Elements of digital media in vocabulary remote-learning achievement

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International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE)

Vol. 12, No. 2, June 2023, pp. 893~904

ISSN: 2252-8822, DOI: 10.11591/ijere.v12i2.22923  893

Elements of digital media in vocabulary remote-learning


Yune Andryani Pinem1, Andi Dian Rahmawan2

Department of Transportation Management, STTKD-School of Aerospace Technology, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Department of English Education, University of PGRI, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Article Info ABSTRACT

Article history: The urge of finding the most suitable method of remote teaching in a
pandemic situation has become the center of recent studies. Equipped with
Received May 30, 2022 instructional scaffolding, the absence of a teacher as a mentor in an
Revised Dec 28, 2022 asynchronous online class could be replaced by more interesting media for
Accepted Jan 27, 2023 students’ self-study. This study was to look at games, songs, and a movie as
media to enhance students’ achievement in English vocabulary. Further,
elements in each media were observed along with students’ perceptions to
Keywords: explain the affected area in detail. This descriptive quantitative study used
paired samples t-test toward students’ post-test scores of a control group
Asynchronous online (n=100) and an experimental group (n=100) in vocabulary. Students’
English vocabulary perception of taking media as learning tools in experimental class was
Learning media measured in a questionnaire to explain the results. Results showed that the
Self-regulated learning significantly experimental group outperformed in the final score. Trend on
students’ perception in an experimental group toward these teaching media
involved shared and specific features in media design, psychological and
pedagogic elements. Further, it turned out that some primary and subsidiary
features in games exceeded two other media (songs and movies) in vice
versa generating some recommendations for future improvement.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-SA license.

Corresponding Author:
Yune Andryani Pinem
Department of Transportation Management, STTKD-School of Aerospace Technology
Parangtritis Street KM. 4.5, Bantul, Special Region of Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Email: [email protected]

The emergency remote learning during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic penetrates into smart
learning environments (SLEs) which provide room for students to perceive learning using technology.
Various platforms are adopted to support e-learning as alternatives to substitute conventional face-to-face
modes of education. However, adjusting teaching-learning to an online platform that fosters self-regulated
learning (SRL) results in distress [1], anxiety [2], and burnout [3]. Thus, it is essential to continuously
observe and plan strategies to design SLEs which are motivational and enjoyable [4], [5].
Connected to technology, teachers are able to facilitate learning activities with information,
communication, and technology (ICT) based media. If teachers select significantly proven media, learning
objectives can be obtained in easier and psychologically less destructive ways. In less monitoring learning
circumstances of online classes, selected media should be compiled with guidance and instruction to reassure
SRL. Thus, this study is conducted to look at three media types of games, songs and lyrics, and a movie as
alternative learning media for students to accomplish English vocabulary enlargement.

