085123 Steel Windows

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SECTION 08 51 23


A. Section Includes:
1. Steel single hung and double hung windows, type and sizes as shown.
2. Hardware.
3. Accessories including, but not limited to, following:
a. Mullions, closures, trim, weather-stripping, covers, insect screens, anchors, clips,
fasteners, and other components necessary for fabrication and installation complete of
windows as specified.
b. Provide manufacturer’s standard extension pole with hook for opening windows at high
window locations. Provide hook receptacle factory attached to ventilators for use with
extension poles.
A. Sealing Joints: Section 07 92 00, JOINT SEALANTS.
B. Glazing: Section 08 80 00, GLAZING.
C. Finish Color: Section 09 06 00, SCHEDULE FOR FINISHES.
1. Approval is required of products or service of proposed manufacturer, suppliers and installers,
and will be based upon submission by Contractor of certification that:
a. Manufacturer who regularly and presently, manufactures and installs steel window units
and related accessories as one of its principal products.
b. Accessories required for windows shall be manufacturer's standard or those of other
manufacturers regularly engaged in making window accessories and acceptable to window
1) Items shall be of materials which shall be compatible with balance of window unit
material, and construction shall be that which shall give desired functional service.
2. Installer: Approved in writing by manufacturer.
A. Air Infiltration Test at Weather-stripped Ventilators:
08 51 23 STEEL WINDOWS 1
1. Operable windows: Provided with weather-stripping, such that when tested in closed and
locked position in accordance with ASTM E283 before leaving factory, air infiltration shall not
exceed 2.06 cubic meter per hour per meter (0.37 cubic foot per minute per foot) of crack
length when subjected to a pressure differential across the window of 300 Pa (6.24 psf)
equivalent to a wind velocity of 50 miles per hour. Fixed window areas: Maximum air infiltration
shall not exceed 0.34 cubic meter per hour per meter (0.06 cubic foot per minute per square
foot) of fixed window area.
B. Water Penetration Test at Weather-stripped Ventilators:
1. Operable windows: Provided with weather-stripping, such that when tested in closed and
locked position in accordance with ASTM E331 no water penetrates for 15 minutes when a
window is subjected to a rate of flow of 5 gal./hr./sq. ft. with a pressure differential across the
window at 160 Pa (2.86 psf).
A. In accordance with Section 01 33 23, SHOP DRAWINGS, PRODUCT DATA, AND SAMPLES,
furnish following:
B. Product Data: Furnish for each type of window required, including:
1. Construction details and fabrication methods.
2. Profiles and dimensions of individual components.
3. Data on hardware, including sweep lock, keeper, lift handles, accessories, and finishes.
4. Recommendations for maintenance and cleaning of window surfaces.
C. Shop Drawings: Furnish for each type window included in project.
1. Layout and installation details, including anchors, support framing and sheet metal trim
2. Elevations of continuous work at 1:50 (1/4 inch) scale and typical window unit elevations at
1:20 (3/4 inch) scale.
3. Full-size section details of typical composite members, including reinforcement.
4. Hardware.
5. Accessories.
6. Glazing details.
7. Color charts for standard finishes and sealants.
1. Typical sash corner.

08 51 23 STEEL WINDOWS 2
2. Typical muntin section.
3. For Initial Color Selection: Submit samples of each specified finish on 300 mm (12 inch) long
sections of window members.
4. Hardware.
E. Quality Control Submittals:
1. Test Reports: Window manufacturer provide certified test report from a qualified independent
testing laboratory engaged in testing windows to verify that his steel window assembly has
been tested in accordance with specified test procedures and products comply with these
minimum test performance characteristics indicated. Test reports shall have been made within
current year.
2. Manufacturer's Certificates:
a. Stating steel members have been given specified thickness of prime coat and/or organic
coating finish.
b. Indicating manufacturer’s and installer’s meet qualifications as specified.
A. Comply with applicable recommendations of Steel Window Institute.
B. Deliver steel window units and related components in manufacturer’s original, unopened protective
packaging labeled for identification with manufacturer's name and brand and contents. Use padded
blankets or other approved protective wrapping for glass, decorative metal work, and other
exposed elements.
1. Do not deliver steel window units until work is ready for their installation.
2. Inspect components for damage upon delivery. Do not install steel window units with dimples
or dents. Remove and replace damaged components at no additional cost.
C. Storage: Store steel window units and related components, in positions necessary to prevent
twisting, in weathertight and dry storage facility in their original shipping containers with protective
wrapping or packaging securely in place, in accordance with manufacturers written instructions.
D. Protect finish from damage from handling, weather and construction operations before, during and
after installation.
A. Publications listed below form a part of this specification to extent referenced. Publications are
referenced in text by basic designation only.

