IGS News July-Sept 2024 - final

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A Bulletin of the Indian Geotechnical Society

Volume 56


July-September 2024
Dr. A.P. Singh Dr. Ravi Sankar Jakka Dr. K.N.S. Rao Dr. Anitha G. Pillai

Message from President

invaluable contributions of Prof. N.K. Samadhiya,
Immediate Past President of IGS, as the returning
Message from President
officer, Prof. J.T. Shahu, Immediate Past Hon.
Secretary of IGS and Ms. Aarti Bhargava who
GeoSutra 7: Consequences have graciously taken on the responsibilities of
of Ignoring Overconsolidation election officers. The webinar series initiated by
the Professional Forum under the guidance of Prof.
and its Effects on Settlement
Jay Kumar Shukla is progressing well. The second
- Myth of Soil being Normally session of the series was delivered by Mr. Tejas
Consolidated Belani, Principal Engineer (Geotechnical), Civil
and Structural Department, Air Products – Vadodara
on the topic on “Çase Studies-Geotechnical
Summary of Ph.D Theses Challenges, its Assessment and Mitigation” on
Dear Distinguished Members,
July 13, 2024. The 13th Annual Conference on
Conference Reports and I hope you all are in good health and safe with “Deep Foundation Technologies for Infrastructure
Chapter News your family. As we embrace the vibrant festival Development in India”, was held on 19-21
season, I want to take a moment to extend my September 2024 at Kala Academy, Goa organized
heartfelt wishes to each of you. This time of year, by Deep Foundation Institute (India) (DFI) in
Geotechnical Events Calendar rich with celebrations, brings an opportunity to association with Indian Geotechnical Society-
reflect on our achievements, cherish our traditions, Goa Chapter. The event featured Dr. Pramod P
and strengthen the bonds within our community. Sawant, Hon. Chief Minister of Goa and Prof.
Members’ News
Let us also remember the importance of unity Omprakash R. Jaiswal, Director, National Institute
and collaboration as we navigate the challenges of Technology Goa as the Chief Guest and Guest
Welcome to New Members and opportunities in our field. Together, we of Honor respectively. During the inaugural event
can continue to make strides in geotechnical a book on “Eco-Friendly Sustainability” authored
engineering, contributing to the betterment of our by Dr. N.V. Nayak and Prof. Purnanand P. Savoikar
society and environment. I am happy to connect was released by Dr. Pramod P. Sawant as a tribute
with you in this edition of our IGS newsletter. to Dr. N.V. Nayak. Kudos to Prof. Purnanand P.
Savoikar, organizing chair and IGS Goa Chair,
As we are in the process to elect the new
Er. Mohan Ramanathan, Chairman - DFI, Er. B.
executive committee for the term 2025-26, I
Umesh Kulkarni and entire organizing team for the
am thrilled to share that we have an impressive
excellent conference and for the collaboration of
slate of 50 enthusiastic members contesting for
DFI and IGS. Budget management and provision
positions in National Executive committee. The
of financial supports for local chapters for various
exceptional degree of involvement indicates a
events are effectively taken care by the Financial
genuine desire of our members to advance the
Committee led by Er. Ravi Kiran Vaidya and I
Indian Geotechnical Society. I hope the new
appreciate the team’s effort.
election process will be user friendly and I kindly
seek the support in embracing this new approach, I attended the 18th World Conference on Earthquake
as your participation is vital in shaping the future Engineering in Milan, which brought together
leadership of our society. Your voice matters, and about 4,000 participants from over 100 countries,
every vote counts! I want to acknowledge the and participated in a networking event hosted by
Contd............ pg 3
the Indian Society of Earthquake Technology. I thank Prof. B.K. contributions to the field of geotechnical engineering. The planning
Maheshwari and team for the collaboration between ISET and IGS for conducting GeoVisleshana 2024 to promote opportunity for
for showcasing India as a potential venue for hosting International learning, networking, and showcasing the latest advancements
conferences in Engineering. I had the opportunity to attend the in our field for students is in progress. I greatly encourage all our
14th International Symposium on Landslides 2024 in Chambery, student members to make use of this opportunity to participate in the
France, from 8-12 July, 2024 where we had the opportunity to event. I appreciate the efforts of the team led by Prof. G. Sridevi for
promote India's bid to host the 15th International Symposium on making the students’ chapters active by conducting various events.
Landslides in 2028. During the conference, we extended invitations The IGTJ editorial team is doing an excellent job in timely review
to delegates for attending the upcoming 1st Geotech Asia conference and publication of papers. A substantial progress is noted in the
in Goa, India in 2025 and the International Symposium on Field overall growth of the journal. I applaud the efforts of the team led by
Monitoring and Geomechanics in Indore, India in 2026. I would like Prof. Deepankar Choudhury.
to express my appreciation for the efforts of Prof. Neelima Satyam,
The team under the guidance of Prof. Ravi Jakka is working hard
Prof. N.K. Samadhiya, and the team for their contributions to the
for the timely publishing of IGS newsletter with good quality
India's bid for ISL 2028. Attended the Asian Technical Committee
content useful for the IGS community. A brain storming session of
meeting of ISSMGE on August 8, 2024 in online mode and updated
the Technical committee of Civil Engineering Division of Bureau
about the International activities of the Indian Geotechnical Society
of Indian Standards was held at National Institute of Training for
and preparation for first Geotech Asia 2025. Had the opportunity
Standardization, Noida on August 5, 2024 and I was able to attend
to attend the 18th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and
the same. Our members of various panels in CED committee are
Geotechnical Engineering (ECSMGE) in Lisbon, Portugal from
regularly contributing to the development of codes. A two-day
26-30th August 2024. The Portugal Geotechnical Society team
National Workshop on NBC 2016 and its revision was organized
provided valuable platform by sharing their stall facilities to
by BIS and Institution of Engineers India, Palghat Chapter at Hotel
promote the 1st Geotech Asia conference and the 12th International
Indraprastha, Palakkad on August 9-10, 2024. I had the opportunity
Symposium on Field Monitoring and Geomechanics (ISFMG). I
to deliver a technical talk on NBC 2016 and its revision on
also had the opportunity to attend the ISSMGE TC 220 and TC
Section 6/Part 2 – Soils and Foundation. I applaud the efforts of
305 meetings at Lisbon. Visited Indore on 14th September 2024
Prof. H.N. Ramesh and team for their assistance with BIS activities.
in connection with the planning of 12th ISFMG scheduled from
August 6-10, 2026 along with Honorary Secretary Dr A.P. Singh. The ninth IGS-Ferroco Terzaghi Oration (IFTO), organized by the
I thank Prof. Neelima Satyam and team for their sincere efforts for IGS-Hyderabad Chapter, is set for October 5, 2024, at IIT-Hyderabad.
the planning of symposium. Prof. Ashish Juneja, Prof. Dasaka S. This year’s Oration will be presented by the distinguished Prof.
Murty and team is working hard for the build-up for 1st Geotech Giulia M.B. Viggiani, Professor of Infrastructure Geotechnics
Asia 2025. The abstract submission is open, and I encourage all at the University of Cambridge, U.K., on the topic “Line 1 of
members to share this information with your peers both in India and Napoli Underground: An Exercise in Sustainable Infrastructure.” I
abroad. Please submit your abstracts through the website and help encourage all members to participate in this prestigious event. The
ensure that Geotech Asia 2025 will be a grand success! A one-day 240th EC meeting also will be held at IIT Hyderabad on the same
Indo US workshop titled “Advances in Geotechnical Engineering: day. I appreciate the efforts of Prof. Sireesh Saride and team for the
Infrastructure and Technology” is being planned in conjunction with excellent planning for the events.
Geo-Frontiers 2025 which will take place in Louisville, Kentucky
I am eagerly anticipating the upcoming events organized by the local
in March 2025. This workshop aims to gather leading experts from
chapters of the Indian Geotechnical Society (IGS) and the Indian
academia, industry, and government to discuss recent advancements
Geotechnical Conference (IGC) 2024, scheduled to take place at
in geotechnical engineering and their applications across various
MIT Aurangabad. The Indian Geotechnical Society (IGS) and the
infrastructure sectors. I extend my appreciation to Prof. Sireesh
Japanese Geotechnical Society (JGS) have partnered to enhance
Saride, Prof. Anand J. Puppala, and Prof. Bhaskar Chittoori for their
knowledge exchange in geotechnical engineering, resulting in
dedicated efforts for the same.
successful workshops that foster collaboration between researchers
A One Day Seminar on "Advances in Geotechnical Engineering-2024 from both countries. The 4th Indo Japan Pre-Conference Workshop
(AGE-2024)" was organized by IGS Agartala Chapter in association on "High Speed Rail and Challenges Associated" is scheduled for
with Civil Engineering Department, NIT Agartala on September 6, December 18, 2024 during IGC 2024, addressing the geotechnical
2024, IGS Indore chapter organized a lecture series – "GeoHorizons: aspects of high-speed rail design and operation. This workshop will
Geotechnical Innovation and Sustainable Developments" on provide a platform for researchers and practitioners to discuss critical
September 14, 2024. I appreciate the efforts of all the local chapter issues such as stability, safety, noise reduction, and overall system
office bearers for their tremendous efforts for the well conducted reliability, contributing to the development of a world-class high-
events of IGS across the country. Planning for the formation of speed rail system in India. I encourage all members to participate in
new local chapters at Dehradun, Lucknow, Madurai, Gorakhpur our Annual Conference IGC 2024. I extend my heartfelt gratitude to
and Aligargh is progressing. During this period a few new student’s the organizing team, led by Prof. Manish Dixit, for their dedication
chapters were opened and various activities were conducted by and hard work in promoting IGC 2024. As we move forward, let’s
numerous student chapters across India. A new student chapter of commit to supporting one another, nurturing collaboration, and
the Indian Geotechnical Society (IGS) at Government Engineering pushing the boundaries of innovation in Geotechnical Engineering.
College, Thrissur, under the IGS Kochi chapter was inaugurated In the spirit of collaboration, let’s remember the wisdom of Helen
on August 30, 2024. The 7th student chapter under IGS Raipur Keller: “Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.”
local chapter at Guru Ghasidas Viswhwavidyalaya, Bilaspur was Together, We Can and We Will!
inaugurated on the auspicious Engineers day on September 15,
Wishing you all good health and happiness.
2024. I wish success to the budding student chapters for their
future endeavors and look forward to seeing their growth and Dr. Anil Joseph

IGS News u July - September 2024 3

GeoSutra 7:
Consequences of Ignoring Overconsolidation and
its Effects on Settlement
Myth of Soil being Normally Consolidated
Madhira R. Madhav1*, Zeeshan Firdous2 and Baadiga Ramu3
AICTE-INAE Fellow, Professor Emeritus, and Visiting Professor, IIT Hyderabad and JNTUH, India
Former Graduate Student JNTUH College of Engineering Hyderabad, India
Assistant Professor, Indian Institute of Technology Indore, India

Introduction consolidation due to dissipation of excess porewater pressure.

