Khattak, Ali
Khattak, Ali
Khattak, Ali
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: With the prologue of new components with more and more heat dissipation, urge for novel heat sink
Received 4 March 2018 philosophy is becoming a real challenge in today’s world. The new solutions should be able to cope with
Received in revised form 8 August 2018 massive heat emanation while keeping the space and cost constraints. Finned (plate and pin) heat sinks
Accepted 13 August 2018
are contrivance to these challenges with growing applications in present-day engineering arena and
drawing the concentration of researchers.
Paper deals with the critical review of different heat sink designs, limiting factors, effectiveness,
limitations of various techniques and recent advancements in the field of innovative heat sinks.
Heat exchanger
This study initiates with brief and comprehensive discussion regarding importance of heat sinks, its
Radiators methodology; it’s suitability for present day heat dissipation issues, statistical data of various heat sink
Heat sink designs and a rich discussion of the work so far. The sole aspiration for this article is digging out the lit-
Heat transfer erature available so far with emphasis on experimental techniques and to propose strategy for future
Pin fin research. The outcome of the research will validate the concept of improved heat transfer approach,
provide useful data for innovative design and help better understand the cooling capabilities of the pin
fin technology.
Ó 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142
2. Heat sink geometry evolution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
2.1. Inline & staggered geometries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
2.2. Perforated geometries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
2.3. Innovative geometries. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146
2.4. Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146
3. Enhancements techniques in heat sinks/channels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147
3.1. Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
4. Heat sink optimization topologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
4.1. Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150
5. Experimental setups/schemes for heat sink thermal investigations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150
6. Introduction of PCM (Phase Change Materials) for heat sinks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
6.1. Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153
7. Available primary materials for heat sinks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153
7.1. Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156
8. Review on the basis of air flow regime (stream-dynamic insight) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156
8.1. Parallel flow regime . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156
8.2. Impingement flow regime . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157
8.3. By-Pass flow regime . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157
⇑ Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (Z. Khattak), (H.M. Ali).
0017-9310/Ó 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
142 Z. Khattak, H.M. Ali / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 130 (2019) 141–161
1. Introduction 1984, did not get researchers’ attention until early 2000s. Tucker-
man et al. focused his work on the enhancement of integrated cir-
Most discussed tool for heat removal are the heat sinks of var- cuits cooling by optimizing the convective heat transfer with the
ious shapes and base materials subjected to different fluid flow introduction of integral heat sinks, a futuristic idea at that time
regimes. These instruments are utilized in electronics devices as (see Fig. 2).
well as in high power electrical parts and are thought-about to The study by Peles et al. [2] with emphases on lower thermal
be the only and therefore the most cost-effective cooling solution. resistance with increasing flow mixing and reducing flow mal-
With perpetually growing stress regarding heat removal, novelty of distribution brought back this geometry to the focus of thermal
the heat sink geometry has become a challenging factor. Generally, experiments on micro-channel heat sinks. Heat transfer and pres-
enhancement of the heat sink thermal capability must be created sure drop effects were investigated and a concise/basic empirical
according to the rational limits just including but not limited to relationship for thermal resistance was proposed with experimen-
pressure drop, overall size and dimensions, weight, volume and tal confirmation. It was concluded that Pin fin heat sink can lead to
worth. Till recent past, the research was focused on analytical very lower values of thermal resistance in a system. It was also
models or powerfully simplified numerical models of the sinks. observed that most effective heat transfer mode is the forced con-
Presently, terminals with high computational capabilities have vection over the Pin Fin Heat sinks as compared the conventional
become widespread engineering gears and therefore the advanced channels. The experimental data acquired for both the air and
computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations may well be water as working fluid.
employed for the thermal analyses and geometry enrichment of Selection of a most feasible heat sink design for a particular
the sinks. application is quite a complicated job with many intrusive necessi-
Heat sink investigation and expansion has enjoyed an extended ties. Main factors which affect the design include but not limited to
history that remains current with hard work to boost geometry
and recital. The need for high heat flux removal in computer chip Source and & Sink Temperatures ranges
cooling, cutting-edge IC development, and high-power defense Material Conductivity
electronics yielded in emerging novel micro-channel cooling as a Overall Dimensions & its weight
high efficiency thermal management solution. Fig. 1 elaborates Type of air flow i.e. free or forced and its operational overheads.
the major causes of the electronics failures. Experimental investi- Cost of Producing the particular design
gation on the micro-channel heat sinks’ concept to find optimal
geometry capable of removing higher heat flux while retaining The review presented in the paper begins with the heat sink
the surface temperature low goes back to 1980s to the revolution- evolution addressing the basic arrangements like in-line and stag-
ary contributions of Tuckerman et al. [1]. Micro-scale pin fin heat gered ones as well as the perforated design for plate and pin fin
sinks (lPFHS) geometry while first introduced by Tuckerman in sinks. Various active and passive enhancement techniques have
Z. Khattak, H.M. Ali / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 130 (2019) 141–161 143
been discussed including introduction of agitator plates, insertion Preference of heat sink geometry is attributed to two main deci-
of ribs, varying cross-section for subjected heat sinks under forced sive aspects i-e to capitalize on heat dissipation rate and to curtail
air flow. A Number of enhancement topologies have been reviewed the pressure difference for a given mechanism. One among fore-
including heat flux distribution topology, EGR (Entropy generation most familiar answer is the plate fin and Pin Fin Heat Sink
rate) techniques for fin geometry function, optimized pitches for mechanism.
