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E-ISSN: 2776-1118 P-ISSN: 3063-2080

Jurnal Manajemen Bisnis dan Kewirausahaan

DOI: 10.22219/jamanika.v4i4.36981
Jamanika December 2024 Year Vol.04 No.04

The Influence of Job Stress on Employee Turnover Intention Mediated by

Job Satisfaction
Thiyo Wicaksana1, Muhammad Jihadi2, Khusnul Rofida Novianti3
Management Department, Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang, Indonesia
Corresponding Email: [email protected]

The purpose of this research is to determine and analyze job stress, job satisfaction, and employee
turnover intention levels, the influence of job stress on employee job satisfaction, the influence of job
stress on turnover intention, the influence of satisfaction on turnover intention, and whether job
satisfaction can mediate the influence of job stress on turnover intention. This research was conducted
on J&T Malang City employees with 100 respondents using non-probability sampling. Data collection
uses questionnaires. The data analysis technique uses path analysis and the SPSS 25 program. The
results of this study show that job stress shows low results, high job satisfaction, and low turnover rates.
There is an influence of job stress on turnover intention, job stress has no effect on job satisfaction, job
satisfaction has no effect on turnover and job satisfaction does not mediate job stress on turnover

Keywords: Job Stress, Job Satisfaction, Turnover Intention

Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu mengetahui dan menganalisis stress kerja, kepuasan kerja dan
tingkat turnover intention karyawan, pengaruh stress kerja terhadap kepuasan kerja karyawan, pengaruh
stress kerja terhadap turnover intention, pengaruh kepuasan terhadap turnover intention, dan apakah
kepuasan kerja mampu memediasi pengaruh stress kerja terhadap turnover intention. Penelitian ini
dilakukan pada karyawan J&T Kota Malang dengan jumlah responden sebanyak 100 orang dengan
pengambilan sampel non-probability sampling. Pengumpulan data menggunakan kuisioner. Teknik
analisis data menggunakan analisis jalur dan program SPSS 25. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa
stress kerja menunjukan hasil rendah, kepuasan kerja tinggi dan tingkat turnover rendah. Terdapat
perngaruh stress kerja terhadap turnover intention, stress kerja tidak berpengaruh terhadap kepuasan
kerja, kepuasan kerja tidak berpengaruh terhadap turnover dan kepuasan kerja tidak memediasi stress
kerja terhadap turnover intention.

Kata Kunci: Stress Kerja, Kepuasan Kerja, Turnover Intention

Article info
Received (04/09/2024)
Revised (18/10/2024)
Accepted (25/11 /2024)
Corresponding_ author: [email protected]
Thiyo et al. (2024) Jamanika Vol. 04 (04) 2024