The latter part of the curve to which a straight line with a slope
Alluvial, marine, lacustrine and glacial deposits are formed by
defined as ‘coefficient of secondary compression’, Cα, represents
sedimentation in rivers, sea, lakes, and other areas over a long
the response of the soil to creep or ‘secondary compression’ as
period of time. At the time of deposition and soon afterwards
referred to in Geotechnical literature. The longer the sample
they would be in a state of normal consolidation. However, these
is allowed to deform under a constant effective stress of p0,
sites are subject to post-depositional changes, viz., geological,
larger would be the creep settlement. Bjerrum (1967) used this
tectonic, climatic and various other effects. The site could be
concept to plot the void ratio – log effective stress curves for
affected by loading and unloading, desiccation, groundwater
soils subjected to 0.1, 1.0, 10.0, 100.0, 1000.0, etc. duration
lowering, chemical changes, diurnal variations in temperature
for each increment. All the curves are parallel and shift to the
(highest and lowest temperatures that could occur in a day),
left of the instantaneous loading curve. It should be noted that
time, etc. Post-deposition the site could thus get altered to an
the effective stress remains constant during creep or secondary
overconsolidated state.
compression as primary consolidation would have been
Causes of Overconsolidation completed by then.
Geotechnical practitioners appear to be of the belief that the If the deposit that existed for 10,000 years is freshly loaded,
overconsolidated (OC) state is predominantly achieved due the path it would take is demarcated as a horizontal line (p0 to
to unloading possibly because of the semantics of the term pc) (Fig.2) indicating reloading with minimal reduction in void
‘consolidation’. The ground was subjected to a higher stress ratio till the line meets the young normally consolidated line
than the current one in the geologic past, a typical example being at a stress level pc. Thus, the deposit has developed a ‘pseudo-
glaciation during ice age. Post ice age, the melting of glaciers overconsolidation’ effect as it transforms into a normally
led to the soils below to be in a state of overconsolidation. This consolidated state at an effective stress of pc which is more
is particularly true for soils in North America and Europe and than the past stress, p0, it was subjected to. The conventional
definitely not for the Indian subcontinent, South-East Asia, etc. overconsolidation ratio, OCR = pc/p0. Bjerrum (1967) proposed
an alternate term ‘pseudo-overconsolidation’ anda simple plot
In the Indian subcontinent, especially along the coast and in
the alluvial plains, the deposits or strata exhibit characteristics
similar to those due to unloading but because of (i) long-term De De
effect due to creep or secondary compression; (ii) desiccation; Cα = ———
t 2
Cα = ——————
log t2 - log t1
t— log
(iii) fluctuating groundwater level; (iv) chemical changes, e.g., 1

cementation; (v) erosion; (vi) vegetation; (vii) preloading, etc. where, Cα = secondary
The term ‘pseudo-overconsolidation’ probably better describes compression index
De = change in void ratio
the situation in terms of the effects, i.e., overconsolidation but
t = time
not because of unloading. Erosion could probably be a major
factor for the lower Himalayas and in the Sivalikswhere steep
hill slopes continuously get denuded due to deforestation and
run-off from snowmelt and rain. Alluvial plains also could
be subject to deposition in the post-peak flow condition and
erosion during the flood season.
Pseudo-overconsolidation due to Long-Term Creep
Fig. 1 depicts the settlement versus log time plot from a typical Fig. 1: Settlement – Time plot from a typical loading (Results of 1D
oedometer test. The early part of the test denotes the primary consolidation Test at one load increment)

Corresponding author: Professor Emeritus and Visiting Professor, IIT Hyderabad and JNTUH, India, Email: [email protected] (Madhira R. Madhav).

4 IGS News u July - September 2024

to estimate the pseudo-OCR as a function of Plasticity Index. desiccation on a typical soft soil deposit. Unit weight increases
OCR due to long term creep for normal soils with IP of 30 can from about 16.0 kN/m3 at depth to about 17.5 kN/m3 near GL,
be of the order of 1.6 to 1.7, a significant value. water content decreases from near LL to closer to PL, undrained
strength increases from about 20 kPa to close to 40 kPa, and
OCR from about 1.3 to close to 5.0.

Fig. 3: Variations of Unit weight, Natural Water content, Undrained

Fig. 2: Concept of Pseudo-Overconsolidation due to Long Term Creep Strength, Maximum Past Consolidation Stress and OCR with Depth at
or Secondary Compression and Pseudo-OCR vs PI (Bjerrum, 1967) a Site (Bangkok, Khan et al., 2015)

Lowering of Groundwater Level Estimation of Maximum Past Pressure and OCR

It is reasonable to consider the groundwater level to be at or Several methods apart from Casagrande (1936) were developed
above the ground level at the time of deposition of the soft soil. in the last fifty years to estimate the maximum past pressure
Subsequently, in the geologic epoch, it would move down and or the ‘yield stress’ as some authors term it. The following
rise annually because of climatic factors. The saturated and methods, viz., Casagrande (1936), Schmertmann (1955), Janbu
buoyant unit weights are assumed to be 17 kN/m3 and 7 kN/m3 (1969), Silva (1970), Oikawa (1987), Nagaraj et al. (1989), and
for the purpose of the analysis. The effective stress, with GWL Sridharan et al. (1991) were used to estimate OCR with depth
at the surface increases at the rate of 7z where z is the depth at several sites, Kerala, West Bengal,Ghatkopar and Egypt
from GL. If the GWL moves down to a depth, H, the soil above (Fig. 4). In all these plots, large OCR corresponding to the
the GWL would have total unit weight of 17 kN/m3 (Lambe and
Whitman, 1969).
The total and effective stresses in the top zone above GWL
increase to 17z and 17z+capillary pressure depending on the
degree of saturation and suction. However, the total and effective
stresses are considered to be equal to 17z, conservatively, for
the purpose of calculations. The deposit in the upper zone
above the GWL (z < H) would develop OCR as
OCR = —— =2.4, z <H (5)
OCR of the deposit below GWL, i.e., for z > H becomes
[17H+7(z-H)] 10H (a)
OCR = —————— = 1+ —— (6)
7z 7z
Thus, OCR decreases from 2.4 at z = H, the depth of GWL,
inversely with increasing depth, z to 1.7 and 1.48 at depths of
2H and 3H, respectively.
Desiccation as a phenomenon that occurs due to climatic
effects, viz., alternate heating and cooling, alternate drying and
wetting, and due to evapo-transpiration from vegetation as soil
moisture is drawn by the roots into plant stem and leaves. The
ground/soil in the near surface zone would thus be subject to
capillary pressures or suction. The negative porewater pressure
leads to increased effective stresses as a consequence of which
soils become stronger and stiffer. Fig. 3 illustrates the effect of (b)

IGS News u July - September 2024 5

Curves ‘A’, ‘J’ and ‘H’ corresponds to samples subject to some
degree of disturbance. It is author’s contention that the samples
extracted and tested in India are most probably closed to curve
A as most agencies do not possess ‘thin-walled samplers’.


Fig. 6: Void ratio-Log Effective Stress Plots, Effect of Sample


(d) Fig. 7 illustrates the basis of constructing the ‘True In Situ’

Fig. 4: OCR vs Depth from (a) Kerala, (b) West Bengal, (c) Ghatkopar response. It is presumed that the void ratio changes for
and (d) Egypt the stress increasing from the current overburden stress to

effect of desiccation in the top 2.0 m to 3.0 m depths can

be noted as also near close variation of OCR with depth. At
Ghatkopar, Mumbai, (Fig. 5) OCR was as high as 7.0 at 1.5 m
depth compared to lightly overconsolidated (LOC) value of 1.5
at 8.0 m to 10.0 m.

Fig. 5: Variation of OCR (Casagrande) with Depth

Sample Disturbance
It is a well-known fact that there is no such thing as an
‘undisturbed’ sample though most of the geotechnical
investigation agencies claim they are collecting them. The
process of drilling and extracting the sample causes significant
changes in the state of the sample. Results of series of tests
conducted by Bronham are shown in Fig. 6 (Nhuan 1981). Void
ratio – log effective stress curves ‘P’ and ‘E’ correspond to ‘True
In Situ’ and completely ‘Remoulded’ samples respectively. Fig. 7: True one-dimensional consolidation behaviour reconstruction

6 IGS News u July - September 2024

maximum past pressure is due to recompression. This change
is valid for samples subjected to increased overburden stress
in the geologic past but not due to ‘pseudo-overconsolidation’
effect that governs the Indian deposits. For the deposits in
India, South-East Asia, void ratio remains near-constant till the
yield stress due to psudo-overconsolidation. It implies no void
ratio change and Swell Index, CS, is zero. Nagaraj et al. (1990)
proposed the TIS curve based on this premise.
Schmertmann (1955) method (Fig. 8) available in IS 8009 (Part
1) – 1976 and reaffirmed in 2003 is strangely and unfortunately
not used by most testing agencies and consultants. Not only is
the ‘True In Situ” (TIS) behavior not considered nor the actual
overconsolidated state of the soil. The method incorporates
recompression and reduction in void ratio as represented by
points GH, the slope corresponding to Swell Index, CS. The
current practice in India even by several reputed agencies is
to estimate settlement with the deposit assumed as normally
consolidated leading to over-estimation of settlements. Even
though IS 8009 (Part 1) – 1976 is in vogue, Schmertmann
method is hardly used. The consequence of this practice is
over-conservatism, sometimes adopting expensive ground
improvement measures which are probably unwarranted.