08 51 23 STEEL WINDOWS 3
B. American National Standards Institute (ANSI):
Z97.1-09 ..................................... Glazing Materials Used in Buildings, Safety Performance
Specifications and Methods of Test.
C. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM):
A123-09 ...................................... Zinc (Hot-Dip Galvanized) Coatings on Iron and Steel Products.
B633-07 ...................................... Electrodeposited Coatings of Zinc on Iron and Steel
C509-06 ...................................... Elastomeric Cellular Preformed Gasket and Sealing Material.
D2287-96(2010) ......................... Non-rigid Vinyl Chloride Polymer and Copolymer Molding and
Extrusion Compounds
E283-04 ...................................... Test Method for Determining Rate of Air Leakage Through
Exterior Windows, Curtain Walls and Doors Under Specified
Pressure Differences Across Specimen.
E331-00(R2009) ......................... Test Method for Water Penetration of Exterior Windows, Curtain
Walls, and Doors by Uniform Static Air Pressure Difference.
D. National Fire Protection Association:
NFPA 80-10. ............................... Standard for Fire Doors and Windows.
E. Steel Structures Painting Council (SSPC):
SSPC-SP1... ............................... Solvent Cleaning.
SSPC-SP8... ............................... Pickling.
Warranty: Submit written warranty, in accordance with General Condition requirements except that
warranty period shall be extended to include five (5) years.
A. Materials:
1. Frame: Formed from 2.3 mm (12 gauge) galvanized sheet steel.
2. Heavy Intermediate Ventilators: Manufactured from solid hot rolled steel shapes.
a. Sections made from new billet steel with flanges rolled integral at mill.
b. Ventilator sections shall have glazing rebates providing an unobstructed glazing surface of
at least 16 mm (5/8 inch) in height.

08 51 23 STEEL WINDOWS 4
c. Glazing rebate surfaces must be perpendicular to web or stem of section. Applied glazing
rebate extensions and tapered rebate surfaces are not acceptable.
3. Mullions and Transom Bars: Mullions and transom barts shall withstand a uniform wind load of
960 Pa (20 psf) of window area without deflecting more than 1/175 of span.
4. Weather-stripping: Pile weather-strip.
5. Hardware shall be as follows:
a. Fastener: Standard bronze sweep lock.
b. Pulls: Standard bronze lift handle.
c. US 20D: Statuary Bronze.
d. U.S. 25D: Polished White Bronze.
e. Balance Arm: Spiral and extension spring sash balance.
. Paint Finishes:
a. Prime Coat: After fabrication, steel windows, fins, mullions, cover plates and associated
parts shall be cleaned, properly treated, prime painted with manufacturer’s standard prime
b. Factory Finish: After fabrication, for type of factory finish selected, steel windows and
associated components shall be cleaned, and given following treatments:
1) Pretreatment: Zinc phosphate treated.
2) Primer: Manufacturer’s special epoxy primer and oven cured.
3) Finish Coat: Manufacturer’s standard color coat finish and oven cured.
4) Color: Refer to Section 09 06 00, SCHEDULE FOR FINISHES.
a)Windows in boiler house shall be given a factory applied finish coat of fume
resisting paint.
b) Color of finish coat is specified in Section 09 06 00, SCHEDULE FOR FINISHES.
c) Touch-up abraded surfaces with enamel as specified for factory finish coat, except
that it shall be Class A (Air-Drying), same as original.
c. Zinc Coated Optional Finish: All steel except screens, shall be cleaned and:
1) Hot dip galvanized (ASTM A123) and/or Electrodeposited (ASTM B633) or equivalent
2) Zinc coated, phosphate treated and prime painted.

