▪ Learning Objectives Sensory System
▪ Introduction Reflexes
▪ Vertigo ▪ Investigative Studies
Peripheral Vertigo Blood Tests
Central Vertigo DNA Testing
Cerebrospinal Fluid
▪ Ataxia
CT & MR Imaging
Vestibular Ataxia
Evoked Potentials
Cerebellar Ataxia
Chest X-Ray & Echocardiography
Sensory Ataxia
▪ History Electronystagmography
Symptoms & Signs
▪ Peripheral Vestibular Disorders
Onset & Time Course
Benign Positional Vertigo
Medical History
Family History Clinical Findings
▪ General Physical Examination Treatment
▪ Neurologic Examination Meniere Disease
Mental Status Examination Pathogenesis
Clinical Findings
Stance & Gait Treatment
Cranial Nerves Acute Peripheral Vestibulopathy
Motor System Otosclerosis
Cerebellopontine Angle Tumor Alcoholic Cerebellar Degeneration
Pathogenesis Toxin-Induced Cerebellar Degeneration
Pathophysiology Hypothyroidism
Clinical Findings Autoimmune Cerebellar Degeneration
Differential Diagnosis Autosomal Dominant Spinocerebellar Ataxia
Treatment Dentatorubral-Pallidoluysian Atrophy
Toxic Vestibulopathies Ataxia-Telangiectasia
Alcohol Fragile X-Associated Tremor/Ataxia Syndrome
Aminoglycosides Multiple System Atrophy
Salicylates Hepatocerebral Degeneration
Quinine & Quinidine Prion Diseases
Cisplatin Posterior Fossa Tumors
Posterior Fossa Malformations
Vestibulocochlear Neuropathy
▪ Sensory Ataxias
▪ Cerebellar & Central Vestibular Disorders
Sensory Neuropathy or Neuronopathy
Acute Disorders
Drug Intoxication Myelopathy
Wernicke Encephalopathy Combined Lesions
Vertebrobasilar lschemia & Infarction Friedreich Ataxia
Cerebellar Hemorrhage ▪ YouTube Video Links
Inflammatory Disorders
Episodic Disorders ▪ Clinical Cases
Motion Sickness ▪ Main Reference
Vestibular Migraine ▪ Related Readings
Autosomal Dominant Episodic Ataxias
Chronic Disorders
Multiple Sclerosis
Tends to:
▪ Be intermittent
▪ Lasts for shorter periods
▪ Produces more distress than vertigo of central origin.
▪ Incoordination or clumsiness of
movement that is not the result
of muscle weakness.
▪ Gravity-dependent: Incoordination of
the limbs becomes apparent only when
the patient attempts to stand or walk.
Clinical manifestations
include terminal
dysmetria, or “overshoot”
when the limb is directed at
a target, and terminal
intention tremor as the
limb approaches the target.
More complex movements may be
decomposed into a succession of
individual movements rather than
a single smooth act (ASYNERGIA).
Many cerebellar
toxic, metabolic, and
conditions—affect the
cerebellum diffusely.
▪ Examination reveals
impaired sensation of joint
position in the affected
limbs, and vibration sense is
also commonly disturbed.
▪ Vertigo
Dysarthria, dysphagia,
diplopia, or focal weakness
or sensory loss affecting the
face or limbs points to a likely
central (brainstem) lesion.
▪ Ataxia
▪ Sudden
Sudden onset of disequilibrium, without a prior history of such events,
occurs with infarcts and hemorrhages in the brainstem or cerebellum
(eg, lateral medullary syndrome, cerebellar hemorrhage or infarction).
▪ Episodic
Episodic disequilibrium of acute onset suggests transient ischemic
attacks in the basilar artery distribution, benign positional vertigo,
Meniere disease, or vestibular migraine.
Disequilibrium from transient ischemic attacks is usually accompanied
by cranial nerve deficits, neurologic signs in the limbs, or both. Meniere
disease is usually associated with progressive hearing loss and tinnitus as
well as vertigo.
Vestibular migraine produces headache or other migrainous symptoms.
▪ Chronic & Progressive
Chronic, progressive disequilibrium evolving over weeks to months is
most suggestive of a toxic, nutritional, immune-mediated, or neoplastic
Evolution over months to years is characteristic of an inherited
spinocerebellar degeneration.
▪ Scrutinized for diseases that affect the sensory pathways
(vitamin B12 deficiency, syphilis), cerebellum (hypothyroidism),
or both (multiple sclerosis, tumors, paraneoplastic syndromes)
and for drugs that impair vestibular or cerebellar function
(ethanol, sedative drugs, phenytoin, aminoglycoside antibiotics,
quinine, salicylates).
▪ A hereditary degenerative disorder may be the cause of chronic,
progressive cerebellar ataxia.
▪ Such disorders include spinocerebellar degenerations, Friedreich
ataxia, ataxia-telangiectasia, and Wilson disease.