Fig. 9: True In Situ Curve for Pseudo-Overconsolidated Deposits –

Modified Schmertmann Method

Fig. 10: Estimation of True In Situ Void Ratio vs Log Effective Stress
Response by Nagaraj et al. (1990)

Fig. 8: True In Situ Void ratio – Log Effective Stress Plot Settlement
To quantify the effect of ignoring the true in situ characteristics
of the ground, settlements are estimated by (i) ignoring the
Schmertmann method can be easily modified (Fig. 9) to suit overconsolidated state but treating the deposit as normally
Indian conditions which obviates the need to consider the consolidated, (ii) using the laboratory measured void ratio – log
rebound due to unloading since Indian Subcontinent wasn’t effective stress relations of the ‘so called undisturbed’ samples
subject to glaciation and loading from large thickness of ice. and (iii) considering the ‘True In Situ’ state as suggested by
Nagaraj et al. (1990) proposed a very simple and elegant Schmertmann (1955) for a deposit of 10.0 m thickness subjected
method (Fig. 10) to locate the yield stress or the pseudo- to 80 kPa uniform load. Table 1 collates the settlements
overconsolidation stress. The intersection of the line normal to so obtained for the four sites and for the three approaches
the e – logσv' curve at the point of maximum curvature and the considered. Table 1 also lists the over-estimation of settlements
horizontal line from e0 identifies the yield stress, σy' . by the first two approaches, i.e., non-consideration of OC state

IGS News u July - September 2024 7

and uncorrected void ratio – log effective stress relations of the the deposits as normally consolidated (current practice in India)
samples. The overly conservative settlements, SNC, of 504 mm, leads to an overestimation of settlements by 50% to 90%, and
182 mm (for only 5.0 m thick layer), 592 mm and 1,030 mm are 100% to 500% for estimation by Schmertmann (1955) and
obtained at the four sites, viz., Kerala, West Bengal, Ghatkopar Nagaraj et al. (1990) methods respectively. There is an urgent
and Egypt. Corresponding settlements based on uncorrected e need to adopt the proposed rational concepts and approaches
– log σv' ’, SUC, and True In Situ, STIS, settlements for the four to avoid costly alternatives being practiced because of overly
sites are respectively 484 mm and 385 mm, 158 mm and 96 conservative method.
mm, 592 mm and 314 mm, and 940 mm and 704 mm. Current
practice based on ignoring the overconsolidation effect on the References
strata leads over estimation of settlements by 30-90 percent. If 1. Bjerrum, L. 1967. Engineering Geology of Norwegian
the deposit is considered to be truly tropical, and Nagaraj et al. Normally Consolidated Marine Clays as related to Settlement
(1990) method is adopted, the over-estimation of settlements is of Buildings. Geotechnique, 17, 83-118.
100-500 percent, the ratio SNC/SN ranging from 2 to 6. 2. Casagrande, A. (1936). The determination of the pre-
Table 1. Settlement Estimates and Ratios consolidation load and its practical significance. Proceedings
of the First International Conference on Soil Mechanics and
Site Settlement, mm Ratios Foundation Engineering, 3, 60–64.
SNC SUC STIS SN SNC/ SNC/ SNC/ 3. IS 8009-1 (1976): Code of practice for calculation of
SUC STIS SN settlements of foundations, Part 1: Shallow foundations
Kerala 504 484 385 248 1.0 1.3 2.0 subjected to symmetrical static vertical loads [CED 43: Soil
and Foundation Engineering]
West Bengal 182 158 96 44 1.1 1.9 4.1
4. Janbu, N. (1969). The resistance concept applied to
(5 m)
deformations of soils. Proceedings of the 7th International
Ghatkopar 592 548 314 94 1.1 1.9 6.3 Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering,
Egypt 1030 940 704 337 1.1 1.5 3.0 1, 191–196.
5. Khan, A.P., Madhav, M.R., & Saibaba Reddy, E. (2015).
Note: SNC – Settlement considering deposit as Normally Comparative study of linear and non-linear theories of radial
Consolidated; SUC – Settlement using Uncorrected e – log σv' ’ consolidation of lightly OC clays. Indian Geotechnical Journal,
curve; STIS – True In Situ Settlement (Schmertmann 1955); SN – 45(2), 209-216.https://doi.org/10.1007/s40098-014-0124-4
Settlement based on Nagaraj et al. (1990) Method.
6. Lambe, T.W., & Whitman, R.V. (1969). Soil mechanics. John
The conservatism with the assumption of normally consolidated Wiley & Sons.
soil instead of TIS or by Nagaraj et al. (1990) method reduces 7. Nagaraj, T.S., Murthy, B.R.S., & Jagadish, K.S. (1989). Critical
with increasing applied stress as illustrated in Table 2. The reappraisal of the prevailing concepts of preconsolidation and
ratio, STIS/SNC increases from 0.57 at a stress of 80 kPa to 0.86 its determination. Geotechnique, 39(1), 45–64. https://doi.
at nearly twice the applied stress of 150 kPa. With the more org/10.1680/geot.1989.39.1.45
rational approach of Nagaraj et al. (1990) that considers the
8. Nagaraj, T.S., Murthy, B.R.S., Vatsala, A. and Joshi, R.C.
deposits to have pseudo-overconsolidation, the ratio, SN/SNC (1990), “Analysis of Compressibility of Sensitive Soils”,
increases from a low 0.086 to 0.45 for the two stress levels. Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, Vol. 116, No. 01, pp.
Table 2. Settlement Ratios –Effect of Applied Stress Intensity 105-118.

GHATKOPAR SITE Settlement ratios 9. Nhuan, B.D. 1981. Sample Disturbance and Its Effects on the
∆σ' kPa geotechnical Properties of Clays.
10. Oikawa, H. (1987). Estimation of preconsolidation pressure
80 0.53 0.57 0.08 0.086 by an inspection of void ratio versus pressure curve. Soils
100 0.62 0.66 0.14 0.15 and Foundations, 27(3), 61–72. https://doi.org/10.3208/
120 0.73 0.77 0.27 0.28
11. Schmertmann, J.N.M. (1955), “The Undisturbed Consolidation
150 0.82 0.86 0.43 0.45 Behavior of Clay”, From Research to Practice in Geotechnical
Engineering, Transactions of the American Society of Civil
Conclusions Engineers, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), pp.
1201-1233.SGI, Stockholm, Spl. Publ. 68.
Causes for the development of overconsolidation of deposits
in the Indian subcontinent are identified and listed. Contrary 12. Silva, A.J. (1970). Yielding of clay structures. Proceedings
to popular belief, overconsolidation of these deposits is not of the 4th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and
due to unloading. Based on select data from three sites in India Foundation Engineering, 1, 51–53.
and one from Egypt, the variation of Pseudo-OCR with depth 13. Sridharan, A., Rao, G.V., & Prakash, K. (1991). Rectilinear
is estimated and presented. Settlements of a typical 10.0 m yield stress from e-log p curves for marine clays. Geotechnical
thick deposit with the above pseudo-OCR profiles were then Testing Journal, 14(4), 423–429. https://doi.org/10.1520/
estimated for a uniform stress increment of 80 kPa. Treating GTJ10251J.

8 IGS News u July - September 2024

A Study on Use of Phosphogypsum Neutralized by Lime Mixed Selected
Title of Thesis: Alkali Industrial By-Products and Geosynthetic Clay Liner in
Composite Base Lining System of Phosphogypsum Ponds

Name of the Student: Dr. K. Tulasi

Supervisor: Prof. C.N.V. Satyanarayana Reddy
Department & Institute: Department of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering,
Andhra University, Visakhapatnam

Summary: The research addressed the challenges of phosphogypsum disposal management, offering potential solutions
to mitigate environmental risks and promote sustainable practices. The study also investigated subsoil contamination from
phosphogypsum open dumping. CPCB recommends a composite base lining system comprising neutralised phosphogypsum in
upper part and compacted clay layer in lower part. However, no stringent specifications for neutralisation of phosphogypsum layer
are given. Hence, the research work explored the scope for using alkali industrial by-products such as fly ash, pond ash and red
mud to reduce lime dependency in formation of upper part of base lining system. Additionally, the suitability of geosynthetic clay
liners (GCL) for use as an alternative to conventional compacted clay liner is assessed for adoptability in areas where suitable clay
is unavailable.

Vibration control of Wind Turbine Towers: Analytical studies and

Title of Thesis:
reduced scaled experiments

Name of the Student: Dr. Somya Ranjan Patro

Supervisor: Prof. G.V. Ramana and Prof. Arnab Banerjee
Department & Institute: Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi
Summary: Offshore wind turbines (OWTs) offer advantages like higher wind speeds and reduced land use but face significant
environmental challenges, necessitating vibration control. This study develops a comprehensive analytical model of monopile-
supported offshore wind turbines (MSWTs) using Euler-Bernoulli beam theory, fluid-soil-structure interaction, and spectral element
methods. Novel omnidirectional TMDs and dynamic vibration absorbers (DVAs) are proposed for effective vibration control and
are optimized using the H2 optimization technique when subjected to wind and wave loads. The study also explores the effects of
foundation conicity, flexibility, and the strategic placement of TMDs on vibration attenuation.

of Thesis:
Title Performance of Black Cotton Soil Reinforced with Banana Fibers

Name of Student: Dr. Lalita B. Patil

Supervisor: (Prof.) Dr. Sunil S. Pusadkar
Department & Institute: Department of Civil Engineering, Governemnt College of Engineering,
Jalgaon. Kavayitri Bahinabai Chaudhari NorthMaharashtra University, Jalgaon

Summary: The research evaluates use of banana fibers for improving the geotechnical properties of expansive soil. The different
laboratory tests such as standard Proctor test, unconfined compression strength test, CBR test, direct shear test and UU Tri-axial test
were carried out on soil and soil mixed with banana fiber in different proportions. The banana fibers of 10 mm, 20 mm and 30 mm
in length with 0.5 %, 1.0 %, 1.5 % and 2.0 % of the weight of soil were used during the tests. Also the banana fibers were treated
with epoxy and their performance was evaluated. The model plate load tests on banana fiber mats (bidirectional and one direction
banana mat) were conducted to assess the load carrying capacity. The geotechnical engineering properties of banana fiber reinforced
black cotton soil were improved in terms of strength, CBR and load bearing capacity.

