Diya STR changes (4)
Diya STR changes (4)
Diya STR changes (4)
Enrollment no : 00914702422
1. Students undertaking 3
2. Certification by Company 4
3. Certification by Mentor 5
4. Preface 6
5. Acknowledgement 7
6. Objectives of STR 8
7. Introduction of PR 9-17
8. Introduction of organization 18
9. Company Client 19
10. Weekly Report 20-22
11. Advantages 23
12. Conclusion 24
This is to certify that I have completed the Summer Training Internship titled “Digital
Marketing” in “LearnYard”. under the guidance of “ Ms. Vijay Pal ” in degree of
Bachelor of Arts Journalism & Mass Communication (BAJMC) at Maharaja
Agrasen Institute of Management Studies, Delhi. This is an original piece of work
& I have not submitted it earlier to any other university or institute .
Enroll No- 00914702422
This is to certify that this Summer Training Report is an academic work done by ‘Ms.
Diya Kapoor ’ submitted in the partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of
the degree of ‘Bachelors of Arts in Journalism and Mass Communication’ from
‘Maharaja Agrasen Institute of Management Studies’, Delhi under my guidance
& direction. To the best of my knowledge and belief the data & information presented
by her in the project has not been submitted earlier and elsewhere and is original &
authentic in manner.
Ms . Vijay Pal
(Assistant Professor)
In the field of Journalism and Mass Communication, the professional training plays a
pivotal role. It helps the students to derive the knowledge about the actual working
environment, thereby preparing them for the further. For this purpose, the students of
Journalism and Mass communication underwent the practical training in Digital
Marketing for about 8 weeks, as directed by the Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha
The Functional Exposure Report forms a part of the third semester syllabus. I
worked under the aegis of “LearnYard “. The report is a compilation of the different
exposures I got during the training. It consists of the week - long activities, on hand
practical experience, technological learning, and their observations.
The report is submitted to fulfill the requirements stipulated by the GGSIP University
for the third Semester students . I hope the report will be useful in the further
exploration about the media and the media academics.
A work without the blessings and guidance of the elders is always half done and
unsatisfactory. The task of completing the report needs co-operation and the guidance
of the prominent in the subject line or field. I would like to thank my Faculty
Members and College Management for giving me this opportunity.
I would also like to thank my mentor, Ms. Vijay Pal helped me in formulating and
completing this final exposure report which can prove a benefit for me in the future.
Last but not the least, I express my gratitude to all those and especially to my parents,
who directly or indirectly with their never lasting excellence advised, directed and
supported me but those also encouraged me for the successful completion of the
Project Report.
Diya Kapoor
Summer Training Report contains all the work what I had done during my
internship. The main objective behind this report is to show the work done for the
organization. It makes us to learn things practically what we had learned in our
institution and compile them in an organized way for the future reference. It will help
us in future during job interview that how an organization work and what they want
from us. It gives us experience as to how to work. It helps us in maintaining our
record of our experience and practice & work and improves practical & presentational
Today’s time of Internet has opened the gateway of tremendous digital marketing opportunities for
businesses. By utilizing different channels of digital marketing, businesses cannot just share their
product and services online; additionally, they can gain clients for their business, entice them and can
convert them to boost their ROI. The speed and straightforwardness with which the digital media
transmits data and support a business is astonishing.
In this Introduction to Digital Marketing E-Guide, every single aspect of Digital Marketing will be
discussed to help marketers understand what Digital Marketing is, how it functions, and how it can
help them optimize their marketing campaign.
The world is super-connected nowadays and all things considered, marketing and advertising are no
more the same as they once were. This is particularly valid because of the ascent of online networking,
which has changed how organizations speak with potential and existing customers.
In today’s world, Public relations have become a distinct industry apart from media and are also one of
the fast-growing industries. This has led to many big companies to emerge in this industry. Some of the
big PR companies are: -
1. iProspect India
iProspect India ofthe Dentsu Aegis Network (DAN) group, is the top Digital Marketing agency in
India. This Digital Marketing Company assists businesses in staying ahead and helps brands in
grabbing an edge over the whole thing. This organization creates the whole comprehensive strategies
for yourbrand and runs it for you.
2. WATConsult
WATConsult is a renowned digital and social media agency of the Dentsu Aegis Network (DAN) group.
It is a top-notch consultant that enables brands to co-create, connect and establish a bond with their
customers. This is done with the use of digital tools on the path of social and mobile platforms.