1. Orthostatic hypotension is
associated with tabes dorsalis,
polyneuropathies, and
spinocerebellar degenerations.
Abnormalities at the
craniocervical junction may be
associated with Arnold–Chiari
malformation or other congenital
anomalies involving the posterior
▪ Stance
An ataxic patient asked to stand with the feet together may be reluctant or unable to
do so. With urging, the patient may gradually move the feet closer together but will
typically leave some space between them.
1. Patients with sensory ataxia and some with vestibular ataxia may be able to
stand with the feet together and eyes open, using vision to compensate for the loss
of proprioceptive or labyrinthine input. When the eyes are closed, eliminating visual
cues, there is increased unsteadiness and sometimes falling (Romberg sign). With a
vestibular lesion, the tendency is to fall toward the side of the lesion.
2. Patients with cerebellar ataxia cannot compensate for their deficit using visual
input, and are unstable on their feet whether the eyes are open or closed.
▪ Gait
1. The gait in CEREBELLAR ATAXIA is wide-based, often with a staggering
quality that can suggest drunkenness. Oscillation of the head or trunk
(titubation) may be present. With a unilateral cerebellar hemisphere lesion,
there is a tendency to deviate toward the side of the lesion when the patient
tries to walk in a straight line or circle or marches in place with eyes closed.
Tandem (heel-to-toe) gait, which requires walking with an especially
narrow base, is always impaired in cerebellar ataxia.
▪ Eye Movements
1. The eyes are examined in the primary position of gaze (looking
directly forward) to detect misalignment in the horizontal or vertical
2. The patient is asked to turn the eyes in each of the cardinal directions
of gaze to detect ocular nerve palsy or gaze paresis (inability to move
the two eyes coordinately in any of the cardinal directions of gaze).
▪ Muscle Tone
3. Ataxia with spasticity may be seen in conditions that affect both the
cerebellum and upper motor neuron pathways (eg, multiple sclerosis,
posterior fossa tumors or congenital anomalies, vertebrobasilar
infarction, some spinocerebellar ataxias, Friedreich ataxia, and vitamin
B12 deficiency).
▪ Coordination
▪ Vibration Sense
Vibration sense is also frequently impaired in sensory ataxia. The patient is
asked to detect vibration of a 128-Hz tuning fork placed on a bony prominence.
Successively more proximal sites are tested to determine the upper level of the
deficit in each limb. The patient’s threshold for detecting vibration is compared
with the examiner’s ability to detect it in the hand that holds the tuning fork.
▪ Blood, saliva, and other sources can be tested for gene defects
associated with a variety of disorders that cause disorders of
equilibrium. These include certain autosomal dominant spinocerebellar
ataxias, dentatorubral-pallidoluysian atrophy, ataxia-telangiectasia,
fragile X-associated tremor/ataxia syndrome, and Friedreich ataxia.
▪ The cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) shows elevated protein with cerebellopontine
angle, brainstem, or spinal cord tumors; hypothyroidism; and some
▪ Increased protein concentration with pleocytosis is found in infectious or
parainfectious encephalitis, paraneoplastic cerebellar degeneration, and
▪ Elevated pressure and bloody CSF characterize cerebellar hemorrhage, but
lumbar puncture is contraindicated if cerebellar hemorrhage is suspected.
▪ CSF VDRL is reactive in tabes dorsalis, and oligoclonal immunoglobulin G (IgG)
bands may be present in multiple sclerosis or other inflammatory disorders.
▪ Computed tomography (CT) can demonstrate posterior fossa tumors or
malformations, cerebellar infarction or hemorrhage, and cerebellar or brainstem
atrophy associated with degenerative disorders (eg, spinocerebellar ataxias).
▪ Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) provides better visualization of posterior
fossa lesions, including cerebellopontine angle tumors, and is superior to CT for
detecting lesions of multiple sclerosis. MRI can also detect endolymphatic
hydrops in the inner ear in Meniere disease.
▪ Visual evoked potentials may be helpful in evaluating patients with suspected
multiple sclerosis. Brainstem auditory evoked potentials can localize disease to
peripheral vestibular pathways and help identify cerebellopontine angle tumors.
▪ The chest X-ray may reveal a lung tumor in paraneoplastic cerebellar
degeneration, and the chest X-ray or echocardiogram may provide evidence of
cardiomyopathy associated with Friedreich ataxia.
▪ This is useful in vestibular disorders associated with auditory impairment and
can distinguish conductive, labyrinthine, vestibulocochlear (VIII) nerve, and
brainstem disease. Tests of pure tone hearing are abnormal when sounds are
transmitted through air with conductive hearing loss and when transmitted
through either air or bone with labyrinthine or vestibulocochlear (VIII) nerve
▪ Speech discrimination is markedly impaired with vestibulocochlear (VIII) nerve
lesions, less impaired in labyrinthine disorders, and normal with conductive
hearing loss or brainstem disease.
