Chemistry Sample Ques. Paper 15

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Series i-Succeed 15-25/15 RollNo.

SPQ Code: PB-15/15

SampleQuestionPaper l6
Chemistry 12th (Code 043)
beneral Instructions See the Instructions Sample Paper 10

Section A
correct answer. Each question carries 1mark.
The following questions are multijple-choice questions with one
There is no internal choice in this section.

1, Which of the following statemernts are correct, 5. Phenols can be distinguished from alcohols by
when a mixture of NaCl and K,Cr,0, is gently (a) FeCl3 (neutral)
warmed with conc. H,SO4? (b) Fehling solution
I. A
deep red vapour isevolved. (c) Tollen's reagent
I. The vapours when passed into NaOH (d) 2,4-DNP
solution gives ayellow solution ofNa ,CrO 4. 6. Which of the following reagents can not be
II. Chlorine gas is evolved. used to oxidise primary alcohols to
IV. Chromyl chloride is formed. aldehydes?
(a) Iand II (b) IIonly (a) CrO, in anhydrous medium.
(c) , II and IV (d) II and IV (b) KMn04 in acidic medium.
() Pyridinium chlorochromate.
2. Co-ordination number of Ni in [Ni(C,0 4)3 1- is (d) Heat in the presence of Cu at 573 K.
(a) 3 (b) 6 (c) 4 (d) 5
3. A reaction in which reactants (R) are converted 7. Match the common names given in Column I
into products (P) follows second order kinetics. with IUPAC names given in Column II.
If concentration ofR is increased by four times,
ColumnI Column II
what will be the increase in the rate of formation
of P ? (Common names) (IUPAC names)
(a) 9 times (b) 4 times A. Cinnamaldehyde 1. Pentanal
(c) 16 times (d) 8 times B. Acetophenone 2. Prop-2-enal
4. Benzoicacid is treated with SOCl, and the
C. Valeraldehyde 3. 1-phenylethanone
product (X)formed is reacted with ammonia to
give (Y) () on reaction with Br, and KOH gives D. Acrolein
4. 3phenyl prop-2-enal
(Z) (Z) in the reaction is
(a) aniline Codes
(b) chlorobenzene (a) A-(4), B-(3), C-(1), D-(2)
(c) benzamide (b) A-(3), C(4), C-(2), D-(1)
(d) benzoyl chloride (c) A-(1), C-(2), C-{3), D-(4)
(d) A-(1), C-(4), C-(3),D-(2)
8. 12. Arrange the following
Number of of increasing dipole compounds in order
Complex unpaired electrons
A:Toluene moment.
[Cr(H,ON Violet
[Zn(NH; J C:0-dicthlorobenzene
(a) A<B<C
X and Y in the above table are (b) C< B<A
(a) X = 4, Y = Blue (c) A<C<B
(b)X =3,Y = Colourless (d) B< A<C
(c) X =3, Y =Blue
(d) X =4,Y =Colourless Assertion-Reason
9. For a first order reaction, the half-life Direction (Q. Nos. 13-16) In the following questions
as Assertion (A) is followed by a corresponding
period (/2) is Reason (R). Use the following keys to choose the
(a) proportional to the initial concentration appropriate answer.
(b) inversely proportional to the initial (a) Both (A) and (R)are true and (R) is the correct
explanation of (A).
(c) proportional to the square root of the (b) Both (A)and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct
initial concentration
explanation of (A).
(d) independent of the initial concentration (c) (A) is true but (R) is false.
10. The IUPAC name of CH;COCH(CH;), is (d) (A) is false but (R) is true.
(a) 2-methyl-3-butan-3-one 13. Assertion (A) At isoelectric point, the amino
(b) 4-methyliso-propyl ketone group does not migrate under the influence
(c) 3-methyl-2-butan-2-one of electricfield.
(d) iso-propylmethyl ketone Reason (R) At isoelectric point, amino acid
exists as a Zwitter ion.
11. The molar conductivity of
CH,CH,COOH at infinite dilution is 14. Assertion (A) Acetanilide is less basic than
350Scm /mol. Using the graph and aniline.
given information, the molar conductivity Reason (R) Acetylation of aniline results in
of CH,CH,COONa will be decrease of electron density on nitrogen.
15. Assertion (A) C,H,OHis a weaker base
Am 425
(S HCI than phenol.
Reason (R) In phenol, the lone pair of
electrons on oxygen is withdrawn towards
the ring due to resonance.
175 NaCI 16. Assertion (A) Zirconium (belongs to 4d
- transition series) and hafnium (belongs to 5d
125 0.3 transition series) show similar physical and
756 0.1 0.2
ce(mo/Ly12 chemical properties.
(b) 100cm/mol Reason (R)Zirconium and hafnium both
(a) 75 S cm²/mol have similar atomic radius.
(c) 150 cm²/mol (d) 115 S cm'/mol
Section B
question. The following questions are
choicein one
The section contains5questions withintenal
very short answer type and carry2marks each.
I. Indicate the types of isomerismexhibited the difference between fi!brous
the (b) Whatis globular protein?
by the following complexes anddraw protein and
structures for these isomers. Or
(a) [Colen), ]Cl; The melting points and solubility
(b) [P(NH;),Cl,] amino acids in water are generally
18. Write down the reactions taking place at
higher thanthat of the corresponding
the electrodes of a mercury cell. haloacids. Explain.
19. Give reason for the following statements. of N, O, in CCI, at
(a) When an alkyl halide is treated with
21. The decomposition
studied by monitoring the
318 K has been
ethanolic solution of KCN, the major concentration of N, 0; in the solution.2.33
product is alkyl cyanide whereas if Initially the concentration of N,O, is
alkylhalide is treated with AgCN, the mol L and after 184 minutes, it is reduced
major product is alkyl isocyanide.
to 2.08 mol L.The reaction takes place
(b) Haloalkanes undergo nucleophilic
substitution whereas haloarenes
according to the equation.
undergo electrophilic substitution. 2N,Os (8)’4NO2 (g)+O,(g)
20, (a) Which one of the following is a Calculate the average rate of this reaction
disaccharide: Starch, Maltose, in terms of hours. What is the rate of
Fructose, Glucose? production of NO, during thisperiod?

