패혈증의 진단 및 예후예측
남서울대학교 임상병리학과·분자진단연구소
Received November 28, 2021 Sepsis is a physiological response to a source of infection that triggers mechanisms that
Revised December 2, 2021 compromise organ function, leading to death if not treated early. Biomarkers with high sensitivity,
Accepted December 6, 2021
specificity, speed, and accuracy that could differentiate sepsis from non-infectious systemic
inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) could bring about a revolution in sepsis treatment. Given
the limitations and time required for microbial verification of pathogens, the accurate diagnosis of
infection before employing antibiotic therapy is important and clinically necessary. Procalcitonin
(PCT), lactate, C-reactive protein (CRP), cytokines, and proadrenomedullin (ProADM) are the
common biomarkers used for diagnosis. The procalcitonin (PCT)-guided antibiotic treatment in
patients with acute respiratory infections effectively reduces antibiotic exposure and side effects
Key words while improving survival rates. The evidence regarding sepsis screening in hospitalized patients is
Biomarker limited. Clinicians, researchers, and healthcare decision-makers should consider these findings and
Cytokine limitations when implementing screening tools, future research, or policy on sepsis recognition in
Laboratory detection hospitalized patients. The use of biomarkers in pediatric sepsis is promising, although such use
Multi-markers should always be correlated with clinical evaluation. Biomarkers may also improve the prediction of
mortality, especially in the early phase of sepsis, when the levels of certain pro-inflammatory
cytokines and proteins are elevated.
Copyright Ⓒ 2021 The Korean Society for Clinical Laboratory Science.
The infection blood biomarker procalcitonin has been effective method of screening patients in acute care is
proposed as an adjunct to clinical judgment and not clear, therefore the purpose of this review was to
traditional clinical parameters to guide antibiotic examine the application of sepsis screening tools or
prescribing practices in patients with acute respiratory alert mechanisms for early recognition of sepsis in
infections. PCT measurements increase within 6∼12 hr general hospitalized.
of infection in response to pro-inflammatory mediator
release after bacterial invasion, are highest in patients MAIN BODY
who have bacteraemia, and correlate with disease
severity and clinical outcome of patients with infection Overall the frequency and time to use of diagnostic
[3]. measures (lactate orders, blood cultures) improved
PCT concentrations rapidly fall by about 50% each significantly, whereas results pertaining to treatment
day during resolution of infection and are therefore (fluids and vasopressors) were inconsistent across
useful in monitoring the clinical course and supporting studies with some but not all demonstrating improve-
decisions to discontinue antibiotic treatment. A large ment [8]. A biomarker may be defined as a character-
US study, found PCT kinetics over 72 hr to be a strong istic that can be objectively measured and assessed as
and independent predictor of mortality. Early identifi- an indicator of normal biological processes, pathological
cation of non-responders to antibiotic and other processes, and/or pharmacological responses to a
medical treatment might also help to prevent adverse therapeutic intervention.
events [4]. It has been argued that sepsis has no
reference standard for identification and diagnosis, 1. Procalcitonin (PCT)
with early signs and symptoms being non-specific [5]. PCT is thought to have pro-inflammatory effects
The known presence of specific biomarkers during the similar to CRP. PCT, a sensitive biomarker of in-
response to an infectious insult makes possible the flammation, is a U.S. Food and Drug Administration
potential clinical use of such biomarkers in screening, (FDA) approved marker of blood infection for guiding
diagnosis, prognosis (risk stratification), therapeutic antibiotic therapy [9]. PCT should always be interpreted
response monitoring, and rational use of antibiotics carefully in the context of medical history and other
(determination of adequate treatment length, for clinical information as recommended in the Surviving
example). Sepsis Campaign (SSC) [10].
C-reactive protein (CRP), one of the biomarkers that Normal serum values are below 0.05 ng/mL, and a
has been in longer use in pediatric sepsis, is a value of 2.0 ng/mL suggests a significantly increased
non-specific, acute-phase protein that increases 4∼6 risk of sepsis and/or septic shock. Values <0.5 ng/mL
hr after exposure to an inflammatory trigger (infectious represent a low risk while values of 0.5∼2.0 ng/mL
or not) and has an 8 hr doubling time, peaking from 36 suggest an intermediate likelihood of sepsis and/or
∼50 hr after the trigger stimulus. Elevation of PCT levels septic shock.
