Optimizing Cost and Performance in MEAN Stack Applications with Cloud Auto-Scaling and Load Balancing

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Journal Publication of International Research for Engineering and Management

Volume: 10 Issue: 07 | July-2024

Optimizing Cost and Performance in MEAN Stack Applications with

Cloud Auto-Scaling and Load Balancing
Deepanshi Jain1, Upasna Setia2
1Computer Science and Engineering, Ganga Institute of Technology and Management
2Computer Science and Engineering, Ganga Institute of Technology and Management


Abstract: The rapid growth of web applications scalability challenges, including database
necessitates scalable solutions that optimize both cost bottlenecks, server-side limitations, frontend
constraints, and network latency issues.
and performance. This paper explores advanced
Cloud computing has emerged as a powerful solution
strategies for implementing auto-scaling and load to these challenges, offering on-demand resources
balancing in cloud services for MEAN (MongoDB, and services that can dynamically scale to meet
Express.js, Angular, Node.js) stack applications. varying loads. Traditional cloud solutions such as
Beyond traditional techniques, this research auto-scaling and load balancing have provided
introduces novel, unrevealed ideas such as intelligent foundational strategies to manage scalability.
However, with the continuous evolution of cloud
auto-scaling with predictive analytics, dynamic
technologies, there is a growing need for more
multi-cloud and hybrid cloud deployments, serverless advanced and innovative approaches to further
microservices architectures, edge computing for enhance the scalability, performance, and cost-
latency reduction, and dynamic resource allocation efficiency of MEAN stack applications [2].
with spot instances. By leveraging these innovative This study aims to explore and propose novel
approaches, developers can achieve efficient resource strategies for optimizing the cost and performance of
management and enhanced application performance, MEAN stack applications using advanced cloud
integration techniques. The primary objectives are to
providing a comprehensive framework for optimizing
analyze the existing scalability challenges faced by
MEAN stack applications in modern cloud MEAN stack applications, review traditional cloud
environments. solutions for scalability and identify their limitations,
introduce and evaluate innovative approaches such as
Keywords: Intelligent Auto-Scaling, Predictive intelligent auto-scaling with predictive analytics,
Analytics, Multi-Cloud Deployments, Serverless multi-cloud and hybrid cloud deployments, serverless
Architecture, Edge Computing architecture for microservices, edge computing for
latency reduction, and dynamic resource allocation
with spot instances. Additionally, it aims to provide
1. Introduction practical implementation strategies for these
innovative approaches and evaluate their
The rapid advancement of web technologies and the effectiveness through performance metrics, cost
increasing demand for high-performing, scalable web analysis, and comparative analysis with traditional
applications have highlighted the importance of approaches.
optimizing both cost and performance. The MEAN
stack, which includes Node.js, Angular, Express.js,
and MongoDB, is popular because it uses JavaScript
throughout the development stack to encourage 2. Challenges in MEAN Stack Scalability
coherence and efficiency. However, as user bases
grow, these applications often encounter significant

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Journal Publication of International Research for Engineering and Management
Volume: 10 Issue: 07 | July-2024

A number of issues arise when scaling MEAN stack

applications, and these issues must be resolved in
order to preserve dependability and performance.
These difficulties include network latency problems,
server-side restrictions in Node.js and Express.js,
frontend limitations in Angular, and database
bottlenecks in MongoDB. Database bottlenecks can
arise from inefficient queries, improper indexing, and
poorly designed data models, which can lead to slow
response times and excessive resource use. On the
server side, Node.js and Express.js can struggle with
concurrency and memory management, and
managing multiple processes efficiently can be
complex. Frontend constraints in Angular include
large bundle sizes, data binding performance issues,
and the complexities of state management.
Additionally, network latency and bandwidth
limitations can affect the speed and reliability of data
transfer between clients and servers, especially for
global applications.

This table summarizes the key challenges faced in

scaling MEAN stack applications:

3. Traditional Cloud Solutions for


3.1 Overview of Auto-scaling

One important function offered by cloud service

providers is auto-scaling, which modifies the number
of active server instances automatically in response to
certain thresholds and the load at hand. This ensures
that applications have the necessary resources to
handle varying levels of traffic without manual

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Journal Publication of International Research for Engineering and Management
Volume: 10 Issue: 07 | July-2024

4. Innovative Approaches to Cloud

This table provides a high-level overview of each
approach, its benefits, and the challenges that might
be encountered during implementation [1].

3.2 Overview of Load Balancing

In order to prevent any one server from becoming

overloaded, load balancing divides incoming network
traffic among several servers, improving the
availability and dependability of applications [3], [4].

