Arbitration has turned out to be more preferred than many other means of solving a
dispute in that it is faster, less revealing of parties’ business, and is handled by
professionals. Nevertheless, there are circumstances in which arbitration does not
produce efficient or fair results and the parties turn to courts for a remedy. Part V of the
Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996, specifically section 34 1 of the Act outlines the
conditions for seeking an application to set aside an award. This article therefore goes
deeper into section 34 explaining the circumstances on which an award given by an
arbitrator may be challenged and set aside by a court.
Nevertheless, after arbitration has been conducted, the arbitral tribunal renders an
arbitral/arbitration award as the final award. An arbitral award could be pecuniary as well
as non-pecuniary. It can be monetary which is created for purposes of payment of a sum
of money from one party to the other and it can be non–monetary where no money is
required to be paid but it contains matters such as decisions that can be stopping a certain
business practice or an enhancement of unemployment benefits and premiums.
In order for an award to be valid, it has to satisfy two prerequisites. Firstly, it should be
certain, this means clear, specific as well as unambiguous in the terms of the decision
Section 34 – Arbitration & conciliation act 1996
Section 2(1)(c ) - Arbitration & conciliation act 1996
made as to rights of the parties concerned. Secondly, it must contain a decision.” An
award which does not contain a valid decision, or where the decision of the arbitral
tribunal is not sufficiently clear on every point that has been made to the tribunal shall be
void. As a result of this an award has to meet these conditions and one of them being that
an award has to be signed by an arbitrator. It also must set out specific grounds for a
decision made as to a particular case in an award. The award should not allow the parties
to argue or have any doubt regarding their responsibilities and the consequences which
result from the agreement. An award has to determine every aspect of the issue in dispute
between the parties, and make a clear and final determination in respect of each of those
aspects of the issue.
Similarly in the case of Union of India v. Punjab Communications (2002) 3 there in the
award, the amount which was payable by one party to the other was not spelt out and also
the decision was vague and unenforceable. That is why the arbitral award to the applicant
was annulled.
These requirements have been expanded in Section 31 of the 1996 Act. First of all, an
award has to be in written, which prefers the legal aspect against recognizing oral awards.
Secondly, if more than one arbitrator is included in the tribunal any award made should
bear signature of the members of the arbitration tribunal. However, from the social point
of view it is necessary to underline, that in case the majority of members of the tribunal
signed the award the signatures which are united indicate the award as the valid one.
Third, the issuer requirement that the award indicates the date and the place of its
issuance is relevant as the specific details. In addition, and for the same prudential
reasons, a signed copy of the document must also be signed by every party upon the
execution of the document.
Pursuant to Section 31(1) of the 1996 Act these arbitral awards like any award granted by
an arbitrator is final in nature and is also conclusive on the parties of the arbitral
proceedings. It means that for the award to passed conclusively will in effect put an end
to all question/issues arising on the arbitral process. The use of the term ‘final’ under
Section 31 presupposes that of the involved parties the award has the totality in deciding
the issues, the award remains binding until a court step in to set it aside. The arbitrators
are under statutory mandate to make an award within the time as agreed or extended.
Preferably, the award must be construed liberally in this case, drawing our attention to the
objectives of the arbitral tribunal as a more accurate reflection of award. The award given
by an arbitrator could be set aside by an unsatisfied party by making an application to an
appropriate court for setting aside an award.
The 1996 Act has it under Section 7 that any two parties that have agreed to an
arbitration agreement are equally bound to the agreement. This means that the law of
contracts implies liability to settle any difference that might be anticipated later on
through arbitration. -This is in effect the first step that creates the legal relation for
arbitration and creates a legal relation that binds the parties to do as outlined in the
When the couple enters a conflict and such conflict is solved through arbitration, an
award is given which is legally enforceable on the two parties. Consequently, the very
award signed by the adjudicating authority imposes the parties’ legal duty to perform as
per the decision and terms of the arbitration award. The last instance of the award gives
the arbitrator full jurisdiction to resolve the dispute.
However, there are some situations which may cause one or both parties to feel they
were not fairly treated by the arbitral award; where such circumstances arise the 1996 Act
has made provision for recourse. Section 34 of the 1996 Act deals with specific grounds
which have been made available to the parties which enables them to apply for setting
aside an award and Section 37 of the 1996 Act provides the provisions of appeal in regard
to certain order.
It is Section 34 of the 1996 Act which contains provisions of one or the other of the
specific grounds which entitle a party to seek setting aside an arbitral award made in
India. They are-
1. Irravity of one party while making an application to enter into the agreement.
2. Failure to recognize the arbitration agreement under the law of a certain country.
3. There were other complaints that pointed to a failure to give proper notice of the
appointed Arbitrators in the existing Arbitral Tribunal.
4. No matter what the nature of the dispute is, this is more often than not not capable of
being settled by arbitration.
5. The nature of the formation of the arbitral award and all circumstances of the case do
not conform to the provisions of the agreement of the Parties.
6. The arbitral award has been made contrary to the public policy of a state.
7. The matter relates to an issue which does not form subject-matter of the award as a
result of arbitration.
- Age of Majority: The person has also to be of required legal age as prescribed by the laws
of the country they come from.
-Sound Mind: This is the mental capacity as per the contract at the time of their formation;
-the person is supposed to be sane.
