Digital entrepreneurship is broadly defined as creating new ventures and transforming existing
businesses by developing novel digital technologies and/or novel usage of such technologies,
(European Commission, 2015). Digital entrepreneurship has been viewed as a critical pillar for
economic growth, job creation and innovation by many countries including the Member States of the
European Union. We argue that a nation’s digital entrepreneurial capacity depends largely on digital
organizations) work together. Therefore, a holistic and integrative approach is needed. This study aims
to explore the emerging concept of digital entrepreneurship from multiple disciplinary perspectives,
namely, information technology and systems, entrepreneurship and management, as well as contextual
political/legal and socio-economic factors and their impacts in a systemic and integrative way. For that
purpose, the paper develops a conceptual model to study digital entrepreneurship drawing on current
literature and three well-established theories – social network theory, social capital theory and
institutional theory. The model addresses five fundamental research questions of digital
entrepreneurship, thus leading to a better understanding of the concept and practice of digital
The rapid proliferation of digital technologies with new functionalities has profoundly changed
(Bharadwaj et al. 2013). For example, in the networked economy powered by digital technologies,
many organizations are getting smaller, with one-person companies and partnerships proliferating.
New digital technologies such as social media, big data, and mobile and cloud solutions technologies
give rise to new ways of collaborating, leveraging resources, product/service design, development and
deployment over open standards and shared technologies (Markus and Loebecke, 2013). These
technologies power the digital economy by bringing in a new range of opportunities with substantial
potential business value and can dramatically reduce the cost for new ventures (Zhao et al., 2015). A
good example is which has helped millions of Chinese become entrepreneurs and, in the
Although the opportunities created by digital technologies are enormous, they also bring serious
challenges. Digital technologies are reshaping fundamentally the labour market. Take Australia for
example. Around 40 per cent of Australian jobs that exist today will be lost in about 20 years’ time
according to a recent research report by the Committee for Economic Development of Australia
(CEDA, 2015). To harness the opportunity and address the challenges that are brought forward by
digital technologies, we argue that Australia needs to position itself to better take advantage of digital
entrepreneurship. Although the Australian Government has developed a series of national strategies to
enhance Australia’s digital transformation, Australia does not have a national strategy to grow the
digital entrepreneurship capability that drives the digital economy and realizes the business value of
Australia’s digital IQ (i.e. how well organisations capture the value they expect from technology
investments) is 61 per cent, which is below the average (63 per cent) of the 36 countries surveyed. In the
same survey, it was also found that only 43 per cent of company executives in Australia say that they
have a digital enterprise roadmap that includes digital business capabilities and processes, whereas the
average of the 36 major economies surveyed is 53 per cent. The findings indicate that a significant gap
exists between Australia and other major economies in terms of digital IQ and digital strategy
development. Australia will lose its competitiveness if its businesses fail to embrace the rapid and
fundamental changes as a result of digital technologies and embrace digital transformation. This paper
argues that its capacity to do so depends largely on digital entrepreneurial behaviour, culture, and
Digital entrepreneurship, as an emerging phenomenon, fuses and involves stakeholders from different
social and economic sectors. This paper posits that a holistic and integrative approach is needed. For
example, growth in the number of digital entrepreneurs relies on the digital business skills of
individuals as well as systemic support through transformative policies and programs from
governments, industry/business, education and training institutions and the society as a whole. In this
regard, this paper aims to explore the emerging concept of digital entrepreneurship from multiple
management, as well as contextual political/legal and socio-economic factors and their impacts in a
conceptualization remains quite elusive. There is very little scholarship evident in the study field of
have some studies in the entrepreneurship field started to examine the impact of digital technologies on
entrepreneurs’ decision making (Fischer and Reuber 2014; Sigfusson and Chetty 2013) and
entrepreneurial activities for venture development (Allison et al. 2014). There is a lack of conceptual
discussion and development of the concept of digital entrepreneurship as most prior research on using
digital technologies in entrepreneurship examined only sporadic phenomena related to it. Some
important fundamental questions remain largely unanswered in the current literature. For example,
outcomes? Several review articles on entrepreneurship identify other gaps in understanding the use of
Recent developments in entrepreneurship research have given increased attention to the novel usage of
digital technologies for entrepreneurship. For instance, Sigfusson & Chetty (2013) report how
international entrepreneurs involved in software in Iceland use social networking sites to develop their
social capital and to identify opportunities. Digital platforms, such as open source communities (Yetis-
larsson et al. 2014), or innovation competition websites (Lampel et al. 2011), can serve as marketplaces
