Aluminium Vacuum Brazing
Aluminium Vacuum Brazing
Aluminium Vacuum Brazing
“A group of welding processes that produces coalescence of Ideal situations for brazing:
materials by heating them to the brazing temperature in the
presence of a filler metal having a liquidus above 840°F Joining parts of very thin or thick cross sections
(450°C) and below the solidus of the base metal. The filler Compact components containing many junctions to be
metal is distributed between the closely fitted faying surfaces sealed (e.g. heat exchangers) or deep joints with restricted
of the joint by capillary action.” [1] access
Joining dissimilar metals such as copper and stainless
The solidus is the highest temperature at which the metal is steel
completely solid; the temperature at which melting starts. The Assemblies with a large number of joints
liquidus is the lowest temperature at which the metal is
completely liquid; the temperature at which solidification Specifically, vacuum aluminum brazing minimizes distortion
starts. of the part due to uniform heating and cooling as compared to
a localized joining process. This type of brazing creates a
Types of Aluminum Brazing continuous hermetically sealed bond. Components with large
surface areas and numerous joints can be successfully brazed.
Aluminum brazing can be done with or without flux, and
includes many different methods for creating the bond. Hardening can also be accomplished in the same furnace cycle
if hardenable alloys are utilized and the furnace system is
In flux brazing, the flux flows into the joint and is displaced integrated with a forced cooling system, thus reducing cycle
by the liquidus filler metal entering the joint in order to time.
remove oxides on the part to create a strong, solid braze. Flux
comes in several different forms – paste, liquid or powder. Vacuum furnace brazing offers extremely repeatable results
Some brazing rods are coated with flux or have a flux core in due to the critical furnace parameters that are attained with
order to apply necessary flux during the brazing process. Flux every load, that is, vacuum levels and temperature
brazing processes include torch brazing (manual and uniformities. Capillary joint paths (even long paths) are
automatic), induction, salt bath (dip brazing), and controlled effectively purged of entrapped gas during the initial
atmosphere (CAB). evacuation of the furnace chamber resulting in more complete
wetting of the joint.
Brazing performed in a vacuum furnace is considered fluxless
brazing because it does not use flux to create the joint. Vacuum aluminum brazing is ideal for oxidation sensitive
Fluxless brazing processes are can be performed using inert materials; vacuum brazing is considered a flux-free process
gas atmospheres or in vacuum furnaces. Such processes that eliminates corrosive flux residue. Post-brazed parts are
clean with a matte grey finish. The process is relatively non- Figure 3 Flat Plate Cooler
polluting and no post-braze cleaning is necessary. (Photo Courtesy of API Tech)
Examples of Vacuum Aluminum Brazed Parts Types of Vacuum Aluminum Brazing Furnaces
Examples of vacuum aluminum brazed parts often include Typical vacuum aluminum brazing furnaces are either single-
heat exchangers, condensers, and evaporators used in chamber (batch type) or multiple-chamber (semi-continuous).
automotive, aerospace, nuclear, and energy industries. Some Batch type furnaces are usually loaded horizontally, but can
of these parts are shown in Figures 1, 2, and 3. be designed for a vertical loading operation. Semi-continuous
furnaces are horizontally loaded and are typically automated
using load carriers and external conveyor systems.
Pressure Total O2 N2 O2 N2
in mbar Vol.-% Vol.-% Vol.-% ppm ppm
1013 100 20 79 200*103 790*103
Figure 6 Semi-continuous Furnace Load Carrier and 10-3 0.0001 0.000026 0.0001 0.264 1.04
Conveyor System
10-4 0.00001 0.0000026 0.00001 0.026 0.1
Cleaning of Parts
Heating Elements
Water vapor is the enemy of aluminum brazing. It both slows Figure 17 Wide Band Heating Element
pumping speed and breaks down, releasing oxygen into the
furnace. The warm wall design has also proven to lessen the Vacuum furnaces that can process two loads side by side will
bonding strength of the magnesium oxide that forms during also utilize center heating element banks between the two
the brazing process and ultimately condenses on the inner wall loads. This design allows for the even heating of all surfaces
of the chamber, thus making it easier to mechanically clean. on dual workloads. Figure 18 shows this type of arrangement.