IGS News u July - September 2024 9

Experimental, Numerical and Probabilistic Analysis of Reinforced Anchors
Title of Thesis:
for Transmission Tower Foundations

Name of Student: Dr. Sougata Mukherjee

Supervisor: Prof. G.L. Sivakumar Babu
Department & Institute: Department of Civil Engineering, IISc Bengaluru

Summary: The thesis investigated the use of reinforced anchors to resist pullout and lateral forces exerted on foundations,
through a combination of experimental, numerical and probabilistic approaches. Laboratory experiments were carried out on
geogrid reinforced inclined anchors to study the influence of soil reinforcement and other design factors on the pullout capacity of
the foundation. In addition, advanced three-dimensional numerical modelling was carried out to numerically analyse the influence
of several design factors on the vertical and lateral load- carrying capacity of foundations. Finally, probabilistic analysis was done to
investigate the influence of soil and load variability on the foundation’s performance under static and seismic conditions considering
the random variable and random field approaches. The application of reinforced anchors was demonstrated using practical design
examples of transmission tower foundations. The use of geogrid reinforcement on top of the foundation was found to improve
the foundation’s uplift and lateral load carrying capacity significantly, which reduced the cost of foundation though the reduction
in required width and/or depth of the footing. The soil and load variabilities negatively impacted the foundations performance by
reducing the load carrying capacity and increasing the foundations displacements.

Investigation on Cyclic Performance of Sand Treated With Microbially

Title of Thesis:
Induced Calcite Precipitation Technique

Name of Student: Dr. Nilanjana Banik

Supervisor: Dr. Rajib Sarkar
Department & Institute: Department of Civil Engineering, IIT(ISM) Dhanbad

Summary: Microbially induced calcite precipitation (MICP) technique of bio-cementation has been evolved as a sustainable
methodology for improvement of the engineering behaviour of sandy soils. In this study, two bacterial strains (Sporosarcina pasteurii,
Bacillus subtilis) were used for MICP treatment of poorly graded standard Ennore sand of India. Dominant failure mechanisms of
the treated samples were identified through unconfined compression strength (UCS) tests. Further, low-strain shear modulus values
were obtained from bender element testing. Effects of bacterial strains on the improvement of monotonic behaviour were reported.
Cyclic characteristics of the treated sand were examined through strain-controlled unconsolidated undrained (UU) and consolidated
undrained (CU) triaxial testing. Effects of wetting-drying cycles on the cyclic behaviour were also investigated for various treatment

Experimental study to evaluate the behaviour of ordinary and encased

Title of Thesis:
stone column – treated marginal soil

Name of Student: Dr. Sabreena Mohammad

Supervisor: Prof. B.A. Mir
Department & Institute: Department of Civil Engineering, (Geotechnical Engineering)
National Institute of Technology Srinagar

Summary: The lateral shear resistance of soft soil reinforced by columnar inclusions was evaluated by performing large-scale
direct shear tests in a laboratory. The impact of critical factors like column infill characteristics/morphology and the group action of
columns on lateral shear response was investigated. Furthermore, the impact of encasing columns in geosynthetic sleeves on lateral
shear response was one of the main objectives of this study. The study also provides insight into the types of failures seen in ordinary
granular columns and encased granular columns.
The test results obtained from this experimental study are presented in terms of the increase in the overall shear resistance of the
soil-column matrix and the increase in the shear strength parameters. To simplify the prediction of the shear strength of soil-column
composites and to highlight the key variables affecting the same, multiple linear regression (MLR) was explored. The prediction
model was developed based on the results of the experiments.

10 IGS News u July - September 2024

Real Time Monitoring on Precipitation and Infiltration Triggered
Title of Thesis:
Landslide in Meghalaya

Name of Student: Dr. J. Sharailin Gidon

Supervisor: Dr. Smrutirekha Sahoo
Department & Institute: Department of Civil Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Meghalaya
Summary: A real-time landslide monitoring system is set up in Meghalaya, India, employing a variety of sensors (rain gauges,
piezometers, irrometers, and inclinometers) to investigate slope behavior during rainfall. Future slope failure forecasts are aided
by the identification of probable slip surfaces by finite element analysis, which also illustrates the effects of rainfall on slope
displacement and matric suction. The application of deep learning models suggests that a bi-directional LSTM model outperforms
conventional RNN and GRU models for predicting groundwater levels, matric suction, and slope displacement. The study highlights
how important environmental elements like groundwater levels and matric suction are, as well as how crucial real-time data is for
precise landslide forecasts.

Influence of Presence of Defective Pile on Lateral Load Capacity

Title of Thesis:
of Pile and Pile Groups

Name of Student: Dr. S. Hariswaran

Supervisor: Dr. K. Premalatha
Department & Institute: Department of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering (CEG Campus),
Guindy, Anna University, Chennai, Tamil Nadu
Summary: This research explores the behaviour of single and group piles with a necking defect subjected to lateral loading
in sandy soil. Experiments were performed using a model pile with various configurations of the defect within a testing tank.
The influence of the necking defect was evaluated by altering its characteristics, along with those of the pile and the surrounding
soil. Additionally, the study was extended to examine structural forces in the piles through numerical analysis using PLAXIS 3D
software. Findings indicate that the presence of a necking defect can reduce pile capacity by as much as 49%, depending on the
defect's characteristics.

Field Investigation of Earth Pressure Reduction on Retaining Wall Using

Title of Thesis:
Geofoam as an Inclusion Material

Name of Student: Dr. Dinesh Bishnoi

Supervisor: Prof. Satyanarayana M. Dasaka
Department & Institute: Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
Summary: In the present work, the geomaterial is prepared by blending EPS beads with sand, coarser pond ash (CPA) and finer
pond ash (FPA) materials. The first category represents the effort to assess the shear strength of geomaterial prepared at minimum
water content by simultaneously varying the EPS bead content. The shear strength properties were determined by conducting
triaxial tests on the samples prepared to determine cohesion and angle of internal friction. Second category evaluates the strength
and density characteristics of geomaterial prepared with OMC. Third category the geomaterial prepared with CPA and FPA material
in the form of slurry to evaluated density and strength characteristics with variation in EPS beads, cement and water content.

of Thesis:
Title Modelling of Resilient Rubble Mound Breakwater against Tsunami

Name of Student: Dr. Manu K Sajan

Supervisor: Dr. Babloo Chaudhary
Department & Institute: Department of Civil Engineering, National Institute of Technology Karnataka
Summary: Rubble mound (RM) breakwaters often fail during tsunamis, as seen in the 2004 Indian Ocean and 2011 Japan
tsunamis, causing coastal devastation. RM breakwaters are generally not designed for tsunami resilience. This study analyzed the
failure mechanisms of conventional RM breakwaters and proposed novel reinforcement techniques using gabions, geogrids, sheet
piles, and crown walls. Physical model tests, numerical simulations, and analytical studies showed that the reinforced breakwaters
reduced settlement by over 90.2%, lateral displacement by over 94.6%, and increased stability by 2.2 times. These techniques offer
a promising solution to enhance tsunami resilience, protecting coastal communities.
IGS News u July - September 2024 11
Laboratory Study on The Effects of Solute Concentrations on Frost Susceptibility
Title of Thesis: of Alccofine-Treated Soil

Name of Student: Dr. Rufaidah Shah

Supervisor: Dr. Bashir Ahmed Mir
Department & Institute: Department of Civil Engineering, National Institute of Technology Srinagar
Summary: In cold regions like Kashmir, frost heave and thaw-weakening cause significant damage to roads. This research
examined the impact of solutes (salt) on frost-susceptible soils using a customized laboratory based freeze-thaw test setup. Results
showed that higher solute concentrations reduced frost heave, frost penetration depth, and moisture movement, while also increasing
the thaw-CBR value. Additionally, soil treated with Alccofine showed enhanced strength and reduced frost susceptibility. The
presence of pore water salinity in Alccofine-treated samples further decreased frost heave and frost infiltration, resulting in higher
thaw resistance and less microstructural degradation, as observed in scanning electron micrographs.

Experimental evaluation of lightweight expanded polystyrene (EPS)

Title of Thesis:
beads based geomaterials

Name of Student: Dr. Anupam Yogendra Pande

Supervisor: Dr. Amit Harihar Padade
Department & Institute: Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology Nagpur
Summary: In the present work, the geomaterial is prepared by blending EPS beads with sand, coarser pond ash (CPA) and finer
pond ash (FPA) materials. The first category represents the effort to assess the shear strength of geomaterial prepared at minimum
water content by simultaneously varying the EPS bead content. The shear strength properties were determined by conducting
triaxial tests on the samples prepared to determine cohesion and angle of internal friction. Second category evaluates the strength
and density characteristics of geomaterial prepared with OMC. Third category the geomaterial prepared with CPA and FPA material
in the form of slurry to evaluated density and strength characteristics with variation in EPS beads, cement and water content.

Attenuation and Fate of Harmful Waste Contaminants using Clay Minerals

Title of Thesis: and Bio-Polymerized Clays for Containment Applications

Name of Student: Dr. Himanshu Yadav

Supervisor: Prof. T.V. Bharat & Prof. Sachin Kumar
Department & Institute: Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Guwahati, Assam
Summary: The research focuses on the containment of various harmful waste including municipal solid waste, biomedical
waste, and mining waste. The geosynthetic clay liners (GCLs) based on granular bentonite and polymerized bentonites were studied
under the application of thermo-hydro-chemo-mechanical loadings. The kaolin was also accessed for application as a compacted
liner system after amending with the biopolymers. Further, the fate and attenuation ability of coronavirus surrogate, Japanese
encephalitis virus, and H1N1 influenza viruses with different clay minerals, their mechanisms, the role of granulation, interaction
time, solid-to-liquid ratio, and salt environment were understood. Biomedical waste disposal protocols were proposed for the design
of an exclusive BMW containment facility. This study is the first step toward the containment of pathogenic waste.