3. Webchutney
Web chutney is a Marketing agency in India of the group Dentsu Aegis Network (DAN). Very
progressive in their approach to Online Marketing, this Marketing Service Provider is a perfect blend
of Technology and Creativity.
4. Mirum India
Formerly known Social Wavelength, it is now known as Mirum India. This Digital Marketing Service
provider ventures into OEM, Social Media, Corporate Blogging etc
5. Quasar Media
Quasar Media belongs to WPP group is a Digital Marketing company that has been able to fetch
renowned clients in a very short period of time. It was founded bySVG group and in the year 2008,
75% of the quasar media stake was taken over by WPP. They have a range of digital media solutions
that encompasses solutions at all levels.
The beginnings of digital marketing technology can be traced back to the 1980s, when computers
became sophisticated enough to store huge volumes of customer information.
This shift in technology corresponded with a shift in mindset from pushing product to
“relationship marketing,” which prioritized customer connections. Marketers abandoned their
limited offline techniques like list brokering in favor of database marketing.
Pioneered by Robert and Kate Kestnbaum, database marketers kept an electronic database of
customers, prospects, and all commercial contacts.
By 1986, ACT! A contact and customer management company, introduced the first database marketing
software to the business world. It was essentially a digital rolodex, only it could store large volumes of
customer contact information.
Together with Robert Shaw, the father of marketing automation, Robert Kestenbaum went on to
develop several landmark database marketing solutions for BT and Barclays. Shaw incorporated new
features into these database marketing models, including telephone and field sales channel
automation, contact strategy optimization, campaign management, marketing resource management,
and marketing analytics.
The digital databases of the 1980s transformed buyer-seller relationships, allowing brands to track
their consumers like never before. But the process was still a manual one. The popularity of personal
computers and the advent of server/client architecture at the turn of the decade paved the way for an
explosive growth in revolutionary marketing technology in the 1990s: Customer Relationship
Management (CRM) software.
Public relations professionals present the face of an organization or individual, usually to articulate its
objectives and official views on issues of relevance, primarily to the media. Public relations contribute
to the way an organization is perceived by influencing the media and maintaining relationships with
stakeholders. According to Dr. Jacquie L’Etang from Queen Margaret University, public relations
professionals can be viewed as "discourse workers specializing in communication and the presentation
of argument and employing rhetorical strategies to achieve managerial aims."
Within each discipline, typical activities include publicity events, speaking opportunities, press
releases, newsletters, blogs, social media, kit sand outbound communication to members of the press.
Video and audio news releases (VNRs and ANRs) are often produced and distributed to TV outlets in
hopes they will be used as regular program content.
Building and managing relationships with those who influence an organization or individual’s
audiences has a central role in doing public relations. After a public relations practitioner has been
working in the field, they accumulate a list of relationships that become an asset, especially for those in
media relations.
Audience Targeting
A fundamental technique used in digital marketing is to identify the target audience, and to tailor
messages to appeal to each audience. Sometimes the interests of differing audiences and stakeholders
common to a public relations effort necessitate the creation of several distinct but complementary
On the other hand stakeholders theory identifies people who have a stake in a given institution or issue.
All audiences are stakeholders (or presumptive stakeholders), but not all stakeholders are audiences.
Messaging is the process of creating a consistent story around a product, person, company or service.
Messaging aims to avoid having readers receive contradictory or confusing information that will instill
doubt in their purchasing choice or other decisions that have an impact on the company. Brands aim to
have the same problem statement, industry viewpoint or brand perception shared across sources and
Social mediamarketing
Digital marketing is the use of Internet tools and technologies such as search engines, Web 2.0 social
bookmarking, new media relations, blogging and social media marketing. Interactive PR allows
companies and organizations to disseminate information without relying solely on mainstream
publications and communicate directly with the public, customers and prospects.
Corporate Communication
Media Relations
It involves building and sustaining a positive relationship with the media. This includes but is not
limited to drafting and dissemination of press release, organizing press conference and meeting with
media professionals and organizing events for the media as a group.
Other Technique
Litigation public relations is the management of the communication process during the course of
any legal dispute or adjudicatory processing so as to affect the outcome or its impact on the
client’s overall reputation.
The field of public relations is generally highly un-regulated, but many professionals voluntarily adhere
to the code of conduct of one or more professional bodies to avoid exposure for ethical violations
.The Chartered Institute of Public Relations, the Public Relations Society of America and The Institute
of Public Relations are a few organizations that publish an ethical code. Still, Edelman's 2003
semiannual trust survey found that only 20 percent of survey respondents from the public believed paid
communicators within a company were credible.
