Discovered Only 5

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Discovered Only 5% Ocean In the


In this world, only 5% oceans are mapped which covered almost 70% surface of the planet and about
96.5% water one the earth. Also 70% oxygen of the earth is from ocean where we can found about 94%
earth wildlife.


Some Facts

Pacific Ocean, which is largest ocean in this world which contain 30% surface of the world and the
deepest area of Ocean, Mariana Trench which is located in the South Pacific Ocean. Some parts of
ocean contain fresh ice which is safe to drink and use. It is also reported that Ninety percent
volcanic related activity is occurred in the ocean. We can also found forty thousand three
hundred and ninety (40,390) miles which is almost equal to 65,169 kilometer long mountain
ranger underwater, called as the Mid-Oceanic Ridge.
It is hard to believe but ocean is blue because of sun. Ocean also covered 5 percent of United Stated
land. We talked about Mariana Trench as its pressure of water at the bottom is about 8 tons per
square inch. After the survey, it is also estimated that three million of shipwrecks are available
on the ocean surface. Hundreds of museum can also be found under ocean. If we talk about the
proteins, Ocean provide 14 percent of earth’s protein. Few years ago, some sounds were
reported and heard from three thousand miles away under the sea which largest sound is made
by iceberg, named as “The Bloop”.

Animals under Ocean

One hundred and eight feet long largest Blue whale also seen in the ocean which is tall as more than 10
story building. Thousands types of plants and animal species can be found under the sea. If we tal about
penguin, there are 18 types and all are living the coasts of southern hemisphere. They are very speedy in
the sea but difficult to walk on the land. Biggest fish is known as whale shark which gives more than 300
of eggs. Some sea animals like echinoderm, sea urchins, brittle stars and sea starts can be found in the
coasts of sea. Usually they do not have brain, eyes and heart.
One study revealed that, there are more than 898 species from 100 families and a dozen phyla. Many of
them are new in nature. you know that fishes can change their sex while coursing and some of the
species have both male and female organs. The longest bony fish, which is called Oarfish have snake like
body and it can grow up to seven meter long.

Ocean Names

There are five oceans in the world named as Pacific Ocean. Indian Ocean, Arctic Ocean, Atlantic
Ocean and Antarctic Ocean. Before it was only four but including United States of America,
fifth ocean Antarctic Ocean has been recognized. Pacific Ocean is the largest one and
Arctic is smallest Ocean in the world.

Highlights on each ocean

Pacific Ocean (Area: 161,760,000 km2, Volume: 660,000,000 km3 ) - Its temperature condition is
moderate like divided into all types of temperature. Cold in east and warmer in the west side of it.

Atlantic Ocean (Area: 85,133,000 km2, Volume: 310,410,900 km3 )- It is rich in fish and known as world
richest Fishing Ocean. It is reported that this ocean formed during the Jurassic period and one of the first
Ocean where airplane crossed.

Antarctic Ocean (Area: 70,560,000 km2, Volume: 310,410,900 km3)- It is the smallest ocean which is full
of wildlife and mountains of ice.

Indian Ocean (Area: 70,560,000 km2, Volume: 264,000,000 km3) - It is the third largest Ocean in the
world which is full of exotic plants and animal species

Arctic Ocean (Area: 15,558,000 km2, Volume: 18,750,000 km3) – It is one of the smallest and shallowest
Ocean in this plant which contains marine species like whales and walruses.

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