The prestigious
46 IGS Annual Lecture 2024
will be delivered by Prof. B.V.S. Viswanadham, Professor, Department of Civil Engineering,
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Powai, Mumbai.
The topic of his lecture is
“Insights into Centrifuge-based Physical Modelling for Understanding the
Performance of Geostructures”

12 IGS News u July - September 2024

IGS Aurangabad Chapter
IGS Aurangabad Chapter in association
with Civil Engineering Department
organized the expert lectures on 16th
August 2024. The following expert gave
valuable guidance to the third and final
year Students. Dr. N.G. Patil, Director,
MIT, was present during the event.
Er. Tiru Kulkarni presented on
“Applications of Geosynthetics”.
Dr. Sachin Jain shared insights on
“Applications of Artificial Intelligence
Opportunities in Interdisciplinary A.P. Singh, Er. Ramesh Kulkarni and Dr.
and Machine Learning”. Er. Suman
Engineering”.The students appreciated Baadiga Ramu, visited the MIT Campus
Jain discussed the “Construction of
the experts for their valuable guidance. to take the overview of event preparation
Caissons”, and finally, Er. Ramesh
(IGC 2024) on 13/09/24.
Kulkarni guided the students on “Career The Committee of three persons, Dr.
Dr. N.G. Patil (Director, MIT), Dr. M.S.
Dixit (Secretary, IGC 2024), Dr. U.B.
Kalwane (Chairman, IGS Aurangabad
Chapter), Dr. S.S. Jaiswal, Mr. S.N.
Pawar and Mr. Y.D. Shermale, were
present along with committee members.
All members visited Manthan Hall,
Rooms for Planery Sessions, Food Area,
etc. The members also had a meeting
with Hon. Director General Prof. Munish
Sharma. The members suggested live
streaming the keynote speaker’s session
so that those seated at the exhibitor stalls
can also listen.

IGS Jabalpur Chapter

A seminar was organized on 57th
Engineer’s Day by IGS – TIET Jabalpur
Students’ chapter to commemorate the
164th birth anniversary of the great
Engineer Dr. Sir M. Visvesvaraya.
Special guest of the seminar Er. S.S.
Pawar, IGS life member and author of
the book “Vigyashilipi Visvesvaraya”
said young civil engineers will have
to work hard and come forward for
nation building. He presented important
information on the personality of M. presented the latest information on Member Dr. Sudhir Bhatt and Director
Visvesvaraya and mentioned the great modern technology and how modern Administration Dr. B.K. Sahu welcomed
works done by him in nation building. materials are being used in construction. the guests with welcome address. Dr.
As the keynote speaker, Er Sanjeev On this occasion, under the guidance of Sanjay Verma, Vice Principal TIET
Sharma technical zonal head Ultratech Prof. R.K. Vishwakarma and Akash Jain, and Honorary Secretary IGS Jabalpur
Cement Ltd. gave a presentation on students gave technical presentations. Chapter coordinated the program.
the topic “New Building Materials in At the beginning of the program, the Institution Chairman Er. Vijay Gupta,
New Age Constructions” in which he institution's Principal and IGS Life Secretary Mr. Suresh Parchani, Co-

IGS News u July - September 2024 13

Secretary Er. Sharad Gupta encouraged
the students chapter’s activities. In the
program, other department heads Dr.
Shobhit Verma, Prof. Deepa Golani, and
Prof. Dheeraj Dave, Dr. Nitin Gaur and
faculties including Santosh Chauhan,
Apoorva Srivastava, Satyam Tiwari,
Deepesh Lodhi, Abhishek Patel, Shivam
Tiwari, Er Rajesh Thakur and a large
number of IGS TIET students Chapter
were present.
A seminar was conducted by IGS-
TIET Jabalpur Students’ Chapter on the
141st birth anniversary of Dr. Karl Von
Terzaghi (Father of Soil Mechanics).
The Principal Takshshila and IGS
life member Dr. Sudhir Bhatt briefed
about the contribution of Terzaghi in
the field of geotechnical engineering. 141st Birth Anniversary of Dr. Karl Von Terzagh

He highlighted Terzaghi’s recognition Verma, Prof. Abhishek Patel, Prof. B students were present and planted trees
and formulation of the effective stress K Agrawal, Prof. Satyam Tiwari and to save the environment.
principle and its influence on settlement
analysis, strength, permeability and
erosion of soils. Dr. I.K. Khanna, Group
Director TIET shared his experiences
during his Ph.D. from IIT Delhi on
pavement design long years ago. Dr
Sanjay Verma, appreciated the TIET
Student's Chapter works at this occasion.
In another event on republic day 2024 in
the presence of IGS Jabalpur chapter’s
chairman Er. Sanjiv Verma, “Salil”
student’s planted trees under the “Ek Ped
Maa Ke Naam” campaign. Dr. Sanjay

IGS Mysuru Chapter aimed at 2nd and 3rd year students, The 5th IGS student chapter of IGS
focused on career opportunities for civil Mysuru Chapter at ATME College of
IGS Mysuru Chapter in association with engineers in New Zealand. Dr. Nataraj Engineering was officially inaugurated
the Department of Civil Engineeringat also interacted with faculty members, by Dr. S.K. Prasad, Chairman of the
Vidyavardhaka College of Engineering providing insights into opportunities for IGS Mysuru Chapter. During the
organized a talk by Dr. Sunil Nataraj, doctoral and post-doctoral research in inauguration, Dr. Prasad delivered a
a Structural Engineer from Arup, New Zealand, fostering an environment lecture on "Case Studies in Geotechnical
Auckland, New Zealand. The talk, for academic and professional growth. Engineering," offering valuable insights
into real-world geotechnical challenges
and solutions. The event marked the
beginning new learning opportunities
for students of ATMECE in the field of
geotechnical engineering.
IGS Mysuru Chapter in association
with National Accreditation Board for
Testing and Calibration Laboratories
(NABL) Bangalore and Department
of Civil Engineering, VVCE Mysuru
organized a one-day workshop on
"Awareness on NABL Accreditation
and IGS Foundation" on 10th August

14 IGS News u July - September 2024

among participants. The event was
generously funded by IGS main body.
IGS Mysuru Chapter in association with
the Department of Civil Engineering at
Vidyavardhaka College of Engineering
organized a technical talk on
"Geotechnical Challenges" which was
delivered by Dr. M.R. Madhav, Former
Professor at IIT Kanpur and Visiting
Professor at IIT Hyderabad, on 13th
September 2024. The event was attended
by ACCE(I) Chairman, Honorary
Secretary and members of ACCE(I) and
IGS, students, and academicians from
different colleges. Dr. Madhav shared
his extensive experience, knowledge,
and wisdom, making the session
highly beneficial for all participants.
The talk provided deep insights into
the complexities and solutions in
2024. The workshop had more than session on prospects and objectives geotechnical engineering, enriching the
100 participants, that included faculty of IGS foundation, promoting active academic and professional perspectives
members from Civil and Mechanical engagement and knowledge sharing of the participants.
Engineering, professionals from college
managements, testing laboratories,
manufacturers, and industries. The
workshop featured a session on NABL
accreditation led by NABL officials and
a lecture on the "Importance of IGS
Foundations" delivered by Dr. C.R.
Parthasarathy. The event concluded
with a panel discussion and a Q&A

IGS Tadepalligudem Chapter IGS student chapter, Tadepalligudem conducted a one-day workshop titled
participated in this event. Faculty of "Recent Advances in Pavements
IGS Tadepalligudem Chapter organized Department of Civil Engineering, Sasi for Infrastructure Development
One-day workshop on “Excel For Institute of Technology & Engineering, (RAPID-2024)." The lectures on the
Engineers” on 3rd August, 2024. Dr. M. Tadepalligudem presented lectures on most recent developments in Pavements
Rama Rao, Convener of the workshop various topics under the theme “Excel were delivered by three distinguished
addressed the gathering and explained for Engineers”. speakers invited from academia and
the importance of the workshop on Industry.
Excel and its relevance in engineering. On August 31, 2024, the Department
Civil Engineering department faculty of Civil Engineering, in collaboration The workshop's Chairman, Dr. M. Rama
and 80 students along with members of with the IGS Tadepalligudem Chapter, Rao, spoke to the group and outlined

IGS News u July - September 2024 15

the workshop's significance. Mrs. R.
Sudha Rani, Org. Secretary of the
workshop delivered the importance of
Pavements and types. Dr. R. Srinivasa
Kumar, Professor, Osmania University,
Hyderabad delivered the lecture on
“Design of Flexible Pavement as
per IRC: 37-2018”. He clarified the
distinction between flexible and rigid
pavements. and also described the load
dispersion process. Er. Y. Narasimha
Rao, Project Advisor, APRRP (PMC)
delivered the lecture on “Design of
Flexible and Rigid Pavements for Low
Chemical Additive”. He discussed the Chapter with around 61 students on 13th
Volume Roads including Applications
use of cement stabilization to repair and September 2024.
(IRCSP-72 & IRC-SP-62)”.He gave an
upgrade damaged roads that already
explanation of upgraded road ways and On the occasion of the inauguration of
exist. In addition, the pavements failed.
new pavements. in particular, blacktop student chapter at VITB, two expert
and gravel roads. Er. K. Prabhakara The Department of Civil Engineering, talks were organized. The first talk was
Reddy, Project Advisor, APRRP, Vishnu Institute of Technology, delivered by Dr. M. Rama Rao, wherein
AIIB, PMC Vijayawada & Retd. Bhimavaram (VITB), in collaboration he delivered an insightful presentation
Superintending Engineer delivered the with the Indian Geotechnical Society on key case studies in geotechnical
lecture on “Full Depth Reclamation (IGS), Tadepalligudem Chapter, engineering practice, offering students
(FDR) with Cement and Commercial successfully inaugurated the IGS Student real-world examples of geotechnical
challenges and their innovative solutions,
greatly enhancing their practical
understanding. The second talk was
delivered by Er. K. Balakrishna Murthy,
wherein he gave a comprehensive
overview of the Polavaram Dam's
construction, emphasizing its critical
role in regional water management and
flood control. His in-depth discussion
highlighted the technical intricacies of
the project and its broader significance
for infrastructure development.

