BusinessCom Introduction

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Our core mission is to supply broadband Internet access, managed business

networks and customized space connectivity services to our customers.

Having access to an extensive fleet of satellites, BusinessCom Networks is one of the world’s most
experienced providers of satellite data, voice and video connectivity. BusinessCom’s success is
founded on offering our customers the most advanced VSAT platforms available, on developing
customer-focused relationships and maintaining the highest standards of technical excellence and

Innovation lies at the heart of the BusinessCom growth story. Our commitment to market research
and our leadership in implementing new technologies opens the satellite market up to an even
broader range of users and applications. A key component of our value lies in the skills of the men
and women who work at BusinessCom. This technical expertise brings a clear understanding of
international and local markets.

Our success is associated with a commitment to technologies and standards that lower the barrier
to entry for users and drive down equipment costs. BusinessCom was one of the first satellite
Internet Service Providers to deliver the Deterministic TDMA technology which is now a globally
accepted reference for reliable business connectivity technology

BusinessCom Value Proposition

• Global service availability via combined fiber, teleport and satellite networks
• End-to-end managed services
• Centralized operations
• Track record of quality service—over 400 networks deployed worldwide
• Strong understanding of customer requirements
02. Technology_

Geographic expansion is a really important focus for our growth in order to serve users who have requirements for
intercontinental or regional communications.

With technical excellence and customer needs at the centre of our development and growth strategy, we are committed to providing capacity and building
partnerships for new applications and services, particularly in the market for IP services. By drawing on our skills in interactive networks engineering we have
introduced new IP services together with a network of partners. These services include fully satellite-based connectivity solutions for companies and local
communities based on SCPC, DVB-S2/ACM and TDMA platforms that deliver voice data and video at a variety of bandwidth rates suitable to your requirements.

Adaptive TDMA Satellite Connectivity: Dedicated Satellite Connectivity: High-Throughput Satellite

iDirect Broadband Services (HTS) DVB-S2X and SCPC Services

BusinessCom iDirect Broadband services are satellite IP connectivity By utilizing the world’s latest technological innovations, BusinessCom dedicated
solutions for small businesses and commercial enterprises with a wide circuits are able to reach one of the best spectral efficiency benchmarks
choice of service levels for networks of any sizes. BusinessCom iDirect running at 64APSK (with future potential of up to 256APSK) and thus the best
Broadband services, powered by Sentinel Bandwidth Management & price per bit for the customer, whether voice, video and data carriers, regional
Optimization and PEP solutions is the perfect combination for organizations Internet Service Providers or corporate backbones.
that want a reliable, well managed and efficient broadband satellite service
that empowers their business. Featuring dedicated CIR bandwidth, QoS and Backbone Connectivity Solutions
a strong SLA, BusinessCom iDirect Broadband services perform far better
than legacy VSAT systems. For global service providers and established voice, video and data carriers with
extensive demands for increased reliability, BusinessCom offers complete
turn-key connectivity solutions on an end-to-end basis. Our turn-key proposals
cover the whole spectrum: from customer's equipment to civil works, freight,
transport to site, customs clearance, to EF&I, installation and maintenance.
03. Services & Satellite Coverage_

Private Network Solutions BusinessCom Satellite Fleet

Enterprise organizations, satellite service providers and Value Added With capacity commercialized on an extensive spacecraft
Resellers can easily start their own private networks with fleet in an orbital arc from West to East, BusinessCom’s
BusinessCom. Private networks are available in several configurations market presence now stretches from United States right
and enable organizations to link their remote offices securely to through to the Pacific.
corporate datacenters with or without Internet access. Service
providers can build private services leveraging the in-place facilities
In addition to high-power Ku-band capacity, we offer C-Band capacity
and investments in the teleport. BusinessCom offers the complete
throughout all the Africa, Asia, CIS and Middle East countries. BusinessCom
range of VNO, GQoS and Hub based solutions on a number of
offers the full range of Internet access services on the following Ku and C-
strategically placed teleports in Europe and America and these offer
Band satellites:
outstanding terrestrial fiber optic backbone connectivity, collocation
opportunities, a wide VSAT platform choice and broad satellite
• Measat Africasat 1a, ABS-2
• Telesat Telstar-11N
• SES-6, NSS-10, NSS-12
Telephony Solutions • Eutelsat 70B, 21B, 172A, 115WB
• Asiasat 4
As one of the value-adds to our main services – the satellite • Anik F1
connectivity, BusinessCom offers VoIP solutions to provide • Intelsat Epic, Intelsat IS-23, Inmarsat, Globalstar
the end customer with call termination to worldwide
PSTN, DID services, PBX and billing solutions with
peering through the world’s leading networks.
04. BusinessCom DE1 Network_

