10 CMP338 Simulation and Modeling_Draft

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Pokhara University

Faculty of Science and Technology

Course No.: CMP 338 Full marks: 100

Course title: Simulation and Modeling Pass marks: 45
Nature of the course: Theory and Practical Time per period: 1 hour
Total periods: 45
Level: Undergraduate Program: BE

1. Course Description

This course covers the various concepts system simulation. This course emphasizes on fundamental
concept, principles and properties of continuous system and discrete system. It covers examples,
solutions and programming language regarding continuous and discrete system. It also covers
probability concepts and random number generation technique and testing. Output generated from
the process is analyzed.

2. General Objective

The main objectives of the course are

• To provide basic knowledge of various systems.
• To study continuous and discrete system.
• To get the concept of probability concept and random numbers.

3. Methods of Instruction

3.1.General instructional Techniques: Lecture, discussion, readings.

3.2.Specific instructional Techniques: Lab works, Project works

4. Contents in Detail

Specific Objectives Contents

• Familiarize and compare the Unit 1 : Introduction to simulation and modeling (4 hrs)
various concept of system and 1. System and its concept
its environment. 2. System Environment
• To explain why simulations are 3. Types of System (continuous and discrete, static and
used in systems analysis and dynamic, stochastic and deterministic)
design, emphasizing their role 4. Steps of Simulation
5. Advantage, disadvantage and application of simulation
in modeling complex systems. 6. System Modeling and types of models
7. Principles of Modeling
8. Verification and validation of model
• To introduce simulation Unit 2 : System Simulation(8 hrs)
techniques such Monte Carlo 2.1Monte Carlo Method
simulation. 2.1.1 Problems regarding Monte Carlo method
• To provide knowledge on how 2.2 Comparison of simulation and analytic solution
to create accurate models that 2.3 System simulation and its types
represent real-world systems. 2.4 Real time simulation
2.5 Lag Models (Distributed lag Model, Cobweb Model)
2.6 Queuing system and its characteristics and notation
2.7 Single server queuing model
2.7.1 Arrival routine
2.7.2 Departure routine
2.7.3 Performance measure of SSQM
2.8 Time advance mechanism (next event oriented and fixed
increment oriented)

• To represent continuous system Unit 3 : Continuous System( 8 hrs)

using differential equations and 3.1 Introduction to continuous system
other mathematical tools. 3.2 Representation of continuous system using differential
• To analyze system dynamics, equation
understand their stability, and 3.3 Linear and nonlinear differential equations and its examples
predict future behavior. 3.4 Analog Computer (Components and examples)
• To solve and implement 3.5 Digital Analog Simulators
continuous system using analog 3.6 Hybrid Computers
method and programming 3.7 CSSLs, CSMP III
language. 3.7.1 Structural Statement
3.7.2 Data Statements
3.7.3 Control Statements
3.8 Feedback System with example
3.9 Interactive System
• For understanding and Unit 4 : Discrete System(7 hrs)
modeling processes where 4.1 Introduction to discrete system
changes occur at distinct, 4.2 Components of discrete system
separate points in time or 4.3 Representation of Time
involve discrete states. 4.4 Examples for discrete system
• To gather statistics white 4.4.1Telephone call system as lost call and delayed call
studying discrete system. system
4.4.2 Bank Queue System
4.5 Simulation Programming Task
4.6 Steps of simulation programming task
4.7 Gathering Statistics
4.7.1 Counters and Summary Measures
4.7.2 Measuring Utilization and Occupancy
4.7.2 Recording Distribution and Summary Measures
4.8 Discrete System Simulation Languages
• To understand probability Unit 5 : Probability Concept and Random Numbers( 7 hrs)
distributions and random 5.1 Stochastic System
variables, which can accurately 5.2 Discrete and continuous probability function
represent random phenomena 5.3 Random numbers versus pseudo random numbers
in simulations. 5.4 Properties of random numbers
• To generate random numbers 5.5 Random number generation Techniques
using various generators and 5.5.1 Linear Congruential Generator
test their independence and 5.5.2 Mixed Generator
uniformity property. 5.5.3 Additive and Incremental Generator
5.6 Test for randomness
5.6.1 Uniformity Test
- KS Test
- Chi Square Test
5.6.2 Independence Test
- Run Test ( above and below, up and down, length of
- Test for Auto correlation
- Gap Test
- Poker Test
• To test different scenarios, Unit 6 : Discrete System Languages (6 hrs)
identifying potential issues, and 6.1 Simulation using GPSS
optimizing performance without 6.1.1 GPSS problems
the risks and costs associated with 6.2 Simulation using SIMSCRIPT
real-world trials. 6.2.1 Organization of SIMSCRIPT
6.2.2 Programs of SIMSCRIPT
6.3 Other discrete simulation Languages

