English Notes
English Notes
English Notes
دحہیبی اک اعمدہہ
Treaty of Hudaibiyah
The TREATY OF HUDAIBIYAH, known as "Sulah Hudaibiyah" is a significant agreement in the history of
Islam. The event took place during the life of Hazrat Muhammad. A crucial contract was signed at Makkah
between Hazrat Muhammad and the Quraish tribe.
االسم یک اترخی اک اکی امہ اعمدہہ ےہ۔ ہی واہعق رضحت دمحم یلص اہلل ہیلع وآہل وملس یک زدنیگ، ےسج" حلص دحہیبی "ےک انم ےس اجان اجات ےہ،دحہیبی اک اعمدہہ
بج رضحت دمحم یلص اہلل ہیلع وآہل وملس اور رقشی ےلیبق ےک درایمن اکی امہ اعمدہہ ےط اپای۔،ںیم ہکم رکمہم ںیم شیپ آای
Hazrat Muhammad and his followers were halted outside the city. He made it clear to the people of Makkah
that their intention was only to perform Umrah, but the Quraish of Makkah did not agree to accept it. After
seeing the rebelliousness and obstinacy of the Quraish of Makkah, Hazrat Usman Ghani was sent as his
ambassador to the people of Makkah, so that they may communicate with the infidels of Makkah. The Quraish
disagreed and they kept Hazrat Usman. Due to the delay, a rumour spread amongst the Muslims that Hazrat
Usman Ghani had been martyred. Hazrat Muhammad gathered all his companions under a tree and took a pledge
from them that we would not return without taking revenge for the martyrdom of Hazrat Usman Ghani. This
pledge is called 'Bait-e-Rizwan' which was mentioned in the following verse of the Holy Qur'an: Translation:
"Surely Allah was pleased with the believers when they were pledging allegiance to Him under the tree (in
Hudaibiyah), so what was in their hearts (Allah) knew (in advance) then He sent down upon them peace (of
heart) and gave them the reward of a very near victory (Khyber)."
رضحت دمحم یلص اہلل ہیلع وآہل وملس اور ان ےک اسویھتں وک رہش ےک ابرہ روک دای ایگ۔ آپ یلص اہلل ہیلع وآہل وملس ےن ہکم ےک ولوگں وک واحض ایک ہک ان اک
ارادہ رصف رمعہ رکےن اک ےہ ،نکیل ہکم ےک رقشی ےن اس وک وبقل رکےن ےس ااکنر رک دای۔ بج رقشی یک اغبوت اور ٹہ درھیم دیھکی یئگ ،وت رضحت
امثعن ینغ ریض اہلل ہنع وک ہکم ےک ولوگں ےک اپس ریفس انب رک اجیھب ایگ اتہک وہ ہکم ےک افکر ےس ابت تیچ رکںی۔ رقشی ےن ااکنر رک دای اور رضحت امثعن
ریض اہلل ہنع وک روک ایل۔ اس اتریخ یک وہج ےس املسمونں ںیم ہی اوفاہ لیھپ یئگ ہک رضحت امثعن ینغ ریض اہلل ہنع دیہش وہ ےئگ ںیہ۔ رضحت دمحم یلص اہلل
ہیلع وآہل وملس ےن اےنپ امتم احصہب وک اکی درتخ ےک ےچین عمج ایک اور ان ےس اس ابت اک دہع ایل ہک وہ رضحت امثعن ینغ ریض اہلل ہنع یک اہشدت اک دبہل
ےیل ریغب واسپ ںیہن اجںیئ ےگ۔ اس دہع وک' تعیب روضان 'اہک اجات ےہ ،سج اک ذرک رقآن دیجم یک اس آتی ںیم وہا ےہ:
یہ ےلہپ ےن )اہلل( اھت ںیم دولں ےک ان وج اور ےھت ،رےہ رک تعیب ےس آپ )ںیم دحہیبی( ےچین ےک درتخ وہ بج وہا رایض ےس ومونمں اہلل کش ےب"
"دای۔ ااعنم اک )ربیخ( حتف یک رقبی اںیہن اور رفامیئ انزل تنیکس رپ ان رھپ ایل ،اجن
It soon became known that the report of Hazrat Usman Ghani's martyrdom was wrong. The Quraish sent Suhail
bin Umroo as their ambassador, so that they could talk about reconciliation. The talks proved fruitful, and a
memorandum of understanding was reached between the parties.