various fin arrangements with the fact that most of the square
pin fin arrays (in-line) exhibit meager heat transfer rates compared 2.1. Inline & staggered geometries
to circular pin-fin geometries at low pitches while at high Reynolds
number and high pitches like longitudinal pitch of 2.8, square A comprehensive investigation to evaluate the efficiency of
geometry (staggered) shows about 40% better heat transfer rates. inline and staggered Pin-Fin arrangement as shown in Fig. 3 was
Likewise, spherical, tri-angular, Hexa-gonal and equilateral Pin- performed by Sparrow et al. [3] to address the two constraints of
Fin sink geometries have been evaluated. Use of PCM (Phase Heat removal and pressure plummet. The investigations disclosed
Change Materials) has been briefly discussed to cater the ever- that staggered Pin arrangements are superior to inline geometry
growing heat dissipation demands in heat sinks. Base materials both in-terms of heat removal as well as pressure gradient across
for heat sink manufacturing have been argued with concise list the sink. In the said investigation the experimental data for in-
of available alloys and composite materials presented in literature. line Pin Fin arrangement regarding the heat transfer and pressure
The role of working fluid movement (flow direction) to transfer drop was collected. Mass transfer coefficient for each row of the
heat from source to atmosphere via heat sink is of utmost influence specimen was calculated. It was observed that for fully developed
and a rich discussion over various regimes like parallel and flow conditions, row heat (mass) transfer coefficient as well as the
impingement flow along with by pass and non-by pass has been pressure drop is inferior in case of in-line arrays as compared with
made part of this review. Succinct discussion of experimental the existed data of staggered arrays. Also, for same pumping power
and numerical investigation outcome has been added in this paper and heat transfer area, more heat transfer is observed in case of in-
to overview the various experimental techniques like ducted, un- line pin fin arrays. Another outcome of the research was the supre-
ducted and dual heat sink schemes with co-relations developed macy of staggered arrays in requiring the lesser heat transfer area
for friction factors, Reynolds Number and Nusselt Numbers for as compared with the in-line arrays under monotonous heat load
future investigations of better heat removal solutions in terms of and mass flow rate.
novel geometries and techniques. A critical review of the findings A further important influencing factor namely heat-transfer
in each section has been presented at segment end with rich dis- and friction co-relation for cylindrical exterior with projected fins
cussion and summarized results as tables and graphs. under fluid flow (air) was analyzed experimentally by Bilen et al.
[4–6]. Both inline and staggered Pin-Fin arrangements were
2. Heat sink geometry evolution weighed against the plane sink (with no projected fins attached).
It was shown that both Pin-Fin arrangements are capable of hav-
Thermal management is one of among the most important ing better heat dissipation in contrast to sink with no pins
dependability issues for electronic devices. Several strategies are attached. Reynolds Number was calculated for both geometries
available in context with electronic cooling like liquid cooling, air and it was concluded that its variation is directly proportional
cooling, Refrigeration, thermoelectric means etc. However, air cool- to the Nusselt Number. Co-relation for Nusselt Number and fric-
ing remains the foremost selection based on its straightforwardness tion factor were developed as presented by Eqs. (1) and (2). An
and low price. Usually air as a medium is used via forced convection additional finding was that heat removal rate for staggered
(with the help of Fan/pump) for effective heat dissipation modus arrangement sink is 33% superior as compared to inline arrange-
operandi. In terms of heat sink geometry, plate and pin fin are the ment for equivalent Reynolds number. The developed co-relation
most universal mold with proven advantages of performance, cost was presented as:
and manufacturing techniques available. Various types of the heat
sink employed in heat sink management have been shown in Fig. 3. Nus ¼ 0:13656R0:64
es ð1Þ
144 Z. Khattak, H.M. Ali / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 130 (2019) 141–161
Fig. 3. Types of various Heat sinks (a) Plate Fin Heat Sink (b) Square Pin Fin Heat Sink (c) Round Pin Fin Heat Sink-inline (d) Round Pin Fin Heat Sink-Staggered.
complementing the previous investigators findings. The study Reynolds number, proved the dominance of the pin fin heat sink
dealt with the staggered Pin Fin array with and with-out perfora- against these new wavy designs for constant surface area and
tion inside a rectangular channel under forced air flow regime to low air velocity cases.
evaluate the thermal performance of both geometries. Outcome Junaidi et al. [19] presented the fluid flow and heat transfer
of the study again proved the preeminence of circular perforations capabilities comparison between standard pin fin, splayed pin fin
in terms of less pumping power and 9% more thermal performance and hybrid pin fin heat sinks through CFD modelling and simula-
if a balance is kept between number of perforation and perforation tion technique. It was observed that 20–30% enhancement is
diameter. achieved in case of splayed pin fin under the low air velocity con-
Amer et al. [14] investigated Pin-Fin Heat sinks with solitary ditions against the standard heat sink configuration for same
rectangular-slotted/notched holes by employing CFD domain to pumping power.
