. Reading Protecting Your #1 Asset by M ichael Lechter, one of the Rich Dad’s advisors, taught me that I needed to
safeguard this intellectual property.
M y goal for this year is to get my latest business going so that it spins off positive cashflow by the end of year. Five years
from now my target is monthly cashflow somewhere between $50,000 and $80,000.
Part III
A Different Focus
One of my strongest personal beliefs is that you become what you study. If you gain knowledge of the law, you can become a lawyer.
If you study history, you can become a historian. But no matter what subjects you did or did not learn, if you study how to invest to
create cashflow, you can become financially free. Then you can decide if you want to continue with what you’ve been trained to do,
retire, or begin to study something entirely new. That’s what financial freedom can do for you.
Many men and women, at different stages in their lives, have told me how studying the Rich Dad information helped them to
redefine themselves and change their lives.
In this section you’ll meet Tom Kotula, who lives in Minnesota. A man who toiled at a dead-end job for years, never getting
ahead of the bills, and putting in a lot of overtime hours that stole time away from his family, Tom seemed stuck. An employee
without money, he felt strongly that making a change was crucial, for himself and his family. Once he began his financial education
with Rich Dad he discovered that not having money is no obstacle to making investments and creating cashflow. If you’ve ever felt
stuck in a job, and stayed there because you felt there was no choice, read Tom’s story and become inspired.
Then there’s Wade and Carol Yamamoto. They live in Hawaii, which is where I grew up. When we first met them, Carol, a
teacher, had already become involved with network marketing but her husband had not. How they came to terms and decided what
was best for both of them is a terrific example of understanding and focusing on what is important to both people. Their story
underlines the significance of a couple studying and working together to reach the same goal, the sacrifices that goal requires, and
the incredible results it can give. Their story not only illustrates a very common worry that I hear about frequently, namely, “What
will our family or friends or neighbors think?,” but also shows how this clear-thinking duo overcame it. Rich Dad-inspired
teamwork begins at home.
You’ll also read about Merced Hall, her husband, Jeff Hall, and Jeff’s identical twin brother, Jon Hall. They live in Utah.
Their story is a Gen-X saga of great expectations dashed when they were forced to face an unexpected predicament after college. It
offers a keen insight into the particular troubles of a well-educated group that marched out of universities with degrees into
temporary high-paying high-stress jobs at dot.coms and prestigious corporations that promised much, delivered little, and took
away a lot more.
At the very beginning of what they thought were promising careers—everything they had been told was worth studying and
competing for—they discovered that being employees didn’t suit them. It wasn’t that they were lazy or uncommitted. Merced, Jeff
and Jon realized that they didn’t want to work for someone else for the next three or four decades. They wanted financial
independence and they wanted to take control of their lives to make that happen.
Instead of wasting time trying to convince themselves that they “should do” something that wasn’t right for them because
they spent so much time and effort to receive excellent grades and impressive degrees, they studied the Rich Dad information and
then took steps to begin investing. Positive cashflow to gain financial security was their goal. Fully admitting that there were more
than a few scary moments, they persevered. Just as my rich dad teaches, they made mistakes, learned from them, and moved on to
create successes.
Even more importantly, they sent a strong message to their peers who may find themselves disappointed in their demanding
jobs or who expected o cash out of start-up companies in just a few years. These three didn’t complain about what happened.
Instead, they took honest stock of who they were, educated themselves in a whole new way, and using that solid foundation changed
their lives. As opposed to feeling burned-out and cynical, they grasped new possibilities and took action.
Ken Hobson, who lives in Pennsylvania, has another story to tell. Well established in his field, Ken earned a very good living
for many years but felt that something was missing. For him, studying the Rich Dad information gave him the means to find that
missing piece. He found a way to combine his investments with his new work. Instead of worrying about what will happen when he
chooses to retire, he is confident of building increasing monthly cashflow. And he is having fun in the process.
Tom, Wade, Carol, Merced, Jeff, Jon, and Ken didn’t wait for “something to happen” to them. They took charge of their lives
and altered them for the better. Not happy with the situations they found themselves in, they made the conscious decision to move
toward financial security. They didn’t let time-worn excuses get in their way, nor did they listen to people who questioned their
actions (and, I’m willing to guess, their sanity).
As an alternative to buying into the conventional wisdom of staying put (“The devil you know is better than the devil you
don’t”) and not trying something new (“You’ve never done that before. How do you know it will work?”), they made their plans,
did their research, found the support they needed among each other—and succeeded. They studied how to become financially free
and started taking action.
Chapter 8
Better Than
Winning the Lottery
St. Cloud, Minnesota
For seven and a half years I toiled in a dead-end job sorting mail at the post office. I logged overtime hours whenever I could—like
evenings, weekends, and holidays—to earn a few extra dollars. With bills due, there was no choice. M y wife and I lived from one
payday to the next. Often I worked a second job and also put in overtime at whatever I was doing: driving a school bus, delivering
pizza, performing odd jobs at a golf course—the list goes on. I don’t recall a single job that was satisfying. What I lacked was
motivation to make a change. I also lacked faith in myself. I thought that my lack of experience would hold me back. That,
coupled with a tendency to procrastinate, was the obstacle facing me.
Eighteen months ago, before I discovered the tools and hope to change our lives, my bank account was essentially empty.
When I allowed myself to think about retirement, I figured that the post office would require nineteen more years of my reluctant
presence before I could collect a pension. M y post office retirement account, filled with mutual funds, was our sole investment.
The future didn’t look too bright for us.
Today, thanks to Rich Dad, our bank account contains about $90,000 and we’re secure enough financially that I could
literally get by for ten or more years without a job if I chose to do so. I’m a Navy veteran who studied speech and management at
college for three years. Thirty-three years old, I’m the father of a three-year-old son. I plan to retire by the time I’m forty.
After three months of speaking to real estate agents and asking them if they handled rental properties, I found a triplex that
worked for my sister and myself. The asking price was $99,000; I offered $94,000 with $5,000 coming back to me at closing.
Because my sister qualified for a first-time homeowner loan, and because she planned to live in one of the units, we were able to
get 100 percent financing, at 7 percent for thirty years, for the $99,000 mortgage. This was important, since neither of us had any
spare cash for a down payment.
I took care of collecting the rental fees while my sister looked after the common area and the outside. Even with the reduced
rent paid by my sister, the house turned over $300 in passive cashflow a month, an amount she and I share. Here’s the
M y sister and I bought the property in September 2001, and by November I was investigating other ways to own rentals.
There was another factor. The triplex we purchased needed a lot of repairs. Because I have a real aversion to doing a lot of work I
know nothing about we were forced to hire a lot of help. Like Robert, I don’t fix toilets.
However, we recently refinanced the mortgage at 4.5 percent for thirty years and our passive income rose to $650 a month.
We pulled $25,000 out from the refinance and split the proceeds. Even with $6,000 in repairs, we each walked away with about
$10,000. I plan to invest the money in more real estate. We still own the property and it currently cashflows $250 per month.
This was a terrific start but after a few months I realized that other plans were necessary in order for me to get where I
wanted to be, namely forever gone from my post office job and on the road to financial security. To do that I began to look for real
estate that I could build on. Within a day I located three acres in a small town close by that was zoned for multifamily dwellings. I
decided to build five twin homes, which contained two single-family dwellings each.
It took a lot of research to do the job, but it was well worthwhile. Keep in mind I still had no money to invest with. But I
knew what to do and that gave me a big advantage. As Robert always says, you need to do your homework. And that’s exactly
what I did. I knew there were a lot of ways to get a job done. All that was required was the commitment to keep searching for the
right formula.
I wrote out a list of questions that needed to be answered, studied financing from books, and queried people and grabbed the
Yellow Pages. M y primary goal was getting a loan. I called up banks and mortgage companies just to ask them questions that I
was wondering about. Those queries included:
• What types of loans they offered.
• If they provided loans for new construction.
• What type of down payment they accepted, that is, if they accepted equity or would only cash do.
• What I needed to do to qualify for the loan.
I found out that most, although not all, of them, did strictly traditional lending. After I called and asked all of my questions I
would move to the next name.
I spoke to about a dozen lenders before I found one that would listen to my plan. I submitted financial records that were not
too appealing, but also a business plan, which I put together myself, that was very sound. They saw what I saw: a no-lose
situation where homes that were needed would be built on available land. I also showed where construction money could be saved
after seeking answers of experts in building and construction. I secured a loan for $840,000 without putting up any collateral. All I
needed to close the deal was a handshake and a smile.
Never having done anything construction-related myself I was at a slight disadvantage, but other people’s experience came in
mighty handy. M y wife worked in the construction industry and we had a mutual friend who was just starting out on his own
building homes. I talked to our friend and asked him if he would help me as sort of a consultant. In return I agreed to let him do as
much of the actual building as he wanted. It was a match made in heaven. Also, my wife’s connections in the industry enabled me
to buy a lot of the materials at a very discounted price. It took about six months from the day the idea for building began to churn
in my mind to the moment we broke ground.
I started the project in M ay 2002, quit the post office in July (my wife stayed at her job—she’s still there because she
enjoys it), and completed the project the following October. All ten units are rented. The land, and the construction, cost about
$770,000. I took out $60,000 from the original mortgage of $840,000 to finance other projects. Here’s the breakdown:
Note: While I don’t pay for utilities I do pay for trash collection. However, I raised all the tenants’ rates by the amount
necessary to cover it. Additionally, two or three tenants have expressed interest in buying a property. If I decide to sell, I would
finance 25 percent for them so that I would still be getting my residual income.
While I was in the middle of this project I started building my own house, in another St. Cloud suburb. M uch larger than our
first house (the new one is 4,800 square feet, more than double the size of the other house, my construction costs came in at
about $360,000. I took a $420,000 mortgage at 2.9 percent special financing. In yet another example of how contacts pay off, I
approached a mortgage broker I knew who, like me, had left his post office job. By putting 25 percent of the price down, I
qualified for the low mortgage rate.
When we closed on the loan I received a credit line of $140,000. This money will be used to either finance more construction
and/or buy more rental property to pay for our personal dream house.
This year I’m also planning to build five single-family homes for some of my existing tenants as well as others. I project
$600 a month in passive cashflow from these properties. In three years, with additional homes built, I project the income to rise
to $2,000 a month. In seven years, the goal is to have enough homes to bring in $4,500 a month plus equity. At that point, with
almost $60,000 in passive income, I plan to retire.
Seeing Is Believing
The numbers tell my story. Here’s the before-and-after short version as reflected in my financial statements:
Assets Liabilities
$1,60,000 real estate $1,45,000 house
$14,000 retirement plan $80,000 credit cards and student loans
$1,74,000 total $2,25,000
Assets Liabilities
$2,03,0000 real estate $1,37,0000 real estate mortgages
$14,000 retirement plan
$65,000 credit cards and student loans
$2,04,4000 total $1,43,5000 total
No More Dead End
I love to see the goals I taped to the wall over my desk when I bought the triplex: They are:
• In one year, $1,000 in monthly passive income.
• In five years, $5,000 in monthly passive income.
Chapter 9
A Mutual Decision
Waikele, Hawaii
We always thought that investing in real estate was far too risky. Buying property meant exposure to uncertainty, which, in turn,
could lead to the loss of money. It was too forbidding, too scary for us to consider.
Playing it safe when it came to our retirement investments may have soothed our nerves in the short term because we never
lost what we considered to be a lot of money. However, neither did we make a lot of money. And we did sustain a loss of about
$20,000 in a work retirement fund when the stock market, and particularly the high-risk stocks in which we were invested, began
to slide.
Fear of the unknown, coupled with worry about what others would say about us, was a powerful obstacle. When we heard
about Rich Dad Poor Dad from a friend in 2000, we were intrigued because Robert Kiyosaki comes from Hawaii originally, as we
do. We live in Oahu but I was born and raised on the island of Kauai and Carol comes from the Big Island. We both earned degrees
(in electrical engineering and early childhood development respectively) from the University of Hawaii. M y parents, who
attended trade schools, pressed for a college education for my sister and myself. College was the ideal conveyed to Carol as well.
Higher education led to higher income. That’s what we were told and that’s what we believed.
But reading about someone else’s history of success made us skeptical because it’s a lot different from actually getting out
there and achieving it on one’s own.
Yet when we read Rich Dad Poor Dad we were struck by the easy, enjoyable manner that Robert Kiyosaki used to put
forth his information. We were absorbing so much information about financial independence. At the same time our fear of real
estate investing began to disappear. When we began to play the CASHFLOW games with the friend who introduced us to the
Rich Dad philosophy something else happened. I began to realize why I didn’t want to be dealt either an engineer or a doctor
profession card to start the game (“Anything but those!” I moaned more than once). They made getting out of the rat race that
much harder. A janitor card, I saw, could help me win the game. Looking at the different occupation cards when we first began
playing, we noticed that the higher paid players also had much higher expenses and more doodads. It took them a lot more work
to get the passive income to surpass the expenses that are required to get out of the rat race and onto the fast track. Yet, the
occupation cards really mimicked real life in that more income meant the bigger house, better cars, and so on.
Playing the games really opened our eyes but until we moved ourselves into the I (investor) quadrant we didn’t realize how
true the games really were. There’s something else we learned: If you keep playing the games but don’t apply the knowledge
you’re getting in your life, you’re just wasting your time by not realizing the full power of what you have in front of you. The
game offers an incredible education.
Carol had already made a step into the B (business) quadrant several years before. A preschool teacher in a private school,
she decided to make a big change to lower her hours by going part-time, as she was getting burned out. I supported her decision.
Today, Carol stays at home full-time to run our network marketing business, which we’ve been doing for the past seven years.
Moving On
By mid-2001 we told ourselves that if wealth was in our future some tough decisions, including significant lifestyle changes, were
required. Looking around at the three-bedroom house we lived in (seven years before, when we bought it, we believed that owning
a home was the dream of all families), we saw it in a whole different way. We paid $2,000 a month—without utilities—to live
there. We bought it for $300,000, and like a lot of people we knew we expected to sell it at some unspecified future date for a lot
more money. We put money into renovating the house, and by this time the real estate market for these homes had bottomed out.
We couldn’t refinance our loan because we had no equity. We hoped the house would appreciate in value but it never did.
But if we sold the house, which was eating up too much of our income, we could begin to play the “game” for real.
Carol’s first reaction was, “What will our friends think?” In response, I asked her if she wanted to live there for the next
twenty years. Thinking about it, she said no. Then we went through the “what if” list:
• What if we sold the house and used the money to buy real estate that would give us monthly income?
• What if we lived someplace that didn’t cost us as much money?
• What if we stayed where we were and did nothing?
We talked over each point at length, which allowed us to figure out what we both wanted to do. “Why are we in this
house?” was a question we had to answer honestly.
We sold the house for $260,000, taking a loss, and purchased a town-house in April 2002. While I must say that moving
toward the I quadrant was the biggest, and initially the hardest, thing we’d ever done as a married couple, we didn’t regret it for a
minute. We felt it was the only way to begin to achieve financial independence.
