CA3_Digital emp_232154
CA3_Digital emp_232154
CA3_Digital emp_232154
1. Broadband Highways
This pillar focuses on building robust infrastructure to provide high-
speed internet across the country. It includes the National Optical Fibre
Network (NOFN), which aims to connect 2.5 lakh Gram Panchayats and
ensure seamless internet access in rural and urban areas. The
initiative also includes high-speed broadband for institutions like
schools and colleges.
Human Impact:
o Rural communities gain access to e-services, such as online
education, telemedicine, and e-commerce.
o Enables businesses to operate digitally, opening global markets
to small enterprises.
o Improves connectivity for students and professionals, fostering
innovation and collaboration.
Human Impact:
o Farmers in remote areas can receive crop advisories and market
price updates.
o Villagers can access emergency services and stay connected
with their families.
o Promotes social inclusion by integrating isolated communities
into the national mainstream.
Human Impact:
o A villager can apply for government schemes or pay utility bills
without traveling far.
o Job seekers can create resumes, apply for jobs, and access skill
development courses.
o Ensures that digital services are within reach of the masses,
even in rural and semi-urban areas.
Human Impact:
o Citizens can apply for documents like birth certificates, driving
licenses, or property records online, avoiding bureaucratic
o Promotes accountability by reducing corruption and ensuring
real-time grievance redressal.
o Saves time and effort for citizens by simplifying administrative
Human Impact:
o A farmer can access weather forecasts, crop management
techniques, and market prices online.
o Students in rural areas can attend online classes and access
educational content.
o Patients can consult doctors through telemedicine, reducing the
need for travel.
Human Impact:
o Citizens can track government spending, projects, and policy
decisions, fostering accountability.
o Encourages civic participation by allowing people to contribute
ideas and feedback on policies.
o Journalists, researchers, and students benefit from easy access
to reliable government data.
7. Electronics Manufacturing
This pillar promotes domestic manufacturing of electronic goods to
reduce dependency on imports and create job opportunities. It aligns
with the Make in India initiative, incentivizing companies to establish
manufacturing units in India.
Human Impact:
o Creates jobs for skilled and unskilled workers in manufacturing
and related industries.
o Makes electronic devices like smartphones, laptops, and TVs
more affordable for consumers.
o Strengthens India's position as a global electronics hub,
boosting the economy.
8. IT for Jobs
This initiative focuses on providing IT skills training to youth, especially
in rural and semi-urban areas, to increase employability and bridge
the skill gap in the IT industry.
Human Impact:
o A young graduate in a rural area can acquire IT certifications
and secure a high-paying job.
o Boosts the local economy by creating a skilled workforce.
o Empowers women and marginalized communities by providing
them with digital skills.
Human Impact:
o Students and professionals can use public Wi-Fi for learning and
o Government offices become more efficient with biometric
attendance and digital communications.
o Citizens experience improved service delivery due to quick and
impactful technology adoption.
8. Environmental Sustainability
Digital governance and e-services reduce the need for paper-based
processes, promoting eco-friendly practices.