▪ This can detect and characterize nystagmus, including that elicited by caloric
Positional vertigo is vertigo that occurs upon
changing head position. It is usually associated with
peripheral vestibular lesions, but also may be due to
central (brainstem or cerebellar) disease.
▪ Benign positional vertigo is the most common cause of vertigo of
peripheral origin. It results from canalolithiasis, in which debris
(otoconia) floating in the endolymph stimulates a semicircular canal,
most often the posterior canal.
▪ Benign positional vertigo may follow head trauma, but in most
instances, no precipitating factor can be determined.
▪ When head trauma is the cause, the labyrinth is the usual site of
injury. However, fractures of the petrosal bone may lacerate the
vestibulocochlear (VIII) nerve, producing vertigo and hearing loss;
hemotympanum or CSF otorrhea suggests such a fracture.
▪ The syndrome is characterized by brief (seconds to minutes) episodes of severe
vertigo and nystagmus, which may be accompanied by nausea and vomiting.
▪ Symptoms may occur with any change in head position but are usually most severe
in the lateral decubitus position with the affected ear down.
▪ Episodic vertigo typically continues for several weeks and then resolves
spontaneously; in some cases, it is recurrent.
▪ Hearing loss is not a feature.
▪ Peripheral and central causes of positional vertigo usually can be distinguished by the
Nylen–Barany or Dix–Hallpike maneuver.
▪ Vertigo evoked by this maneuver is always accompanied by positional nystagmus
when the underlying cause is peripheral, and is typically unidirectional, rotatory, and
delayed in onset by several seconds after assumption of the precipitating head
position. If the position is maintained, nystagmus and vertigo resolve within seconds
to minutes. If the maneuver is repeated, the response is attenuated.
▪ In contrast, positional vertigo of central origin tends to be less severe, and positional
nystagmus may be absent. In contrast, there is no latency, fatigue, or habituation in
central positional vertigo.
▪ When benign positional vertigo is documented in this manner, no additional
diagnostic investigation (eg, auditory or vestibular testing or imaging) is required.
▪ The mainstay of treatment is repositioning (Epley) maneuvers,
which use gravity to move endolymphatic debris out of the
semicircular canal and into the vestibule, where it can be
reabsorbed. In one such maneuver, the head is turned 45 degrees
in the direction of the affected ear (determined clinically, as
described earlier), and the patient reclines to a supine position,
with the head (still turned 45 degrees) hanging down over the
end of the examining table. The head, still hanging down, is then
turned 90 degrees in the opposite direction, to 45 degrees
toward the opposite ear. Next, the patient rolls to a lateral
decubitus position with the affected ear up, and the head still
turned 45 degrees toward the unaffected ear and hanging down.
Finally, the patient turns to a prone position and sits up.
▪ Vestibulo-suppressant drugs may also be useful in the acute
▪ Vestibular rehabilitation, which promotes compensation for
vestibular dysfunction through the recruitment of other sensory
modalities, may also be helpful.
Repositioning treatment for benign positional
vertigo resulting from canalolithiasis.
▪ Most cases are sporadic, but up to ~10% cluster in families.
▪ Onset is usually between ages 20 and 50 years, and men are affected
more often than women.
▪ Symptoms are thought to result from an increase
in the volume of labyrinthine endolymph
(endolymphatic hydrops), which results in distension
of the endolymphatic space and its encroachment on
the perilymphatic space.
▪ The cochlear duct and saccule are affected most often.
▪ The cause of endolymphatic hydrops is unknown,
but immune mechanisms may be involved.
▪ At the time of the first acute attack, patients already may have noted
the insidious onset of tinnitus, hearing loss, and a sensation of fullness in
the ear. Acute attacks are characterized by vertigo, nausea, and
vomiting and recur at intervals ranging from weeks to years.
▪ Hearing deteriorates in a stepwise fashion, with bilateral involvement in
~15% to ~50% of patients.
▪ As hearing loss increases, vertigo tends to become less severe.
▪ Physical examination during an acute episode shows spontaneous
horizontal or rotatory nystagmus (or both) that may change direction.
▪ Although spontaneous nystagmus is characteristically absent between
attacks, caloric testing usually reveals impaired vestibular function.
▪ Hearing deficit is not always sufficiently advanced to be detectable at
the bedside.
▪ Audiometry shows low-frequency pure-tone hearing loss that fluctuates
in severity, impaired speech discrimination, and increased sensitivity to
loud sounds.
▪ Endolymphatic hydrops can be demonstrated
by MRI.
▪ Cerebellopontine angle tumors produce symptoms by
compressing or displacing the cranial nerves, brainstem, and
cerebellum and by obstructing CSF flow.
▪ Because of their anatomic relationship to the vestibulocochlear
(VIII) nerve, the trigeminal (V) and facial (VII) nerves are often
▪ Treatment is complete surgical excision.