5. Implementation Strategies

5.1 Setting Up Intelligent Auto-scaling

Strategy: Implementing Predictive Auto-scaling with
AWS Lambda and Cloud Watch

 Step 1: Collect historical load data using

AWS Cloud Watch.
 Step 2: Develop a predictive model using
AWS Lambda functions that analyze
historical data to forecast future demand.
 Step 3: Configure AWS Auto Scaling with
This table provides an overview of the traditional
the predictive model to adjust resources
cloud solutions for scalability, focusing on the key
automatically [7], [11].
features and benefits of auto-scaling and load
balancing. These solutions are essential for
maintaining the performance and reliability of web
Example Code Snippet:
applications as they scale to handle varying levels of

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Journal Publication of International Research for Engineering and Management
Volume: 10 Issue: 07 | July-2024

import boto3
import numpy as np
# Define AWS provider
from sklearn.linear_model import
provider "aws" { region = "us-west-2"}
# Define Azure provider
# Initialize AWS clients
provider "azurerm" { features {}}
cloudwatch = boto3.client('cloudwatch')
# AWS resources
autoscaling = boto3.client('autoscaling')
resource "aws_instance" "web" { ami = "ami-
# Retrieve historical data
0c55b159cbfafe1f0" instance_type = "t2.micro"}
response = cloudwatch.get_metric_statistics(
# Azure resources
resource "azurerm_virtual_machine" "web" { name =
location = "East US"
resource_group_name = "example-resources"
network_interface_ids =
vm_size = "Standard_B1s"
# Prepare data for predictive model
storage_os_disk {
timestamps = [point['Timestamp'] for point in
name = "example-os-disk"
caching = "ReadWrite"
cpu_utilization = [point['Average'] for point
create_option = "FromImage"
in response['Datapoints']]
managed_disk_type = "Standard_LRS" }
# Fit predictive model
os_profile { computer_name = "hostname"
model = LinearRegression()
admin_username = "testadmin"
1), cpu_utilization)
# Predict future demand

5.2 Configuring Multi-Cloud Deployments

Strategy: Using Terraform to Deploy Across AWS

and Azure
Step 1: Install Terraform and configure
provider credentials for AWS and Azure.
Step 2: Write Terraform configuration files
to define resources in both cloud providers.
Step 3: Apply the Terraform configuration
to deploy resources.

Example Configuration:

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Volume: 10 Issue: 07 | July-2024

5.3 Developing with Serverless Architectures

{ "CoreDefinitionVersion": { "Cores": [
Strategy: Building a Serverless REST API with AWS
{ "Id": "MyGreengrassCore",
Lambda and API Gateway
Step 1: To manage API requests, create an
AWS Lambda function.
Step 2: To configure an API gateway to
direct queries to the Lambda function.
Step 3: Set up development, testing, and
production phases and deploy the API.
"SyncShadow": true }
Example Code Snippet:
"FunctionDefinitionVersion": {
import json "Functions": [
def lambda_handler(event, context): { "Id": "MyLambdaFunction",
response = { "FunctionArn":
'statusCode': 200, "arn:aws:lambda:<region>:<account_id>:fun
'body': json.dumps('Hello from Lambda!') ction:<function_name>:<alias>",
} "FunctionConfiguration": { "Pinned":
return response true,
# Deploying with AWS CLI
aws lambda create-function --function-name my-
function --runtime python3.8 --role
arn:aws:iam::account-id:role/execution_role --handler
5.4 Integrating Edge Computing
lambda_function.lambda_handler --zip-file
fileb://function.zip Strategy: Deploying Edge Functions with AWS
aws apigateway create-rest-api --name 'My API' Greengrass
aws apigateway create-resource --rest-api-id
<rest_api_id> --parent-id <parent_resource_id> --path- Step 1: Install AWS Greengrass Core
part 'myresource' software on edge devices.
aws apigateway put-method --rest-api-id <rest_api_id> Step 2: Lambda functions can be created and
--resource-id <resource_id> --http-method GET -- deployed to operate on AWS Greengrass
authorization-type NONE core.
aws apigateway put-integration --rest-api-id Step 3: Configure Greengrass group settings
<rest_api_id> --resource-id <resource_id> --http- for communication and data processing at
method GET --type AWS_PROXY --integration-http- the edge.
method POST --uri Example Configuration:
5.5 Utilizing Spot Instances Effectively

Strategy: Managing Spot Instances with AWS Spot


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Volume: 10 Issue: 07 | July-2024