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Media (Latin)–the plural form of medium–is one of the channels to convey a certain purpose
whether to deliver or gain information. Learning media is everything that can be used by teachers or students
as a process to accomplish a level of learning achievement. When it comes to Edgar Dale’s cone of
experience, people learning activities determine their learning process and outcome. Thus, depending on
class sessions to be conducted merely, lecturing is barely possible when the utmost learning outcome is
highly anticipated as in “Kampus Merdeka” program by the Ministry of Education and Culture [6]. Reading
activities categorized as Rudi Bretz’s visual media on the Dale’s pyramid’s tip is considered as the
component that least contributes – 10% only – to the whole learning outcome. Therefore, combining several
components of learning activities is expected to create a bigger impact on learning outcomes.
However, according to some of the recent surveys, media selection to connect the content and
objective of learning to the learning media is still problematic among teachers. What is considered computer-
based teaching and learning is merely a transfer from printed to digital media with a similar appearance and
minimal interaction. Thus, their media preference is generated to the presentation platform such as
PowerPoint only. Low teachers’ competence and poor education facilities in ICT are some reasons behind
this circumstance [7]–[9].
Shifting learning media from Bretz’s taxonomy of audio, visual, and/or motion only and its’
derivation (audiovisual motion, silent audiovisual, semi motion audio, visual motion, silent visual, semi
motion, audio, and print) to technology-based learning is the desired approach of Education 4.0. Integrating
technology-based multimedia into any language teaching and learning activities has the potential to transform
ways of learning as it has been proven effective in many recent studies. Running ICT-based applications can
foster interest since it is fun, interactive involving multi senses [10] mostly for early, primary, secondary
education and also at a certain level for university students [11]–[13], teachers [14], and applicative for job
seekers [15]. Technology-enhanced learning environments afforded students opportunities to use and learn
the language in meaningful interactions with other students, texts, and teachers through immediate and
sustained access to multimodal content [16], [17].
A massive move in education occurs in migrating conventional face-to-face classroom design to
digital online environments to cope with the pandemic situation. In a remote learning environment, ensuring
the effectiveness of online learning can be done by developing the students’ SRL skills. Such skills,
regardless of their’ ineffectiveness due to procrastination on six sub-constructs of self-regulated online
learning in lockdown situations [18] are still considered one ultimate focus in future education [19]. The SRL
framework of Zimmerman which most prominently circulates in educational psychology indicates the
proactive seeker type of students to define the character of its learners. Metacognitive, motivational, and/or
behavioral strategies are a key feature of most definitions of self-regulated learners along with self-regulated
feedback, and interdependent motivational processes [20]. Learners who are considered the biggest agent in
the SRL are given a great level of control over their online class environments. The concept of autonomy in
SRL describes students’ efforts to meet the challenge of learning a second or foreign language using content-
based language instruction (CBI), content and language integrated learning (CLIL), and the understanding by
design (UbD) instructional model [21]. Applying explanatory factor analysis in a study generates that SRL
has an influence on satisfaction and academic performance in several useful dimensions of environments
such as environment structuring, computer self-efficacy, social dimension, and metacognitive strategies [22].
Opportunities that technology affords to improve learners in SRL can be expanded by educators.
Utilizing technology embedded in massive open online courses (MOOC), SRL has been successful to support
learner and course completion in various circumstances [23]–[25]. On the other hand, facilitating students
with technology to foster their SRL must be done by carefully selecting the appropriate medium and
adjusting it to pedagogical purposes [26]. The structural equation model in a recent study, online SRL,
predicts students’ intention to participate in flipped classroom (FC) learning as they perceive the quality of
the usefulness of this learning activity compared to a physical classroom such as in a vocabulary class.
Regardless of the importance of vocabulary in pursuing a language proficiency, fewer learners’
knowledge of learning techniques causes problems in dealing with learning difficulties. Thus, for years many
studies test a variety of classroom techniques involving learning aids to develop more powerful and effective
vocabulary programs for students with varying conditions. These techniques are divided into four categories
of decontextualizing, semi-contextualizing, fully-contextualizing, and adaptable [27].
In more recent studies, e-platforms emerge to support learners’ vocabulary growth enabling
technology-driven techniques to take place in online tools. However, being advantageous in terms of easy-to-
use, effective, and challenging [28]–[31], online-based learning tools can cause additional problems when
conducted in a synchronous online classroom. Some online helping tools highlight repetition as the leading
aspect to support vocabulary enhancement. Repetition is performed through the interaction with the tool
within an amount of time and frequency. Thus, activities and results may vary from one learner to another.
Since an online class limits time, learners cannot accomplish learning objectives synchronized with others.

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In performing particular vocabulary learning techniques in an online class, teachers may consider workplace
learning in integration with an asynchronous online session. By this, learners can perform learning activities
using “pockets of time” created by the new Industry 4.0 work system. Eventually, teaching-learning activity
is done within the asynchronous timeslots promoting increased automation, monitoring and control, and
autonomous systems [32].

