TAN Catholic Books Catalog - Spring 2008
TAN Catholic Books Catalog - Spring 2008
TAN Catholic Books Catalog - Spring 2008
“This book is ideal for priests and lay people who want to
learn how to pray the traditional Latin Mass, now called the
Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite.”
—Rev. Kenneth Baker, S.J., Editor, Homiletic and Pastoral Review
“A little while, and now you shall not see Me; and again in a promises to be one of those few books that readers will return
little while you shall see Me: because I go to the Father.” to time and time again for refreshment and direction.
John 16:16 Another new release from TAN will help end the confusion
Chronologically, Our Lord said this to the Apostles prior that surrounds the ongoing struggle between the Church
to the Passion, yet commentators believe the Church and Freemasonry. Written by ex-Mason and best-selling
has placed this passage after Easter because it is intended author John Salza, Why Catholic Cannot Be Masons
to induce us to think about the shortness of time. As shows how Freemasonry is incompatible with Catholicism
St. Augustine points out, “For this little while appears and is in fact a false religion (pg. 3). Giving a brief but
long to us while it is passing, but when it is finished we shall thorough analysis of the teachings of Freemasonry, Salza
then see how little a time it has been.” And St. Alcuin states, clearly shows how these beliefs contradict those of the
“But this speech of Our Lord's is applicable to all believers Our Lord and the Church. If you always wondered what
who strive through present tears and afflictions to attain the distinction between the fraternal face the Freemasons
to the joys eternal. While the righteous weep, the world show to the world and the real face underneath the mask,
rejoices; for having no hope of the joys to come, all its Why Catholic Cannot Be Masons provides the
delight is in the present.” answers in a vivid manner.
Attaining Salvation (p. 3), by St. Alphonsus Liguori Yours in Christ,
is a new release from TAN that will be of immeasurable help
in sustaining us through our “present tears and afflictions.”
Through its short chapters and meditations we are made to
focus on those things that matter most. We can find the Brent Klaske
peace and joy that Our Lord promised and Holy Mother V. P. Sales and Marketing
Church fosters, despite the world around us. This book TAN Books and Publishers, Inc.
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Devotion to the
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Scanlon and Scanlon
No. 0168 $18.00
334 pp. PB. Prepares students to read the
Roman Missal and Breviary. 195 pp. of
grammar and a 130-page Latin-English
glossary, containing all the words in the
Roman Missal and the Roman Breviary.
Lessons and readings from these two books,
plus the Latin Vulgate Bible. Fantastic tool
for the study of Church Latin.
Scanlon and Scanlon
Without Christ, No. 0169 $16.50
we can do nothing.
270 pp. PB. The companion to Latin
Grammar. This book completes the
grammar exercises and moves the vocabulary
THE SOUL OF THE to a more advanced level. The first half is
APOSTOLATE based on philosophical texts; the second half
drawn from theological works and the Code
Dom Jean-Baptiste Chautard of Canon Law. Includes a 3,000 word
No. 0444 $12.50 vocabulary which can serve as a concise
298 pp. PB. Impr. The interior life is the dictionary.
heart of apostolic work. If we leave our
interior life dry and parched, our apostolic
works will never bear the fruit God intends.
But if we only cultivate our inner life as
Our Lord wishes, our acts of charity will LOVE, PEACE, AND JOY—DEVOTION TO THE
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All those who are called to serve Christ in the Fr. André Prévot
world, whether religious or layman, must No. 1013 $9.00
seek that perfect union of the contemplative
and active lives, which is the essence of 224 pp. PB. Impr. Based on the actual words
a true apostolate. Therefore, we can do of Our Lord to St. Gertrude as recorded in her
nothing better than to follow the example famous Revelations. Shows little-known ways
of Pope St. Pius X, who not only highly to gain great graces and advance rapidly in
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Fr. Anthony Alexander
No. 1252 $15.00
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that “Apologetics is the study in which we
prove by reason that the [Roman Catholic]
Church is the agency set up by God to carry
on His work of teaching the doctrines of
supernatural religion.” (page 5). The author
calls this book “College Apologetics” because
it is written for the college-level student, i.e.,
the adult mind, which is able to grasp on
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An amazing book
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attempts against him by Calvinists, tor of the Church. Easy to read, short chapters, yet it is thor-
his re-conversion of 72,000 Calvinists, and much more. ough, authoritative, reliable, kind and gentle—a mirror of
its author. For all, because all are called to the devout life.
True devotion to God, the author points out, “adorns” every
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THE CATHOLIC CONTROVERSY and a happy life.” A book to make your guide for life!
