ra 9434
ra 9434
ra 9434
Begun and held in Metro Manila, on Monday, the twenty-fourth
day of July, two thousand six.
SECTION1. Title. - This Act shall be known as the
"Charter of the City of Cabadbaran".
SEC. 2 . The City of, Cabadbaran. - The Municipality of
Cabadbaran is hereby converted into a component city to be
known as the City of Cabadbaran, hereinafter referred to as the
SEC. 8. The O~iciaZsof the City of Cabadbaran.- (a) "here
shall be in the City of Cabadbaran: a city mayor, a city vice
mayor, sangguniang panlungsod members, a secretary to the
sangguniang panlungsod, a city treasurer and a n assistant city
treasurer, a city assessor and a n assistant city assessor, a city
accountant, a city budget officer, a city planning and development
coordinator, a city engineer, a city heath officer, a city civil
registrar, a city administrator, a city legal officer, a city social
welfare and development officer, a city veterinarian, a city
general services officer, a city agriculturist, a city cooperatives
officer and a city building officer.
(b) In addition thereto, the city mayor may appoint an
environment and natural resources officer, a city architect, a
city information officer and a city population officer.
(c) The City shall establish a city fire station to be headed
by a city fire marshall, a city jail to be headed by a city jail
warden, a city schools division to be headed by the city schools
division superintendent and a city prosecution service to be
headed by a city prosecutor.
(d) The sangguniang panlungsod of the City may:
(1) Maintain existing offices n o t mentioned i n
subsections (a), @) and (c) hereof;
(2) Create such other offices as may be necessary to carry
out the purposes of the city government; or
(3) Consolidate the functions of any office with those of
another in the interest of efficiency and economy.
Unless otherwise provided herein, heads of departments
and offices shall be appointed by the city mayor with the
concurrence of the majority of all the sangguniang panlungsod
members, subject to civil service law, rules and regulations.
The sangguniang panlungsod shall act on the appointment within
fifteen (15) days from the day of its submission; otherwise, the
same shall be deemed confirmed.
SEC.9. The City Mayor. -(a) The city mayor shall be the
chief executive of the City. He shall be elected a t large by the
qualified voters of the City. No person shall be eligible for the
position of the city mayor unless a t the time of the election:
(1) He is a t least twenty-one (21) years of age;
(2) An actual resident of the City for a t least one year
prior t o his election; and
(3) A qualified voter therein.
H e shall hold office for three years, unless sooner
removed, and shall receive a minimum monthly compensation
corresponding to Salary Grade Thirty (30) as prescribed under
Republic Act No. 6758, and the implementing guidelines issued
pursuant thereto, and such other compensation, emoluments
and allowances as may be determined by law.
(b) The city mayor, as the chief executive of the city
government, shall exercise such powers and perform such duties
and functions as provided for under the Local Government Code
of 1991 and other laws, and shall:
(1) Exercise those powers expressly granted to him by
law, those necessarily implied therefrom, as well as powers
necessary, appropriate or incidental for the efficient and effective
governance of the City and those which are essential to the
promotion of the general welfare:
(i) Determine the guidelines of city policies and be
responsible to the sangguniang panlungsod for the program of
(ii) Direct the formulation of the city development plan
with the assistance of the city development council and, upon
approval thereof by the sangguniang panlungsod, implement
the same;
(E) Present the program of government and propose
policies and projects for the consideration of the sangguniang
panlungsod a t the opening of the regular session of the
SEC. 25. The Secretary to the Sangguniang Panlungsod.
-(a) There shall be a secretary t o the sangguniang panlungsod
who should be a career official with the rank and salary equal
to a head of a department or office.
(b) No person shall be appointed secretary to t h e
sangguniang panlungsod unless he is a citizen of the Philippines,
a resident ofthe City of Cabadbaran, of good moral character, a
holder of a college degree preferably inlaw, commerce or public
administration from a recognized college or university, and a
first grade civil service eligible or its equivalent.
(c) The secretary of the sangguniang panlungsod shall
receive such compensation, emoluments and allowances as may
be determined by law.
(d) The secretary to the sangguniang panlungsod shall
take charge of the office of the sangguniang panlungsod and
(1) Attend meetings of the sangguniang panlungsod and
keep a journal of its proceedings;
(2) Keep the seal of the City and affix the same with his
signature to all ordinances, resolutions and other official acts of
the sangguniang panlungsod and present the same t o the
presiding officer for his signature;
(3) Forward to the city mayor, for approval, copies of
ordinances enacted by the sangguniang panlungsod duly certified
by the presiding officer in the manner as provided for under the
Local Government Code of 1991;
(4) Forward to the sangguniang panlalawigan copies of
duly approved ordinances in the manner provided for in Sections
56 and 57 under Book I of the Local Government Code of 1991;
(5) Forward t o " t h e Department of Budget and
Management (DBM) copies of appropriation ordinances passed
by the sangguniang panlungsod as provided for under Section
326 of the Local Government Code;
a F
Secretary of e Senate
President of the Philippines