extend the previous work of [15]. It was observed that heat trans- Investigation of splayed pin fin heat sinks made up of advanced
fer change is directly proportional to perforation size while pres- composite materials were presented by [20] and CFD analysis ver-
sure drop is inversely proportional to the rectangular contained ified that splayed pin fin heat sinks has better junction tempera-
by these arrangements. It was concluded that for a particular quan- tures. Moreover, use of composite materials can reduce total
tity and size, the perforations have a positive effect on the heat weight of the system with same thermal performance outputs as
transfer as compared to the solid fins. Also, staggered arrays have of conventional configurations.
more promising results over the in-line arrays for heat dissipation
approach. On the other hand, pressure drop related inversely to the 2.4. Discussion
increase in number and size of the perforations. It was summed up
that perforated geometries have better heat transfer rate, need less Brief critical survey of the literature pertaining to plate and pin
pumping power and enhanced thermal performance (g). fin heat sinks with inline, staggered and perforated geometries
. qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi have been rendered with key findings from different researchers.
gin ¼ tanhðmHÞ=mH..m ¼ 4h=Kn ð5Þ Sparrow et al. [3] investigations disclosed that staggered Pin
arrangements are superior to inline geometry both in-terms of
Enhanced thermal performance of about 40.5% was found to be heat removal as well as pressure gradient across the sink. It was
achieved for perforated pin fins compared with the solid pin fin further observed that staggered arrangement requires lesser heat
arrangements. transfer area compared with the in-line arrangements for same
heat dissipation. Bilen et al. [4] compared the inline and staggered
2.3. Innovative geometries Pin-Fin arrangements to heat sink with no pins attached and devel-
oped co-relations for Nusselt Number and friction factor with the
Apart from the discussed heat sink geometries, some novel and result that staggered arrangements are 33% superior to inline
innovative designs have been suggested by various researchers and arrangements. Effect of rectangular perforated blocks was evalu-
thermal solution providers. One such effort is the design of the ated by Sara et al. [9] with the result that up to 77% energy effi-
splayed and wavy (plate and pin) configurations as shown in ciency can be achieved when compared with solid blocks
Fig. 4 to enhance the surface area for better heat dissipations. attached to a smooth exterior. Further investigation by Shaeri
Lin et al. [16] investigated the thermal resistance (R) and wall et al. [10] confirmed the performance enhancement by perfora-
temperature difference (DT) for wavy configurations in compar- tions independent of circular or square profile. Staggered and
ison with conventional heat sink arrangements under constant inline perforated geometries were studied by Chin et al. [13] with
pumping power. It was reported that lower values of these param- 9% enhancement in case of circular perforations. Similarly, better
eters can significantly enhance the thermal performance of this performance of circular perforation was confirmed by Amer et al.
new design. [14].
Air cooled wavy fin geometry was investigated by Awad et al. On the basis of above discussion, it can be established that per-
[17] and new model to ascertain the fanning friction factor (f) forated geometries have better heat transfer rate, need less pump-
and Colburn factor (J) was presented based on the asymptotic ing power and enhanced thermal performance (g). Moreover,
approach for lesser Reynolds number as well as laminar boundary many researchers have confirmed the better thermal performance
layer regions. of the circular perforation compared to other shapes. Also, stag-
Similarly, the wavy and conventional heat sink geometries were gered fin arrangement has been reported to be more enhanced
experimentally compared by [18] under the free and forced con- results than inline arrangements. Some innovative geometries
vection scenarios. The result, based on the Nusselt number against namely wavy and splayed pin and plate fin heat sink have also
Fig. 4. Types of Innovative Heat sinks (a) Wavy Heat sink (b) Splayed Pin Fin Heat sink.
Z. Khattak, H.M. Ali / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 130 (2019) 141–161 147
been discussed with the conclusion that available research shows 3. Enhancements techniques in heat sinks/channels
that these configurations perform well under natural and low
speed air convection. Extensive work in this area is petitioned to The lesser price tag, ease in design and better dependability of
have more applications for these geometries. air-cooled heat-sinks is getting more and more popular among
Table 1 presents the summery of heat sink competency on the researchers in order to address the ever-growing demand for heat
basis of reviewed literature while Fig. 5 shows the different heat dissipation issues. Many active and passive heat transfer enhance-
sinks geometries thermal performance comparison for a given ment techniques have been presented. Current research is focused
ranges of Reynolds Numbers. on fresh and innovative enhancement solution towards Fin geome-
Table 1
Compilation of Heat Sink Geometries with competency.
tries, flow medium, cooling fluid flow directions, additives in fluid, included the effects of vibration, Electrostatic field, flow pulsation
effect of vibration, obstruction in flow, surface roughness, and so and surface roughness while passive techniques counted for the
on. Flow disruption, Channel curvature, Re-entrant obstruction, sec-
Three potential systems based on passive heat transfer tech- ondary flow, out of plane mixing and Fluid additives.