Three months later we bought our first rental property in Honolulu.
–M anagement fee (includes hazard insurance): $252.29
–Loan payment (30 years at 7.75%): $352.15
Net cashflow: $418.84
Cash-on-cash return
Annual cashflow ($418.84 × 12) $5,026.08
Cash put into property $11,100
Cash-on-cash return: 45.3%
Here’s the breakdown on the second rental property, which we purchased in November 2002:
We’ve learned to not fall in love with the properties (although that’s not hard to do when they’re in foreclosure condition),
just with the numbers. In the two cases above, we didn’t even see the units until our bids were accepted. We’ve been fortunate
enough to have a real estate agent/mentor that is on the same wavelength as people like Robert Kiyosaki and Dolf de Roos.
By the way, after we closed on the second property, Carol asked, “Why did we take so long to sell our home?” (We chuckle
about it now.)
Now we’re looking for our third property. With the passive monthly income from that investment, the mortgage payments
on our townhouse should be covered. This is an incredible financial turn-around for us.
One Foot Out of the Rat Race
I’m still in the E quadrant, working on a military base where I assist in overseeing a division that monitors the phone system. I’m
thirty-nine, and I’ve already told my boss (he’s thirty) that I intend to retire by the time I’m forty-five. That’s a big difference
from the official minimum retirement age of sixty-two. Within the next three to five years, my goal is to move into the B quadrant
with Carol, while we both stay in the I quadrant. At that time our real estate investments and network marketing income should
take care of us while we learn about, and seek out, bigger deals. And even though Carol could earn more money in the short term
as a teacher, our long-term plans have turned to how we can be in control of our lives. That means not going back to being an
employee and using income to buy “stuff” instead of earmarking it for investment.
We Set an Example
Observing what I was doing with real estate, my supervisor also chose to take action for his personal financial life and purchased
his first rental property through my real estate agent, who was his former boss also. A friend in Las Vegas is seeking rentals to
buy as well after seeing our results. But other friends don’t pay attention to the Rich Dad warning of only doing deals that will
spin off cash as soon as they are done. Instead they seek properties with zero cashflow—and even negative cashflow—with the
hopes that they will appreciate and can be unloaded at a profit. We tried that strategy with our first single-family home and ended
up losing all the capital we put in—and then some.
The only person we trust regarding money is our investment real estate agent. A financial planner, who didn’t have a clue
about what I was doing, is history. “Do you have positive cashflow rental properties?” is the question Robert Kiyosaki asks, and
it’s the one we ask potential money advisors, too.
Chapter 10
Opportunity came knocking at my dorm-room door during my senior year at Brigham Young University. When I opened the door
I saw my friend Aaron, a bit out of breath, so excited and talking so fast that I thought he was speaking Spanish. “You gotta read
this, you gotta read this,” he insisted, waving a purple book in my face. “It’s about this guy who had a rich dad. Well, his real dad
was poor, but his rich dad was…”
I stared at him blankly, not having a clue about what he was talking about. Knowing Aaron, I wasn’t surprised by his
display of jittery enthusiasm. It wasn’t the first time he’d brought me a book. Grabbing the book from his hand, I promised him
I’d look at it and get back to him.
To give myself a break from studying I started reading it. I found myself really wrapped up in the story of Robert and his
rich dad. But pressing concerns vied for my attention. At twenty-one, I was studying for midterms and writing papers on my
major in management information systems. I was about to earn a degree from the business school and I was busy interviewing for
jobs and preparing for graduation. With all those commitments, I put Rich Dad Poor Dad aside and eventually returned it to
Aaron, who was delighted to get it back.
Jeff usually handled the rejection pretty well. One particular time, however, he took it very hard. He, along with his identical
twin brother, Jon (who happened to have majored in the same subjects and scored the same GPA as his brother), were selected out
of 1,000 applicants to go through a meticulous screening process. Both had applied for a financial analyst position with one of the
Big Five accounting firms. They were interviewed about half a dozen times, and from the whole university, only Jeff, Jon, and
another person were selected to go to the company’s headquarters in San Francisco for a final interview. Gossip had it that once
you made it that far into the interview process you were in.
Jeff and Jon came back from the trip so nervous and excited that they could barely contain themselves. Finally, the phone
call came: Jon was offered a position in the financial/banking division. Jeff wasn’t.
I had never seen Jeff so emotionally down. Feeling lost, he kept asking me what he was going do with the rest of his life. He
had done everything society told him to do and he felt like a failure. Listening to the well-intentioned advice of others, he decided
to go to grad school to study business information systems. That way, he thought, his chances of landing a really good job would
improve. He took his GM AT, and was accepted into an excellent school. He would begin classes in the fall of 2001.
But I could not help but wonder if advanced schooling would help us. According to Robert Kiyosaki, more education would
probably throw us deeper into debt. We would be digging a hole of liabilities instead of building up assets. Plus, after grad school,
Jeff would probably get a corporate job and I hated my corporate job enough for the both of us.
One day I asked Jeff to sit down and listen as I read to him from Rich Dad’s Guide to Investing:
“‘Your first decision is to figure out in which quadrant you have the most chance of achieving long-term financial success.’…
Pointing to the E quadrant, I said, ‘You don’t have the expertise that employers will pay the big money for, so you’ll probably
never make enough money as an employee to invest with. Besides, you’re sloppy, you get bored easily, you don’t have a very
long attention span, you tend to argue, and you don’t follow instructions well. Therefore, your chances for financial success in the
E quadrant don’t look very good.’”
We looked at each other and knew we didn’t want to be employees for the rest of our lives. Neither one of us possessed the
traits of good workers. Jeff realized that grad school was not for him. Even though I was glad to have gotten a college education, I
knew that using it to climb the organizational ladder wasn’t for me. Concentrating on who we were and what we yearned for was
our goal.
Jeff and I became big Kiyosaki fans. We began to be so touched by rich dad’s down-to-earth approach to business and to life
that we quoted him. “Rich dad says…” became part of our daily vocabulary.
We Make Changes
I quit my job and we lived on our savings as we cut our expenses. We expanded our horizons and decided to go to any seminar
that came to town, no matter what it was. We bought (and keep buying) dozens of tapes about sales, finance, personal growth,
motivation, and business. Our end goal was clear: to own a business and to retire young and rich. However, like most things in life,
it wasn’t easy.
We started our first business, which dealt with cashflow. We would match up finance companies with small businesses that
needed quick cash. The start-up costs were about $7,000. And while it failed six months later and we lost about $10,000, the
learning experience was invaluable.
Unfortunately, we were running out of money.
“You’re crazy! You’ll never make it, go get a real job!” Our friends and family kept telling us to snap out of the “get-rich-
quick scheme” mind-set. It seemed anything but quick.
But we constantly reminded ourselves of two things. Rich dad said failure is part of the process of success. Deepak Chopra
said that success is a process, not a destination. That’s what kept us going.
Now I was beginning to understand why rich dad told Robert that preparing to be rich requires all the mental preparation
that someone climbing M ount Everest needs. Choosing to be rich and following through with it takes everything you’ve got. You
have to want it so badly that you’re willing to learn all the hard lessons that come along the way, no matter how difficult they are.
I have to admit that this period was a true test of character for me. M y personal obstacles—fear and laziness—would kick
in. Sometimes I considered getting a job and forgetting about retiring young and rich. Sometimes I thought I should just become a
homemaker and nag Jeff to find a job to support me. After all, I was a woman. I was raised thinking the man is supposed to take
care of the bills. Now and then, yearning for some sense of security, I would break down and cry.
In the beginning of our journey I had a very hard time not having a teacher inform me when my assignments were due and
when the test was. Sometimes I felt weird without a boss telling me what to do and when to do it. It’s funny how I had hated a
schedule set for me before, but now that I had none, I was lost. Learning self-discipline was tough.
Jeff announced his thoughts loud and clear.
“If we don’t figure out how to start our own business and just get regular jobs, we’ll bring in enough income to pay the bills.
But then what?” Jeff asked me. “We’ll just keep working forever, even when we get old. We’re in our twenties. Social Security
won’t be there to take care of us by the time we reach retirement age. We must figure out how to do what we need to do, while we
still have time… We can’t afford to take the ‘easy’ way out.”
I knew Jeff was right. Sooner or later, figuring out where the money was going to come from when we couldn’t, or didn’t,
want to work anymore was crucial. We were young. We could make a choice.
And we made it. We chose to not be employees. We would rather fail a thousand times than get up every morning for the
rest of our lives trapped in the rat race. We stopped wallowing in our failure and moved on, all the while keeping focused on our
goal to retire young and rich.
Rich dad said that most millionaires failed three times before they succeeded. We came to the conclusion that figuring out
what our next business would be was next on our agenda.
We Try Again
We thought that maybe playing more CASHFLOW 101 would help. It did. After a lot of rounds, we came up with a strategy to
get out of the rat race in the game. Our strategy was to first buy a little house with a small amount of passive income. Then, when
the right buyer came, we would sell the house and use the cash to buy bigger deals with more passive income. The bigger deals
would get us out of the rat race a lot faster than the small deals, but beginning with the small deals was necessary.
We advanced to playing CASHFLOW 202, where we realized that it was possible to buy capital gains deals, liquidate them,
and then use the funds to buy cashflow deals. Based on the games, we decided to use our newfound strategy in the real world. We
put two pieces together: lump sum of cash + real estate = flip. Our next move was to flip a house but we knew we needed
someone else on our team.
We wanted Jon to join us. We knew he was having a challenging time in the corporate world. Disenchanted by corporate
politics, he disliked the selfish, promotion-hungry attitudes portrayed in the corporate culture. He realized quickly that he was in
the wrong work environment and had to figure a way out.
Before Jon’s encounter with corporate America, he had also been reading Kiyosaki. Taking rich dad’s advice to heart, he
decided not to follow the spending habits of his peers. Despite abundant pressure from his surroundings, he rented a cheap place,
didn’t buy a car, packed his own lunch, and lived on one third of his income. He was able to save $20,000 in ten months. Jon
often reflected back on rich dad’s philosophy of “the rich don’t work for money” and “don’t be addicted to a paycheck” to keep
him motivated in his quest to cut his expenses and break free of the rat race. Jon and I often talked about the fact that no matter
how high up the ladder we got, we would still be employees with a higher salary.
Reading Kiyosaki, hating his job, and realizing how big of a bite taxes and expenses had on his paycheck, Jon decided to
rethink his plan to work at his job for five years. He decided to cut it down to a year and to learn as much as possible during that
time. To his surprise and delight, he was laid off after working for ten months.
Jeff and I tried to persuade Jon to join us before and after his layoff. However, he didn’t want to move back to Utah. Jon
loved living in San Francisco. He decided to start his own import-export business in the Bay Area by partnering up with a friend.
However, after a couple of months of market research and cost analysis, he realized his business would not be profitable. Now all
of us had failed businesses under our belt. Jon finally gave in to our pleas, and returned to Utah. Our business triumvirate was
formed. We were ready to buy real estate.
We tried bringing in a partner that could come up with the money (he would fix up the house after it was bought), but he got
too greedy and tried to take the house from under us. “How can I trust you? You’re too young,” was his parting shot after
offering $46,000 for the house.
By the time all this happened, we only had three days left to come up with a counteroffer of $50,000. We brainstormed and
pulled all-nighters and figured out a way that we could come up with the cash. We discovered that we could transfer advances
from our credit cards directly into our bank accounts. Instead of a cash advance rate of 19 percent, we’d be getting the 0 percent
transfer promotional offer for six months. We did it. We put Jeff’s, Jon’s, and my credit cards together and raised the cash. The
property was ours.
(Let me stop here and make something clear. I know that rich dad warns against using credit cards frivolously. We were very
careful when we decided to do this, and we examined meticulously the financial risks associated with this decision. I would not
recommend this strategy to anyone who doesn’t have the experience or financial literacy to make a decision based on this kind of
a risk-reward ratio basis.)
We bought the house for $50,000 and then put $15,000 worth of renovations into it. The house was appraised for $115,000
and we sold it three months later for $113,500. After paying off our credit card debt we kept the net profit as our seed capital.
However, according to rich dad, “buy and flip” properties are not a goal to strive for, since positive cashflow is the aim of a
property owner. So we were dealers, not investors. However, rich dad also says that “buy and flip” opportunities can help build
cash reserves for eventual investment in cashflowing properties. And that’s what we did.
We used some of that seed capital to put a down payment on another house in Salt Lake City that we rented out. We got a
really good deal on this particular property, which we bought for $159,900. Average monthly rents in the neighborhood, which
was in the yuppie side of town, were between $1,200 and $1,600. Since we fixed it up to prime condition, we were able to sign a
two-year lease for $1,580.
Here’s the breakdown on this single-family home (3,200 square feet with six bedrooms and four baths):
What We’re Doing Now
Our current strategy is to flip lower-end houses and to buy and hold mid-end houses like the one mentioned above. We have
figured out that in our particular market, we are able to buy lower-end houses at a discount, fix them and sell them at premium.
Plus, the smaller houses we can now buy for cash, so all the financing costs that would be taking money off of our bottom line are
eliminated. We then proceed to sell the lower-end houses in the less-affluent part of town to people who can’t find decent
affordable housing.
Because the lower-end houses do not spin off as much positive cashflow as mid-end houses do, we take each one on a case-
by-case basis. We run financials on each property—the prices vary from $50,000 to $150,000—and based on the numbers we
decide whether to sell or to hold. At this point we have purchased nine single-family homes, sold five, and kept four.
We get more money out of our properties than the rent market value because we market them very well. Plus we make sure
that the homes really look good so we end up renting to tenants who are willing to pay more—we average about 10 percent more
than the going rate. Factor in that we buy our investments below market value and you can see that we win on either side of the
ownership equation.
We also screen our tenants, checking their credit rating, references, and employment history thoroughly.
Here are the numbers for a duplex (2,500 total square feet with six bedrooms and three bathrooms) we just acquired:
Purchase price: $97,000
Cash put into property
Down payment: $9,700
Closing costs paid by us: $2,910
Repairs paid by us: $18,000
Monthly cashflow analysis
Rental income: $1,600
–Vacancy loss (5%): $80
Total income: $1,520
M onthly expenses:
–Taxes (property) and insurance: 192
–Repairs/maintenance: $96
–Reserve: $50
–Yard work: $25
–M anagement fee (10% of rents): $160
–Loan payment (30 years at 7%): $580.81
Net monthly cashflow: $416.19
Cash-on-cash return
Annual cashflow ($416.19 ×12) $4,994.28
Amount of cash put into property $30,610
Cash-on-cash return: 16.32%
Equity: $48,250
Appraised value: $95,000
Cash-on-cash return: n/a
Total appreciation: $47,000
We sold this house for $94,300. Our buyer got a grant from the city to pay for her closing costs, so we didn’t pay for them.