اج یک تیچ ابت یک حلص اتہک اجیھب رمعو نب لیہس ریفس اانپ ےن رقشی یھت۔ طلغ ربخ یک اہشدت یک ہنع اہلل ریض ینغ امثعن رضحت ہک ایگ وہ ولعمم یہ دلج
اپای۔ ےط اعمدہہ اکی درایمن ےک رفوقیں دوونں اور ریہ ،اکایمب تیچ ابت ےکس۔
The Treaty was a significant victory for the Muslims who wanted to perform the Umrah peacefully. After the
Pagans of Makkah agreed to calmly resolve the situation, the conditions of the Treaty were discussed at great
ہی اعمدہہ املسمونں ےک ےیل اکی ڑبی حتف یھت وج رمعہ رپانم رطےقی ےس رکان اچےتہ ےھت۔ ہکم ےک رشمنیک ےک اسھت وصراحتل وک رپانم رطےقی ےس لح
رکےن ےک دعب اعمدہے یک رشاطئ رپ لیصفت ےس ثحب وہیئ۔
The Quraish of Makkah agreed to resolve the situation after agreeing to the following
رقشی ےن دنمرہج ذلی اکنت رپ اافتق ایک:
1. The Muslims will return to Madinah without performing Umrah. However, the Muslims will be permitted to
come back next year to peacefully stay in Makkah for three days and perform Umrah. The Muslims are only
allowed to carry swords for protection, which should be kept underneath sheaths.
1۔املسمن رمعہ ادا ےیک ریغب دمہنی واسپ اجںیئ ےگ۔ اتمہ ،املسمونں وک اےلگ اسل واسپ آ رک نیت دن کت ہکم ںیم رپانم وطر رپ ایقم رکےن اور رمعہ ادا
رکےن یک ااجزت وہ یگ۔ املسمونں وک رصف افحتظ ےک ےیل ولتارںی الےن یک ااجزت وہ یگ ،اور وہ یھب اینم ںیم رںیہ یگ۔
2. The Treaty of Hudaibiyah declared a ten-year armistice between both parties and advised everyone to live in
harmony and peace during this time.
2۔دحہیبی اک اعمدہہ دوونں رفوقیں ےک درایمن دس اسہل گنج دنبی اک االعن رکات ےہ اور اس دوران بس وک انم و وکسن ےس رےنہ اک وشمرہ دای ایگ۔
3. If anyone from the Quraish goes over to Hazrat Muhammad without his guardian's permission, he should be
sent back to the Quraish, but any of Hazrat Muhammad's followers return to Quraish, he shall not be sent back.
3۔ارگ رقشی اک وکیئ رفد ریغب رسرپتس یک ااجزت ےک رضحت دمحم یلص اہلل ہیلع وآہل وملس ےک اپس اجات ےہ ،وت اےس واسپ رقشی ےک اپس جیھب دای اجےئ اگ،
نکیل رضحت دمحم یلص اہلل ہیلع وآہل وملس ےک ریپواکروں ںیم ےس وکیئ رقشی ےک اپس اجےئ ،وت اےس واسپ ںیہن اجیھب اجےئ اگ۔
4. Any tribe or person who wishes to join Hazrat Muhammad and sign the agreement alongside him will be free
to do so. Similarly, any tribe or person who wishes to sign the contract from the Quraish's side will be free to do
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وہ ااسی رکےن ےک ےیل آزاد وہ اگ۔ ایس رطح وج ہلیبق ای رفد رقشی،۔وج یھب ہلیبق ای رفد رضحت دمحم یلص اہلل ہیلع وآہل وملس ےک اسھت اعمدہہ رکان اچےہ4so.
وہ یھب ااسی رکےن ےک ےیل آزاد وہ اگ۔،ےک اسھت اعمدہہ رکان اچےہ
5. If any young person whose father was still alive went to Hazrat Muhammad without permission from his
guardian or father, he must be returned to Makkah. On the other hand, if anyone went from Madinah to Makkah,
the Quraish people would be under no obligation to return them.