For this research, two groups of freshmen (n=200) from one of the private vocational schools in
Yogyakarta, Indonesia is divided equally into the control group (CG) and the experimental group (EG). In
this school, the English subject in the half first semester is purposely designed for vocabulary enrichment.
Since state or big private universities are well accredited, their student’s input is considered high in quality
with a well-established student’s admission filtering system. On the other hand, students’ input in many other
private vocational schools is still low. Thus, it is curriculum-oriented to set uniformity of English in students’
vocabulary levels in the first year.
Only students from EG get additional three media as learning tools in six meetings of its vocabulary
online class while students from CG get regular classes with online platforms. Each medium has a subject of
vocabulary enhancement which is different by-word class (LSoT for nouns, 5-songs and lyrics for adjectives,
and a movie for verbs). After 6-meeting of drilling, both groups are given a similar set of vocabulary tests
designed by a 10-year experienced teacher. According to the type of learning medium, the test is not only
formulated to measure students’ level of vocabulary size after experiencing a training but also additional key
features provided by each medium. Later, the final score collected from the post-test is analyzed using paired
samples t-test.
All key features from each media (game, songs, and movies) including media design, psychological,
and pedagogical factors are formulated into a set of statements in a questionnaire. Using a 5-point Likert
scale from strongly agree to strongly disagree, each statement is weighed by students from EG (n=100) to
represent their perspective about this additional media as learning tools. The score collected from this
questionnaire is later discussed to portray trends. An additional column in the form of an open question is
provided to ask students’ suggestions for the media.
Based on Brown’s vocabulary assessment technique – picture-cued identification [33], one online
game for vocabulary recognition is chosen. Little shop of treasure (LSoT) is a web-based hidden object game
that drills students to identify and match wordlist to its referencing picture [34], [35]. This game conveys
learning material of semantic functions related to words, terms, signs, or symbols [36]. There were 5 out of 9
themes (diner, garden, farmer house, sporting goods, and music store) which consist of 360 words or 71
words per theme are selected for students to learn. One of the themes is diner as presented in Figure 1,
consisting of vocabularies commonly found in a diner.

Figure 1. Little shop of treasure: Diner

Elements of digital media in vocabulary remote-learning achievement (Yune Andryani Pinem)

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Alike other digital games, LSoT is designed to provide key features such as practical instructional
design, ease of use and access, high-qualified graphics with interesting sound, and challenges with the time
limit and range of difficulty level [37], [38]. Components of the virtual world can enhance context that
supplies learners with many opportunities for effective vocabulary growth [39]. Instruction at the beginning
and throughout the game eases off users in this case learners to play the game independently without the
teacher’s assistance. Since the game is available online, everyone with an internet connection can access the
site easily. If necessary, it is also available offline by subscribing which makes it possible to play for an
unlimited duration. Highlighting pictures and glossary as the subject lesson, graphic design is in high
definition along with supporting sound to make it audio-visually enjoyable. Challenge is made by adjusting
to the time limit and level of the game. When dealing with unfamiliar words anywhere anytime, a mobile
dictionary is useful as a helping tool [40]. Since digital game-based learning (DGBL) is techno-based, having
this type of dictionary speeds the mission accomplishment.
Prensky’s digital game-based learning mostly is related to psychological and pedagogic factors to
promote interest in the study for “gamer generations” [41]. In psychology, DGBL is considered motivational,
affective, and fun [42]. Once learners are motivated, certain behaviors such as focus and engagement are
nurtured throughout the activities [43]. In pedagogic, DGBL offers exposure to the target language, increases
engagement, enhances self-learning [44], and spatial skills [34]. Previous studies presented key features in
using digital games as teaching-learning media. Those key features represent indicators categorized into
media design, psychology, and pedagogic. Key features as indicators in digital games as media are seen in
Table 1.

Table 1. Elements in digital games

Key features
Media design Psychology Pedagogic
Ease-of-use and access Affective Target language exposure
High-quality audio-visual Fun Instructional strategy for self-learning
Practical instruction Focus Spatial skill training in vocabulary booster
Challenging with time limit and difficulty level Engaging Dictionary utilizing
Unlimited duration, frequency, and source to play
Source: [34], [37]–[44]

Vocabulary is found as an intersection component between reading and listening comprehension

[45]. Furthermore, integrating two or more skills in one teaching-learning activity has been proven
empirically significant in enhancing students’ performance. Combining visual and sound media, songs and
lyrics gives the student oral communication skills training which integrates listening, speaking, and
pronunciation as reciprocally interdependent oral language processes [46], [47]. In this case, since listening is
strongly correlated to speaking [48] while enjoying listening to a song, learners can simultaneously practice
their pronunciation to be native-like and speaking fluency of spoken text by singing along [49]. Integrated
activity can be done in word-sound matching through reading the lyrics and memorizing-understanding by
having word recognition utilizing a dictionary [50]. Using lyric lines is categorized as extensive reading [51]
and involves the process of finding and familiarizing with new words and their meaning using a dictionary.
Among kindergarteners with and without specific language impairment (SLI), reading while comprehending
words in an e-book with a dictionary contributes well to new word learning [52].
By selecting popular songs to listen to, teachers can assign vocabulary learning accordingly to the
lesson objective. By giving freedom to students to choose an online platform or more as helping tools,
learning activities can be adjusted to what is the most suitable environment for them. Considering the short
duration of a song on average, students can play the song in a loop without a time limit. Repeated vocabulary
load especially in chorus sections makes it lighter than the rest of the song. Catchy rhythm and melody along
with meaningful lyrics are memorable making it enjoyable, fun, and easier for lower-level English as a
foreign language (EFL) students to learn [53]. Previous studies present key features in using songs and lyrics
as teaching-learning media. Those key features represent indicators categorized into media design,
psychology, and pedagogic. Key features as indicators in songs and lyrics as media are seen in Table 2.