Section C
The section contains 7questions with internal choice in one question. The following questions are
short answer type and carry 3 marks each.
LL. An aqueous solution of a non-volatile () Name the alkene which will yield
solute freezes at 272.4 K, while pure water 1-chloro-1-methylcyclohexane by its
freezes at 273.0 K. Determine the molality reaction with HCI. Write the reaction
and boiling point of solution. involved.
(Given :K,=1.86 KKg mol-, 24. Write the mechanism of acid catalysed
K =0.512K kg mol and vapour pressure dehydration of ethanolto yield ether.
of water at 298 K=23.756 mm of Hg.
23. (a) Whydoes pdichlorobenzene have a
413 K

higher melting point than its o-and Or

Consider the following structures of ethers
(b) Draw the structure of major CHa Ci
monohalogen product formed in the
given reaction. H,C CH, H,C CH;
(X) ()
+ HI (a) Give IUPAC names of X and I.
(b) Compare the solubility of ethers
Y in water.
(c) Explain why ethers like X
and Yare
commonly used as solvents in organic (c) Benzene to
chemistry. 27. Afirst order acetanilide
Of (a) What type of
isomerism is shown by 40minutes atreaction is 50%
300 K and in 20completedatin
complex(Co(NH3),Cl,1? the 320 K.Calculate the minutes
(b) Write the reaction. activation energy of the
character hybridisation
of [Co(C,0,)s.and magnetic (Given: log 2=0.3010,
log 4=0.6021, R =8.314 JK 1
(Atomic number of Co =27) 28, An aromatic
(c) Write IUPAC
name of the following heating with NH andcompound
(A] on
at high
complex [Cr(NH;),Cl,] pressure gives [B]. The compound (B] on
O6 How will the treatmernt with ice cold
following be
chemical equations). converted? (Give and HClgives [C] whichsolution of NaNO,
on heating with
(a) Cu/HCl gives compound (A), again.
Acetamide to ethylamine Identify the compounds [AJ [B] and [C].
Ethylanmine to methylamine Write the name of the reaction for the
conversion of [B] to (C].
Section D
The following questions are
4(2+1+) marks each. Read thecase-based questions. Each question has an internal choice and carries
passage carefully and answer the questions that
29. In order to account for the
extent of
association and dissociation, van'tHoff (b) What is the value of 'i' for
introduced afactor, i complete dissociation MgSO4
factor. It is defined as, called van't Hoff
and K,SO4?
The ratio of the normal (or (c) What is the expected value of
experimental (or observed) theoretical) and van't
molar mass Hofffactor for Ka[Fe(CN)]in dilute
i= Theoretical molar mass solution?
Experimental molar mass What is the van't Hoff factor for a
In case of association, the
magnitude of
experimnental molar mass is greater than compound which undergoes
theoretical molar mass. So, the factor, ihas tetramerisation in an organic
value less than one. In case of dissociation, solvent ?
the magnitude of experimental mass is less 30, Biomolecules include large
than the theoretical molar mass. macromolecules
(or polyarnions) such as proteins, SP-15
So, the factor, i has value more than one. In
case of solutes which neither undergo carbohydrates, lipids and nucleic acids as
well as small molecules such as
association nor dissociation, the magnitude primary
of experimental molar mass is equal to metabolites, secondary metabolites and
natural products. All living forms bacteria,
theoretical molar mass.So, the factor, ihas algae, plant and animals are made of
value equal to one. similar macromolecules that are
Based on the above information answer the for life. responsible
questions given below. Among
(a) (i) What will be the van't Hoff factor DNA andbiomolecules, nucleic acids, namely
RNA, have the unique function
for a compound which undergoes of storing an organism's genetic
dimerisation in an organic solvent? code-the
sequence of nucleotides that determines the
(ii) What would be the van't Hoff amino acid sequence of protein, which are
factor, i for a compound which of critical importance for life on
These are 20 different anmino acids that can
