by Clara Vulliamy
Rain is a magician.
The best I’ve ever seen.
With just one simple shower
She turns brown grass to green!
art © 2017 by Luciana Navarro Powell
Pinwheel by Elizabeth Steinglass
Art by Francesca Di Chiara
Blow-wheel, Follow me
to the
go-wheel, Guide for
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1. Pinwheel: Even though spring breezes can’t how shiny the wet leaves look and smell how fresh the air
be seen, picked up, or touched, you can help your child is. And be sure to join in the fun of some old-fashioned
explore and understand them. Watch the world together. puddle jumping. It’s spring!
What’s the wind moving today? Is the grass rippling? Are
clouds drifting? What else do you and your child see? 3. Cherry Blossoms: Babies and toddlers are fascinated
Where will breezes carry bubbles or dandelion seeds? Play by anything they can see or touch: tree bark, leaves,
hide-and-seek with the wind by hiding behind something soft grass, and even flowers drifting from above. Talk
that blocks it—then jump out into the breeze again. about what catches your child’s interest, and then make
a simple texture collage together. Peel the backing off
2. Come On, Charley!: Did it rain today? Pull out those some self-adhesive shelf paper and stick leaves, pebbles,
boots,putonthoseraincoats,and,likeCharley’s family,takea or maybe even cherry blossoms on it.
walk together. Opportunities for your child to learn through – Sally Nurss, M.Ed.
his or her senses are as close as the nearest sidewalk: see
BABYBUG (ISSN 1077–1131) is published 9 times a year, monthly except for combined May/June, July/August, and November/December issues, by Cricket
Media, 70 East Lake Street, Suite 800, Chicago, IL 60601. Additional Editorial Office located at 7926 Jones Branch Drive, Suite 870, McLean, VA 22102. Periodicals
postage paid at McLean, VA, and at additional mailing offices. One-year subscription (9 issues) $33.95. Canadian subscribers must add $15.00 per year and
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James M. O’Connor, Director of Editorial; Kathleen Andersen, Associate Editor; Jestine Ware, Assistant Editor; Julie Peterson, Copyeditor; Suzanne Beck, Senior Art Director;
Anna Lender, Designer; Kristen Scribner, Digital Art Director; Naomi Kennedy, Permissions Specialist. April 2017, Volume 23, Number 4, Copyright © 2017, Carus
Publishing dba Cricket Media. All rights reserved, including right of reproduction in whole or in part, in any form. View submission guidelines and submit manuscripts online
Grateful acknowledgment is given to the following publishers and copyright owners for permission to reprint selections from their publications. All possible care has been taken to trace
ownership and secure permission for each selection. “Kim and Carrots,” text and art © 1998 by Clara Vulliamy; “Window Watching,” art © 2010 by Hsingping Pan; “Let’s Explore: Rainy Day,”
photo credits are as follows: 20-21 (BG) studio on line/, 20 (BC), 21 (BC) Golden Shrimp/, 20 (TC) © Steven Bloom /, 20 (RB) Ajar
Setiadi / Solent News, 21 (TC) Photography by © Andrew Suryono, 21 (LB) Jake Olson Copyright 2016; photo credits accompanying “Guide for Caregivers” are as follows (from left to right):
greenland/, Samuel Borges Photography/, FamVeld/, 2p2play/
Printed in the United States of America.
1st printing Quad/Graphics Leominster, Massachusetts March 2017
Your little one
will love this bib!