Int J Eval & Res Educ, Vol. 12, No. 2, June 2023: 893-904
Int J Eval & Res Educ ISSN: 2252-8822  897

Table 2. Elements in songs and lyrics

Key features
Media design Psychology Pedagogic
Flexible, easy access and unlimited choice in platform Affective environment Learning objective
Unlimited duration and frequency Fun and enjoyable Native like sound duplicating
Light vocabulary in chorus Engaging and catchy Speaking fluency
Melodic and meaningful Focus Extensive lyrics reading
High quality in audio Dictionary utilization
Source: [46], [47], [49]–[53]

Utilizing audio-visual input has become one of the preferences in vocabulary learning since it is
attractive and enjoyable [54]. Increased level of interest which is stimulated by a teacher-designed movie as
learning media largely improves students’ ability such as in speaking skills including functional vocabularies,
pronunciation, native accent, and even slang words [55]. Using the movie, learners can also imitate correct
diction and pronunciation to avoid misunderstanding in communication using a foreign language [56]. In
another case, different types of subtitling in three French videos as learning environments give a variant of
result in students’ scores on recognition and meaning recall tests [57].
Champoux recommends applying a movie in the learning process since the movie promotes
viewers’ response to well-acted and well-directed film material in dramatic scenes linked to reality.
Consequently, it is psychologically engaging and fun for learners to learn about particular concepts and
cultures [58]. On a daily basis, every type of video is provided online as on YouTube or other vlogs (video
blogs). Learners can simply be connected to unlimited sources easily using a smartphone or computer
without the extra expense of purchasing. Watching this media is also flexible in time and has no limit on how
many times a learner can watch it. If necessary, new foreign words can be consulted in the dictionary while
matching them to the contextual references from the video [59]. For this study, a 43 minutes cyber-bullying
theme is chosen from “CSI-Cyber Season 1 Episode 7 URL, Interrupted” [60].
Previous studies presented the key features in a movie that are applicative to be implemented in
media-assisted vocabulary learning. Key features are classified to elements of a movie in media design,
psychology and pedagogic. Key features as indicators in movie as media are presented in Table 3.

Table 3. Elements in movie

Key features
Media design Psychology Pedagogic
Techno-friendly Affective portray of reality Functional/communicative vocabulary
Well-directed scene Fun and enjoyable Native pronunciation
Unlimited online sources Focus Accent
Flexible in time and frequency of watching Engaging and impressing Slang
Provided with subtitle Dictionary use
High-quality audio-visual Culture
Source: [54]–[59]


3.1. Characteristics of the respondents
The control group and experimental group consist of regular students (n=200) from one of the
private vocational schools in Yogyakarta who take English I (vocabulary and grammar) in their first
semester. These students are divided into four classes (A – D) consisting of 25 students per class. Class A
and B are assigned to the controlled group while Class C and D are assigned to the experimental group. Some
social backgrounds are described as: i) Since they enroll at the same time, there is no difference in level by
year between groups; ii) At the university level, freshmen also vary in age according to the age they
registered. The age range of respondents is between 17 (the youngest) to 21 years old (the oldest). All of the
oldest freshmen state that they take breaks between high school and university enrolment for various personal
reasons; iii) Male respondents dominate both groups by a difference of fewer than 20 persons (CG=57;
EG=53); iv) Indonesian status as the first language varies between respondents since many of them have
ethnic language as their mother tongue. For this category of the respondent, Indonesian is considered the
second language learned at school.