niques for single phase heat-transfer enrichment were discussed The use of agitator plate inside the heat sink channel to enhance
by Tao et al. [22] for micro-channel sink concept. Numerical simu- the heat transfer was investigated by Yu et al. [25]. The idea was
lation approach was adopted to figure out association between the implemented in a computational domain with single channel (part
field synergy law and the potential passive techniques. The consid- of finned heat sink array) having even temperature base and side
ered techniques include lowering the thermal boundary layer, walls while forth wall simulated as adiabatic. Forced air-flow con-
enhancement of flow disturbances and increase in velocity gradi- sidered inside the channel with an agitator plate causing the peri-
ent adjacent to the solid wall with one basic result of decline in odic oblique movement leading to turbulent flow inside the
resulting velocity and temperature gradient/angle. Major finding channel. Two types of agitator plate motions namely translation
was the fact that at low speed flow regime, attachment of a fin and flapping were considered. This turbulent flow can cause the
to tube not only enhances the heat transfer but also improves heat transfer enhancement of up to 61% under defined conditions
the resulting velocity and temperature gradient. Bejan et al. [23] of agitations. It was also concluded that heat transfer is 33%
make use of constructal- technique applied to systems of channel enhanced for translation motion when compared with the flapping
networks cooled by coolants with single inlet and exit point. This motion as presented in Fig. 6. Further the Heat transfer enhance-
proposed idea can be extended to heat sinks geometries with cool- ment at the base was found inversely proportional to the agitator
ing fluid flowing in between channels. Tip-gap between base and agitator. No effect of agitator motion
An imperative contribution regarding diverse micro-channel on heat transfer of the walls was established.
silhouette to estimate flow conduct and convection for Laminar Another innovative study was conducted by Chandra et al. [26]
flow under forced regime was inspected and reported by Steinke in which the effects of varying periodic cross-section of micro-
et al. [24]. The proposed work reviewed the various available channel were presented. A convergent-divergent micro-channel
enhancement active and passive techniques. The active techniques flow was examined for numerical simulation and heat transfer
enhancements were observed for different cases of varying cross-
section. It was concluded that proposed varying cross-section
micro channels exhibit large pressure drop but with remarkable
enhancement in heat transfer. It was observed that average
Nusselt- Number was increased 1.5–2 times in such sections when
compared with the conventional consistent sized micro-channels.
The insertion of ribs between the channels of Plate-Fin heat sink
(PFHS) was proposed by Ahmed et al. [27]. It was suggested in said
innovative proposal to use ribs is various sizes, at different loca-
tions, variety of numbers and orientations at various locations
inside channel of PFHS to attain the best possible heat transfer
geometry. Two-fold investigations were performed i.e. to evaluate
the effect of Ribs inside channel and to reduce the number of Fins
by replacing with the Ribs to reduce the material as well as the
pumping power. The outcome of the investigation revealed that
RPFHS (Ribbed Plate Fin Heat Sinks) exhibit 1.55 times more ther-
mal performance than the heat sink with no ribs. Under same
Fig. 6. Effect of agitator motion mode on Heat Transfer Co-efficient-[25].
Table 2
Compilation of Heat Transfer Enhancement strategies.
Enhancement techniques Mini-channels (3 mm Dh 200 mm) Micro-channels (200 mm Dh 10 mm) Reference
Active techniques
1-Flow Pulsation Possible to employ in compact Heat-exchangers Can be used for simple fluid delivery [22,29,30]
2-Vibration Implementation possible Can be implemented but external power will be an [24,31,32]
3-Variable Roughness structures Very difficult to incorporate in compact H. E’s Integration possible like use of piezo-electric [24]
4-Electro-statics field Can be used in compact H. E’s. No issue with external Can be embedded into the channel-walls but power [24,33–35]
power. spending an issue
Passive techniques
1-Fluid additives PCM as well as fluid additives can be employed Micro as well as Nano- fluid additives can produce [36–41]
best results
2-Secondary flows Secondary flows can be generated via Jets in H.E; s New geometries can be induced for fluid mixing. [42]
3-Re-entrant obstacles Obstruction can be embedded to enhance turbulent Restrictions in flow can be incorporated improving [42,9,43]
flow the heat transfer.
4-Channel Curvature Can be incorporated like return bends in H. E’s Practically possible, curvatures can be achieved. [7,44]
5-Flow fracas/disruption Possible with the use of offset Fins, wire gauges etc. Obstruction in flow is possible with the use of ribs [45,46]
etc. inside the channels to complement turbulence
6-Out of plane mixing Possibility exists but not in-case of mixing for 3D flow. Valuable prospective, not fully explored due to [24,47]
difficulty in complex geometries construction
7-Surface Roughness Plenty of surface roughness techniques can be Great potential, can cause heat transfer [24,48–50]
employed but usually effect remain in boundary layer. enhancement due to authority over the flow regime
Z. Khattak, H.M. Ali / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 130 (2019) 141–161 149
pumping power conditions, 69.65% reduction is observed in-case of techniques include the attachment of fin to a tube by Tao et al.