Expenses Income
*Civic $400 M om’s help: $250
Credit cards $253
**COBRA $285
**M edical $100
*Cell phone $80
Rent $400
Fixed Expenses
*Food $300
*Gas $100
*Other $200
Expenses: $2,118
–income $250
Total expenses ($1,868)
*Tax deduction
**Partial tax deduction
Assets Liabilities
Checking: M erced $230 Car loan $6,397
Jeff $524 Credit cards $12,478
Total $754 Cell phone $240
Savings: M erced $440 –total assets $1,274
Jeff $80 ($17,841)
Total $520
Total assets $1,274
Savings $65,000 Credit cards $1,500
Stocks 2,700 Car Loans 25,000
Trading account 18,500 School loans 0
Real estate 890,500 M ortgages 324,000
Assets subtotal $976,700
Cars $36,000
Jewelry 12,000
Other 15,000
Doodads subtotal $63,000
Total assets according to banker (Assets subtotal + doodads) $1,039,700
Total assets according to Rich Dad (Assets subtotal only, not adding doodads) $976,700
Total liabilities $350,500
Net worth according to banker (Total assets according to banker less total liabilities) $689,200
Net worth according to Rich Dad (Total assets according to Rich Dad less total liabilities) $626,200
an independent licensed mortgage broker who does deals with different banks. I’m really enjoying it, and I’m learning a lot that I
know will help our business. Amazingly enough, I have started making decent money doing mortgages and I certainly don’t mind
the extra cashflow. I don’t plan on being a loan officer forever, just long enough to hire the best mortgage advisor I can find. Being
as knowledgeable as possible is just plain smart.
Kiyosaki says to never fall in love with an investment vehicle. So, even though real estate is what we have started doing, we
do not want to limit ourselves. We want to become involved in business ventures of all kinds, as long as the numbers make sense.
Our goal is to buy and hold big real estate deals like apartment complexes and commercial buildings, not just in the United
States, but also internationally. Since Jeff and Jon are fluent in speaking, reading, and writing Japanese, we would like to do some
business with Japan. Jon also speaks Thai, so Thailand is also on our list. Both Jeff and Jon can read Chinese characters and they
want to expand our business there (especially since China has such a huge potential for business). Jeff and I speak Spanish, so we
also want to be involved in business ventures in Latin America.
I started applying Kiyosaki’s principles in my life when I was twenty-four. I am twenty-five right now. Jeff and Jon were
both twenty-eight, and as you can probably guess, they’re twenty-nine now. We started out with no assets on our balance sheet,
only liabilities. Our income statement had more outflows than inflows. Those outflows were mostly doodads. Our only source of
income was earned income.
In a year, we have bought over $1.25 million worth of real estate, and we have kept $890,000 of it. Now we have passive
income, portfolio income, and earned income. We are trying to follow Robert and Kim’s goal (when they first got started) of only
spending 70 percent of our income and putting aside 10 percent for investing, 10 percent for savings, and 10 percent for charity.
We don’t really spend on doodads anymore. We’re being frugal while we build our business, but once we have hit rich dad’s
definition of rich, we know we won’t have to be so frugal anymore. We’re still defining what retirement means to us, but I figure
that in five years we’ll know what it is.
Gen-X Alert
Jeff, Jon, and I know a lot of people our age whose lives were thrown into a tailspin when the dot.coms crashed. A lot of dreams
were shattered and feelings of security were replaced by fears about the future. If this happened to you, as it did to us, here’s the
most important thing to remember: Don’t let fear stop you from attaining what you think is lost
Facing fear every day means managing it. You can beat disappointment by holding on to that dream and attaining it in a new
way. Think about what you want, really listen to yourself, and then do it. Along the way, surround yourself with like-minded
people who will support you and not try to sell you something that doesn’t work, like 401(k)s. The biggest risk is doing nothing.
If it wasn’t for Robert Kiyosaki and his advisors, Jeff would probably still be in grad school, and Jon and I would be
working in the corporate world and hating it. We are so very grateful to have been pointed in the right direction! We know we still
have much more to learn, and that we still have many failures to confront before we reach our ultimate goal. But we’re excited and
we look forward to it. Thanks, rich dad!
Chapter 11
Change of Mind
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
M y vacation plans were simple: decompress on the pink sands of a Bermuda beach with my wife, Sue. It was 1999, I was tired,
and the last thing I wanted to do was focus on anything. Not even a book.
As it happened, Sue had asked some friends to recommend reading material for our trip. Rich Dad Poor Dad was one of
them. She bought a copy and tucked it in her bag. When our flight was delayed I caved in and opened the book. I read it at the
gate. I read it on the plane. When Sue begged me to accompany her to those glorious beaches, I said she’d have to wait until I
finished the chapter I was riveted to. After I finished reading the whole book, I started it over again.
How could I not, when the thrill of recognition ran up my spine? “That’s me!” I thought when Robert wrote that lack of
planning was the route to failure. That was my problem.
I felt sure that there was another way to secure the financial future for my family but I couldn’t figure out what it was. Yet
the clues were all around me. When I was a boy and my family would drive from New Jersey to Brooklyn to visit relatives, I’d
see signs advertising property for lease and wonder why. Now the answer was clear. Leasing meant money flowing in to the
owner of the property, month after month. I thought about neighbors who owned a day care center. Every two years they leased a
new car. Suddenly I understood: The car was a business expense. So were lots of groceries. “Duh—that’s what they’re doing!” I
exclaimed as I literally smacked myself on the side of my head. Things began to click because I was ready to comprehend them.
As soon as we got home I bought other Rich Dad books, tapes, and games. I was a sponge for this new and welcome
degrees in computer science from Rochester Institute of Technology. With all our combined education and experience—Sue found
success selling payroll services—the answer kept evading us. That is, until I found what I was looking for.
Instead of a one-way road to questionable financial security that I was supposed to follow because no other routes were
open to me, I was going to chart a new course to financial freedom. The Rich Dad map showed me that opportunities flourished
all around me.
Those properties were foreclosures. I went to the HUD and VA sites on the Internet to get a list. (I did find a better list,
which indicates all foreclosure proceedings, existed on the docket at the county courthouse.)
I purchased three foreclosed properties, all single-family homes in Pennsylvania, with equity in our home, along with money
from stock sales. (I know that a lot of people use equity to pay off debt, or to buy a boat or some other nonasset. We paid down
much of our debt so that our line of credit was almost fully available. Controlling debt means freeing up leverage.) All the deals
I’ve done to date have been with about 10 percent down of the asking price.
Here’s the breakdown on a couple of those houses:
–Repairs/maintenance: $0
–Reserve: $0
–M anagement fee: $0
–Loan payment (30 years at 8%): $575
Net monthly cashflow: $175
Cash-on-cash return
Annual cashflow ($175 × 12) $2,100
Amount of cash put into property $14,300
Cash-on-cash return: 14.6%
A New Way to Work
In the fall of 2001 I gave notice that I was leaving QVC to make a major career change. Because of the confidence I had gained
buying properties, I began working for the largest investment real estate brokerage firm in the country. Today I broker
multimillion-dollar properties to individuals and partnerships. The interesting thing is that although I lacked a background in
selling, I was hired because of my knowledge of the investment market as well as the goals and mind-set of the investor.
Frankly, everyone I knew, with the exception of Sue, thought I was crazy. How could I leave such a secure job to work for
myself—at real estate, no less? It was tough trying to explain that the job no longer held any excitement for me. After all, one
computer screen is pretty much the same as the next.
But, the naysayers pointed out, I had dabbled in my own businesses before, and they didn’t work out. Their unshakable
belief was that the stock market was the means to achieve financial security.
I didn’t see things that way. The past businesses didn’t succeed because they were jobs. I did start an ISP (Internet service
provider) in 1998 and it’s true that it went belly-up because the business systems weren’t in place. Basically, I moonlit as a
computer programmer, so I was self-employed, not a business owner.
But I don’t want to give the impression that no sweat was involved in this big change. The day I began I was ready to sell. It
didn’t happen that day. Or the next. Or for the next three months, either. Doubt started to creep in, and the mantra, “What did I
do? I haven’t seen a paycheck in months,” began to repeat itself in my brain. I reached for the phone, ready to call QVC, where I
had an open invitation to return.
Then I remembered Robert’s words: Analyze, don’t criticize. Don’t second-guess yourself. Taking a deep breath along with
a reality check, I told myself to hold on for a second. The company that hired me was solid. Opportunities were still out there. I
had my own track record to remind me that I knew what I was doing. Sue and I didn’t make a snap decision that I should take this
job. We discussed the pros and cons and agreed that it was the right move to make.
Sure enough, things began to change after that. I just completed a deal that will pay me more than I made in 2001 at QVC.
Four more deals are lined up behind it and more are in the works, including a twelve-unit apartment with laundromat. I am on pace
to quadruple my income within eighteen months of going into my new career.
Part IV
I believe that all kids are born rich kids and smart kids. All the young people in this section who sent their stories to me—a ten-
year-old girl living in Alabama, a thirteen-year-old boy in California, and two college juniors in Indiana who happen to be best
friends—are proof that it’s never too early to begin a financial education. Although Allison, Jake, David, and Michael are at
different points in their lives, they have something in common: Each one is finding his or her way toward financial freedom by
making choices about how to live and how to earn passive income.
Instead of feeling entitled to having money just handed to them, they are setting goals, achieving them, and creating income on
their own. Still in school, they are learning to take control of their lives.
Like me, they had teachers who helped them understand that getting a financial education never begins too early. Parents and
an innovative high school teacher provided the information that showed them that cashflow possibilities exist at any age. Allison
listened to her mother ’s Choose to Be Rich tapes in the car and had an idea for a moneymaking business. Jake watched his
parents invest in real estate using the Rich Dad information, and understood that there was no reason he couldn’t do it, too. David
and Michael, working toward their college degrees, not only applied a financial education to their own lives, but made it available
to others as well. Playing the CASHFLOW game in high school altered the way they looked at how they wanted to live, earn money,
and impact their society. They took that expanded view with them to college where they are applying it as well.
No one sat down with any of these young people and forced them to come up with a plan to make money. None of their
parents threatened to stop their allowance. Instead, the group was inspired by the Rich Dad information and created successful
ventures on their own.
Allison, Jake, David, and Michael received a head start on the road to financial security by grasping what was available to
them and then taking the next steps. They demonstrate that age does not matter when either starting a business or buying real
estate as an investment. Without hesitation— and without fear—they figured out what they wanted to do and then did it. Unlike
many adults, they haven’t been told year after year about what they can’t or shouldn’t do. Not being afraid to try and possibly fail
has brought them success to build on. They didn’t let anything or anyone stop them from accomplishing their goals.
All of them exhibit an entrepreneurial spirit willing to face challenges and take risks. To achieve their goals they are
sharpening their financial skills, boosting their entrepreneurial spirits, and having fun in the process. Already they understand the
difference between earning a salary working for someone else and building assets to give themselves financial security. Once they
read, or listened to, or played with Rich Dad information, they knew that opportunities beckoned and they were better able to
recognize them. They have an “I want to succeed” mentality.
Allison, Jake, David, and Michael are continuing to learn that:
• Allowances and gifts of money can be turned into assets that will make money.
• Investing in one’s future means investing right now. Immediate gratification is not as rewarding as future cashflow.
• Even though they are students, they live in the real world. They know about finances, assets, liabilities, and what they need
to do to become financially secure.
• Setting an example for others, and teaching them what they have learned, is an important part of life.
• Debt is nothing to be afraid of if it is good debt. They understand that borrowing to acquire an asset is good debt and is a
wise course because assets bring income. It is your money working for you.
• Giving back is one of the most important aspects of being rich.
They are a terrific sampling of the next generation of people who are already learning how to rely on themselves for financial
security, a powerful Rich Dad lesson that everyone needs to know. Beginning so early, investing time and effort to earn cashflow is
becoming natural for them. As you’ll see, they already know that all kinds of possibilities exist for them.
Energetic, thoughtful, and winning, they are an inspiration to anyone who has ever thought, “I wish I had the courage to do
that.” Their enthusiasm and “I can do that!” outlook is contagious. Read on and be inspired.
Chapter 12
Last year, my fourth-grade teacher asked my class to write a report about someone who inspired us. First I picked my mom and
then I picked someone who no one else in my class thought of: Robert Kiyosaki. I know a lot about what he says because my
mom plays his Choose to Be Rich and Rich Dad Poor Dad tapes in our car when she drives me and my younger brother to school,
the mall, or other places.
She also bought the CASHFLOW for Kids game. M y whole family played, including my brother, Eric, who once became a
millionaire before I did. He was seven at the time. Now he’s eight.
Listening to the tapes got me thinking about making money in a different way. M y $5 a week allowance, and sitting at the
corner selling lemonade after school on weekends and in the summertime, just wasn’t getting me enough money.
M y mom keeps teaching my brother and me to save our money to buy the things we want. A lot of times we would be in
stores and I’d see something I really, really wanted and asked to borrow from my allowance. And she always said, “No.”
I wanted extra money to spend. To make that happen I decided to start my own business. I was nine. I learn a lot in school,
but from the Rich Dad tapes and the game I saw that it’s possible to start your own business no matter how young you are.
First I sold rocks to the neighbors for aquariums and decoration. M y mom thought it would never work but I went door-to-
door and I did make some money. And like Robert’s rich dad and my mom told me, I kept track of what I spent and what I
Then I decided to sell candles. I made some for my third-grade Christmas party and liked doing them. I learned something
new along with being responsible for buying the stuff I needed to make them.
First I tried selling them door-to-door and on the street, but I wasn’t very successful. Then I decided to sell them on the
Web, where age doesn’t matter at all because nobody ever saw me.
I became a business owner. M y mom helped me set up a Web site. I made up business cards and handed them out at school
and at church. I bought what I needed by saving my allowance. As soon as I received an order I made the candles and shipped
them out.
M y start-up costs were between $20 and $30. So far I’ve made between $50 and $60. I’m doing so well that I now have an
assistant—my brother, Eric.
I feel like I can accomplish a lot more by listening to what rich dad says. Finding my own way to do things isn’t hard. I
know I can take something I like to do, turn it into a business, and make it work. I also understand that if I put my mind to
something I can accomplish it no matter what happens. I even got all As on my report card!
Chapter 13
Playing a
Winning Game
Venice, California
I just bought my first rental property, a single family home in Florida. Brand-new, it contains three bedrooms and two bathrooms.
In and of itself, that might not sound so unusual. However, I’m thirteen and a half years old. To me, investing in real estate makes
sense. When I tell you how I came to this conclusion, I think you’ll agree with me.
M y folks always supported me in my businesses and they’ve helped me learn about material cost versus selling price, how
labor costs affect profit (like the times my friends helped me at the lemonade stand and I paid them), and the importance of good
marketing and promotion.
In the fifth grade I started making custom candles. That year in school, candle making was an elective. I discovered that I
liked to create candles. Even better, I discovered that people liked to buy them.