3.2. Vocabulary achievement in regular and media-assisted class

After receiving a similar period of vocabulary training, a series of assessments mainly to measure
vocabulary improvement is done for the control group and experimental group which are different in
treatment. Students from each class receive the same question and are scored. Supplementary assignments are
Elements of digital media in vocabulary remote-learning achievement (Yune Andryani Pinem)
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designed to assess pronunciation, listening, speaking, and personal value toward social problems. To look at
how both classes differ in the post-test, a paired-samples t-test is used and analyzed.
With p-value equal to .092 which is not less than alpha equals to .05 for JB normality test, the data
set matches normal distribution because null hypothesis is failed to reject. Therefore, the data set is qualified
to be conducted in paired samples t-test. The result of the t-test is shown in Table 4.

Table 4. Result of the t-test

Post-test Post-test
Mean 87.200 75.257
Variance 48.694 53.550
Observations 100 100
Pearson correlation 0.059
Hypothesized mean difference 0
df 99
t Stat 7.205
P(T<=t) one-tail .00
t Critical one-tail 1.691
P(T<=t) two-tail .00
t Critical two-tail 2.032

There is 11.943 points difference between the post-test mean of EG and CG. With a bigger point of
variance in CG, students in EG are closer to uniformity on the final score. Consulting two-tail t-crit to t-table
with alpha=.05 and df=99, result turns out to be 2.032>.975. Since the absolute value is greater than t-table,
the null hypothesis is rejected which means there is a statistically significant difference between the mean
post-test of EG and CG.

3.3. Perception of elements in media

Features provided in elements from each learning media depict similarities and differences. Some
features belong to all media of games, songs and lyrics, and a movie, but some other features belong to
certain media only. Similarity and difference can be found in all elements including media design,
psychological, and pedagogic factors.

3.3.1. Features in media design

To support unsynchronized online learning, media design for games, songs and lyrics, and movie
share the same features of ease of use and access. Nowadays, kids spend time interacting with online media
and technology longer than their time at school which makes them technology literate [61]. Considering
respondents in EG (freshmen 17-21 years old) of this study who are familiar with technology, simple
instruction or link sharing to the media access is easy to follow. Another feature shared by all media is the
duration and frequency to play them. Joining an unsynchronized online course gives freedom of time to a
self-study which can be time-limited in the regular course. Applying games, songs and lyrics, and a movie as
learning sources, students have unlimited extra time and frequency. The next feature which can be found in
all media is the unlimited similar source. It is not difficult to change the media with other games, songs, or a
movie from the internet as a vast source if the substitution shares similar characteristics or themes. The last
similarity is shared slightly differently since it involves audio-visual features in games and a movie but audio
only in songs. Even though songs and lyrics can be found in the form of a music video, matching targeted
words in lyrics to music videos is not always possible to do.
Specific features belong to only certain learning media making different designs one another.
Practical instruction to accomplish a mission in digital games along with time and level challenges are
attached to games and not available in the other two. Repeatedly easy words in the chorus can be found in
songs and lyrics along with touching words and pleasing melody. In a movie, vocabulary learning can be
done while observing scenes and subtitles as context. The students’ perspective on features in media design is
shown in Table 5.
Except for the feature of unlimited similar sources for games, students’ perception toward other
shared and specific features in design results in mean score above 4 (agree) out of 5 on Likert scales in all
media. This finding is in accordance with previous studies which recommend media as learning tools for its
design. It is proven that shared and specific features on media design in games, songs and lyrics, and movie
are compatible to use in vocabulary learning class. Ease of use and access in songs and lyrics, the highest
mean score, is the prominent features in media design according to students.

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Int J Eval & Res Educ ISSN: 2252-8822  899

Table 5. Students’ perspective on features in media design

Students’ perception (Mean) Students’ perception (%)
Features of media design
Games Songs Movie Games Songs Movie
Shared features
Ease of use and access (Techno-friendly) 4.29 4.58 4.48 17.08 17.30 17.18
Unlimited duration and frequency to play 4.18 4.48 4.19 16.63 16.93 16.07
Unlimited similar online sources 3.98 4.48 4.42 15.86 16.93 16.93
High-quality audio/audio-visual 4.13 4.23 4.48 16.44 15.96 17.18
Specific features
Practical instruction 4.10 - - 16.31 - -
Challenging with the time limit and difficulty level 4.44 - - 17.66 - -
Light vocabulary in the chorus - 4.35 - - 16.44 -
Melodic and meaningful - 4.35 - - 16.44 -
Well-directed scene - - 4.39 - - 16.81
Provided with the subtitle - - 4.45 - - 17.06