According to Scott Cutlip, the social justification for public relations is the right for an organization to
have a fair hearing of their point-of-view in the public forum, but to obtain such a hearing for their
ideas requires a skilled advocate.
PR Ethics in India
Public Relation in India is regulated and controlled by Public Relation Society of India (PRSI)
which is a national association of public relations practitioners and communication specialists in
India. It functions is primarily for professional development. It seeks to formulate and interpret the
objectives and potential of public relations as a socially useful function and uphold its value as an
integral part of management. It also maintains close links with the academic’s bodies for the
promotion of public relations as a subject of management studies.
PRSI came into existence as an informal body in the year 1958 with it headquarter in Mumbai. PRSI
annually organizes All India Public Relations Conference to highlight its contemporary relevance. It
has a quarterly journal called ‘Public Relations’which seeks to promote the cause of public relations
by bringing to its readers news and articles on public relations in India and abroad.
PR in India
In the last decade, India has undergone an initial audit, among others, on its economy, policies,
operations, and style of governance, the impact of globalization, its economic reform policies of 1991
and vision 2020 pressurizes and creates an imposition on public relations as part of strategic
communication management.
Public Relations began to increase in India in the early 1990s when the government opened the
economy and multinational corporations began to enter the country. Public relations companies
emerged offering strategic advice and integrated communication solutions. Specialization has become
increasingly important and firms are demanding higher qualifications and skill sets from workers.
With multinationals coming to India in a big way and even Indian companies exploring opportunities
abroad, future of public relations in India is very bright and gives a new hope for its growth.
The public relations industry has come quite a long way in recent decade. The growth of the internet as
a medium of communications coupled with 24/7 news cycle has helped accelerate the rapid growth of
the media industry coupled with India companies increasingly globalizing and international firms
increasingly looking to enter India, has expanded the need for PR. More companies are building brands
in India and Indian companies are raising brand awareness among consumers, clients, and investors
around the world. This requires an understanding of how media operates in different countries, how to
drive consistent messages globally and how-to tailor messages depending on the audience and the
focus of media outlets.
The PR industry in India is still quite nascent, as compared to its peers in the US and Europe. But with
the explosion in media outlets and the rapid growth of the media industry, PR is increasingly seen as an
important strategic tool.
The PR industry in the US and Europe are quite mature and have a long history, which is reflected in
the size of those industries. The US accounts for nearly $4 billion and Europe about $2 billion, of $7
global PR industry. In comparison, Indian PR industry is about Rs. 150-200 crore, which is $38-50
Components of Public Relations
Investing in Public relations activities helps the organization to achieve its objective effectively. An
organization’s false image cannot sustain for a long period therefore it PR does not tend to create a
good image for a bad team. Even if the product or services of the organization are good, it will still
need an effective.
Public Relations activities, if properly done can create and build up the image of an individual or an
organization or a nation. When the organization faces crisis, Public Relation can create mutual
understanding between the organization and public by removing misunderstanding. Public Relations
Society of America has identified following as the components of public relations.
● Counseling: focuses on the advisory role of PR i.e. role to advice management regarding policies,
programs and on how to maintain relationship and build on mutual understanding, rapport and
● Research: is the backbone of all PR activities. It begins with identification of public then
determining the attitude and behavior of publics then designing of PR message keeping 5 W’s
and 1H in mind selection of media ( basis of penetration, reach, accessibility and exposure) the
disseminating the message and evaluating it i.e. pre-testing, concurrent testing and post testing.
● Media Relations: it is used for seeking publicity via mass media and as well as responding to
their Publicity: Simply means disseminating planned messages using appropriate media for the
interest of the organization.
● Employee Relations: simply means fostering good employee relationship by keeping them
informed, showing concern towards them and motivating them in order to attain the goals of the
● interests in the organization i.e., providing them with the content which is newsworthy.
● Community Relations: It is an activity undertaken to strengthen the bond between the
organization and community thereby maintaining an environment for mutual benefit between
the two.
Public Affairs: deals with the development of public policy so as to help organization to adapt
expectations of public.
● Issues Management: Diagnosing and solving issues of public concern that affects the
● Financial Relations: This deals with developing and maintaining the confidence and
relationship with the financial community. Therefore it is also known as Investor Relation or
Shareholder Relation.
● Industry Relations: This deals with relating with other firms in the industry and with trade
● Special Events: It often stimulates interest in a person, organization, and product by means of a
focused "happening". All these activities are designed to interact with publics and listen to
understand them.