One day, my parents and I were eating in a popular local restaurant when I noticed that every table held a candle. I saw an
opportunity and I asked the owner how I could help supply him with candles. We struck a deal for a monthly bulk order.
I borrowed about $500 from my mom to get started. I had to figure out whether making the candles by hand would be cost-
effective. Trying to determine how many I could make before school, after school, and on weekends was part of the process.
When I saw that making the candles myself wouldn’t be the best way to go, I did some research on the Internet and located a
candle supply company. Not only did I find a good source of finished candles, I found better supplies for my custom-made
candles, too. Whew!
Knowing a steady supply of finished candles was available, I went to other restaurants and talked to the owners. I offered
them incentives like free delivery. And yes, they listened to me and believed in my ability to fulfill my commitment, despite my
age. I didn’t disappoint them. Even when an unexpected glitch came my way, I didn’t panic. Once, after I placed my order, a
restaurant cut back on the number of candles. But I didn’t sweat it because candles don’t spoil. I was able to use the extras to fill
another order.
Recently I took my kit to our synagogue’s Hanukkah celebration, which was also a fund-raiser, and invited kids to make
their own candles. They loved it. I sold to their parents all the custom-made theme candles I brought with me, and I donated a
portion of what I received back to the synagogue. I know how important giving back is.
One year after receiving her loan I repaid my mom. The business brings in a profit of about $1,000 a year. M y dad set me
up with an accounting program on my computer so that I could keep track of my business and I show him regular financial
statements so we can know how I’m doing. I mentioned to my dad that I would like his bookkeeper to go through my books to
make sure that my financials are accurate.
M y most recent business venture was designing a graphic advertisement for my dad’s company. That was a very instructive
episode. I spent eight hours working on the piece and I earned really good money. M y salary was more than the candle business
generates in a year. But when I received my paycheck I couldn’t believe how much money went to taxes and how little was my
own. Even at my age, I knew there was something wrong with that.
That’s why I’m glad my parents, along with Rich Dad, are teaching me about becoming financially independent so I won’t
have to depend on a weekly paycheck. After watching my parents buy real estate over the past couple of years, I told them I
wanted to buy a rental property of my own so that I could be prepared for college and start to become financially independent.
– Repairs/maintenance: $0
– Reserve (cashflow will help to cover my expenses): $25
– M anagement fee (5% of rent): $56.25
– Loan payment (30 years at 6.5%): $670
Net monthly cashflow: $23.75
Cash-on-cash return
Annual cashflow ($23.75 × 12) $285
Amount of cash put into property $7,100
Cash-on-cash return 4%
Okay, I know this doesn’t sound like a lot, but this first property is similar to the first property my parents bought.
(Actually, I’m doing better, because that rental initially had a negative cashflow.) I see this purchase as a way to build cashflow
while the tenant pays the mortgage. And while the cash-on-cash return is just 4 percent (excluding appreciation and tax
advantages), my money is working for me and my property has potential for appreciation. The developer is now selling the same
home for $126,000. That’s over $14,000 more than I paid for my house.
If the house appreciates in the next two years as I anticipate, I can have the private mortgage insurance (PM I) removed,
which will increase the cashflow. Private mortgage insurance is additional insurance required by the lender on certain properties.
And over time I can raise the rent, which will produce more monthly cashflow as well. The passive cashflow I’ll receive
every month will help to take care of my expenses while I concentrate on school. Worrying about money won’t eat into my time.
If the house appreciates enough, I can refinance the mortgage and pull out cash to use for college expenses (another option would
be to take this money and buy another property). I just don’t see a downside to this kind of investment.
M y folks secured the loan for me, since I have no credit history or income (not enough to qualify for a mortgage anyway).
But my name is on the deed, along with my parents’ names. All the rental income will go into a separate account of my own and
all expenses will be paid out of this account. If any repairs or maintenance are necessary the money will be taken from the
positive cashflow.
Rich Dad taught me to invest in assets instead of buying doodads. And that’s exactly what I’m doing.
Chapter 14
We Want to H.E.L.P.
Junior Year, Indiana University,
Junior Year, Purdue University
Going to college is as much a privilege as an opportunity to find out what a person wants to do with his life. We view our
university years as an integral part of shaping our interests as well as providing the grounding we need in our chosen fields. But
we also received a pre-college education that served us before we ever left high school. Both of us were kid entrepreneurs. Now
one of us plans to create businesses after graduation. The other one already owns real estate. We’re normal guys who were
incredibly fortunate. We had a teacher who changed our financial lives. We met him in high school.
ripple effect. Those students could, in turn, teach kids about money. And they could do it in a way that was fun. This was a
stepping-off point for us, the beginning of our quest to help educate others in our communities about financial literacy,
entrepreneurship, and money management.
Lending a Hand
To do that we began a nonprofit organization called H.E.L.P., Inc., which stands for Helping Educate Lots of People. The
organization employs CASHFLOW for Kids to teach local children near college communities about money management, financial
literacy, and entrepreneurship. To make that happen, we do outreach programs at the Boys and Girls Clubs, Girls, Inc.,
elementary schools, the Indiana Department of Education Conference, national conferences, and high schools.
Chapters of the organization are in place at Purdue University, Indiana University, and Wabash University. Ball State
University and IUPUI (Indiana University and Purdue University of Indianapolis) are next. So far over 100 college students have
reached over 200 ten-, eleven-, and twelve-year-olds a year. We’ve found a really efficient way to make this happen. Ten
dedicated college students meet once a month to learn the game. They teach other college students, who, in turn, reach out to
children in the community. It’s a simple formula: Learn. Teach. Do.
How we arrived at this juncture reveals a lot about opportunities that exist for young entrepreneurs who want to build on
what they instinctively know. We want others to gain access to the information that was made available to us. Once they have it
they, too, will possess a terrific advantage for succeeding in life. Our stories will probably be familiar to lots of people—millions
of teenagers possess an entrepreneurial spirit. But unlike them, we got a helping hand that we want to pass on to others.
Growing up I always looked for business opportunities. By the time I was twelve, I collected aluminum cans for recycling while
my friends played basketball. By fifteen I worked as a busboy on Friday and Saturday nights at my grandmother’s country club.
(I still work shifts there when I go home during breaks.)
The spring of that year a friend, who had his own lawn mower, and I formed a lawn care service. The decision was easy. All
around our neighborhoods there were lawns, and a lot of people who owned homes either weren’t interested, or didn’t have the
time, to take care of them. We figured we could. To make the businesses work, I needed two things: a lawn mower, and the money
to buy it. I went to my sister, explained what I wanted to do, how much I could charge, and how many lawns we could tend over
a weekend and after school. I also promised to repay her within two months.
Convinced that I knew what I was doing, she lent me $500, interest free. I was able to repay the money in one month (but I
continually repay my sister in favors because I could not have gotten where I am today without her help).
To expand our market, we told teachers at the high school about our service. Someone referred us to a bed-and-breakfast, and
we worked for them, too. Then we branched off again, and were hired by landlords, home owners, and commercial entities.
Of course, there was one rather significant logistical problem. At fifteen, I was too young to drive, and I had to hire friends
to drive me from job to job. I bought the truck and hired my friends to drive it for four months. But as soon as I received my
license I drove the truck myself.
By my senior year in high school six friends worked for us. I paid them on the fifth and twentieth of the month on a per-
hour basis. The business grossed $40,000 over those years. I made one third of that in profit for myself, another one third of the
revenue went toward overhead expenses, and the remaining one third went toward labor. (Three months into the business my
partner quit. He did not want to be a part of the business anymore. Over the next couple of years, he really was upset at the
decision that he made to quit the business.)
I started looking for prospects to buy my business at the beginning of my freshman year at college. Three months into my
college career, I could not satisfy the customers’ demands, so they all began to look for new service providers.
I was going to sell the business to a landlord, the biggest client, for $200 a month for five years. But by the time we came to
an agreement, I had no customer list to sell. So, I ended up selling the equipment and truck for $1,500 cash.
This experience taught me the importance of using a qualified advisor to mediate during the selling process. As a matter of
fact, I learned to use advisors whenever I was unknowledgeable about a specific business process or procedure.
I also learned that a business can die in a period of three months if there is not a sufficient plan in place that will continue
offering superior service to customers. I learned that the Rich Dad philosophy can work, but it is challenging and requires a lot of
work, effort, and planning.
The profit from the lawn care business came in really handy because while my parents stressed the value of getting a good
education on my siblings and me they were also clear about who was responsible for paying for it. M y share of the profits from
the business, as well as the sale price, paid for my first year of college.
When I was seventeen I felt in control of my life for the first time. I realized that I wanted to be an entrepreneur, to create
businesses and live a life that I fashioned for myself, not one I tried to fit into. I’ll tell you, it felt great! M aintaining control is
both a responsibility and a challenge. Once goals are achieved new ones must take their place. Convincing people that a twenty-
year-old has credibility is not easy. But the effort is worth the rewards.
I used to swim in an ocean of ideas. Now I know how to build a boat to steer toward those ideas. That’s the information I
want to share with every person who thinks about possibilities but doesn’t know how to make them happen. For every young
man and woman who feels they are different from the mainstream, not destined to be chained to a desk all day, there is more than
hope. There’s a way to achieve your dreams and your freedom.
From 1989 until 1991 I ran the Slate Candy Store out of the entryway to our home. Seeing a need, I filled it. Kids like candy, but
the only place to buy it locally was at the convenient mart, and a lot of parents wouldn’t allow their kids to go there. It was too
far away and getting there required going along a main road instead of through neighborhoods.
I asked my mom if I could sell candy and she agreed. We went to Sam’s Club and she bought all kinds of stuff (I knew what
my friends and I liked so picking it out was easy). Once I told the kids at school what I was doing, word spread quickly. Soon
kids were lining up outside our house. M y formula was simple: I doubled the price of each piece of candy and I made a couple of
hundred dollars a month after paying for the candy until I gave up the business after a year. M y house was robbed and my mom
and I decided to quit selling candy.
By the time I was sixteen I transitioned to the digital age. I invested $1,000 (a gift from my grandmother) in my first
computer. With an Internet connection and AOL account, I set up a bunch of Web sites where companies paid me, based on a per-
click basis, to advertise their banners. Eventually the sites were getting 2,000 hits a day and I was raking in $800 a week. I made
several thousand dollars in about four months before the system was changed.
Now I will admit that in this pre–M r. Stephens time, I blew all my money on a car, a stereo system for the car,
entertainment, girls—the basic teenage list. But when I attended his class, I took all my ideas about being an entrepreneur and
glued them together. Finally, I understood how it was possible to become financially independent. M oney wasn’t just to earn and
The information I received not only pointed me in the investment direction I wanted to go toward, it helped to crystallize
my goals. I knew that after I graduated from college I would use the next five years to create passive income that would exceed my
expenses (like a mortgage, car payments, food, and so on). M y ten-year goal would be the ability to retire—not that I plan to do
To make that happen, I’ve already begun to invest in real estate.
$266,000 as the price, and 10 percent of it—$26,000—as a cash down payment. The $26,000 existed on paper only.
But then something else came to my attention. By putting 10 percent down I was required to pay for private mortgage
insurance (PM I), which is additional insurance required by the bank to help them sell the loan to another bank. The $120 monthly
PM I insurance fee seemed like money flushed away. Determined to avoid this payment, I figured out a way to put 20 percent
down. I talked the seller into carrying a second mortgage of 10 percent. He agreed and the private mortgage insurance disappeared.
Seeking the best terms, I talked to about five banks over the course of a month. All the people I dealt with were courteous
but one, more than the others, was willing to do whatever it took to get me the loan. I presented them all with mounds of financial
statements and paperwork, but this person was willing to support me—I was twenty at the time—and work every step of the
way to secure the loan. In my case, that included special approvals from the underwriter because of my income constraints. The
loan came through, a five-year ARM (adjustable rate mortgage) at 6.375 percent. This means for five years the interest rate is
6.375 percent. After five years the rate can up go or down depending on the current market. I would pay $1,300 a month.
(Although I would have preferred a thirty-year loan, which would have locked in a low interest rate for the entire term of the loan,
this was the only mortgage I could get. If the rate goes up after five years I may decide to refinance the loan.)
I called my friend David Hosei to help me analyze the financials. If I lived in one of the units I would have to pay about
$200 to break even. Here’s how we figured it:
Expenses included:
M anagement fee: $108 (6% of $1,800 with me living in one unit for $200/month)
Lawn mowing or snow plowing fees, which varied
Insurance (property): about $50
M inor electric fees
For $151 per month I could live in a luxurious apartment and own the building. It was a go.
After securing the loan, I was informed that closing costs were about $6,000, which meant about $2,000 out of my pocket,
plus the one point due to the bank, a number that represented 1 percent of the loan, or $2,600. The amazing thing is this: When I
got to the closing I only had to pay $625. It seems that the seller was responsible for more taxes than the lender had originally
quoted to him.
M y mortgage payment didn’t start until the month after I closed on the property. This gave me $1,800 from rents to
deposit in my bank account. I am saving this amount in case of emergency repairs and to cover the months when units may be
After I graduate I will move out and rent that top unit for $625. At that point my passive monthly cashflow will be $440.
Here’s the breakdown:
$595 for bottom apartment + $25 water + pet money (if applicable)*
$595 for bottom apartment + $25 water + pet money (if applicable)
$625 for top apartment + $25 water + pet money (if applicable)
$625 for top apartment + $25 water + pet money (if applicable)
$2,540 rents (management fee, 6% of this number = $152.40)
–$2,100 mortgages, expenses, plus or minus $100 depending on how much snow we get
$440 monthly passive cashflow
*The charge for pets is $25 a month. Tenants pay an initial $200 deposit if they own a pet; $100 is nonrefundable.
Cash-on-cash return
Annual cashflow ($440 × 12) $5,280
Amount of cash put into property $625
Cash-on-cash return: 845%
As far as the property appreciating, investment properties are appraised based upon the amount of income they generate.
Therefore if the rent goes up, then most likely the property value will go up, too. I know the property will appreciate because a
small shopping center is being built right across the street. Location always counts, whether you’re selling candy or selling real
I look at the investment this way. I only put $625 of my own money into this deal, which gives me a terrific place to live
and potential passive cashflow. Presently, based upon the appraisal, I have $26,000 worth of equity; by the time I graduate that
amount may increase. I plan to use some of this to buy more property.
There is another aspect to this purchase, which I think is important to bring up. I heard a whole lot of critical comments
from friends and relatives about investing in real estate at the age of twenty-one. Several people made a point of telling me that I
would be fixing leaky toilets and dealing with unbearable tenants. When would I study my major, computer science, much less
anything else?