Vol. 18, Issue 3, September 2024
Table of Contents
Welcome from the President.......................................................................................................................................................................................02
From the President’s Desk...........................................................................................................................................................................................03
Vice-President’s Report...............................................................................................................................................................................................13
From the Board.............................................................................................................................................................................................................20
ISSMGE Highlights......................................................................................................................................................................................................24
Global News from Member Societies.........................................................................................................................................................................25
Young Member’s Arena...............................................................................................................................................................................................31
Corporate Associates Corner......................................................................................................................................................................................33
Technical Committees Activities.................................................................................................................................................................................35
Education and Information.........................................................................................................................................................................................38
In Memory.....................................................................................................................................................................................................................42
Upcoming Events..........................................................................................................................................................................................................43

16 IGS News u July - September 2024

Volume 54, Issue 4, August 2024
Second Impact Factor for Indian Geotechnical Journal 1153 - 1156
Neelima Satyam and Krishna R. Reddy
Model Tests and Numerical Modeling on Post-Grouting Effects of Steel Pipe Micropiles 1157 - 1173
Danny José Useche, Infantem, Gonzalo Martin Aiassa, Martinez, P.A. Arrua and Marcelo Eberhardt
A Numerical Study on the Effect of Different Tunnel Shapes in Squeezing Rocks 1174 - 1186
H. Manasa and V. B. Maji
Mechanical Behaviour and Durability of Compressed Earth Blocks Treated with Bio-binder 1187 - 1197
Abdessalam Nouaouria and Mohamed Salah Nouaouria
Application of Artificial Intelligence Techniques to Predict Strip Foundation Capacity Near Slope Surfaces 1198 - 1221
Khalil S. Ismael and Rafi M. Sulaiman Al-Ne’aimi
Estimation of Sand Grains Crushing Rate Under Uniaxial Compression Loading 1222 - 1234
Rima Sedira, Toufik Kheffache and Abdelkader Tahakourt
Estimation of Seismic Ground Motions Using Deterministic Seismic Hazard Analysis for Amaravati City, India 1235 - 1253
Rambha Satyannarayana and Bande Giridhar Rajesh
A Study on the Effectiveness of Various Geophysical Methods in Detecting Naturally Formed Cavities in Lateritic Deposit 1254 - 1270
P. Anbazhagan and K. Panjami
A CNN-Based Model for the Estimation of Vertical Scale of Fluctuation Using CPT Data 1271 - 1285
P. Sharma and Anindya Pain
Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis of Laterally Loaded Piles in Liquefiable Layered Sloping Ground under the Influence of Axial Loading 1286 - 1309
Monirul Mallick, Kalyan Kumar Mandal and Ramendu Bikas Sahu
Numerical Study on Effect of Axial Loading on Rock-Socketed Piles in Two-Layered Soil Slope 1328 - 1340
Jin Zhang
Numerical Investigations on Stability of 3D Soil Slopes with Different Boundary Conditions 1341 - 1365
Vaibhav Samadhiya and Jitesh T. Chavda
Assessment of Liquefaction Susceptibility of Fine-Grained Soil based on Soil Classification 1366 - 1380
Dilip Kumar and Sunita Kumari
Analysis of Tunnel Junctions of Hydropower Tunnels in Eastern Nepal Using 2D Finite Element Method 1381 - 1391
Bikram Thapa
Study on Calculation Method of Jacking Force for Circular Curve Pipe Jacking Considering Pipe-Soil Contact State 1392 - 1405
Chao Pei, Bingjian Shi, Yonghui Peng, Jiatong Niu and Ying Liu
Experimental Evaluation on Behavior of Geocell–Geogrid Reinforced Sand Subjected to Combined Static and Cyclic Loading 1406 - 1419
Vinay Thakur and Ravi Kumar Sharma
Impact of Nano-Silica and Cement on Geotechnical Properties of Bentonite Soil 1420 - 1437
Vaibhav Chaudhary, Jitendra Singh Yadav and Rakesh Kumar Dutta
Enhancing Rock Drilling Efficiency: A Comparative Analysis of DRI Estimation Models Using the RES Approach 1438 - 1452
Hadi Fattahi and Hossein Ghaedi
Variation of Stiffness at the Tip of Piles Subjected to Load-Unload Cycles: Numerical Modeling 1453 - 1462
Jackson Andres Gil Hernandez, Goretty A. Gonzalez Peña, Maria L. Olarte Pena and David Guillermo Zapata-Medina
Dynamic Response of Embedded Foundations in Layered Halfspace: A Cone Model Approach 1463 - 1481
Susmita PandaPradip Kumar Pradhan and Bappaditya Manna
FEM-SRT-Based Slope Analysis Considering Different Geometric Shapes and Loading Conditions 1482 - 1499
Guru Das and Avijit Burman
Predicting the Maximum Dry Density of Soil by Using the Individual and Hybrid Framework of the Decision Tree 1500 - 1510
Zheng Weifang
A Field Study Using Coir–Latex Composites as Wave Barriers for the attenuation of Ground Vibration 1511 - 1526
M. Lekshmi Chandran, V. Jaya and K. Balan
Mechanical Properties and Constitutive Model of Red Sandstone Under Acid Corrosion 1527 - 1537
Yongsheng Liu Wang Liu and Cui Wang
Effect of Construction Time on the Behavior of Embankment Constructed on ESC-Improved Clayey Soil 1538 - 1548
A. Shukla, B. K. Pandey, R. Ingale, A.K. Vivek and K. Meshram
Effect of Temperature Variations on the Cylindrical Cavity Expansion: Numerical Analysis 1549 - 1561
Ichrak Gaaloul, Othman Ben Mekki, Sami Montassar, Wissem Frikha
3D Numerical Analysis of Post-Grouted Piles 1562 - 1583
Tarek N. Salem, Omar H. Abd El-Basset and Rana Hassan
Measurement of Vibrations on Installation of Internally Driven Pile 1584 - 1605
J. Jasmine Nisha
An Investigation on Recurring Failures in Morasuab Dam, Thailand: A Case Study 1606 - 1620
Suttisak Soralump, Suraj Bhattarai, Nutha Chaisikchuek and Avishek Shrestha
Evaluation of Xanthan and Guar Gum for Stabilising Soil in Terms of Strength Parameters - A Review 1621 - 1643
Rakesh PydiLaxmikant YaduSandeep Kumar Chouksey
Geocell as a Promising Reinforcement Technique for Road Pavement: A State of the Art 1644 - 1665
Sayanti Banerjee, Bappaditya Manna and J. T. Shahu
A Numerical Study on the Pullout Behavior of Inclined Square Anchor Plates in Soft Clay Under Cyclic Loading 1666 - 1681
Arunashis Majumder, Subhadeep Banerjee, Sibpriya Mukherjee, Sushovan Ray and Sumit Kumar Biswas
Multiple Linear Regression Applied in the Calibration of Numerical Analysis in Deep Foundations 1682 - 1689
Gabriela França Azevedo and Jean Rodrigo Garcia
An Experimental Study on Staged Excavation Supported by Contiguous Pile Wall 1690 - 1702
Aradhana Mishra and Vishwas A. Sawant

IGS News u July - September 2024 17



11 – 12 MARCH 2025
Indian Institute of Technology
Indore, India
Indore Chapter Bhopal Chapter Ujjain Chapter Jabalpur Chapter Andhra University

Invitation Full-length paper submission deadline 10th January 2025

Indian Institute of Technology Indore, in association with the Indian
Geotechnical Society, Indore, Ujjain, Jabalpur, and Bhopal Chapter, Intimation of paper acceptance 25th January 2025
extends a hearty invitation to Young Geotechnical Engineers under the age Conference dates 11th and 12th March 2025
of 35 nationwide. We cordially invite you to participate in the 10th Indian
Young Geotechnical Engineers' Conference (10IYGEC, 2025), scheduled Registration Fee (in INR):
to take place at the Indian Institute of Technology Indore from March
11th– 12th, 2025. This conference promises to be a significant platform for IGS Non-IGS
10IYGEC Particulars Industry
networking, knowledge exchange, and professional growth. We eagerly Members Members
anticipate your valuable presence and contributions to this enriching event. Delegates below 35 Years ₹ 1500 ₹ 2000 ₹ 3000
Indore, (Author/Co-Author/Student)
About IGS Local Chapters Delegates above 35 years ₹ 2000 ₹ 2500 ₹ 4000
The Indian Geotechnical Society (IGS) is a highly esteemed professional
organization dedicated to advancing Geotechnical Engineering in India. Sponsorship & Benefits
The Local Chapters of the Society were introduced in 1968, and fifty-two Each sponsorship tier for the 10th IYGEC 2025 guarantees an exhibition
(52) Local Chapters (Ujjain recently formed) are functional. The Indore stall, inclusion in mementos advertising, a predefined number of
Chapter, joined by the Ujjain, Jabalpur, and Bhopal Chapters, along with complimentary delegate passes, and a food coupon for one stall attendant.
Andhra University, collaborates to make the 10th IYGEC 2025 a grand The highest sponsorship level enjoys extra perks like a corporate
success. presentation, prominent logo placement on the main banner, and
About Civil Engineering, IIT Indore personalized banners.
Established in 2016, the Department of Civil Engineering excels in cutting- Sponsorship
edge research and real-world problem-solving. It offers B.Tech, M.Tech,
Category Sponsorship Amount Free Delegates
and PhD programs while undertaking sponsored projects funded by Indian
and global industries. The faculty, with diverse expertise in Geotechnical, Title Sponsor Contact Conference Chairman
Structural, Transportation, Water Resources, and Environmental Platinum ₹ 4,00,000 06
Engineering, drives innovation through national and international
collaborations, aiming to become a global academic leader. Diamond ₹ 3,00,000 05
Call for paper themes Gold ₹ 2,00,000 04
Young geotechnical professionals, both from industry and academia, as Silver ₹ 80,000 02
well as students below the age of 35 as of October 10th, 2024 (age proof Bronze ₹ 60,000 01
required), are invited to submit abstracts not exceeding 250 words for
IGS Local Chapters ₹ 50,000 01
the Tenth Indian Young Geotechnical Engineers Conference (10IYGEC
2025). Abstracts can be submitted for the following themes.
Exhibition Fees (In INR):
l Ground Improvement Techniques
l Geosynthetics and Applications Exhibition Zone (Available area – 8000 sq.ft.)
l Transportation Geotechnics
10 ft × 10 ft size – ₹ 40,000
l Foundations
l Field Monitoring in Geotechnical Engineering 10 ft × 7 ft size – ₹ 30,000
l Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering and Tunnelling Conference Organizing Conveners
l Geotechnical Site Investigations
l Case Studies in Geotechnical Engineering Dr. Ramu Baadiga, IIT Indore
l Instrumentation in Geotechnical Engineering Prof. Neelima Satyam, IIT Indore
l Environmental Geotechnics Dr. Raghavendra Singh, UEC Ujjain
l Offshore Geotechnics
l AI/ML in Geotechnical Engineering Address for communication
l Rock Mechanics General queries
l Stability of Embankments, Slopes, Landslides, and Other Mass
Movements Dr. Baadiga Ramu, IIT Indore
Chairman, 10th IYGEC 2025
Abstracts should be submitted via email to [email protected] as Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering,
per the dates mentioned at https://10iygec2025.iiti.ac.in. Papers may have Indian Institute of Technology, Indore
joint authorship with senior professionals; however, the first and presenting Khandwa Road, Simrol, Indore - 453552, India.
author must be a young engineer who is one of the authors. Mobile: + 91- 9083688190 (Ph.D. Scholar)
Important Dates Mobile: + 91- 7675015763 (Dr Ramu Baadiga)
Email: [email protected]
Abstract submission starts 10th October 2024
Technical queries
Abstract submission deadline 25th November 2024
Technical relevant queries could be sent to the following email ID:
Intimation of accepted abstract & 30th November 2024 Email: [email protected]
registration deadline