● Marketing Communications: Combination of exercises which are designed to sell idea, service
or product. These may incorporate advertising, special events, collateral materials, trade shows,
publicity, direct mail promotion.
Functions of Public Relations
Public relations department monitors the attitude of the public in general in favor of the company. It
sends out information and spreads communication to the public for building good will of the
organization. The public relations department counsels the top management to adopt positive
programs. They eliminate questionable practices so that negative publicity does not arise against the
The following are the functions of PR:
● Creating goodwill: goodwill of an organization is essential to perform well, expansion of the
market and to create positive attitude towards the services and products.
● Project better image: better image generates positive attitude. Corporate ads, logos, emblems or
signs are means through which we identify an organization.
● Creating mutual understanding: this includes understanding the needs and necessities of the public
and sorting out areas of mutual understanding to establish trust, credibility and positive image.
● Relations with various publics: it includes wide spectrum of internal and external public. It
involves understanding the attitudes of the public, finding out their expectations and fulfilling it
because all the segments of the publics are important for the organization.
● Creating PR messages: these messages are created to reach the publics effectively and to bring
about changes in their attitudes and opinions which is positive for the organization.
● Relation and use of media and other tools: in order to generate good will and create positive
image various mediums are used to reach the public. The messages are designed keeping the
key public in mind.
● Product Publicity: The product information presented in the ‘Paid space’ of media is read or
heard by a company’s customers or prospects. The department publicizes the product through
sponsoring efforts.
● Corporate communication: PR Departments promote the understanding of the company and its
products and services. For this purpose, they undertake external and internal communication.
● Lobbying: Lobbying means dealing with legislators and government officials to promote or
defeat unfavorable legislation and regulation. Professional lobbyists are employed in order to
influence the key decisions of the government affecting company’s prospects.
● Counseling: Public Relations departments advise the top management on matters related to
public issues. This also includes advising the company in the event of product mishap.
● In-house journals: Many service organizations such as hospitals, health care, beauty parlor etc
publicize their own magazines which are circulated among customers. The role of PR
Departments in developing- in house journals is significant. Apart from in-house journals,
companies publish annual reports, brochures, articles, company’s newsletter and audio-visual
materials. Creating websites on the history of the company and its present developments also
influence the target markets.
Public Affairs: deals with the development of public policy so as to help organization to adapt
expectations of public.
● Issues Management: Diagnosing and solving issues of public concern that affects the
● Financial Relations: This deals with developing and maintaining the confidence and
relationship with the financial community. Therefore it is also known as Investor Relation or
Shareholder Relation.
● Industry Relations: This deals with relating with other firms in the industry and with trade
● Special Events: It often stimulates interest in a person, organization, and product by means of a
focused "happening". All these activities are designed to interact with publics and listen to
understand them.
Organizations hire public relations experts to position themselves strongly in the minds of target
audiences, investors, stakeholders, employees and all others associated with it. Public relations
activities are designed specially to create a strong brand image. Public relations experts should ensure
their target audiences agree to what they intend to sell and thus in a way enhance as well as maintain
the reputation of their organization through ethical means.
There are various ways public relations activities take place:
Following are the tools used in media relations:
● Press Kits
Press kits include written material about the organization and its top people.
● Audio Releases
Audio releases or video releases are prerecorded messages distributed to various media channels.
● Matte Releases
Small local newspapers accept articles written by organizations when they do not have sufficient
articles or stories to publish. Such releases are called as matte releases.
● Media Tour
Public relations experts publicize their organization and its products through media tour where key
people of the organization travel to important places and locations and promote their products through
various interviews to media people. They interact and share the benefits and USPs of their
products/services with people from various news channels, radio channels and even print media.
Organizations also hire celebrities or other people popular among the masses to promote and publicize
their organization.
● Newsletters
Newsletters are nothing but publications which are distributed on a regular basis (monthly, quarterly)
among target audiences. Public relations experts collect complete information (name, address,
agegroup) of their target customers and distribute newsletters to create awareness about their products.
Newsletters should include information about the organization, interview from key people, product
information, testimonials from clients and so on.
● Events/Functions
Public relations experts organize special events, gatherings, parties, to target their customers and
promote their organization and its products among them. People from media are also invited for
● Speaking Engagements
One of indirect ways of publicizing an organization and its products is through interacting with
potential customers and target audience. Company officials address the target audience and do not only
discuss about their products and services. They generally prefer any topic which would interest the
target audiences.
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My internship began on 20th August 2023 and ended on 13th September 2023 lasting for 4 weeks. I
was posted on the post of social media marketing . Given below is my detailed work done in the span
of 4 weeks of internship.
