Executive summary...................................................................................................................1
Current Transport business in Ethiopia.........................................................................2
GENERAL BACKGROUND OF TRANSPORT BUSINESS...............................................3
ABOUT THE PROMOTERSS......................................................................................................4
OUR VALUES...................................................................................................................................4
VISSION, MISSION AND GOALS...........................................................................................4
ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE............................................................................................5
KEY RISK FACTORS.....................................................................................................................5
FINANCIAL ANALYSIS................................................................................................................6
FINANCIAL RESULTS..................................................................................................................6
Business Plan For Truck vehicle
Executive summary
MTZ Trading PLC is a share company business which is established to engage in dry cargo
transport business. In Ethiopia 90% of freight transportation both in the import and export
sectors and 95% of the public transportation services are provided by the road transport
The Ethiopian government imports on average 2.5 to 4 million tons of dry bulk cargo (grain,
Fertilizer, coal, and sugar) annually. The Country spends about ETB 6 Billion on average for
sea transport, port service and haulage to inland destinations.
The country annual import cargos have reached 14 million tons. This amount can be
classified as; Containerized: 3.2 million metric tons, which is 23%, Dry bulk: 4 million tons,
28% , Petroleum products: 4.1 million tons, 29%, Steel and other general cargoes: 2.9 million
tons, which is about 20%. Ethiopia's export cargo has reached 2 million tons annually, with
an estimated annual export cargo of 65,000 containers or 1.3 million tons through the port of
Djibouti. But the government of Ethiopia is strongly working to diversify the import and
export gateway other than Djibouti port with different ownership modality.
This will diversify the sol transport corridor, Addis Ababa-Djibouti, in to multiply ways. In
addition the recently china- Africa road belt project is also under progress that will increase
the connectivity of different nations of Africa through road way.
As a result, the applicant decided to participate in the transport sector considering the
untapped market share.
Ethiopia is now going through a constant multifaceted economic growth and
transformation. Ethiopia is improved economic infrastructure, abundant and affordable
labor along with its excellent climate and fertile soil remains the country comparative
advantage attracting investors.
Transport system is a key element in logistics chain it join the separated activities. Freight
dry transportation is the processes of conveying different types of goods from one point to
another using a Varity of transport modes. Freight transportation plays a vital role in the
economy because it connects suppliers, distributors, and vendors. It also strengthens the
business competitiveness of a country. In supply chain and logistics activities inefficiency is
one of the activities which can be exhibited in terms of higher cost, delay and
unpredictability in delivering the product and service to the customer in turn impacts
economic growth of a country. Freight delay happens when time taken to transport good
MTZ Trading PLC engaged in transport business; which highly demand business
activities. Thus, the acquired cargo truck become input for the established business and will
have a great business return.
Generally, every business has its own strength and weakness to its internal-environment
and opportunities and threats to the external environment.
Strength:-The promoters grew up in a family that has strong business background in
diversified business like transport business. So managing this and other business is simple to
the business.
Weakness:-It is expected that limited financial resource that limits the promoters from having
more diversified business in order to provide more service and a better share in the business.
the best
Continuous Improvement: In all aspects of the business we strive to innovate, improve
survive so long as our efforts to satisfy customers at last to the extent of their minimum
Stability and Flexibility: We ensures both stability to keep consistent excellence in the
business and. flexibility to adjust the operation in accordance with the prevailing changes
To be a prominent and very successful in the transport business by delivering better
production at a very reasonable price to the market Play a great role in filling the gap
between demand and supply is part of the development process along with good marketing
The mission of the business is to be the leading transport servicing of the country.
Continuing what we have started, showing the society that it is possible to get individual
One of the factors that determine the success of any business is finance which is considered
to be the major one. Since source is from internal equity and bank loan such risk would be
easily minimized.
Management ability to direct the activity of the business and make decision that determines
the success of the entity.
We recognize the fact that there is an inherent risk in vehicle operation. Any damage to
vehicle may undermine the profitable of the company. To reduce this risk we maintain all
necessary insurance.
The collateral will be the acquired SINO TRUCK from the supplier Yilkal yenesew import
&export, which has total Pro forma Value of Birr 7,400,000.00
He has planned to cover about 50% of the cost of the Truck for the assumed Freight dry
Truck purchase and the remaining is assumed to get loan from local Bank.
In order to see the financial viability of the project, the operating costs, projected income
statement and the projected cash flow tables are prepared and presented
(See Appendix for all computations)
The financial statement, which is prepared based on the projected financial statements,
reveals that the project would generate a net profit throughout its five year life ranging from
Birr 456,574.54 in the first year to Birr 1,357,883.29 at the five years end. The net cash flow
is also positive throughout the project years. Therefore, we can conclude that the project will
not face any cash shortages throughout its life.
Cash Flow Statement for Financial Planning
The financial performance of the project shows good financial capacity and positive cash
balance. The net cumulative cash flow of the project increases from Birr 840,940.47 in the
first year to Birr 7,455,990.80 By the end of five year. The project is liquid throughout its
projected life and it can meet debt obligation from the profit it generates.
Assumptions and facts
Project life assumed is 5 years
Interest is assumed to be 19.75 % per annum and Quarterly loan repayment is assumed.
The bank loans are to be paid back in 20 quarterly installments.
The economic life of the vehicle is assumed to be 5 years.
The vehicle is assumed to be work for 11 months in a year, six trips per month,
The vehicle income for single trip assumed to Birr 48,000.00. Therefore, income from
the truck for the first operating year is Birr 3,168,000.00. Income is assumed to
increase at 11% per year though the project life.
MTZ Trading PLC Transport Business
Depreciation and amortization schedule
1 2 3 4 5
Revenue From Vehicle 3,168,000.00 3,516,480.00 3,903,292.80 4,332,655.01 4,809,247.06
Description 1 2 3 4 5
Equity 3,700,000.00
Cost Of sales -
The projected income statement indicates that the project is profitable throughout its life.
The projected financial performance of the project also shows excellent financial capacity
and positive cash balance. Besides, the discounted cash flow shows cash surplus
throughout the project life and the financial internal rate of the project is higher than the
cost of capital.
The project gauged against various parameters was assessed by varying the most
significant parameters and the result shows that the project can accommodate any price
or cost variations without significant implication on the profitability of the project.
Therefore, based on the forecasted overall financial analysis, we conclude that MTZ
Trading PLC freight dry transportation business that shall results improvement of
the development sector is supported and viable and worthwhile for implementation.