Chapter 10 - Communication - 02 - Effective Use of the Internet
Chapter 10 - Communication - 02 - Effective Use of the Internet
Chapter 10 - Communication - 02 - Effective Use of the Internet
The World Wide Web (WWW) is a part of the internet in which users can ac-
cess using web browser software.
The World Wide Web consists of a collection of web pages, and has been
based on the hypertext transfer protocol (http) since 1989.
The World Wide Web is a way of accessing information using the internet.
So, the internet and the World Wide Web are different. The following TABLE
summarises the differences.
Summary of differences between the internet and the World Wide Web
It is also possible to create extranets that allow intranets to be extended out-
side the organisation, but with the same advantages as an intranet; this al-
lows, for example, trading partners to have controlled access to some infor-
mation (commercially-sensitive information is password protected).
.هناك عدد من األسباب العتماد الشبكات الداخلية بدًال من استخدام اإلنترنت» :
تعتبر الشبكات الداخلية أكثر أماًنا نظًر ا لوجود فرصة أقل للقرصنة الخارجية أو الفيروسات
» .من األسهل منع الروابط الخارجية ،على سبيل المثال ،بعض المواقع اإللكترونية
» .يمكن للشركات التأكد من أن المعلومات المتاحة خاصة باحتياجات جمهورها الداخلي
» .من األسهل إرسال رسائل حساسة مع العلم بأنها ستبقى داخل الشركة
» .توفر الشبكات الداخلية نطاًقا ترددًيا أفضل من اإلنترنت ،وبالتالي هناك حدود اتصال
أقل من اإلنترنت (أي أن عدد البتات في الثانية التي يمكن نقلها يكون عادًة أعلى داخل
شبكة إنترانت) .من الممكن أيًض ا إنشاء شبكات خارجية تسمح بتوسيع شبكات اإلنترانت
خارج المؤسسة ،ولكن مع نفس مزايا الشبكة الداخلية ؛ يسمح هذا ،على سبيل المثال ،
للشركاء التجاريين بالتحكم في الوصول إلى بعض المعلومات (المعلومات الحساسة
تجارًيا محمية بكلمة مرور).
Figure 10.6 shows how intranets, extranets and the internet can
all be connected together. Access to servers behind a firewall is lim-
ited for external users.
يوضح الشكل 10.6كيف يمكن توصيل جميع الشبكات الداخلية واإلكسترانت واإلنترنت مًعا .الوصول إلى
الخوادم خلف جدار الحماية محدود للمستخدمين الخارجيين.
Microblogs are similar to blogs, but are used on social networking sites to
make short, frequent posts.
In microblogs the posts can be done using instant messaging, emails or use
other social networking vehicles (such as tweets).
Social networking sites use microblogs to allow members to update their per-
sonal profiles.
(For example: B-blog (short for business blog) used by businesses to pro-
mote themselves on the internet).
2- Wikis
Wikis are web applications or websites that allow any user to create and edit
their web pages using any web browser.
A wiki can involve hyperlinks and uses a very simple syntax called wiki
markup to create pages. Can be described as ‘web pages with an <edit> but-
Features of wikis:
Anyone can edit, delete or modify the content.
Many authors can be involved in a wiki.
Pages can be organized by any way the author(s) wish(es).
Shows/Keeps track of all entries (stores a document history).
Can be easily edited using a web browser.
Allows large documents to be seen by many people (easier than email-
ing several people).
4- Forums
A forum is an online discussion website where many people can post and dis-
cuss many topics.
There are two types of forums:
1- Moderated
2- Unmoderated
A moderated forum refers to an online discussion forum in which all the posts
are checked by an administrator before they are allowed to be posted.
An unmoderated forum refers to an online discussion forum in which all the
posts are not checked by an administrator before they are allowed to be
Many users prefer moderated forum, because administrator can:
1) Prevent spam.
2) Filter out any posts that are inappropriate.
3) That wander off the main topic.
The internet is a huge unmoderated forum, because no one ‘owns’ the inter-
net, and it is essentially not policed or managed.
The only protection in the internet is a voluntary company between the users
and the network operators.
Social forums or networking groups have a set of rules or protocols that mem-
bers must follow or they will be deleted.