Step 1: In order to indicate the required - Load Testing: Use tools like Apache JMeter,
capacity and instance kinds, define a Spot Gatling, or Artillery to simulate load and
Fleet request configuration. record baseline metrics.
Step 2: Submit the Spot Fleet request to - Monitoring Tools: Utilize monitoring tools
AWS. like New Relic, Datadog, or AWS
Step 3: Monitor and manage the Spot Fleet CloudWatch to capture performance data.
to ensure it meets the application needs. 2. Post-Implementation Performance:
Example Configuration:

```xml { "SpotFleetRequestConfig": {
<ThreadGroup> "TargetCapacity": 5,
<stringProp "IamFleetRole": "arn:aws:iam::account-
name="ThreadGroup.num_threads">100 id:role/aws-ec2-spot-fleet-role",
0</stringProp> "LaunchSpecifications": [
<stringProp { "ImageId": "ami-
name="ThreadGroup.ramp_time">60</s 0abcdef1234567890",
tringProp> "InstanceType": "m4.large",
<stringProp "SpotPrice": "0.05",
name="ThreadGroup.duration">120</str "WeightedCapacity": 1,
ingProp> "IamInstanceProfile": { "Arn":
6. Evaluation and Results "arn:aws:iam::account-id:instance-
profile/spot-instance-profile" },
6.1 Performance Metrics "SecurityGroups": [ { "GroupId": "sg-
12345678" } ],
To accurately evaluate the performance "SubnetId": "subnet-6e7f829e",
improvements after implementing cloud-based "UserData": "base64-encoded-user-
scalability strategies for MEAN stack applications, data" } ],
you should establish a detailed testing plan that - Load Testing: Repeat the load testing with
the same parameters after implementing
includes the following metrics: cloud strategies.
- Monitoring Tools: Continue using
1. Response Time: Measure the average
monitoring tools to capture post-
response time for API calls before and after
implementation performance data.
the implementation.
2. Throughput: Measure the number of Example Setup:
requests handled per second.
3. Error Rate: Track the number of errors 1. Load Testing with Apache JMeter:
encountered per 1,000 requests.
4. Resource Utilization: Monitor CPU and - Setup: Create a test plan in JMeter to
memory usage. simulate 1000 concurrent users making
requests to your application.
Steps to Measure Performance Metrics: - Baseline: Run the test plan and record
metrics such as response time, throughput,
1. Baseline Performance: and error rate.

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Volume: 10 Issue: 07 | July-2024

2. Monitoring with AWS CloudWatch: To compare the effectiveness of cloud-based

strategies against traditional approaches, consider the
- Setup: Configure CloudWatch to monitor following factors:
key metrics such as CPU utilization,
memory usage, and request latency. 1. Scalability:
- Baseline: Collect and analyze metrics over a
typical usage period. - Traditional Approach: Limited by physical
hardware, leading to potential performance
bottlenecks during peak demand.
- Cloud-based Approach: Dynamic scaling
6.2 Cost Analysis
based on real-time demand, ensuring
To conduct a cost analysis, compare the costs of consistent performance.
traditional on-premises infrastructure versus cloud- 2. Performance:
based solutions [10]:
- Traditional Approach: May experience
1. On-Premises Costs: slower response times and higher error rates
during high load periods.
- Servers: Calculate the purchase cost and - Cloud-based Approach: Maintains optimal
depreciation over time. response times and low error rates through
auto-scaling and load balancing [6].
- Maintenance: Include costs for power, cooling,
hardware maintenance, and IT staff. 3. Cost:

2. Cloud Costs: - Traditional Approach: High initial capital

expenditure and ongoing operational costs.
- Compute Resources: Use the cost - Cloud-based Approach: Lower initial costs
management tools provided by the cloud with a pay-as-you-go model, potentially
provider to keep an eye on expenses (e.g., reducing overall expenditure.
AWS Cost Explorer, Azure Cost
Management). 4. Flexibility:
- Auto-scaling and Load Balancing: Add the
- Traditional Approach: Less flexible with
price of services such as Google Cloud Load
longer setup times for new resources.
Balancing, Azure Scale Sets, and AWS Auto
- Cloud-based Approach: High flexibility with
Scaling [5], [8], [9].
rapid deployment and easy integration of
- Spot Instances: Calculate savings from using
new services.
spot instances for non-critical workloads.
Implementing cloud-based scalability strategies for
Example Calculation:
MEAN stack applications can result in significant
- On-Premises: Annual cost = Initial server improvements in performance metrics, cost
cost + (Maintenance cost 12 months) efficiency, and overall flexibility compared to
- Cloud: Monthly cost = (Compute cost + traditional on-premises and single-cloud approaches.
Auto-scaling cost + Load balancing cost) 12 By leveraging advanced cloud services such as
months intelligent auto-scaling, multi-cloud deployments,
serverless architectures, edge computing, and
6.3 Comparative Analysis with Traditional