RPFHS when compared with the conventional PFHS. The most [22] as passive technique, Insertion of agitator plates inside the
promising thermal performance was observed at Rib-Height- plate channels by Yu et al. [25] with 61% heat transfer enhance-
Ratio (d) of 0.28. ments under defined conditions of agitations, review of various
Investigations performed by Harms et al. [28] proved the bene- active and passive techniques by Steinke et al. [24], introduction
fits of micro-channel heat sink over the conservative heat removal of varying periodic cross-section by Chandra et al. [26] with 1.5–
techniques like channels (mm sized) in-terms of larger heat- 2 times improvement in average Nusselt- Number against consis-
transfer/unit area and lesser coolant demand for same degree of tent sized heat sinks and placement of ribs inside the channels to
heat fluxes. It was further noted that employment of high-aspect improve heat transfer by Ahmed et al. [27] revealing that ribbed
quantitative relation channels, heat- transfer in micro-channel heat sink can exhibit 1.55 times more thermal performance as
heat sinks can be improved considerably. Enhancements tech- compared to customary heat sink with no inserted ribs.
niques discussed in available literature are compiled in Table 2. Fig. 7 addresses the percentile implementation of various active
and passive techniques presented in literature concluding the
3.1. Discussion passive technique as most attractive area of research.
Table 3
Heat Sink Optimization strategies.
Table 4
Heat sink experimental Précis [60,61].
temperatures for two scenarios for advantageous application of Akhilesh et al. [37] presented the co-relation for composite heat
PCM. sink (CHS) with fins made up of high PCM material and base with
Alawadhi et al. [70] investigated through experimental and high conductive material (BM) to determine the appropriate size
numerical techniques, the usefulness of the thermal –control- for optimum heat energy storage and span of latent heat drain.
unit (TCU) for present day electronic gadgets. TCU consist of a The relation between £ (amount of PCM required) to d (width of
PCM and TCE i-e thermal –conductivity-enhancer. Various affect- base material) can predict the critical dimensions CHS.
ing factors like latent heat of PCM, Stefan Number and pumping Zhang et al. [38] investigated to ascertain the heat transfer and
power of the heat source were evaluated and proved its application melting rates of various PCM inside a elevated enclosure for
validity for cooling of small electronic devices. numerous power dissipation sources. A heat transfer co-relation
According to Tan et al. [71], the total dissipated power for small was presented on the basis boundary layer approach. Commonly
electronic chip-sets ranges 2.0–5.0 W. However, such device does quoted materials with their physical properties have been dis-
not emit maximum heat all the time of their usage but rather spo- cussed in Table 6.
radically. In this study, PCM cooling was employed inside the hel- Mahdieh et al. [82] performed experimental investigations to
met and it was observed that such materials can have the future for ascertain the effects on heat dissipation capabilities in case of elec-
easily be used for heat dissipation Climsel C28 with the melting tronic circuitries using nano- phase change materials (NPCM)
temperature of 28 °C was used. under free and forced air convection regimes. An inorganic salt
Kandasamy et al. [72] came up with same power dissipation hydrate PCM, Mn(NO3)2 along with Fe3O4 as nano-particle filled
range for GSM 900 phone devices i-e 0.2–0.25 KW. Influence of heat sink was subjected to heat fluxes of 1000–4000 W/m2. Steady
various parameters like pumping power, orientation of PCM con- temperature as well as operating time and temperature Vs time
taining enclosure as well as time for phase change was investi- behavior were investigated. It was concluded that heat sink with
gated. The analysis proved the validity of thermal resistance and PCM and NPCM lowered the steady temperature up to 14 °C and
the expected operating time of the device for an optimum PCM 10.5 °C compared to heat sink with no PCM for free and forced con-
selection. vection scenarios respectively for heat flux of 4000 W/m2. It was
Wang et al. [36] studied the PCM based heat sink for its poten- also reported that for intermittent usage NPCM heat sink with
tial use as heat dissipation mean for the personal devices. The 2000 W/m2 have better performance due to prolonged operational
investigation focused on the effect of orientation of PCM based time while PCM filled heat sinks proved to be more contemporary
heat sink on the heat dissipation capacity of the devices. Four cases for fluxes of around 3000 W/m2.
of different PCM filled volume ranging from 0, 30, 60 & 90% inside Another experimental research to employ various PCM’s filled
the plate heat sink were experimentally analyzed. The result conventional heat sinks under free and forced air convection was
showed that very limited change in thermal performance of the presented by Hasan et al. [83]. The three types of PCM’s namely
sink is observed with the variable orientation. salt hydrate, paraffin wax and milk fat were compared about their
Heat transfer and heat buildup inside PCM-air filled hybrid heat cooling performance enhancement efficiencies under heat loads of
sink was numerically and experimentally studied by Kozak et al. 04–10 W. A 3-D pressure-based heat transfer model with various
[73] subjected to forced air flow commenting that heat buildup parametric estimate capability was presented with experimental
is proportional to the amount of power input through fan. Simi- validation. The research concluded that for natural convection,
larly, plate fin heat sink filled with PCM material was studied by PCM filled heat sink have 15 min extended temperature maintain
Hosseinizadeh et al. [74] to consider its performance for varying time under safety limit of 60 °C compared to non PCM filled heat
fin number and heights. It was reported that increase in aforesaid sink. The same parametric value is prolonged up to 60 min for
parameters increase the heat dissipation capabilities while Fin 6 W load in case of all the three PCM filled heat sinks when
thickness has very marginal effect on the thermal performance. exposed to forced air-convection.