The reality is that the property is fully managed by a trustworthy company. Everything from renting the units to dealing
with tenant issues (like nonpayment of rent and complaints) to mowing the lawn is their responsibility. While the management
company doesn’t pay for services like lawn care, they do supervise them and make sure that everything looks great. All I do is
open financial statements every month. I don’t even have to go to the bank because my check is deposited directly into my
In addition to going to school and earning our degrees, we are also working toward our goals of financial independence. We
constantly look for and analyze opportunities by scanning the classified ads and by listening to things our peers talk about.
The financial information we were taught put what we were doing, as well as what we could do, in perspective. It gave us a
vision of how life can be. Every day we wake up with the amazing feeling of being in control. We feel rich right now. M ost of all,
this is the experience we want to share with others.
We know lots of people who aren’t realizing their potential because they’re afraid to do anything other than their “subject.”
To them, and to everyone else, we want to say this: Do not be afraid. Go after your dreams. Believe us, there’s nothing else like it.
We know lots of people who aren’t realizing their potential because they’re afraid to do anything other than their “subject.”
To them, and to everyone else, we want to say this: Do not be afraid. Go after your dreams. Believe us, there’s nothing else like it.
Part V
A New Way to
Do Business
My rich dad taught me that getting a financial education is important for everyone. For people who deal in monetary matters like
tax consulting financial planning and running their own businesses, sharing the power of financial literacy is especially important.
Often, men and women whose work involves advice about dealing with personal finances tell me how the Rich Dad
information has changed their point of view about their own financial future, as well as how they deal with their clients. It’s not as if
these professionals weren’t paying attention to their businesses. They put in long hours and concentrated on doing the best they
could for their clients. They dealt with finances as they had been taught but they weren’t getting the returns they wanted. Where their
own financial futures were concerned, the same problem existed.
When they started educating their clients with the Rich Dad information, their clients started taking control of their financial
lives and the client/advisor roles became stronger and more profitable.
With Rich Dad, their perspectives about money matters shifted. By re-educating themselves to think like rich people, they not
only altered how they did business to give their clients better financial positions, they altered how they handled their personal
finances as well. While many professionals fear that educating their clients may mean losing them, these professionals can clearly
demonstrate that by educating their clients not only has their relationship improved, these clients are more likely to become long-
term clients because their advisor invested time in them through education—not just their money.
In this section you’ll meet Tom Wheelwright, an experienced accountant in Arizona who is affiliated with Diane Kennedy, one
of the Rich Dad’s advisors. You’ll read how Tom and his partner, Ann Mathis, approached financial matters so that their clients
and their employees could secure strong financial futures. They also applied the Rich Dad information to their own lives by making
investments in assets they hadn’t considered before and expanding their business in new ways.
You’ll also read Brian Eagleheart’s story. Like me, Brian is a Marine Corps veteran (as I write this he is involved in the war
in Iraq). A financial consultant living in Oregon who floundered with a significant amount of debt, Brian used the Rich Dad books
to teach himself a new way to plan finances. He not only helped his clients to get on the road to financial freedom, he reduced his
personal debt and increased his monthly cashflow as well as his donations to charity. He took control of his financial life, which
fueled his independence. His story is so compelling he told it in one of the Rich Dad infomercials.
People who run their own businesses send us stories about taking financial control, too. In this section you’ll meet Michelle
LaBrosse, a successful business owner in Connecticut who revamped the way she ran her company based on Rich Dad books and
tapes. The lessons she learned and applied had to do with basics that a lot of people tend to ignore. Rich Dad talked often about
how important it is to pay oneself before paying bills. In Michelle’s case doing so made an enormous difference in how her business
functioned and grew.
Terri Bowersock is another successful business owner. Based in Arizona, Terri built her local furnishings business into a
nationwide multimillion-dollar company. Her success, combined with her personal story of overcoming a learning disability,
earned her coverage by a number of national magazines and appearances on national television shows. Still, Rich Dad presented
Terri with new possibilities for wealth that she hadn’t known about. Her story is a terrific example of understanding that new
opportunities are always available—no matter how successful a person already is.
If you are either a financial consultant or a business owner who wants to see improved results, as well as build personal
wealth, take good note of what Tom, Brian, Michelle, and Terri have to say. By teaching others financial literacy, they strengthened
their own financial future as well as that of their clients and their businesses. Their Rich Dad experiences are terrific examples of
financial successes that continue to grow.
Chapter 15
First of all, my partner, Ann M athis, and I want everyone to know that we are outside accountants for the Rich Dad company. So
saying we are gung ho about the information available to us might sound obvious. But it’s not. Even with our financial educations
and backgrounds—we both earned master’s degrees in taxation and there is a lot of experience between us—we found a new
perspective about money and investing since we’ve become involved with the Rich Dad folks. The change has been profound, for
us, our employees, and for our clients.
Ann and I became business partners about two years ago but even before we joined forces we were looking for a way to
teach financial literacy to our clients. Separately and then together, we felt that the more people knew, the better we could serve
As it happened, Diane Kennedy, one of the Rich Dad’s advisors, was looking for assistance for her ongoing clients so that
she could concentrate on marketing her book, Loopholes of the Rich. At the same time we were seeking some help in marketing our
tax and accounting service. Before Diane met with us she asked us to read Rich Dad Poor Dad. Immediately, we took a liking to
the Rich Dad philosophy. After Diane invited us to play CASHFLOW 101 with her, we were hooked.
Ann and I found that as we played the game together, we became better business partners. We were always in tune with one
another, but using the language of Rich Dad provided us with an even more efficient way to exchange ideas and information for
investing and forming other strategic business plans. Confronting “risks” in a safe environment, using pretend money, and the
foresight to know how things can turn out, makes risk management a lot easier. Using the deal cards, which show how to evaluate
risks over and over again, makes it less frightening to take a chance. Very soon it’s possible to look at a card, assess where
potential jeopardy lurks, and decide what to do. It’s an extremely freeing mental exercise.
Consequently, making good decisions quickly and efficiently became our norm. At times, people expressed amazement at
how effortlessly we decided to expand our business. While we were never averse to taking risks, we found that we were able to
evaluate them better. The effect on our business has been profound. We’ve doubled the number of our employees in the last year
because our business continues to grow.
Our employees play the game with us on a regular basis. All of them, including several that are not highly paid, are now real
estate investors, a possibility they had not previously considered. Some teach the game. Ann and I wholeheartedly embrace the
Rich Dad work philosophy: Go to a job because you love it, not because you need the check.
We also play the game with our clients every month. Actually, we insist that the first step to financial planning is playing
the game even if doing so sounds silly to them. We tell them that participating will expand their outlook on finances more than
anything else they can do. Our view is that the game is an excellent tool that teaches accounting principles, tax strategies, general
investing, and financial management. Our clients, who find the game very instructive, love it.
The first time they play, their strategy often mirrors their own investment outlook. But by the second or third time they
take part, they see alternative ways to invest. This moves them to transform the way they look at money and investments.
There’s another maybe even more powerful benefit. Time and again, those couples who play the game together report back that
their personal relationships have grown stronger.
Our clients trust us with their money and we love being able to give back to them a way to expand their financial horizons.
The positive changes we see in their lives inspire us to keep doing more for them.
The ripple effect doesn’t stop there. Recently we invited one of our stockbroker friends to play with us. Watching him, it
seemed apparent that he was unhappy with the results he was getting. By the look on his face when he was leaving, we were
concerned that we would never see him again.
Just over a month later, he called to report that he had just closed on his first property and attributed this investment to
playing the game with us.
We’ve observed similar changes when we play the game with parents, siblings, spouses, and children. Sam Wheelwright,
thirteen years old, plays the game with family and friends. Frequently he talks about acquiring properties in the future and not
becoming an employee. A natural at doing deals, he says that he is learning what he excels at and implementing that talent will
help him become rich in the future.
Over and over again we’ve seen that kids get out of the rat race faster than their parents do because they’re not afraid to try
something new. Fresh minds not worn down by cynicism and worry grasp opportunities in record time.
on what you want, not what you need. The rest will follow.
Chapter 16
A New Strategy
Portland, Oregon
By the time I was twenty-two I teetered at the edge of a financial precipice. One big blast of wind, and I would be blown over
into a deep money pit that I’d never be able to climb out of.
A whopping $60,000 in debt, a staggering combination of college (I graduated from Portland State University with a dual
major in business administration/finance and African studies) and car loans plus some reckless consumer spending threatened to
overwhelm me. The awful sensation of being at someone else’s mercy haunted me. The situation seemed more than a little ironic,
too. I was living paycheck to paycheck while working as a financial consultant.
Up to this point I had lived my life a certain way and followed the rules as they were set before me: Get as fine an education
as possible or learn a trade. Seek a good job and work hard at it. After earning a bachelor’s degree I followed the path shown to me
and ended up running into a lot of financial trouble. Sadly, I was very familiar with this route. When I was growing up my family
didn’t have any money so it wasn’t surprising that I was clueless where creating, using, maintaining, or respecting money were
Still, I felt that no matter what happened I could get by even as I sought a way out of what promised to be a long haul.
Then, in the summer of 2001, a colleague recommended Rich Dad’s CASHFLOW Quadrant to me. It didn’t take me long to
realize that I was on to something very important. I had enlisted in the United States M arine Corps after college and I knew about
the process of following directions and getting results. As in the military, Rich Dad’s material provided a simple, effective, and
efficient strategy that anyone from any background could learn, implement, and get positive results from. I was amazed at how
easy the steps and exercises were and, later on, the incredible results they yielded.
Rich Dad’s Retire Young, Retire Rich was next on my reading list. I ordered the Choose to Be Rich course and by November I
had done all the exercises and filled in all the financial statements. This process proved invaluable. I could clearly see where I was
—and was not—financially.
What particularly intrigued me about the course was the information on how to leverage both the strengths as well as the
weaknesses of all kinds of investments. The disastrous events of September 11 accelerated my sense of urgency and recognizing
that I was on the right track. I picked up Real Estate Riches by Dolf de Roos and used the Rich Dad’s Road to Riches (6 Steps
Real Estate) course. I also attended a one-day seminar, featuring the Rich Dad’s advisors, in Arizona. That’s where I clearly
understood that: a) I could choose to be like everyone else who carried heavy debt for years, or b) I could choose to turn my
situation around to my advantage. And I could do it fast.
About two months after beginning the Choose to Be Rich course, I started to take control of my life. I restructured my
current financial situation and without changing my budget I was able to save $400 more a month and start giving $200 to charity
by following the “How to Get Out of Debt” formula.
I can say with total honesty that taking control was the most powerful and fulfilling feeling I ever experienced. At that point
I knew I was the captain of my own ship that was sailing toward the future I always dreamed about, a world filled with things to
do and see. Life offers so much, and using time wisely is the best way to take advantage of it. Putting my life on hold while I paid
old bills wasn’t an option any longer.
Change Happens
Facing personal obstacles isn’t easy, but it’s a mighty powerful feeling when you manage them instead of the other way around.
First, I confronted a bad habit, which was buying into the negative attitudes of colleagues because I worried what they would
think about me. With mostly good intentions, more than a few people expressed their views that what I planned to do, namely
end my slow pace in the rat race, was foolish if not destructive. But my awareness that getting ahead financially and changing the
quality of my life, even with a good job, was impossible without major interventions, superseded their reservations.
When I explained my newfound definitions of assets and liabilities, my credibility was compromised. That was tough to
take at first, but I knew, deep inside, that the Rich Dad information was right.
With fresh perspective, my head cleared and I gained focus. Whereas pre–Rich Dad I thought risk involved investing money
or taking an action without knowing what the outcome would be, now I recognized that risk could mean being informed and
financially literate but still not taking action. Not taking any action to change my situation was a mistake. It was time to act.
First I opened a money market account and built up savings of $2,000. This short-term reserve would be shown to mortgage
lenders if necessary. Then I followed the recommendation of Dolf de Roos and began to search for properties. I heard more than
my share of, “You can’t do that here.” I countered with, “The properties are out there. They are waiting for me to find them.”
Highly motivated, I looked at seventy-five properties in the Portland area and ran numbers on thirty of them. Out of these I
found three or four good candidates and talked to property managers about them. One property, in addition to showing good
numbers, also carried a tax abatement. I had found my first real estate investment property. I purchased the single-family
residence in November 2002.
(Please don’t get the idea that I am a one-man show. I put a team together to help me. It consists of a tax advisor, a real
estate agent, a property inspector, and a personal attorney. I asked friends and acquaintances for referrals. I made use of the time I
spent as an intern in a local bank and asked people who worked there about real estate agents and investment properties.)
With this first acquisition I moved from being a purely limited paper investor—I lost $5,000 in the stock market—to being a
real estate investor. I’m on a learning curve to building my wealth as I learn and boost my confidence even more. I’m twenty-five
—and I don’t want to wait any longer than I have to. I estimate two more years of self-employment and that within five years I
will be able to live off my passive income and concentrate on investments. That plan includes attending business school in 2004
to earn my M BA.
Before taking control of my financial life I imagined I would retire at fifty or fifty-five. With no genuine game plan for the
future, I figured, rather naively, that I would count on my schooling and intelligence to pull me along. I’m so relieved to say that I
know better. Now I have a realistic plan in place that will allow me to retire at age thirty with a better standard of living that will
constantly increase.
Additionally, I provide better financial planning for my clients using information I never heard of in business school. By
recommending that they use the Rich Dad books and products, I give them the mechanism they need to get where they want to
go. When they see that so much is available to them, they take advantage of them, too.
There’s been another business change that reflects the difference in my financial perspective. I’ve shifted from one-time fees
to services that earn me residuals. I understand that passive income keeps paying, whether I’m sitting at my desk in Portland or
sitting on a beach in Tahiti.
I use financial statements that I update at least weekly, which makes all the difference in the world. This simple management
tool allows me to track my money as it comes in and goes out. All the guesswork about “Where did my money go?” is gone for
The biggest lesson I’ve learned is that now, as well as in the future, a person must be financially literate. I believe, as Robert
does in Rich Dad’s Prophecy, that a very dark and impoverished future is awaiting those who do not take charge of their financial
lives right now. In the next decade a record number of baby boomers will be retiring and aging, spiking the need for medical care,
which will likely remain expensive. That same population has already seen their 401(k) bubble burst, along with a decline in the
value of their personal stock investments. M illions of people aren’t saving enough for their retirement years and Social Security
payments are not going to give them the financial cushion they will need.
But there is a choice. The average person—like me—can take control of his finances by deciding to do so. I’ve moved away
from the edge of the financial pit and found solid ground. The magic to getting results and increasing the quality of life lies in the
desire to change and the willingness to follow Rich Dad’s simple strategies to becoming wealthy. This stuff works!
Chapter 17
Fast Learner
East Hartford, Connecticut
“Rich Dad saved my life.” I said this to Sharon Lechter when I met her at a Women Presidents Organization meeting this year and
I meant it.
I had read the Rich Dad books and listened to the books on tape. The material basically gave me the guts to stop focusing on
the bill collectors, which was a huge turning point because I put my focus on building my business rather than placating the bill
collectors. When you spend a portion of every day consumed by how you’re going to pay your bills, it’s difficult to focus on
how to best build a business.