18 IGS News u July - September 2024

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additional 18% GST. Initial access is granted for 3 months, with an additional 3-month extension
provided based on availability at no extra charge.

Licenses will be allocated to students and research scholars after receipt of the relevant application form
and documents, and upon approval of the operational committee.

Note: The licenses are exclusively for Academic Research, and cannot be used for any
Consultancy/Commercial Projects as well as Sponsored Research

For queries, Email: [email protected]

Phone Number: нϵϭϵϴϳϯϬϳϬϬϮϬ
IGS News u July - September 2024 19
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1st Geotech Asia 2025
GeoVadis The Future of Geotechnical Engineering
Organized by 7th – 10th October, 2025
Venue Website: www.geotechasia.org
Taj Cidade de Goa Horizon, Goa Email : [email protected]

Invitation • Geosynthetics
It is with great pleasure that we extend a warm invitation to the • Geotechnics of Soil Erosion
1st Geotech Asia International Conference (Geotech Asia) • Pavements
that will take place in Goa, from October 7th to 10th, 2025. • Risk Assessment and Management
• Rock Mechanics
About 1st Geotech Asia 2025 & Asian Regional
• Shallow Foundations
Every four years, the Asian Regional Conferences are held Key Dates
following a bidding and voting process among member nations.
The 17th Asian Regional Conference, hosted by the Kazakhstan Last date for AsRTC/TC meeting Proposal 30.10.2024
Geotechnical Society, took place from August 14th to 18th, 2023, Abstract submission open 01.06.2024
at the Hilton Astana Hotel in Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan. Under the Abstract submission deadline 30.08.2024
theme "Smart Geotechnics for Smart Societies," the conference Abstract acceptance notification 30.09.2024
drew over 600 attendees, including scientists and experts from 90
Full paper submission deadline 20.02.2025
countries, notably influential figures from leading construction
hubs in Asia such as Japan, South Korea, China, Singapore, Full paper acceptance notification 20.04.2025
Turkey, and India. With 26 countries in the Asian Region and Final full paper submission 30.06.2025
the ARC happening only once every four years, many countries 07th - 10th
miss out on the chance to host the conference. In light of this, a Geotech Asia Conference
October 2025
new series called Geotech Asia, to be held once every four years
between the Asian Regional Conferences, was proposed. During Registration Fees For Various Categories
the 17th ARC, the idea for Geotech Asia was introduced, and
Category Early Bird Regular Onsite
India was chosen to host the inaugural event in 2025 and 18th (Upto (Upto
Asian Regional Conference (18ARC) is scheduled to be held at 07.05.2025) 23.08.2025)
Thailand in 2027. The Indian Geotechnical Society, which hosted INR INR INR
the first Asian Regional Conference in 1960, will also organize
IGS/ ISSMGE (Members) 40,000 45,000 49,000
the first Geotech Asia Conference. Scheduled for October 7th
to 10th, 2025, in Goa, the conference’s organizing committee Non IGS/ISSMGE Members 42,500 47,500 51,500
is inviting researchers, academics, and practising engineers to Student Participant 21,000 23,000 25,500
submit papers for presentation. As the first event in the series, Accompanying guests 17,000 20,000 21,000
India anticipates a significant turnout from member nations and
their representatives. Address for Correspondence :-
Department of Civil Engineering,
Conference Sub-Themes Indian Institute of Technology Bombay,
• Computational Geotechnics Powai, Mumbai - 400 076, Maharashtra, India
Website : geotechasia.org
• Data and Software for Geotechnical Engineering
Email : [email protected]
• Deep Foundations
Organising Chairmen
• Earth Retaining Structures Prof. Ashish Juneja : +91 9820301079
• Education - Embankments, Dams, and Slopes Prof. Dasaka S Murthy : +91 9869607604
• Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics Dr. Anil Joseph : +91 9388868327
• Engineering Geology and Site Characterization Organising Secretaries
• Geoenvironmental Engineering Er. Sridhar Valluri : +91 9967063113
Dr. Sunil S. Basarkar : +91 9819799292
• Geophysical Engineering Dr. A.P. Singh : +91 9899787317

IGS News u July - September 2024 21

IGC - 2024

19th - 21st December, 2024 | Website: www.igc2024mit.com

Venue: Key Dates

MIT Campus, Chhatrapati Sambhajinagar (Aurangabad), Date of Abstract Submission 30.04.2024
Maharashtra, India Intimation of Abstract Acceptance 15.06.2024
Last date for Full Paper Submission 20.08.2024
Jointly Organized by :
Intimation of Paper Acceptance 20.09.2024
Indian Geotechnical Society, Aurangabad Chapter
Submission of Camera Ready Paper 05.10.2024
Civil Engineering Department, MIT, Chhatrapati Sambhajinagar,
Last date for Registration of Accepted Papers 05.10.2024
Aurangabad, Maharashtra
Sponsorship Details
Category Sponsorship Free Stall Presen-
Indian Geotechnical Society, Aurangabad Chapter and Civil Amount Delegates Size tation
Engineering Department, MIT, Chhatrapati Sambhajinagar,
Title Sponsor Contact Conference 3x3m 15 min
Aurangabad extends you a warm invitation to the IGC-2024 to
be held at MIT Aurangabad.
Platinum Rs. 10,00,000/- 06 3x3m 10 min
Conference Themes Diamond Rs.7,00,000/- 05 3x3m 7 min
The main theme of the conference is 'Geotechnical Engineering Gold Rs.4,00,000/- 04 3x3m 5 min
for a Sustainable Tomorrow' (GEST 2024). Silver Rs.2,00,000/- 03 3x3m 3 min
Bronze Rs.1,00,000/- 02 3x3m Nil
Conference Sub-Themes Well Wisher Rs.25,000/- 1 - -
• Geotechnical and Geophysical Investigation
• Foundations — Shallow & Deep Registration Fees For Various Categories
Delegate Category Up to 31st After 31st
• Earth Retaining Structures
Oct 2024 Oct 2024
• Geosynthetics and Reinforced Soil Structures IGS Member INR 6500 INR 7000
• Forensic Geotechnical Engineering Non-IGS Member INR 7000 INR 8000
• Soil Dynamics and Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering Foreign IGS Member USD 400 USD 450
• Ground Improvement Techniques
Delegates Non IGS Member USD 450 USD 500
• Physical and Numerical Modelling SAARC Country delegates INR 7500 INR 8500
Senior INR 2500 INR 3000
• Rock Mechanics, Tunnelling and Underground Structures
Accompanying person INR 2000 INR 2500
• Geo-Environmental Engineering
PG Students/ Research Scholars INR 3000 INR 3500
• Slope Stability and Landslides
• Transportation Geotechnics
Address for Correspondence :-
Dr. Manish S. Dixit
• Uncertainties, Risk and Reliability in Geotechnical Organizing Secretary
Engineering Indian Geotechnical Conference, IGC-2024
• Soil Structure Interaction Department of Civil Engineering MIT,
Chh. Sambhajinagar (Aurangabad) 431010, India
• AI/ML Application in Geotechnical Engineering Mobile : + 91-7276040644, 9226155784
• Geomaterial Characterization, Site Investigation and Ph: 0240-2375312
Exploration. E-mail : [email protected]
Visit us : www.igc2024mit.com

IGS News u July - September 2024 23



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Volume 54, Issue 5, October 2024

Special Issue of IGC—2023 Keynote/Theme Lecture Volume 1703 - 1704
N. K. Samadhiya, Priti Maheshwari and J. P. Sahoo