-Not Disqualified by Law: No law to which the person is subjected can bar him from
performing the task.
This implies that should any of those conditions not be met, the arbitration agreement is
unlawful thus any arbitral award made under such agreement is unlawful. Incapacity also
encompasses a case where a person is a minor, mentally ill or otherwise legally restricted.
- They do not fulfill the requirements set in the law applying to them.
- It may be completely devoid of necessary characteristics such as mutual consent
or it was founded on deceit or misstatement
If an arbitration agreement was found to be invalid, any award made under that invalid
arbitration cannot be enforced, and the parties have to resort to other methods of ADR.
3. Lack of Proper Notice (Section 34(2)(a)(iii))
Warning and the right to be heard are primitives of fairness and justice. It is prohibited by
the Section 18(1) of the Indian Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 to appoint an
arbitrator without providing a written notice to the other parties regarding that appointment
also the notice of the arbitral proceedings. A party may not be afforded the opportunity to
present their position and may then claimed that their right to natural justice has been
prejudiced in this way. This violation can result in:
- An unfair or biased outcome.
- The disadvantaged position taken by a party to contribute towards the arbitration
A party aggrieved by a decision which he believes has been arrived at in violation of its
right to natural justice may, under Section 34 seek a declaration to set aside the award on the
ground that there was a failure to observe the provisions of natural justice during the arbitral
4. Excess of Jurisdiction (Section 34(2)(a)(iv))
Arbitration award can be set aside where it relates to a matter which the arbitration
agreement has not provided for or where it is not within the purview of the arbitration
agreement which led to the arbitration.
• The arbitral award addresses issues not covered by the arbitration agreement.
• The arbitrator makes decisions on matters beyond the scope of what the parties
submitted to arbitration.
In legal language it is called as ultra vires the arbitration agreement, which literally means
going beyond the power. It would be important to underscore that every time an arbitrator
goes beyond the said authority, the award is a nullity.
The incapacity of a party at the time of entering into the arbitration agreement renders the
agreement and any resulting award void. This includes:
An arbitration agreement must comply with the legal requirements to be valid. This
In Adarsh Kumar Khera v. Kewal Kishan Khera, 2007, the arbitral award was set aside
since it was made without giving the parties a chance to be heard, it was deemed void, and
both parties wanted it overturned.
In AKM Enterprises Pvt. Ltd. v. Ahluwalia Contract (India) Ltd. (2016), arbitral award
was set aside on the grounds that the arbitrator would not hear a counter case of the
applicant on merits because no notice had been given prior to the subject assertion. This is
contrary to established legal precedent, which states that the purpose of the counter-case is
to restrict the number of procedures and that in such cases, the court would have the
authority to arbitrate upon them even in the absence of prior notification.
An arbitral award must not exceed the scope of the arbitration agreement. If it does, it is
considered ‘ultra vires’ the agreement. This includes:
Addressing issues not covered by the arbitration agreement.
Making decisions on matters not submitted to arbitration by the parties.
Such awards can be challenged and set aside for exceeding the arbitrator’s authority.
The composition of the arbitral tribunal and the arbitration procedure must conform to the
agreement between the parties. Any deviation can render the award invalid. This includes:
The appointment of arbitrators not in accordance with the agreement.
Following arbitration procedures that differ from those agreed upon by the
If the composition or procedure deviates significantly and affects the fairness of the
proceedings, the award can be set aside.
The arbitral decision in Yamaha Motor Pvt. Ltd. v. Divya Ashish Jamwal, 2019, was
overturned because it was made in accordance with the terms of the contract, without
considering pertinent evidence that was on file, and on the basis of assumption. Further, in
Rulia Mal Amarchand v. Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd., 2019, it was held
that the arbitrator ought to have restricted his consideration to the issues and agreement that
were brought up for arbitration.
- Non-Arbitrable Subject-Matter Under Section 34(2)(b)(i)
Certain disputes are inherently non-arbitrable and require judicial intervention. These
An arbitral award must not conflict with the public policy of India. This includes:
Fraud and Corruption: Awards based on fraudulent or corrupt practices are
against public policy.
Fundamental Rights Violations: Awards that violate fundamental rights are not
Morality and Decency: Awards contrary to basic notions of morality or decency
can be set aside.
Illegal Contracts: Awards enforcing illegal contracts or actions against India’s
sovereignty or security are invalid.
Public policy considerations ensure that arbitration remains aligned with societal values and
legal principles.
In Steel Authority of India Ltd. v. Primetals Technologies, 2020, the award was partially
set aside as being against public policy because an extraordinarily high-interest rate of 14
percent per annum was given without any justification in comparison to current interest
rates. Furthermore, the high interest rate looked to be punitive in character given the
circumstances. As a result, the interest rate was cut to 10% per year.
Section 34 of the Indian Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996, provides essential
safeguards to ensure that arbitral awards are just, fair, and in accordance with legal
principles. It balances the need for finality in arbitration with the necessity of judicial
oversight to prevent unjust outcomes. By outlining specific grounds for setting aside an
arbitral award, Section 34 ensures that arbitration remains a credible and reliable method of
dispute resolution. It upholds the integrity of the arbitration process while protecting the
rights and interests of the parties involved. This legal framework is crucial for maintaining
the trust and confidence of parties in the arbitration system, fostering a fair and just dispute
resolution environment.