Also, the Rich Dad books emphasized creating the processes and getting other people to do them. I had not delegated well
prior to reading those books but after reading them, I realized the only way for me to grow was to learn how to let go. I also
learned that I did really need to learn how to sell and made it a priority to develop mastery in sales. It’s never any one thing that
makes people successful, and the material presented in Rich Dad Poor Dad provided the elements that were missing in my ability
to be successful.
Still, failure is a part of every success story. M y adventures in business prove that this is true. Rich Dad helped me see
what abilities I still needed to be successful. By focusing on my business, learning to delegate, and learning to sell, I was able to
grow my business from $25,000 in year one to $250,000 in year two to $2.5 million in year three, all accomplished as a single
had developed and taught over a year while a research scientist for the large aerospace company As was the case with many start-
up companies, I was forced to bootstrap the initial funding. Credit card cash advances, along with the $40,000 I had saved in a
401(k) during my two and a half years as an employee, provided the money I needed. The first six months were a real struggle, a
déjà vu of 1995 through 1997 when I was first on my own after being divorced. M y daughters and I learned to live on a shoestring
—there was no room for extras.
In November 2000 my brother suggested that I read Rich Dad Poor Dad. I did—and it saved my life. I immediately read the
other Rich Dad books. Failure was about to take a back seat to success.
happen that would prevent me from reaching a goal. Then I had to figure the impact on reaching the goal if in fact that negative
event occurred.
Today, risk to me means jumping into a business area that I know nothing about and sinking a ton of money into it before
I’ve learned how to create the system that will work. Rich Dad helped me see how to systemize my due diligence in opening a
new business. This helps minimize the risks. I use a five-tiered approach to reduce risk:
1. Concept. This is the opportunity, the size of the market, strength of competitors, and cost to develop products.
2. Development. Here I take the “cookie cutter” approach, and look for an already existing model or formula that will fit.
3. Product Launch. This is the early marketing stage to ascertain what people do and don’t like about the product.
4. Market Launch. This is the time when sales and marketing implement what has been learned.
5. All Systems Go. The know-how to sell and market the product is in place, but the process doesn’t stop there. Constantly
improving the product is part of it, too.
On a Personal Note
Perhaps most significantly, on a personal level, my relationship with my family has changed, too. Years ago, when my big dreams
fueled my business aspirations my family thought I was, well, nuts. I was a single mom and my family felt responsible for me.
Also, my mother’s father had been an entrepreneur, and she remembered the boom-and-bust years very well. Now I’m regarded as
a mentor.
While they still think I’m crazy, they are in awe of what I’ve managed to do over the past two years. Better yet, they are
actively supportive, each in his or her unique way.
M y goals include selling my businesses within the next five years, allowing me to retire. Nonetheless, I never really think in
terms of retirement. I am doing what I love to do, enjoy the free use of my time, and go on vacation wherever I want, whenever I
want. I love having more time to spend with my children. Yet I am continually excited about the pursuit of new goals.
My Lessons
I learned to develop the skills I needed so that what I love can bring me a ton of money.
I stay focused and created monetary goals for myself.
There is no such thing as job security. The only security I will ever attain must be developed from learning how to
successfully run my own business.
Don’t give up. If one venture fails, I’ll know what it takes to do it better the next time.
Find out what I need to be successful and set up my own rules.
Be who I am.
Surround myself with people who support me and can give me good advice.
Remember that success drops clues. Follow the trail.
I can start being smart anytime I want to. (The flip side applies, too. I can stop being stupid anytime I choose.) I can turn
failure into success.
Chapter 18
No Limits
Tempe, Arizona
I met Robert Kiyosaki five years ago at a conference where we were both speakers. Listening to what he had to say, I related to
Robert because we both had experienced problems in school. I had trouble reading and spelling. Second, I realized that I had to
make changes in my business. When I returned to my office I told my CEO about what I had heard and suggested that he read
Rich Dad Poor Dad. Then I said, “We need to own buildings.”
Before I heard about Rich Dad I thought that all I had accomplished was the best I could do. Rich Dad showed me that life
had an even bigger picture for me. To show you just how amazing that is, you should know that I’m the founder and owner of
Terri’s Consign & Design Furnishings, a nationwide company that sells all kinds of new and used furniture. I had already come a
long way and achieved quite a lot of success. Rich Dad helped me to go places I couldn’t have imagined.
person to read it. Then I signed my name. Presto! I was in business! I set up a bed in the back of the store.
I talked my mom into giving me her living room furniture along with my childhood bedroom furniture. M y first sale at
Terri’s was the mirror from my set. When the buyer said, “I’ll take it,” I was so thrilled that she had to remind me to add in the
sales tax.
From that first sale in 1979, Terri’s Consign & Design Furnishings grew into a multimillion-dollar-a-year business. With
sixteen stores, it is the largest consignment furniture chain in the country. These 20,000 square foot stores are filled with new and
gently used fine furnishings from homes like yours, as well as from estates, model homes, and liquidations. And I kept my
promise to M om. It is not Sanford & Son.
Word of the company’s growth spread like wildfire, aided by my inspirational speaking, which let people know that if I
could do it, so could they. As a result of the increased exposure, I began winning national awards including one from Inc. magazine
for the 1992 Retail Entrepreneur of the Year. In 1994 I won the Blue Chip Enterprise Award from the U.S. Chamber of
Commerce. In 1998, I was given the Avon Woman of Enterprise Award. That award, along with a story about me in the National
Enquirer, led to an appearance on The Oprah Winfrey Show. So perhaps you can see why I thought that I had reached the pinnacle
of my success.
But when I heard what Rich Dad had to say I not only realized that many more opportunities beckoned, I realized that I
could take advantage of them. Pre–Rich Dad I paid cash for everything, including rent, equipment, and trucks. With Rich Dad I
learned how to leverage what I had so that it could be used to create cashflow.
Part VI
Life-Changing Events
One of the most profound lessons my rich dad taught me was to master the power of money and not be afraid of it. Many people
become slaves to money because they are afraid of not having enough of it. To try to combat that fear they seek high-paying jobs.
Instead of figuring out how money can work for them, they work for money.
He also told me about people who lived in poverty. Fear of and ignorance about money troubled them, too.
In this section you’ll meet people from both sides of the fear coin: those who earned a lot of money and one who didn’t work
at all. All of them used Rich Dad information as a way to overcome their money fears to build strong financial futures.
First, you’ll read how a woman overcame amazing odds. Stacey Baker, who lives in New Zealand, lived in poverty for part of
her life, grew up only to go on welfare, and seemed to have few, if any, prospects for improving her financial life. Yet, she used the
Rich Dad resources to take control and create cashflow. Her story is a great example of showing how it isn’t necessary to have
money to make money. Financial literacy, on the other hand, is necessary and helps you see opportunities right in front of you.
In contrast to Stacey’s inspiring story, I’ve received e-mails from people who spent years building their careers because the
power of money, to them, came from an ever-increasing paycheck. Job security was enormously important, as were promotions
and perks. But they came to realize that their behavior was driven by the fear of not having enough money. They recognized that
pay raises weren’t the formula for financial security. The more money they earned, the more they spent. The more successful they
became, the busier they were, resulting in less and less time for their family and friends. They couldn’t rely on the money they made
to sustain them when they eventually retired. For one thing, they were spending a lot of it because they assumed there would always
be more. For another, they did not have assets that would create cashflow that could support them. Their physical body was their
only asset.
When they learned through Rich Dad how to acquire assets that would provide them with long-term cashflow, they changed
the way they thought and behaved. The fear of not having enough money evaporated. Worries about job security and debt were
replaced by confidence about steady cashflow provided by assets.
In this section you’ll meet Yong-Sik Shin, a dedicated corporate employee in Korea whose concern about money is combined
with his frustration over the difficulty in advancing in his company. With Rich Dad as his guide, he sets his sights on different goals,
starts his own business, and discovers that he can control his finances. His finances don’t control him any longer.
Here, too, is California resident Ronald Hoard, right on the edge of retirement. Big salaries were a constant in his
professional life but as he neared fifty he began to take stock of his financial future. The Rich Dad information gave him the
financial education and the self-confidence he needed to plan for the years ahead. For anyone whose previous investments have
disappointed him or her and who’s concerned about being able to retire, follow how Ronald, helped by Rich Dad, took control of
his financial security.
Finally, Michael Maritzen, who also lives in California, tells his amazing story. A highly paid corporate executive who had
everything—including a lot of debt—he totally reconstructed his financial life. In his case, his biggest motivation was surviving one
of America’s most catastrophic events.
If you do not want to work hard for the rest of your life, no matter where you live, or what your financial circumstances are,
you, too, can take charge of your financial education and change your life.
Chapter 19
Greener Pastures
Auckland, New Zealand
Not very long ago, my self-description would go like this: thirty-year-old high school dropout, single mother, welfare recipient.
Stuck in the bad habit of what I called “poor think,” I feared change because I didn’t know any better. Struggling to get out of an
emotional and financial maze, I lived a demoralizing life.
But I was lucky because I discovered Rich Dad knowledge about what was possible financially, even in my dire straits.
Paying attention changed my situation. M y confidence grew so that I could consider, and act, on new and exciting options.
Today I own a thriving medical practice and two rental properties. I choose not to work. Instead, I prefer to construct a
financially secure life for my son and myself while we enjoy ourselves along the way.
highest mark in the subject. Of course, I still failed all my classes. I couldn’t stand school. To me it was irrelevant, a joke.
M y ambitions were as narrow as the lines on a highway. When a teacher asked me what I wanted to do after I left school, I
told her I wanted to be a truck driver. But I did have a fallback position. If my first choice didn’t work out then I could always get
a job in a factory. I didn’t even make it that far.
At sixteen I dropped out of school and became a mail sorter for New Zealand Post. I figured that was as good as it was going
to get. The world was closed to me.
time the clinic always earned a tidy profit.
In 2002 my partner offered me her share of the business because she wanted to try a totally different lifestyle. M y partner
wanted $252,000. The business manager took on 25 percent of the business share as an incentive. We bought my partner’s share
with vendor financing, so we didn’t have to come up with the money ourselves. Instead, we used profits from the medical
practice. I now own 75 percent of the business. I do not spend time on the premises, as I am not medically trained. Instead, I
attend to my next venture, investing in real estate, which, as Rich Dad says, is a great way to get cashflow.
Cash-on-cash return 29.6%
On top of that, the software I use calculates depreciation into the equation. At the end of year I claim a depreciation loss
and receive a tax rebate, which actually raises my monthly cashflow.
In 2003 the property was appraised at $235,000.
The second house contains two bedrooms and cost me $105,000.
My Team Is on My Side
As Rich Dad suggests, my team is composed of experts in their areas who provide the detailed information I need. In this instance
my limited education works in my favor. I figure I don’t know anything about real estate investments so I hire people who do. I
ask a lot of questions and they take the time to explain things to me. Therefore, my risks are minimized.
M y team, which evolved, consists of:
• Property consultant (also a mortgage broker), who double-checks each deal for me.
• Real estate agent, who knows what I’m looking for and helps me find properties that fit my criteria.
• Building inspector, who checks the properties for building standards and informs me if any repairs are needed.
• Building valuer, who tells me exactly what each property is worth.
By the way, I still can’t manage basic addition and subtraction, let alone the times tables. But I own quite a good calculator.
So I guess you could say that I take calculated risks!
M ore seriously, understanding the difference between good debt and bad debt has contributed to the enormous difference in
my life. I’ve learned from Rich Dad that good debt means buying assets that I never have to pay for and bad debt means buying
doodads that lose value the minute I pay for them. Understanding this concept has brought me to a wonderful place. I have never
been so well off.
M aking the right choice and building from there is the formula I used to get me from where I was to where I am. And I’ll tell
you, I’d much rather be where I am now.
Chapter 20
A Winning Strategy
Seoul, Korea
For years I had no source of income other than my salary and incentives. I received a bonus annually, at the year’s end. It was
calculated on the annual returns of the company, regardless of the employee’s individual performance. The bonus normally
amounted to 100 percent or 200 percent of my monthly pay.
M oney provided a means to support my family in the present. But the future was a lot murkier. I wanted to make
investments but I thought I could not afford them. Putting aside part of my salary for savings and a pension were the best I could
do to protect my family from unforeseeable danger. So I deposited 30 percent of my salary and used part of it to repay a housing
loan. I got the loan to lease a house for my family. Like so many others, we wanted to live in a better neighborhood, which would
mean better education for our girls and finer living conditions for all of us. I am thirty-seven years old and my wife and I have two
young daughters. But money problems existed, too. During one jobless period that lasted six months, I had to rely on a personal
line of credit from the bank.
Where my views on my job and workplace were concerned, I believed that if I worked hard enough I would eventually
become an executive before retiring at age sixty. I worked in the computer-game-related software industry since 1994. I had also
been employed by both a large company and a venture business, working mostly in either the strategic planning or sales
management departments. The strategic planning department concerned activities such as project development, examination
(business analysis or managing business unit performance), and public relations (public-investor relations)
Like many in my generation, I felt that there was no other way to get through life other than by being an employee.
Unfortunately, as a salaried person I was forced to face limitations, which included the seniority system in Korea. Until very
recently in Korean society, such things as seniority, educational background, and connections, rather than one’s ability, determined
whether a person was promoted. It was no exception in the large company that I worked for and I was totally disillusioned by
this fact. Even though I had made more distinguished contributions to the company than other colleagues or senior members, the
rewards were not commensurate.
There was another problem that I had to face. Despite the fact that I had attended college, my degree was not from a so-
called good school. Graduates of privileged universities actively exchange information and help out one another. Since I was not
one of them, I missed out on that necessary information and I felt excluded.
But three years ago Rich Dad helped me to change how I worked, conducted business, and earned money. M ost
importantly, I altered how I lived my life—and how I looked at my future and that of my family.
hour reading the book to come to that realization and take action. The first thing I decided to do was get to work at 7:30 A.M.
when nobody else in the management level was in. The free time would give me several advantages. I could brace myself for
another busy day, catch up on the news, and research information on the real estate market.
At home, I started to pay back the loans. Thanks to Rich Dad, the idea that the burden of debt might hinder my future plans
forced me to repay the loans as soon as possible. I now have a personal line of credit and a minus account open in case of
emergencies. A minus account is a loan account. I can withdraw money from it and deposit money into it. Although I have the
account I have no intention of using it because I want to do without any loans as long as I can.
Finally, I made up my mind to retire before my fiftieth birthday as well as to become involved in my father’s real estate
I had known that real estate was profitable because my grandfather was a self-made man who had made his own fortune
using money that he had saved little by little to invest in properties. But after I read the Rich Dad books, I was able to come up
with more specific and elaborate plans. I meticulously calculated the profitability of real estate projects and frequently consulted
the model cases described by Rich Dad.