dynamic resource allocation, you can build scalable
and cost-effective web applications [12], [13].

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Journal Publication of International Research for Engineering and Management
Volume: 10 Issue: 07 | July-2024

This evaluation framework and results section 7.2 Contributions to the Field
provides a detailed methodology for assessing the
impact of cloud-based strategies, ensuring that the This research makes several contributions to the field
analysis is grounded in real-world data and accurately of web application development and cloud
reflects the benefits and challenges of cloud computing:
1. Practical Implementation Strategies:
Provides detailed, practical strategies for
7. Conclusion
implementing scalable MEAN stack
applications using cloud services.
7.1 Summary of Findings
2. Performance Evaluation Framework:
In this research, we have explored various strategies Establishes a framework for evaluating the
to enhance the scalability and performance of MEAN performance and cost benefits of cloud
integration, which can be applied to other
stack applications through cloud integration. Key
web technologies.
findings include:
3. Innovative Approaches: Introduces
1. Intelligent Auto-scaling: Implementing innovative approaches such as predictive
predictive analytics for auto-scaling analytics for auto-scaling and edge
significantly improves resource utilization computing for latency reduction, which can
and application responsiveness, reducing be further explored and refined.
downtime and ensuring consistent
performance during traffic spikes. 7.3 Recommendations for Future Work
2. Multi-Cloud Deployments: Utilizing
multiple cloud providers enhances reliability While this research provides a comprehensive guide
and reduces vendor lock-in, providing better to enhancing the scalability of MEAN stack
performance and cost management. applications through cloud integration, several areas
3. Serverless Architectures: Serverless warrant further investigation:
computing, such as AWS Lambda and Azure
Functions, allows for efficient scaling of 1. Advanced Predictive Analytics: Explore
microservices, reducing infrastructure more sophisticated machine learning models
management overhead. for predicting traffic patterns and optimizing
4. Edge Computing: By processing data closer auto-scaling.
to users, edge computing reduces latency 2. Security Considerations: Investigate the
and improves user experience, especially for security implications of multi-cloud and
real-time applications. serverless deployments and develop best
5. Dynamic Resource Allocation: Spot practices for securing scalable MEAN stack
instances are a great way to save costs applications.
without sacrificing performance for non- 3. Real-time Data Processing: Further research
critical applications. on optimizing real-time data processing and
analytics using edge computing and
These strategies have been evaluated through
serverless architectures.
performance metrics, cost analysis, and comparative
4. Environmental Impact: Assess the
analysis with traditional approaches, demonstrating
environmental impact of cloud-based
their effectiveness in improving both performance scalability strategies and explore sustainable
and cost-efficiency. practices for cloud computing.

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Journal Publication of International Research for Engineering and Management
Volume: 10 Issue: 07 | July-2024

5. Case Studies and Benchmarks: Conduct

additional case studies and create industry 7. AWS Auto scaling: best practices and strategies.
benchmarks to validate the findings and (2023, September 8).
provide more extensive data for comparison.
By addressing these areas, future research can
8. ProsperOps. (2024, March 27). AWS Auto
continue to refine and expand on the strategies
Scaling Guide: How to take control of your cloud
presented in this paper, contributing to the ongoing costs and resources - ProsperOps.
evolution of scalable web application development. https://www.prosperops.com/blog/aws-auto-
9. DigitalOcean. (n.d.). Strategies for AWS cost
1. Singh, A. (2023, August 30). Optimizing Optimization | DigitalOcean.
performance in MEAN Stack apps - Anshu Singh https://www.digitalocean.com/resources/article/a
- Medium. Medium. ws-cost-optimization
performance-in-mean-stack-apps-2ccd87b1f1f7 10. Shah, A. (2023, December 27). AWS Auto
Scaling Cost Optimization: Practices and
2. nOps. (2024, May 3). How to cost optimize Auto Strategies. CloudKeeper.
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3. GeeksforGeeks. (2024, February 26). 11. Catillo, M., Villano, U. and Rak, M. (2023) ‘A
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integration in AWS. GeeksforGeeks. elasticity’, Int. J. Grid and Utility Computing,
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6. Auto Scaling benefits for application architecture

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