وت اےس ہکم واسپ اجیھب اجےئ اگ۔ دورسی، رضحت دمحم یلص اہلل ہیلع وآہل وملس ےک اپس ریغب ااجزت آےئ،۔ ارگ وکیئ ااسی ونوجان سج اک ابپ زدنہ وہ5
وت رقشی اےس واسپ رکےن ےک اپدنب ںیہن وہں ےگ۔، ارگ وکیئ دمہنی ےس ہکم اجےئ،رطف
Hazrat Ali and Treaty of Hudaibiyah
Hazrat Muhammad was dictating and Hazrat Ali was writing the points of the Treaty. When Hazrat Muhammad
dictated 'Muhammad Rasoolullah' in writing, the Quraishi ambassador objected to it and said that 'Muhammad
bin Abdullah' should be written instead. On this, Hazrat Muhammad ordered Hazrat Ali to write the word
'Muhammad bin Abdullah' and change 'Rasool ullah.' Hazrat Ali did not like to change this word, so Hazrat
Muhammad erased it himself.
: رضحت یلع اور دحہیبی اک اعمدہہ
رضحت دمحم یلص اہلل ہیلع وآہل وملس اعمدہہ وھکلا رےہ ےھت اور رضحت یلع ریض اہلل ہنع اےس ھکل رےہ ےھت۔ بج رضحت دمحم یلص اہلل ہیلع وآہل وملس ےن
وت رقشی ےک ریفس ےن اس رپ ارتعاض ایک اور اہک ہک' دمحم نب دبعاہلل 'اھکل اجےئ۔ اس رپ رضحت دمحم یلص اہلل ہیلع وآہل وملس،'دمحم روسل اہلل 'وھکلاان رشوع ایک
وت،ےن رضحت یلع وک مکح دای ہک وہ' دمحم نب دبعاہلل 'ںیھکل اور' روسل اہلل 'وک اٹم دںی۔ رضحت یلع ریض اہلل ہنع اس ظفل وک اٹمےن رپ رایض ںیہن ےھت
رضحت دمحم یلص اہلل ہیلع وآہل وملس ےن وخد یہ اےس اٹم دای۔
Return of Hazrat Abu Jundal
This peace treaty was still being written when Abu Jundal, son of Suhail bin Umroo, came dragging his
shackles. The Rasool of Allah said: "Abu Jundal! Be patient and consider it a reward. Allah will make a place
of openness and refuge for you and for all the other weak Muslims with you. We have made peace with the
Quraish, so we cannot make bad promises."
:رضحت اوب دنجل یک وایسپ
اوب: " اینپ ڑیبایں ےتٹیسھگ وہےئ آےئ۔ روسل اہلل یلص اہلل ہیلع وآہل وملس ےن رفامای، لیہس نب رمعو ےک ےٹیب،ہی اعمدہہ ایھب اھکل یہ اج راہ اھت ہک اوب دنجل
دنجل !ربص رکو اور اےس وثاب وھجمس۔ اہلل اہمترے اور اہمترے اسھت وموجد زمکور املسمونں ےک ےیل اکی ہگج وھکل دے اگ۔ مہ ےن رقشی ےس حلص رک یل
" ذہلا مہ دبدہعی ںیہن رک ےتکس۔،ےہ
The role of Hazrat Umm Salamah
In the meantime, the Rasool of Allah had finished writing the peace agreement, so he said to the sahaba,
“Get,up! And sacrifice your animals”, but no one was willing to go back without performing Umrah. Umm al-
Mu'minin Hazrat Umm Salamah said: "O Rasool of Allah! You should slaughter your animal quietly without
saying anything to anyone and call your barber to shave the head." Hazrat Muhammad came out, and
slaughtered his animal. He called a barber and asked him to shave his head. When the people saw it, they also
got up and slaughtered their own animals and after that, they started shaving each other's heads.
:رضحت ام ہملس اک رکدار
نکیل وکیئ یھب رمعہ ےیک ریغب،"اوھٹ !اور اےنپ اجونروں یک رقابین رکو: "ایس دوران روسل اہلل یلص اہلل ہیلع وآہل وملس ےن حلص اک اعمدہہ ےنھکل ےک دعب رفامای
،اے اہلل ےک روسل !آپ اخومیش ےس اانپ اجونر رقابن رکںی اور یسک ےس ھچک ہن ںیہک: "واسپ اجےن رپ رایض ںیہن اھت۔ ام المؤنینم رضحت ام ہملس ےن اہک
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اانپ اجونر رقابن ایک اور اجحم وک ولبا رک رس ڈنمواای۔ بج ولوگں ےن ہی،اور اےنپ اجحم وک ولبا رک رس ڈنمواںیئ۔ "رضحت دمحم یلص اہلل ہیلع وآہل وملس ابرہ آےئ
وت وہ یھب اےھٹ اور اےنپ اجونر رقابن ےیک اور اکی دورسے ےک رس ڈنمواان رشوع رک دای۔،داھکی
Qno.2 How did the misunderstanding about Hazrat Usman Ghani's martyrdom affect the course of
events, and how was it resolved?