▪ Patients with acoustic neuroma and neurofibromatosis 2
may benefit from bevacizumab, a monoclonal antibody
against vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGFA).
▪ In untreated cases, severe complications can result from
brainstem compression or hydrocephalus.
▪ Alcohol can cause acute positional vertigo beginning as early as
~30 minutes after ingesting amounts sufficient to produce blood
levels ≥40 mg/dL.
▪ Alcohol diffuses into the cupula, then into the endolymph, leaves
the cupula, and finally leaves the endolymph. Because alcohol is
less dense than endolymph, this renders the peripheral vestibular
system gravity-sensitive, resulting in two phases of vertigo that
together last up to ~12 hours.
▪ During the first phase, the cupula is lighter than endolymph, and
vertigo is accompanied by nystagmus that beats toward the
lower ear with the patient in the lateral recumbent position.
About 3.5-5 hours after this phase resolves, as endolymph
becomes heavier than the cupula, vertigo returns, with
nystagmus that beats toward the upper ear in lateral
▪ Aminoglycoside antibiotics are widely recognized ototoxins that can
produce both vestibular and auditory symptoms.
▪ Streptomycin, gentamicin, and tobramycin are the agents most likely to
cause vestibular toxicity, and amikacin, kanamycin, and tobramycin are
associated with hearing loss.
▪ Aminoglycosides concentrate in the perilymph and endolymph and
exert their ototoxic effects by destroying sensory hair cells.
▪ The risk of toxicity is related to drug dosage, plasma concentration,
duration of therapy, conditions—such as renal failure—that impair drug
clearance, preexisting vestibular or cochlear dysfunction, and
concomitant administration of other ototoxic agents.
▪ Symptoms of vertigo, nausea, vomiting, and gait ataxia may begin
acutely; physical findings include spontaneous nystagmus and the
Romberg sign.
▪ The acute phase typically lasts 1 to 2 weeks and is followed by gradual
▪ Prolonged or repeated aminoglycoside therapy may be associated with
chronic, progressive vestibular dysfunction.
▪ Salicylates, when used chronically and in high doses, can cause vertigo, tinnitus, and sensorineural
hearing loss—all usually reversible when the drug is discontinued.
▪ Symptoms result from cochlear and vestibular end-organ damage.
▪ Salicylism is characterized by headache, tinnitus, hearing loss, vertigo, nausea, vomiting, thirst,
hyperventilation, and sometimes a confusional state.
▪ Severe intoxication may be associated with fever, skin rash, hemorrhage, dehydration, seizures,
psychosis, or coma.
▪ Laboratory findings include a high plasma salicylate level (≥0.35 mg/mL) and combined metabolic
acidosis and respiratory alkalosis.
▪ Treatments include gastric lavage, activated charcoal, forced diuresis, peritoneal dialysis or
hemodialysis, and hemoperfusion.
▪ Quinine and quinidine can produce cinchonism, which resembles salicylate intoxication in many
▪ Manifestations include tinnitus, impaired hearing, vertigo, visual deficits (including disordered
color vision), nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, hot flushed skin, and sweating.
▪ Fever, encephalopathy, coma, and death can occur.
▪ Symptoms usually result from overdosage, but can also be due to idiosyncratic reactions to
therapeutic doses.
▪ Cisplatin is an antineoplastic drug used to treat solid tumors of the ovary, testis, uterine cervix,
lung, head and neck, bladder, and other tissues. It causes ototoxicity, which is commonly bilateral
and irreversible, in a high percentage of patients.
▪ Tinnitus, hearing loss, and vestibular dysfunction may all occur.
▪ Involvement of the vestibulocochlear (VIII) nerve by
systemic disease is an uncommon cause of vertigo.
▪ Basilar meningitis from bacterial, syphilitic, or tuberculous
infection or sarcoidosis can compress the vestibulocochlear
and other cranial nerves, but hearing loss is a more
common consequence than vertigo.
▪ Pathogenesis
Wernicke encephalopathy is an acute disorder comprising the clinical triad of
ataxia, ophthalmoplegia, and confusion.
It is caused by thiamine (vitamin B1) deficiency and is most common in chronic
alcoholics, but may occur as a consequence of malnutrition from any cause.
▪ Clinical Findings
Cerebellar and vestibular involvement both contribute to ataxia, which affects
gait primarily or exclusively; the legs are ataxic in only about 20% of patients, and
the arms in 10%.
Dysarthria is rare.
Other findings include an amnestic syndrome or global confusional state,
horizontal or combined horizontal and vertical nystagmus, bilateral lateral rectus
palsy, and absent ankle reflexes.
Caloric testing shows bilateral or unilateral vestibular dysfunction.
Conjugate gaze palsy, pupillary abnormalities, and hypothermia can occur.
▪ Diagnosis & Treatment
The diagnosis should be suspected in alcoholic and other malnourished patients
and is confirmed by the clinical response to thiamine.
