BSc MPCs 1st Yr 1st sem C Language

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Telangana University


Internal Assessment Test – 2
Time: 30 min Sub: Programming in C
Name of the Student: _____________________ Max Marks: 30
H.T.No: ________________________________
Group & Sem/Year: B.C.A, 1st Yr, I sem
I) Multiple Choice Questions 10 X 1 = 10
1. From the following which one is loop statement? ( )
a) for b) if c) switch d) else
2. The single character input/output functions are ( )
a) Scanf & printf b) getchar & putchar
c) scanf & putchar d) getchar & printf
3. From the given which a library function. ( )
a) getch() b) auto c) int d) hello()
4. C programs are converted to the machine language with the help of ( )
a) Interpreter b) compiler c) Assembler d) none of the above
5. C language statements are end with ( )
a) ; b) . c) ? d) #
6. ___________ is a keyword used to declare structures in C? ( )
a) union b) structure c) enum d) struct
7. The extension for C program files by default is ( )
a) ‘.c’ b) ‘.d’ c) ‘.obj’ d) ‘.exe’
8. C variable cannot start with ( )
a) a number b) an alphabet c) a character d) none of the bove
9. An array is a collection of ( )
a) different data types b) same data items of same data type c) both a and c d) None
10. The string always ends with ( )
a) ‘\0’ character b) ‘\’ character c) ‘0\’ character d) none of the above

II) Fill in the blanks 10 X 1 = 10

1. ____________________ is an example of escape sequence
2. The __________________________ accepts a single character from the keyboard.
3. Every complete statement in C program must terminate with ____________________
4. _______________ and ________________ are examples of library functions
5. The size of signed integer is _________________ bytes.
6. There are ____________________ keywords in ‘C’ language
7. Mod operator is applicable only for the ________________ data type variable
8. The ____________________ operator is sometimes also called ternary operators
9. printf ()is a ________________________________ function
10. A string is terminated by _____________________ character
III) Answer any one of questions. 10 X 1 = 10
1. Explain about Structure with program?
2. Explain about array and write addition of 2 matrices programe?

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