Reliability and Risk Analysis in Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 1705 - 1737
G. L. Sivakumar Babu
Sustainable Performance of Recycled Rubber and Mining Waste Utilized for Efficient Rail Infrastructure 1738 - 1750
Buddhima Indraratna. Rakesh Sai Malisetty,Chathuri Arachchige, Yuje Qi and Cholachat Rujikiatkamjorn
Landslide Mitigation of Urbanized Slopes for Sustainable Growth: A Summary of Recent Developments in Structural and
Non-structural Countermeasures to Manage Water-Triggered Landslides 1751 - 1766
Vikas Thakur, Ivan Depina, Samson Abate Degago, Gebrary Habtu Alene, Emir Ahmet Ogus, Mahendra Singh and Anoopsingh Chandel
Challenges in Large-Diameter Bored Piling in Coralline Rock Formations 1767 - 1778
N. Kumar Pitchumani, Alvarado Giovanny and Aditya S. Khatavkar
Present Status and Future Challenges in Evaluation of Industrial By-products and Mine Tailings as a Geomaterial 1779 - 1798
Sarat Kumar Das, Surabhi Jain, Anshumali Mishara and Akshay Dixit
Experiences with CPTu Testing in the Indo-Gangetic Alluvium 1799 - 1820
Ravi Sundaram Sanjay Gupta and Sorabh Gupta
Tunnelling Challenges in Himalayas 1821 - 1833
A. K. Mishra
Evaluating the Applicability of a Hypoplastic Constitutive Model for Double-Porosity Fills Undergoing
Isotropic and 1-D Consolidation 1834 - 1843
L. S. Mann and A. Juneja
Restoration of Dam Components Subjected to Dynamic Loads Using Geosynthetics: A Case Study of Ukai Dam, India 1844 - 1855
Vivek Kapadia
Advances in Design and Construction of Deep Excavations and Foundations in Sri Lanka 1856 - 1872
K. L. S. Sahabandu
Rock Tunnel Behaviour Under Seismic Loading 1873 - 1883
V. B. Maji
Modelling Hydraulic and Swelling Pressure Characteristics of Bentonite Buffer Material for High-Level Nuclear Waste Containment Conditions 1884 - 1896
Sharad Dadhich Tadikonda and Venkata Bharat
Centrifuge Model Studies on the Use of Hybrid-Geosynthetic Inclusions in Slopes Subjected to Infiltration 1897 – 1911
Dipankana Bhattacherjee and B. V. S. Viswanadham
Evaluation of Site Classification and Amplification Factors Using Different Revisions of the Indian Seismic Code 1912 - 1923
Shrabony Adhikary, Jalinder S. Salunkhe and Subodh Karamkar
Seismic Performance Assessment of Ash-Filled MSE Walls 1924 - 1932
Sajan Malviya and Prishati Raychowdhury
Forward and Inverse Ground Response Analysis: An Introduction and Need 1933 - 1940
Abhishek Kumar and R. V. S. Jenny Laura
Prediction of Liquefaction Behaviour of Fine-Grained Soil Using Nature-Inspired Optimized Algorithms Coupled with Neural Network 1941 - 1959
Sunita Kumari and Sufyan Ghani
Non-Structural Landslide Risk Mitigation: Schemes, Application and Case Studies 1960 - 1972
Tanvi Chauhan, Shikha Sharma, Praveen Kumar, Akshay Kumar, Kala Venkata Uday and Varun Dutt
Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment and Liquefaction Potential Evaluation for Amaravati Capital Region 1973 - 1987
Sreevalsa Kolathayar, Moturi Sai Ashrith and S. Rukminikumar
Viability of Dolomite Mine Overburden in Modified Grout Mix for Sustainable Ground Improvement 1988 - 1998
Neha Shrivastava, Prakriti, Nishant Sachdeva and Ajay Sharma
Design Strategies of Offshore Wind Turbines in Shallow and Deep Water-Indian Perspective 1999 - 2014
Maria James and Sumanta Haldar
Importance of Field Observations for the Numerical Stability Analysis of Rock Slopes: Case Studies from the Sikkim Himalaya 2015 - 2032
Anindya Pain, Shubham Chaudhary, Arpti Mittal and Suvam Das
Free Field Plane Strain Simulation of Soil Liquefaction Using Finite Element Analysis 2033 - 2044
Tanmay Gupta and Madan Kumar Annam

IGS News u July - September 2024 25

(ISFMG 2026)
6th – 10th August, 2026 Venue
Indian Institute of Technology Indore,
Madhya Pradesh
Supported by
Website: www.isfmg2026.com
Email : [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]

Invitation Key Dates

It is with great pleasure that we extend a warm invitation Tentative dates of the Symposium 06 -10 Aug 2026
to the 12th International Symposium on Field Monitoring in
Paper Submission start To be Announced later
Geomechanics (ISFMG 2026) that will take place in Indore,
from August 6th to 10th, 2026. Abstract submission deadline To be Announced later
Full paper submission Deadline To be Announced later
Symposium Theme
Review Notification To be Announced later
The main theme of the symposium is "Advances in Field
Monitoring for Geomechanics". Camera Ready submission To be Announced later

Symposium Sub-Themes Registration Fees

• Tunnels and Underground Spaces By After Onsite
Registration Type 24.11.2025 24.11.2025 24.02.2026
• Bridges and Transport Infrastructure $ $ $
• Dams and Embankments Standard Registration 600 700 900
• Slopes and Earthworks Student Registration 300 350 500

• Buildings and Foundations SAARC Country Delegates 500 600 800

SAARC Country Students 250 300 400
• Mining and Landfill
• Environmental Monitoring Address for Correspondence :-
• The Observational Methods Prof. Neelima Satyam
Symposium Convener
• Specifications and Standards Department of Civil Engineering,
Indian Institute of Technology Indore
• Excavation and Retaining Structure +91-9440488034 (Mobile)
[email protected]
• Inverse Modelling
[email protected]
• Advanced Design Technology [email protected]
Visit us : www.isfmg2026.com

IGS News u July - September 2024 27

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October 7-10
2024 2024 Taj Cidade de Goa Horizon, Goa
November 18-20 December 19-21 1st Geotech Asia International Conference
MIT, Aurangabad (Geotech Asia).
Sydney, Australia
Indian Geotechnical Conference (IGC-2024) Address for Correspondence:
5th International Conference on on ‘Geotechnical Engineering for a Sustainable
Department of Civil Engineering,
Transportation Geotechnics, Ground Tomorrow (GEST 2024)’ organized by Indian
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay,
Geotechnical Society, Aurangabad Chapter & Civil
Improvement and Evolving Technologies Powai, Mumbai - 400 076
Engineering Department, MIT, Aurangabad.
for Sustainable Transport Infrastructure. Maharashtra, India
For More Details Visit: Website : geotechasia.org
For Details: Website : www.igc2024mit.com Email : [email protected]
Website : https://ictg2024-c10000.eorganiser.com.au/ Address for Correspondence: Organising Chairmen
Prof. Ashish Juneja +91 9820301079
Organizing Secretary,
December 21-23 Prof. Dasaka S Murthy +91 9869607604
Indian Geotechnical Conference, IGC-2024
Bern, Switzerland Dr. Anil Joseph +91 9388868327
Department of Civil Engineering, MIT
Organising Secretaries
3rd International Conference on Civil, Chh. Sambhajinagar (Aurangabad) - 431010
Er. Sridhar Valluri +91 9967063113
Industrial and Mechnical Engineering Dr. Sunil S. Basarkar +91 9819799292
Email: [email protected]
and Materials. Dr. A. P. Singh +91 9899787317

For Details: Website : http://cimeme.iapub.org./ 2025 2026

March 11-12
2026 IIT Indore, India
August 6–10
Indore, Madhya Pradesh
10th Indian Young Geotechnical Engineers
September 12th International Symposium on Field Monitoring
Conference (10th IYGEC, 2025).
Athens, Greece in Geomechanics (ISFMG 2026).
Address for Correspondence:
4th International Symposium on Dr. Baadiga Ramu, IIT Indore
Address for Correspondence:
Prof. Neelima Satyam
Geotechnical Engineering for the Chairman, 10th IYGEC 2025
Symposium Convener
Preservation of Monuments and Historic Assistant Professor, Department of Civil
Department of Civil Engineering,
Sites organized by the Technical Engineering,
Indian Institute of Technology, Indore
Indian Institute of Technology Indore
Committee 301 of the ISSMGE. Khandwa Road, Simrol, Indore - 453552, India.
+91-9440488034 (Mobile)
[email protected]
For Details: Mobile: + 91- 9083688190 (B S Praveen, Doctoral
[email protected]
Email: [email protected] [email protected]
Mobile: +91- 7675015763 (Dr. Ramu)
Visit us : www.isfmg2026.com
Email: [email protected]

IGC - 2025 Now Online Membership Available

would be hosted by The homepage of the Society has been updated and a
new online membership platform has been
IGS-Jalandhar Chapter created to facilitate joining of new members.
The venue, theme, scheduled dates etc.
are being worked out and shall be Just log on to:
announced soon. www.igs.org.in

Important News
The 17th meeting of CED-43 of BIS, 17 codes revised version is in print and a new code
on “Combined Piled-Raft Foundation”are in press for printing. Also in 18th meeting of
CED-43, IS-2131 revised version gone for final printing. So in recent past, BIS finalized
19 codes under CED-43 Soil and Foundation Engineering Committee.

IGS News u July - September 2024 29


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Slope Protection
Channel Protection
Prof. S.P. Gopal Madabhushi
(LF-0496) IGC-2026
would be hosted by
Prof. S.P. Gopal Madabhushi of
Civil Engineering and Head of the IGS-Chennai Chapter
Geotechnical and Geo-Environmental
Group, University of Cambridge; The venue, theme, scheduled dates etc.
Director, Schofield Centre for are being worked out and shall be
Geotechnical and Construction Modelling. He was elected
announced soon.
to the Royal Academy of Engineering Fellowship, the
highest honour for an engineer/academic in the U.K.

Welcome to New Members

The Executive Committee of IGS extends hearty welcome to the following members who have been admitted to the Society recently/
elevated to Fellowship.

IGS News u July - September 2024 31

Editor : Dr. A.P. Singh, Hon. Secretary, IGS & Director, Explore Engineering Consultants Pvt. Ltd., C-273, Sector 63, Noida,
Uttar Pradesh 201301
Assoc. Editor : Mr. Sanjay Arora, Exec. Secretary, Indian Geotechnical Society, 206, Manisha, 75-76, Nehru Place, New Delhi-110019
Published by : Indian Geotechnical Society (Regn. No. S/18957), 206, Manisha, 75-76, Nehru Place, New Delhi-110019
Email : [email protected], [email protected], Website: www.igs.org.in, Ph. : 011-26210361
Printed by : Pushpak Press Pvt. Ltd., 203-204, DSIDC Complex, Okhla Phase-I, New Delhi-110020

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