Ocular palsies improve within hours and ataxia, nystagmus, and confusion within
a few days.
Horizontal nystagmus may persist.
Ataxia is fully reversible in only approximately 40% of patients, in whom recovery
takes weeks to months.
Benedikt syndrome
Ipsilateral oculomotor (III)
nerve involvement (producing
medial rectus palsy with a fixed
dilated pupil) and contralateral
limb ataxia (typically affecting
only the arm).
Cerebellar signs result from
involvement of the RED
NUCLEUS, which receives a
crossed projection from the
cerebellum in the ascending
limb of the superior cerebellar
Paramedian midbrain infarction (Benedikt syndrome). The
area of infarction is indicated in blue.
▪ Pathogenesis
▪ Clinical Findings
Hypertensive cerebellar hemorrhage causes
the sudden onset of headache, which may
be accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and
vertigo, followed by gait ataxia and
impaired consciousness, usually evolving
over hours.
At presentation, patients can be
fully alert, confused, or comatose.
The blood pressure is typically
elevated, and nuchal rigidity may be
The pupils are often small and
sluggishly reactive.
Ipsilateral gaze palsy (with gaze
preference away from the side of
hemorrhage) and ipsilateral
peripheral facial palsy are common.
The gaze palsy cannot be overcome
by cold-water caloric stimulation.
Nystagmus may be present, and the
ipsilateral corneal reflex may be
The patient, if alert, exhibits ataxia
of stance and gait; limb ataxia is less
In the late stage of brainstem
compression, there is spasticity in
the legs and extensor plantar
▪ Diagnosis & Treatment
▪ Viral Infection
▪ Vestibular migraine is
characterized by episodic
vertigo accompanied by
other features of migraine
attacks, such as headache,
phonophobia, or visual
▪ Treatment includes
vestibular rehabilitation
training and drugs used for
other forms of migraine.
▪ Episodic ataxias are autosomal dominant disorders characterized by transient
attacks of cerebellar ataxia that may be precipitated by physical or emotional
▪ Episodic ataxia 1 (EA1) results from mutations in KCNA1, which codes for the
Kv1.1 voltage-gated potassium channel.
▪ Attacks last from seconds to minutes and may occur many times per day;
myokymia—a quivering, involuntary movement of muscle—commonly occurs
between episodes.
▪ EA2 is caused by mutations in CACNA1A, which codes for the α1A subunit of
the P/Q-type voltage-gated calcium channel; this gene is also affected in
spinocerebellar ataxia 6 and familial hemiplegic migraine.
▪ Attacks are more prolonged than in EA1, typically lasting for hours, and
nystagmus and slowly progressive ataxia persist between acute episodes.
▪ ACETAZOLAMIDE (500 mg orally four times daily) can often prevent or
relieve acute symptoms in EA2.
▪ EA5 likewise affects voltage-gated calcium channels, but in this case the
mutation is in CACNB4, which encodes the β subunit.
▪ EA6 is due to mutations in SLC1A3, which encodes the EAAT1 glial glutamate
transporter. Glutamate uptake is reduced, leading to enhanced excitatory
input onto cerebellar Purkinje cells.
▪ EA1 and EA6 are thought to impair channel function through dominant
negative effects, whereas EA2 involves haploinsufficiency; the mechanism in
EA5 is uncertain.
▪ Pathogenesis
Multiple sclerosis is characterized clinically
by remitting and relapsing neurologic
dysfunction at multiple sites in the central
nervous system.
Because these include vestibular, cerebellar,
and sensory pathways, multiple sclerosis can
produce disorders of equilibrium.
Symptoms and signs are associated with
demyelination and axonal loss, which
primarily affect white matter.
▪ Clinical Findings
Cerebellar signs are present in approximately
one-third of patients on initial examination
and ultimately develop in twice that number.
Nystagmus, dysarthria, and limb ataxia are
common, but vertigo is less so.
Gait ataxia is a presenting complaint in 10-
15% of patients and is usually due to
cerebellar involvement.
▪ Diagnosis
The diagnosis relies on a history of multiple
episodes of neurologic dysfunction
separated in both time and space.
Subclinical lesions may be evident from
physical findings such as optic neuritis,
internuclear ophthalmoplegia, or pyramidal
signs, or from laboratory investigations.
CSF analysis may reveal oligoclonal bands,
elevated IgG, increased protein, or a mild
lymphocytic pleocytosis.
Visual, auditory, or somatosensory evoked
response recording can also document
subclinical sites of involvement.
CT or MRI shows demyelination.
▪ Treatment
This involves immunomodulating or
disease-modifying drugs, steroids or plasma
▪ Pathogenesis
A characteristic cerebellar syndrome may develop
in chronic alcoholics, probably as a result of
nutritional deficiency.
Degenerative changes in the cerebellum are largely
restricted to the superior vermis, which is also the
site of involvement in Wernicke encephalopathy.