Human resources are an important element in company activities. This shows that the company
needs a good management process for its human resources to achieve company goals. Human resource
management is a process for dealing with various problems related to the company's scope, where most
of the ways are by maintaining the commitment and loyalty of the human resources within it. The
company to achieve all the planned goals must have sensitivity in paying good attention to its employees
so that employees who have high qualifications in the company do not have the intention to leave the
company due to the company's lack of attention to its human resources, things such as the departure of
employees will have an impact on activities company operations, especially service companies which
really need large amounts of human resources.
Turnover intention is a condition where employees have a tendency or conscious intention to
leave the company or look for another job as an alternative that suits their wishes and most of this has
a basis for looking for a better job. Turnover intention is an important thing that companies must pay
attention to because this is a measure of how well the company pays attention to its human resources.
The problem of turnover intention will also have an impact on the stability of the company, starting
from the human resources sector, including the need for time to find new employees and the costs of
recruitment and training which cannot be said to be small. A high level of turnover intention has an
impact on the company from various aspects, such as problems with the company's time and finances
to the company's opportunity to take advantage of opportunities, one of the causes of turnover intention
is job stress.
Job stress is a form of pressure and tension experienced by employees when there are demands
they face but they do not match their ability to overcome them. Job stress arises due to a physical and
psychological imbalance felt by employees due to tension that disrupts the feelings, train of thought and
conditions experienced by employees. Job stress is one of the causes of a decrease in employee
performance which will have an impact on the employee's desire to leave. With this, companies must
pay attention to how high the stress level is experienced and control the stress level so that unexpected
things do not happen and employees will feel satisfied carrying out their work. his job.
Satisfaction is a form of a person's feelings of satisfaction or pleasure or joy and liking for what
he or she does, employees can feel happy with the company if they receive a reward in accordance with
the performance given, so a sense of appreciation is a trigger for employee job satisfaction. A condition
where the level of job satisfaction is high. high will reduce the employee turnover rate and vice versa,
if employees begin to feel a decrease in enthusiasm due to certain things, they tend to feel tired with
their work and create a desire to look at other jobs (Sari et al., 2020).
There are several studies that state that there is an influence between job stress and turnover
intention. Haholongan (2018) And Prasetio et al. (2018) stated that job stress has a significant positive
effect on turnover intention. Study Ratnaningsih (2021) also stated that there is a positive and
significant influence on the level of employee turnover intention. Job satisfaction can mediate the
influence of job stress on turnover intention and the effect is significant (Dewi & Sriathi, 2019). This
has the same results as the study by Putra & Mujiati (2019) as well as research by Noeary et al. (2020)
stated that job satisfaction was proven to mediate the effect of job stress on turnover intention. However,
research Yuliantoro et al. (2019) and Prasetio et al. (2018) stated that job satisfaction does not have a
mediating role between the influence of job stress on turnover intention. The differences in research
results have research gaps or gaps in the research. With the differences in results, the mediating variable,
namely job satisfaction, becomes more interesting to research.
J&T Express is a goods delivery service company in the form of documents and packages that
operates in the service sector. This company is one of the companies operating in the expedition sector
and this company is one of the expedition companies that offers its services using an online application
to contact J&T Express you can directly via the application to make things easier for consumers

Thiyo et al. (2024) Jamanika Vol. 04 (04) 2024

nowadays where all of their lines are very dependent on networks and online connection. How do
employees deal with problems that arise when working in a shipping company where demand is getting
higher every day because as time advances, there is more and more demand for this service sector?
The most important factor in achieving the J&T Express vision (focus on customers and
efficiency as the root of service) is paying attention to human resource factors. Resources in the
expedition sector are an important aspect in the running of a company and determine how good the
company itself is. J&T Express needs to control its human resources because employees are the most
important thing who have direct duties to consumers. On the other hand, companies must be able to
retain potential resources so that they are comfortable and do not have the intention to leave the
company (Turnover Intention).
Employee dissatisfaction at work will have negative effects for the employees themselves and
the company. When employees feel stressed in their work, it will have an impact on the work they do
not being optimal and this will reduce the level of employee job satisfaction. This is something that
most companies rarely pay attention to and will become a serious problem for companies in the future,
including the J&T Express company if they do not pay attention to the resources they have. A certain
level of job satisfaction can prevent employees from intending to leave or change jobs (turnover
intention). If J&T Express employees are satisfied with their work, they will tend to feel at home and
not want to change jobs. Companies must be able to control information about the level of job stress
experienced by employees and how satisfied employees are working under the auspices of the company.
If a problem occurs, the company must be alert in handling the problems that arise so as not to make
the problem complex and cause new problems.

Turnover intentions are an employee's tendency or intention to quit their job voluntarily or
move from one place of work to another (Mobley, 2011). Turnover intention is an act of permanent
resignation carried out by an employee, either voluntarily or involuntarily (Robbins & Judge, 2008).
Mobley (2011) states that the factors that influence turnover intention are determined by two things,
namely external and internal to each employee, including Organizational Factors and Individual
Factors. Another explanation regarding Turnover intention is the desire of employees to pay for their
work for different reasons and turnover intention is a process where employees leave their positions
and must be replaced by other people so as not to hinder the company's performance. (Haholongan,
2018). In conclusion, turnover intentions the tendency or intention of an employee to quit his current
job for certain reasons, influenced by different things in each individual who experiences the desire to
leave their job.
Stress is an unpleasant psychological process that occurs in response to environmental stress
(Robbins & Judge, 2017). Stress has the impact of creating feelings of discomfort in employeesin work.
The work environment becomes very important when an employee is under pressure. If employees don't
get enough support, it will lead to higher levels of stress. Employees with high stress will affect their
performance. According to Robbins & Judge, (2017) Factors that can cause and cause job stress include
Environmental Factors, Organizational Factors, and Individual Factors. There are 3 categories of impact
arising from job stress as stated by (Robbins & Judge, 2017), Physiological Symptoms, Psychological
Symptoms, and Behavioral Symptoms.
Job satisfaction is a feeling an employee who supports or does not support related to his work.
Supportive feelings can be seen from several aspects, namely: seen from the salary received, career
development, relationships with colleagues, position placement, company structure, and supervision
provided. Mangkunegara (2017). Job satisfaction is a positive feeling about the job, resulting from the
evaluation of the individual characteristics of the employee. A person with a high level of job
satisfaction produces positive feelings about his or her job, while a person with a low level produces