____ 0979 AA-1025. Marie Carré. ISBN-4499. . . . . . . . . .7.50 ____ 1521 Catholic Diction. Attwater. ISBN-5496. p17 . . .24.00
____ 0139 Abortion/Yes/No? Grady. ISBN-1177. p . . . . . . .3.00 ____ 1227 Catholic Home Sch. Clark. ISBN-4949. p47 . . .21.00
____ 1009 Active Catholic. Palau. ISBN-2389. p25 . . . . . .4.50 ____ 1086 Catholic Morality. Laux. ISBN-3935. p45 . . . .12.50
____ 1582 Age of Martyrs. Ricciotti. ISBN-6318. p25 . . . . .9.00 ____ 1339 Catholic Prayers. (Small). ISBN-5953. p26 . . . .4.00
____ 0163 Agony of Jesus. Padre Pio. ISBN-0972. p31 . . . .3.00 ____ 2180 Cath. Prayers. (Lrg. Print). ISBN-8497. . . . . .10.00
____ 0094 Alexandrina. Johnston. ISBN-1795. p25 . . . . . .3.50 ____ 0105 Catholic Prophecy. Dupont. ISBN-0156. . . . . . .7.50
____ 1144 All For Jesus. Faber. ISBN-4017. p25 . . . . . . . .8.25 ____ 1215 Catholic Religion. Burbach. ISBN-4574. . . . .12.50
____ 1586 Angels and Devils. Cruz. ISBN-6387. p12 . . . .16.50 ____ 1336 Catholic Sanctuary. Davies. ISBN-5472. p31 . . .2.50
____ 1264 Angels. Parente. ISBN-5151. p12 . . . . . . . . . .12.00 ____ 2208 Celebration/Mass. O’Connell. hb. p15 . . . . . .40.00
____ 1399 Anne. Ben. Nun. ISBN-5991. . . . . . . . . . . . . .7.00 ____ 1053 Char. /Inquisition. Walsh. ISBN-3263. p9 . . . .16.50
____ 2185 Attaining Salvation. Liguori. ISBN-8831. p3 . .12.00 ____ 1178 Char./Reformation. Belloc. ISBN-4666. . . . . . .15.00
____ 1023 Autobio./St. Anthony Claret. ISBN-2846. p25 . . .6.50 ____ 0750 Charity/Suff. Sls. Nageleisen. ISBN-2006. . . . .18.00
____ 1042 Autobio./St. Margaret Mary. ISBN-2952. . . . . . .7.50 ____ 0118 Chats w/Converts. Forrest. ISBN-0699. p25 . . . .6.75
____ 1518 Autobio./St. Teresa of Avila. ISBN-6035. . . . . . .24.00 ____ 1084 Chief Truths/Faith. Laux. ISBN-3911. p45 . . .12.50
____ 0191 Baltimore Cat. # 1. Kinkead. ISBN-0101. p44 . .5.00 ____ 1137 Children of Fatima. Windeatt. ISBN-4192. p42 11.00
____ 0192 Baltimore Cat. # 2. Kinkead. ISBN-0088. p44 . .7.00 ____ 0514 Child’s Bible History. Knecht. ISBN-0057. p44 . .5.60
____ 0147 Baltimore Cat. # 3. Kinkead. ISBN-0071. p44 . .8.80 ____ 1387 Christ/Americas. Carroll. ISBN-5946. p46 . . . .24.00
____ 0119 Baltimore Cate. # 4. Kinkead. ISBN-3409. p44 18.00 ____ 1884 Christ/Amers. Wkbk. Mooney. ISBN-7445. p46 .21.00
____ 1196 SET: Balt. Cat.. 4 Vols. Kinkead. p44 . . . . . . .32.00 ____ 0089 Christ Denied. Wickens. ISBN-1832. . . . . . . . . .3.50
____ 0323 Begone Satan. Vogl. ISBN-0989. . . . . . . . . . . . .4.00 ____ 1228 Christ/King/Lord/Hst. Carroll. ISBN-5038. p46 24.00
____ 1163 Behind/Lodge Door. Fisher. ISBN-4550. . . . . .21.00 ____ 1754 Christ/King/Wkbk. Mooney. ISBN-6738. p46 . .21.00
____ 0131 Bethlehem. Faber. ISBN-0804. p25 . . . . . . . .10.00 ____ 1890 Chris. Perf./Cont. Garr.-Lagr. ISBN-7582. . . . .21.00
____ 1216 Beyond Abortion. Rini. ISBN-4871 . . . . . . . . .15.00 ____ 0324 Christ’s Appl./Love. Menendez. ISBN-0132. p25 4.50
____ 0515 Bible History. Schuster. ISBN-0064. p47 . . . . . .13.20 ____ 0231 Church History. Laux. ISBN-3492. p45 . . . . . .27.50
____ 1776 Bible History. Johnson, etc. ISBN-6929. p44 . . .19.20 ____ 0531 Church Teaches. ISBN-0118. p25 . . . . . . . . . .18.00
____ 1792 Bible History Wkbk. Ignatz. ISBN-7032. p44 . .21.00 ____ 1801 Claude Lightfoot. Fr. Finn. ISBN-7124. p41 . . .9.00
____ 0170 Bible Quizzes. R. R. Press. ISBN-1092. . . . . . . .2.50 ____ 1218 Closed—99 Ways. Scheidler. ISBN-4932. p25 . . .9.00
____ 0176 Birth Prev. Qs. R. R. Press. ISBN-1108. . . . . . . .2.50 ____ 1252 College Apolgs. Alexander. ISBN-4451. pp8/16 15.00
____ 1171 Bishop Curtis. Visitation Srs. ISBN-4567. p25 . .9.25 ____ 1011 Confession/Reluctant. Ségur. ISBN-3850. p30 . .3.00
____ 1244 Blessed Eucharist. Mueller. ISBN-5076. p8 . . .12.00 ____ 1723 Conf./Fruitful Prac. Ben. Srs. ISBN-6752. p30 . .3.00
____ 2170 Bl. Marie Celine. Poor Clares. ISBN-8459. p6 .14.00 ____ 1025 Conf./Roman Cath. Whitcomb. ISBN-2815. p27 2.50
____ 1237 Bl. Marie/N. Fr. Windeatt. ISBN-4321. . . . . . .11.00 ____ 0173 Conf. Quizzes. R. R. Press. ISBN-1115. . . . . . . .2.50
____ 1340 Blessed Miguel Pro. Ball. ISBN-5427. p43 . . . . .6.00 ____ 0218 Cns./Imc. Hrt./Mary. Norman. ISBN-3423. p28 .3.00
____ 0134 Blessed Sacrament. Faber. ISBN-0774. p13 . . .20.00 ____ 0096 Conver. w/Christ. Rohrbach. ISBN-1801. p35 .12.50
____ 1740 Bl. Sac./God w/Us. Ben. Srs. ISBN-6615. p29 . .3.00 ____ 0190 Convert’s Cat. Geiermann. ISBN-0293. . . . . . .5.00
____ 0809 Blessed Virgin Mary. Liguori. ISBN-1771. p25 . .3.75 ____ 1514 Creation Rediscvd. Keane. ISBN-6073. p47 . . .16.80
____ 1054 Blood-Dr. Altars. Kelley. ISBN-3195. . . . . . . . .21.50 ____ 0135 Creator/Creature. Faber. ISBN-0767. p25 . . . . .8.75
____ 0165 Book of Destiny. Kramer. ISBN-0460. . . . . . . .21.50 ____ 1181 Crisis of Civilization. Belloc. ISBN-4628. . . . . .15.00
____ 0062 Book/Inf. Love. de la Touche. ISBN-1290. p25 .3.75 ____ 1885 Crusader King. Peek. ISBN-7605. p41 . . . . . . . .9.60
____ 1219 Brief Cat. for Adults. Cogan. ISBN-4925. p17 . .10.00 ____ 1198 Crusades. Belloc. ISBN-4673. . . . . . . . . . . . . .16.50
____ 0160 Brief Life of Christ. Rumble. ISBN-0965. . . . . .3.50 ____ 0184 Curé D’Ars. Trochu. ISBN-0200. p9 . . . . . . . . .24.00
____ 0259 Brown Scapular Coloring Bk. ISBN-3805. p40 . .3.00 ____ 1060 Curé of Ars. O’Brien. ISBN-3249. p36 . . . . . . . .7.50
____ 1537 Call to Souls. Menendez. ISBN-6141. p29 . . . . .1.50 ____ 1138 Curé of Ars. Windeatt. ISBN-4185. p42 . . . . . .10.40
____ 0128 Canons/Dec./Coun./Trent. ISBN-0743. . . . . . .16.50 ____ 1726 Death of Evolution. Johnson. ISBN-6646. p47 .12.00
____ 1243 Cat. Expl. Spirago/Clarke. hb. ISBN-4970. p17 .33.00 ____ 0083 Devil. Delaporte. ISBN-1733. p25 . . . . . . . . . .4.25
____ 1010 Cat./Mental Prayer. Simler. ISBN-2563. . . . . . .3.00 ____ 1149 Devotion for the Dying. Potter. ISBN-4420. . . .12.00
____ 0078 Cat./Modernism. Lemius. ISBN-1672. p25 . . . .3.75 ____ 1793 Devotion/Holy Spirit. Anon. ISBN-7018. p26 . . .3.00
____ 2310 Cat./Council of Trent. hb. ISBN-8848. p15 . . . .35.00 ____ 0361 Devotion/Infant Jesus/Prague. ISBN-1061. p27 .1.50
____ 0752 Cath. Ans./Jeh. Wit. D’Angelo. ISBN-0000. . . . .13.50 ____ 2199 Devotion/Prec. Blood. Anon. ISBN-8800. p5 . . .3.00
____ 1087 Catholic Apologetics. Laux. ISBN-3942. p45 . .12.50 ____ 0212 Devotion/Sacred Hrt. Croiset. ISBN-3348. p9 . .16.50
____ 1041 Cath. Apologetics Today. Most. ISBN-3058. p25 .6.00 ____ 1827 Dev./Srwful. Mother. Anon. ISBN-7261. p26 . . .3.00
____ 2146 Catholic Baby Bk. hb. pink. ISBN-7469. p39 . .21.00 ____ 0150 Dlg./St. Cath./Siena. Thorold. ISBN-0378. p32 .12.50
____ 2147 Catholic Baby Bk. hb. blue. ISBN-7476. p39 . .21.00 ____ 0086 Divine Favors/St. Joseph. Binet. ISBN-1870. p25 3.75
____ 0307 Catholic Cat.. Faerber. ISBN-0866. . . . . . . . . .9.00 ____ 2107 Divine Intimacy. Gabriel. hb. ISBN-8176. . . . O.S.