Among all features in design, students consider three media shared features of ease of use and
access, which consistently helps in giving main benefits to their vocabulary learning using games (17.08%),
songs and lyrics (17.30%), and movie (17.18%). The percentage of students’ perception of this feature is the
highest for songs and lyrics and the lowest for games. According to some students’ comments in the
suggestion column, a game requires a longer time to play to gain the highest result when compared to a song
and a movie. In addition, some students also complain about internet access coverage in remote areas and
technical difficulty accessing the game offline without subscriptions which are considered costly. These
problems are proven to be demotivating in a technology-driven task for students [62]. As a result, online
sources of similar games (15.86%) are the lowest percentage according to the students. Meanwhile, a movie
also takes more time than a song. Thus, even though it is only shown in a few comments (song=3; movie=4)
when it comes to the audience’s preference, an uninteresting song is more bearable than an uninteresting
Specific features also dominate students’ perspective in media design such as time limit challenge
and difficulty level (17.66%) in games and subtitles in the movie (17.06%). Contrariwise, these special
features (light catchy words and melodic meaningful lyrics) are slightly less favorable than shared features in
songs and lyrics. Some students (n=3) in the comment prefer different genres of songs to be used as a
learning tool.

3.3.2. Features in psychology

Psychological factors in learning can be related to learners’ affective factors such as motivation and
anxiety [1], [63]. In an SLR scheme during pandemics that is penetrated into SLEs, environmental
motivations are low and external motivations are dominated by reward for flying color scores and fear of
academic year loss [62]. Utilizing media as learning tools can boost motivation that leads to strong SLR
behaviors such as focus and engaging learning [43]. Unlimited form of SLEs creates opportunities for
learners to choose the most suitable method to make affective and fun learning activities.
Students agree that dominating features in psychology is the focus in games with the highest mean
score closing to 5 on Likert scales. Regardless of its mean score which is the lowest, engaging as features in
Games is only slightly below 4 out of 5. It is proven that students are driven by all features in psychology
factors to accomplish vocabulary class using these media. The evaluation of psychology factors is shown in
Table 6.

Table 6. Students’ perspective on features in psychology

Features of Students’ perception (Mean) Students’ perception (%)
psychology factors Games Songs Movie Games Songs Movie
Affective 4.13 4.23 4.23 24.20 24.62 24.39
Fun 4.42 4.45 4.35 25.90 25.94 25.14
Focus 4.58 4.26 4.39 26.84 24.81 25.33
Engaging 3.94 4.23 4.35 23.06 24.62 25.14

In this study, each media gives a varying degree in improving students’ psychological capital. The
key feature of fun dominates in all media: games (25.90%), songs (25.94%), and the movie (25.14%).
Nevertheless, besides being fun, students majorly agree that concentration plays the highest role of
psychological factors in the learning process using games (26.84%) and the movie (25.33%). Regardless of
the objective of this learning tool to enrich vocabulary size, students (n=5) posted some comments about the

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hidden object games technique which is considered challenging. It is a focus required since they mention
how difficult it is to find small hidden objects. In the movie, this feature peaks students’ perception
signifying another related feature which is the plot reflecting reality in form of well-directed scenes. Interest
in movie plots is motivated by a personal preference in a movie's genre which can be engaging (25.14%). To
comprehend the story in a movie requires concentration to watch.