▪ Clinical Features
Alcoholic cerebellar degeneration is most common in
men between ages 40 and 60 years.
Patients typically have a history of daily or binge drinking
lasting 10 or more years with associated dietary
Most have experienced other medical complications of
alcoholism, such as liver disease, delirium tremens,
Wernicke encephalopathy, or polyneuropathy.
Cerebellar degeneration usually has an insidious onset
and progresses gradually over weeks to months,
eventually reaching a plateau of dysfunction.
In occasional cases, ataxia appears abruptly.
▪ Pathogenesis
A characteristic cerebellar syndrome may
develop in chronic alcoholics, probably as a result
of nutritional deficiency.
Degenerative changes in the cerebellum are
largely restricted to the superior vermis, which is
also the site of involvement in Wernicke
▪ Clinical Features
Alcoholic cerebellar degeneration is most common in
men between ages 40 and 60 years.
Patients typically have a history of daily or binge
drinking lasting 10 or more years with associated
dietary inadequacy.
Most have experienced other medical complications of
alcoholism, such as liver disease, delirium tremens,
Wernicke encephalopathy, or polyneuropathy.
Cerebellar degeneration usually has an insidious onset
and progresses gradually over weeks to months,
eventually reaching a plateau of dysfunction.
In occasional cases, ataxia appears abruptly.
Gait ataxia is universal and almost
always the problem that brings the
patient to medical attention.
The legs are ataxic on heel-knee-shin
testing in approximately 80% of
Common associated findings include
distal sensory deficits in the feet and
absent ankle reflexes, which result
from polyneuropathy.
Ataxia of the arms, nystagmus,
dysarthria, hypotonia, and truncal
instability are less frequent.
CT or MRI may show cerebellar
▪ Treatment
Patients should receive thiamine
because of the likely role of thiamine
deficiency in pathogenesis.
Abstinence from alcohol and adequate
nutrition may help prevent progression.
CT scan in alcoholic cerebellar degeneration, showing
marked atrophy of the midline cerebellar vermis with
relative sparing of the cerebellar hemispheres.
▪ Purkinje cells and granule cells of
the cerebellum are selectively
vulnerable to a variety of toxins.
These may cause cerebellar
degeneration associated with
nystagmus, dysarthria, and ataxia
affecting the limbs, trunk, and
▪ Can be produced by phenytoin,
lithium, amiodarone, fluorouracil,
cytarabine, toluene, lead,
mercury, and thallium.
▪ Treatment is discontinuation of
the offending agents and, for
fluorouracil, administration of
thiamine (vitamin B1), but toxin-
induced cerebellar syndromes
may be irreversible.
▪ Hypothyroidism can cause a subacute or
chronically progressive cerebellar
syndrome, which is most common in
middle-aged and elderly women.
▪ Symptoms evolve over months to years.
▪ Systemic symptoms (eg, myxedema)
usually precede the cerebellar disorder.
▪ Gait ataxia is universal and is the most
prominent finding.
▪ Limb ataxia is also common and may be
▪ Dysarthria and nystagmus occur less
▪ Other neurologic disorders related to
hypothyroidism may coexist with
cerebellar involvement, including
sensorineural hearing loss, carpal tunnel
syndrome, neuropathy, or myopathy.
▪ Paraneoplastic Cerebellar Degeneration
Autoimmune cerebellar degeneration can occur as a remote
(paraneoplastic) effect of systemic cancer.
Lung cancer (especially small-cell), ovarian cancer, Hodgkin
disease, and breast cancer are the most commonly associated
Paraneoplastic degeneration affects the cerebellar vermis and
hemispheres diffusely.
The cause appears to be autoimmunity involving antineural
antibodies, which are directed against either neuronal nuclear
antigens or antigens expressed more specifically in the cell
membranes or cytoplasm of cerebellar Purkinje cells.
Cerebellar symptoms can appear either before or after the
diagnosis of cancer and typically evolve over months.
Gait and limb ataxia are prominent, and may be asymmetric.
Dysarthria is common but nystagmus is rare.
Involvement of additional regions besides the cerebellum may
produce dysphagia, dementia, memory disturbance, pyramidal
signs, or neuropathy.
Onconeural antibodies can sometimes be detected in the blood, and the
CSF may show a mild lymphocytic pleocytosis or elevated protein.
Diagnosis may be difficult when neurologic symptoms precede the
discovery of cancer.
Dysarthria, dysphagia, and ataxia of the arms help distinguish
paraneoplastic cerebellar degeneration from syndromes produced by
chronic alcoholism or hypothyroidism. However, Wernicke
encephalopathy should always be considered because patients with
cancer may suffer from malnutrition.
Treatment is of the underlying tumor, supplemented in some cases by
immunotherapy with immunoglobulin G, corticosteroids,
cyclophosphamide, tacrolimus, rituximab, mycophenolate, or plasma
The disorder usually progresses steadily, but may stabilize or remit with
▪ Other Autoimmune Cerebellar
Autoimmune cerebellar degeneration also occurs in patients without
cancer who produce autoantibodies against transglutaminase,
glutamic acid decarboxylase, or thyroid antigens.