____ 1598 Cath. Ch./Homsxl. Guimarães. ISBN-6516. p25 . .4.00 ____ 1391 Div. Life/Holy Virgin. Agreda. ISBN-5960. p10 .13.50
____ 1024 Cath. Church/Ans. Whitcomb. ISBN-2822. p27 .2.50 ____ 2302 Divine Mercy Calendar 2009. ISBN-8930. p4 . . .9.00
____ 1077 Catholic Controversy. de Sales. ISBN-3874. p18 16.50 ____ 0197 Dogmatic Canons/Decrees. ISBN-0187. . . . . . .11.00
Sale prices in red expire 8/31/08. ISBN prefix is 978-0-89555.
1.800.437.5876 W W W. T A N B O O K S . C O M 19
____ 0390 Dol/ Passion. Emmerich. ISBN-2105. . . . . . . .18.00 ____ 1145 How Christ Chgd./World. Civardi. ISBN-4437. . .9.00
____ 2001 Dol/ Passion—Aud. MP3-CD. ISBN-9760. . . .18.00 ____ 1020 How Christ/1st Mass. Meagher. ISBN-2075. p13 21.00
____ 1269 Dom. Saints. Dom. Novices. ISBN-5212. . . . .16.50 ____ 1179 How/Ref. Happened. Belloc. ISBN-4659. . . . . .13.50
____ 1985 Dressing w/Dgty. Hammond. ISBN-8008. p39 .8.00 ____ 1962 How/Conv./God. St. Alphonsus. ISBN-7971. p26 3.00
____ 1849 Douay-Rheims Bible. hb. p14 . . . . . . . . . . . .45.00 ____ 1870 Humility/Hrt. da Bergamo. ISBN-7667. p32 . .10.00
____ 2200 Traditional Spanish Bible. hb. p14 . . . . . . . . .40.00 ____ 1590 Husband and Wife. Wickens. ISBN-6455. . . . . .9.00
____ 0167 Douay-Rheims New Test. ISBN-0019. . . . . . . .16.50 ____ 1026 I Wait For You. ISBN-2853. p27 . . . . . . . . . . . .1.50
____ 1180 Essays of a Catholic. Belloc. ISBN-4635. . . . . .15.00 ____ 0227 Imitation of Christ. à Kempis. ISBN-3485. p33 15.00
____ 1803 Ethelred Preston. Fr. Finn. ISBN-7148. p41 . . .7.20 ____ 0149 Imitation/Sac. Hrt. Arnoudt. ISBN-0125. p35 .18.50
____ 0177 Eucharist Qs. R. R. Press. ISBN-1122. . . . . . . .2.50 ____ 0501 Incarnation, Birth and Infancy. Liguori. p25 . .6.75
____ 1047 Eucharistic Miracles. Cruz. ISBN-3034. p13 . .16.50 ____ 0199 Incorruptibles. Cruz. ISBN-0668. p38 . . . . . . .16.50
____ 1182 Europe & the Faith. Belloc. ISBN-4642. p34 . .14.00 ____ 1523 Incr. Cath. Mass. von Cochem. ISBN-6080. p13 15.00
____ 0148 Evid./Satan/World. Cristiani. ISBN-0323. p25 . .7.00 ____ 0195 Incr. Creed/Jeh Wtns. Rumble. ISBN-0255. . . . .2.50
____ 0554 Evolution Hoax Exposed. Field. ISBN-0491. p25 4.50 ____ 0172 Indulgence Qs. R. R. Press. ISBN-1146. . . . . . .2.50
____ 1056 Facts About Luther. O’Hare. ISBN-3225. p34 . .18.50 ____ 1517 Int. Castle. St. Teresa/Avila. ISBN-6042. . . . . .16.50
____ 0097 Faith/Our Fathers. Gibbons. ISBN-1580. p17 .17.50 ____ 1083 Intro. to the Bible. Laux. ISBN-3966. p45 . . . .18.00
____ 1971 Father of the Little Flower. ISBN-8121. p38 . . . .5.00 ____ 1191 Intro. to Philsy. Sullivan. ISBN-4697. p16 . . .16.50
____ 0058 Fr. Paul/Moll. van Speybrouck. ISBN-1221. . .13.50 ____ 1253 Intro./Dev. Life. St. Fr. de S. ISBN-5106. p18 . .10.00
____ 0046 Fatima/Great Sign. Johnston. ISBN-1634. . . . .12.00 ____ 0189 Is It a Saint’s Name? Dunne. ISBN-0248. . . . . .3.00
____ 1125 Fatima’s Message. Cirrincione. ISBN-4031. . . . . .3.00 ____ 1217 Is/Fetus Human? Pastuszek. ISBN-4864. . . . . .8.50
____ 1289 Fav. Prayers to St. Joseph. ISBN-4468. p26 . . . . .3.00 ____ 0940 Is/St. John Masonic? Wathen. ISBN-2501. p25 . .4.25
____ 1519 Fav. Prayers/St. Jos. (Lrg. Ed.). ISBN-6103. . . . .7.50 ____ 1067 Isabella of Spain. Walsh. ISBN-3201. p38 . . . .19.20
____ 0223 Following of Christ. Groote. ISBN-3522. . . . . .12.50 ____ 2172 Joy in Suffering. ISBN-8435. p26 . . . . . . . . . . .3.50
____ 0136 Foot of the Cross. Faber. ISBN-0781. . . . . . . .18.00 ____ 1583 Julian the Apostate. Ricciotti. ISBN-6325. . . . .16.50
____ 0213 Forgotten Secret of Fatima. ISBN-3379. . . . . . . . .2.50 ____ 1234 King David/Songs. Windeatt. ISBN-4291. p42 . .8.80
____ 1390 40 Dreams/St. John Bosco. ISBN-5977. p38 . . .15.00 ____ 0301 Last World War. Culligan. ISBN-0347. p25 . . . .7.50
____ 1038 Fourfold Sov. of God. Manning. ISBN-3089. . . .7.50 ____ 0168 Latin Grammar. Scanlon. ISBN-0026. p7 . . . .18.00
____ 1057 Four Last Things. von Cochem. ISBN-3218. . . .9.00 ____ 1880 Latin Mass Expl. Moorman. ISBN-7643. p2 . .13.50
____ 1263 14 Holy Helpers. Hammer. ISBN-5182. p8 . . . .7.50 ____ 2204 Latin Vulgate. hb. p14 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39.00
____ 2117 Freemasonry. ISBN-8169. p25 . . . . . . . . . . . . .5.00 ____ 1526 Letters/St. Marg. Mary Alacoque. ISBN-6059. . .16.50
____ 0155 Fund. of Catholic Dogma. Ott. ISBN-0095. . . .27.50 ____ 1224 Liberalism/Sin. Sarda/Salvany. ISBN-4789. . . .9.00
____ 2124 Gift of Oneself. Fr. Schryvers. ISBN-8336. p33 .14.00 ____ 0075 Life/Gls./St. Joseph. Thompson. ISBN-1610. p36 16.50
____ 1747 Glories/Div. Grace. Sheeben. ISBN-5090. p32 . .14.40 ____ 1168 Life Everlasting. Gar.-Lagr. ISBN-2037. . . . . .16.50
____ 0187 Glories/Mary. Liguori. ISBN-0217. p10 . . . . . .21.00 ____ 1063 Life and Messages/Sr. Mary. ISBN-3188. . . . . .12.00
____ 1123 Golden Arrow. Sr. Mary. ISBN-3898. . . . . . . . .15.00 ____ 1794 Life/Revs./St. Gertrude/Great. ISBN-6998. p37 .24.00
____ 1581 Good St. Anne. Anonymous. ISBN-6417. p29 . .3.00 ____ 1045 Life/Work/Mother L. Marg. C. ISBN-3119. p25 . .7.50
____ 1162 Great Heresies. Belloc. ISBN-4758. p34 . . . . . .13.50 ____ 0338 Life of A. C. Emmerich. 2 Vols. ISBN-0613. . . .48.00
____ 1973 Great Magdalens. Blunt. ISBN-8374. p33 . . . .14.80 ____ 0202 Life/Bl. Margaret. Bonniwell. ISBN-2136. . . . . .9.00
____ 1114 Growth in Holiness. Faber. ISBN-4000. . . . . . .18.00 ____ 1749 Life of Fr. De Smet. Laveille. ISBN-6660. p36 . .18.00
____ 1382 Guardian Angels. Anon. ISBN-5373. pp12/28 . .3.00 ____ 1943 Life/Christ. 4 Vols. Emmerich. ISBN-7919. . . .75.00
____ 1267 Guidance to Heaven. Bona. ISBN-5205. p25 . . .4.50 ____ 2183 Life/Litte Nellie of Holy God. ISBN-8527. p6 . . .6.00
____ 1270 Hail Holy Qn! St. Alphonsus. ISBN-5236. p10 . .4.50 ____ 1164 Life/Mary/Mystics. Brown. ISBN-4369. p10 . . .15.00
____ 1006 Happ./Heaven. Boudreau. ISBN-2327. p12 . . . .5.00 ____ 1019 Life/St. Aloysius G. Meschler. ISBN-2754. . . . . .13.00
____ 1757 Harry Dee. Finn. ISBN-6721. p41 . . . . . . . . . . .7.20 ____ 1027 Life/St. Anthony M. C. Royer. ISBN-2884. . . . . .16.50
____ 1012 Heliotropium. Drexelius. ISBN-2457. p32 . . . .15.00 ____ 1290 Life/St. Benedict. St. Greg. Grt. ISBN-5120. p29 .3.00
____ 0225 Hell/Av. Hell. Schouppe/Nelson. ISBN-3461. p16 15.00 ____ 1897 Life/St. Cath. Bl. Raymond. ISBN-7612. p37 . . .18.00
____ 1118 Hell/Its Torments. Bellarmine. ISBN-4093. p30 2.00 ____ 0215 Life of St. Dominic. Drane. ISBN-3362. p36 . .15.00
____ 0175 Hell Quizzes. R. R. Press. ISBN-1139. . . . . . . . .2.50 ____ 0214 Life/St. Francis/As. St. Bonvtr. ISBN-3430. p36 12.50
____ 0111 Hidden Treasure. St. Leonard. ISBN-0361. p13 .6.00 ____ 1748 Life/St. Gemma. Germanus. ISBN-6691. p37 .18.50
____ 0101 History of Antichrist. Huchede. ISBN-1009. . . . .4.00 ____ 0222 Life/St. lgnatius. Genelli. ISBN-3454. p25 . . . . .9.25
____ 0221 History/Prot. Reform. Cobbett. ISBN-3539. . . .21.00 ____ 1116 Life/St. Marg. M. A. Bougaud. ISBN-2976. . . .15.00
____ 1894 Holy Abandonment. Lehodey. ISBN-7599. p33 .21.00 ____ 0107 Life/Bl. V. Mary. Emmerich. ISBN-0484. p11 . .18.00
____ 1593 Holy Eucharist. Etlin, OSB. ISBN-6493. p29 . . .3.00 ____ 0055 Light and Peace. Quadrupani. ISBN-1337. . . .8.00
____ 1124 Holy Man of Tours. Scallan. ISBN-3904. p36 . .12.00 ____ 1276 “Light in/Heavens”/Leo XIII. ISBN-5298. p16 .24.00
____ 1177 Holy Sacrifice/Mass. Muller. ISBN-4376. . . . . .23.00 ____ 0063 Little Book/Work/Infinite Love. ISBN-1306. p25 .1.75
____ 0164 Holy Shroud. O’Connell. ISBN-1023. p31 . . . . .3.50 ____ 1061 Little Catechism/Curé of Ars. ISBN-3232. . . . . . .8.00
____ 1150 Holy Will of God. Pyzalski. ISBN-4116. p25 . . .3.75 ____ 1139 Little Flower. Windeatt. ISBN-4130. p42 . . . . .11.00
Sale prices in red expire 8/31/08. ISBN prefix is 978-0-89555.