usually occurs earlier during the course of infection
than elevation of CRP levels, peaking at approximately 2. Lactate
24∼36 hr. Recently, The interleukin-6 (IL-6) and IL-8 to Sepsis may progress rapidly to septic shock that is
increase its specificity in the diagnosis of infections [6]. often associated with micro-and macro-circulatory
Sepsis alerts mediated by technology embedded in dysfunction Lactate levels have been a useful marker for
electronic medical records have also been proposed as organ dysfunction and may also serve as an endpoint
an effective screening mechanism [7]. The most for resuscitation in patients with sepsis. The 2013 SSC
Korean J Clin Lab Sci. Vol. 53, No. 4, December 2021 311
compared to other acute phase reactants. In patients When used as a single marker, failed to provide useful
with CRP concentrations >10 mg/dL, decreasing information, no single marker accurately reflects the
concentrations in the first 48 hr was associated with a rapid immunological changes of sepsis. With optimal
mortality of 15%, whereas mortality reached 61% for cutoff values, the combination of baseline alpha-2
patients in whom the CRP concentration increased macroglobulin and 72 hr PCT offered a 75% negative
[12]. An increase in CRP concentration above 2.2 mg/dL predictive value (95% CI 54∼96%), and differentiated
over the 48 hr period was predictive of inadequate bacterial sepsis from systemic inflammatory response
antibiotic therapy with a sensitivity of 77% and a syndrome (SIRS) [17]. When combined with another
specificity of 67% [13]. biomarker, including interleukin 8 (IL-8), increased
CRP levels are apparently a good diagnostic predictor in
4. Cytokines the first 24 hr. The different biomarkers down to a panel
Interleukin-6 (IL-6), IL-8 and IL-10 have been the 3 markers that best predicted the development of
most widely studied cytokines to diagnose sepsis, sepsis: IL-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1ra), protein C and
evaluate the level of the inflammatory response and neutrophil gelatinase associated lipocalin (NGAL). For
help determine the prognosis for the patient. IL-6 is a accuracy to predict severe sepsis (0.80) [19]. NGAL was
prototype of proinflammatory cytokine, IL-8 is a major promising biomarker of acute kidney injury (organ
chemokine, and IL-10 represents an important anti- dysfunction) also, using the early increase in cases of
inflammatory cytokine. IL-6 and IL-10 levels are acute kidney failure (48 hr prior to the increase of
correlated with the mortality rate in septic patients [14]. creatinine) and early introduction of renal protection
IL-8 has been used to predict the severity of sepsis in measures. The utilizing the results of three more
pediatric patients, although the utility of IL-8 has not traditional biomarkers (PCT, CD64 and soluble
been confirmed in adults [15]. triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells 1
(sTREM-1) [20]. A risk model for estimating mortality in
312 Chang-Eun Park. Diagnosis Sepsis
children with septic shock using five biomarkers (C-C flammatory receptor expressed on monocytes/macro-
chemokine ligand 3 (CCL3), IL- 8, heat shock protein 70 phages and neutrophils [25]. Vaspin, a visceral adipose
kDa 1B (HSPA1B), granzyme B (GZMB), and matrix tissue-derived serpin, was first identified as an insulin-
metallopeptidase 8 (MMP8) was created and validated sensitizing adipose tissue hormone, and its anti-
[21]. inflammatory function has recently been demonstrated
a weak positive correlation between the concentration
8. Sepsis-related sequential organ failure assessment of vaspin and CRP [26]. A recent study showed that
(SOFA) score using a panel of biomarkers consisting of angiopoietin-1,
The SOFA score is a mortality prediction score that is angiopoietin-2, and bicarbonate was a better predictor
based on the degree of dysfunction of six organ of severity in pediatric septic patients [27]. The miRNAs
systems. The score is calculated on admission and every have been suggested as biomarkers in the context of
24 hr until discharge using the worst parameters sepsis, In patients with sepsis, which are most likely due
measured during the prior 24 hr. The scores can be used to a lack in standardization of sample collection, data
in a number of ways: As individual scores for each organ normalization, and analysis [28]. Recently, there have
to determine progression of organ dysfunction. As the been increasing data indicating that kallistatin, testican-
sum of scores on one single ICU day. As the sum of the 1, presepsin, and mid-regional pro-adrenomedullin or
worst scores during the ICU stay. It is believed to bio-ADM are promising biomarkers significant in
provide a better stratification of the mortality risk in diagnosis and monitoring of sepsis. The HMGB-1 is
ICU patients given that the data used to calculate the promptly released subsequent to the infection. Also, it
score is not restricted to admission values. These has been reported to have pro-inflammatory effects,
changes may be quantified by calculating the SOFA and high plasma levels have been associated to sepsis.
score [22]. Clinical laboratory tests are essential in Further, it has been correlated directly to sepsis
determining pulmonary function (arterial blood gases), severity and organ dysfunction [29]. Initial neutrophil
hepatic function (bilirubin) and renal function to lymphocyte ratio (NLR) may be a helpful prognostic
(creatinine). The status of the coagulation system is biomarker for sepsis and that high NLR may indicate
determined by measuring the number of platelets. unfavorable prognoses in patients with sepsis. However,
these findings should be interpreted with caution due to
9. Experimental analytes the aforementioned limitations. The types of recently
Several new biomarkers have been proposed recently reported circulating biomarkers for evaluating sepsis
ranging from cytokines to small cellular proteins. These were classified and arranged (Table 1).
markers offer the potential to improve the diagnosis
and treatment of sepsis. High IL-3 levels are associated 10. Molecular diagnosis kits
with poor prognosis and high mortality rate, even after A commercially available kit for molecular diagnosis
adjusting for prognostic indicators [23]. Tumor necrosis of sepsis has been reported, has high specificity and
factor (TNF)-α converting enzyme (TACE) is a trans- sensitivity, and is used as a rapid diagnostic method
membrane protease enzyme that cleaves membrane- [38]. SeptiCyte Lab (Immunexpress Inc., Seattle, WA,
bound TNF to produce soluble TNF. Patients with sepsis USA) is the first RNA-based technology that targets
had substantially elevated levels of basal TACE activity specific human inflammatory markers using 2.5 mL
that were refractory to lipopolysaccharide stimulation whole blood for sepsis determination in 4∼6 hr.
[24]. The peptidoglycan (PGN) recognition protein 1 SeptiCyte provides a robust way to detect whether a
(PGLYRP1) as a ligand for TREM-1, a known proin- pathogen is present based on the host response but
Korean J Clin Lab Sci. Vol. 53, No. 4, December 2021 313
Table 1. The outlined markers were classified into relevant circulating biomarkers being evaluated within sepsis
314 Chang-Eun Park. Diagnosis Sepsis
roles of each of the professionals be made explicit. This Acknowledgements: Funding for this paper was provided
immunosensor could be promisingly used for clinical by Namseoul University year 2021.
early diagnosis of bacterial infections and also for Conflict of interest: None
guiding antibiotic therapy due to its ability for highly Author’s information (Position): Park CE, Professor.
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