To, Head of HCM Ventura Leatherware Mfy (BD) Ltd. Uttara EPZ, Nilphamari.
Subject- Resignation from service
Dear Sir, I am Rupesh Chakma ID: 30421, working here as a quality officer since 20th April, 2024. I would like to inform you that I have been suffering physical sickness (unrelief coughing, suffocation as well as tracheal problem) since last two months more. I have been medicated locally by Dr. Nazrul Islam, Soiyodpur, several times and continued till last week but found hardly improvement rather feel worsen day by day. At last week, I went Dhaka for better checkup and getting good medical consultations. Sir, it very regret for me to state that Bronchial Asthma successive stage has been diagnosed and doctor strongly consulted me to completely avoid dust, humid, polluted arial areas as long as prohibited not to work under such environment at any more. Again, it has been suggested to take completely bed rest at least for three months with taking proper medical doses. Therefore, under these circumstances, I have no option but getting resignation from the service. So, I have decided to resign from the service and wish to be activated from today. I pray Ventura Leatherware Mfy(BD) Ltd. Keeps continuous its prosperous development as well as prevails its flourishing. I always grateful and remember to all for your proactive and friendly approach with me. I really miss you all