BusinessCom DE1 Network (AS197206)

At the core of our capabilities is the fully redundant BusinessCom DE1 teleport network, located in Germany. It provides connectivity to Tier 1 European Internet
backbones, as well as Equinix and ALP-IX (DE-CIX) Regional Internet Exchange. This allows DE1 to reach more than 700 networks via a single connection.

The DE1 teleport facility is secured with our own site security service and 24/7 guarded perimeter. All public utility and UPS power and fiber optic Internet
connections are redundant. The standard BusinessCom service SLA is > 99.5% availability per annum, and satellite connections can be engineered to exceed this
number for specialized applications, such as mission-critical telemetry and multimedia streaming and other applications.

Teleport Services @ DE1

Based on DE1, BusinessCom provides a wide array

of teleport services. This includes satellite space
segment provision, RF uplink and downlink,
antenna hosting, IP addresses, routing, terrestrial
MPLS and Ethernet services, TV playout, TT&C and
custom tailored services.

The DE1 facility implements monitoring and control

for all antennae, RF/IF devices, uplink and downlink
carriers, fiber connections, and all electrical and
HVAC systems.

BusinessCom provides operational weekly and

monthly reports for all DE1 landing services.
05. Capabilities_

BusinessCom Satellite Connectivity Capabilities

BusinessCom capabilities includes all network topologies available to satisfy any connectivity requirement—from a point-to-point link to private multi-level tree
VSAT networks whereby bandwidth is allocated on-demand.

Point-to-Point Mesh Networks

Point-to-point Single Channel Per Carrier (SCPC) satellite links Mesh networks provide single-hop satellite connectivity
connect two locations via single satellite hop. Multiple SCPC between multiple remotes. Mesh networks can be both Hub-
links can be used to built private networks. based and Hubless TDMA.

Hub-and-Spoke (Star)

Star topology TDMA Hub networks provide point-to-multipoint

connectivity. The Hub site can be co-located either at the
customer premises or BusinessCom teleport facility to provide
Internet access to multiple remote locations.
A wide variety of intermediary and hybrid topologies exist, along with 1:N
geographical redundancy. Hub-and-spoke networks can be organized in
multilevel tree hierarchy with some of the sites acting as relays towards the
Hub. Stacks of point-to-point SCPC links can be deployed with an MCPC
outbound for private networks requiring outbound bandwidth sharing and
dedicated inbounds.

BusinessCom provides full consultation, engineering and deployment

services to deliver custom tailored and managed satellite connectivity
solutions to clients with the desired QoS.
06. Global Availability_

BusinessCom Global Availability Services

For customers who require worldwide services, BusinessCom provides a range of ID GLOBAL service on land and on sea, provisioned via extensive Earth
Station network interconnected via redundant fiber optic Public IP and MPLS connections. Among the networks are Woodbine – Maryland, providing fiber
connectivity to Baltimore, MD and Level-3 in McLean, VA. South Mountain – California provides Fiber and microwave connectivity to One Wilshire in Los
Angeles, CA and serves as a gateway to the Pacific Rim, Hawaii and Alaska. Sunset Beach – Hawaii acts as a pacific rim interconnect and provides
international turnarounds between U.S. and Asian networks.
07. Satellite Connectivity_

Private Networks Enterprise IP Carriers, MNOs

Your Business Interconnection Voice, Video and Data with SLA Backbones and Backhauls

