Web Programming Lab Syllabus

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Course code Lab –Web Programming L T P C

Core/Elective/Supportive Skill Based Subject 2 (Lab):1 0 0 3 2

Basic knowledge of the internet and
Pre-requisite Syllabus
basic html.

Course Objectives:
The main objectives of this course are to:
1. To gain knowledge about how to develop web applications
2. To create web applications using HTML
3. To create web applications using HTML with Style sheets
4. To design interactive web sites with all the features given in Web programming

Expected Course Outcomes:

On the successful completion of the course,student will be able to:
1 Understand the problems and create applications in basics of web K2-K4,K6
2 Understandand develop Web pages with formatting styles. K2-K3
3 Apply the features in HTML to present the details given K3
4 Analyze the problem, apply the concept for developing K4-K5
5 Create websites of real time applications K6

K1–Remember; K2–Understand; K3–Apply; K4–Analyze; K5–Evaluate; K6–Create

Programs 36hours
1. Develop a HTML document which displays your name as <h1> heading and displays any four of
your friends. Each of your friend’s names must appear as hot text. When you click your friend's
name, it must open another HTML document, which tells you about your friend.
2. Write names of several countries apart graph and storeitasan HTML document, world.html. Each
country name must be a hot text. When you click India (for example), it must open india.html and
it should provide a brief introduction about India.
3. Design a HTML document describing you. Assign a suitable background design and background and
background color and text color.
4. Develop a HTML document to print the following: Who can use the solar heaters? Anybody with a
regular hot water demand. In houses for domestic purposes (cooking, bathing and washing).
For Engineering/chemical industries, dairies and textile/leather process plants, to –preheat boiler feed
water. For hostels, hospitals, guest houses and industrial canteens. For food-processing plants and
for process applications.
5.Write a HTML document to print the following: The family has the following facilities: 1.Own
House Living area 2400 square feet, Separate bungalow, Car shed, 2 Car Maruti Esteem,
Registration Number TN 38 A 9650, 1996 Model, Farm, 35 acres Coconut Groves,10 acres Mango
6 Write a HTML document to print your class Time Table.
7. Develop a Complete Web Page using Frames and Frame sets which gives the Information about a
Hospital using HTML.
8.Write a HTML document to print your Bio-Data in the following format: NAME Religion
Community Street Town District State Address PIN Code Office Phone Residence Mobile
Educational Qualification Degree University/ Institute Month & year Grade / Mark
9. Develop complete set of webpages to describe you skills in various are as using HTML.
10. Develop a website to publish your family and the details of each member using HTML.
11. Developa HTML document to display a Registration Form for an inter-collegiate function.
12. Develop a HTML document to design Alumni Registration form of your college.
TotalLecturehours 36hours
1 InternetandWebDesign,ITLEducation,MacmillanIndiaLtd.
2 HTMLandXMLanIntroduction,NIIT,PrenticeHallof IndiaPvt.Ltd
1 WorldWideWebDesignwithHTML,C.Xavier,2007,TMH.

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