____ 0090 Little Lives/Great Sts. Murray. ISBN-1900. . . .20.00 ____ 0239 Our Lady/Mirac. Mdl. Color. Bk. ISBN-3607. p40 .3.00
____ 2120 Little Nellie. Sr. M. Dominic. ISBN-8343. p41 . .6.00 ____ 0245 Our Lady/Pellevoisin Color. Bk. ISBN-3669. p40 .3.00
____ 1283 Liturgical Shipwreck. Davies. ISBN-5359. . . . . .2.00 ____ 0244 Our Lady/Pontmain Color. Bk. ISBN-3652. p40 .3.00
____ 1898 Liturgical Time Bombs. Davies. ISBN-7735. . .12.00 ____ 1396 Our Pionrs./Patriots. Furlong. ISBN-5922. p46 24.00
____ 1279 Lives of the Saints. Butler. ISBN-5304. . . . . . .20.00 ____ 1529 Our Pioneers/Patriots Ans. ISBN-6066. p46 . . .10.00
____ 1046 Love/Service/God—Inf. Love. ISBN-3102. p25 .7.50 ____ 1575 Our Sav./His Love. Lagrange. ISBN-6356. . . . .21.00
____ 1013 Love, Peace, and Joy. Prevot. ISBN-2556. p7 . . . .9.00 ____ 2118 Padre Pio/America. Rega. lSBN-8206. p33 . . .14.80
____ 1015 Love of Mary. Roberto. lSBN-2358. p25 . . . . . .4.50 ____ 0115 Padre Pio—Stigmatist. Carty. lSBN-3553. . . .16.50
____ 0813 Magnif. Prayers. St. Bridget. ISBN-2204. p31 . .2.00 ____ 1207 Parents, Child./Fct./Life. Sattler. ISBN-4895. . .12.50
____ 1541 Mama/Why/Kill Us? Mondrone. ISBN-6165. . . .2.50 ____ 1942 Passion/Catholic Edition. hb. ISBN-7810. p25 .12.50
____ 0088 Man./Dev./St. Jos. Patrignani. ISBN-1757. . . .17.50 ____ 0080 Passion of Jesus. Groenings. ISBN-1894. p9 . .15.00
____ 0174 Marriage Quizzes. R. R. Press. ISBN-1153. . . . .2.50 ____ 1140 Pat. St./1st Comms. Windeatt. ISBN-4161. p42 8.00
____ 0084 Martyrs/Coliseum. O’Reilly. ISBN-1924. p47 . .16.80 ____ 1205 Pauline Jaricot. Windeatt. ISBN-4253. p42 . . .12.00
____ 2301 Mary/Saints Calendar 2009. ISBN-8923. p4 . . . .9.00 ____ 1850 Penny Catechism. ISBN-7520. p30 . . . . . . . . . .4.00
____ 1955 Mary Magdalen. ISBN-8022. . . . . . . . . . . . . .13.00 ____ 1756 Percy Wynn. Finn. ISBN-6714. p41 . . . . . . . . .9.00
____ 0142 Mary, Mother/Church. Ripley. ISBN-0941. . . . .5.00 ____ 0144 Pere Lamy. Biver. ISBN-0552. p25 . . . . . . . . . . . .7.50
____ 0093 Mary/Second Eve. Newman. ISBN-1818. . . . . .4.00 ____ 1591 Perm. Instr./Alta Vendita. Vennari. ISBN-6448. p28 2.50
____ 1085 Mass and Sacraments. Laux. ISBN-3928. p45 .12.50 ____ 1068 Philip II. Walsh. ISBN-3270. p34 . . . . . . . . . .36.00
____ 0161 Med. Prayer/Mary Imc. Padre Pio. ISBN-0996. .2.50 ____ 1753 Pope Pius VII. Anderson. ISBN-6783. p25 . . . . .8.25
____ 1285 Melanie/La Salette. Dennis. ISBN-5229. . . . . .12.00 ____ 1588 Popes Against Modern Errors. ISBN-6431. . . . .18.00
____ 1066 Mexican Martyrdom. Parsons. ISBN-3300. . . .12.50 ____ 1882 Prac. Comm./Holy Scr. Knecht. ISBN-7575. p16 40.00
____ 1184 Mir./St. Anth. M.C. Echevarria. ISBN-4734. p25 .8.25 ____ 1062 Praxedes. Olive. ISBN-3096. p25 . . . . . . . . . . .7.50
____ 1222 Mir. Images/Our Lady. Cruz. ISBN-4840. p11 .21.50 ____ 1795 Prayer—Great Means of Grace. ISBN-7001. p26 . .3.00
____ 1223 Mir. Images/Our Lord. Cruz. ISBN-4963. . . . .16.50 ____ 1029 Prayer/Key To Salv. Mueller. ISBN-2877. . . . . . .9.00
____ 1141 Miraculous Medal. Windeatt. lSBN-4178. p42 . .9.00 ____ 1017 Prayerbook/Litanies. Hebert. ISBN-2525. p35 .10.00
____ 2207 Missal, Roman Catholic. hb. p15 . . . . . . . . . .63.00 ____ 1110 Prayers/Heavenly Promises. ISBN-3973. p33 . . .4.50
____ 0503 Modern Saints. Bk. I. Ball. ISBN-2228. . . . . . .21.00 ____ 0132 Precious Blood. Faber. ISBN-0750. p34 . . . . .16.50
____ 1126 Modern Saints. Bk. II. Ball. ISBN-2235. . . . . .23.00 ____ 1574 Predestination. Gar.-Lagr. ISBN-6349. . . . . . .18.50
____ 1280 Moments Div./Bl. Sacr. Reuter. ISBN-5335. p13 10.00 ____ 0810 Prep./Death. Liguori. Abgd. ISBN-1740. . . . . .12.00
____ 1209 Moral Theology. Jone. ISBN-4727. . . . . . . . . .21.00 ____ 1769 Priest/Un./Christ. Gar.-Lagr. ISBN-7025. p13 .16.50
____ 0210 Mother/God/Feasts. O’Laverty. ISBN-3171. . . .15.00 ____ 0112 Priest/Man/God. St. J. Cafasso. ISBN-1641. . . .16.00
____ 1242 Mother/Saviour. Gar.-Lagr. ISBN-4994. . . . . .16.50 ____ 0154 Priesthood. Stockums. ISBN-1702. . . . . . . . . .15.00
____ 1970 Mother/Little Flower. Martin. ISBN-8114. p38 . .5.00 ____ 0091 Primitive Church. Lanslots. ISBN-1344. p25 . . .8.25
____ 1505 My Confession Book. Welters. ISBN-6004. p30 . .2.00 ____ 1189 Pro-Life Christns. Gulotta. ISBN-4604. p25 . . . .5.50
____ 0224 My Ideal/Jesus/Son. Neubert. ISBN-3386. p25 .3.00 ____ 0617 Proph./St. Malachy. Bander. ISBN-0385. p25 . .4.50
____ 1506 My See/Pray Missal. Therese. ISBN-6011. p30 . .2.00 ____ 0303 Prophecy for Today. Connor. ISBN-2129. . . . . .7.50
____ 1522 My Sister, St. Therese. Sr. Gen. ISBN-5984. . . . .10.00 ____ 0151 Prophets/Our Times. Culleton. ISBN-0507. p25 .7.50
____ 1383 Mysteries, Mrvls., Mirs. Cruz. ISBN-5410. p38 .24.00 ____ 1573 Providence. Gar.