Gluten ataxia is manifested by gait ataxia, lower limb ataxia, and
nystagmus. It appears to result from autoantibodies against gluten
proteins (gliadins) that cross react with transglutaminases in the
small intestine (TG2) and brain (TG6). Symptoms of gluten
enteropathy (celiac disease) are typically absent, but intestinal
biopsy may show immune deposits. MRI may show cerebellar
atrophy, and anti-transglutaminase antibodies are commonly
present in the blood. The mainstay of treatment is a gluten-free diet.
Anti-glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD) cerebellar ataxia is associated
with autoantibodies against the enzyme (GAD) that synthesizes γ–
aminobutyric acid (GABA), the brain’s principal inhibitory
neurotransmitter. Gait ataxia is the most consistent clinical feature, but
limb ataxia, dysarthria, and nystagmus can also occur. Intravenous
immunoglobulin and corticosteroids may be beneficial. Anti-GAD
antibodies are also implicated in stiff-person syndrome.
Hashimoto encephalopathy is a steroid-responsive encephalopathy
associated with autoimmune thyroiditis. In addition to ataxia,
confusional states, seizures, and myoclonus may occur. Patients are
typically euthyroid when ataxia is first diagnosed, and MRI shows little or
no cerebellar atrophy. Antibodies against thyroid antigens and α-enolase
may be detected in the blood. Treatment is with corticosteroids.
▪ Autosomal dominant spinocerebellar ataxia (SCA) encompasses a
group of over 40 genetically and clinically heterogeneous disorders.
▪ Genetics
Several types of mutations can produce autosomal dominant
SCA, including expansion of CAG trinucleotide repeats coding
for polyglutamine (polyQ) tracts, expansion of tri- or
pentanucleotide repeats in noncoding regions, and point
mutations. Of these, the polyQ disorders are the most common
and best characterized. They affect a wide range of proteins,
including ion channels, receptors, enzymes, and cytoskeletal
A striking feature of polyQ disorders is that the underlying
trinucleotide expansion is unstable and tends to enlarge with
time. This leads to anticipation, in which the age at onset
decreases, the disease severity increases, or both, in successive
In addition to SCAs, polyQ disorders include spinal bulbar
muscular atrophy (Kennedy disease) and Huntington disease.
▪ Pathogenesis
PolyQ expansions confer a toxic gain of function on the target protein.
The abnormally long polyQ tract predisposes the protein to
conformational changes, misfolding, and proteolytic cleavage. As a
consequence, protein fragments are generated that are prone to
aggregate and, in some cases, translocate from the cytoplasm to the
nucleus. Neuronal dysfunction and death are thought to result from
some combination of direct toxicity of abnormal proteins or their
cytoplasmic or nuclear aggregates; impaired proteasomal function,
axonal transport, or nuclear function; and protein-protein interactions.
Proposed mechanisms of polyQ protein processing and toxicity.
In polyQ diseases including several autosomal dominant spinocerebellar ataxias, a gene containing a CAG
trinucleotide repeat (CAG ) undergoes mutation by expansion of the repeat. The resulting abnormal protein (Q
QQQQ) contains an abnormally long polyQ tract, which induces conformational changes that promote misfolding.
The misfolded protein is subject to proteolytic cleavage, which generates abnormal and possibly toxic
fragments, which may also have an increased tendency to be translocated from the cytoplasm to the nucleus,
to aggregate, or both. As a result of these events, neuronal function is impaired, and neurons may
eventually die. How neurotoxicity and neuronal death ultimately occur is unknown, but there may be multiple
mechanisms, and these may differ across polyQ diseases. Possible contributing factors include direct
toxicity of misfolded and cleaved protein monomers or oligomers, or of cytoplasmic or nuclear aggregates
(red in figure); impaired proteasomal degradation, axonal transport, or nuclear function; and interactions
between polyQ proteins and other cellular proteins.
▪ Clinical Findings
The autosomal dominant SCAs show considerable clinical variability, even within
a given family.
In general, they are associated with an adult-onset, slowly progressive cerebellar
syndrome in which gait ataxia is an early and prominent feature.
Other manifestations are dysarthria, diplopia, and limb ataxia.
Extracerebellar findings are common, including cognitive, pyramidal,
extrapyramidal, motor neuron, peripheral nerve, or macular involvement.
The most common SCAs are 1, 2, 3, 6, and 7. SCA1 produces gait ataxia, limb
ataxia, and dysarthria, with brainstem involvement but little cognitive
SCA2 is notable for the association of ataxia and dysarthria with slow saccadic eye
movements and polyneuropathy.