Various configurations of PCM based heat sinks were investi- The thermal performance of the PCM (n-eicosane) based heat
gated by Mahmoud et al. [75] and came up with a numerical sink was evaluated by [84] for free and forced air convection and
model. established that with the increase in air velocity from 0 to
Z. Khattak, H.M. Ali / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 130 (2019) 141–161 153
0.6 m s1, peak temperature value can be lowered up to 3 °C. Some Fig. 14 has summarized the physical properties of various PCM
baseline design limiting parameters regarding the temperature material addressed in literature, concluding the n-Eicosane as most
control of PCM filled heat sinks for various liquid fractions under feasible option in terms of thermal conductivity and latent heat.
forced convection were presented by the Anzar et al. [85].
Although latent heat of melting contributes to the strong heat The fundamental operation of the heat sink involves the heat
amass competence of the PCM’s, inferior thermal conductivity (K) dissipation from a hot surface to surrounding air through conduc-
is main hindrance limiting its application in heat dissipation tion and the heat conduction capability, thermal conductivity, of
requirements. To fully utilize its better heat storage capability, rate the heat sink material directly influence its thermal performance.
of flow of heat across the PCM’s should be improved. Amid various Heat sinks made of high thermal conductivity material exhibit
solutions, employment of an internal-Fin inside heat sink is gaining excellent heat dissipation rates, justifying its worth. An additional
acceptance among the re-searchers as proposed by Akhilesh et al. requirement is the presence of superior thermal contact between
[37]. Orientation effect investigation by Wang et al. [36] shows heat sink and the heat source i-e printed circuit board, hot surface,
no substantial change in thermal performance of a PCM filled heat heater etc. for better heat transfer. This contact surface, usually in
sink. the form of thermal grease, of high heat conductive material can
154 Z. Khattak, H.M. Ali / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 130 (2019) 141–161
Table 5
Compilation of Heat sink experimental Schemes.
Scheme type Heat sink geometry Air flow regime Operating range Outcome Reference
Ducted Inline & staggered Plate Fin Type Parallel flow 3700 Re 30000 Staggered arrays have 33% more H/T rate compared [4]
with In-line arrays
Ducted Square pin-perforated Parallel flow 6670 Re 40000 Better DP observed [9]
Ducted Inline & staggered Pin Fin Array Parallel flow 1.5 XT 2.8 Optimal inter-fin pitches for both arrays suggested [55]
Ducted Elliptical Pin Fin array Parallel flow 9 ST 18 Generalized co-relations for elliptical array [56]
Ducted Plate Fin Type Parallel flow 5000 Re 40000 Vortex generator enhance H/T and lower DP at [62]
lower Re
Ducted Plate Fin Type Impingement Flow 5000 Re 25000 Presented the optimal impinging distance as Y/ [63]
D = 16
9 11
Ducted Plate Fin & Pin Fin Type Impingement Flow 5 10 Ppump 10 Pin Fin array exhibit lower Rth than Plate Fin array [64]
Un- Ducted Plate Fin array Impingement Flow 0.01 L* 0.18 Presented the thermal performance co-relations [65]
tackling flow inlet sizes and air velocities
Ducted Cross-cut and Plate Fin array Parallel flow 1.5 Lc 2 Presented model for optimal length and number of [66]
cross cuts
Un- Ducted Hexagonal Fin array Impingement Flow 700 < Re > 1800 Rth for cross-cut at 1.5 mm & 6 Nos is 16.2% less [67]
than plate fin array
Ducted Shielded Plate fin array Parallel flow 1768 Re 12681 Friction factor enhanced with the increase in [68]
position and height of Shield
Table 6
List of investigated PCM materials with physical properties.
PCM material Melting temperature Thermal conductivity Density Specific heat Latent heat Ref.
ð CÞ ðw=m KÞ (Kg=m3 ) ðKJ=Kg CÞ ðKJ=kgÞ
enhance the performance of heat sink many folds and can be for the heat sink material for electronic devices like laptops as sta-
regarded as a cost-effective solution. ted by Edwards et al. [88]. However, the low die-casting ability,
Chung et al. [86] studies the various composite materials to be which can be addressed at the cost of decrease in thermal conduc-
used for heat dissipation application, including copper, diamond, tion properties. In spite of increase in cast, due to lower density,
carbon, Graphite, Aluminum matrix composites, Copper matrix weight conscious applications e.g. electronic items, Aluminum is
composites, Beryllium matrix composites, Carbon matrix compos- the preferred choice.
ites and Ceramics matrix composites. Also, several thermal coating Rajiv et al. [89] discussed the use of composite materials for
materials mostly polymer-based pastes to be used in-between the heat sink manufacturing to address the growing need of heat
mating surfaces were discussed. dissipation and forecasted upward trend due to availability of
Ekpu et al. [87] investigated the various materials that qualify for more and more manufacturing techniques allowing these com-
heat dissipation solution of heat sink manufacturing for laptops as posite materials to be molded for a particular application. Reddy
shown in Table 7. The criterion adapted for the best suited material et al. [90] considered the use of ceramic material like A-1203 or
was high thermal- conductivity, low Co-efficient of thermal- expan- AIN, having CTE between 3–7 106 a break through towards
sion (CTE), low density and lesser price tag. Two main competitors employment of these new materials for heat related
were the Aluminum and Copper with better thermal conductivity, components.
low density and ranged cost. However, laptop application needs In general material which are good conductor of heat are used
material with low CTE, for which both the material did not meet for pin fin heat sink such as copper (k = 398 w/mk) but sometimes
the criteria. Various alloys and composites were analyzed and finally aluminum (k = 238 w/mk) is preferred due to its low cost &weight.