-Lagrange. ISBN-6332. p25 . .9.25
____ 2125 Mystery/Love/Single. Unger. ISBN-8244. . . . . .14.00 ____ 1771 Purgatory. Faber. ISBN-7285. . . . . . . . . . . . . .6.00
____ 0126 Myst. City/God. Abgd. Agreda. ISBN-0705. p10 .21.00 ____ 0778 Purgatory/Heaven. Arendzen. ISBN-0453. . . . .6.00
____ 2130 Myst. City. 4 Vols. Agreda. hb. ISBN-8251. p11 . .85.00 ____ 2122 Purgatory Expl. Schouppe. ISBN-8312. p35 . . . .12.00
____ 0138 Myst. Evol. Arintero. 2 Vols. ISBN-0712. p25 . .21.00 ____ 0171 Purgatory Quizzes. R. R. Press. ISBN-1085. . . .2.50
____ 0113 New Regs./Indulgences. Herbst ISBN-1030. . . .3.00 ____ 2205 Raccolta. hb. p14 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39.00
____ 1265 Novena/Holy Comms. Lovasik. ISBN-5199. p29 .2.50 ____ 0186 Radio Replies. 3 Vols. ISBN-1597. . . . . . . . . . . .48.00
____ 1002 Old World/Amer. Furlong. pb ISBN-2020. p46 21.00 ____ 1112 SET: Radio Replies. 10 Bklts. ISBN-3560. . . . .25.00
____ 1550 Old W./Amer. Ans. McDevitt. ISBN-6202. p46 . .10.00 ____ 1016 Rebel from Riches. Reynolds. . . . . . . . . . . . . .9.00
____ 0209 On Freemasonry. Leo XlIl. ISBN-1719. . . . . . . . .2.50 ____ 1117 Rebuilding/Faith. Stoddard. ISBN-4109. p25 . .8.25
____ 0069 Open Lesson/Bishop. Davies. ISBN-1429. . . . . .3.00 ____ 0152 Reign of Antichrist. Culleton. ISBN-0477. p25 . .7.50
____ 1190 Ottaviani Intervention. ISBN-4703. p25 . . . . . .4.00 ____ 1193 Reign/Christ/King. Davies. ISBN-4741. p31 . . .2.00
____ 0243 Our Lady/Banneux Color. Bk. ISBN-3645. p40 . .3.00 ____ 1535 Rel. Customs/Family. Weiser. ISBN-6134. . . . . .10.00
____ 0242 Our Lady/Beauraing Color. Bk. ISBN-3638. p40 .3.00 ____ 0070 Religious Liberty. Davies. ISBN-1436. p31 . . . .3.00
____ 0236 Our Lady/Fatima Coloring Bk. ISBN-3577. p40 .3.00 ____ 2121 Religious Vocation. Butler. ISBN-8237. . . . . . .12.50
____ 0203 Our Lady/Fatima’s Peace Plan. ISBN-2174. p30 .1.50 ____ 1121 Retreat Comp./Priests. Havey. ISBN-4062. . . . .9.00
____ 0238 Our Lady/Guadalupe Color. Bk. ISBN-3591. p40 3.00 ____ 1001 Revelations of St. Bridget. ISBN-2334. . . . . . . . 4.50
____ 0241 Our Lady/Knock Coloring Bk. ISBN-3621. p40 . .3.00 ____ 0092 Rhine Flows/Tiber. Wiltgen. ISBN-1863. . . . . .16.50
____ 0240 Our Lady/La Salette Color. Bk. ISBN-3614. p40 .3.00 ____ 1746 Right and Reason. Fagothey. ISBN-6684. p16 .25.00
____ 0237 Our Lady/Lourdes Color. Bk. ISBN-3584. p40 . . .3.00 ____ 0220 Rise/Grth. Angl. Sch. Sander. ISBN-3478. p25 .12.00
Sale prices in red expire 8/31/08. ISBN prefix is 978-0-89555.
1.800.437.5876 W W W. T A N B O O K S . C O M 21
____ 2201 Roman Ritual. Vol. 1—Sacraments. hb. p15 .65.00 ____ 0252 St. Philomena Coloring Book. ISBN-3737. p40 .3.00
____ 2202 Roman Ritual. Vol. 2—Christ. Bur. hb. p15 . .65.00 ____ 0211 St. Philomena. Mohr. ISBN-3324. . . . . . . . . . .12.00
____ 2203 Roman Ritual. Vol. 3—Blessings. hb. p15 . . .65.00 ____ 0964 St. Pius V. Anderson. ISBN-3546. p25 . . . . . . . .3.50
____ 2210 SET: Roman Ritual. 3 Vols. hb. p15 . . . . . . .150.00 ____ 0250 St. Pius X Coloring Book. ISBN-3713. p40 . . . . .3.00
____ 0258 Rosary Coloring Book. ISBN-3799. p40 . . . . . . .3.00 ____ 1595 St. Raphael. Carol. ISBN-6509. pp12, 28 . . . . .2.50
____ 1040 Rosary/Crisis. Cirrin./Nelson. ISBN-3065. . . . .2.00 ____ 1119 St. Rita of Cascia. Sicardo. ISBN-4079. p37 . . . .7.20
____ 0185 Rosary in Action. Johnson. ISBN-0231. p25 . . . .6.00 ____ 0747 St. Rose of Lima. Sr. M. A. ISBN-1726. . . . . . .16.50
____ 1058 St. Alphonsus. Miller/Aubin. ISBN-3294. p25 . .9.00 ____ 1204 St. Rose of Lima. Windeatt. ISBN-4246. p42 . .10.00
____ 0248 St. Anthony/Padua Color. Bk. ISBN-3690. p40 . .4.50 ____ 1572 St. Teresa of Avila. Forbes. ISBN-6257. p43 . . . .5.60
____ 0110 St. Anth./Won.