Rule book
Rule book
Rule book
In building a community where everyone feels safe from harm and one where
gamers are able to freely expresses themselves, we ask that all gamers abide by
the following list.
1. Be Kind - You must respect all users, regardless of your liking towards
them. Treat others the way you want to be treated.
2. No Inappropriate Language - The use of profanity should be kept to a
minimum. However, any derogatory language towards any user including
abusive and unbecoming remarks at parents etc, is prohibited.
3. No Spamming - Don't send a lot of small messages right after each other.
Do not disrupt chat by spamming either with links or texts.
4. No Pornographic/Adult/other NSFW material - This is a community
of individuals with diverse beliefs and disposition and as such not meant
to share such kind of materials.
5. No Advertisements - We do not tolerate any kind of advertisements,
whether it be for other communities or streams. You can post your
content only if it is relevant and provides actual value (Video/Art) after
the admin has granted permission to do so.
6. No Offensive Names and Profile Pictures - You will be asked to change
your name or picture if the admin deems them inappropriate.
7. No Buying and Selling - There should be no buying and selling in the
group chat. Use your personal DMs for such transactions.