• To interpret, understand, and Unit 7 : Output Analysis Method(5 hrs)

make decisions based on the 7.1 Nature of Problem
results generated by a 7.2 Estimation Method
simulation model. 7.3 Simulation Run Statistics
• To validate the simulation 7.4 Replication of Runs
results, optimizing system 7.5 Elimination of Initial Bias
performance, and providing
actionable insights.

5. Laboratory work: ( 30 hrs)

1. Representing ohm’s law and verifying its VI characteristics.

2. Generating value of pi using Monte Carlo method and check its accuracy level
3. Implementing various models in simulation
4. Generating random numbers and their testing
5. Implementing GPSS programs
6. Examples of continuous and discrete system
7. Develop a small project to simulate any mathematical model

6. List of Tutorials:
The various tutorial activities that suit this course should cover all the content of this course to give
student a space to engage more actively with the course content in the presence of instructor.
Students should submit tutorials as assignments or class works to the instructor for evaluation. The
following tutorial activities of 15 hours should be conducted to cover all the content of course:

A. Discussion-based Tutorials: (6 hrs)

1. Explain the concepts of system modeling, abstraction, and the simulation life cycle.
2. Example of different models that can be simulated.
3. Analyzing the output obtained from simulation.
4. Continuous and discrete system example.
B. Problem solving-based Tutorials: (9 hrs)

1. Examples using Monte Carlo simulation technique.

2. Example questions for distributed lag model and cobweb model.

3. Numerical to generate random numbers.

4. Testing random number properties using various techniques.

7. Evaluation system and Students’ Responsibilities

Internal Evaluation

In addition to the formal exam(s), the internal evaluation of a student may consist of quizzes,
assignments, lab reports, projects, class participation, etc. The tabular presentation of the internal
evaluation is as follows.

External Evaluation Marks Internal Evaluation Weight Marks

Semester-End examination 50 Assignments 12%
Attendance 6%
Unit test 14%
Assessment 28%
Practical 40%
Total External 50 Total Internal 100% 50
Full Marks 50+50 = 100

Student Responsibilities:

Each student must secure at least 45% marks in internal evaluation with 80% attendance in the class in
order to appear in the Semester-End Examination. Failing to get such score will be given NOT
QUALIFIED (NQ) and the student will not be eligible to appear the Semester-End Examination.
Students are advised to attend all the classes and complete all the assignments within the specified time
period. If a student does not attend the class(es), it is his/her sole responsibility to cover the topic(s)
taught during the period. If a student fails to attend a formal exam, test, etc. there won’t be any
provision for re-exam.

8. Prescribed Books and References

Text Book
1. G Gorden, System Simulation, Prentice Hall of India.
2. Jerry Banks, John S. Carson II, Barry L Nelson, David M. Nicol, Discrete Event System

Reference Books

1. "Simulation Modeling and Analysis" by Averill M. Law and W. David Kelton

2. "System Simulation with Digital Computer" by N. W. McCormick
3. "Simulation and the Monte Carlo Method" by Reuven Y. Rubinstein and Dirk P. Kroese

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