Thiyo et al. (2024) Jamanika Vol. 04 (04) 2024

negative feelings. Job satisfaction is an affective or emotional response to a job. According to Sutrisno
(2010) Factors that influence job satisfaction are Psychological factors, Social factors, Physical factors,
Financial factors.
From the explanation above, a framework of thought can be formed that can explain the
relationship between the variables to be studied, namely job stress as a variable:

Job Satisfaction
H2 H3


Job Stress Turnover Intention

(X) H1 (Y)

Figure 1. Framework of Thought

The framework image in Figure 1 shows 4 hypothetical paths that can be researched to
determine the relationship between these three variables. A hypothesis is a temporary answer to the
problem formulation in research. The hypothesis in this research can be described as:
Previous research conducted by (Ratnaningsih, 2021) And (Prasetio et al., 2018) states that
there is a positive and significant relationship between job stress and employee turnover intention.
Based on the results of previous research, the following hypothesis was formed, H1: Job stress has a
positive and significant effect on employee turnover intention
Previous research conducted by Yuliantoro et al., (2019) And Izzah et al., (2021) states that
there is a positive and significant relationship between job stress and job satisfaction. Based on the
results of previous research, the following hypothesis was formed, H2: Job stress has a positive and
significant effect on job satisfaction
Previous research conducted by Noeary et al. (2020) and Putra & Mujiati (2019) states that
there is a negative and significant relationship between job satisfaction and employee turnover intention.
Based on the results of previous research, the following hypothesis was formed, H3: Job satisfaction
has a negative and significant effect on employee turnover intention
Job satisfaction can mediate the effect of job stress on turnover intention. Previous research
conducted by Putra & Mujiati (2019) And Noeary et al. (2020) stated that there is an influence of job
stress on turnover intention which is mediated by job satisfaction. Based on the results of previous
research, the following hypothesis was formed, H4: Job stress has a positive and significant effect on
turnover intention through job satisfaction

This type of research uses a quantitative approach with explanatory research methods. This
research uses data in the form of numbers obtained from surveys. The research aims to test the
hypothesis that has been determined to determine the effect of the independent variable on the
dependent variable with the presence of a connecting variable. The location of this research is the J&T
Express service company in Malang City, East Java. The research locations taken were approximately
20 J&T Express branches spread across Malang City. The population in this research was 100
employees of the J&T Express expedition company spread across several branches in Malang City.
Primary data in this research was obtained directly from questionnaires distributed to respondents

Thiyo et al. (2024) Jamanika Vol. 04 (04) 2024

directly/offline. The scale used in the research is a Likert scale. The answers were assessed sequentially,
starting from strongly agree, given a score of 5, to strongly disagree, given a score of 1. To calculate
the data and conclude the results, here the researcher used the SPSS application to process research
data. Research instrument testing starts from validity, reliability, classic assumption tests, scale range,
path analysis, hypothesis t-test, and Sobel test to determine the effect of mediating variables.