undergoes dissociation in a
solvent ? OCcur within a protein.
31. The
(b) (a) compounds iodoform
from foCompound
r gives following
on An questions.
following soure
but compounds biomoleules
(a) Basedbiomolecule
variety structural are whichatoms up
addition the
towardsArrange (ii) Account ozonolysis forms ozonolysis
alkene'A' among primarily
(ii) () B positive (i)
increasing propanal
propanone? reaction.
and How Cl-CH-COOH? Write lower Why and on of are of
on questions galactose.
hydrolysisName tstored
of carbon,
he roles,
components thessential
e carbohydrates,
the can for treatmentA, 'C 'B' above of
the than pK,
the and B doesFehling's (molecular
and'C. gives a energy. living on
following you product Or and disaccharide including most moleules of
earth. hydrogen
order that of formation
following. are information
FCH,-COOH ldentify
C. not a give abundant energy
distinguish mixture long organisnms, of
of of with test
Write giveCompound Lipids,
compounds in formula answer glucose serving sourcesall
containing which
their I,and life and
the ofFehling'
the the s and of which answer another
reactivity DIBAL-H () iodoform also two fulfill and oxygen are
H,0() following reaction NaOH. CsHo) types and as and
forms 'B' a they made
in test and on the akey
is Section
marks 5
(ii) (i) (c) (b)
NiNO32+ 059 NicelCalculate How equation: Cro,
l [AtomicplatedCrO3(aq)
potential from
Benzaldehyde,(i) (i) each. plants.Write sugar?
in between5 Which (ii)
Anode nucleotidesName DNA? DNA base
Ni potential
V.(s)| pnitrobenzaldehyde, Ethanal,
acetophenone. butanone. Also
units. on
All a to of
[Ec*/ Ni outmany accordingacidican
questions main the cytosine one
ofthe mass by +6H" that hydrolysis name
Salt-bridge grams metal linkage
(IM)|| Ni"/Ni
E° 24000 propanal, functions Or and are
+6eCr(s) solution in thc is
Succeed i
for to can 3 another disaccharide
=0.34V] Cr=52] of the have atormsjoinedcomplementary in give
Cathode Cu?NO3 the
chromiumC? by one
Cu following be which
cel,reduction containingplated propanone, an carbohydrates of together two
internal of strand
strand Chemistry
pentose glucose
when out which
wil + choice. of of
9) 3H-0 Class
(is the be
Sample Question Paper 15

(iii) What is the purpose of the

standard hydrogen electrode in (c) Why is the Eryy²yvalue for
vanadium iscomparatively low?
electrochemical measurement? (d) Why HCl should not be used
(b) Given reasons
(i) Mercury cell delivers a for potassium permanganate
constant titrations?
potential during its life time.
(ii) In the experimental (e) The oxidising power of the following
of electrolytic conductance, three oxo-ions in the series follows the
direct order. Justify.
current (DC) is not used.
Vo; <Cr,0 <Mn0z.
(a) Define conductivity and molar Or

conductivity for the solution of an (a) Both O, and F, stabilises high

electrolyte. oxidation states of transition metals
but the ability of oxygen to do so
(b) Write two advantages of
cell over H-02 fuel exceeds that of fluorine. Explain.
ordinary cell.
(c) Calculate the standard cell (b) Explain the observation, at the end of
potential of
the galvanic cellin which the each period, there is a slight increase
following in the atomic radius of d-block
reaction takes place. elements.
Fe (aq) + Ag* (ag)’ Fe (aq) + Ag(s) (c) How do diamagnetic and
Also, calculate the A,G° and equilibrium paramagnetic substances respond to
constarnt of the reaction.
the applied magnetic field?
(EAg /Ag =080 V; Epe+ Fe2 =0.77 V) (a) Write general electronic configuration of
(i) d-block elements.
33. Answer the following. (ii) fblock elements.
(a) Why are all copper halides known
except that copper iodide? (e) Name a transition element which does
not exhibit variable oxidation states
(b) Why Cr* act as a strong reducing and why?

Answer Key
3. (c) 4. (a) 5. (a) 6. (D) 7. (a) 8. () 9. (0) 10. (c)
1. (c) 2. (b)
11. (a) 12. (d) 13. (a) 14. (a) 15. (d) 16. (a)

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