Answer: A false rumor of Hazrat Usman Ghani's martyrdom led to the Muslims pledging revenge
under the Bait-e-Rizwan. The situation was resolved when the rumor was proven false, and
negotiations resumed.
Qno.3 Why did Hazrat Muhammad decide to embark on the journey to Makkah despite the
challenges posed by the Quraish?
Answer: Hazrat Muhammad embarked on the journey to Makkah for Umrah, believing it was a divine
command and expecting the Quraish to respect the peaceful intention under the sanctity of the sacred
Qno.4 Based on the text, what conditions were agreed upon for the Muslims' return to Makkah after the
Treaty of Hudaibiyah?
Answer: Muslims would return to Madinah without performing Umrah but could return the following year for
three days to perform Umrah peacefully, carrying only sheathed swords for protection.
Qno.5 Evaluate the leadership qualities of Hazrat Muhammad during the events of the Treaty of
Hudaibiyah. In the Treaty of Hudaibiyah, what conditions did the Quraish agree to regarding the
KIDS' CLUB Grammar School, Sialkot, Pakistan (A Project of ELC)
کڈز کلب گرامر سکول KIDS CLUB Grammar School
Qno.6 How did the misunderstanding about Hazrat Usman Ghani's martyrdom affect the course of
events, and how was it resolved?
Answer: The rumor of Hazrat Usman's martyrdom sparked strong emotions, leading to the pledge of Bait-e-
Rizwan. The situation was resolved when it was discovered he was alive, allowing the peace talks to
4. According to the text, why did Hazrat Muhammad (Ap , us) erase the words
"Rasoolullah" from the treaty and replace them with"Bin Abdullah"?
O to appease the Quraish
O to maintain peace with the Quraish
O to assert his authority as the Rasool of Allah.
O to please Hazrat Ali
6. What role did Hazrat Ali ( an) play in the writing of the Treaty of Hudaibiyah?
O He was the main negotiator.
O He wrote the entire treaty.
O He served as a witness to the treaty.
O He was responsible for diplomatic communications with the Quraish.
7. What values are highlighted by the Treaty of Hudaibiyah, according to the text?
O aggression and dominance
O tolerance, coexistence, and mutual respect
O superiority and subjugation
O conflict and discord
NOUN A person, place, thing, Ali, Pakistan, Sialkot, School,
quality or act Pen, Desk, Whiteboard, Marker
PRONOUN A word that replaces a He, She, It, I, You, We, They
noun or noun phrase
VERB An action or existence Go, Run, Be, Drink
ADVERB A word that describes He studies well
a verb, adjective, or
INTERJECTION A word that describes Oh!
a sudden utterance Ah!
PREPOSITION A word that describes in, on, at, into, beside, above,
a relationship between below, with
a noun and a noun,
verb, or adverb
CONJUNCTION A word that joins Ali and Aslam
words, phrases, or Tea or Coffee
clauses I play cricket but I cannot play
with you.
ADJECTIVE A word that describes A happy person
a noun A sunny day
A. Read the given paragraph and identify countable, uncountable, concrete and
abstract nouns from it and use them in your sentences too in your notebook.
Hazrat Muhammad SAW dreamt of performing the Umrah in the Holy Kaaba. To
consider this dream as a sign of revelation from Allah accompanied himself with1400
Muslims wearing Ihram clothes and decided to visit Makkah. As per ancient Arab
custom, everyone could visit the Kaaba unarmed and fighting of any kind was prohibited
during the four sacred months of the year: Dhul-Qa'adah, Dhul Hijjah, Muharram and Rajab;
therefore, Muslims embarked on their journey in the expectation that the Quraish would respect
their customs and recognise their peaceful intentions to make the Hajj, but the Quraish proved
Muslims wrong.
Countable Noun Uncountable Noun Concrete Noun Abstract Noun
Muslim Clothes Kaaba Expectation
Custom Revelation Makkah Dream
Month Intentions Clothes Hope
People Umrah
Quantifiers are pre-modifiers which indicate how much or how many there is of
something. Using quantifiers requires a distinction to be made between countable and
uncountable nouns. A countable noun can be modified by a number and has both a
singular and plural form.