The characteristics of respondents in this study are based on 4 aspects, namely respondent age, gender,
length of service and work environment, described as follows:

Table 1. Characteristics of Respondents based on age

No Age Respondent Percentage
1 ≤25 Years 61 61%
2 >25 Years 39 39%
Amount 100 100%

Table 2. Characteristics of Respondents based on gender

No Gender Respondent Percentage
1 Man 96 96%
2 Woman 4 4%
Amount 100 100%

Table 3. Characteristics of Respondents based on length of service

No Years of service Respondent Percentage
1 ≤1 Year 48 48%
2 >1 Year 52 52%
Amount 100 100%

Table 4. Characteristics of Respondents based on work environment

No Respondent Percentage
1 Office 13 13%
2 Field 87 87%
Amount 100 100%

Test Research Instruments

The number of respondents in this instrument test was 100 and the calculated value for the r
table for 100 respondents was 0.195 for a significance level of 0.05 (5%). Testing on the questionnaire
can be said to be valid if r count≥ r table (0.05).

Table 5. Validity Test Results

No Variable Items R. Count R. Table Information
X1 0.652 0.195 Valid
X2 0.699 0.195 Valid
X3 0.434 0.195 Valid
X4 0.632 0.195 Valid
Job stress
1 X5 0.671 0.195 Valid
X6 0.587 0.195 Valid
X7 0.533 0.195 Valid
X8 0.640 0.195

Thiyo et al. (2024) Jamanika Vol. 04 (04) 2024

No Variable Items R. Count R. Table Information

Y1 0.851 0.195 Valid
Y2 0.463 0.195 Valid
Y3 0.818 0.195 Valid
2 Intention
Y4 0.519 0.195 Valid
Y5 0.787 0.195 Valid
Y6 0.671 0.195 Valid
Z1 0.654 0.195 Valid
Z2 0.410 0.195 Valid
Z3 0.694 0.195 Valid
Z4 0.679 0.195 Valid
Z5 0.625 0.195 Valid
3 satisfaction
Z6 0.627 0.195 Valid
Z7 0.656 0.195 Valid
Z8 0.640 0.195 Valid
Z9 0.800 0.195 Valid
Z10 0.750 0.195 Valid
The measurement action will be said to be reliable if the alpha value is at least 0.60.

Table 6. Reliability Test Results

No Variable Alpha Cronbach Alpha Items Information
1 Job Stress (X) 0.60 0.753 8 Reliable
2 Job Satisfaction (Y) 0.60 0.774 6 Reliable
3 Turnover Intention(Z) 0.60 0.851 10 Reliable
All variable data is said to be reliable because it is > 0.60


Job Stress p2 Job Satisfaction

(X) (Y)

Figure 2. Regression of X against Z path stage 1

Table 7. First step of X against Z regression test

Model Summary
Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate
1 .196a ,039 ,029 6.05160
a. Predictors: (Constant), Job Stress

Coefficients a
Unstandardized Standardized
Model Coefficients Coefficients t Sig.
B Std. Error Beta
1 (Constant) 42,018 2,163 19,429 ,000
Job stress -.217 ,110 -.196 -1,983 ,050
a. Dependent Variable: Job Satisfaction

Thiyo et al. (2024) Jamanika Vol. 04 (04) 2024

From the results of the regression test of and for the X to Z path value of -0.217. For the standard
error value, it can be found using the formula: e1 =√1 − 𝑟 2

e1 =√1 − 0,039= 0.961 so the result e1 is 0.961

Job Satisfaction

Turnover Intention
Job Stress

Figure 3. Regression of X and Z against Y path stage 2

Table 8. Second step of regression test of X and Z against Y

Model Summary
Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate
1 .397a ,157 ,140 4.31463
a. Predictors: (Constant), Job Satisfaction, Job Stress

Coefficients a
Model Unstandardized Standardized t Sig.
Coefficients Coefficients
B Std. Error Beta
1 (Constant) 20,701 3,396 6,095 ,000
Job stress ,172 ,080 ,205 2,159 .033
Job satisfaction -.228 ,072 -.302 -3,173 ,002
a. Dependent Variable: Turnover Intention

From the results of the regression test of X and Z against Y, it was found that the sig value of
Sig Z = 0.002 < 0.05 = no effect. For the value of path X to Y it is 0.172 and for the value of path Z to
Y it is -0.228. For the standard error value, it can be found using the formula: e2 =√1 − 𝑟 2 = e2
=√1 − 0,140= 0.860
Figure 4. Path Analysis Results

e1 = 0.961
Job Satisfaction
p2 = -0.217 (Z) p3 = -0.228
sp2 = 0.110 sp3 = 0.072
e2 = 0.860