3.3.3. Features in pedagogy

Sharing the same learning objective which is to enhance students’ vocabulary in nouns, adjectives,
and verbs, this feature can be found in all media (games, songs and lyrics, and the movie). Closely related to
this objective is the use of a dictionary to find meaning both online (web or app-based) or printed version.
The additional shared feature is found in songs and a movie since they are delivered with audio-visual design.
Attached to this design, songs and a movie are available to introduce and assess pronunciation skills. In
addition to that, a special shared feature between games and the movie is characterized by target language or
cultural exposure which puts context in each media. Since both media are aimed to improve students’
vocabulary accomplishment in English, habits or manner of English language country are attached naturally
to the media. In games, tools or things normally used in western countries may have no resemblance to other
languages. Likewise, the living style pictured in a movie can be also considered unfamiliar to people from
other countries. In this case, this special feature is potential for cross-cultural understanding (CCU) subject
Games, songs, and a movie also highlight different additional specific features. Games are provided
with technology-driven instructions on how to accomplish the mission independently. Without a teacher to
guide, games as media is capable of functioning as a full-time supervisor. Vocabulary learning using games
as a tool can be done independently by simply following these instructions.
Applying songs as learning media, specific features in pedagogy integrate listening and speaking
skills to the learning objective to experience native pronunciation. Pronunciation can be regarded as the dual-
operationalized agent of speaking and listening assessment for L2 [49]. Thus, it is possible to deliberately
give speaking practice and assessment. Since vocabulary assessment’s technique in word recognition can be
done by listening to a song along with reading the song’s lyrics line [64], the next pedagogic feature in songs
and lyrics comprises extensive reading skills.
Introducing western culture in a movie involves spoken language functioning in simulated natural
acts. Scriptwriting reflecting social reality among the western community is directed thoughtfully closer to
the real western community. Related to the language, unavoidable accented English appears according to the
social background of the story. It can be in the form of received pronunciation (RP) in British or General
American (GA) and other possible accents [65], [66]. When it comes to American English, spoken language
materializes in slang (an informal language variation) as a form of natural conversation. Both features (accent
and slang) become additional characteristics in movies and are possible to explore more as subject learning
and assessing purpose.
Considering mean scores on all features in pedagogy factors as shown in Table 7, reinforcing
vocabulary enhancement using media is supported by students. It is proven to intensify learning objectives in
a vocabulary class using all media with mean scores above 4 out of 5 on Likert scales. Utilizing games as
vocabulary learning media is strongly supported by students since it gives mean score slightly below 5 from
students’ perspective. Regardless of its mean score which is categorized as enough (3.97), the movie as
media to refurbish native pronunciation as a feature is the lowest among other features.

Table 7. Students’ perspective on features in pedagogy

Students’ perception (Mean) Students’ perception (%)
Features of pedagogy factors
Games Songs Movie Games Songs Movie
Shared features
Learning objective 4.58 4.45 4.42 25.87 20.72 17.30
Dictionary use 4.52 4.39 4.39 25.50 20.42 17.17
Native pronunciation - 4.19 3.97 - 19.52 15.53
Target language/Culture exposure 4.35 - 4.39 24.59 - 17.17
Specific features
Instructional strategy for self-learning 4.26 - - 24.04 - -
Speaking fluency - 4.19 - - 19.52 -
Extensive lyrics reading - 4.10 - - 19.07 -
Accent - - 4.35 - - 17.05
Slang - - 4.03 - - 15.78

Int J Eval & Res Educ, Vol. 12, No. 2, June 2023: 893-904
Int J Eval & Res Educ ISSN: 2252-8822  901