of knowledge and innovations (Dushnitsky and Klueter 2011), or as brokers between solutions seekers
and problems solvers (Fischer and Reuber 2014). Recently crowdfunding has received growing interest
from the IS field (Burtch 2014; Zheng et al. 2014) and such studies provide interesting insights into
The potential for digital technologies to be a distinct economic influence was recognized some time ago,
such as in the comments by Rosenbaum and Cronin (1993) when they remarked (p. 461) that:
Of much greater importance, however, is the growing awareness among many companies and
entrepreneurs that there is strategic and economic advantage to be gained by becoming involved in the
With improving communication and increasing specialization, opportunities for individual actors to
participate in the digital economy increased. This is identified and, to some extent explained by Yetis-
Larsson, Teigland and Dovbysh (2015). They introduced this concept by saying (p. 475):
In the contemporary economy, work is increasingly becoming freelance-based while moving online. Open
source software communities are rapidly becoming arenas in which individuals identify, co-create, and
realize opportunities through shared resources and expertise. Operating in a communal setting, these
individuals, who we label open entrepreneurs, work and collaborate with members of their own open source
Yetis-Larsson et al. identify their open entrepreneurs as becoming economically more important and their
work model self-sustaining. In order to realize the potential of digital entrepreneurship government
settings have to be, if not encouraging, at least benign. This was recognized by the OECD as early as
Policies that engage ICT, human capital, innovation and entrepreneurship in the growth process, alongside
policies to mobilize labor and increase investment, are likely to bear the most fruit over the longer term.
But to have any chance of succeeding in these areas, governments must ensure that the fundamentals –
macroeconomic stability, openness and competition, as well as economic and social institutions – are
It is clear that political, economic and social environments all have a role to play in the development of
digital entrepreneurship.
rather complex definition, that used by the European Commission (2015, p.1) appears to be the only
Digital entrepreneurship embraces all new ventures and the transformation of existing businesses that
drive economic and/or social value by creating and using novel digital technologies. Digital enterprises
are characterized by a high intensity of utilization of novel digital technologies (particularly social, big
data, mobile and cloud solutions) to improve business operations, invent new business models, sharpen
business intelligence, and engage with customers and stakeholders. They create the jobs and growth
entrepreneurship and has flow-on effects into the structure of business itself. In this regard, digital
entrepreneurship appears likely to have a profound effect on all advanced economies. For example, the
The values of entrepreneurial organizations have mostly been heralded for employment generation and
commercialization of new inventions. This is all changing with the rise of the knowledge and digital
economy, where entrepreneurs and the organizations they create are uniquely positioned to exploit new
opportunities, adopt new production methods and technologies, and reshape competition by penetrating
new markets.
Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Digital Ecosystems ISBN: 978-9963-711-43-7
9th Annual Conference of the EuroMed Academy of Business 2177
It is reasonable to conclude that digital entrepreneurs will have a profound influence on the further
amazing increase in Western per capita income over the past 200-300 years. The continuing importance
employment that occurred during the Global Financial Crisis, the greatest economic downturn since
the Great Depression of the 1930s, was attributable to entrepreneurship. As noted by Zahra (1999),
In the context of Australia, with the rapid growth of ICT and digital technologies, the contribution of
the ICT sector to the Australian economy was profound because the direct contribution of the internet
to the Australian economy is around $50 billion, or 3.6% of GDP (AIIA 2015). As recently as 2015, Seek,
the largest job advertising agency in Australia, has reported that 10% of job vacancies are currently in
the ICT sector. Australian research shows that small and medium sized enterprises actively using new
technologies to improve communications and business processes create more new jobs and generate
more revenue than SMEs that use little technology – in fact, between 2010 and 2012 SMEs regarded as
leaders in the adoption of technology increased revenues 15 percentage points faster and created jobs at
twice the speed of less progressive companies. A recent PWC analysis estimates that Australian small
businesses can generate additional $49.2 billion revenues in the next ten years by making better use of
digital technologies, of which 53 per cent could be realized in rural and regional Australia (PWC
Australia, 2015). All this evidence demonstrates the importance to the Australian economy of
promoting digital entrepreneurship. To achieve its vision of becoming a global leading digital economy
by 2020 (Australia Government, 2011), we argue that Australia needs a national strategy and a
concerted national effort to grow the digital entrepreneurship that drives the digital economy and
entrepreneurship that has been studied for years. The European Commission (2013) identified five
‘pillars’ in its conceptual model of digital entrepreneurship, each of which is relevant in the analysis of
digital entrepreneurship:
Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Digital Ecosystems ISBN: 978-9963-711-43-7
9th Annual Conference of the EuroMed Academy of Business 2178
3.Access to finance.