I’ve learned—and continue to learn—about taking charge of my financial life. The Rich Dad information has taught me to always
plan ahead and analyze what I’m doing, to make good use of the information from and the experience and opinion of my advisors
(tax accountants and lawyers for instance). I am also following carefully the trends pertaining to financial and real estate markets
and changes in related business environments in order to prepare for new real estate development projects.
If I sold all my assets now I would be able to come up with $840,000. If I placed this money in the bank, with the most
conservative interest rate at 4.5 percent, I would receive about $3,100 a month minus taxes equaling 16.5 percent. However, since
I have a family to look after I need more than that. So I will continue to acquire assets for my kids’ education and my family’s
M y business is doing well and I enjoy gathering information and making decisions that will increase the profits from my
investments. But what I enjoy even more is free time. I can decide when I want to work. That’s a luxury that I never had as an
employee. Perhaps not all that surprisingly, I’ve finally been able to overcome my personal obstacle of laziness. I used to
procrastinate until a deadline came up, which sometimes got me into trouble. But now, with the incentive to build on what I’ve
already accomplished supporting me, I don’t want to miss out on any opportunity.
Chapter 21
On the Edge
of Retirement
San Francisco Bay Area, California
As a Ph.D. who has worked for twenty-five years as a mechanical engineer in research and development for a government national
laboratory, my system for keeping up with inflation was simple: work harder and then toil even harder still. I figured doing so
would bring me promotions and impressive income. However, I didn’t take into account that high-level jobs are far more stressful
and unstable than entry-level and medium-income positions.
I also thought that maintaining a good management-level job was the only route to financial security. Prior to age thirty I
figured that my government pension was sufficient, hence I held no other investments besides the now cursed 403(b) mutual
funds. M y wife and I lost approximately 60 percent—about $150,000—of our mutual fund accounts since the stock market
collapse in 2000. I was a practicing yuppie, living from one paycheck to another.
But my mind was changed, and my world changed because of it. I no longer regard killing myself at work as a viable way to
live, and especially not a reliable way to earn a lot of money. And while I’m employed as an engineer, my investments now
include real estate in the form of multifamily apartment complexes. For my wife, our teenage son, and me, the path to financial
security is already under our feet. We’re on the road to a better lifestyle. Considering that I grew up in a Chicago ghetto, I’d say
we’re definitely headed in the right direction. Interestingly enough, playing a Rich Dad game was partly responsible.
Deciding to buy a larger house to live in, we rented out our old house. But neither the condos nor the rental produced
positive cashflow (they did, however, provide tax advantages after their depreciation deductions).
But after I started reading the Rich Dad books, I realized that I could step up from the small deals to the next real estate
level. Apartment units—big deals—were much more profitable. M y thinking process expanded, as I understood that I could use
the equities in the rental house and the condos to a much greater lucrative advantage.
By selling the properties we owned (not including the home we lived in) we would possess about $80,000 for down
I started looking in California but concluded that none of the numbers made sense (big negative cashflows). Then I searched
in Nevada (better) and Arizona (better still). Finally I located, on the Internet, a large apartment management firm based in Dallas,
Texas. They managed about 30,000 units within the south-central United States (Texas to Oklahoma and Iowa to Virginia) and
they also purchased and invested in apartment complexes.
With the direct phone number to their acquisitions manager in hand, I asked him where the markets were both reasonably
priced and growing. He mentioned College Station/Bryan, Texas; Jackson, M ississippi; and Galve-ston, Texas, and gave me the
number of a real estate agent in College Station. All three of my complexes are in that area.
We first purchased a thirty-seven-plex in Bryan for $425,000. While the building didn’t look as attractive as some of the
other local rentals did—it stood one story instead of two, and no balconies graced the outside—its low rents ensured steady
occupancy. All the units were one bedroom and measured 400 square feet.
Here’s the breakdown:
involving the buildings.
For those closer to my age, I want to say this: Start investing now and allow yourself at least three years to learn, make
mistakes, and succeed. Don’t wait until you’re sixty-five, when the financial course of your life will be determined for you. Take
charge of it now. If I had known at twenty what I know now, I would have been able to retire at thirty. I suspect that my son will.
Chapter 22
Second Chance
Fremont, California
I was at Ground Zero on September 11, 2001. Like so many other Americans, I felt that I was an eyewitness to our world falling
apart. I know that everyone deals with catastrophic events in their own way and in their own time. But I never imagined that a
book—Rich Dad Poor Dad— could help me through such an unexpected ordeal. What enabled me, actually helped and focused
me so that I was able to walk out of that wrenching trauma after I returned home, was Robert’s message. I grabbed on to it and it
pulled me from the emotional wreckage of what happened. This may sound unbelievable, but it’s true.
to move, and move fast. But my companion was frozen to the spot. Now I’m not a tall man, but he was shorter than I was. I
grabbed him under my arm and we started to run. We ran, eventually coated in the gray dust of destruction, until we reached the
Sony building at 55th Street and M adison Avenue several miles away. We did not look back.
Rebuilding My Life
Soon after September 11, Sony began to eliminate projects and roles. I decided to take advantage of the situation and leave my job.
Some of my friends, as well as my family, thought I was crazy. But I felt that I was doing what was right for me. A generous
severance package allowed me to walk away from my old life while I mapped out a new one. In a very profound way I tapped
into my recently discovered reserve of perspective. M y plans revolved around me, not my job. I picked myself up physically,
dusted myself off emotionally, and started over again mentally.
In October 2001, I accepted a job at a small software company where I did, and continue to do, strategic planning. Without a
blink I took a 15 percent pay cut partly because of my severance package and partly because I was already looking for real estate
investments. Also, this job was a lot less stressful than the one at Sony. Even better, travel wasn’t required.
Between October and November 2001 I did something I had never done before. I set up a line of credit. I read other books
by Robert and played CASHFLOW 101 with like-minded friends.
I also began looking for rental properties in Texas on the Internet. San Antonio was particularly appealing because my
sister-in-law lives there, and she agreed to manage the properties I bought.
By December 2001 two duplexes were chosen and I closed on them both in January 2002. M y new life had begun.
During this new period of my life an amazing transformation began to take place. M uch to my amazement and delight, fear
became an unexpected ally instead of remaining an old enemy. In the past I felt too scared, too lacking in confidence in my ability
to analyze and act where my financial situation was concerned. Now fear helped me make progress because I recognized that I
could change my financial future. Whenever I felt the taunting presence of fear, I reviewed the essential concepts I learned from
Robert. I took the time necessary to compare my progress with my goals. That way I reaffirmed my ability to make sound
decisions and execute my plans.
Fear had functioned as the obstacle that held me back my entire adulthood. While the fear didn’t completely disappear—I
don’t think that’s possible—it did morph into an energy source that helped me to take action.
Additionally, my model permitted me to turn down a property when dealing with real estate agents or brokers, thus
avoiding the hard-sell exploitation that is commonly experienced by new investors.
I used two methods to determine cashflow. One was a proprietary spreadsheet I created that includes all anticipated
expenses. The other was an off-the-shelf product, which I used to confirm and validate assumptions (basically, I employed this as
an objective expert view and review of my personal analysis, sort of like a system of checks and balances).
For the first property I purchased, I evaluated seven lenders including online mortgage brokers. Closing costs were a factor
of the lending relationship. Again, my model included a checklist in order to compare basic rates and closing costs as well as loan
structure. Five of the properties I purchased had all expenses paid by the seller for repairs needed prior to changing owners based
on negotiation of the sales contract. Two of the properties were purchased as is and needed approximately $3,000 per duplex in
repairs. I paid for them, but since they were included in the mortgage amount, no out-of-pocket expenses were required at the
Best of all, the model allowed me to make a decision on a property within minutes. This was important to me because I
wanted to be as aggressive as possible and acquire lucrative properties quickly and efficiently.
An initial phone call was all that was required to ask important questions. I could evaluate as many as fifteen to twenty
properties in a single day anywhere in the world without having to leave home. This became particularly important when I came
across a new hidden gem. I have made offers in less than thirty minutes after a property has been listed. In two of those cases, I
now own the properties and the cashflow is positive for both.
I used a checklist template that helped me to quickly select and fill out answers during my initial phone conversation. The
list included: size, layout (study, separate laundry room, attached/detached garage), number of full/partial bathrooms, family
room, living room, separate dining room, style of kitchen, separate foyer, roof age (in years), foundation, construction (frame,
brick), air conditioning and type, heating and type, utility, and whether there was a fireplace. Proximity to schools and shopping,
access to public transportation and distance from major roadways, and whether the property was adjacent to a vacant lot were
noted as well.
The last sale date (some states limit the information about previous sales), prior purchase price, previous appraisal price,
number of units per property, average occupancy, whether the property was fully rented currently, the rent rolls, and the
anniversary for lease renewals completed the inventory. It may sound like a lot, but I could get through this list in combination
with information from the M LS (multiple listing service) and public records in the county tax office via the Internet in under
fifteen minutes.
I also put together a checklist of activities that needed to be performed (and their order if appropriate). This outlined who
did what, which helped to ensure that I had a consistent purchase methodology and that nothing got lost in the shuffle. Doing so
saved my bacon numerous times on deals in which I worked directly with the seller as well as deals involving agents and brokers.
In my experience, I’ve found that deals involving agents and brokers are the most prone to having forgotten steps, since the buyer
normally expects the agent to be on top of this stuff. I’ve found this to be an incorrect assumption, which is why my model
includes the steps in a checklist format that makes it easy to identify what has been done and what is still left to do. As a result,
the closing becomes almost a nonevent. It is also an effective tool for negotiations because some agents are greener than they
appear. As a buyer I can propose items during the negotiation that work to my advantage (but translate into a smaller commission
for the agents involved).
Finally, the model contains some standard assessments that a lender would do to qualify a buyer for a loan as well as typical
things like cash-on-cash return, annual depreciation, and so forth.
By the way, I’ve observed a lot of people descend into a feeding frenzy due to perceived lack of progress. For every one
property I’ve purchased I looked at approximately thirty to forty possibilities. I know that there is a tendency to get frustrated
with the process early on, which often leads to making a decision to buy based on panic rather than evaluation and qualification.
“Why can’t I locate good properties?” or “Why haven’t I bought anything yet?” are complaints I’ve heard a lot. Time and
patience to locate and evaluate properties are part of the process.
I should also mention that I am not, nor have I ever been, a professional real estate agent or broker. M y background is
mainly high-tech, and I was lousy in math at school. If I can do it, anybody with an interest in real estate and patience with the
process can, too.
My Properties
The price range for all my properties to date runs between $115,000 and $180,000. All were below the seller’s initial requested
sales price due to heavy negotiation, which included expenses paid by the seller for transfer repairs (things like new water heaters
and roofing repairs). Five of the properties had equity at closing, which I used to pay expenses or buy additional property.
Based on the model I use and the structure of the mortgages, one unit out of a two-unit duplex (or two units out of a four-
plex) will pay mortgage/ insurance/home warranty/taxes. I include a monthly expense budget equivalent to about $100 per two
units in one duplex and $200 for four units within a four-plex.
M y sister-in-law still manages all the San Antonio properties, and a friend who lives Fresno, California, handles the
property I own there. I reached agreements with both that allow them to learn the business of property management and
investment while permitting me some flexibility in compensation. They both get paid but at rates lower than a professional
property manager since they are just now learning the business. As their knowledge and experience grows, so will their
compensation. I plan to include both in future partnership-type property deals once I feel they’ve acquired a good baseline
knowledge. In effect, I am able to “share the wealth” not just financially but professionally as well as they both begin new careers.
However, my analysis always includes standard rates for the property manager in case I ever need to use these services
either at the close or at a later date. Since my current inventory is two to four units per property, I use the typical 10 percent of
monthly rents collected, along with half a month’s rent for a new tenant/lease (and assuming at least one new tenant a year per
unit). M anagement fees for commercial property, such as a fifty-unit apartment complex, are based on a different fee rate and
schedule. I plan to use a model of compensation that will encourage the property manager to retain good tenants, eliminate trouble
spots, and ensure no deferred maintenance.
Currently I own seven multifamily properties. From the day I bought them they spun off cashflow. They also have lots of
appreciation potential. Here are the cashflow numbers from January 2001 through November 2002 (nine months) for the first six
properties. The date above each column is the month of acquisition.
AR = accounts receivable (payments paid to me, that is, rents received from tenants).
AP = accounts payable (payments paid by me, including mortgages, taxes, insurance, maintenance fees, and other expenses).
Jan 2002 Jan 2002 M ar 2002 M ar 2002 Sep 2002 Oct 2002
Duplex 1 Duplex 2 Duplex 3 Duplex 4 Duplex 5 Duplex 6
Subtotal AR
$15,440.00 $14,465.00 $11,200.00 $12,800.00 $3,545.00 $2,000.00
have been $0. However, the budgeted weighted-average expenses run $175 a month for both units of
this one duplex, which gets put into an interest-bearing account. The expenses include the
homeowners association dues and make-ready like painting, cleaning, and so on.
–M anagement fee: $141.67
(For this specific property, the fee runs 5% of total collected rents = $100 per month plus an additional
25% of the first month’s rent for make-ready/new lease execution = $500 per year based on an
annual new lease factor I assume at least one new lease per unit every year, which is a worst-case
scenario. The weighted management fee monthly runs $141.67 = $1,200+$500÷12. The extra funds
get put into a repair CD to collect interest until and if needed.)
–Loan payment (5-year ARM , 30 years at 4.598%): $535.97
Net monthly cashflow: $789.36
Cash-on-cash return
Annual cashflow ($789.36 × 12) $9,472.32
Amount of cash put into property $28,600
Cash-on-cash return 33%
that risk is the one manageable component in the total success equation, whether that achievement is financial, personal, or
anything else.
Taking these risks gave me such a surge of empowerment that I decided to take other steps. The more I accomplished, the
more confidence I gained. I possessed a deep well of self-assurance that I was able to use in ways I hadn’t thought. After I closed
my first real estate deal I practically levitated with elation.
Afterward, I tapped into that well to succeed in a totally unrelated area. Like many people my age, I had been putting on
weight for years. All that time sitting on planes coupled with lack of exercise and a lot of business dinners took their toll.
Eventually I was carrying sixty extra pounds and my doctor warned me that I was in danger of having a stroke.
Asking myself what I could lose—so to speak—I used my newly discovered self-assurance to set realistic goals and execute
weight loss plans. I’m proud to say that twelve months after taking charge of my body I was sixty pounds lighter. How cool is
this: Robert’s concepts don’t just change your mind—they change your body!
Robert Kiyosaki
Born and raised in Hawaii, Robert Kiyosaki is a fourth-generation Japanese-American. After graduating
from college in New York, Robert joined the M arine Corps and served in Vietnam as an officer and
helicopter gunship pilot. Following the war, Robert worked for the Xerox Corporation in sales. In 1977,
he started a company that brought the first nylon Velcro ‘surfer wallets’ to market. And in 1985 he
founded an international education company that taught business and investing to tens of thousands of
students throughout the world.