08 51 23 STEEL WINDOWS 5
3) Zinc coated, phosphate treated, prime painted and factory finished in color as
selected, from manufacturer’s standard colors.
4) Use galvanize repair compound where galvanized surfaces need field or shop repair.
Apply compound in accordance with manufacturer's printed directions.
7. Glass and Glazing: As specified in Section 08 80 00, GLAZING.
a. Windows shall be factory glazed prior to delivery to project site.
b. Do not provide weep holes through glazed areas.
8. Accessories:
a. Insect Screening:
1) Screen Frame: Formed of electro-galvanized steel having minimum thickness of 0.80
mm (0.032 inch), or of formed or extruded aluminum having a minimum thickness of 1
mm (0.040 inch).
a) Screen frames shall be of same material and finish as specified for windows.
b) Screen frames shall be aluminum with natural finish.
2) Screens: Shall be re-wirable with 18 x 16 mesh cloth of aluminum, or fiberglass.
Nominal wire diameter of the cloth shall not be less than 0.25 mm (0.011 inch) for
aluminum. Wire cloth shall be held taught with removable spline. Screens shall be the
removable type. Design screens to be rewirable and removable from inside building.
a.) Insect screening shall be aluminum alloy fiberglass type .
b. Fit and install each screen so as to cover windows individually and be free from
interference with window hardware without sacrificing protection against insects.
c. Anchor clips and mullions necessary for installation of windows and hardware for operation
of ventilators, including fasteners required for attaching such items to window shall be
provided by window manufacturer.
d. Screws, shields, plugs or other fastenings into building construction shall be in accordance
with manufacturer’s recommendations.
e. Window Cleaner’s Bolts: Provide window cleaner’s bolts of standard design, complying
with governing regulations and ANSI A39.1. Fabricate bolts of stainless steel or bronze.
Reinforce window units or mullions to receive bolts, and provide additional anchorage of
units at locations of bolts.

08 51 23 STEEL WINDOWS 6
f. Extension Pole Operators: Provide one pole operator and pole hanger for every room that
has operable windows more than 1800 mm (6 feet) above floor. Fabricate pole of tubular
anodized aluminum with rubber cap at lower end and standard push-pull hook to match
hardware design at top end. Provide sufficient length for window operation without
reaching more than 1500 mm (5 feet) above floor.
A. General: Fabricate steel windows in accordance with approved shop drawings. Form sections in
one piece, straight, true and smooth. Prior to fabrication, all hot rolled steel sections shall be
cleaned by shot blasting. Provide drips and weep holes in accordance with manufacturer’s
standard practice.
1. Attachment of manufacturer's metal name plates, shall not be permitted on any window
B. Frame: Members shall be modified channel shapes. Corners of frame and ventilators shall be
mitered or coped then solidly welded. Head and jamb members shall have integral screen-stops.
Integrally roll continuous flange at jambs and heads to form a caulking stop between facing and
backing masonry. Exposed and contact surfaces shall be finished smooth, flush, with adjacent
C. Sills: Sills shall have stepped rebates to receive lower sash bottom rail, which shall be kept clear of
sill wash. Sills shall not be perforated at any point in their full length. Weld strap anchors to
underside of sill, or screw to tapped lugs welded thereto.
D. Sash: Rails shall be tubular. Stiles may be tubular or modified channel shape. Stiles and rails shall
be formed in one piece from single strips. Make sash rebates minimum 15 mm (19/32 inch). Make
interior horizontal top surfaces of both meeting rails flat and in same plane. Meeting rails shall
have tight contact with wedge blocks at jambs when sash is closed. Cope, end-lap and weld all
corners of sash.
E. Muntins: Steel tee muntin sections shall be tenoned and welded to perimeter frame. Muntin
intersections shall be slotted and cross notched.
F. Glazing: Design windows for interior glazing. Provide continuous removable snap-in metal glazing
beads to suit specified glazing.
G. Mullions: Provide manufacturer's standard or a structural shape mullion at multiple unit openings.
Make mullions full height of opening and embed them to minimum depth of 125 mm (5 inches) into