Satellite Wide Area Networking has emerged as the Today, modern businesses operate in a technology Service Providers recognize that there is a huge,
clear leader in broadband technologies where centric world and IP connectivity is the key to driving untapped market of prospective subscribers who
organizations have offices that are widely dispersed businesses forward. In order to maintain a remain without access to the Internet, mobile
around the globe and often in locations where there competitive advantage, bringing remote locations services or, more importantly, to the rest of the
is no traditional communications infrastructure. into the corporate network is the key to fluid global economy. BusinessCom offers satellite
They choose satellite WAN technology because with communication and decision making. Enterprise solutions to deliver local and regional networks to
a single satellite service provider there are fewer organizations utilize many different applications to any point in the world, with very high spectral
points of failure than a terrestrial alternative—if ensure that their business operates in the most efficiency resulting in optimized TCO. BusinessCom
there is one—and uniform service levels in place. efficient manner. Business applications can be supports emerging markets around the world with
Also, such networks can be deployed quickly should easily implemented into a BusinessCom Networks our custom solutions:
a rapid response be required. communication topology, as can media rich web
applications such as videoconferencing or Cellular Backhaul
BusinessCom Networks will guide organizations telemedicine, for example. Our networks support Internet Service Providers
through the choices available for interconnecting organizations who wish to roll out enhanced CRM Wireless Hot Spots
their remote VSAT-based sites. This can range from applications or maybe introduce new and innovative Disaster Recovery Networks
VLANs on standard commercial services, to Private ERP initiatives to their remote offices so that DTH
Networks leveraging iDirect GQoS, or Virtual everybody has access to the same corporate tools.
Network Operators, operating securely and
independently. Oil & Gas
Mining, Construction, Engineering
Enterprise Healthcare
Embassy Networks Financial Organizations
Military and Government Maritime
End-to-End Communications
IoT and M2M Connectivity
08. Our Customers_
Among Our Customers...

Airforce Deputy Defence of United Kingdom

African Minerals Limited
American Systems Corporation
Austrian Space Forum (OEWF)
Bell Helicopters
Bosch Group
CACI Technologies, Inc
Central European Commission
DRS Technologies
Sao Tome, Enterprise Customer Mediterranean Cruise Liner Morocco, Austrian Space Forum Focus Energy
SCPC Dedicated Bandwidth Services Maritime SCPC Dedicated Service MARS Simulation Mission GAC Saudi Arabia
Henry Jackson Foundation
IAP Worldwide Services
JV Cummins/Louis Berger Group
Lockheed Martin
Ministry of Defence of Ukraine
Ministry of Defence of United Kingdom
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Nicaragua
MNG Gold
Congo, Government Agency Nigeria, Oil & Gas Customer Angola, Enterprise Customer Nestle S.A.
Enterprise iDirect Services 6.2 m Earth Station and SCPC Services SCPC Dedicated Bandwidth Services OSFAC
Parsons Corporation
Ponticelli Frères
Raytheon Corporation
Red Bull
South Dakota State University
Synopsys Corporation
Swe-Dish Satellite Systems
United Nations
U.S. Air Force, Army Forces, Navy and Marine Corps
U.S. Department of State
U.S. Naval Special Warfare Development Group
Iraq, Military Customer United Kingdom, Media & Entertainment Afghanistan, Military Customer
U.S. Naval Research Laboratory
DVB-RCs Broadband Services Communications-on-the-Pause Managed Satellite Access
U.S. Special Operations Command
09. BusinessCom Today_

Around the world, our core business is to provide your organization with
satellite broadband Internet access and connectivity to international IP

BusinessCom has global experience, with over 400 networks deployed worldwide. We are a member
of WTA (World Teleport Association) and are registered as a RIPE NCC LIR.

More information is available at our website:

BusinessCom CZ spol. s r.o. is a Prague, Czech Republic registered company.

VAT# CZ27425762.

EU South Africa Americas

Cernochova 4 86 Wattled Starling Street 1969 Oakland Drive,
Prague, Krugersdorp 1746 Maidens, VA 23102
Czech Republic 158 00 South Africa USA

UK Overseas International
Suite 925A, Block 8/9 1-202-505-5330
Europort, 1-866-556-3176
Gibraltar, GX11 1AA (USA & Canada Toll Free)

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