Al/SiC (Aluminum-Silicon-Carbide) was reported as the best option Thermal performance is better in case of copper but it has high cost
for heat sink material to be used in lap-top application with the compared with aluminum so copper is used when temperature is
machine- ability issue of this newly developed composite material. reduced in large amount otherwise aluminum fins are used. Table 8
The superior thermal conductivity of 220 W/m K, lesser price summarized the referred heat sink materials with their physical
and better machine-ability makes Aluminum as the preference properties by different researchers.
Table 7
Best suited material for Laptop Heat sink.
Table 8
Heat Sink Materials Thermal Virtues with related densities [91,92].
Commonly used sink materials Thermal conductivity- (W/m K) Co-efficient of thermal expansion-(106 K1) Density (kg/m3) Reference
Aluminum 220 22–24 2700 [93–96]
SiC/Aluminum 170–220 6.2–7.3 3000 [93,97]
Boron/Aluminum 145 13–15 2700 [93]
Copper 400(390) 16–17 8960 [93,94]
Cu-coated Graphite/Cu >400 2.8–3.5 5300 [93]
Copper/Molybdenum 170–210 5.7–6.0 10,080 [93]
Gold 315 14 19,32 [86]
Silicon carbide 270 3.7 3.3 [86]
7.1. Discussion and Non-By-pass (flow only inside the channel/Pins) fluid flow
across heat sink. The most imperative factor to be considered in fluid
The issue of heat dissipation for the electronic items is so criti- flow is the fluid friction. It shows it presence as drag Force” F D ” which
cal, that many applications employ very expensive thermal con- in-tern is the computation of Friction drag (Df ) & Pressure drag ðDp Þ.
ductive like diamond, metal matrix and carbon matrix
composites. Another requirement for such materials is to have 8.1. Parallel flow regime
low coefficient of thermal expansion, CTE, as well as some applica-
tions like laptop etc. need low density. These variant in demand Li et al. [98] studied experimentally the effect of changing the
has given rise to search for new composite material for the heat height and width of sink Fin along with the Reynolds number in
dissipation applications. case of parallel flow domain. It was observed that while keeping
As the basic requirement for a heat sink is to have superior the fin width, fin with maximum height processes preeminent
Thermal-conductivity along with the lesser thermal- Coefficient of thermal performance while in case of invariable fin height; Rey-
expansion, as discussed by Chung et al. [86] and Edwards et al. nolds number is the key factor that accesses fin width.
[88], two best competitors to meet this criterion are Aluminum An experimental investigation was conducted by Kim et al. [99]
and Copper. The recent tendency to adapt new composite materials that addresses the effect of cross-cut including spot, end to end dis-
is countered by the issues of machine-ability, fusion with other tance and the quantity of the cross-cuts on a plate type fin heat
materials and fabrication techniques as stated by Rajiv et al. [89]. sinks. The investigation provided co-relations to access thermal
Comparison of physical properties of the researchers quoted performance of the heat sinks subjected to parallel flow. Addition-
heat sink material options has been presented in Fig. 15. ally, the cross-cut –length was observed as considerable factor to
affect the performance.
Li et al. [62] presented his experimental investigational
8. Review on the basis of air flow regime (stream-dynamic approach of parallel flow effects on heat transfer and thermal per-
insight) formance of heat sink geometry using the pair of tri-angular vortex
originators mounted at the test section entrance as shown in
Although the geometry of the heat sink influences greatly its Fig. 16. The research considered the role of sink design, air flow ori-
cooling efficiency, the role of working fluid movement to transfer entation, spacing of generators and distance from sink and Rey-
heat from source to atmosphere via heat sink cannot be neglected. nolds number. It was concluded that for optimum performance,
The flow regime can be categorized as Parallel (Inline to heat sink) edges of vortex originators should be at a distance equivalent to
and Impingement (upright to heat sink) flow. The flow administra- sink width. Also, the 30 orientation of vortex sides was considered
tion can be further attributed as By-pass (flow above and around) the preeminent for fluid friction across the sink.