Job Stress Turnover Intention

(X) p1 = 0.172 (Y)

Thiyo et al. (2024) Jamanika Vol. 04 (04) 2024

The next step is a mediation test. To further ensure the effect of mediation on job satisfaction,
a sobel test was calculated
𝑆𝑝2𝑝3 = √(𝑝32 . 𝑆𝑝22 ) + (𝑝22 . 𝑆𝑝32 ) + (𝑆𝑝22 . 𝑆𝑝32 )

𝑆𝑝2𝑝3 = √(−0,2282 . 0,1102 ) + (−0,2172 . 0,0722 ) + (0,1102 . 0,0722 )

𝑆𝑝2𝑝3 = 0,03

Then move on to t-calculation

𝑝2. 𝑝3 (−0,217)𝑥(−0,228)
𝑡 − 𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡 = = = 1,649
𝑆𝑝2𝑝3 0,03

t-table = 1.984 > 1.649 (t-count) = not mediating

Table 9. Hypothesis testing

Variable t-count t-table Sig Information
Job Stress – turnover intention 2,714 1,984 0.008 Significant
Job Stress – Job Satisfaction -1,983 1,984 0.05 Not significant
Job Satisfaction – turnover -3,602 1,984 0,000 Significant
Hypothesis 1 states that job stress has a positive and significant effect on the turnover intention
of J&T Express Malang City employees. Hypothesis 2 states that job stress has a negative and
insignificant effect on the job satisfaction of J&T Express Malang City employees. Hypothesis 3 states
that job satisfaction has a negative and significant effect on the turnover intention of J&T Express
Malang City employees. Based on the results of the Sobel test using an online calculator, the Sobel
statistic value was 1.674 < 1.96 (absolute z value) and the p-value was > 0.05 (0.094 > 0.05), which
means that the job satisfaction variable cannot mediate the stress relationship. work on turnover
High job stress can be in the form of pressure from superiors, poor working environment
conditions, or co-workers who do not provide enough support. This will make employees feel stressed
and cause discomfort, leading to the desire to change companies. The positive influence of job stress
on turnover intention is in line with the research results of Ratnaningsih (2021), Prasetio et al. (2018),
Noeary et al. (2020) And Haholongan (2018). In previous research, they also showed results in the form
of a positive influence between job stress and turnover intention.
The negative influence between variables shows that when stress increases it will reduce
employee job satisfaction. In the first hypothesis, job stress does influence the desire to leave, but it is
inversely proportional to the job satisfaction experienced by employees. Stress can become an obstacle
for employees in their work activities and will interfere with the employee's performance. If stress is
too high, it will have an impact on the feeling of satisfaction they feel. The results of this research are
in line with research conducted by Putra & Mujiati (2019) And Noeary et al. (2020) which shows that
job stress does not affect job satisfaction.
If employees feel satisfied with their work and the reciprocity they receive then this will make
them feel comfortable in carrying out their work as well as decreasing the employee's desire to leave
their job even though they have many logical reasons for leaving their job, but with appropriate
reciprocity then Employees will feel that the work they are doing is worthy and will not burden them in
terms of work, salary, and other factors. The results of this research are in line with the results of
previous research by Ratnaningsih (2021), Noerchoidah (2020), And . The research carried out found
that job satisfaction did not affect turnover intention.

Thiyo et al. (2024) Jamanika Vol. 04 (04) 2024

Based on the results of data processing, the researcher concluded the relationship between the
variables studied. First, it was found that work stress affects employee turnover intention at J&T Express
Malang City. The higher the level of stress felt by an employee, the greater their intention to leave the
company. However, the results of the study showed that work stress did not affect employee job
satisfaction at J&T Express Malang City. In other words, the stress experienced by employees did not
affect the level of job satisfaction they felt. In addition, job satisfaction also did not affect employee
turnover intention. This means that the higher the satisfaction obtained, the lower the employee's
intention to leave the company. Finally, this study also found that job satisfaction was not a mediator
in the influence of work stress on employee turnover intention at J&T Express Malang City.

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