In 1994, Robert sold his business and retired at the age of 47.
During his short-lived retirement, Robert, in collaboration with co-author Sharon Lechter, his CPA and business partner, wrote the
book Rich Dad Poor Dad. Soon after he wrote Rich Dad’s CASHFLOW Quadrant, Rich Dad’s Guide to Investing, Rich Kid Smart
Kid, Retire Young Retire Rich, Rich Dad’s Prophecy- all of which earned spots on the bestseller lists of the Wall Street Journal,
Business Week, New York Times,, and others.
Prior to becoming a best-selling author, Robert created an educational board game-CASHFLOW 101-to teach individuals the
financial strategies that his Rich Dad spent years teaching him. It was those financial strategies that allowed Robert to retire at the
age of 47.
In 2001, the first of the series of Rich Dad’s Advisors books was launched. This team of professionals supports Robert’s belief
that “business and investing are team sports.”
In Robert’s words: “We go to school to learn to work hard for money. I write books and create products that teach people how to
have money work hard for them. Then they can enjoy the luxuries of this great world we live in.”
Rich Dad's Organization is the collaborative effort of Robert and Kim Kiyosaki and Sharon Lechter, who, in 1996, embarked on a
journey that would afford them the opportunity to impact the financial literacy of people everywhere and carry the Rich Dad
mission to every corner of the world.
Sharon Lechter
CPA, co-author of the Rich Dad series of books and CEO of the Rich Dad Organization, Sharon Lechter
had dedicated her professional efforts to the field of education. She graduated with honors from Florida
State University with a degree in accounting, then joined the ranks of Coopers & Lybrand, a Big Eight
accounting firm. Sharon held various management positions with computer, insurance, and publishing
companies while maintaining her professional credentials as a CPA.
Sharon and husband, M ichael Lechter, have been married for over twenty years and are parents to three children, Phillip, Shelly
and William. As her children grew, she became actively involved in their education and served in leadership positions in their
schools. She became a vocal activist in the areas of mathematics, computers, reading, and writing education.
In 1989, she joined forces with the inventor of the first electronic “talking book” and helped him expand the electronic book
industry to a multimillion dollar international market.
Today she remains a pioneer in developing new technologies to bring education into children's lives in ways that are innovative,
challenging, and fun. As co-author of the Rich Dad books and CEO of that company, she focuses her efforts in the arena of
financial education.
“Our current educational system has not been able to keep pace with the global and technological changes in the world today,”
Sharon states. “We must teach our young people the skills -both scholastic and financial - that they need to not only survive but
to flourish in the world.”
A committed philanthropist, Sharon “gives back” to the world communities as both a volunteer and a benefactor. She directs the
Foundation for Financial Literacy and is a strong advocate of education and the need for improved financial literacy.
Sharon and M ichael were honored by Childhelp USA, a national organization founded to eradicate child abuse in the United
States, as recipients of the 2002 “Spirit of the Children” Award. And, in M ay of 2002, Sharon was named chairman of the board
for the Phoenix chapter of Childhelp USA.
As an active member of Women’s Presidents Organization, she enjoys networking with other professional women across the
Robert Kiyosaki, her business partner and friend, says “Sharon is one of the few natural entrepreneurs I have ever met. M y
respect for her continues to grow every day that we work together.”
Rich Dad's Organization is the collaborative effort of Robert and Kim Kiyosaki and Sharon Lechter, who, in 1996, embarked on a
journey that would afford them the opportunity to impact the financial literacy of people everywhere and carry the Rich Dad
mission to every corner of the world.
Robert Kiyosaki’s Edumercial
An Educational Commercial
The Three Incomes
In the world of accounting, there are three different types of income: earned, passive and portfolio. When my real
dad said to me, “Go to school, get good grades and find a safe secure job,” he was recommending I work for
earned income. When my rich dad said, “The rich don’t work for money, they have their money work for them,” he
was talking about passive income and portfolio income. Passive income, in most cases, is derived from real
estate investments. Portfolio income is income derived from paper assets, such as stocks, bonds, and mutual
Rich dad used to say, “The key to becoming wealthy is the ability to convert earned income into passive income
and/or portfolio income as quickly as possible.” He would say, “The taxes are highest on earned income. The least
taxed income is passive income. That is another reason why you want your money working hard for you. The
government taxes the income you work hard for more than the income your money works hard for.”
The Key to Financial Freedom
The key to financial freedom and great wealth is a person’s ability or skill to convert earned income into passive
income and/or portfolio income. That is the skill that my rich dad spent a lot of time teaching Mike and me. Having
that skill is the reason my wife Kim and I are financially free, never needing to work again. We continue to work
because we choose to. Today we own a real estate investment company for passive income and participate in
private placements and initial public offerings of stock for portfolio income.
Investing to become rich requires a different set of personal skills - skills essential for financial success as well as
low-risk and high-investment returns. In other words, knowing how to create assets that buy other assets. The
problem is that gaining the basic education and experience required is often time consuming, frightening, and
expensive, especially when you make mistakes with your own money. That is why I created the patented education
board games trademarked as CASHFLOW®.
Continue Your Journey with These International Bestsellers
What the rich teach their kids about money that the poor and middle class do not. Learn
how to have your money work for you and why you don’t need to earn a high income to
be rich.
The book that “rocked” the financial world.
J.P. Morgan declares “Rich Dad Poor Dad a must-read for Millionaires.”
The Wall Street Journal
“A starting point for anyone looking to gain control of their financial future.”
USA Today
Rich Dad's guide to financial freedom. Learn about the four CASHFLOW Quadrants and
you will understand the most important keys to creating wealth.
The sequel to Rich Dad Poor Dad, Rich Dad’s Cashflow Quadrant describes the four
types of people who make up the world of business and the core value differences
between them. It discusses the tools an individual needs to become a successful
business owner and investor.
What the rich invest in that the poor and middle class do not. Learn how you can apply
the techniques of the rich to create your own wealth and have it grow.
This is the third book in the Rich Dad Series. Rich Dad’s Guide to Investing discusses
what the rich invest in that the poor and middle class do not. Robert provides an
insider ’s look into the world of investing, how the rich find the best investments, and
how you can apply the techniques of the rich to create your own wealth.
Give your child a financial headstart. Awaken your child’s love of learning how to be
financially free. Imagine the results you’ll see when they start early!
This book is written for parents who value education, want to give their child a financial
and academic headstart in life, and are willing to take an active role to make it happen.
Rich Kid Smart Kid is designed to help you give your child the same inspiring and
practical financial knowledge that Robert’s rich dad gave him. Learn how to awaken
your child’s love of learning.
Get on the FastTrack at Join Today!
A powerful personal story about how Robert and Kim Kiyosaki started with nothing, and
retired financially free in less than 10 years. If you do not plan on working hard all your
life, this book is for you.
If you’re tired of the same old investment advice - such as “be patient,” “invest for the
long term,” and “diversify” - then this book is for you.
Robert explains in detail the power of leverage. How to leverage your mind, your financial
plans, your actions and most importantly, your first steps to becoming financially free.
You will learn Rich Dad’s techniques using leverage to first build financial security and
ultimately have the life you want.
Why the Biggest Stock Market Crash in History Is Still Coming...and How You Can
Prepare Yourself and Profit from It!
In the 6th book of the Rich Dad Series, Robert Kiyosaki predicts the inevitable financial
crisis that will hit the U.S. when 83 million baby boomers retire, taking with them such a
vast amount of savings that the market is sure to crumble. And that doesn’t even take
into account the already wobbly state of the stock market, as blue chip companies go
under, sending the Dow plummeting. But Rich Dad's Prophecy is not a “doom and gloom”
book, it’s a “doom and boom” book, with sure-fire strategies designed to avoid disaster
in the coming crisis.
Learn why you’re never too young to achieve financial success and read the many
stories from people of all ages. Each story is inspiring because instead of people now
feeling entitled to have money handed to them, they are setting goals, achieving them
and creating income - they are learning to take control of their lives. This book is about
real life people who followed the Rich Dad lessons to take control of their financial lives.
Apply Your Knowledge with the CASHFLOW® Series of Games
CASHFLOW 202 teaches you the advanced business and investing techniques used by
technical investors by adding volatility to the game. It teaches the advanced
investment techniques of “short-selling stock,” “put-options,” “call-options,”
“straddles” and real estate exchanges.
You must have CASHFLOW 101 in order to play CASHFLOW 202. This package contains
new game sheets, new playing cards, and four audiocassettes.
Play CASHFLOW® with the FastTrackCommunity at!
What’s your dream? Freedom of time? Unlimited resources to travel the world?
Whatever it may be, CASHFLOW THE E-GAME teaches you how to get out of the Rat Race
and onto the FastTrack. Learn about money and finances in a fun, interactive
environment to make more informed choices about money in your everyday life!
Play and compete with others across the world in the online community through
the multi-player feature.
Discover how to become rich and financially free on a small or large salary!
Discover CASHFLOW for KidsTM , a fun game created to teach your child the subjects
of money and investing. A families attitude about money is a powerful influence on a
child from a very early age. The more your children play, the higher their financial IQ
will become.
Discover the three types of income - Earned (where you work for money),
Passive and Portfolio (where your money works for you)!
Play CASHFLOW for Kids™at School with family and friends and share the Web site with your local teachers and school administrators.
CASHFLOW for Kids™at School is offered as a FREE download for your school from
We’ll do the rest!
Advance Your Financial Freedom with the AdvisorsTM Series
Protecting your #1 Asset will teach you how to turn your ideas into intellectual property
assets, avoid inadvertently giving away your rights, use intellectual property to build
barriers to competition and generate cash flow by licensing your intellectual property to
Sales Dogs will introduce five breeds of Sales Dogs which will allow you to make more
money by playing to your natural strengths. It reveal the five simple but critical revenue-
generating skills to create endless streams of qualified buyers and life-long sales, and
teaches you how to radically change your attitude in 30 seconds or less so you can direct
your financial results.
by Blair Singer
LoopHoles Of The Rich - How The Rich Legally Make More Money And Pay Less
LoopHoles of the Rich reveals how to control how much tax you pay and when you pay it,
and condenses 500,000+ pages of IRS Tax law into three easy rules that keep money in
your pocket. It also shows you how to find the right business structure for your business to
pay less tax and protect what you have.
Own Your Own Corporation - Why The Rich Own Their Own Companies And
Everyone Else Works For Them
Own Your Own Corporation illustrates how to:
Advance Your Financial Freedom at Join Today!
Real Estate Riches - How To Become Rich Using Your Banker’s Money
Show you why real estate is tens and hundreds of times better than other
Train you how to find the “Deal of the Decade” - every week
Teach you how to massively increase the value of a property without spending
much money
Explain how the tax man can subsidize your real estate investment
Reveal how to create passive income using your banker's money so that you only
work if you want to
How To Buy And Sell A Business - How You Can Win In The Business Quadrant
How To Buy And Sell A Business reveals the strategies used by successful entrepreneurs
to acquire and cash out business investments. Written in a clear and easily
understandable style, How To Buy And Sell A Business provides the necessary knowledge
to avoid the pitfalls and overcome the obstacles in order to achieve a winning transaction.
Real Estate LoopHoles will reveal how to use tax loopholes to your advantage and stop
others from using legal loopholes to take your assets. In addition, you will learn to:
Determine the best way to hold title to your real estate investments
Use your own home as a tax-free, money-making venture
Use the Seven Tax Loopholes only available to real estate owners
Protect your real estate assets from tenants and creditors
Elevate Your Freedom with the Rich Dad Advanced Audio Series
This powerful home study course will teach you the three-step plan to riches
- Think It. Learn It. Do It. The program contains a Home Study Course Binder,
12 CDs or cassettes with specialized lessons from Robert’s personal team
of experts, one video that will show you how to stop living from paycheck to
paycheck and enjoy the power of having money work for you, one bonus
audio tape that reveals the six simple obstacles people face on their path to
wealth, and a debt eliminator - a practical tool to help you eliminate bad debt
and build a strong foundation.
This product will show you how to use other people’s money to build
secure passive income while you build a huge net worth. You’ll find that
anyone can be a real estate investor - young or old, man or woman, rich or
poor. Learn the secrets now from Robert and Kim Kiyosaki in Rich Dad’s 6
Steps to Becoming a Successful Real Estate Investor. This program
contains a 104-page workbook, five audio-cassettes or compact discs, or
two videocassettes or one DVD, and more!
How To Increase The Income from Your Real Estate Investments The Secrets of
Professional Property Managers
Learn the hands-on trade secrets to successfully managing any type of investment
property. There are many simple and effective tips and techniques you can begin using
today with How To Increase The Income from Your Real Estate Investments. Whether
you’re just starting out or have years of experience - the information on this program will
save you hundreds or thousands of dollars. This program includes four CDs or four
cassettes, a workbook with sample documents and forms to assist you in day-to-day
management of your properties.
Table of Contents
Copyright 3
Preface by Robert Kiyosaki 6
Introduction 8
Part I: It’s How You Play the Game 10
Chapter 1: Money Matters from Ed and Terry Colman 11
Chapter 2: We Mind Our Own Businesses from Tracy Rodriguez 18
Chapter 3: Never Too Late from Cecilia Morrison 22
Part II: Where You’ve Been, Where You Can Go 25
Chapter 4: Building Confidence One Property at a Time from David
Chapter 5: A Different Education from Valerie L. Collymore, M.D. 31
Chapter 6: Step Up to the Plate from Reed J. Schweizer 38
Chapter 7: The Root of All That Is Good from Dan McKenzie 43
Part III: A Different Focus 49
Chapter 8: Better Than Winning the Lottery from Thomas G. Kotula 51
Chapter 9: A Mutual Decision from Wade and Carol Yamamoto 56
Chapter 10: The Power of Three from Merced Hall 60
Chapter 11: Change of Mind from Ken Hobson 70
Part IV: Never Too Young to Achieve Financial Success 74
Chapter 12: Never Too Early from Allison Kubala 76
Chapter 13: Playing a Winning Game from Jake Colman 77
Chapter 14: We Want to H.E.L.P. from David Hosei and Michael Slate 80
Part V: A New Way to Do Business 87
Chapter 15: Accounting for Ourselves from Tom Wheelwright 88
Chapter 16: A New Strategy from Brian Eagleheart 91
Chapter 17: Fast Learner from Michelle LaBrosse, PMP 94
Chapter 18: No Limits from Terri Bowersock 97
Part VI: Life-Changing Events 100
Chapter 19: Greener Pastures from Stacey Baker 101
Chapter 20: A Winning Strategy from Yong-Sik Shin 106
Chapter 21: On the Edge of Retirement from Ronald Hoard 109
Chapter 22: Second Chance from Michael Maritzen 113
Robert Kiyosaki 120
Sharon Lechter 121
Robert Kiyosaki’s Edumercial An Educational Commercial 122