SCA3 (Machado–Joseph disease) is especially common in patients of Portuguese
ancestry; ataxia is accompanied by eyelid retraction, reduced blinking, external
ophthalmoplegia, dysarthria, dysphagia, and sometimes parkinsonism or
peripheral neuropathy.
SCA6 is comparatively less severe, progresses more slowly, and is more limited to
cerebellar involvement than other SCAs.
SCA7 is distinguished by retinal degeneration leading to blindness, in addition to
Atrophy of the cerebellum and sometimes also of the brainstem may be apparent
on CT or MRI.
Definitive diagnosis is by genetic testing.
There is no specific treatment, but occupational and physical therapy and devices
to assist ambulation may be helpful, and genetic counseling may be indicated.
▪ Dentatorubral-pallidoluysian atrophy (DRPLA) is a dominantly
inherited disorder that results from a polyglutamine expansion in
the ATN1 gene coding for the protein atrophin 1.
▪ DRPLA causes ataxia, chorea, dementia, seizures, and
▪ Pathogenesis
Ataxia-telangiectasia (also known as Louis–Bar syndrome) is an
inherited autosomal recessive disorder with onset in infancy.
It results from loss-of-function mutations in the ataxia-telangiectasia
mutated (ATM) gene, which codes for a serine/threonine protein
kinase related to phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase.
Deletions, insertions, and substitutions all have been described.
A defect in the repair of DNA double strand breaks is thought to be
involved in pathogenesis.
▪ Clinical Findings
Ataxia-telangiectasia is characterized by progressive cerebellar ataxia,
oculocutaneous telangiectasia, sinopulmonary infections, and
lymphoid tumors.
Patients typically suffer from progressive pancerebellar degeneration
characterized by nystagmus, dysarthria, and gait, limb, and trunk ataxia.
Choreoathetosis, loss of vibration and position sense in the legs,
areflexia, and disorders of voluntary eye movement are almost universal
Mental deficiency is commonly observed in the second decade.
Oculocutaneous telangiectasia usually appears in the teen years.
The bulbar conjunctivae are typically affected first, followed by sun-
exposed areas of the skin, including the ears, nose, face, and antecubital
and popliteal fossae.
The vascular lesions, which rarely bleed, spare the central nervous
Immunologic impairment usually becomes evident later in childhood,
with recurrent sinopulmonary infections in more than 80% of patients.
Malignancies occur in approximately one-third of patients and include
non-Hodgkin lymphoma, leukemia, and Hodgkin disease.
Other common clinical findings are progeric changes of the skin
and hair, hypogonadism, and insulin-resistant diabetes mellitus.
The characteristic laboratory abnormalities include decreased
circulating levels of IgG2, IgA, and IgE and elevation of α-
fetoprotein and carcinoembryonic antigen levels.
Atypical phenotypes may be associated with later (including
adult) onset, slower progression, absence of telangiectasia, and
movement disorders rather than ataxia as the primary neurologic
Because the vascular and immunologic manifestations of ataxia-
telangiectasia occur later than the neurologic symptoms, the
condition may be confused with Friedreich ataxia, which also
manifests in childhood.
Ataxia-telangiectasia can be distinguished by its earlier onset
(before age 4 years), associated choreoathetosis, and the
absence of kyphoscoliosis.
There is no specific treatment for ataxia-telangiectasia, but
antibiotics are useful in the management of infections.
X-rays should be avoided because of the hypersensitivity to
ionizing radiation present in this disorder.
▪ Fragile X-associated tremor/ataxia syndrome (FXTAS) is an X-
linked disorder caused by gain-of-function mutations (CGG
expansions) in the 5′ untranslated region of the fragile X mental
retardation 1 (FMR1) gene.
▪ White matter tracts, including the middle cerebellar peduncles,
are prominently involved.
▪ FXTAS affects males primarily and presents at an average age of
60 years, with features that include intention tremor and
cerebellar ataxia.
▪ Diagnosis is by DNA testing.
▪ Multiple system atrophy is a neurodegenerative proteinopathy
associated with deposition of α-synuclein in affected neurons.
▪ It produces autonomic dysfunction and either parkinsonism or ataxia.
▪ Hepatocerebral degeneration refers to diseases that impair the
function of both the liver and brain, including acquired (non-
Wilsonian) hepatocerebral degeneration (eg, that due to liver
cirrhosis with portosystemic shunting) and hereditary disorders.
Ataxia may be a feature in both cases.
▪ Wilson disease, a disorder of copper metabolism characterized
by copper deposition in a variety of tissues, is an important cause
of hereditary hepatocerebral degeneration. It is an autosomal
recessive disorder that results from mutations in the ATP7B gene,
which codes for the β polypeptide of a copper-transporting
ATPase. Extrapyramidal features are usually the most prominent
neurologic manifestations.
▪ Sensory neuropathy or
▪ Myelopathy
▪ Combined lesions
▪ Myelopathies that affect the posterior columns can also cause ataxia.