-Wrkr. Stoddard. ISBN-0392. p43 7.00 ____ 1052 St. Teresa of Avila. Walsh. ISBN-3256. p37 . . . .24.00
____ 1278 St. Antony/Desert. St. Athan. ISBN-5250. p43 . .5.60 ____ 0251 St. Teresa of Avila Coloring Bk. ISBN-3720. p40 .3.00
____ 1557 St. Athanasius. F. A. Forbes. ISBN-6233. p43 . . .7.00 ____ 0181 St. Therese/Lit. Flwr. Beevers. ISBN-0354. p43 . .7.50
____ 1231 St. Benedict. Windeatt. ISBN-4277. p42 . . . . .11.00 ____ 1281 St. Thomas Aquinas. Anon. lSBN-5137. p29 . . .2.00
____ 1014 St. Bernadette. Trochu. ISBN-2532. p37 . . . . . .21.00 ____ 1200 St. Thomas Aquinas. Windeatt. ISBN-4208. p42 8.00
____ 1172 St. Bernd./Clrv. Ratisbonne. ISBN-4536. p25 .10.50 ____ 1558 St. Vincent de Paul. Forbes. ISBN-6219. p43 . . .7.00
____ 1003 St. Catherine Labouré. Dirvin. ISBN-2426. p37 16.50 ____ 1752 St. Vincent Ferrer. Pradel. ISBN-6868. . . . . . . .9.00
____ 0099 St. Catherine/Siena. Curtayne. ISBN-1627. . . .16.50 ____ 1277 Saints/Our Children. Newland. ISBN-5175. . .15.00
____ 1555 St. Catherine/Siena. Forbes. ISBN-6226. p43 . .7.00 ____ 1842 Saints/Sinners/Calv. Rengers. ISBN-7308. . . . . .7.50
____ 1201 St. Catherine/Siena. Windeatt. ISBN-4215. p42 .5.60 ____ 2300 Saints Calendar/Planner 2009. ISBN-8916. p4 .15.00
____ 0746 St. Dominic. Dorcy. ISBN-1955. . . . . . . . . . . . .13.50 ____ 1963 Saints/Raised/Dead. Hebert. ISBN-7988. p47 .18.50
____ 1233 St. Dominic. Windeatt. ISBN-4307. p42 . . . . . .8.80 ____ 1239 Saints/Saw Mary. Brown. lSBN-5069. . . . . . . . .12.00
____ 0249 St. Dominic Savio Coloring Bk. ISBN-3706. p40 .3.00 ____ 1837 School/Jesus Crucfd. Ignatius. ISBN-7322. . . .13.50
____ 0500 St. Dominic’s Family. Dorcy. ISBN-2082. . . . .30.00 ____ 1152 Sci./Hist. Theology. McCarthy. ISBN-4413. p25 .9.25
____ 0254 St. Frances Cabrini Color. Bk. ISBN-3751. p40 . .3.00 ____ 1153 Science of Today. O’Connell. ISBN-4383. . . . .21.00
____ 1813 St. Fran./Sales. Stacp.-Kenny. ISBN-7094. p18 10.00 ____ 1545 Scripture Alone? Peters. ISBN-6400. p28 . . . . . .3.00
____ 2193 St. Francis/Muslims. Rega. ISBN-8589. p5 . . .12.50 ____ 0169 Second Ltn. Scanlon/Scanlon. ISBN-0033. p7 16.50
____ 0247 St. Francis of Assisi Color. Bk. ISBN-3683. p40 . .3.00 ____ 1543 Secret of Mary. De Montfort. ISBN-6172. . . . . . .5.00
____ 0200 St. Francis/Paola. Simi/Segreti. ISBN-0651. . . .9.00 ____ 0106 Secret/Rosary. St. L./Montfort. ISBN-0569. p35 .5.00
____ 1235 St. Francis Solano. Windeatt. ISBN-4314. p42 .14.00 ____ 1738 Secular Saints. Cruz. ISBN-6585. p38 . . . . . . . .28.00
____ 1580 St. Gerard Maj. Saint Omer. ISBN-6301. p36 . . .8.00 ____ 1048 Self-Abandmnt. de Caussade. ISBN-3126. p34 22.50
____ 0193 St. Gertrude the Great. ISBN-0262. p28 . . . . . . .2.50 ____ 0748 Sermons/St. Alphonsus Lig. ISBN-1931. p34 . .18.50
____ 1202 St. Hyacinth/Pol. Windeatt. ISBN-4222. p42 . .13.00 ____ 1059 Sermons of St. Francis/Advent. ISBN-2617. . . .12.00
____ 1571 St. Ignatius/Loyola. Forbes. ISBN-6240. p43 . . .7.00 ____ 1044 Sermons of St. Francis/Lent. ISBN-2600. . . . . .15.00
____ 0246 St. Joan of Arc Color. Bk. ISBN-3676. p40 . . . . .3.00 ____ 1030 Sermons/St. Francis/Our Lady. ISBN-2594. p18 15.00
____ 0153 St. Joan of Arc. Beevers. ISBN-0439. p . . . . . . . .13.50 ____ 1021 Sermons of St. Francis/Prayer. ISBN-2587. p18 .7.00
____ 1742 St. John Bosco. Forbes. ISBN-6639. p43 . . . . . .7.20 ____ 1286 Sermons/Curé/Ars. Vianney. ISBN-5243. p35 .15.00
____ 1236 St. John Masias. Windeatt. ISBN-4284. p42 . . .11.00 ____ 1721 Seven Capital Sins. Ben. Srs. ISBN-6790. p30 . .3.00
____ 0204 St. Joseph Cafasso. Bosco. ISBN-1948. p . . . . . . .6.00 ____ 1852 Seven Last Words. Rengers. ISBN-7315. . . . . . .6.00
____ 1070 St. Joseph, Fatima/Fatherhood. ISBN-3843. p31 .2.50 ____ 1208 Sex Education. Engel. ISBN-4710. p25 . . . . . . .7.50
____ 0098 St. Joseph/Cop. Pastrovicchi. ISBN-1351. p36 . .6.40 ____ 1337 Short Hist./Rmn. Mass. Davies. ISBN-5465. p31 .2.50
____ 1596 St. Jude Thaddeus. Anon. ISBN-6486. p29 . . . . .2.50 ____ 1759 Shroud/Turin. Guerrera. ISBN-6806. pp25, 47 .7.50
____ 1142 St. Louis/Montfort. Windeatt. ISBN-4147. p42 .13.00 ____ 1039 Sin/Consequences. Manning. ISBN-2990. . . . . .9.00
____ 1005 St. Louise/Marillac. Regnault. ISBN-2150. . . . . .7.50 ____ 1031 Sinner’s Guide. Ven. Louis. ISBN-2549. p32 . .12.00
____ 0137 St. Lydwine. Huysmans. ISBN-0873. . . . . . . . .11.00 ____ 0994 Sinner’s Return/God. Müller. ISBN-2051. p25 . .7.50
____ 1891 St. Margaret Clitherow. Monro. ISBN-7711. p43 6.00 ____ 0444 Soul/Apostolate. Chautard. ISBN-0316. p7 . . .12.50
____ 1232 St. Margaret Mary. Windeatt. ISBN-4154. p42 .11.20 ____ 1324 Soul Sanctified. Anonymous. ISBN-5380. p25 .6.00
____ 1540 St. Maria Goretti. Poage. ISBN-6158. p43 . . . . . .5.60 ____ 2206 Sources/Cath. Dogma. Denzinger. hb. p14 . .35.00
____ 0253 St. Maria Goretti Coloring Bk. ISBN-3744. p40 .3.00 ____ 1115 Spiritual Combat. Scupoli. ISBN-4055. p18 . . . .9.60
____ 0057 St. Martin/Porres. Cavallini. ISBN-0927. . . . . .15.00 ____ 0133 Spiritual Conferences. Faber. ISBN-0798. p25 . .9.00
____ 1203 St. Martin/Porres. Windeatt. ISBN-4239. p42 .10.00 ____ 0060 Spiritual Conferences. Tauler. ISBN-0828. . . . .15.00
____ 1549 St. Maximilian Kolbe. Smith. ISBN-6196. p43 . .7.00 ____ 0228 Spir. Doct./St. Cath./Genoa. ISBN-3355. p25 . . . .6.25
____ 0256 St. Meinrad Coloring Book. ISBN-3775. p40 . . .3.00 ____ 1592 Spiritual Exercises. Loyola. ISBN-6462. p32 . .16.50
____ 0504 St. Michael/Angels. Anon. ISBN-1962. p12 . . . .9.00 ____ 0077 Spiritual Legacy of Sr. Mary. ISBN-1658. . . . . .13.00
____ 2173 St. Michael the Archangel. ISBN-8442. pp12, 26 3.00 ____ 1737 Spiritual Life. Tanquerey. ISBN-6592. . . . . . .32.50
____ 1548 St. Monica. Forbes. ISBN-6189. p43 . . . . . . . . . .5.60 ____ 0157 Stigmata/Mod. Science. Carty. ISBN-1047. . . . .2.50
____ 1230 St. Paul the Apostle. Windeatt. ISBN-4260. p42 15.00 ____ 1987 Stories about Purgatory. ISBN-7995. p33 . . . . . .13.00
____ 1007 St. Philip Neri. Matthews. ISBN-2372. . . . . . . .7.50 ____ 1071 Stories from/Catechist. Howe. ISBN-1849. . . . .18.50
Sale prices in red expire 8/31/08. ISBN prefix is 978-0-89555.
____ 1338 Stories/Padre Pio. Tangari. ISBN-5366. . . . . . .9.00 ____ 0104 Way/Divine Love. Menendez. ISBN-0309. p35 .21.00
____ 1248 Story of a Family. Piat. ISBN-5021. . . . . . . . .21.00 ____ 1516 Way/Perfection. St. Teresa. ISBN-6028. . . . . . .16.50
____ 1384 Story of a Soul. St. Therese. ISBN-5489. p38 . . .7.20 ____ 1051 Way of the Cross. Franciscan. ISBN-3140. p27 .1.50
____ 2003 Story of a Soul/Audio. MP3-CD. ISBN-9777. . .15.00 ____ 1050 Way of the Cross. Liguorian. ISBN-3133. p27 . .1.50
____ 0056 Story of the Church. ISBN-1566. p47 . . . . . . . . .22.50 ____ 0095 Ways/Mental Prayer. Lehodey. ISBN-1788. p32 16.50
____ 0415 Summa/Ch. Life. 3 Vols. Gran. ISBN-1214. p25 21.50 ____ 0194 What Caths. Believe. Lovasik. ISBN-0279. p25 . .3.00
____ 1183 Survivals/New Arrivals. Belloc. ISBN-4543. . . . .13.00 ____ 0751 What Faith/Means. Graham. ISBN-2044. . . . . .6.00
____ 1065 Teilhardism/New Rel.. Smith. ISBN-3157. . . . .16.50 ____ 1004 What Will Hell/Like? Liguori. ISBN-3416. . . . . .1.50
____ 1851 Text. Conc./Scrip. Williams. ISBN-7568. p16 . .35.00 ____ 1947 Where We Got/Bible. Graham. ISBN-7964. p44 .6.40
____ 1802 That Football Game. Finn. ISBN-7131. p41 . . .9.00 ____ 1772 Which Bible/Read? Nelson. ISBN-6899. p28 . . .4.00
____ 0851 Theological Virtues/Faith. Gar.-Lagr. hb. . . . .24.00 ____ 0159 Who Is Padre Pio? ISBN-1016. . . . . . . . . . . . . .3.00
____ 1064 Therese Neumann. Vogl. ISBN-2419. p25 . . . . . .8.25 ____ 0156 Who/Therese Neumann? Carty. ISBN-0934. . . .3.50
____ 1893 Think Well On It. Challoner. ISBN-7636. p33 .12.00 ____ 2108 Whole World/Lv. Me. Scallan. ISBN-8183. p37 .14.80
____ 1151 3rd Secret/Fatima. Br. Michael. ISBN-4352. p28 2.50 ____ 2198 Why/Cannot/Masons. Salza. ISBN-8817. p3 . . .8.00
____ 0357 Thirty Favorite Novenas. ISBN-1054. p27 . . . . .1.50 ____ 0162 Why Squander Illness? Carty. ISBN-0514. . . . . .4.00
____ 1751 33 Doctors/Church. Rengers. ISBN-4406. p35 .33.00 ____ 0108 Wife, Mother/Mystic. Bessieres. ISBN-0583. . . .10.00
____ 1578 This Is The Faith. Ripley. ISBN-6424. p17 . . . .21.00 ____ 1199 William the Conqueror. Belloc. ISBN-4680. . . . .9.00
____ 2000 This Is The Faith—Audio. MP3-CD. Ripley. . .21.00 ____ 0085 Wonder/Guadalupe. Johnston. ISBN-1689. . . . .9.00
____ 0583 Thoughts of the Curé D’Ars. ISBN-2402. p27 . . .3.00 ____ 1034 Words of Love. Gottemceller. ISBN-2440. . . . . .8.00
____ 0217 Thoughts of St. Therese. ISBN-3447. . . . . . . . . . .7.50 ____ 0219 Year With the Saints. Unbgd. ISBN-3393. . . . .18.50
____ 1043 Thoughts/Sayings/St.Marg. Mary. ISBN-3027. . .6.00 ____ 1913 Your Labor of Love. Penny. ISBN-7780. p39 . .12.00
____ 1732 3 Ages/lnt. Life. 2 Vols. Gar.-Lagr. ISBN-6547. .48.00 ____ 1951 Your Vocation of Love. Penny. ISBN-8107. p39 11.20
____ 1857 3 Convs./Spir. Life. Gar.-Lagr. ISBN-7391. p25 .3.50
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