Z. Khattak, H.M. Ali / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 130 (2019) 141–161 157
sink was to force the air through the plate fins only. This more as compared to plain-shroud and no- shroud arrangements
experimental and numerical investigation revealed that thermal with a highest value at zero clearance effect (C/Hf).
resistance value of screened heat sink is in the vicinity of the An important investigation was carried out by Elshafei et al.
full-shrouded heat sink while former geometry offers less pressure [105] to co-relate the fin-density; shroud clearance and volume
drop than the later heat sink arrangement. Similarly results of flow rate of incoming air to the flow by-pass factor in case of plate
variation in shield positions and height of the shield under forced fin heat sink under varying pumping power. It was reported that by
air flow was investigated by Zhang et al. [68]. The experimental pass factor increases with higher fin-density while lowers at higher
outcome was presented as Mean Nusselt number and friction Reynolds numbers. For C/Hf = 0, i-e complete shrouded sinks, Nus-
factors correlations which were in agreement (±15%) as shown selt number is always higher against the partially shrouded heat
by Eqs. (9) and (10). sinks with the exception of C/Hf = 0.22. The total pressure-drop
amplify with increasing C/Hf ratio till its value of 0.22.
Num ¼ 0:0408R0:7658
e ð1 þ ys =Lf Þ0:2080 ð1 þ Hs =Hf Þ0:5442 ð9Þ
8.4.1. Discussion
f Re ¼ 0:4051R0:8240
e ð1 þ ys =Lf Þ0:2627 ð1 þ Hs =Hf Þ1:0654 ð10Þ Apart from physical parameter improvements, heat transfer
characteristics largely depend upon the various flow regimes both
in term of flow direction and behavior. A comprehensive discussion
ðfor 1768 6 Re 6 12; 681 & 0 6 ys =Lf 6 3=4 & 0 6 Hs =Hf 6 0:65Þ
of its importance and influence on heat dissipation capabilities of
heat sinks has been presented. The introduction of vortex flow
Li et al. [102] carried out the experimental research to investi-
originators by Li et al. [62] at the test section to enhance the heat
gate the influence of width, height, count of fins and Reynolds
transfer rates has great potential for future work. While consider-
number on the thermal resistance and pressure drop for shielded
able results are put forward by Li et al. [100] & Kim et al. [64] to
plate type heat sink. Also, a comparison of mentioned parameters
address the influence of impingement spacing on various parame-
for both shielded and non-shielded arrangements was carried
ters like fin height, width, quantity as well as the Reynolds
out. It was concluded that surface temperature for shielded heat
numbers. By pass –flow regime is discussed by Prstic et al. [101]
sink is higher while pressure drop is greater compared with
un-shielded sink. It was further reported that at high Reynolds
numbers, the influence of fin width over thermal resistance can
be drastically decreased.
Table 9
Thermal characteristics on the basis of flow regime.
Flow regime Flow behavior Heat sink configuration Major outcomes Reference
1. Parallel flow By-pass Plate-Fin Studied the effect of Fin height, width and Reynolds Number. Fin [98]
width proportional to Reynolds Number for optimum results
2. Parallel flow By-pass Plain-Fin Use of tri-angular vortex generator offer 27% less thermal [62]
resistance at Re = 10000
3. Impingment By-pass Plate-Fin Studied Y=dnozzle ratio, Best thermal performance [63]
flow Re ¼ 5000; Y=dnozzle ¼ 16
4. Impingement By-pass Plate and Pin Fin For height to thickness ratio of 0.1, same thermal resistance is [100]
flow offered by both types of sinks.
5. Parallel flow By-pass and shielded Plate-Fin R(C°/W) of screened heat sink is equal with less pressure drop. [101]
6. Parallel flow By-pass and shielded Plate-fin Mean Nusselt number and friction factors correlations which [68]
were in agreement (±15%).
7. Parallel flow By-pass and shielded Square Pin- Fin For no clearance or zero clearance minimum resistance is offered [103]
while pressure drop increases with the increase in said clearance
8. Parallel flow By-pass and shielded Plate-fin For C/Hf = 0, Nu is higher against the partially shrouded heat sinks [105]
with the exception of C/Hf = 0.22
Z. Khattak, H.M. Ali / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 130 (2019) 141–161 159
& Zhang et al. [68] to address the full, partial and screen shrouded The introduction of vortex flow originators at the test section to
heat sink arrangements and introduced empirical co-relations. enhance the heat transfer rates has great potential for future
The available literature concludes that very limited experimen- work. While considerable results are put forward to address
tal work is available to fully address the parallel and impingement the influence of impingement spacing on various parameters
flow effects on the thermal performance of heat sinks. More like fin height, width, quantity as well as the Reynolds numbers.
research is required to attend influence of by-pass flow regime By pass –flow regime is discussed to address the full, partial and
on heat sink thermal performance and pressure drop particularly screen shrouded heat sink arrangements along with empirical
for modern pin fin heat sink geometries. Table 9 gives the impor- co-relations. The available literature concludes that very limited
tant outcome for different flow regimes while Fig. 18 presents experimental work is available to fully discourse the parallel
the percentile addressed flow regimes in studied literature. and impingement flow effects on the thermal performance of
heat sinks. More research is required to attend influence of
by-pass flow regime on heat sink thermal performance and
9. Conclusion pressure drop particularly for modern pin fin heat sink
The presented work overviews the excursion of thermal perfor-
mance improvements, parametric optimization, prevailing tech- Conflict of interest
niques, as well as the physical characteristics of employed
material of construction for the heat sinks. Authors declare no conflict of interests regarding this paper.
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