5.Entrepreneurial Culture.
We argue that to study this new phenomenon in an integrative and holistic way, a new conceptual
framework is needed. Figure 1 illustrates our proposed approach to the study of the relationships
entrepreneurship. Given the social and networked nature of digital entrepreneurship, three theories:
social network theory (e.g. Borgatti et al., 2009); social capital theory (e.g. Nahapiet and Ghoshal,
1998); and institutional theory (DiMaggio and Powell, 1983), are selected as the theoretical
foundations for our model. Social networks and social capital commonly appear to interact with each
other in digital entrepreneurship development. For example, open source software (OSS) communities
are increasingly attracting entrepreneurs to create and obtain economic benefits through sharing
knowledge and innovation in the communities (Yetis-Larsson, et al., 2015). The key argument in social
capital theory is that relationships among members in a social network can become or lead to an
important source of social capital (e.g. information, knowledge and resources). The position of
individuals or firms in the network also affects their innovation performance. Studies suggest that the
higher the centrality, the higher the performance (Tan et al., 2014).
Societal IT/IS
Economic Business &
Institutional National
l Strategies
Individual Social/Cultural
Hypothetical Digital
Digital opportunity Digital Digital
exploration outcomes
By using these theories, this model helps explore how social networks at individual, institutional and
societal levels, and social capital, online and offline, affect digital opportunity identification and
exploration as well as entrepreneurial outcomes. In particular, this model allows us to investigate the
role and intensity of social networks and social capital in, and the effects of their interaction on, the
development and outcomes of digital entrepreneurship. This line of inquiry will help answer the
2. How, and to what extent, do social networks become or lead to an important source of social
The answers to the questions can help examine and test whether and how digital entrepreneurs follow
the same entrepreneurial process as traditional ones, namely, opportunity recognition and
To investigate the environmental influences, in particular, the role of enduring systems or institutions
in the development of digital entrepreneurship, the model draws on institutional theory (DiMaggio
and Powell, 1983). According to institutional theory, institutional forces have many facets, which Scott
(1995) summarized and categorized into three – regulatory, social and cultural influences that
promote survival, and legitimacy of an organization. Institutional forces can be formal and informal
(North, 1990). Formal institutions refer to laws, regulations, and their supporting apparatuses and
informal ones could be social norms, values and beliefs. Although institutional theory has been
adopted in entrepreneurship research and proved to be highly useful (Bruton et al., 2010), its
application in digital entrepreneurship research is novel. We argue that the theoretical lens of
institutional theory allows researchers to explore in-depth what and how a society’s regulations and
rules, social norms and culture can do to influence the ecosystem in which digital entrepreneurship
can thrive. Given the important role that the economy and ICT can play, the model also uses them as
environmental forces for the study. This line of inquiry addresses the third and fourth research
questions below. The results of this inquiry will complement the findings from social networks and
social capital perspectives and can help develop sound business and national digital entrepreneurship
4. What and how do environment forces (e.g. ICT, economic, regulatory/legal and
5. What support mechanisms, structures, strategies, and performance variables are needed for
scholarship in its own right based on its social and economic importance. The European Commission
has, through its 2013 study into digital entrepreneurship, identified this topic as worthy of specific
analysis. There is a body of scholarship, albeit an apparently quite thin body, related to digital
entrepreneurship that presently exists, and this body of scholarship has found several homes,
principally in the existing areas of digital economy and entrepreneurship. Taking each of these factors
into account there is a case for recognition of digital entrepreneurship as a new and growing area of
scholarship and research. In this regard, the present study paves the way for future research into this
Keywords: Digital entrepreneurship, digital economy, social network theory, social capital theory, institutional
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