T3.5 Elaborasi Pemahaman

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Ayu Anggita Wandasari

Pertanyaan Respon

Being Indonesian is a rich, multifaceted experience shaped

Apa yang khas dan unik sebagai by an incredible diversity of culture, language, history, and
manusia Indonesia? geography. Pancasila as our unique identity. reflects the
nation's commitment to harmony, tolerance, and inclusivity
across various religions and cultures.

The national motto, Bhinneka Tunggal Ika (Unity in

Apa yang saya syukuri sebagai Diversity) made me proud to be an Indonesian since we are
manusia Indonesia? known as our high tolerance to others. Indonesia is home to
the world’s largest Muslim population, but it also has
significant communities of Christians, Hindus, Buddhists,
and indigenous beliefs. Religion plays a central role in the
lives of many Indonesians, and the nation’s constitution
ensures freedom of worship while fostering interfaith
dialogue and respect.

Mengapa penting memahami keunikan Because of education goal is not only transferring knowledge
identitas manusia Indonesia dalam but also the values of life. It refers to the role of education in
mengembangkan pendidikan passing on the core beliefs, principles, traditions, and social
Indonesia? norms of a nation to its citizens, particularly to younger
generations. Beyond just academics, education becomes a
means of nurturing a shared identity, promoting cohesion,
and preparing individuals to participate responsibly in
society. As Ki Hadjar Dewantara believed that education
should be inseparable with its culture in order to students
retain a sense of their unique cultural identity.
Ayu Anggita Wandasari

Bagaimana identitas manusia Education plays an ultimate goal to shape someone’s

Indonesia menjadi sebuah landasan characters and value of life. That’s why by understanding our
mengimplementasi pendidikan unique identity as a country later on as future teacher we can
nasional? integrated it into learning activities. Moreover, we are as the
role model should give a good example for the students. We
have responsibility to teach students to respect and
celebrate cultural, ethnic, and religious diversity. Schools
incorporate lessons on Indonesia’s diverse regions,
languages, and cultural practices, helping students develop
a sense of pride in their heritage and a respect for others.

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