08 51 23 STEEL WINDOWS 7
sill, or securely anchor at head and sill with zinc-coated sheet steel extensions, standard bent-clips
or offset shapes of 1.7 mm (14 gauge) zinc-coated steel.
H. If windows and interior metal window trim are installed as complete units, mullions may be
anchored at head by means of 5 mm (3/16 inch) steel plate clip bolted to mullion and welded to
lintel, and supported at sill with 2.3 mm (12 gauge) zinc-coated steel bent clips welded to mullion.
I. Closures: Miter or cope closure corners and fit with tightly closed joints. Secure closures to window
frames with non-corrosive machine screws or expansion rivets, and to masonry with fasteners
J. Reinforcing: Reinforce window frames for attachment of screens, screen hardware or travel-limit
lug. Full or limited length reinforcing plates shall be welded to back of frames, and shall be 3 mm
(1/8 inch) thick and of sufficient width to securely hold fasteners.
K. Welding: Dress all exposed welds and joints, flush and smooth.
L. Fasteners for Anchoring: Where type, size or spacing of fasteners for securing windows and
accessories to building construction is not shown or specified, use expansion or toggle bolts or
screws, recommended by manufacturer for construction material adjacent to window units. Bolts or
screws: Minimum 6 mm (1/4 inch) diameter and spaced not over 600 mm (24 inches) on centers.
1. Expansion shield and bolt assemblies shall provide holding power beyond tensile and shearing
strength of bolt.
2. Power actuated drive pins may be used for securing anchors to concrete if recommended by
A. Form window trim of zinc-coated sheet steel. Use 1.2 mm (18 gauge) for heads and jambs, 2.33
mm (12 gauge) for stools and 1.0 mm (20 gauge) for moldings.
1. Make trim of welded assembly with hairline mitered corners, dressed flush and smooth. Trim to
be used for plaster key, shall have flanges expanded or perforated and provided with
attachments for anchorage. Slightly round exposed edges. Coat back side of trim to masonry.
Make provisions for fastening of metal plastering base.
A. Equip single double hung windows with following type balance: Springs shall be oil tempered
steel and shall develop full strength of balances.

08 51 23 STEEL WINDOWS 8
1. Balance Arm: Spiral and extension spring sash balance. Encase balances in jambs (two each
sash) and attach to sash through slot in inside and outside grooves of jambs. Each balance
shall have a rigid, zinc-coated casing assembled within a helically coiled spring with a hanger
at one end and slotted ferrule at opposite end, and have a cadmium plated metal spiral rod,
equalizing lifting power of spring, operating through ferrule. Attach end of spiral rod at end of
casing to head of frame and bottom of sash.
A. Ventilators: Shall be hung on one sash balance at each jamb.
B. Provide manufacturer’s standard design sweep lock at center of ventilator head rail securely
attached to windows with brass or other corrosive-resisting screws. Furnish two (2) sweep locks for
ventilators exceeding 950 mm (38 inches) in width.
C. Provide two pulls of manufacturer’s standard design at sill rail of ventilator securely attached to
windows with brass or other corrosive-resisting screws, and two pull down bars on under side of
upper-sash meeting rail except as otherwise specified.
1. Fit, test and adjust hardware for each window at factory to insure satisfactory operation and
D. Hardware:
1. Bronze material. material.
2. Hop attached.
Install weather-strips, as standard with manufacturer, at head, jambs, sill, and meeting rails of sash
and of impost. Weather-strip shall be applied to both integral weather-strip grooves of aluminum
weather-strip adapter. Secure weather-strip adapter to frame surface.
A. Window openings shall conform with details, dimensions and tolerances shown on window
manufacturer’s approved shop drawings.
B. Conditions which may adversely affect window installation shall be brought to Contractors
attention, for repair, prior to commencement of window installation. Do not proceed with window
installation until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected.

08 51 23 STEEL WINDOWS 9
C. Washdown of adjacent masonry shall be completed prior to erection of windows to prevent
damage to window finish by cleaning materials.
A. General:
1. Windows specified under this section shall be installed by experienced personnel as approved
by window manufacturer.
B. Install windows in strict accordance with approved shop drawings.
1. Set units plumb, level and true to line, without warp or rack of frames.
2. Anchor units securely to surrounding construction with a minimum of three adjustable, asphalt
coated or galvanized steel anchors with approved fasteners in accordance with manufacturer’s
3. Exterior joints between sash, trim and mullions shall be properly sealed watertight with an
approved sealant as specified in Section 07 92 00, JOINT SEALANTS, and neatly pointed.
Finished work shall have weathertight joints.
C. Protect window equipment during construction.
D. Upon complete installation of all windows and accessories, and before acceptance of work, adjust
all movable sash and operating mechanism for free and easy operation, and defects of any nature.
E. Furnish certificate, signed by both contractor and window manufacturer, stating that installation of
windows was done by installers approved by manufacturer of windows.
A. Protect windows from damage until final inspection and acceptance.


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