In the first week of my internship, I was given a brief introduction about the type of work we will be
taught and the tasks which we will perform. We were given a brief training under various programs
such as word press and WIX. We were given brief details about logo making and demonstrations
about how different logos are made and presented. We were also taught about the importance of
these logos for a company and their websites. Various elements of web designing were introduced
and were given the work of reviewing certain existing websites and doing their SWOT analysis.
WEEK 2 & 3
In the second week and third week, we were detailed about types of content that is required according
to their requirements. We were asked to write articles for various motor related techs and told to
a few of the existing articles. Then we were given the task to run a digital marketing campaign for
LearnYard .
We also had a brief discussion about content making and we reviewed articles of various companies
with the seniors.
In week 4 and , we were engaged with real life clients and were in telecommunication with them. We
listed their requirements for advertisements, after several tries, one was selected and we presented in a
meeting with their head.
We were later divided into a group of 5 and were asked to make websites. Different work was allotted
to different people, I was given the duty of the content creator.
In Internship of training programmer is a practical exercise to learn about professionalism for the new
comers of any specific industry. It is best time to know and analyses your inner talent. You can know
your area of interest and at which field you are good at. Besides promoting the talent, training gives us
the realistic view of the professional working culture and environment.
Advantages of Training:-
● Training gave me opportunity to work with various sub-editors, designers; proof readers etc.
and proved as a catapult in uplifting existing skills caliber there. Training provides required
attitude, skills & knowledge.
● Training creates higher awareness, information & knowledge about the subject matter.
● Training situation ensures a forum where the trainers share the subject related experiences,
problems encountered queries & their respective solutions.
● Training helps in attaining the professionalism for practical application of present level of
● Training is updating knowledge with techniques of program making, this includes editing,
script writing for narration, direction.
● It helped me in making contacts with some journalist personalities which I am sure will help me
after my studies.
Limitation of Training:-
The summer training helped me a lot in improving my skills but there were some disadvantages also
like: While working in media organization one has to, sometimes work in odd hours like night shifts
which is very difficult for females. In every media house it is expected to give your 100% to your
works with sincerely but no stipends are provided.
Training helps the students to get a practical experience of all the skills of journalism and having a
hand on experience of maximum number of things. It also gave us the opportunity to work with the
various reporters and to prove our caliber there.
Press itself is not also 100% isolated from evils like communalism and regionalism, which I
experienced in my staff.
This summer training helped me to grow as a professional and gave a site into the real world of print
journalism. The exposure through this training gave me the confidence of facing people in the real
world. It educated me about many facts related to print media which were very different from what I
learned in theory.
In the period of training, I concluded that nothing of the ethics code of journalism is being followed in
the professional world. Money is the power which always takes over the ethics what we were taught in
our theory.
I also experienced how the talented and deserving journalist are lacking behind because of survival of
fittest and lack of approach in their corresponding field.
The training helped me to get a practical exposure of all the things taught in the fourth semester of our
course and in having a hand on experience of maximum number of things. Training also gave me the
opportunity to work with the PR executives, very old and experienced professionals in the field of
media and PR and learned how we can become successful.
The training helped me to get a practical exposure of all the things taught in the fourth semester of our
course and in having a hand on experience of maximum number of things. Training also gave me the
opportunity to work with the PR executives, very old and experienced professionals in the field of
media and PR and also learned how we can become successful.
❖ Training in updating knowledge with techniques of PR, using PR as a tool and medium, how to
connect with the media representatives, how to make good reputed contacts, how to build and
maintain relation with our clients as well as the audience concerned and work in the favor of
their interest
❖ It also helped me to improve my reading habits of newspaper and how to monitor it.
❖ It has proved to be my 1st step on the ladder of professionalism.
I did my internship from LearnYard for the period of four weeks. It was a great experience working
with the Digital Marketing and P.R professionals. All the staff members were very supportive and
taught me everything with lots of patience. Although the learning of PR in theory and doing it there
had a lot of difference but under the guidance and support of the staff members and the guide it became
a whole lot of new, exciting and a great learning experience.
This internship gave us a glimpse of the working with the media industry and how to deal with the
publics. Through this internship I got to know what all it takes to connect with the public and how can
we do that by avoiding any accidents or negative situations.
I got to learn many new things practically which I was taught theoretically in the college in my second
year like PR tools, campaign etc.
Last but not the least, the environment of the organization and its office was very quiet and good, and I
felt like I am the part of the Organization.