In accordance with the main purpose of these learning media which is to boost vocabulary size,
students’ perspective on features in pedagogic factors is dominated by objective learning. All media
(games=25.87%, songs=20.72%, and movie=17.30%) are considered successful in enlarging students’
vocabulary with new words in nouns, adjectives, and verbs. Compared to dull vocabulary learning, a
significant difference has been proven among students’ final scores in EG which is supplied with media
treatment. Classes with LSoT are also significantly progressing from pre-test to post-test [35]. Further,
students from EG comment that the media makes learning and memorizing new words easier. Emphasizing
games’ design which provides the highest number of target words compared to songs and a movie, students
agree that the learning objective is highly achieved by employing games as a learning tool.
In some studies, the dictionary gives a significant on toward vocabulary acquisition [67], [68]. In
this study, students’ perspective places dictionary utilization (games=25.50%, songs=20.42%, and
movie=17.17%) in the second to give benefit in achievement. Aside from the main activity, students agree
that dictionary consulting side-by-side joins the media running for word learning. In addition to that, students
comment that an online dictionary is the most preferable for being simple and practical.
Specific features in pedagogy emerge as a result of language integrated learning between
vocabulary, listening, reading, speaking, and cross-cultural understanding. Hence, each medium has special
characteristics making it different from others. However, regardless of their side benefits, these additional
learnings are not prominent according to students’ perception since the main objective of learning is to aim
for vocabulary enhancement.
Some problems to solve for future consideration occur related to these features are summarized into
five topics. First, music and phonology are proven to have similarities and correlations [69]. However,
duplicating English sounds in a song can be challenging if the student has no/less musicality or interest in
singing. In the movie, students listen and practice seven times in the mean (the most 29 times n=1, the least 1
times n=1) actress’s line to duplicate her pronunciation and intonation in approximately exact time. Many
students still consider this activity difficult yet fun to do. Therefore, they are willing to do it knowing that its
result (pronunciation: song=19.52%; movie=15.53%) may not be perfect.
Second, learning English as part of the culture cannot be separated from western style, habits, and
identity. Western cultural identity in shared features (games=24.59%; movie=17.17%) comes in the form of
tools and things scattered in LSoT themes (diner, garden, farmer house, sporting goods, and music store). In
the movie, students point out some words to describe the directed acting as convincing, hard work,
teamwork, fast deciding, quick response, solution-oriented, bullying, and online addiction. Referring to the
theme provided by the movie, those words are all relevant. A particular theme from a chosen movie can
deliver targeted culture for the student to learn.
Third, even though instruction supports DGBL as in Acquah and Katz [37], for beginner learners, it
is a double strike since instruction in LSoT is in English. This can be as challenging as the core mission,
making students’ perspective on this in games (24.04%) is the lowest. Clarifying the instruction is time-
consuming. Therefore, the teacher must take this into careful consideration.
Forth, extensive lyric reading in songs as media is also considered less prominent to give benefits.
Bearing in mind the previous finding that an online dictionary is helpful to understand new words, light
vocabulary in chorus features in song design also determines students’ perception. Most students agree that
words in lyrics are relatively easy to understand.
Fifth, the last two specific features that appeared in the movie have the least percentage of students’
perspectives (accent=17.05%; slang=15.78%). Some students are interested in mastering RP in English
British inspired by some popular British movies. Meanwhile, accented English appeared in EFL classrooms
which is influenced by non-native teachers or adult models [70], [71] and determined by learners’ domain
results in non-standard accents. Nevertheless, the purpose of learning pronunciation is to have acceptable
communication in this English case using RP or GA. Non-standard accents are decent to simply know yet not
necessary to learn. On the other hand, as one of the language varieties, slang is segmented into a specific
community to keep its secrecy [72]. Looking at its description, it is commonly acknowledged that not many
people may generally identify it. Generally, scripted acts alone are inadequate to be applied as a source for
this language unless it is thematically meant to be (a movie about a profession or particular slang
community). Eventually, in an integrated learning, learning and assessing slang using movies serve as a
beneficial supplement.

Technology-based learning appears as an impulsive transition that strikes face-to-face teaching-
learning activities transforming them into online learning platforms due to pandemic situations. Observing
and planning strategies to design the most suitable class activities to grow learners’ vocabulary levels

Elements of digital media in vocabulary remote-learning achievement (Yune Andryani Pinem)

902  ISSN: 2252-8822

continue to be done by utilizing learning media. Digital games, song and lyrics, and movie as learning media
offer features involving media design, psychology, and pedagogy factors.
Significantly, the result shows that after experiencing different learning environments in the same
period of training, the experimental group outstands the control group in post-test for having these media.
Learners in experimental group are able to undergo learning activities that are easy, challenging (by time and
level of difficulty), subtitle supported, fun, and focus-required to do. Shared and specific features emerge in
pedagogy factors in integrated learning processes enlarging learning objectives. However, primary or
subsidiary features on these processes depict some features to be more successful than others with
recommendations for future works.

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Yune Andryani Pinem is currently a lecturer at the Department of Transport

Management, STTKD-School of Aerospace Technology, Yogyakarta. She graduated from
English literature majoring in teaching, STBA-LIA Yogyakarta. She had her master in
Linguistic majoring in phonology from the University of Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta. Her main
research directions are phonology; teaching-learning techniques using media; healthy literacy.
Relating to her research area, she has written and published 14 articles in prestigious journals
and proceeding of the international conference. She can be contacted at email:
[email protected].

Andi Dian Rahmawan is currently a lecturer at the Department of English

Education, University of PGRI, Yogyakarta. He graduated from English literature, University
of Sebelas Maret, Solo. He had his master in Linguistic majoring in morphology from the
University of Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta. He can be contacted at: [email protected].

Int J Eval & Res Educ, Vol. 12, No. 2, June 2023: 893-904

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